managing dynamics being an effective crew member m janaki severy managing dynamics 206-478-7173...

Managing Dynamics Being An Effective Crew Member M Janaki Severy Managing Dynamics 206-478-7173

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Page 1: Managing Dynamics Being An Effective Crew Member M Janaki Severy Managing Dynamics 206-478-7173


Being An

Effective Crew Member


Janaki SeveryManaging Dynamics

[email protected]

Page 2: Managing Dynamics Being An Effective Crew Member M Janaki Severy Managing Dynamics 206-478-7173


Effective crew members..... • know how to use full expression, full support, and full

commitment.• improve their teams by being unusually aware of

themselves and those they work with and work well together.

• know the difference between Zapping with positive energy and Sapping and draining with negative energy.

• know how to look for what is going right.

Being an Effective Crew Member

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ManagingDynamics Effective Crew Members

Know how to use....

1. Full Expression

2. Full Support

3. Full Commitment

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ManagingDynamics ZAP & SAP Forces

Standard Equipment









ZAP - A Positive Force That Energizes People

SAP - A Negative Force That Drains or De-Energizes People

What Happens

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ManagingDynamics Zap Behavior: The Energizer

We “Zap” ourselves when we create a habit of “Listening” or “Attending to” or “Seeing” the positive.Instead....

Create perceptions that are positive Ask your “inner knowing” how to “hear and see”

people positively Be curious about others concerns and perceptions

rather than be “right about yours” “Ask” before you assume “Listen fairly” before you

“tell and accuse”.

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ManagingDynamics Sap Behavior: A De-Energizer

Sapping behavior often focuses on “blame and assessment” and “being right” about events that occur in our lives instead of being curious.

Instead... Refer to people in positive or neutral ways. Be accountable for your choices and their outcome Deal with facts only, delete blame Talk about how to improve things and produce the

results you want.

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ManagingDynamics Full Expression

Turn gossip into productive conversation

Speak to the person you have the concern with.

Speak positively about your expectations.

Assist those who are resistant to search for alternate ways to view things..

If there are challenges, take ownership of your part of what has happened

Be creative about what could happen.

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ManagingDynamics Help Open Communication



What information do I need from above?

Where should I get it?

When should I get it?

What information should I give superiors?

How should it be conveyed?

How often is it required?

When should I send it?

What groups can provide specific information on policy and procedure?

How do I get it?

What do they expect from me?

What groups depend on me for info?

Who do I give the info to?

When do I give them info?

How do I provide the info?

What information should I get from people working with me?

How should I get it? How often?

What should I do with it?

What do my associates want to know?

How do I provide it?

When do I get someone else to provide it?

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ManagingDynamics Full Support

Eliminating excuses, stories, and Interpretations

Take responsibility for your actions

When someone gives you excuses, stories and interpretations etc. say, “I understand _________” and then ask how they will prevent that in the future.

Notice your patterns and help others see theirs

Learn ways to acknowledge others that meets “their needs”.

Shape improved behavior by quickly noticing successful steps towards success

Create a structure of support for changes

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ManagingDynamics Full Commitment

Making a commitment: Things for you to do...

When you say “Yes”, someone counts on you

Back your commitment up with firm agreements and clarification of any concerns.

If saying “Yes” to one and it changes a commitment to another, reprioritize and inform all concerned.

If you discover you cannot keep your commitment inform all relevant parties immediately

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ManagingDynamics Being a High-Performing Team Member

Characteristics of High Performing Teams Members: Use proven principles to guide you Offer results oriented behavior Commit to a common purpose Show active participation Demonstrate accountability at the individual and team level Earn trust and respect Open and honest communication with all team members Demonstrate high synergy Share responsibility for success Frequently acknowledge peers and leaders

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Framework for Producing Extraordinary Possibilities

FromAutomatic listening


Generating solutions

Making assumptions

Taking credit

Accepting the status quo

Being right

Convincing others

Generating complaints


Talking about team


Controlling others

ToListening for contribution


Identifying problems

Being a fair witness

Giving acknowledgements

Taking risks

Being curious

Enrolling others

Making requests


Action for team


Empowering others

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ManagingDynamics Automatic Listening

Things we learned from the past that shape how we see things now..

Instead Release damaging perspectives from the past Have mindful conversations based on the

outcome you want. Refer to others in positive ways. Require “high quality information”

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Framework for Listening

From automatic listening to listening for contribution. Listen to intention, and what is underneath

the words. Experience others through “positive

expectation”. Forgive good intention when stated poorly Listen with “beginner’s mind”... Learn to

recognize what they are “trying to do”.

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ManagingDynamics Different Ways of ListeningAuditory Listening: Sense of


• One of 5 senses

• Ability to hear

• Ability to detect vibration

• Emphasis on speaker

• Listen to learn

• Listen for content/words

• Listen to understand

• Listen to engage/respond

• Listen for the background

Automatic Listening: Through all of your senses...

• Patterns of listening

• Listen through survival

• Listen through fear/projection

• Listen through the past/future

• Listen through stories/excuses

• Listen through assessment

• Listen through interpretation

• Listening through past beliefs

• Listening through protection

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Possibilities

2. From resignation to possibility. What kind of climate do you think exists in your

organization? What kind of climate is “possible”? In what ways can you influence positive change

towards the climate you want?

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ManagingDynamics Which Framework do You Live in?



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ManagingDynamics Limiting Team Attitudes

It can’t be done.

It can’t be done here.

It can’t be done by me.

It shouldn’t be done

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Identifying Problems

3. From generating solutions to identifying problems.

Listen with full attention , ask excellent questions, and go beyond “how things look” and quick solutions.

Ask questions to discover key issues so root causes are addressed in order to allow permanent

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Fair Witnessing

4. From making assumptions to being a fair witness. Be curious about what you see and

hear. Be sure you work with things that are

“measureable & factual” Use “self-intervention” to challenge

your opinions and perceptions Ask yourself, “What do I want to see?”

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Acknowledgements

5. From taking credit to giving acknowledgements.

Give “ behind the scenes” credit Offer recognition to each person in a manner they

prefer Give acknowledgements for individual and team

successes Support each other and ask what team mates need

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ManagingDynamics Authentic Acknowledgements

1. Acknowledge person for X.2. Give a specific and recent example.3. Describe impact to you (share your feelings).4. Describe impact on your relationship: “What this will allow us to do is...”5. Anchor the acknowledgement. Use a smile, a look, a handshake...???

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Taking Risks

6. From accepting the status quo to taking risks. Learn how to take risks in ways that are

appropriate for your role Share your ideas with the team and learn

their ideas and perspective. Be mindful of the cultural perspective on risk

and take it in to account.

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Curiosity

7. From being right to being curious. Listen with full attention and no agenda Ask questions to learn more when you

feel biased or you need more info Remember if you need to be “right”

check to see if you are being defensive Being curious instead of right!

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Enrolling Others

8. From convincing others to enrolling others. Offer ideas, honor the other person’s current position. Spark curiosity about what is happening so they are

interested in the things that are important to the team. Be aware of other’s needs and concerns and ask how you

can help. Often they will do the same for you.

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Making Requests

9. From generating complaints to making requests.

Learn to ask for what you do want, instead of whine about what you don’t want.

Focus on what is working and how to improve it, instead of what is not working.

When dissatisfied about the actions of another, identify what you would prefer and ask for it.

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Committing

10. From trying to committing. Use powerful and conclusive language when

making commitments instead of “I’ll try” and “Probably I can”.

Create a reputation of keeping commitments.

Create a reputation of timeliness and inform people of any changes that may occur.

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ManagingDynamics Framework of Team Action

11. From talking about team to action for team. Take actions that demonstrate you are a team

player. Encourage people to be part of the solution. Encourage people to discover how they can be a

better team member

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ManagingDynamics Framework of Partnership

12. From separation to partnership. Talk as a member of the team or organization,

rather than using “we/they” speaking.

Talk in terms of partnership and how to work together to produce a desirable outcome.

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ManagingDynamics Framework for Empowering

13. From controlling others to empowering others.

Create opportunities for others to demonstrate strength and expertise.

Share information and team with others.

Give people the authority and scope to act.

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ManagingDynamics Creating Miracles

Miracles occur when we move original outcomes to greater options and more possibilities.

Miracles occur when we go beyond that which was expected and strive for that which no one thought could be done.

Living a life with miracles is about choice, focus, mobilized energy and intention.