making the quantum leap

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Taking a Quantum LeapBy RJ DeLong

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    How we will All Take a Quantum Leap

    A New Mindset

    Leads and Prospecting

    Belief and Conviction

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Dream BIG Dreams

    You see things and ask why, but I dreamthings that never were and ask why not?" George Bernard Shaw

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    The Embers of AmbitionJeremy Reisig #12 All-time Personal Sales - 796KHal Elrod #16 All-time Personal Sales 755KRJ DeLong ??

    Aspire to climb as high as you can dream.

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    RealizationThe result of gaining a new perspective

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    ImplementationApplying Energy to

    the Design



    Until (even after)Selling


  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    A New Mindset The OpportunityOur week is worth: 20 appointments

    2 hours on the phone yields:

    4 appointments set (.5 hrs per appt)x 5 days a week

    = 20 appointments per week

    10 hours phoning (.5 hours per appt)+ 30 hours selling (1.5 hours per appt)

    = 40 hours total per week

    12 sales (20 appts x 60% closing ratio) $2400 in Sales (12 sales x $200 average order)

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    A New Mindset Phone TimePhone time is 3X more productive than demo time

    1.5 hours at the demo => 0.6 sales

    1.5 hours on the phone => 3 appointments => 1.8 sales

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    A New Mindset Base PayYou can pay yourself base pay ($14.00/appt) for all time

    spent working (phone time included)

    Base pay:= $7/hour

    (.5 hrs phoning + 1.5 hrs selling)

    = $280/week

    ($14x20 appts or $7x40 hours)

    Attribute all additional earnings to phone time.

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    How much $$ are you losing

    to watchone

    TV show???Assuming 60% and

    $200 Avg order:

    10% - $3.50/show

    20% - $13.50/show

    30% - $25.50/show

    40% - $37.50/show50% - $49.50/show

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Chris Felt Partner PhonesMake phoning Fun

    Find a partner to phone with, laugh

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    A New Mindset Who Am I?I book demos.

    I am a demobooker.

    Booking demos is

    what I do.

    Heres the thing Mrs. Jones

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Pop Quiz Who are you?

    A) A college student that books demos.

    B) A demo booker that takes classes.

    C) A future millionaire that takes classes

    and does demos in between phonetimes.

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    A New Mindset WorkIf Im going to do it,

    why not do it NOW?

    Powerful Idea Applies to everything

    Dishes, Laundry,

    Schoolwork, Calls,

    Hang ups, No-sales, etc.

    A Push is ALWAYSworth it, no matter theresult.

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    The FSM OpportunityYour averages always increase,never decrease for 2 reasons:

    1. Your leads improve2. You get better at the demo

    My Numbers:Started out the year at $185$768 for month ofOctober

    On 12 sales per week:

    = 9000 Gross Sales= $4500 Income= $112.50 per hour total

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    The FSM OpportunityInfamous Average Orders:Greg K 180 1,000RJ De Long 185 460Aaron Swintek 220 415

    Shannon Coon 350 375Grant Rollet 140 350Ian Turk 207 350Justin Root 217 337Jason Jeffery 150 290Justin Marks 180 278

    Joe Pio 190 270Nic Ruiz 195 250Rob Steiner 190 206

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Qualifying Leads Like a ChampionReferral book should ask for:

    Are they home daytime?

    Occupation Neighborhood

    You ask for:


  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    What the Letters Mean C People who like or love to cook, not just people

    who cook

    Q People who like quality things. They dont just

    buy whatever is cheapest.

    S The shopper spender types, you know peoplewho love to buy anything

    E The ones that entertain

    * Put a star next to the people who you think aremy best prospects . Treat it like youre picking stocks,Mrs. Jones, who do you think will buy the most?

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Believe in Yourself Accept who you are a salesperson and a


    Take pride in the fact that you are way betterthan most telemarketers and salespeoplebecause you care and you dont act like a robot

    Mean people dont deserve you, and they dontdeserve Cutco!!

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Believe in CutcoThe right decision is to buy Cutco.

    You have chosen wisely, Mrs. Jones.

  • 8/14/2019 Making the Quantum Leap


    Believe in Yourself

    You are what you believe you are