makalah bahasa inggris isi (english) 2003

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background To fight the foreign body, the body has a mutual defense system support. Epidermis that serves as a physical defense, aided by tears, sebum, saliva, gastric and gum that contain elements of chemical defense. Body's defense system is a combination of cells, molecules, and networks that play a role in resistence of materials or substances into the body. If a bacterial pathogen successfully penetrated the first line of defense, the body against attacks by an inflammatory reaction (inflammation) or a specific immune reaction. Coordinated reaction of cells and molecules of a foreign object into the body called the immune response. The immune system is your body needs to maintain its integrity against the dangers that can be caused by a variety of materials or substances from the environment. Immune system that maintains the integrity of the body consists of nonspecific immune system (natural/innate) and specific (adaptive/acquired). Nonspecific immune system already exists and is functioning since birth, is a newly developed specific after that. Non-specific

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CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundTo fight the foreign body, the body has a mutual defense system support. Epidermis that serves as a physical defense, aided by tears, sebum, saliva, gastric and gum that contain elements of chemical defense. Body's defense system is a combination of cells, molecules, and networks that play a role in resistence of materials or substances into the body. If a bacterial pathogen successfully penetrated the first line of defense, the body against attacks by an inflammatory reaction (inflammation) or a specific immune reaction. Coordinated reaction of cells and molecules of a foreign object into the body called the immune response. The immune system is your body needs to maintain its integrity against the dangers that can be caused by a variety of materials or substances from the environment.Immune system that maintains the integrity of the body consists of nonspecific immune system (natural/innate) and specific (adaptive/acquired). Nonspecific immune system already exists and is functioning since birth, is a newly developed specific after that. Non-specific immune system cells react regardless of whether the originator of the agency or have never been found. His reaction was not to be activated in advance as in the specific immune system. Further non-specific immune response is the first line of defense against a variety of factors that threaten. Cells that play a role in nonspecific immune system are phagocytic cells, null cells, and cell mediators.Cells that engulf and digest particles or liquid substance called phagocytic cells. Phagocytes (phagocyte) is the classification of white blood cells that play a role in the immune system by phagocytosis / ingest pathogens. Phagocytes meaning "cell" that can eat or swallow solid material. To ingest particles or pathogens, phagocytes expand the plasma membrane and then wrap the membrane around the particle until wrapped. Once inside the cell, the invading pathogens stored in endosom ago united with the lysosomes. Lysosomes contain enzymes and acids that kill and digest particles or organisms. Phagocytes is generally around the body in search of pathogens, but they also respond to molecular signals produced by specialized cells, called sitokina.Phagocytes was first discovered in 1882 by Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov when he was studying starfish larvae. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1908 because of his findings. Phagocytes is very vital role to fight infection, foreign particles may enter the body, bacteria and cell death or apoptosis. When the cells of the organism is dead, through the process of apoptosis or by damage caused by viral or bacterial infection, phagocytic cells play a role by moving them from the scene. By helping to remove dead cells and encourage the formation of healthy new cells, phagocytosis is an important part of the healing process of injured tissues. Phagocytic cells of the host organism is generally a part of the establishment and maintenance of normal tissue. Phagocytic cells consisting of mononuclear cell base (monocytes and macrophages) and polymorphonuclear cells (granulocytes consisting of neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) is formed in the bone marrow.

B. PurposeA. General Purpose1. The purpose of the preparation of this paper to learn about the anatomy of physiology of the immune system.2. Special Purposea. Knowing the meaning of the immune systemb. Knowing the structure, functions, and processes in the human immune system.

c. Linking structure, function, and processes in the human immune system Understand the types of immune.

d. Identify the types of disturbances / disorders that can occur in the human immune system.

B. Systematics of WritingThe paper is based on the immune system Systematics writing of Chapter I of the Introduction which contains the background, objective and systematic writing. Chapter II contains the theoretical concepts of the understanding of the immune system, anatomy and physiology of immunity. Chapter III of the cover which contains the conclusions and suggestions.CHAPTER IIDISCUSSIONA. DefinitionImmune system or immune system is a system of biological protection of outside influence by special cells and organs in an organism. If the immune system is working properly, this system will protect the body against bacterial and viral infections, as well as destroying cancer cells and other foreign substances in the body. If the immune system weakens, its ability to protect the body is also reduced, thus causing pathogens, including viruses that cause colds and flu, can develop in the body. The immune system also provides surveillance of tumor cells, and inhibition of this system has also been reported to increase the risk of some cancers.The body's immune response is the response of a complex sequence of events to an antigen, to eliminate the antigen. This immune response may involve a variety of cells and proteins, particularly macrophages, lymphocytes, complement, dansitokin the complex interact with each other. Body's defense mechanisms consist of non-specific defense mechanisms and defense mechanisms that meet the foreign spesifik.Substansi system works as antigen, anti against + genin yield. For example if there is a substance there is a response from the host, this response can be cellular, humoral, or both. Antigen can be intact bacterial cells or tumor cells in the form of macro-molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides or nucleoprotein. At any circumstances spesitas immune response is controlled by a relatively small influence of molecular antigendetenniminan to antigenic proteins and polysaccharides, antigenic determinants consist of four to six amino acids or monosacarida unit. If the complex antigenic determinants such as Yang has a lot of bacterial cells will generate a spectrum of cellular and humoral responses. Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins are glikkoprotein circulating plasma and can interact specifically with antigenic determinants that stimulate formation of antibodies, antibodies secreted by plasma cells are formed through the proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes In humans found five classes of immunoglobulins, IgG, consisting of two identical light chains and two identical heavy chains linked by disulfide bonds and non-covalent pressure. IgG is the most numerous class, 75% of serum immunoglobulin IgG served as a model for other classes.

B. Immune system functionThe immune system has several functions for the body, namely as :1. DEFENSE body, the body ward off harmful substances that are not sick, and if the immune cells responsible for this defence getting interference or are not working properly, then people will easily get sick.2. Balance, or the means to maintain the balance of homeostatic functions of the body components.3. Patrolling, part of the immune cells have ability to monitor throughout the body. If there are cells that have mutations in the cells will be destroyed patrol.C. Various kinds of immune systemThe human immune system is divided into two, namelya. non-specific immune1. Non-specific immune process first stageThe first stage of this defense process may also be called a natural immunity. Body to provide resistance or barriers to entry of the pathogen / antigen. The skin becomes a barrier for entry of pathogens because the outer layer of skin containing keratin and a little water so that the growth of microorganisms is inhibited. Tears to provide resistance against foreign substances by washing and dissolving microorganisms. Oil produced by sebaceous glands have antimicrobial action. Mucus or phlegm is used to trap pathogens that enter the nose or bronchi, and will be issued by the lungs. Nose hair also have an influence because of the charge air filter harmful particles. All the liquid produced by the body (tears, mucus, saliva) containing enzym called lysozyme. Lysozyme is an enzyme that can either hydrolysis of bacterial cell wall membranes or other pathogens so that the cells burst and die later. When the pathogen defense made it past the first stage, the second defense will be active.2. The surface of the body, mucosal and skinThe body surface is the first defense against the penetration of microorganisms. When the penetration of microorganisms occur as well, then the microorganisms that enter will meet with various other elements of the natural immune system.3. glands and cilia with enzymes that exist in the mucosa and skin.Inhibit the penetration gland products of microorganisms, as well as the cilia on the mucosa. Enzymes such as lysozyme could also damage the cell walls of microorganisms.4. Complement and macrophageAlternative complement pathway can be activated by a wide range of bacteria directly so that elimination occurs via the process of lysis or phagocytosis by macrophages or leukocytes stimulated by opsonin and the chemotactic substances, because these cells have receptors for complement components (C3B) and chemotactic receptors. Chemotactic agent will call monocytes and polymorphonuclear cells to the microorganisms and will be phagocytosis.5. Acute Phase ProteinAcute phase proteins are plasma proteins that the body is formed as a result of tissue damage. Liver is a major acute phase protein synthesis. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein. Named for the first time CRP by a typical protein is known because it is able to bind to protein C of pneumococcus. CRP interaction will also activate the alternative complement pathway that will be lysis antigen.6. Cells 'natural killer' (NK) and interferonNK cells are lymphocytes that can kill the cells occupied by a virus or tumor cells. Interferon is a substance produced by cells of leukocytes and virus-infected cells, which are able to inhibit virus replication in cells and enhance NK cell activation.3. The process of non-specific defenses to the two-stageInflammation is one of the non-specific defense, where if there is a pathogen or antigen into the body and invade a cell, the cell is damaged it will release a chemical signal which is histamine. Signal chemical impact on the dilatation (widening) blood vessels and eventually rupture. Types of white blood cell neutrophils, and monocytes acidofil out of blood vessels due to motion induced by chemical compounds (kemokinesis and chemotaxis).Because of its phagocytes, white blood cells will be directly eat foreign cells. This event is called phagocytosis by eating solids, if the food is liquid, it is called pinositosis. Macrophages or monocytes worked to kill the pathogen by pathogen with pseudopodianya envelop and kill pathogens with the help of lysosomes. Killer with the help of lysosomes can be via two methods, namely lysosomes produce compounds toxic to the pathogen or lysosomes result in lysosomal enzyme that digests microbial body parts.On certain body parts are macrophages that did not move to other body parts, such as: lung (alveolar macrophages), liver (Kupffer cells), kidney (mesangial cells), brain (cells microgial) , connective tissue (histiocyte) and the nodes and spleen. Acidofil / Eosinophils play a role in dealing with large parasites. This cell will put themselves on the outside wall of the parasite and release destructive enzymes from cytoplasmic granules possessed. In addition to leukocytes, antimicrobial proteins also play a role in destroying pathogens. The most important antimicrobial proteins in the blood and tissues is a protein of the complement system plays an important role in the process of non-specific and specific defense as well as interferon. Interferon is produced by cells infected by a virus which serves to inhibit virus production in neighboring cells. When the pathogen made it through the entire non-specific defense, then the pathogen will be dealing with specific defense mediated by lymphocytes.

b. Specific immune systemSpecific Defense: antibody-mediated immunity to antibody-mediated immune response, B lymphocytes play a role in this process, in which B lymphocytes will go through two processes, namely the primary immune response and secondary immune responses. If the B lymphocyte cells meet antigen match, the B lymphocytes to divide by mitosis and produce some B lymphocytes B lymphocytes immediately releasing all that they have antibodies and stimulate mast cells to destroy the antigen or cells that have been attacked by antigen to release histamine.1 B lymphocyte cells kept alive to keep the same antibodies before the attack occurred. The remaining B lymphocytes called memory B lymphocytes. This is the primary immune response. If at any time, again attacking the same antigen, B lymphocytes rapidly produce more cells than the previous B lymphocytes. Everything is released and stimulates antibody Mast cells release histamine to kill the antigen.Then, a B lymphocyte is left alive to save any of the previous antibody. This leads to why the secondary immune response is much faster than the primary immune response. At one point, if an individual is not exposed to antigen length equal to the previous attack, then he could be pain caused by the same antigen as that given B lymphocyte antigen is already dead. Memory B lymphocytes are usually long-lived and do not produce antibodies but subject to specific antigen. If there is not the same antigen are attacked in a very long time, then b lymphocytes could be dead, and individuals that should be resistant to these antigens could be hurt again if antigen was attacked, then the whole process of the immune response must be started from scratch.lymphocytes BLymphocytes T

Created in the bone marrow stem cells that are pluripotensi (pluripotent stem cells) and allowed to mature in the bone marrow (Bone Marrow) Made in bone marrow from stem cells that pluripotensi (pluripotent stem cells) and matured in the thymus

Participate in humoral immunity Participate in cellular immunity

Striking antigen in the fluid between cells Striking antigen inside the cell

There are three types of lymphocytes are B cells, namely : plasma B lymphocytes, produce antibodies splitting B Lymphocytes, B Lymphocytes produced in large quantities and fast of memory B lymphocytes, store ever recall antigen enters the body There are three types of T lymphocytes, which are : helper T lymphocytes (helper T cells), immune system function settings and control the quality of the immune system T killer lymphocytes (killer T cells) or Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which attack the body cells infected by pathogens Suppressor T lymphocytes (T cells Suppressor ), and the stop function lowers the immune response if the infection persists.

Cellular immunityImmunity cellular immunity is played by T lymphocytes with or without the help of other immune system components. T lymphocytes are lymphocytes derived from cells of the embryo pluripotensial contained in the yolk sac; then the liver and spleen, and bone marrow. In the development of cells that will be pluripotensial T lymphocytes require a thymic environment to become mature T lymphocytes, in the thymus, T lymphocyte precursor cells will express certain molecules on the membrane surface that would be characteristic of T lymphocytes The molecules on the membrane surface is also called surface markers or marker surface, and can be detected by the monoclonal antibody by WHO to be named with the letters CD, cluster of differentiation means.Broadly speaking, the T lymphocytes leave the thymus and enter the peripheral blood (mature T lymphocytes) consists of a T lymphocyte surface marker CD4 molecule and the surface markers of T lymphocytes with CD8 molecules. CD4 lymphocytes are also called T4 cells and CD8 lymphocytes called T8 cells (when the monoclonal antibody used is the output Coulter Electronics). In addition to the appearance of surface markers, in the thymus are also occur realignment of the gene (gene rearrangement) to eventually be able to produce a molecule which is the antigen receptors of T lymphocytes (TCR).So the next time leave the thymus, each T lymphocyte antigen receptor have shown themselves (self antigens) usually have an abortion in the thymus that are generally out of the thymus lymphocytes do not react to self antigens. Functionally, T lymphocytes are divided into regulatory T lymphocytes and effector T lymphocytes. Regulatory T lymphocytes consist of T helper lymphocytes (Th = CD4) which will help increase the activation of other immunocompetent cells, and suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts = CD8 +) that will suppress other immunocompetent cell activation when the antigen from being eliminated. Whereas effector T lymphocytes consisted of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (Tc = CD8 +) that melisis target cells, and T lymphocytes that play a role in hypersensitivity slower (Td = CD4) that recruit inflammatory cells to the antigen is located. lymphokineLymphokines to activate macrophages by inducing the formation of Fc receptors on the surface of macrophages and C3B, making it easier to see who has bound antigen with an antibody or complement, and thus facilitate phagocytosis. Besides stimulating lymphokine production and secretion of various enzymes and metabolites of oxygen that is bakterisid or cytotoxic against the antigen (bacteria, parasites, etc.) to enhance the destruction of antigen by macrophages. Other activities for the elimination of antigenWhen the antigen cant be eliminated then the macrophages were stimulated to release fibrogenik factors and the formation of granuloma tissue and fibrosis, so the spread can be limited. Activated T cells also stimulate B cells to proliferate and differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells (see chapter on humoral immunity). As the final result is the elimination of this activation antigen. In addition to antigen elimination, this exposure also raises the memory cells when exposed again later with a similar antigen will rapidly proliferate and differentiate. humoral immunityImmunity humoral immunity is played by B lymphocytes with or without the help of other immunocompetent cells. Tasks will be implemented by the B cell immunoglobulin secretion by plasma cells. There are five classes of immunoglobulins are known to us, namely IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE. B lymphocytes are also derived from the development pluripotensial cells in mammals is influenced by environmental bursa Fabricius and liver in humans by the environment, and the bone marrow environment called gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Galt). These developments occurred in the realignment of genes whose products are antigen receptors on the membrane surface. In the B cell antigen receptors are surface immunoglobulins (surface immunoglobulin). At first this is a class of surface immunoglobulin IgM, and the subsequent development of B cells also showed IgG, IgA and IgD on the membrane with the F (ab) are similar. This development does not need to antigen stimulation of mature B cells all have specific antigen receptors. Number of normal leukocyte cells.The leukocytes are blood cells contain a nucleus, also called white blood cells. In the human blood, normal leukocyte count was found to average 5000-9000 mm3, if the amount is more than 12000, the condition is called leukocytosis, when less than 5000 is called leukopenia. Viewed in the light microscope has a white blood cell-specific granules (granulocytes), which is on a semi-liquid droplets, the cytoplasm and nucleus have varying forms, which have no granules, homogeneous cytoplasm to the nucleus round or kidney shape. There are two types of leukocytes agranuler: limfosit small cells, the cytoplasm slightly; monocytes rather large cells contain more cytoplasm. There are three types of granular leukosit: Neutrophils, Basophils, and Asidofil (or eosinophils) that can be distinguished by the affinity of the dye neutral granular bases and acids. Granules are considered specific if it is still present in certain types of leukocytes and the majority of precursor (pre substance). Leukocytes have a role in cellular and humoral defense organism against substances exile. Leukocytes can do amuboid movement and through the process of leukocyte diapedesis can leave a break between the capillary endothelial cells and penetrate into the connective tissue. The number of leukocytes per microliter of blood, in normal adults is 4000-11000, 15000-25000 birth, and before the fourth day was down to 12000, at the age of 4 years according to the normal amount. Quantitative variations in white blood cells depends on age. at birth, 4 years and at age 14 -15 years the percentage of a typical adult is reached. When examining the variation of Physiology and Pathology of blood cells is not only the percentage but also the absolute number of each type per unit volume of blood to be taken. NeutrophilsDeveloping neutrophils in the bone marrow released in circulation, this cells is 60 -70% of circulating leukocytes. The center line of about 12 um, one core and 2-5 lobes. The cytoplasm is packed with specific granules (0; 3 to 0.8 um) close to the limits of optical resolution, salmon pink colored by a mixture of types romanovsky. Granules in neutrophils is twofold :- Azurofilik lisozom containing enzymes and peroxidase.- A smaller specific granules contain alkaline phosphatase and bactericidal substances (Cationic proteins) called fagositin.Neutrophils rarely contain granular endoplasmic reticulum, a little mitochondria, rudimentary Golgi apparatus and few glycogen granules. Neutrophils are the front line of cellular defense against invading microorganisms, small particles with active phagocytosis. Presence of D amino acid oxidation in the granule azurofilik important in the digestion of bacterial cell wall that contains the amino acid D. Peroxide formed during the process of phagocytosis. Mielo peroxidase contained in neutrophils binds with halides peroxides and molekultirosin work on the bacterial cell wall and destroy it. Under the influence of certain toxic substances such as streptococcal toxic streptolisin granules neutrophil membrane rupture, resulting in the swelling process followed by aglutulasiorganel-organelles and destruction of neutrophils. Neotrofil have a very active metabolism and is able to perform both glycolysis and anaerobic arrob. Nautropil ability to live in anaerobic environments is very advantageous, because they can kill bacteria and help clean up debris in necrotic tissue. Phagocytosis by stimulating the activity of hexose monophosphate neutrfil shunt, increasing glicogenolisis. EosinophilsThe number of eosinophils only 1-4% of blood leukocytes, have 9um diameter (slightly smaller than neutrophils). Core usually has two lobes, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus is less developed. Have an ovoid granules with eosin asidofkik, granules are lysosomes containing acid fosfatae, katepsin, ribonuklase, but did not contain lysozyme. Eosinophils have amuboid movement, and able to perform phagocytosis, slower but more selective than neutrifil. Eosinophils will phagocytosis complex antigen and antibodies, is a function of eosinophils to perform selective phagocytosis of antigen and antibody complex. Eosinophils contain profibrinolisin, thought to contribute to maintain the blood from clotting, especially when the state of liquid modified by processes of Pathology. Corticosteroids will cause a decrease in the number of blood eosinophils rapidly. basophilsBasophil numbers 0 -% of blood leukocytes, the size of 12um diameter, the core of a large, irregular forms of choice, generally form the letter S, cytoplasm filled with granules of basophils larger, and often cover core granules, irregularly shaped granules colored metakromatik, with a mixture of types Romanvaki appear violet. Metakromatik basophils granules and secrete histamine and heparin, and under certain circumstances, basophils are the primary cells at the site of inflammation of the skin is called hypersesitivitas basophils. This shows the relationship basophils have immunity. LymphocytesLymphocytes are spherical cells, diameter 6-8um, 20-30% of blood leukocytes. Normal, relatively large nuclei, round little depressions on the one hand, chromatin dense core, the core of children seen by electron microscopy of new. Very little cytoplasm, slightly basophilic, containing granules azurofilik. The color purple with Romonovsky contains free ribosomes and poliribisom. Other Classification of lymphocytes seen with met specific molecular signs on the membrane surface in these cells. Some of them carry receptor as antigen-specific immunoglobulin binding to the membrane. Lymphocytes in normal blood circulation can be sized 10-12um size larger due to more cytoplasm. Sometimes referred to as lymphocyte medium. Large lymphocytes in the lymph nodes and will appear in the blood in pathological circumstances, the lymphocyte cell nucleus is large with child vasikuler a clear core. Lymphocytes can be classified by origin, fine structure, surface markers associated with immunological nature, life cycle and function. MonocytesLeukocyte cell is 3-8% greater than normal number of leukocytes, 9-10 um diameter, but in dried blood supplies reach 20um diameter, or more. Nucleus is usually eccentrically, the indentations in the shape of a horseshoe. Chromatin is less dense, more fibriler arrangement, it is the nature of the cytoplasm remained relatively momosit wrigh much with the outward appearance of a gray bim on a dry dish. Azurofil granules, is a primary lysosomes, more but smaller. Retikulim endoplasmic encountered little. Also ribosomes, pliribosom little, many mitochondria. Apparatusgolgi, microfilaments and microtubules are found in the core area of indentation. Monocytes found in blood, connective tissue, and cavities of the body. Classified as mononuclear phagocytic monocytes (retikuloendotel system) and have receptor sites on the membrane surface. For immunoglobulins and complement. Monocytes circulate through the bloodstream, through the capillary wall into the connective tissue. In blood a few days. In tissue reacted with lymphocytes and plays an important role in the recognition and interaction of cells with antigen immunocompetent.

D. REGULATION OF IMMUNE RESPONSEAfter the antigen can be eliminated, so in order to avoid the activation of the immune system is out of control, it is necessary to the regulation of immune responses. There are three kinds of mechanisms to regulate the body's immune response has occurred. Regulation by the antibodiesAntibodies formed by antigen exposure may influence subsequent antibody production. At the time of antibody levels remained low at the beginning stages of response, the antibodies would stimulate B cells that have the capacity to produce antibodies with high affinity. So the newly formed antibodies is an important factor to encourage the process of affinity maturation. This happens because the antibodies will compete with the antigen receptor on B cells to bind antigen, so that is stimulated B cells that have a high holding capacity of the antigen or the high-affinity, because it also generated antibodies of high affinity. The existence of the effect of such antibodies is influenced by the type of antibody isotip. IgM generally have a tendency to increase the production of antibodies, but more often are suppressive IgG.In addition, at the beginning of the response phase, when the ratio is still greater than the antigen antibody, the presence of antibodies will facilitate the Ag-Ab complex immobilized on macrophage cells via Fc receptors, to be presented at a later Th cells stimulate B cells to make antibodies. So at the beginning of an increase in the number and affinity of antibodies. But when the antibody is present in high concentrations, ie after reaching an amount sufficient to neutralize the existing antigen, the antibody will be a negative feedback that did not form the same antibody further. This happens because the dependent parts of F (ab) 2 antibody to the antigen epitope antigen receptor on B cells would not be aroused again by the antigen epitopes, so there is no activation and priming of B cells is inhibited.In addition, antibodies can also be an increased negative feedback via its Fc part. B cell antigen receptor but has also had Fc receptors. With the antibody bound to the Fc receptor of B cells, the antigen epitope bound to the antigen receptor on B cells cant be held because of the combination of bridging cross between antigen receptors and Fc receptors, so there is no activation of B cells (see Figure 3-4). The absence of bridging between an antigen receptor with other antigen receptors on B cells did not result in the activation of the enzyme, so that B cells are not stimulated to undergo blast transformation, proliferate and differentiate, and consequently the formation of antibodies more and more reduced.D. Regulation of specific idiotipAs a result of antigen stimulation of B cells to form antibodies that will increasingly grow. At certain levels, idiotip of these antibodies will act as an immunogenic stimulus that resulted in the formation of anti-idiotip. The basis of this reaction is actually not clear because it is a contradiction of self tolerance. But the facts do suggest the existence of lymphocytes that can recognize and react with antibodies idiotip, because there are lymphocytes that have receptors for this idiotip. Anti-formed idiotip idiotip also have to be to stimulate the formation of anti-idiotip, and so on.In the presence of anti idiotip animal is seen in the phase of the immune response begins to decline. Anti-idiotip that emerged from similar antigen, as it is called internal image of antigen origin. But the presence of antibody anti-idiotip at a normal immune response will not stimulate the re-occurrence of antibodies to the antigen origin. The formation of anti-idiotip consecutive number of antibody resulted in more and more reduced. Can be equated as a rock that fell into the water and causes bubbles in the water more and more disappear.Regulation through the establishment of anti-idiotip is regulation to reduceimmune response (down regulation) is known as imunoregulator network of Jerne (1974).C. The factors that undermine the immunology systemThe immune system has tightly relationship with our way of life. Here are the factors that undermine our immunology system :1. Way of life that is not health2. Deficient diet3. Air pollution or the environment.

4. Fatigue5. Stress and anxiety6. Lack of exercise7. Excessive use of antibioticsWhen our immune system declines, it is easier for us to get an outbreak. People who have low immune system is easy to feel tired, not excited, catarrh always, intestinal outbreaks (food that does not comply will cause vomiting and nausea), wound difficult to heal, allergies and so on. In addition, immune system irregularities may also cause injury to cells.D. Due to immbalance diseases of the immune systemHere is a disease caused by an imbalance of the immune system :1. AIDSAlso known as the syndrome is less resistance against the disease; in which the HIV virus attacks the immune system. When entering the human body, the virus will destroy brain cells and 'leucocytes' and he develops in the lymphocytes multiply and cause loss of human body to fight disease efforts. patients be weak and exposed to various infectious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, candidiasis, kayap, when enteritis, pneumonia, 'cephalitis' and others are caused by pathogenic microorganisms incredible.2. Disease AutoimmunityAutoimmunity is the immune response that turns against its own organs and tissues. Autoimmunity may occur in humoral immune responses or cell-mediated immunity. For example, type 1 diabetes occurs because the body makes antibodies that destroy the insulin that the patient's body cant make sugar. On myasthenia gravis, the immune system makes antibodies that attack normal tissues such as neuromuscular and causes paralysis and weakness. On rheumatic fever, antibodies attack the heart and can cause permanent heart damage. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus on, commonly called lupus, antibodies attack a variety of different tissues, causing symptoms that spread.3. AllergyAllergies, sometimes called a hypersensitivity, caused by an immune response against the antigen. Antigens that trigger allergy are called allergen. Reactions allergy is divided into 2 types :immediate allergic reactions and delayed allergic reactions.a. Allergic reactions are caused directly humoral immunity mechanisms. This reaction caused by IgE antibodies production when someone is exposed to antigen excess. IgE antibodies attached to mast cells, leukocytes have a compound histamine. Many mast cells present in the lungs so that when IgE antibodies attach to mast cells, Histamine released and cause sneezing and watery eyes.b. Delayed allergic reaction caused by the intermediary cells. Extreme example is when macrophages cant swallow or destroy the antigen. Finally, T lymphocytes, triggering immediate swelling of the tissues.

E. PreventionTerms have a perfect immune system against viruses and bacteria, we need to have certain requirements as follows :1. Nutrition Perfect Every dish has to have a complete range of substances, do not choose the food, not excessive and the principle of such nutrients include carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, water, fiber, fat, and so forth.2. The line of sports, Exercise can increase the resistance provided timeless long (15 minutes and above), this sport can deliver fresh oxygen to organs and tissues in our bodies. Exercise refers to jog, swim, walk, cycling, jumping, yoga and so on, which he can promote blood circulation, strengthens cardiovascular function and increase the body's immune system.3. Always Happy and Wise Handle Pressure. Psychological pressure and anxiety in a long time may disrupt the body's immune system and is not good for health. If the brain is in a depressed state, it produces a type of the hormone cortisol. If this hormone is excessive, it gives a negative impression and disrupt our immune system.4. The Adequate Intake of Nutrients cause noisy bustle that make processed foods as an option, which has a nutrient content that has been lost. Nutrients and the immune system has a latch circuit. Thus, it is important for us to get our immune-boosting nutrients.i. Protein : Intake of adequate protein in our daily Ingestion is important because protein is an important nutrient required for earning various immunoglobulins and antibodies. This is because the protein consists of amino acids rather than 22 different types, 8 types of the purposes thereof is a human body, human body can not process it and have to take your body with adequate and quality protein such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts.ii. Vitamins and minerals: Meeting the needs of vitamins and minerals needed by the body such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Iron, Selenium, and so forth.iii. Lingzhi: Lingzhi contains polysaccharides, triterpene kompaun, germanium, protein, elemental selenium, etc. which can help against cancer and harmonize the immune system. Lingzhi is rich in germanium that can enhance the absorption of oxygen in the blood, speed up metabolism and improve the immune phase of the human body. Kompaun triterpene kompaun original organic is so that can improve allergy and inflammation. Polysaccharide that contains ingredients to speed up the growth suppression cancer antibodies, strengthens the immune system and body resistance to help prevent tumor growth and cancer.iv. Green Tea: Green tea has antioxidants such as flavonoids and catechins. Accordingly, it can help improve our immune system. Scientists see "theanine" in the tea leaves that can help the body's immune cells against bacteria and viruses.v. Aloe Vera: Growing up in the hot and dry, aloe vera has a high resistance to weather. He may soothe the body and remove toxins, heals inflammation and against bacteria and increase endurance. Aloe vera has various active substances such as amino ASID, micro-nutrients, vitamins and so forth, and so distinctive element germanium contained in micro-nutrients that help the body remove toxins material, restoring the injured tissue and increase the body's immune system quickly.CHAPTER IIICLOSING3.1. Conclusionimmunology agency meetings we have relationships with our way of life and Ingestion. If the agency have with adequate and appropriate nutrients, can you strengthen your immune system. Products quality like Phyto Greens, Juice Aloe Vera, Royal Spores Lingzhi and green tea can enhance the resilience of our bodies. We are surrounded by a virus and bacteria, by it, is very important to ensure that our immune systems functioning properly in order to maintain the body and fight off various diseases.

3.2. SuggestionIn order for the preparation of this scientific work can offer significant benefits over the authors suggest :- Maintain a healthy lifestyle so as not susceptible to disease.- Paying attention to each food to be consumed.- Maintaining a clean and healthy environment.REFERENCES of Material




List of Material

iiChapter 1 Introduction






Chapter 2 Discussion




Immune system function


Various kinds of immune system


Regulation of immune response


Chapter 3 Closing





