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Informatization Agriculture in Japan

Author : Takashi Okayasu


Sub-Theme : Post Harvest and Food Engineering


Design of Thermal Conductivity Apparatus Base on

Transient-state Radial Cylinder Method

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Effect Extraction Method of Composition Fatty Acid

Dieng Carica Seeds Oil (Carica candamarcensis HOK) as Edible Oil

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Effect Lindak Cacao Fruit Maturity (Theobroma Cacao F.)

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Study of Active Packaging System by Using Ethylene Adsorber to

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The Development of Technology Bundle in Packaging of

Export Quality of Mangosteens' Transportation

Authors : Ni Luh Yulianti and Gede Arda



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Optimization of The High Refined Cellulose Process Production from

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The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013

A17 - 1

The Development of Technology Bundle in Packaging of Export Quality of

Mangosteens' Transportation

Ni Luh Yulianti and Gede Arda

Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Udayana

Email : [email protected]


The aim of this study was to formulate the packaging technology which able to reduce

the damage on mangosteens fruit after transportation. This study was conducted using the

factorial experiment dsign, the Randomized Complete Block (RCB) designs, in which the first

factor was packaging capacity (K), the second factor was fruits arrangement pattern (P), and the

third one was the packaging types (T). The first factor was designed by implementing two level

of capacity that was 5 kg (K1) and 8 kg (K2). The second factor was designed using two kinds of

fruits arrangement pattern that was fcc (face centered cubic) with net foam (P1), neatly

separation (P2) and the third one was designed using two kinds of packaging types that was

RSC corrugated board (T1) and fullflap corrugated board (T2). Each treatments were replicated

twice. The quality parameters which were measured were physical damage, weight loss

percentage, and respiration rate. The results showed that 5 kilograms of mangosteen which was

package using fcc fruits arrangement pattern and fullflap type (K1P1T1) was the most effective

way to reduce physical damage and weight loss of mangosteen during transportation process.

Keywords: mangosteen, packaging, physical damage, transportation


Government’s policy to increase the competitive ability of horticultural commodities in

international market had encouraged the horticultural farmers and stakeholders to enhance their

products quality and increase its price. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L ) was one of

horticultural commodity having high price and it is very potential to be developed as a exported

commodity. Among region in Indonesia, Bali was one of province which produce mangosteen

with good quality. According to production data 2011 based on province (BPS, 2011), suggest

that among 33 provinces in Indonesia, Bali is on 7 position with 39.511 tons of production.

However, its high number of production has not accompanied by high number of export volume

yet. This was showed on indonesis’s mangosteen export value on 2011 in which, out of all

mangosteen export, only 10.71% of indonesia mangosteen production which could penetrate

exported market with volume of 12.600 tons including Bali (BPS,2011). Refusal on mangsoteen

coming from indonesia in marketing countries are caused by the fruit’s condition which was

asserted as improper quality by consumers, for examples, its undergoing physical damage

ranging from hardening, memar, or damage on its shells to damage on its crown causing

incomplete condition. As a consequence, the product could only sale on local market with low

price which led to profit loss to local producers.

The damage which mostly occurred were physical damages caused by transportation

process. The study suggested that 30-35% of damage on food (fresh) product were caused by

The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013

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transportation process especially land transportation and the 10% were caused by long term

storage Hetzroni et. al. 2000 ; Arazuri et al, 2007; Tim Penulis PS, 2003). The good

transportation packaging was demanding accordance of packaging kinds and packaged

commodity’s characteristics. The kinds of packaging which was usually used for transporting

mangosteen fruits was plastic container of 8-10 kg in capacity. Based on information collected

from farmers and mangosteen exporters, physical damage that was frequently occurred causing

by using this kind of packaging as high as 20-30% (Yulianti et al., 2009). In addition, proper

packaging was the packaging that could deflate the impact during transportation. A corrugated

board was a packaging material which had high damping properties at low price and accepted by

export destination countries because of its recycling ability and environmentally friendly

compared to other materials. The study suggest that application of corrugated board able to

reduce the damage on packaged product to 3.7% (Yulianti, 2007). Thompson et al., (2006) said

that pear that was packaged using corrugated board and transported as far as 4.500 km

experienced low degree of damage compared to other kinds of material. Lewis et al., (2007)

reported that apple packaged using corrugated board underwent bruise area smaller than other

kinds of packaging material at various level of drop. Therefore, it is important to conduct a study

to formulate the technological bundle of packaging that has an ability to reduce the level of

damage of mangosteen during transportation process considering the capacity of packaging,

fruits arrangement of mangosteen inside the packaging and types of packaging that is applied.

Materials And Methods

Materials and instruments

The materials that were used in this study were mangosteen with index of maturity 2, first

class of quality which had 6.0 cm – 6.5 cm in diameter, corrugated board and net foam. The

instrument test were digital balance ((Kris Chef Model Ek9250, China), glass jar, gas analyzer

TA. XTplus, England).

(a) (b)

Picture 1. The types of packaging (a) fullflap type (b) RSC type

The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013

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This study was conducted using the factorial experiment dsign, the Randomized

Complete Block (RCB) designs, in which the first factor was packaging capacity (K), the second

factor was fruits arrangement pattern (P), and the third one was the packaging types (T). The first

factor was designed by implementing two level of capacity that was 5 kg (K1) and 8 kg (K2).

The second factor was designed using two kinds of fruits arrangement pattern that was fcc (face

centered cubic) with net foam (P1), neatly separation (P2) and the third one was designed using

two kinds of packaging types that was RSC corrugated board (T1) and fullflap corrugated board

(T2). Each treatments were replicated twice. Data was analyzed with Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA), and if there was any influence of treatment on observed parameters then further

analysis would be conducted by Duncan Test (Steel and Torrie, 1993).

Observed Parameters

The observed parameters that were measured after transportation process were percentage

of fruits that underwent sinking on its shell, weight loss, and CO2 production rate during storage.

All parameters except physical damage were measured and observed every day until fruits were

asserted as not acceptable to consume.

Results And Discussion

Physical Damage

Physical condition of mangosteen after transportation is one of important factors that is

considered by consumers when they consume the fruit. Defect damage on fruit when it is being

consumed is the cause of refusal of mangosteen in export destination countries. The study found

that physical damage on fruit were sunk shell and crown damage. The sunk shell was indicated

by some are of shell was pressed by other fruit’s shell result in a concave shape. This was one of

the physical damage caused by transportation. The percentage of sunk shell was obtain by

counting the ration between the sum of sunk shell and total sum of observed shell’s surface.

According to counting results it was found that the lowest percentage, that was 0.35%, was

occurred on K1P1T1 treatment; that is mangosteen that were packaged at 5 kg of capacity with fcc

pattern in fullplap type of packaging. In contrast, the highest percentage of sunk shell was shown

by K2P2T2; mangosteen that were packaged at 8 kg of capacity with separation in fullplap type of

packaging, that is 2.58%. however, if the treatment K2P2T2 was compared to control

(mangosteen that were packed with plastic container of 8 kg in capacity, based on what farmers

or exporter usually use), percentage of sunk shell on control significantly higher than other

treatments, that is 4.73% (Table 1). As a consequence of high percentage of sunk shell is it will

generally influences percentage of physical damage.

The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013

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Tabel 1. Mean of percentage of sunk shell after transportation

Treatment Sunk shell (%)

control 4.73

capacity 8 kg,separation, fullflap (K2P2T2) 2.58

capacity 8 kg, fcc, fullflap (K2P1T2) 1.35

capacity 8 kg, fcc, rsc (K2P1T1) 0.98

capacity 5 kg, sekat, fullflap (K1P2T2) 0.87

capacity 8 kg, sekat, rsc (K2P2T1) 0.68

capacity 5 kg, fcc, rsc (K1P1T1) 0.38

capacity 5 kg, separation, rsc (K1P2T1) 0.38

capacity 5 kg, fcc, fullflap (K1P1T2) 0.35

Percentage of physical damage was counted by calculate the ration between sum of

damage fruit in a pack and total sum of all fruit packed in that pack. A sample was asserted as

damage fruit if it was observed one of this kinds of damage: sunk shell, detach any part of its

crown, broken stalk and crack on the shell (Picture 1). The study results showed that the lowest

physical damage, that is 2.5%, was found on K1P1T2 treatment that is mangosteen that was

packed 5 kg in capacity with fcc pattern in the fullplap type pack. The highest percentage of

damage was showed by control of 10.93%. The low percentage on K1P1T2 indicated smaller

number of fruit lesser force that work on fruits. In addition, the utility of net foam on fruit that

were arranged with fcc pattern was able to protect fruits’ shell from friction and impact which

occurred during transportation. Arrangement of fruits with fcc pattern give fruits more

advantages because this pattern increase the density of fruit in a pack, therefore arrangement is

more compact and void left inside the pack which allow fruit experience friction become smaller.

Application fcc pattern to arrange the fruits in a corrugated board result in 34% higher than

randomized arrangement (Yulianti, 2007). Maximum percentage of density of fruit that are

arrenged with randomized arrangement is 50% (Peleg, 1985).

Gambar 2. Physical damage (a) detached crown; (b) sunk shell

Weight loss

Economically, weight loss of agricultural commodity result in loss in profit especially for

the commodities that are sold based on its weight such as mangosteen. Weight loss indicates the

level of damage that occurred after transportation. Based on ANOVA to each treatment’s data

were found that interaction among treatments (capacity, arrangement and packaging type)

significantly influenced the weight loss during storage. The lowest percentage of weight loss was

found on treatment K1P1T2 that is 0.183%, in contrast, the highest percentage of weight loss was

found on treatment K2P2T1 that is 0.259% (Table 2).

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The low percentage of weight loss on treatment K1P1T2 was the consequence of low level

of damage. In contrast, high percentage of weight loss was the consequence of high level of

damage occurred on K2P2T1. Possibly, the low percentage of weight loss on treatment K1P1T2 are

caused by force that was exist in fruits arrangement was low and was dispersed evenly. The

advantages of using fcc pattern are fruits are arranged more tidy, the fruits number per pack is

the same, and the number of fruits per pack can be determined in advance (Sutrisno, 2008 dan

Yulianti, 2007). Moreover, packing the fruit in lower or equal to 5 kg in capacity will reduce

fruit load and damage during transportation. (Osman, 2006 ).

The utility of fullplap type packaging is one of the supporting factors that give the good

advantage because this type have an ability to support the product against the load that exist

when the pack are stacked.

Tabel 2. Mean of percentage of weight loss

Treatment Weight loss mean (%) Notation*

capacity 8 kg, separation, rsc (K2P2T1) 0.259 a

capacity 5 kg, sekat, fullflap (K1P2T2) 0.250 a

capacity 8 kg, fcc, fullflap (K2P1T2) 0.248 a

capacity 8 kg, fcc, rsc (K2P1T1)

0.242 a

capacity 5 kg, separation, rsc (K1P2T1) 0.238 a

capacity 8 kg, separation, fullflap (K2P2T2) 0.231 a

capacity 5 kg, fcc, rsc (K1P1T1)

0.223 a

capacity 5 kg, fcc, fullflap (K1P1T2) 0.183 b

*number followed by same letter in the same collumn are not significantly different at DMRT


The percentages of weight change during observation are depicted on Picture 3. The

graph shows that percentage of weight loss increase day by day. The graph points out that

control shows the highest percentage of weight loss among others. This phenomena has proved

the employing plastic container 8 kg in capacity as mangosteen packaging is not sufficient to

decrease the weight loss during transportation. The 8 kg plastic container is container that is

generally used by mangosteen farmers or exporter to transport their product. The high percentage

of weight loss on control are caused by higher level of mechanical damage occurs on

mangosteen packed using this kind of packaging. The higher level of mechanical damage

experienced by mangosteen come from container properties itself which are not able to redeem

the impact during transportation. The low damping properties of plastic container bring on

mechanical damage such as wound or scratch on mangosteen’s shell dan it will influence the

weight loss during transportation. Water loss from product potentially occur through open part of

fresh product’s surface tissues that are influenced by internal factor such as wound on product’s

surface. (Utama, 2002).

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Picture 3. Percentage of weight loss

Respiration Rate

Respiration rate is a good indicator to know shelf life of fruits after fruit are harvested.

High respiration usually indicate short shelf life (Pantastico, 1997). According to ANOVA it was

found that interaction between capacity and arrangement pattern significantly influenced the

production rate of CO2. In addtion, K1P1 (5 kg in capacity, fcc) showed the lowest production

rate of CO2 that is 52.594 ml/, and it also significantly different compared to other


Another phenomena illustrated that interaction between capacity and packaging types

showed significant influence to production rate of CO2 during storage. Advanced analysis (table

3) showed that the lowest production rate of CO2 was indicated by K1T2(5 kg in capacity,

fullplap) and the highest one was showed by K2t1 (8 kg in capacity, rsc). In conclusion,

employment of fullplap corrugated board with 5 kg in capacity had an ability to reduce the

production rate of CO2 of packed mangosteen.

The low production rate of CO2 on K1T2 indicated that level of damage occurred was

low as well. In one hand, application lower load on fullplap type packaging through lower

capacity result in maximum protection to mangosteen against friction, impact, and pressure/load.

On the other hand high production rate of CO2 on K2T1 (8 kg in capacity, rsc) indicated the high

level of damage on mangosteen. High level of damage lead to respiration process as an influence

of ethylen gas production (Pantastico, 1997).











6 12 18 24 36 48 60 84 108 132 156 180



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Time (hour)










The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013

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Tabel 3. Mean of percentage of production rate of CO2 on interaction between capacity

and types of packaging

Treatment Rate (ml/ Notati


capacity 8 kg, rsc (K2T1) 78.264 a

capacity 8 kg, fullflap (K2T2) 75.832 a

capacity 5 kg, rsc (K1T1) 75.104 a

capacity 5 kg, fullflap (K1T2) 52.594 b

*number followed by same letter in the same collumn are not significantly different at

DMRT 5%.


Application fullplap type corrugated board of 5 kg in capacity with face centered cubic

pattern is able to significantly reduce physical damage and weight loss during transportation

process of mangosteen.


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