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To keep your life longer & healthier… To create an intimacy

To overcome the obstacles to


Turn to a natural uniqueness for a healthy and safe life style.

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In the world of progress and new technologies the majority of the people in a pressure daily, bad food, snacking, lack of physical exercise an hormonal d instability, are all factors promoting deterioration of health, increase of weight to downturn of immunity, withering of our beauty and youth, It is a lot of years the experts in different area of a science and the medicine worked above a global problem. The decision also is found. The company offers you for the first time in the world the decision of problems of health and beauty, it is easy and safely. Due to exclusive, natural production from the advanced manufacturers in the world. Production which will return and will keep your youth, beauty and health. And thus what by-effects

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VI century B.C.- Confucius“The nature treats, the doctor helps”

IV century B.C. - Hippokrates“ Make a medicine your food. The food the medicine.Listen to itself do not harm”

I century A.D – Dr. Arneth, Dr.Celsus131-211yy– Dr. Galenus Abu-Ali Al – Husein ibn Abdullah ibn Sina 980-1037 year

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“The ruler who used to rule my body

is not capable to rule any longer,

thus I find any treatment useless”

Abu-Ali Al-Husein ibn Abdullah ibn Sina. 980-1037 year

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Avicenna (ca. 980-1037) was an Arabic physician and philosopher. He wove classical dicta into a rational, consistent system that dominated European medical thought from the late 12th to the 17th century

About 1012 he began his great work on medicine, which is still considered one of the earliest systems of that art with any pretensions to philosophical completeness. He wandered from place to place, increasing his store of knowledge but yielding himself to a life of sensuality. He then retired to Hamadan, where, worn out with years of sensual indulgence, he died, at the age of 58.

The synergistic quality of the Canon was certainly a major factor contributing to its success, and the work soon was regarded as superior even to its sources. Avicenna's book superseded the earlier medical encyclopedias and became the most important single work on medicine in the Western world. It remained a required text in certain European medical schools until the mid-17th century, and in certain Asian countries it is influential even today.

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Now we know who is that ruler, we know how to help him save our natural health.And its has been supported by 6 Nobel prizes was given in “Physiology or Medicine& Chemistry That Key, as it was discovered, is the amino Acid L-Arginine. It is one of 22 amino acids we have in each of our body cells and the quantity of it in our body defines our health. This Key, though small part of our organism, is a very powerful tool, yet the lack of it is what we, as mankind, have realized to be having only recently.

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Year 1553 – Dr. Michel Servet

Year 1556 - Dr. Harvey

15th century - 3 Persian Doctors

Year 1674 – Antoni van Levenhuk

Year 1794 – Edward Jenner

Year 1861 – Dr. Troll

Year 1902 – Dr. Gamaleya Nikolai Year 1902 – Dr. Ru

Year 1912 - Dr. Aleksis Carrel

Year 1954 – Insulin - Nobel Prize- cycle

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Immune system is a product of evolution of 400 million years! “the Immune System is the only functional structure in our body, apart from the brain, which has memory!”

The Health of a Human Being is an invaluable gift of Nature! Our path to Health and longevity starts with our Immune Systems!

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For their discoveries concerning "the nitric oxide,NO, as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system".

Robert F Furchgott, born 1916Dept. of

Pharmacology,SUNY Health

Science CenterNew York

Louis J Ignarro, born 1941

Dept. of Molecular and Medical

PharmacologyUCLA School of

MedicineLos Angeles

Ferid Murad, born 1936

Dept. of Integrative Biology

Pharmacology and Physiology

University of Texas Medical School,


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For their discoveries concerning "the nitric oxide,NO, as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system".

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Amino Acid L-Arginine

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L-Arginine releases unstable gas NO-oxide , informational molecular.

NO serves as a courier, converting itself into the killer once enters the immune system .

NO is inactivated, N-Nitrogen gets released through pelvis, whereas O-Oxygen works miracles in Aerobic conditions.

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”Magic Touch Sensual” is a direct result of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998. ”Magic Touch Sensual” is patented. It is an absolutely safe product, is clear and contains active ingredients

The Natural Preventive Gel Magic Touch Sensual is made for home use, is absolutely hazard free, and does not require a medical prescription. This wonderful Product Magic Touch Sensual allowing to prevent not just a disease but to supply a good functionality to each cell in our bodies! And it is easily applied at home. If all cells are in tact there is no chance for any disease.They wrote in Ancient Manuscripts about children born from passionate love: “Nature blessed them! Besides, this is the health of a woman and the happiness of the family.” Magic Touch Health & Beauty L.L.C” is an exclusive Agent by Exclusive marketing agreement with manufactory: for Middle East, Russia , Kazakhstan , Ukraine, Europe and …………….

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Gala International – Cannes 2007

Dr. Ronald Thomson – the Obstetrician and Gynecologist , has patented a product with the help of which foreplay period gets shortened and it is a wonderful preventive means from many problems of reproductive system of women.

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International Conference – Dubai 30 0f May 2009.President company RABSDr. James Ronald Thomson,Dr. Gulnara ShamanovaPresident company “Magic Touch Health & Beauty L.L.C”

Svetlana Erkenova - Vice president

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Dr. Ronald Thomson ,

Dr. Natalya Petrovna Petrosyan ( Biology – chemistry doctor )

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”Magic Touch Sensual”

is absolutely natural and specifically formulated gel. Its active ingredients are the

Menthol/L-Arginine Platform

Our flagship product and

initial partnerships were based on the topical application of menthol and L-arginine

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“If there is no Amino Acid L-Arginine, being an irreplaceable Amino Acid, then the element known as “the Courier” cannot be regenerated as there are no known means for our body to replace it. And when we lack the “courier” then we cannot pass the necessary commands as a result of which first it is the activity of certain parts of our body that are being paralyzed and then the whole body.”

Inge Hoffmann

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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001 “For their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle"

Leland H. Hartwellb.1939

Sir Paul M. Nurse Imperial Cancer Research . Fund b.1949

Tim Hunt Imperial Cancer Research Fund

b. 1943

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Leland Hartwell, Tim Hunt and Paul Nurse for their discoveries of "key regulators of the cell cycle". Using genetic and biochemical methods, they identified the molecules CDK and cyclin that control the cell cycle in eukaryotic organisms. These fundamental discoveries have a profound impact on many aspects of biology and medicine.CDK and cyclin are key molecules that control and coordinate DNA-synthesis, chromosome separation and cell division. CDK and cyclin together drive the cell from one cell cycle phase to the next.

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Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002 ‘’For their discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'"

Sydney Brenner H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston

Male Female

Programmed cell death eliminates unwanted structures during the development of the male and female inner reproductive organs.The human body consists of hundreds of cell types, all originating from the fertilized egg. During the embryonic and foetal periods, cells increase dramatically in number, mature and become specialized to form tissues and organs. Lots of cells are formed also in the adult body – more than a thousand billion cells each day. To counter cell production and maintain an appropriate number of cells in the tissues, extensive cell death occurs both In the foetus and in the adult. This delicate, controlled elimination of cells is called programmed cell death.

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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004 “For the discovery of ubiguitin-mediated protein degradation"

Aaron Ciechanover

Avram Hershko

Irwin Rose

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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008“

“For his discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer" “For their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus"

Harald zur Hausen

German Cancer Research Centre Heidelberg, Germanyb.1936

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit, Virology department, Institute Pasteur Paris, France B 1947

Luc Montagnier

World Foundation for AIDS Research and PreventionParis, France b. 1932

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Roger Y. TsienUniversity of California San Diego, CA, USA; Howard Hughs Medical Institute

Martin ChalfieColumbia Universiy New York, NY USA. b 1947

Osamu ShimomuraMarine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA, USA; Boston University Medical School Massachusetts, MA, USA b.1928. in Kyoto. Japan

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008“For the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP"

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It's a Sensation

Circulation Formula is a premium scientific formulation that includes the amino acid called L-arginine, which is one of the twenty-two protein “building blocks”. Its name derives from the Greek word for “bright”. Although the body can naturally produce some of this amino acid, we also receive significant amounts of L-arginine from our diets, averaging about 5 grams a day.As we get older, it appears that our need for arginine may increase beyond this amount. Larger amounts of it help retain a healthy immune system in both animals and people. It also appears to help men maintain and sustain sperm production and motility as well. While these effects are significant, it is the role that this amino acid plays in the production of a simple compound called nitric oxide (NO) that is most important. This was one of the most exciting health discoveries made in the last decade of the twentieth century.

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The 1990’s saw an explosion of revolutionary discoveries about the critical functions of NO (known as endothelium derived relaxing factor or EDRF in the 1970’s and 80’s) in an astonishing array of bodily systems. Three American scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for leading the way in NO research.

Circulation Formula Is Not Just For Sexual Function — It Helps Circulation For Your Whole Body Arginine plays a specific role in the body as fuel for the production of NO, sometimes referred to as ADNO for “arginine derived nitric oxide.” Numerous clinical studies have now confirmed that supplementing the diet with L-arginine, as contained in Circulation Formula, leads to healthy levels of NO in the body. Below is a partial list of the many functions supported by ADNO:

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1. It relaxes the arteries, including the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart, helping to maintain healthy blood pressure and blood flow.

2. It has potent antioxidant activity and is a free radical scavenger that helps to maintain cholesterol levels that are already within normal range.

3. It protects cholesterol from free radical attack and oxidation.4. It helps maintain a healthy immune system function of many

immune system cells, such as macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils (L-arginine also appears to support healthy immune function independently from its role in producing ADNO).

5. It assists in transporting oxygen by hemoglobin in the red blood cells and removing carbon dioxide waste from the body.

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6. It is used by the brain to encode long-term memory and enhances healthy blood flow to areas of the brain as they become active and require more energy.

7. It relaxes the muscles surrounding airways of the lungs, thereby helping to maintain healthy lung function.

8. It supports the pancreas in maintaining adequate insulin secretion that are already in the normal range.

9. It helps maintain the release of human growth hormones (HGH) from the pituitary, which enables the body to better retain ample muscle mass and bone density and keep body fat at the proper level.

10.It assists in promoting healthy blood flow to the sexual organs in both men and women, which is necessary for youthful sexual function and enjoyment.

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Health &Beauty L.L.C. presented : The natural preventive gel Magic Touch Sensual.

The Product – Magic Touch Sensual is the Harmony of Soul and Body!

Ingredient list:

Purified Water USP, Propylene Glycol USP, Hydroxyethylcellulose N.F.,

L-arginine USP,

Citric Acid USP, Menthol USP, Methylparaben USP .

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“ The Healthy Nation

is a wealthy Nation”

FDA Approved in the U.S., 4345-7-2007CE Mark in EU -US04/611097 -US04/61196, Other approvals worldwide certificate in UAE 812/02/02/1/900227 Supported by multiple patents:

U.S. Patent 6,322,493U.S. Patent 6,702,733U.S. Patent 6,989,163

The natural preventive gel Magic Touch Sensual is manufactured in Laboratory conditions of Dr. Ronald Thomson’s factory, is patented and protected by exclusive hologram. It is certified by FDA. Has been certified in UAE, the USA and countries of Europe , certificate in UAE :

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NO can enhance the all factory sense No is released in increased quantities in inflammation, a fact that can be used for diagnostic purposes

NO initiates erection of the penis by dilating blood vessels

NO is important for signaling between nerve cells in the brain


NO is involved in the normal defense against bacterial and parasitic infections

Today it is known that NO is also an important signaling molecule outside the cardiovascular system and has become a useful tool in the practice of medicine:

Neurons in the brain

NO has many Clinical Applications

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Result of products: women 53 years old, she has Gases Gangrenes.She was use Magic touch Sensual from 2 June 2007 up to 21 August 2008.

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Result of products: Men 63 years old. 45 days treatment of doctors no use, no result. he start to use Magic touch Sensual, 17.07.2008

After 5 days

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After 10 days, from day when he start to use

After 15 days, from day when he start to use

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She is has infection under skin

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After 2 month

After 4 month

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As a result of using L-argininy a number of diseases such as :mioma uterus of 8 weeks, polipoz a gastritis, 18 summer allergy , reaching asthmatic attacks, pankriotity has left. Recover arterial pressure, headaches have ceased to torment, 3 small knots on a thyroid gland have resolved, at daughter Violetta has passed an antritis:) it is a lot of results at friends and relatives.

Tatyana Mazoorina

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It is said that nature beauty and health will save the world!

With Magic Touch H&B company creates beautiful !

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Magic Touch ESansёn – non surgical face lift system!

When choosing Magic Touch ESansёn system to be your ally you prevent time being in power of YOU!

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Magic Touch ESansen Cleansing Milk - the herbal basis has tender consistency and

high cleansing features, allowing deep penetration with cleansing effects all the way down to the under skin-adipose tissue since that is the layer where all toxins and free radicals would gather. The Milk will prepare the skin to the second phase - the application of the mask or the cream. Its components have very tender and merciful effect on the skin, without dissolving the lipids of the skin and without damaging the epidermis of the skin. It cleanses the skin similar to Gamash.

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Magic Touch ESansen Lifting Mask -

the components of the mask are 9 amino acids, extracts and minerals. Thanks to the Gel Aloe-Vera and L-Arginine, Corn starch, perl moss Hondrus as well as the extract from the Katekh Palm the mio-stimulating effect is achieved. Thanks to this effect there is a static tension on all the mussels of face, which improves the metabolism. 

Magic Touch ESensen of bio technological origin stimulates the synthesis of the production of collagen, which is the key albumen of our skin. The regular application of the product delays the aging and fading processes of the skin!

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Magic Touch Esansen Moisturizing cream

with unique combination of extracts and the matrix of amino acids of herbal origin. The cream penetrates deeply, nourishes and moisturizes, thus improving the texture of the skin.. The universally balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids heal and rejuvenate the skin at the level of the nucleus. Being of bio-technological origin, the Magic Touch ESensen stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which is the key albumen of our skin.

Be fore


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Magic Touch Sansёn – spa treatment collection

Gift your skin with the secrets and medical features of the nature gathered in the Magic Touch Sensen Collection Spa treatment!

Has been formulated, among others things, with the most luxurious natural blends such as oil of jojoba , walnut and avocado, grape seeds sunflower and essential oils, Aloe Vera, Verach and minerals enriched with a dead sea salt, Sensёn collection( hands, feet, and lotion) is ideal for exfoliation stimulations and hydration as well as for the softening, smoothing and nutrition of the roughness and dryness of your hands , feet and body skin caused by the strain of daily life. Innovation new herbal formula his unique properties reinforce effects of Magic Touch Sensёn and protect the outsides aggressions epidermis.Give to your hands and feet's and body skin all the secrets and beneficial effects of nature concentrated in.

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Magic Touch Sensen Spa Treatment Collection for hands

is ideal for exfoliation, stimulation, nurture of dry and rough skin. The regular use slows down the growth of cuticles and strengthens the nail, restores PH balance. It eases the Spa-Manicure.

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is not only a course of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin but also a wonderful Spa pedicure, especially for your tired feet, dry and rough skin. This is the mix of Varech, the salts of the Dead Sea and the seeds of carrot, which stimulates and moisturizes your skin, cools down your tired feet, helps to prevent bad odor and sweatiness. It also removes certain types of Candida infection. The expected effect is toned and moisturized skin of heels through the release of tiredness and swellings.

Magic Touch Sensen Spa Treatment Collection for feet

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will moist the skin, the patented innovative formula helps to protect your skin of the outer effects. Skin becomes soft as silk. Your skin becomes velvety and silky, giving the real feeling of the smoothness and comfort.

Magic Touch Sensen Spa Treatment Collection Silk lotion

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Magic Touch Una-Bella 24 karat gold serumClinical tests have shown that besides its positive

effect on the skin condition among the people who consume it, Una-Bella 24 Karat Gold Serum - neutralizes the skin PH with its antiseptic properties and acts as an overall skin multifunctional elixir. With its intensive moisturizing effect from the finest ingredients combined with the amazing effect of 24 karat gold leaf, it will surely emphasize the radiance and the luminosity of beauty that reflects from within. Using serum based product allows to obtain a faster effect because it is easily absorbed by the skin and works from inside out. Hyaluronic Acid which plays a vital role on skin renewal and repair completes the total skin care to achieve the best result ever!

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Magic Touch Una-Bella WhiteningProduct has never been so easy to

use. Premium components of non greasy cream (vitamin A, C and E, Aloe Vera, Sunflower and Glycerin Oil, Green Tea Extract) have whitening, moisturizing and healing effects. The skin is clarified and becomes silky soft, smooth and bright.

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Magic Touch H&B

Is company which made dreams a reality!

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Now everyone can make their dreams come true!Everyone chooses their won way

A way, that leads to successWould you like to dip into the ocean of

pleasures, created by civilization?

Magic Touch Health & Beauty is the best thing that could happen to you!