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Programming and Data Structures with Python Madhavan Mukund ~ madhavan 25 January, 2021

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Programming and Data Structures with Python

Madhavan Mukund

25 January, 2021

Page 2: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge SortTo sort A[0:n] into B[0:n]

If n is 1, nothing to be done


Sort A[0:n//2] into L (left)

Sort A[n//2:n] into R (right)

Merge L and R into B

Divide & Conquer

7?Sort sort¥Merged

Page 3: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort43 32 22 78 63 57 91 131.3 22 32 43 ft 63 It 91

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Page 4: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2)+

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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Page 5: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2)+

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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Tfn) - time to sort a list of20 length n

Page 6: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2) +Merging cost

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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-Recursive sort of two halves

- mum

Page 7: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2) +Merging cost

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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Page 8: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2) +Merging cost

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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on- TEA←


Page 9: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2) + n

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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Page 10: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Analysis

Assume n = 2k

T (1) = 1

T (n) = 2T (n/2) + n

What is the cost of merge?

Merge lists of length m, n elements into a list of length m + n

Each comparison adds one element to output list

O(m + n) steps overall

If m = n, O(n) steps

Expand and solve, T (n) = O(n log n)

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Page 11: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Tcn) = 2T(nlz) t nI


= 2(2Tlnl47t4z) t nZ' Tate) t 2n ②

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Page 12: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

TIN -- 2kT(n/zk) t kn

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n .I X n log n

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Page 14: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Merge Sort: Shortcomings

Merging A and B creates a new array C

No obvious way to efficiently merge in place

Extra storage can be costly

Inherently recursive

Recursive call and return are expensive

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Alternative approach

Extra space is required to merge

Merging happens because elements in left half must move right and vice versa

Can we divide so that everything to the left is smaller than everything to the right?

No need to merge!


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Divide and conquer without merging

Suppose the median value in A is m

Move all values ≤ m to left half of A

Right half has values > m

This shifting can be done in place, in time O(n)

Recursively sort left and right halves

A is now sorted! No need to merge

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n = O(n log n)

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New Sort median?

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Page 17: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Divide and conquer without merging

How do we find the median?

Sort and pick up middle element

But our aim is to sort!

Instead, pick up some value in A — pivot

Split A with respect to this pivot element

Pivot not in test

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Page 18: Madhavan Mukund - CMI


Choose a pivot element

Typically the first value in the array

Partition A into lower and upper parts with respect to pivot

Move pivot between lower and upper partition

Recursively sort the two partitions


C. A R Hoare


Page 19: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Quick sort: example

13 32 22 43 63 73 91 78

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Quick sort: example

13 32 22 43 63 73 91 78

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43 32 98 63 73 13 78 22

22 32 13/43/7-39878 63

→ c-qurseksnt quicksort

Page 21: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r] if r - l <= 1: # Base case return ()

# Partition with respect to pivot, a[l] yellow = l+1

for green in range(l+1,r): if A[green] <= A[l]: (A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow]) yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place (A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

Quicksort(A,l,yellow-1) # Recursive calls Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

Quicksort in Python A

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Page 22: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Getting the code right

How can we check that ourcode is correct?

How do we design the codeto begin with?

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, a[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 23: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Getting the code right

How can we check that ourcode is correct?

How do we design the codeto begin with?

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, a[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 24: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Getting the code right

How can we check that ourcode is correct?

How do we design the codeto begin with?

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, a[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 25: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Page 27: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Page 29: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Page 31: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Our computation is iterative

What does start signify inouter loop?

l[0:start] hasstart-smallest values ofl in ascending order

What do i, minpos signifyin inner loop?

minpos is position ofminimum value inl[start:i]

Ensure that our loopsmaintain these invariants

def SelectionSort(l):

# Scan slices l[0:len(l)], l[1:len(l)], ...for start in range(len(l)):

# Find minimum value in slice . . .minpos = startfor i in range(start,len(l)):

if l[i] < l[minpos]:minpos = i

# . . . and move it to start of slice(l[start],l[minpos]) = (l[minpos],l[start])

Outer loop ends with start == len(l), by firstinvariant entire list is in ascending order

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Page 32: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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? (

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Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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Page 34: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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Page 35: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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# pones =L



Page 36: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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or seqfpos -D2 seedpod

Page 37: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

Loop in insert

seq[0:pos] is inascending order

seq[pos:k] is inascending order

Not sure if seq[pos-1]< seq[pos]

When loop ends, pos is 0

By the second invariant,seq[0:k] is now inascending order

def InsertionSort(seq):isort(seq,len(seq))

def isort(seq,k): # Sort slice seq[0:k]if k > 1:


def insert(seq,k): # Insert seq[k] into sorted seq[0:k-1]pos = kwhile pos > 0 and seq[pos] < seq[pos-1]:

(seq[pos],seq[pos-1]) = (seq[pos-1],seq[pos])pos = pos-1

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or seqEpos-B e seq(post- s


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Loop invariants

A[l] is pivot

A[l+1:yellow] haselements smaller than pivot

A[yellow:green] haselements greater than pivot

A[green:r] yet to beexamined

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, A[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 39: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

A[l] is pivot

A[l+1:yellow] haselements smaller than pivot

A[yellow:green] haselements greater than pivot

A[green:r] yet to beexamined

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, A[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 40: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

A[l] is pivot

A[l+1:yellow] haselements smaller than pivot

A[yellow:green] haselements greater than pivot

A[green:r] yet to beexamined

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, A[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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Page 41: Madhavan Mukund - CMI

Loop invariants

A[l] is pivot

A[l+1:yellow] haselements smaller than pivot

A[yellow:green] haselements greater than pivot

A[green:r] yet to beexamined

def Quicksort(A,l,r): # Sort A[l:r]if r - l <= 1:

return ()

# Base case# Partition with respect to pivot, A[l]yellow = l+1for green in range(l+1,r):

if A[green] <= A[l]:(A[yellow],A[green]) = (A[green],A[yellow])yellow = yellow + 1

# Move pivot into place(A[l],A[yellow-1]) = (A[yellow-1],A[l])

# Recursive callsQuicksort(A,l,yellow-1)Quicksort(A,yellow,r)

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