m03 introduksi dikw

Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi Konsep Konsep Konsep Konsep Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi Konsep Konsep Konsep Konsep Data Data Data Data- - -Information Information Information Information- - -Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge- - - Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom (DIKW) (DIKW) (DIKW) (DIKW) Introduction to the Concept of Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) Introduction to the Concept of Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) Materi Kedua Matakuliah Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Disampaikan oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi

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Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi KonsepKonsepKonsepKonsepIntroduksi Introduksi Introduksi Introduksi KonsepKonsepKonsepKonsepDataDataDataData----InformationInformationInformationInformation----KnowledgeKnowledgeKnowledgeKnowledge----Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom (DIKW)(DIKW)(DIKW)(DIKW)Introduction to the Concept of Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW)Introduction to the Concept of Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW)

Materi Kedua Matakuliah Pengantar Teknologi InformasiDisampaikan oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi

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▪ What is the Data?▪ What is the Data?

▪ What is the Information?

▪ What is the Knowledge?

▪ What is the Wisdom?

DIKW Hierarchy▪ DIKW Hierarchy

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All our knowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance,

All our ignorance brings us nearer to death,But nearness to death no nearer to GOD.

Where is the Life we have lost in living?

Where is the wisdomthe wisdomthe wisdomthe wisdom we have lost in knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge ?

Where is the knowledgethe knowledgethe knowledgethe knowledge we have lost in information information information information ?

The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuriesThe cycles of Heaven in twenty centuriesBring us farther from GOD and nearer to the Dust.

The Rock (T. S. Eliot)The Rock (T. S. Eliot)The Rock (T. S. Eliot)The Rock (T. S. Eliot)

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Data Data Data Data – Information Information Information Information – Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge – Wisdom (DIKW)Wisdom (DIKW)Wisdom (DIKW)Wisdom (DIKW)

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What is the Data ?What is the Data ?What is the Data ?What is the Data ?

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What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?

▪ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Data adalah:▪ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Data adalah:

1. kenyataan yang ada yang berfungsi sebagai bahan sumber untuk menyusun suatu pendapat;

2. keterangan yang benar;

3. keterangan atau bahan yang dipakai untuk penalaran atau penyelidikan.

????????▪ Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia, Data sama dengan:

– bahan, bukti, evidensi, fakta, informasi, keterangan, masukan, petunjuk, statistik


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What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?

▪ Data is raw. ▪ Data is raw.

▪ It simply exists and has no significance beyond its existence (in and of itself).

▪ It can exist in any form, usable or not.

▪ It does not have meaning of itself▪ It does not have meaning of itself

(Russell Ackoff)

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What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?What is the Data?

▪ Data by itself has no meaning → "of no use until...in ▪ Data by itself has no meaning → "of no use until...in a usable form“ → "know-nothing“ (Milan Zeleny)

▪ Data are values of qualitative or quantitative variables. Data are typically the results of measurements and can be visualized using graphs or images.or images.

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Types Types Types Types of Dataof Dataof Dataof Data Data as FactData as FactData as FactData as FactSun Data as FactData as FactData as FactData as FactData are representations of facts about the world. Data as SignalData as SignalData as SignalData as SignalData are conceived of as "sensory stimuli, which we perceive through our senses"


Word Data as SymbolData as SymbolData as SymbolData as SymbolData are "recorded (captured or stored) symbols"


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What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?

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What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?

▪ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Informasi adalah:▪ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Informasi adalah:

1. penerangan;

2. pemberitahuan

▪ Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia, Informasi adalah:

1. penerangan, penjelasan;1. penerangan, penjelasan;

2. bahan, berita, data, embaran, fakta, kabar, keterangan, laporan, liputan, warta

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Information is data that has been given

What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?

Information is data that has been given meaning by way of relational connection. This "meaning" can be useful, but does not have to be.

(Russell Ackoff)(Russell Ackoff)

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Information is inferred from data in the process

What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?What is the Information ?

Information is inferred from data in the process of answering interrogative questions (e.g.,"who", "what", "where", "how many", "when"),thereby making the data useful for decisions and/or action.

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What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?

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What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?

Knowledge transforms "information into "information into "information into "information into instructions.“instructions.“instructions.“instructions.“

(Russel Ackoff)

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Knowledge is the combination of data and

What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?What is the Knowledge ?

Knowledge is the combination of data andinformation, to which is added expert opinion, skills and experience, to result in a valuable asset which can be used to aid decision making.

(The European Committee for Standardization's"Guide to Good Practice in Knowledge Management“)"Guide to Good Practice in Knowledge Management“)

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Theories of KnowledgeTheories of KnowledgeTheories of KnowledgeTheories of Knowledge

1. Communicating Knowledge1. Communicating Knowledge

2. Situated knowledge

3. Partial knowledge

4. Scientific knowledge4. Scientific knowledge

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Communicating KnowledgeCommunicating KnowledgeCommunicating KnowledgeCommunicating Knowledge

Knowledge can be transferred.

Writing is the most available and most universal of all forms of recording and transmitting knowledge.

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Situated KnowledgeSituated KnowledgeSituated KnowledgeSituated Knowledge

Situated knowledge is knowledge specific to a particular situation, generated by trial and error or learning from experience.

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Partial KnowledgePartial KnowledgePartial KnowledgePartial Knowledge

In real life situations, our knowledge is always In real life situations, our knowledge is always incomplete or partial. We often have a limited amount of information and make decisions accordingly.

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Scientific KnowledgeScientific KnowledgeScientific KnowledgeScientific Knowledge

Scientific knowledge is generated by scientific Scientific knowledge is generated by scientific method.

The scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.

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Types of KnowledgeTypes of KnowledgeTypes of KnowledgeTypes of Knowledge Tacit KnowledgeTacit KnowledgeTacit KnowledgeTacit Knowledge1.1.1.1. Tacit KnowledgeTacit KnowledgeTacit KnowledgeTacit KnowledgeKind of knowledge that is hard to encode and communicate Explicit KnowledgeExplicit KnowledgeExplicit KnowledgeExplicit KnowledgeKind of knowledge that can be encoded and is Kind of knowledge that can be encoded and is transmittable in language

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What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?

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What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?What is the Wisdom ?

Wisdom is the ability to increase effectiveness. Wisdom is the ability to increase effectiveness. Wisdom adds value, which requires the mental

function that we call judgmentjudgmentjudgmentjudgment. The ethical and

aesthetic values that this implies are inherent to the actor and are unique and personal.

(Jennifer Rowley)(Jennifer Rowley)

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DIKW HierarchyDIKW HierarchyDIKW HierarchyDIKW Hierarchy

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A flow diagram of the DIKW hierarchy

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