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  • 7/31/2019 Love America Love Obama







    Published by the Author in the netFor Free Circulation

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  • 7/31/2019 Love America Love Obama




    1. My US Visits . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. I Love America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93. George L.Hart-A Pride of the Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124. UC Berkeley-An Intellectual Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 165. Again to US with love . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 226. My Reflections on War . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 287. Mall of America . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 30

    8. River Mississippi . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . 329. Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 3310. Predictions for Barrak Obama . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 3611. Obama Will Lead to Prosperity . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . 38

    12.A Hearty Welcome to Obama . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4013. Nobel for Obama . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 42

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    Brigham Young University at Provo.(Utah State)

    My US Visits

    My visits to U.S. are the most memorable days in my life.

    By sharing the pleasure I got during those period, with you -my ardent readers as well asmy guides-I may experience the delight and enjoyment once again.My First visit to U.S. was on March 1987.At that time I was working as an Assistant Professor of Tamil in Presidency College,Chennai, Tamilnadu, and India.The College is one of the oldest colleges of India andcontrolled by the Government of Tamilnadu.As a government official I can not visit any foreign country without the previousapproval of the government. The approval will be given without any hesitation if I wereon a tour or I have to get any medical treatment.If I have to attend any conference or seminar I have to undergo many official formalitiesand screening.

    At this juncture I should specially mention the name of my beloved friend, MariammalArogyasamy, who was my colleague at Presidency and at that time a research scholar atBrigham Young University,Provo,Utah.,Arogyasamy was an Assistant Professor of English at our college and went to U.S. topursue his research. If I were a poet I will write an epic on him. His untiring andmeticulous work can not be compared with any other's work.Now he is at Disneyland. He is a scholar in English Literature, an expert in Theater(BothEnglish American),an expert in Computer Maintenance, a genius in Multimedia, a

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    magician in Animation skills, an orator, a prolific writer, a philosopher, a missionary inhelping the deserving poor ,an actor and a friend who will always be with us in needytimes.If I get in touch with him he will guide me to do this and that, which may consume aminimum Three hours per day. I am unable to work that much and so I will always keep

    a low profile and will evade his direct contact.Arogyasamy after noticing the call of conference by the Deseret Language and Linguisticsociety, wrote to me and insisted that I should present a paper. My paper" GovernmentAdministrative terms -A Morphological study" got approved by the conferencecommittee.I took a direct flight from Chennai to Los Angeles.The venue of the conference was Provo. Brigham Young University is one of theprominent universities in US.Dr.Robert W.Blair, a noted linguist, was at that time theHead of the department of Linguistics there. I had the opportunity to meet him a daybefore the conference and learned many things from him. The pity is that many linguistsin US think that Sanskrit is the only prominent language in India. He seemed to be a

    different scholar with an open mind and he wanted to know about Tamil.Tamil is a classical language having a literature as ancient as Greek and Latin. It isspoken by 110 millions of people. It is one of the official languages in SriLanka,Singapore and one among the national languages of Malaya. It belongs to the family ofDravidian languages which are spoken by 50% of the people of India.

    Tholkappiyam an ancient classical treatise in Tamil grammar dates back to 7th centuryB.C The author by name Tholkappiyar was not only a grammarian but a profound scholarin many disciplines. If I wish to describe him in familiar terms, he can be compared toAristotle and Plato. He narrates many of his ancestors views thereby adding evidence theexistence of many scholars dating back to Tenth century B.C.To put it short Tamil hasgot only one language as its equivalent and that is Sanskrit. But Sanskrit is never spokenby anybody. It is a language of the rituals.My views and explanations convinced him and he arranged a meeting with students. Igave a lecture about Tamil language for an hour.The next three days the conference went on in a fine manner. I learned many things aboutthe Mormon religion and the Church of the Latter day saints. The Mormon Biblereminded me of a prominent religious literature in Tamil, Thiruvachagam.The redundancy of the words Heart and Honey in Thiruvachagam can be found easily byany reader of it. Likewise the Mormon Bible uses Heart and Honey many times. Acomparative study of these two works may be of an immense benefit to scholars intheology.The Mormon religion and its ways attracted me very much. The motto Family for ever"and the respect given to the Lady of the Family i.e. wifeare wonderful. The priest in Mormon Church told: God felt that he should accompany usall the times and hence he created the relation called Wife.Of course my visit had nothing to do with the religion but the different approach of theMormon religion reminded me of our culture as we hail Women very much. The absenceof eve-teasing and obscene fiction and Films in Utah should also be specially mentioned

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    here.A strong family bond and attachment found among family members are all motivated bythe Mormon religion.I took a train for sight-seeing. I started my journey from Provo to Portland. FromPortland I took another train which traveled all the way on Rocky Mountains (13,000 feet

    high) to San FranciscoFrom Portland to Francisco, a delightful journey on steep mountains. Beneath there is ariver called Snake River which really resembled a snake with sinusoid movements. As itwas April, there is no freezing and the river was running beautifully. The view of theriver through the train which was running on mountains can certainly be hailed as a'Million Dollar sight.'It seemed as if somebody has melted Tons and Tons of Silver and the liquid silver isrunning in a speedy manner.I do not know how many Americans have enjoyed the excellent journey on RockyMountains from Portland to San Francisco.At least once in a lifetime you should enjoy this journey in spring season.

    The University Campus.BYU

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    The University says: The world is our campus

    Two Thousand years ago, a Tamil poet, by nameKaniyan poongkundran told: Every country is my country, Every men is my relative

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    Tanner Atrium-Brigham Young University.

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    Harold Bee Library, Brigham Young University.

    ( Brigham Young-The Mormon Leader)

    Brigham Young StatueBell Tower, BYU.

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    University of California,Berkeley.

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    George L.Hart III-A Pride of the NationDuring my first visit to US i.e. in 1987, I tried my best to meet as many Professors aspossible in US. As I am a literary critic, I wished to have a meeting with MurrayKierkegaard, an internationally acclaimed literary critic, who has done an yeomencontribution to Formalistic or Ontological approach to literature. I have at that time read acouple of his books which were very hard to digest for me at that time.My approach is particularly sociological and I was at that time having a partisan lookopposing the formalist school. My books were and still are only in Tamil and nobodyknows me outside Tamilnadu.I had and still have a high regard for formalist scholars like Kierkegaard as they have an

    in-depth knowledge of Philosophy. My friend Arogyasamy tried his best to contactKierkegaard, but was only able to speak to his secretary.In US senior professors always keep them in a fort and deny public audience. There maybe some exceptions, but it is a common practice among elderly professors to avoidmeeting others. So I did not get the opportunity to meet Kierkegaard.At that time Arogyasamy told about George L.Hart,who was at that time(and still now)the Head of the Tamil department in University of California,Berkeley,CA.He told George Hart is one of the wonders of America, as he is a scholar in Eighteen

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    languages belonging to different language families.German, French, Russian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu and Malayalam are some of thelanguages, if you want an example.He is primarily an Honors graduate in Sanskrit from Harvard University and he did hisPh.D. in comparative approach between Tamil and Sanskrit languages.

    I immediately contacted his department and was able to contact Mrs.Kausalya Hart,hiswife and a lecturer in Tamil at UC,B.Kausalya was very kind enough to fix an appointment with him.I had an opportunity to visit University of California at Berkeley.One of the oldest universities in America, it is number one among the public universitiesin US. It is having 13 centers in the state of California.The Berkeley center is a prominent one.He also invited me to speak among his students. I gave a lecture on Modern Poetry inTamil.As an introduction to the foreign learners of Tamil; I told them about ModernPoetry in Tamil citing some examples in Tamil and then narrated their meaning inEnglish.

    My contention was to put it brief, Modern poetry in Tamil has three important charactersor motifs.1) Iconoclasticity2) Technical Innovationand3) Thematic surprise.This type of analysis attracted George Hart.George Hart is a scholar of rare breed. He just moved with me very cordially as if heknows me for a long time.He took me to a mountain there which is called "Tamil Payas"The natural surroundings of Berkeley, the Golden Gate, Bay, the intermingling of bayareas with mountainous areas attracted me very much and they are evergreen in my mind.Mrs.Kausalya Hart did me a great favor by introducing me to the versatile genius, GeorgeHart.

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    George L.Hart

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    U.C.Berkeley An Intellectual Capital

    --Evergreen memories of U.C.BerkeleyMy visit to the University of California at Berkeley,which is always shortly referredU.C.Berkeley,on 1987 made me acquire the valuable friendship of the greatscholar,George L.Hart.A decade after,in 1997,when a Tamil chair was established by the sincere efforts ofGeorge Hart,his wife and colleague Mrs.Kausalya Hart and the Tamil community there atCalifornia,George Hart suggested my name for the nomination as the First VisitingProfessor there.I found no words to describe the nobility and greatness of George Hart in remembering

    me and recommending me for a great job which is certainly a golden opportunity for anyProfessor in India.I determined to work to the fullest satisfaction of George Hart,Kausalya Hart,theUniversity authorities and the Tamil community there at California.Fall semester of the year 1997 began on 18th August and I assumed my post on thatdate.The academic atmosphere of U.C.Berkeley was so thrilling with all theamenities and technical aid.The Library,provision of the latest computer systems with Internet facility and studentswho tried to get the maximum data from the lecturer made my job a wonderful venture.I started my work at 8'O clock in the university and returned after 6'O clock.Actually I had to take a Two hours seminar class for Three days a week.

    But I offered the Unscheduled subject scheme and tried my best to introduce them a largeportion of Tamil literature,Students preferred Tamil classics and Devotional literature.In the week end I have to go places and give lectures on Tamil literature to the Tamilcommunity living there at the state of California.This was also a delightful experience forme as I was doing the same at my Home land.The feedback from the community was so amazing.The Tamil community living invarious states wanted me to visit as many places as possible and the university authoritiesprovided me all the facilities to travel from East to West.For the winter holidays I returned home and returned on 17th January for the springsemester.

    As the daytime was an extended one,I found myself more enthusiastic and worked till 7-30 p.m.I was able to teach a larger portion of Tamil literature and functional grammar thanplanned.Week-end lectures continued.Tamil associations at Chicago,Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pittsburgh,St.Louis,New Jersey ,New York and Washington invited me to deliver lectures on Tamilliterature.I did my job to their fullest satisfaction.

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    Robert P.Goldman who was the Chair,South and Southeast Asian studiesdepartment,U.C.Berkeley,Steve Parlous,the Deputy Chair,Dr.Vasudha Dalmia &Dr.UshaJain of Hindi department,Dr.Athmajit Singh,Punjabi department, were my colleaguesthere.They were exemplary Professors who added to the grandeur of U.C.Berkeley.At U.C.Berkeley I was also a student.I attended a part-time workshop on "Computer

    usage by the Faculty".I attended classes on Gujarati language conducted by a Gujarati scholar who was doingresearch on some Biological project.George L.Hart and Mrs.Kausalya Hart were my source of inspiration and till date theycontinue to be so.George Hart is a friend,Philosopher and Guide to me.His vast knowledge and versatility are incomparable,but he is always unassuming andwished to keep a low profile.If at all I have done anything worth of the name the credit goes only to him.I am unable to find an equivalent word or phrase to express my sincere thanks to him.Some useful Links which tell about George L.Hart:

    1)Wikipedia: statement on Tamil as a classical language which was instrumental in promptingthe Government of India to declare Tamil as one of the classical languages: about George on the website of U.C.Berkeley: of George Hart's Book "THE FOUR HUNDRED SONGS OF WAR ANDWISDOM:" : Video clipping of George Hart's lecture: Particulars of George Hart's book-Poems of Ancient Tamil:Their Milieu and TheirSanskrit Counterpartsat Information about George Hart's translation of Purananuru-A Tamil classic

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    Maraimalai delivering his special lecture at the Annual convention,TNF,atPittsburgh.

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    Maraimalai awarded citation by Dr.Palanisamy,President,TNF

    Poet Kuloththungan,Poet Thamizhanban&Maraimalai

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    Thamizhanban delivers a provoking lecture

    Duing interval-Raja,Gomes,Maraimalai&Kuloththungan

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    Procession towards the Stage

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    Again to US with Love

    With all my love and affection to US and its citizens I packed my luggage and started myjourney on 30th June ,2008,in a Lufthansa plane, from Chennai to Pittsburgh..Tamilnadu Foundation, which is incorporated in US as a Non-Profit organization was

    celebrating its annual convention on 4th&5th July.I was invited to give lectures on both days..The topics of my lecture :Tamil literature,Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow-4th JulyThe Poetic revolution of a revolutionary Poet.--5th JulyThis time I was fortunate enough to travel with a great poet of India, Poet Thamizhanban.In the website of Associated Content, I had published many articles on his poetry.Haiku Poems of Thamizhanban-'s Poetic Techniques- Poems in Tamil- Poetry-I Poetry-II Poetry-III

    Senryu Poems in Tamil's Poem on Identity crisis great poet also participatedin this function.He is Dr.V.C.Kulandaisamy, popularly known as VCK.He is also a wonderful poet who belongs to Bharathidasan School.I have published a post about his poetry in these columns.

    Poet Kulothungan was there at US during this visit, for four weeks and I went to Minneapolis,Philadelphia and Washington.You can find in the following pages, some of my reflections, in the form of poems whichechoe my experience and sentiments.Please visit the website mentioned below to know more about the Tamilnadu Foundation,an association which has dedicated itself for the service to the deserving poor.

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    Tamilnadu Foundation, Inc.U.S.A.

    What is TNF or Tamilnadu Foundation?Tamilnadu Foundation is a non-profit motivated, non-governmental agency, which seeks

    to promote educational, social and other charitable projects in Tamilnadu as part of ahumble attempt by its members to share their fortunes with the less fortunate.TNF-Technology Center- Computer Center Inauguration, July-1998

    The TNF Centre has started serving the middle and lower income families fromTamilnadu. Specifically the Computer Center consisting of over 15 computers has startedfunctioning from the Month of July, 1998. The computer center was inaugurated by Mr.Paul C. Pandean of Dallas, Texas who is one of three current vice presidents of TNF andthe USA Coordinator for TNF Technology Center inaugurated the computer centerduring the last week of June, 1998. Along with the inputs from the Grand Donors likeMr. Ram P. Thukkaram, Mr. Paul Pandean who graciously allotted part of the resourcesto help the computer center started, other generous donors and timeless efforts of many

    TNF members, TNF Center has taken off to serve the Tamil community. Children fromlow income families may be able to learn computers and surf the internet for subsidizedrates or free. This is a great beginning. Actual formal inauguration of the center willoccur some time later part of this year.Since this is a dream come true for all of us who believed in this excellent concept andone day, in the near future, this center will become a nerve center for all the InternationalTamil community. It is to be noted that no other Tamil organization in the world, exceptTNF, devoted so much attention to the welfare of Tamils in Tamil Nadu. At this juncture,we request the whole Tamil community living in and out of India who well establishedand settled to contribute more in terms of monetary funds or books and computers to thislong awaited TNF center. This will make it purposeful and useful to the society. To fulfillthe immediate needs, please generously donate yours PCs and other useful oldequipments to the center.Fund Raising Programs for the TNF Center Project

    The Mr. YGee Mahendra's drama Troupe UAA has done its best, by arrangingprogrammes, which will help for fundraising to TNF project Mr. Y.Gee Mahendra andhis troupe are to be congratulated for their support in this effort. Also, hats off, to all thesponsors, TNF volunteers and the audience to these programs.We are sure, in the near future; this center will become a nerve center for all theInternational Tamil community. It is to be noted that no other Tamil organization in theworld, except TNF, devoted so much attention to the welfare of Tamils in Tamil Nadu.At this juncture, we request the whole Tamil community living in and out of India whowell established and settled to contribute more in terms of monetary funds or books andcomputers to this long awaited TNF center. This will make it purposeful and useful to thesociety. To fulfill the immediate needs, please generously donate yours PCs and otheruseful old equipments to the center.Having a roof over one's head is the dream of all individuals.Both Central and State Governments have introduced several measures to providehousing facilities for the poor.One such scheme suggests that the poor could construct a house for themselves budgeted

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    at Rs. 40,000/-. Government will provide building materials worth Rs. 30,000/- and thebalance should be contributed by the beneficiaries in the form of cash and hard labor.Many deserving beneficiaries are very poor and infirm to either provide the cashcomponent or do hard labor to construct the house for themselves.Under the circumstances, if TNF members could provide a donation of $200 per house, in

    coordination with the agencies concerned, TNF can provide houses to the poor underGroup Housing Scheme.With a donation of $200 TNF will be able to collect Rs. 30,000/- from Government forthe above housing project. The result: a modest home for a poor family.COMPUTER CENTERS IN SCHOOLSChemkit is a miniaturized lab kit containing 50 chemicals, 16 reagents and a number ofminiaturized glass apparatus to enable the teachers and students to conduct nearly 100Chemistry experiments covering the syllabi of standards 6 to 10.Under the project, launched between 1992-93, TNF has distributed nearly 35 kits toCorporation Schools and schools in rural areas. All the teachers and students who usedthem have certified that with TNF Chemkit, learning chemistry has become interesting

    and enjoyable. However, not many schools have opted to make use of the kit mainlybecause of the fact that they have to pay nearly Rs.8000 per kit. While the kit costs Rs.10,000, TN Chapter absorbs Rs.2000.TNF has appealed to its members to donate $100 per kit to rural schools of their choice.The schools may be persuaded to pay the balance and order one kit, which would benefitabout 400 students from 6th to 10th standards.Hence, with a donation of just $100 per kit TNF can really convert a dull chemistry classinto a bright and interesting one and the kit would be extremely useful for rural schools.There are many more wonderful projects which aim at the promotion of higher prospectsfor poor and deserving students and the rehabilitation of the deserving poor areundertaken.For a detailed version of such projects please have a glance at the following site:www.tnftnc.orgThe National Convention of this organization, shortly called as TNF,was held on 4 th Julyto 6

    thJuly,2008 at Pittsburgh. I was invited to give lectures on Tamil Literature on 4


    July&5th July.I had the privilege of this invitation and I still consider it as one among the happiest andmemorable period as I got the chance of spending most of the day with two great poets ofIndia, Kuloththungan and Tamilanban.Kulothungan is the pen-name of Dr.V.C.Kulandaisamy, a leading educationist of India.Tamilanban is a poet of national importance in India.You can have a glance of my earlier post on Poet Kulothungan: earlier post on Poet Tamilnaban addition to this I have put seven posts on his poems and poetic techniques. Of all themthe following three posts are the most viewed by readers as per the statistics given by AC.1)Limeraiku Poems in Tamil

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    2) Senryu Poems in Tamil Poems of Thamizhanban

    Please excuse me for my distraction from the point. My aim is only to give a shortdescription of this convention.It was a very nice occasion. More than six hundred delegates from various states in USassembled. The convention was held at Hotel Radisson.On 4th July evening I gave a lecture on the topic:Tamil literature: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

    I explained the vastness of Tamil literature, its ancient classics which date to 7 th centuryB.C, the genres and kinds of Tamil literature over a long period and the impossibility ofexplaining in them in a lecture and concluded the cosmopolitan look of the present daywriters in Tamil.I also gave a short description of how the Tamil Diaspora throughout the world contribute

    their might for the growth of Tamil literature.On 5th evening my lecture was on the topic:The poetic revolution of the revolutionary poet.The title" revolutionary poet" is an exclusive one in Tamil, which is used by the Tamilcommunity to refer Poet Bharathidasan. Bharathidasan may be described as a Tamil poetof the 20th century who endeavored to achieve a cultural renaissance in Tamilnadu andwho dreamed to usher in an egalitarian society. Poetry in his hand turned as a powerfulweapon to fight caste-ism, religious fundamentalism, conservative determinism, sexismand many more social evils under whose grip not only Tamilnadu but the whole Indiansub-continent suffered a lot for many centuries. With his unique style and revolutionarymission Bharathidasan attracted a large number of poets during his lifetime andthereafter. After the advent of Bharathidasan Tamil poetry became the domain ofBharathidasan and his followers.I tried my best to elucidate the poetic genius of this poet in my lecture, for which I havebeen allotted a time-slot of forty minutes.The audience may be described as a' mixed audience.' among which Youngsters were50% and senior citizens 40% and the remaining 10% children.The feedback I got after my lectures gave me a suggestion that the whole of seniorcitizens and a ten percent of the younger generation appreciated my approach anddelivery.But the audience is a matured and highly cultured one, as they gave a rapt attentionwithout making any kind of diversion, not only during my lecture, but also to all theprogrammers of the convention.I was given a citation by the Tamilnadu Foundation.The citation contains the following:

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    Tamilnadu Foundation Inc. USAProudly Presents this Recognition Award toThiru Maraimalai Ilakkuvanar

    In recognition of your remarkable stewardshipin voicing Tamil heritage across the globe.

    Your mesmerizing Tamil speeches endowed with sincerity

    will reverberate for centuries to come.

    Your simplicity will always be adored.!Tamilnadu Foundation Convention 2008Pittsburgh, PA, USAJuly 4-6, 2008

    The citation shows the affection of the TNF members and is not an evidence of myqualification. I sincerely hope I will try to qualify for their expectation.As a whole the TNF Convention 2008 was a grand success to the TNF as well as to theTamil Diaspora living in USA.

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    Alamo San Antonio

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    My Reflections on War

    The most famous spot in Texas, where 189 defenders fell on March 6, 1836, afterrepeated attacks by Mexican General Santa Anna's army. Mission San Antonio de Valero(The Alamo) was established in 1718 as the city's first mission. The highly-photographed

    chapel and the Long Barrack are all that remain of the original fort. The museum containsrelics and mementos from the Republic of Texas and offers narrations on the fall of theAlamo.I had an opportunity to visit Alamo. I wish to appreciate the historic sense of Americansand their sincere attempts to preserve monuments and documents, so as the people,generation after generation, will know the history.But in general we should avoid wars in future for the unity of mankind. This thoughtprovoked me to write this piece.This article is my observation on seeing the statues of the warriors.This is not a criticism on the heroic battle that happened at Alamo.It is a general statement about war, wherever it happens and history of whichever country

    it describes.The mighty soldiers

    Stand as Statues

    With gun in their hands

    and fire in their eyes

    Society hail them as Heroes

    what about the defenders who died?

    The sons of the soil

    who fought for their land

    and fell as preys,

    like innocent sheep

    butchered by hungry tigers,are ignored by the History

    written by the aggressors.

    This is the way

    Mankind behave!

    Those who win in the battle

    depicted as Heroes

    Those who are killed in a combat

    Not only loose their lives.

    But also their land, race

    and a place in history.

    Those who are valiant enoughTo fight in a battle

    Please assemble!

    Let us wage a war

    Against war

    and that should be a Last war

    To give an end to War!

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    River Mississippi

    Is it a Marathon run of waterTo get an Olympic award?Is it a protest rally of wateragainst the pollution?

    Oh! Mighty Mississippi!You make us speechless!An epic so long!A treasure so precious!A self-less savant!A sincere servant!A source of many sources!A Philanthropist unparalleled!

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    The colorful buildings

    Converse with the clouds;

    Bridges small and bigBring enjoyment when we ride;

    River Mississippi, calm and clean,

    Remains as a Nature's gift;

    Institutes and Libraries

    Inspire the inquisitive;

    Friendly people with smiling faces

    Adore the city amazingly.

    This poem was published during the 150th year celebration of Minneapolis.

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    Predictions for Barack Obama

    The Presidential election of US was always the center of attraction for well wishers ofof America, and during 2008, we wished for the success of Obama.Through the TV channels I had ample chances to understand the inspiring leadership ofObama. I was there at US during July and the first week of August and was able to

    witness the eagerness of the people to view his speeches in TV channels. Americans werefed up with the war strategies of the federal government and were longing for a peace-loving leader. The young and energetic Obama attracted millions of Americans by his witdynamic personality.My article got published with the above title on 13/8/2008 in the netSection 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

    You have a sensible and realistic outlook on life and yourtwo feet are always planted firmly on the ground (though you may,on occasion, have your head in the clouds). Others often see youas a rock of strength, solid, reliable, dependable, and constant.You are, in fact, amazingly consistent for you possess great

    powers of endurance and do not like to make changes oradjustments in your regular routine. You do things deliberatelyand methodically and do not easily accommodate the unexpected.Though you have a gentle, even soft, appearance, you areenormously strong-willed and stubborn. You go at your own paceand refuse to be rushed or pushed into anything before you feelsure about it. You can be coaxed and persuaded by charm, beauty,love, or affection - but never forced. You won't fight either,but simply stubbornly resist any attempt to coerce you to dosomething you do not want to do.Section 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

    Proud and intensely individual, you really want to stand out,to be the very best you can be, and to be recognized andappreciated for your unique contributions. Doing something welland being respected for it is extremely important to you, and youcannot tolerate being in the background, taking orders fromothers, or being "just one of the team". You must put yourpersonal stamp on whatever you do, and direct your own course inlife. You need to have a place where you can shine, expressyourself creatively, and be the one in charge.Dear Friends,Please do not get baffled.

    I am a neither professional astrologer nor an amateur.This prediction I got from the websiteastrology.comI gave the name as Barrack ObamaDate of Birth: 4 August 1961Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii.I do not know whether these predictions are correct or not.But as an Indian, I wish to communicate the love and affection of

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    Millions and Millions of my fellow-countrymen for Obama.The Indians are of the firm opinion that if Obama were elected as the President of U.S.surely the war will come to an end and peace will prevail.On behalf of the millions of Indians who are ardent admirers of Obama,I wish him success in election.

    This article was one of the most viewed articles on Obama in the website of AssociatedContent and still people view it. I alsopublished a poem in the net.

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    Obama Will Lead to Prosperity

    Unemployment leads to suicideRecession induces robberyHouse-prices fall and

    Living expenses soarThe Mighty Nation USshould never suffer like thisCome on the youth of USMake a wise decisionTo drive away recessionHave a young and energetic leaderto give a fair and futuristic approachthat will stabilize the nationIf US economy suffersJapan's economy is jeopardized

    Indian economy dwindlesEuropean market fallsInternational stability is endangeredSo everyone in the worldExpects a change in the leadership of USTo drive away the dark and gloomThat hampers everyone.ObamaAn icon of renaissancea symbol of energya keyword for new change

    Obama will surely lead not only the nationBut the entire world toProsperity,Affluence and SuccessThis was an odd thing that an Indian attempted to canvass for a Presidential contestant ofU.S.

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    Appreciation of a Historic Change in US

    Hats off to U.S.!

    No color! No race!No discriminationPrevails in this nation;

    A golden periodHas now emerged;We are able to seeA UtopiaBefore our eyes;A dream is translatedIn real, undoubtedly!The powerful democracyHas now becomeA source ofPowerful humanism;

    Hats off to U.S.!You have now becomeThe torch-bearerIn the crusade againstAll atrocities committedAgainst mankind;The land of WashingtonThe country of LincolnWill hereafter beOur Jerusalem of Liberty!Mecca of Freedom!

    Abode of Peace!Hats off to U.S!For this noble messageUnity of mankindFor the salvation of the oppressed!Published on 5th November 2008,with the following note.The election of Obama as US president is a historical miracle and gives a strong base fordemocracy in this century.

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  • 7/31/2019 Love America Love Obama



    Save democracy! Save the mankind!We give you a hearty welcome!Wishing you a grand successin this endeavor.

    (Published in the net on 18th

    January2009,with the note:A poem welcoming Obama to the supreme post of the super-power with a request towork for a significant change).

  • 7/31/2019 Love America Love Obama



    Nobel for Obama

    'A Life-time achievement award is given

    to a debutant President'

    Papers and Politicians cry loudly.

    Cool! Please cool!

    His life itself is an achievement for Obama!

    How many hurdles he had crossed

    To reach the peak post!

    Awards have adorned personalities.

    Today the Award itself is adorned!

    Not only a

    Nobel for Peace!

    Nobel for Humanism!

    Award for tolerance!

    Accolade for dynamic actions!

    Prize for positive thinking!

    Honor for secularism!

    Gift for the gifted speaker!

    Reward for reasonable decision-maker!

    The medal reflects the hope of the world!

    We are longing for a warless world

    Come on! Please be firm in your steps!

    Throw away the atomic arrogance!

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    Thrash up the terrorist demons!

    Save Eezham Tamils, the victims of Fascism!

    Wherever there are

    Frail creatures repressed by tyranny

    There should reach your helping hand!

    Prestigious president of a powerful country!

    Now you are a leader of the masses!

    Lead kindly light!

    Let us remove the darkness of poverty

    Illusions of ignorance

    Hazards of diseases

    Moving towards

    A Heaven in the earth!

    --Published in the net on10/10/2009.

    A poem congratulating Obama for the award of Nobel Prize being conferred and anappeal to lead the world to Peace.