insider news - 1391 -shock world court ruling warned will destroy obama, america

July 23, 2010 Shock World Court Ruling Warned Will Destroy Obama, America By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers Russian diplomatic and foreign affairs experts are in shock today over the International Court of Justice (World Court) [symbol top photo left] rul ing yesterd ay that declared the independence declaration of the Serbian province of Kosovo to be legal and not a violation of International Law. According to the World Cour t’s President, Judge His ashi Owada, and supported by a majority ruling, “Th e court considers that general international law contains no applicab le prohibition of declaration of indepen dence. Accordingly it conclud es that the declaration of independence of the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general international law.” After the World Court ruling Russian Foreign Ministry officials publicly stated that they would continue not to recognize Kosovo as an independent Nation, a stand opposed by the United States whose Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said of it yesterday “Kosovo is an independent state and its territory is inviolable.” Note: The independence declaration of Kosovo has l ong divid ed the United States and Russia, which have respectively championed Kosovo’s and Serbia’s cause. It has also split several International blocs. Most European Union member-states recognize Kosovo’s independence, but five others – Spain, Cyprus, Slovakia, Greece and Romania do not due to separatist movements in their own Nations that threaten their sovereignty. Though this World Court ruling is being supported by the United States now, Russian historical intelligence analysts in a report today on this momentous event are warning that the Americans, more than any other Nation on Earth, stand the most to lose  because of it, especially President Obama, who by his admini strations support of Kosovo now puts him firmly opposed to the most powerful of the United States “secret” orders, the Society of Cincinnati. [Phot o Order of Cincinn ati emblem bottomleft] The Society of the Cincinnati is a historic organization with branches in the United States and France founded in 1783 to preserve the ideals and fellowship of the Revolutionary War officers and to pressure the government to honor pledges it had made to officers who fought for American independence. Now in its third century, the Society purports itself as a nonprofit historical and educational organization that  promotes public interest in the American Revolution through its library and museum collections, exhibition s, programs, publications, and other activities The concept of the Society of the Cincinnati was originated from Major General Henry Knox. The first meeting of the Society was held in May 1783 at a dinner at Mount Gulian (Verplanck House) in Fishkill, New York, before the British evacuation from  New York City. The meeting was chaired by Lieute nant Colonel Alexander Hamil ton, and the parti cipan ts agreed to stay in contact with each other after the war. Memb ership was generally limited to officers who had served at least three years in the Continental Army or Navy but included officers of the French Army and Navy above certain ranks. Later, membership was passed down to the eldest son after the death of the original member. Present-day hereditary members generally must be descended from an officer who served in the Continental Army or Navy for at least three years, from an officer who died or was ki lled i n service, or from an officer servin g at the close of the Revolution.

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July 23, 2010

Shock World Court Ruling Warned Will Destroy Obama, America

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian diplomatic and foreign affairs experts are in shock today over the InternationalCourt of Justice (World Court) [symbol top photo left] ruling yesterday that declared theindependence declaration of the Serbian province of Kosovo to be legal and not aviolation of International Law.

According to the World Court’s President, Judge Hisashi Owada, and supported by amajority ruling, “The court considers that general international law contains no

applicable prohibition of declaration of independence. Accordingly it concludes that 

the declaration of independence of the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general 

international law.”

After the World Court ruling Russian Foreign Ministry officials publicly stated that theywould continue not to recognize Kosovo as an independent Nation, a stand opposed bythe United States whose Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said of it yesterday “Kosovo

is an independent state and its territory is inviolable.”

Note: The independence declaration of Kosovo has long divided the United States and

Russia, which have respectively championed Kosovo’s and Serbia’s cause. It has alsosplit several International blocs. Most European Union member-states recognizeKosovo’s independence, but five others – Spain, Cyprus, Slovakia, Greece andRomania do not due to separatist movements in their own Nations that threaten their sovereignty.

Though this World Court ruling is being supported by the United States now, Russianhistorical intelligence analysts in a report today on this momentous event are warning

that the Americans, more than any other Nation on Earth, stand the most to lose because of it, especially President Obama, who by his administrations support of Kosovo now puts him firmly opposed to the most powerful of the United States“secret” orders, the Society of Cincinnati. [Photo Order of Cincinnati emblem bottom left]

The Society of the Cincinnati is a historic organization with branches in the UnitedStates and France founded in 1783 to preserve the ideals and fellowship of theRevolutionary War officers and to pressure the government to honor pledges it hadmade to officers who fought for American independence. Now in its third century, the

Society purports itself as a nonprofit historical and educational organization that promotes public interest in the American Revolution through its library and museumcollections, exhibitions, programs, publications, and other activities

The concept of the Society of the Cincinnati was originated from Major General HenryKnox. The first meeting of the Society was held in May 1783 at a dinner at MountGulian (Verplanck House) in Fishkill, New York, before the British evacuation from

 New York City. The meeting was chaired by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton,

and the participants agreed to stay in contact with each other after the war. Membershipwas generally limited to officers who had served at least three years in the ContinentalArmy or Navy but included officers of the French Army and Navy above certain ranks.

Later, membership was passed down to the eldest son after the death of the original

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Each officer may be represented by only one descendant at any given time, followingthe rules of primogeniture (right of first born). It was this aspect of  primogeniture whichcaused the society initially to be controversial, as primogeniture was associated with therules governing European nobilities.

The Society is named after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who left his farm to accept aterm as Roman Consul and then served as Magister Populi (with temporary powerssimilar to that of a modern era dictator), thereby assuming lawful dictatorial control of Rome to meet a war emergency.

When the battle was won, he returned power to the Senate and went back to plowinghis fields. The Society's motto reflects that ethic of selfless service: Omnia Relinquit

Servare Republicam (“He relinquished everything to save the Republic”).

The Society has from the beginning had three objectives, referred to as the “ Immutable

Principles”: “T o preserve the ri ghts so dearl y won; to promote the conti nui ng Uni on of t he States; and to assist members in need, their widows, and their orphans.” 

Important to note, this report says, is that in all of the United States history only sevenof its Presidents have been members of the Society of Cincinnati, four of themfollowing the assassination of their predecessor.

The first Society of Cincinnati member to gain the Presidency was General George

Washington (1732-1799) who is credited with being the “Father of the Nation” for winning his Nation’s war of Independence from the British. Washington gained further fame by returning to his Virginia farm in the “spirit of Cincinnatus” after ending hissecond term of office and not, as many had wished, becoming a king.

The second Society of Cincinnati member to become President was General Andrew

Jackson (1767-1845). A hero of the War of 1812 for defeating a superior British forceat the Battle of New Orleans, Jackson was put into power by the Society of Cincinnati

to defeat the establishment of a Central Bank that was supported by President JohnQuincy Adams (1767-1848) and was feared would split the Nation.

Of the danger facing the United States should a Central Bank be allowed to gain control of the US economy Jackson warned:

“The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await 

the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. I am

one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is

calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country.”

Directly to President Adams and the other Central Bank supporters Jackson said directly:

“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to

 speculate in the breadstuff s of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you

charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand 

 families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and 

that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.”

Adams was enraged at his and the Central Banks defeat by Jackson and refused to attend his inauguration. To his dying dayAdams retained a great hatred of the Society of Cincinnati and as a Member of the United States House of Representatives (theonly American President to serve in this body after leaving office.) cast the only “no” vote on a law to give medals to the US

Military officers who had served in the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Immediately after casting his vote Adamscollapsed and died two days later

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 prerogative of government, but it is the government's greatest creative opportunity. The f inancing of all public enterprise, and 

the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then

become servant of humanity.”

Upon President Lincoln’s assassination by those forces advocating a Central Bank he was succeeded by President Andrew

Johnson (1808-1875) who, like Lincoln before him, opposed those European forces [the Rothschild’s banking family al one was reported

to have lost nearly $50 million in support of the Confederacy.] attempting to take control of the American economy and in further 

“outrages” against them forgave the Southern States of their debts, granted unconditional amnesty to all Confederate Soldiers,freed all remaining slaves in the United States, and paid back the Russian Empire for its blocking of a North American invasion

 by British and French forces by purchasing Alaska for $7.2 million.

Note: Contrary to what American school children are taught today, Lincoln did not  free all the slaves in the United States, that was done by President

Johnson. What Lincoln did do was sign two e xecutive orders under the authority of his position as “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy" under Article II, section 2 of the United States Constitution”. The first one, issued September 22, 1862, declared the freedom of all slaves in any state of theConfederate States of America that did not return to Union control by January 1, 1863. The second order, issued January 1, 1863, named ten specific stateswhere it would apply. These two executive orders are today known as the “Emancipation Proclamation”.

Note: Not even told to American schoolchildren about their true history was that Russian Naval squadrons set out towards the coast of North America in

the second half of 1863 to protect the United States from British and French invasions. (British Forces landed in Canada, French Forces in Mexico) TheAtlantic squadron commanded by rear admiral S.S. Lesovskii (frigate "Aleksandr Nevsky", "Peresvet", "Osliabia", corvettes "Variag", "Vitiaz" and clipper "Almaz") departed from the Russian port of Kronshtadt and went to New York. Another squadron - Pacific - was commanded by rear admiral A.A. Popov(corvettes "Bogatyr", "Kaleval a", "Rynda", "Novik", cli ppers "Abrek" and "Gaidamak"). They went from the ports of the Far East and set out to SanFrancisco. In September 1863, the squadron of Lesovskii arrived at the port of New York, and the squadron of Popov - to the port of San Francisco. TheRussian squadrons stayed in these ports of North America and sailed near its West and East coasts until August 1864.

For President Johnson’s continued opposing the aims of the Central Bankers he was greatly weakened by two attempts toimpeach him from office [In 1926 the US Supreme Court ruled the basis for those impeachment attempts as unconstitutional.] thus necessitating theneed for the Society of Cincinnati to put General Grant in power.

The forth Society of Cincinnati member to become President was Chester A. Arthur (1829-1886) who was also the firstnon-military member of the order to ascend to the Presidency but did so through the rules of primogeniture (right of first born)granted to him as the direct descendant of maternal grandfather and Revolutionary War leader Uriah Stone and was “established

in place” to take power upon the assassination by these European bankers of President James A. Garfield (1831-1881).

President Garfield warned of the dangers to America should these Central Bankers ever gain power by stating shortly before hisdeath in 1881, “Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and 

commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the

top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

The fifth Society of Cincinnati member to become President of the United States was William McKinley (1843-1901) whose

membership in the order was granted under their rules of primogeniture through his grandfather and American RevolutionaryWar hero David McKinley, and who by his own right had distinguished himself as a hero in the Civil War.

President McKinley began his attack against the Central Bankers with his ally and Secretary of State John Sherman

(1823-1900) whose connection with the Society of Cincinnati was through the membership of his older brother and Civil War here General William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891). The legal tool used by President McKinley and Sherman against theEuropean bankers was the law known as the “ Sherman Antitrust Act” which was first brought to bear against the Rothschildsupported and funded JP Morgan financial empire known as the Northern Trust who by the late 1800’s owned nearly all of America’s railroads.

Note: George Peabody, a Massachusetts’s trader, set up a banking house - George Peabody & Co. - in London in 1837. He became regarded as a"financial ambassador in London. Carrol Quigley attributes the use of tax-exempt foundations for manipulation of society to Peabody, seen in his European

 based Peabody foundation.

Daniel Colt Gilman, a member of the Skull & Bones and first President of the Carnegie Institution, was involved in the establishment of the Peabodyfoundation. He was in such high regard by the elite that they have erected a statue of him across from the Bank of England. Peabody was getting old and

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Around this time his bank was talked of as a rival to the Rothschild’s New Court, but Junius was a Rothschild agent, when he prospered so prospered theRothschild’s and the Illuminati. J.S. Morgan & Co. was one of the Rothschild’s great power tools in the United States. In 1869 Junius’ son, J.P. Morganwent to London to met with the Rothschild’s. They laid out the plans to form Northern Securities, a company that would act as an agent for New Court i n theUS w ith JP Morgan ruling as a proxy for the family.

In 1871 Junius’ son, J.P. Morgan, made an alli ance with Tony Drexel, heir to the powerful Philadelphia bank. Their firm - Drexel, Morgan & Co. -resided inan extravagant new building on Wall St., which is still Morgan headquarters today. After the Europeans got over their lack of confidence at the end of theCIvil War, money began to stream across the ocean to the US, providing massive profit for the firm. It set out to finance the growing number of industrial

 projects i n America. The House of Morgan was getting extremely rich and this past week announced a quarterly profit of $1.46 Bil lion.

Shortly after President McKinley began his attack against the Central Bankers he was assassinated (1901) allowing his Vice

President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt (1858-1919) to take power. Upon the Rothschild backed “and paid for” PresidentRoosevelt taking office one of Roosevelt’s first acts was to drop the United States government lawsuits against the Northern

Trust and accelerate the American age known as “ Manifest Destiny” which continues to this day and basically gives theseCentral Bankers the “power” to plunder the entire World for profit and gain above all else.

Note:The Roosevelt’s had been in New York since the mid-17th century. Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family of Dutch origin; by the 19th

century, the family had grown in weal th, power and influence from the profits of several businesses including hardware and plate-glass importing.

The family was strongly Democratic in its political affiliation until the mid-1850s, then joined the new Republican Party. Theodore's father, known in thefamily as "Thee", was a New York City philanthropist, merchant, and partner in the family glass-importing firm Roosevelt and Son. He w as a prominentsupporter of Abraham Lincoln and the Union effort during the American Civil War.

His mother Mittie Bulloch was a Southern belle from a slave-owning family in Roswell, Georgia and had quiet Confederate sympathies. Mittie's brother,Theodore's uncle, James Dunwoody Bulloch, was a United States Navy officer who became a Confederate admiral and naval procurement agent in Britain.Another uncle, Irvine Bulloch, was a midshipman on the Confederate rai der CSS Alabama; both remained in England after the war . From his grandparents'

home, the young Roosevelt witnessed Abraham Lincoln's funeral procession when it came through New York.

The last chance for the Society of Cincinnati to thwart the European plan to establish a Central Bank in the United States ended

on April 14, 1912 with the deliberate sinking of the RMS Titanic by British agents that killed one of the orders members namedMajor Archibald Willingham Butt (1865-1912) along with the American business tycoons John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin

Guggenheim and Isidor Straus who were returning to the United States from Great Britain after what they believed was asuccessful “negotiation” with the Rothschild’s to “leave America alone” under “threat of war”.

Note: Throughout this over 300 year battle between the forces for freedom and independence against these European (and now by extension United States)

 banking interests many in America, li ke Germany of last century, are led to believe that powerful Jewish interests control these monolithic institutions.

 Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, even though there are Jewish famili es i nvolved in these powerful banks they are now, and always have been

controlled by European royalty aided and abetted in their crimes against humanity by the Catholic Church. If not for the actions of many of America’s and

Europe’s most powerful Jewish families the European and Catholic Church “master plan” to control the entire World would have been accomplished ahundred years ago.

According to Burke's Peerage, the Bible of European aristocratic genealogy, all American Presidents (including Obama) have carried European royal

 bloodlines i nto office. 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne , the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them

directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the Presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election.The Society of Cincinnati in knowing that European royal interests would always seek to gain control of America has always managed to “convert” many of these Presidents to their cause too.

With the last “obstacles” removed from creating a Central Bank in the United States with the sinking of the Titanic the

European banking powers forced through the American legal system what is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 whichonce enacted (and remains to this day) became the sole and complete authority over the United States economy forcing theAmerican people into two World Wars and countless other conflicts during the past 97 years all designed with one single

 purpose, to create for Europe’s royal families a “New World Order” controlled by them.

After World War II (1939-1945) the sixth Society of Cincinnati member to become President of the United States was General

Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower (1890-1969), who was “appalled” over his Nations defacto surrender to Nazi German forcesduring World War II in order to obtain the atomic bomb Hitler was ready to use against them, and the deliberate murder of hisclose friend and fellow Society of Cincinnati member General George S. Patton (1885-1945) who upon his learning that

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Prior to the expiration of President Eisenhower’s second term [American Presidents are only allowed to serve two 4-year terms] theSociety of Cincinnati attempted to install another one of their members as President but failed when Texas Senator  Lyndon B.

Johnson (1908-1973) was defeated by President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) in the 1960 election.

Johnson was, however, able to gain President Kennedy as a Society of Cincinnati ally to the fight against the European royal powers attempting to destroy America, and they appeared near victory when on June 4, 1963 President Kennedy issuedExecutive Order 1110 which for the first time since 1913 returned to the United States government the power to issuecurrency, without going through the Federal Reserve (Central Bank).

Five months later, on November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was brutally assassinated while sitting by the side of his wife in aDallas, Texas motorcade, an event so shocking to then Vice-President Johnson he was reported to have hid in the Presidential

 planes bathroom “huddled in the fetal position” and “crying like a baby”.

Upon the death of President Kennedy, President Johnson became the seventh and last Society of Cincinnati leader of America,and one of his first acts was to repeal Kennedy’s Executive Order 1110.

Since 1963, to this present day, the United States has remained under the control of the royal European banking elite throughtheir control of the Federal Reserve who during this past nearly 60 years have all but dismantled what was once the great Nationknown as the United States of America.

Through their infiltration of all levels of government, corporations and media, they have used their forces to destroy America’s

“moral f iber” and reduce this once great power to but a shadow of its former self. Their once great industrial might is nowgone, their schools are noted for their shockingly high dropout rates (even those who graduate know less than a child born a

century ago), its once great cities are fast falling into ruin as its roads and bridges disintegrate too, and, perhaps worst of all,these once great people have nearly lost all hope.

But, for good or bad, and as this report continues, the World Court’s ruling on Kosovo may point to what could very well be arevival….but not without America and her people experiencing a “cataclysmic shock” as their Nation faces the certain prospect

of outright civil war and could very possibly by destroyed.

The stage for this all occurring is being set now as the most pivotal day in the history of the United States is racing towards usall….December 21, 2012.

For as this date is more well known as the end of the ancient Mayans long count calendar (and ending of the World?), it is alsothe date the Federal Reserve’s 99-year old charter to control the American economy ends. And, most importantly, for it to berenewed it would require not only a majority vote in both houses [Senate and House of Representatives] of the US Congress, but also athree-quarter majority vote by every one of their 50 States’ legislative bodies.

Russian diplomatic, historical, financial, and intelligence experts, who have followed this saga for decades, all conclude that the

Great Game being played between the Society of Cincinnati and the royal European banking powers amounts to nothing less

than the complete reshaping of the entire World for centuries to come, it is that momentous of a moment.

On the side of the Society of Cincinnati are those forces that have, literally, turned on the “money spigot” to force the FederalReserve into total outright bankruptcy by enlarging the United States debt to stratospheric proportions beyond any hope of it

 being paid. On the other side are the royal European banking interests who, along with their Vatican allies, are plunging theEuropean Union into the largest monetary contraction known to history by cutting their Nation’s budgets to the “bare bone” in

order to have the reserves to prop up what’s left of America when it eventually defaults.

Standing on the sidelines, so to speak, is the rest of the World, most notably Russia, China, the Arab World, South America, and

Israel…all of whom are arming themselves “to the teeth” as nearly all of them believe this saga will erupt into Total GlobalWarfare as these most ancient of foes battle to the death.

Most important to remember about everything you’ve read so far is that it was taken nearly verbatim from the files located inRussia’s Foreign Ministry that we were granted unprecedented access to. These are the same reports that Russian academic

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country in the World.

According to Professor Panarin’s report this is one possible look at how the once Great American Empire will end up:

For any American reading this report and believing it not true, they are in the greatest danger because they are, and to put it plainly, ignorant fools.

To them we highly suggest they read (Today!) the American Spectator report “ America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of 

Revolution” written by Boston University’s Professor Emeritus of International Relations at Boston University Angelo M.

Codevilla that details how the two classes that exist in America today have less in common culturally, dislike each other more,and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century's Northerners and Southerners….the onesthat started the Civil War.

To the rest of you, we strongly encourage you to support our efforts by going to the Sorcha Faal’s Special Report “Everything

Will Change….” and giving whatever you can to help us “pay” our dear Russian friends who have given us suchunprecedented access to their most private of files and increase our likelihood of getting more of them in the future.

Also, to the thousands of independent news and website blogs, all around the World, who take the Sorcha Faal’s reports and

 post them on your sites without including the links or, even worse, not even linking back to this reports original source…Shame

On You! All you are accomplishing by your actions [aside from the outright theft of intellectual property that doesn’t belong to you] isdepriving your readers of the full knowledge contained in these reports provided by the links we have put into them going back,and as it should be, to the original source material.

And finally, to those of you who have supported our efforts THANK YOU! (And our dear Russian friends thank you too.) Your efforts are what make our efforts possible, and when you come right down to it, really, really looking at the truth of all

things…We’re all in this together and as the old Benjamin Franklin saying goes, “We must hang together, gentlemen...else,

we shal l most assur edl y hang separatel y.”

Note: To all those supporting our efforts, in any amount, you will receive Part II of this Special Report complied directly fromRussian Foreign Ministry files: President Barack Obama: Friend or Foe? You’re Going To Be Surprised!