los amigos de jaimito - jamie's friends

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  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    "Just think! Youregoing to have awhole new class of kids whom youcan befriend. It was the first day ofthe new school year, and Jamiesmother was driving him to school.

    It doesntwork that way, saidJamie, grumbling.

    Nobody wantsto be friends withme. Everyonethinks Imweird.

    Jamie wantedto have friends.He wanted to be

    invited tosleepovers,camping trips,and cookouts withthe other boys. But Jamieslegswere stiffened by arthritis, and hewas forced to wear leg braces, which

    gave him an awkward limp.You are not so different from the

    other kids. Your legs might bedifferent, but that doesntmake youas a person weird. If youllreach outand be kind and friendly to the otherkids, I know youllmake some

    friends. But you have to do yourpart.

    Jamie s FriendsLos amigos de aimito

    Piensa nada ms. Pronto estarsen un saln lleno de nuevos amigos.Era el primer da de clases y la mamde Jaimito lo llevaba al colegio.

    No es verdad refunfuJaimito. Nadie quiere ser mi amigo

    Todo el mundo

    piensa que soyun bicho raro.

    Jaimito tenamuchas ganas dehacer amigos.Quera que loinvitaran a

    acampar, acocinar y aquedarse a dormien la casa de los

    dems chicos. Pero la artritis habatorcido sus piernas. Tena que llevarabrazaderas y cojeaba al caminar.

    No eres tan distinto a losdems nios. Puede que tus piernassean distintas, pero ello no teconvierte en un bicho raro. Muchosnios no lo saben y por eso tienesque ensearles. Si te muestrasamistoso y atento con los dems,

    estoy segura que hars amigos.Pero tienes que hacer tu parte.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Jamie knew he certainly hadntgiven the situation muchcooperation. Most of the kids atschool have probably never seen me

    smiling or happy. Theylikely think Im

    always sad and upset.

    A smile came over Jamiesface ashe made a decision. Imgoing to tryto start this school year off right. I

    really want


    friends, so

    Imgoing to

    try to be


    WhenJamiearrived athis assignedclassroom,

    most of hisnewclassmateswere already seated and roll call wasabout to begin. His new teacherlooked kind. Mrs. Kate Noelle was

    written in elegant cursive on the

    blackboard behind her.As Jamie walked across the floor,

    he tried to look as friendly andnormal as possible, yet he couldnt

    help but think that everyone wasstaring at him, wondering what waswrong with his legs and why he was


    Jaimito saba que no se habaesforzado por hacer amigos. Lamayora de los nios del colegio

    nunca me han visto alegre o

    sonriente. Seguramente piensan que

    siempre estoy enfadado o triste.

    Una sonrisa se dibuj en el rostrode Jaimito. Haba tomado unadecisin. Empezar bien este ao




    ganas de



    as que




    Jaimitolleg a sunueva aula

    escolar, la mayora de sus nuevoscompaeros estaban sentados y laprofesora empezaba a confirmar laasistencia. La profesora pareca muy

    amable. En el pizarrn habanescrito en elegante letra cursivaSrta. Kate Noelle.

    Jaimito procur mostrarseamigable y lo ms normal posible,pero no poda evitar pensar quetodos se estaban fijando en l y

    preguntndose qu pasaba con suspiernas y por qu cojeaba.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Roll call time, said Mrs.Noelle, and she began to readthrough the list of students. Aseach name was called out, thatstudent stood, acknowledgingthey were present.

    Jamie Lee Wilster! Jamiestruggled to push his chair backfrom his desk, in order to standup. The seconds seemed likehours, and he felt every eye in theroom being focused on him. Hecould hear what he thought theother students were thinking

    Look, he cant even stand up!Whats wrong with him,

    anyway?Once Jamie was again seated,

    Mrs. Noelle said, Thank you,

    Jamie. In future roll calls, you donot need to stand.

    Special treatment for thehandicapped kid, eh? a voice

    called out from the back row.Billy Kenter!Mrs. Noelle said

    sternly. That comment was not

    called for.

    When the recess bell rang,Jamie stayed inside the classroombut looked out the window to seeBilly round up the other kids inorder to play a game of his ownchoosing. It was obvious that theother kids listened to Billys every


    Hora de confirmar asistencia anunci la Srta. Noelle. Empez aleer la lista de nombres de losestudiantes. Al escuchar su nombre,los estudiantes se ponan de pie yconfirmaban su asistencia.

    Jaime Lee Wilster.Jaimito se esforz por alejar la

    silla del pupitre y levantarse. Lossegundos le parecan horas y sentaque todo el mundo lo estabamirando. Hasta poda imaginar loque pensaban

    Mralo. Ni siquiera se puede

    levantar.Qu es lo que le pasa?Cuando Jaimito finalmente se

    levant de la silla y volvi a sentarse,la Srta. Noelle le dijo: Muchasgracias, Jaime. En el futuro, no ser

    necesario que te levantes.Un trato especial para el

    discapacitado, eh? son una vozdesde la ltima fila.

    Billy Kenter! respondi laSrta. Noelle con firmeza. Tucomentario est de ms.

    La campana del receso son ytodos salieron a jugar. MenosJaimito, que se qued en el saln.Por la ventana vea a Billy reunir alos dems nios para jugar el juegoque quera. Era obvio que todosprestaban atencin a cada palabra

    de Billy.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Dontlet Billy bother you.Jamie turned to see a girl standing

    a couple desks across from him,holding a book in her hand.

    Hi, ImJenny Mariner, one of yourclassmates. Nice to meet you.

    U-uh, nice to meet you too.Arentyou going to go play outside?

    I take ballet lessons after school,so I like to save my energy. Besides, Iprefer to read. How about you?

    Oh, yes I mean, reading is oneof my favorite things to do, too. Ivegot quite a library at home. Youshould s-see it.

    Perhaps I will, Jenny responded.She sat and began reading intently.

    Jamiesheart was pounding.Someone had actually talked to him.Someone had actually taken an

    interest in him. Someone had comeup to him and said hi.

    No dejes que Billy te moleste.Jaimito se dio la vuelta y vio a

    una nia de pie a varios pupitres del con un libro en la mano.

    Hola. Me llamo Jenny Mariner.Soy una de tus compaeras.

    Encantada de conocerte.Este encantado. No vas a

    salir a jugar?Al terminar las clases aprendo

    ballet,as que ahorro energa.Adems, prefiero leer. Y t?

    Eh s. Quiero decir, leer es

    uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos.Tengo una biblioteca enorme en lacasa. Deberasverla.

    S, tal vez respondi Jenny.Se sent y empez a leer.

    El corazn de Jaimito lata confuerza. Alguien le haba hablado.

    Alguien haba demostrado intersen l. Alguien se haba acercado asaludarle.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Jamie thought back to a couplemonths earlier when the last schoolyear had ended. He had received allof the honor awards there were toreceive, but that didntmatter tohim. He had no friends. He had not

    been invited to any of the after-school parties that all the other kidswere talking about and preparingfor. He had felt so left out.

    One night, while on a campingtrip with hisparents, Jamie

    had prayed:Dear Jesus, Dadand Mom tell methat You love me,and that You carefor me. I dontknow if You can

    do this for me ornotmaybe Imtoo bad for You tohear me andanswer my prayersbut my prayerand wish is that You would send mea friend. I dontknow how to be

    friends with the kids at school, and Ineed help. Would You just help mesomehow?

    Is this the answer to my prayer? Is

    Jenny the friend that God is sending

    me? Could He really be answering

    my little prayer from that night, so

    many months ago?

    Jaimito record la graduacin delltimo ao escolar. Haba recibidotodas las medallas y honores habidosy por haber, pero nada de elloimport. No tena amigos. No habarecibido ni una invitacin a las fiestas

    de graduacin de las que todos losnios hablaban y para las que sepreparaban. Se haba sentidomuy solo.

    Cierta noche, en un viaje decamping con suspadres, Jaimito

    or: QueridoJess, pap ymam me dicenque me amas y quecuidas de m. No ssi puedes haceresto por m; a lo

    mejor soydemasiado malopara que meescuches y

    respondas a mis oraciones. Pero mideseo y oracin es que me enves aun amigo. No s cmo hacer amigos

    en el colegio y necesito Tu ayuda.Podras de alguna maneraayudarme?

    Es esta la respuesta a mi

    oracin? Es Jenny la amiga que Dios

    me va a enviar? De verdad est

    respondiendo a la pequea oracin

    que hice aquella noche hace tantosmeses?

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    When the school day ended, andthe students filed out of theclassroom, Jamie was last to leave,absorbed in taking notes on what tostudy further at home.

    Jamie, Mrs. Noelle said, you

    are a most attentive student. I likethat, and I think well have a lot of

    fun learning together this year.Thank you, Mrs. Noelle.Jamie was alone, or so he

    thought, when he felt a hand taphim on the shoulder. He turned tosee Jenny standing beside him, withbook in hand.

    Oh, you surprised me! I thoughtI was alone in here.

    I just wanted to say goodbye.See you tomorrow!

    Uh, goodbye! Jamie said, a

    wide smile stretched across his face.*

    Days passed, and Jamie andJenny became better friends, andeven though Billy would bully Jamie,having Jenny as his best friend madethe rest not matter much.

    One day Jenny said to Jamie, Ihave something to say, but I dont

    think youre going to like it.What is it? Jamie cautiously

    asked, awful thoughts racingthrough his head. Perhaps shedoesnt wantto be my friend

    anymore,he thought and cringed.

    Al terminar la clase, losestudiantes salieron a toda prisa delsaln. Jaimito fue el ltimo en salir.Se encontraba absorto tomandonota de lo que seguira estudiandoen casa.

    Jaime coment la Srta.Noelle, eres muy atento. Eso megusta. Creo que vamos a divertirnosmucho aprendiendo.

    Gracias, Srta. Noelle.Jaimito pens que estaba a solas,

    cuando sinti que alguien le tocabael hombro. Se dio la vuelta y vio aJenny, libro en mano.

    Qu sorpresa. Pens queestaba solo.

    Quera despedirme. Nosvemos maana.

    Eh adis contest Jaimecon una gran sonrisa.

    *Los das pasaron. Jaimito y Jenny

    se hicieron buenos amigos. Billycontinu atacando a Jaimito, pero yano le importaba tanto, porque habaencontrado en Jenny a su mejoramiga.

    Cierto da, Jenny le dijo: Tengoalgo que decirte, pero creo que no teva a gustar.

    Qu es? pregunt Jaimitocon cautela. Por su cabeza pasaronpensamientos terribles.A lo mejor yano quiere ser mi amiga,pens contristeza.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Imvery happy to be yourriend, said Jenny, but I donthink itsright for you to not carebout any of the other kids. I knowhat theyrenot being very nice toou, but yourenot going out of

    our way to be friendly or nice tohem either. Sometimes it seemsou pretend theyrenot reallyhere.

    I guess youreright, saidamie.But why am Iupposed to be the

    ne to be nice tohem when theyrehe ones saying meanhings to me? I donthink thatsfair.

    Just because thingsontseem fair to you,

    r it seems likeomeone else is being

    mean to you or unlovingr unkind doesntmean that youonthave to be loving and kindnd friendly to them. Youllneveret any friends like that. The way

    o make friends is to be friendly,ven if the other person doesnteem to appreciate your kindness,r respond right away.

    Jamie finally replied, All right, Ihink I can do that with all the kids,xcept for Billy.

    What do you mean, exceptor Billy?

    Me alegro mucho de ser tu amigacontinu Jenny, pero no me parececorrecto que no te importen los demsnios. Ya s que no te estn tratandomuy bien, pero t tampoco estsponiendo de tu parte para ser amigableo amable con ellos. En ocasiones pareceque los ignoras por completo.

    Supongo que tienes razn contest Jaimito. Pero, por qudebo ser amable con ellos cuando

    son elloslosque me dicen

    cosasdesagradables?No me parecejusto.

    Soloporque no teparezca justo, o

    porque alguiente trate mal y

    sea descorts o desagradable contigo,no quiere decir que debas dejar de seramoroso, amigable y amable con ellos.As nunca hars amigos. La nicamanera de hacer amigos es ser

    amigable, aunque las otras personasparezcan no apreciar tu amabilidad o nose conviertan en tus amigos deinmediato.

    Jaimito finalmente concedi:Estbien, creo que puedo ser amable conlos dems nios, excepto con Billy.

    Qu quieres decir con exceptocon Billy?

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Billy is such a bully. Hesalwaysicking on me and calls me badames in front of the other kids.heresno way Imgoing to be nice toim. Besides, he can do all the thingshat Ivealways wanted to do, butant. Itsnot fair that I have to be thene to be nice to him.

    What are all the things that hean do that you cant?

    He can run and play sports. Hesn the baseball team, and Ivealways

    wanted to play baseball. Hestough

    nd has all the kids around him all theme. Ivenever had any friends.oureone of the first friends Ivever had. Plus, hescool.

    A lot of kids might think that Billys cool. But yourecool tooon thenside. Itsall those nice things inside

    ou that made me want to be yourriend. Itsyour kindness andatience. Youresuch an interestingerson, and yourenot foolish andlly. Plus, almost anybody can be cooln the outside, but Jesus makes youool on the inside, and thatswhat

    ou are.Jamie thought about what Jenny

    ad said, but it seemed it woulde sodifficult to be nice to Billy. Whatwhen he tried to be nice to Billy

    nd talk to him, Billy would just makeun of him all the more?

    Okay. Illthink about it.

    Billy es un matn. Siempre estburlndose de m y ponindomesobrenombres frente a los demsnios. Nunca ser amable con l.Adems, l puede hacer todo lo queyo siempre he querido, pero que no

    puedo. Me parece injusto que debaser amable con l.

    Cules son todas las cosas quel puede hacer y t no?

    Puede correr y hacer deportes.Est en el equipo de bisbol. Yosiempre he querido jugar al bisbol.

    Es un chico rudo y todos los nios loadmiran. Yo nunca he tenido amigos.Eres una de las primeras amigas quehe tenido. Adems, l tiene gancho.

    Muchos de los nios creen queBilly es genial. Pero t tambin loeres por dentro. Tienes una

    personalidad maravillosa ycualidades que hacen que quieraser tu amiga. Eres amable y paciente.Eres una persona muy interesante.No eres necio y tonto como muchosotros nios. Adems, casi todo elmundo puede tener un exterior

    chvere, pero a ti Jess te hacechvere en tu interior.

    Jaimito pens en las palabras deJenny, pero le pareca muydifcil seramable con Billy. Qu pasara siintentara ser amable con Billy yhablar con l, y Billy se burlara de

    l todava ms?Est bien. Lo pensar.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    The next day there was anxtended recess, so the boysathered in the school yard foraseball practice. Jamie sat watchinghrough the window. He saw Billyet up to bat and make an incredible

    it. How can he play so well and beo good at everything when hes

    uch a jerk? Itsnot fair!Then he remembered what Jenny

    ad told him: Just start withomething simplebe kind, or sayomething nice.

    Billy and the boys were comingack inside when Billy tripped andverything he was carrying flew outf his arms and landed on the floor.illyscap was jostled, landing closeo Jamiesfeet.

    Jamiepaused, then bent down to

    ick up Billyscap. The hallway grewlent as everyone knew how Billyicked on Jamie. Billy slowly walkedver to Jamie. Jamie gave a hesitantmile andeld outhe cap

    o Billy.

    Al da siguiente el receso durms de lo normal. Los muchachos sereunieron en el patio para jugar albisbol. Jaimito se qued sentadomirando por la ventana. Lleg elturno de Billy de batear y logr un

    jonrn impresionante. Cmo puedejugar tan bien y ser tan bueno en

    todo cuando es un completo idiota?

    No es justo!Entonces record lo que Jenny le

    haba dicho: Empieza con algosencillo. S amable o hazle un

    comentario agradable.El receso termin y todos los

    nios volvieron a entrar. EntoncesBilly tropez y todo lo que llevaba sele desparram por el suelo. La gorrade Billy sali volando y cay a lospies de Jaimito.

    Jaimito se detuvo y recogi lagorra de Billy. Todos los estudiantesse quedaron callados. Bien sabancunto molestaba Billy a Jaimito.Billy se acerc lentamente a Jaimito.Jaimito sonri levemente y extendi

    la gorra

    a suenemigo.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Billy didnt smile. He snatched hishat out of Jamies hand, and

    proceeded to open his locker andstuff all his things in it.

    Um, Billy, you played really welltoday. I was watching you.

    Billy was surprised. Uh, thanks.Then Billy realized that all his friendswere standing around him. Well,

    yeah, its my game after all. Its

    certainly not yours.Jamie had tried to be kind, and it

    seemed to have almost worked for a

    moment, but it hadnt lasted. Jamietold Jenny what had happened.

    Im so proud of you! said Jenny.

    Im sure Billy appreciated your

    kindness. He probably couldnt let

    himself show it because his buddieswere around, and he wouldnt want

    them to think that hes getting soft.Days passed, and Jamie kept up

    his efforts of being kind, not only toBilly, but also to his otherclassmates. Similar instancesoccurred with Billy, where heseemed to be almost friendly

    toward Jamie, but then wouldrevert to his former self.

    Yet Jamie had to admit that Billywas certainly not as rude and meanas he was before. Billy had stoppedcalling him names and didnt pick on

    him or bully him. So maybe his

    efforts had been worthwhile afterall.

    Billy no sonri. Le arrebat lagorra de las manos y abri sucasillero para guardar lo que llevaba.

    Este Billy, jugaste muy bien

    hoy. Te estaba observando.Billy se sorprendi. G gracias.

    Entonces se dio cuenta que todossus amigos los observaban. Bueno,soy el mejor jugando al bisbol. Tprobablemente eres el peor.

    Jaimito haba intentado seramable. Su acto de amabilidadpareci funcionar por un momento,

    pero no dur mucho. Jaimito lecont a Jenny lo que haba ocurrido.

    Estoy tan orgullosa de ti respondi Jenny. Estoy seguraque Billy apreci tu amabilidad. Loms probable es que no podademostrarlo porque sus amigos

    estaban alrededor, y no quera quepensaran que se est volviendo dbil.

    Los das pasaron y Jaimito continusiendo amable con sus compaeros,no solo con Billy, sino con todos. Envarias ocasiones Billy casi pareca seramable con l, pero entonces volva

    a su forma de ser habitual.As y todo, Jaimito deba admitir

    que si bien Billy no era del todoamigable, al menos no era tan malo ybrusco como antes. Haba dejado deponerle sobrenombres y no seburlaba de l ni lo empujaba. De

    modo que sus esfuerzos parecanvaler la pena.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    Jamie was happier too. Notonly did he have Jenny as afriend, but he also knew that hewas doing his best to be friendlyto his classmates, even if theywerentalways so nice to him in

    return. Things had gotten betterbetween him and his classmates,and he was glad about that. Yethe wasnt prepared for whathappened next.

    *It was Friday

    afternoon andthe last hourof school forthe day. Mrs.Noelle toldeveryone toput away their

    books and packup theirbelongings.

    Isntthislast hour for grammar review?Jamie asked.

    Yes, but weredoing

    something different today.Jamie looked around the

    room. This was very unusual,though his classmates appearedunfazed.

    Once everyone is packed up,head to the gym, Mrs. Noelle

    said. Jamie and Jenny, you twocan go to the library and read.

    Jaimito tambin se senta msfeliz. No solo tena a Jenny comoamiga, sino tambin saba que seesforzaba por ser amable con suscompaeros de curso, aunque ellosno siempre fueran amables con l. Larelacin entre l y sus compaeroshaba mejorado. Ello lo haca muyfeliz. Pero no estaba preparado paralo que sucedera.

    *Era el

    viernes por latarde y soloquedaba unahora deescuela. LaSrta. Noelle lespidi a todosque guardaransus libros yempacaranlas mochilas.

    No solemos repasar gramticadurante la ltima hora? preguntJaimito.

    S, pero hoy vamos a haceralgo distinto.

    Jaimito mir a su alrededor.Aquello era muy extrao, pero suscompaeros no parecansorprendidos.

    Una vez que terminen deempacar, dirjanse al gimnasio

    continu la Srta. Noelle. Jaime yJenny, pueden ir a leer a la biblioteca.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    As his classmates filed out of theclassroom to the gym, Jamie turnedto Jenny, Why are we going to the

    library?Maybe its because Mrs. Noelle

    knows that we are bookworms,

    Jenny answered,so shes just letting us do what we

    enjoy. Lets not worry about it.Alright, Jamie said, and they

    made their way to the library.Within about fifteen minutes, the

    hush in the library was broken byMrs. Noelle. Time is up! Back to

    the classroom.Jamie and Jenny approached the

    darkened classroom door.What happened to the lights?

    Jamie questioned.Jenny pushed open the door and

    pulled Jamie in by the hand.Surprise! Surprise! shouted all

    his classmates.The lights turned on displaying a

    festively decorated classroom, andall his classmates standing near theblackboard, smiling.

    On the blackboard were written thewords, We think youre the

    greatest, Jamie! Jamies classmates

    each had brought to class a smallgift that theyd gotten for him. Andon one of the tables were cakes,cookies, biscuits, juice, and other


    Mientras sus compaeros sedirigan al gimnasio, Jaimito lepregunt a Jenny: Por qu vamosnosotros a la biblioteca?

    A lo mejor porque la Srta.Noelle sabe que nos encanta leerrespondi Jenny. Nos estdejando hacer lo que nos gusta. Yono me sorprendera.

    Est bien asinti Jaimito, yse dirigieron a la biblioteca.

    Al cabo de solo quince minutos,la Srta. Noelle rompi el silencio de

    la biblioteca. Se acab el tiempo!Por favor, vuelvan al saln.

    Jaimito y Jenny se acercaron alsaln de clase. El pasillo estabaa oscuras.

    Por qu estarn apagadaslas luces? pregunt Jaimito.

    Jenny abri la puerta y entr aJaimito de la mano.

    Sorpresa! Sorpresa! gritaron todos los estudiantes.

    Las luces se encendieron parailuminar una estupendadecoracin. Todos los estudiantes

    estaban sonriendo cerca delpizarrn. All estaban escritas laspalabras: Creemos que eresfabuloso, Jaimito. Todos habantrado un pequeo obsequio parael homenajeado. Encima de una delas mesas haba pastel, galletas,

    dulces, jugo y otras delicias.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    This was all for him? He couldnt

    believe it. He must be dreaming! Heglanced around the room, and yes,there was Billy! Even Billy had aparty hat on.

    Jamie, sit down here at the frontof the classroom, Mrs. Noelle said

    cheerfully. Who wants to tell Jamie

    whats going on?I do! As you all know, Billy

    began, I hardly ever talk to Jamie.

    So this is meant to make up for allthose times when I wasnt nice to

    youor even worse, when I saidbad things to you, which Im really

    sorry for.We had been talking about how

    when school first started wewerent very nice to you. But now

    that we know you better, weve all

    seen what a nice guy you are. Weve

    unanimously decided to make youour favorite student of the year.

    Era todo para l? No podacreerlo. Deba estar soando. Miralrededor de la clase y, s, all estabaBilly. Hasta se haba puesto un gorrode fiesta.

    Jaimito, sintate aqu al frente

    de la clase orden alegremente laSrta. Noelle. A quin le gustaraexplicarle qu es todo esto?

    A m. Como todos saben empez Billy, casi nunca hablo conJaime. Todo esto es para compensarlas veces en que no fui amable

    contigo, o an peor, cuando te hicecomentarios desagradables. Losiento mucho.

    La verdad es que al empezar elcurso no fuimos muy amables. Peroahora que te conocemos mejor,hemos descubierto lo estupendo que

    eres. Hemos acordado entre todosnombrarte estudiante favorito delao.

  • 8/13/2019 Los amigos deJaimito - Jamie's Friends


    We also think youre the

    bravest, too. All of us, we dont

    have anything to complain about,and were ashamed that you were

    the one who was kind to us, when

    we werent nice to you. So we allwant to apologize for that, andespecially me, cause I think youre

    a really great guy. I want to be yourfriendwe all do. And we wantedto have a party to say how nice wethink you are.

    I dont know what to say! Icouldnt want any better

    classmates than you all. Thanks amillion! Jamie exclaimed.

    Then Jamie remembered. Billy

    said he didnt know how I did it

    being nice to you all, even whenyou all werent nice to me. Well, a

    couple of months ago, I prayed andasked Jesus for a friend. Heanswered my prayer, and He gaveme a best friendJenny. Jennyhelped me learn how to be nice toall of you. So I cant take much

    credit. God answered my prayer,and gave me a friend who taughtme how to be friendly.

    Jamie had learned how toovercome his handicap and how tofind love and friendshipby givinglove and friendship to others.

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    Adems creemos que eres elms valiente. Ninguno de nosotrostiene de qu quejarse. Nos sentimosavergonzados que fueras tanamable con nosotros, aun cuando

    nosotros no lo ramos contigo. Demodo que queremos disculparnos.Sobre todo yo, porque me parecesgenial. Me encantara ser tu amigo.Todos queremos serlo. Y esta fiestaes para demostrar cun agradablecreemos que eres.

    No s qu decir. No podraelegir mejores compaeros queustedes. Mil gracias! exclam Jaimito.

    Entonces record algo: Billydijo que no saba cmo fui amablecon ustedes, incluso cuando ustedesno lo eran conmigo. Hace un par demeses or y le ped a Jess que mediera un amigo. l respondi a mioracin y me dio a mi mejor amiga:Jenny. Ella me ense a ser amablecon todos ustedes. El mrito no essolo mo. Dios respondi a mioracin y me dio una amiga que meense a hacer amigos.

    Jaimito haba aprendido asuperar su discapacidad y aencontrar el amor y la amistad:ofreciendo su amor y amistada otros.
