logic professor d’ascoli hum 200 strayer university

LOGIC Professor D’Ascoli HUM 200 Strayer University

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Professor D’Ascoli

HUM 200

Strayer University

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Lewis Carroll, Through the

Looking Glass: “Contrariwise,

continued Tweedledee, \if it

was so, it might be; and if it

were so, it would be; but as it

isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic."

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Logic, from the Greek

λογικός (logikos) is the

study of reasoning. Logic is

used in most intellectual

activity, but is studied

primarily in the disciplines

of philosophy, mathematics,

and computer science.

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the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference

reasoned and reasonable judgment; i.e. "it made a certain kind of


the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or

situation; i.e. "economic logic requires it"; "by the logic of war"

the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies

the machine's representation of logical operations

a system of reasoning

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Logic is the study of reasoning: how it is

done correctly, how it goes wrong, and

how to distinguish between the two.

Reasoning involves constructing and

evaluating arguments.

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Arguments are made up of propositions.

In an argument, we attempt to establish the truth of a proposition

on the basis of others.

Propositions are assertions that are either true or false.

A simple proposition makes only one assertion.

Compound propositions contain two or more simple propositions.

Compound propositions can be either disjunctive or hypothetical.

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There are many propositions about whose truth we are uncertain.


There is life on other planets.

There is a God.

These may be true or false, therefore their ‘truth value’ is


However, these, like all other propositions must be either true or


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Questions are not propositions as they assert no truth values (Do

you like this class?)

Commands and exclamations are also not propositions as they also

assert no truth values (ie, Come here. Watch Out!, etc)

Sentences can take many forms to assert the same thing, even

different languages can assert the same thing

This class is stupid

Esta clase es estúpida

Cette classe est stupide

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Propositions and statements are not exactly the

same, but they are often used in logic in the same


Some logic texts even use the word statement

rather than proposition. We will use proposition

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Some propositions (compound) contain more than

one proposition in the same sentence: China is the

most populous country in the world, it produces 85%

of the world’s goods and has a communist


The above is also an example of conjunctive

propositions – though listed together , they could all

be listed separately and still be true.

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However, there could also be compound

propositions that are disjunctive , where no one of

the components is asserted.

For example, “Circuit courts are useful, or they are

not useful.”

Although this example is clearly a true but one of

its components might be false.

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There are also hypothetical (or conditional) propositions – these are

compound propositions that also do not assert that their components

are true but rather that the whole is true.

Example : “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.”

Again neither claim is asserted, rather it becomes an if then

hypothetical dilemma which even if both parts are wrong, may still be

a true proposition – because it is hypothetical

You can never successfully argue hypotheticals

Excercises pages 9-12

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YouTube - Monty Python - Argument Clinic

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Professional Logician monologue -

YouTube - Monty Python and the Holy Grail Soundtrack 3/7: Logician


Good evening. The last scene was interesting from the point of view of a professional

logician because it contained a number of logical fallacies; that is, invalid propositional

constructions and syllogistic forms, of the type so often committed by my wife. "All wood

burns," states Sir Bedevere. "Therefore," he concludes, "all that burns is wood." This is, of

course, pure bullshit. Universal affirmatives can only be partially converted: all of Alma

Cogan is dead, but only some of the class of dead people are Alma Cogan. "Oh yes," one

would think.

However, my wife does not understand this necessary limitation of the conversion of a

proposition; consequently, she does not understand me. For how can a woman expect to

appreciate a professor of logic, if the simplest cloth-eared syllogism causes her to flounder.

For example, given the premise, "all fish live underwater" and "all mackerel are fish", my

wife will conclude, not that "all mackerel live underwater", but that "if she buys kippers it

will not rain", or that "trout live in trees", or even that "I do not love her any more." This

she calls "using her intuition". I call it "crap", and it gets me very *irritated* because it is

not logical.

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"There will be no supper tonight," she will sometimes cry upon my return

home. "Why not?" I will ask. "Because I have been screwing the milkman all

day," she will say, quite oblivious of the howling error she has made. "But," I

will wearily point out, "even given that the activities of screwing the milkman

and getting supper are mutually exclusive, now that the screwing is over, surely

then, supper may, logically, be got." "You don't love me any more," she will now

often postulate. "If you did, you would give me one now and again, so that I

would not have to rely on that rancid Pakistani for my orgasms." "I will give you

one after you have got me my supper," I now usually scream, "but not before" --

as you understand, making her bang contingent on the arrival of my supper.

"God, you turn me on when you're angry, you ancient brute!" she now

mysteriously deduces, forcing her sweetly throbbing tongue down my throat.

"Fuck supper!" I now invariably conclude, throwing logic somewhat joyously to

the four winds, and so we thrash about on our milk-stained floor, transported by

animal passion, until we sink back, exhausted, onto the cartons of yoghurt.

I'm afraid I seem to have strayed somewhat from my original brief. But in a


Sex is more fun than logic -- one cannot prove this, but it "is" in the same

sense that Mount Everest "is", or that Alma Cogan "isn't".


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1. Ms. Malaprop left her house this morning.

2. Whenever she does this, it rains.


3. Therefore, the moon is made of blue cheese.

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Inference is the process that may tie together a cluster of

propositions, some are warranted (correct) others are not

An argument in logic does not refer to a disagreement

An argument refers strictly to any group of propositions of

which one of the propositions is claimed to follow from the

other propositions

For every possible inference there is a corresponding


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Although sentences express propositions, a

sentence and a proposition are not identical.

The propositions that provide evidence or support

for the truth of some other proposition are called


The proposition for which evidence is provided is

called the conclusion.

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Sometimes premise and conclusion appear in separate sentences:

“No one was present when life first appeared on earth. Therefore any

statement about life’s origins should be considered as theory, not fact.”

Sometimes they appear in same sentence:

“Since it turns out that all humans are descended from a small

number of African ancestors in our recent evolutionary past, believing

in profound differences between the races is as ridiculous as believing

in a flat earth.”

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The order in which premises and conclusions can

appear are also varied. This does not matter in

determining validity or soundness of arguments.

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Arguments often contain conclusion and premise indicators

that allow one to identify them as arguments.

When indicators are lacking, the context of the passage

provide cues as to whether it is argumentative in nature. P

13 – 14 let’s discuss

Once an argument is identified, care must be taken to

identify premises which are not in a declarative form or

premises that are unstated. P 14 -15-16-17-18-19

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Therefore - for these reasons

Hence - it follows that

So - I conclude that

Accordingly - which shows that

In consequence - which means that

Consequently - which entails that

Proves that - which implies that

As a result - which allows us to infer that

For this reason - which points to the conclusion that

Thus - we may infer

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Since - as indicated by

Because - the reason is that

For - for the reason that

As - may be inferred from

Follows from - may be derived from

As shown by - may be deduced from

Inasmuch as - in view of the fact that

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Arguments must be distinguished from other forms

of expression involving sets of propositions, for

instance, expository passages and explanations.

An explanation is a group of statements that

purport to account for why something happened or

why something is the way that it is. P 19-20-21

excercises pages 21-26

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Some arguments are deductive, and some inductive—and all arguments

are either one or the other.

Deductive arguments claim that if the premises are true, the conclusion

follows with absolute necessity. That is, it cannot be false.

In valid deductive arguments, if the premises are true, the conclusion

does, indeed, follow with absolute necessity.

An invalid deductive argument is one in which, if the premises are true,

the conclusion could be false.

A sound deductive argument is one that is valid and has all true


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The relationship between true (or false)

propositions and valid (or invalid) arguments is

sometimes quite complex.

The only combination of premises and conclusion

whose truth-values guarantee the invalidity of the

argument is when the premises are true and the

conclusion false

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In inductive arguments, the conclusion is claimed

to follow only with high probability.

Inductive arguments are never valid or certain;

they can be better or worse, more or less probable,

but they can never be valid or invalid.

P 28-30

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1. If the moon is made of blue cheese, then pigs


2. The moon is made of blue cheese.


3. Therefore, pigs fly.

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An argument is sound if and only if the

argument is valid and, in addition, all of its premises

are true.

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Valid (validity) – refers to the relation between its

propositions only, if the conclusion follows with logical

necessity from the premises then an argument is said to be


Validity can never refer to a single premise by itself

Truth – is the attribute of a proposition that asserts what

really is the case

Truth cannot apply to arguments

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Truth and falsity are attributes of individual

propositions or statements; validity and invalidity are

attributes of arguments.

P 31-33 discuss samples

Excercises page 35

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Proposition Argument Premise

Statement Conclusion Probability

Validity Induction Necessity

Soundness Deduction Simple proposition

Compound proposition Disjunctive proposition

Hypothetical proposition

Classical logic Modern symbolic logic Explanation

Explanation Inference Enthymemes

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1. Why is logic relevant to everyday life? Why should one take a course in


2. We often rely on appeals to emotion in order to persuade people rather

than providing arguments. Give some examples of this from everyday

contexts. Is this problematic? Are there cases when appeals to emotion are


3. Give an example of a simple argument you have made recently. Which

statements are the premises? Which one is the conclusion?

4. What is the distinction between deductive and inductive arguments? Give

an example of each to make your explanation clear.

5. What is the difference between validity and soundness? Why is the

distinction relevant for us as students of logic?

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1. What is the difference between a premise and a

conclusion? Provide an example of an argument from a

newspaper or journal that highlights this distinction.

2. Why is reasoning considered to be both an art and a skill

and how does taking a course in logic help us to develop that


3. What is the difference between inductive and deductive

arguments? What are the ramifications of this difference?

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4. A valid argument does not necessarily mean that the premises

and the conclusion are true. In some cases, a deductive argument

will be valid even when its premises and conclusion are false. If

validity doesn’t mean truth, why should a logician be concerned

with validity?

5. In everyday contexts, we are confronted with argument in a

variety of different spheres; political, religious, legal, medical,

and so on. Why is it important to be able to analyze and assess

these arguments?