little rock ski clubsocial,travel & 2014 lrsc...

LITTLE ROCK SKI CLUB...SOCIAL,TRAVEL & MORE Lift Line Follow us on Facebook & Meetup FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER 2014 Next Meeting: Tues. Feb. 11, 6:00 PM AT THE CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL COMING EVENTS Next Meeting Feb. 11th 6 pm Crowne Plaza Hotel Lobby Board of Directors List & Birthdays Page 2 Agenda For Meetings & Activities 2014 Friday Night Flights at Cantina Laredo February 21st page 3 Keystone Ski Trip Report Page 4 Telluride Ski Trip February 1-8 2014 Page 5 *Super Bowl Watch Party February 2 See page 6 Oaklawn Day at the Races March 22nd Page 7 Buffalo River Float Trip May 16-17 Page 8 Profiles of Ski Club Members Gem & Marvin Koski page 9 Volunteer Application form page 10 Check out our Advertisers & Club Info page 11 Established 1967 President’s Message Our first ski trip of the year to Keystone was near perfect with twelve happy skiers experiencing good snow and good times. See report on page 4. The Telluride Trip will leave on Feb. 1st with 27 people and will be back on the 8th in time for our meeting, so come and hear all the great stories at the Feb. 11th meeting. A Super Bowl watch party is happening on Feb. 2nd. and Karen & Mike VanBokhoven will host at their condo party room at Mountain Terrace Estates clubhouse. Please let them know if you are coming. See page 6 for more details. Start signing up for the Day at the Races , which will be on Sat. March,22 . Larry Storthz will again lead this popular outing to Hot Springs. See page 7. A Spring Cookout is being planned for April 26th at Jolly Roger’s Marina. Watch for more info. We are planning another Buffalo Float Trip on the weekend of May 16 & 17th. Linda Frisbee will again be the leader. See signup information on page 8 & bring your checkbook to the Feb. meeting. As always, guests are welcome to visit up to two club meetings per year, so bring some friends and sign them up and we will see you on Feb. 11th ! Please continue to tell the bartender that you are with the Ski Club each time you order anything from the bar. Winter is here, so “Think Snow” (for the ski areas) Mike Graves, President

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Page 1: LITTLE ROCK SKI CLUBSOCIAL,TRAVEL & 2014 LRSC Newsletter.pdf · Buffalo River Float Trip May 16-17 Page 8 ... Newsletter, Ski Trips Mike Graves


Lift Line Follow us on Facebook & Meetup


COMING EVENTS Next Meeting Feb. 11th 6 pm Crowne Plaza Hotel Lobby Board of Directors List & Birthdays Page 2 Agenda For Meetings & Activities 2014 Friday Night Flights at Cantina Laredo

February 21st page 3

Keystone Ski Trip Report

Page 4 Telluride Ski Trip February 1-8 2014

Page 5

*Super Bowl Watch Party

February 2 See page 6

Oaklawn Day at the Races

March 22nd Page 7

Buffalo River Float Trip

May 16-17 Page 8

Profiles of Ski Club Members

Gem & Marvin Koski page 9

Volunteer Application form

page 10

Check out our Advertisers & Club Info page 11

Established 1967

President’s Message

Our first ski trip of the year to Keystone was near perfect with twelve happy skiers experiencing good snow and good times. See report on page 4. The Telluride Trip will leave on Feb. 1st with 27 people and will be back on the 8th in time for our meeting, so come and hear all the great stories at the Feb. 11th meeting. A Super Bowl watch party is happening on Feb. 2nd. and Karen & Mike VanBokhoven will host at their condo party room at Mountain Terrace Estates clubhouse. Please let them know if you are coming. See page 6 for more details. Start signing up for the Day at the Races , which will be on Sat. March,22 . Larry Storthz will again lead this popular outing to Hot Springs. See page 7. A Spring Cookout is being planned for April 26th at Jolly Roger’s Marina. Watch for more info. We are planning another Buffalo Float Trip on the weekend of May 16 & 17th. Linda Frisbee will again be the leader. See signup information on page 8 & bring your checkbook to the Feb. meeting. As always, guests are welcome to visit up to two club meetings per year, so bring some friends and sign them up and we will see you on Feb. 11th ! Please continue to tell the bartender that you are with the Ski Club each time you order anything from the bar. Winter is here, so “Think Snow” (for the ski areas) Mike Graves, President

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Office/Committee Name Phone President

Newsletter, Ski Trips Mike Graves (501) 837-7222

Vice President, Social Ronnie Jones (501) 920-9665

Secretary, Social Cheryl Payne Nesuda (501) 951-0019

Treasurer, Audit/Charity Roger Nesuda (501) 551-1511

Membership chair Gem Koski (501) 730-5252

Ski Trip Chair, Audit Patti Lucarz (501) 454-8735

Social Co-Chair Kay Marsh (501) 690-1202

Social Co-Chair Carlyn Yancey (501) 223-8384

Membership Michael VanBokhoven (501) 425-3653

Social Linda Frisbee (501) 680-8062

Ski Trips Larry Storthz (501) 690-2010

Social, Membership Diane Phllips (501) 753-1747

Audit , Social Bob Spector (501) 580-2379

Web Master David Bentley (501) 412-3848

Amber Furgerson February 6

Marian Botsford February 7

Pat Alardin February 8

Amy Imbler February 14

Judy Brodie February 15

Larry Botsford February 15

Gem Koski February 17

Bob Spector February 17

Gil Caver February 20

Dana Colaianni February 22

Jeanette Krohn February 26

February Birthdays

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“FRIDAY NITE FLIGHTS” Will be held at Cantina Laredo

located at Midtown Center

Markham & University

Friday February 21st, 5pm

This is the perfect way

to end the week with friends.

Guests are always welcome

See you there! If you get there early, grab a BIG table !

The Board is planning the following for 2013-2014 club year Meeting date Meeting theme Other Activities

Feb. 11 Monthly Meeting Ski Reviews Feb. 1-8 Telluride Ski Trip

Feb. 2 Super Bowl Party –Mountain

Terrace Estates Club Room,


Feb. 21 Friday Night Flights

Cantina Laredo

Mar. 11 Monthly Meeting Racing Season Mar. 22 Oaklawn Day at the Races

Mar. 21 Friday Night Flights TBA

April 8 Monthly Meeting Board Elections April 26 Spring Cookout

April 18 Friday Night Flights TBA

May 13 Monthly Meeting Where did it go May 16-17 Buffalo Float Trip

May 16 Friday Night Flights TBA

June No Meeting till Aug. Summer Vacation June ? Larry’s Houseboat Party TBA

Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm , August through May

& Friday night flights are on the third Friday at 5pm. Membership dues are due starting in

August and are good through the following July. We do not operate on a calendar year.

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Keystone Colorado Trip Review January 5-12 2014

Twelve hearty souls headed out to Keystone Colorado on January 5, 2014 for a seven

day ski trip to start off our skiing season for the Little Rock Ski Club. The weather

did not disappoint us and the only injury was to new member Gene Shelby, who

suffered a bad bruise. His wife Farideh took several days of lessons and says

she improved quite a bit during the week. Another new member, Charles Dice had

not skied in several years but you would not have noticed as he skied all over both

Keystone and A Basin with Mike Graves. The others in the group, who are all

regulars in our hard core skiing entourage (Dave Bentley, Joe Sarlo, Patti Lucarz,

Billy Furgerson, Bob Hamilton, Roger Miller, Tommy Thomas and Jill Hebert from

Chicago) were skiing all over Summit County during the week. No complaints

were heard even with the large number of snowboarders who were out of school for

part of the week, as these mountains had plenty of room for all. The trip was a big

hit with all of us and many of the skiers in this group will be on the Telluride trip

February 1st. If you have not been able to ski with us on a club trip this year, please

give it a try next season. You just can’t have a better time for a better price than our

ski club trips, so plan on a future trip with us and tell all of your friends to come

along too. Also check out the Meetup site for more ski trip photos.

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February 1- 8 2014 $1575 per person TRIP IS FULL - and on its way ! Wish you were there ?

Trip Includes: * Round Trip Airfare From Little Rock To Montrose, CO * Private Bus Transfers From Montrose To Telluride * Seven Nights Lodging At Mountain Lodge Telluride Condos (based on 4 people sharing a Two Bedroom Two Bath Condo with Kitchen)

* Five Day Adult Lift Ticket Included Other Amenities Include: Outdoor Heated Pool & Hot Tubs, Wi Fi, Fitness Facility, Shuttle Within Mountain Village Core, Maid Service, And A Super Bowl Party.

Contact Patti Lucarz Trip Leader 501-454-8735 Or Mike Graves 501-837-7222

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Super Bowl Party

Denver Broncos


Seattle Seahawks

Sunday Feb. 2, 2014

Mountain Terrace Club House in Maumelle

Please park in the designated areas and not on the no parking street. 4pm till game over Hamburgers & Bratwurst provided Bring a side dish & BYOB & your own drinks & mixers

Please RSVP by Jan. 30th

To help us know how many to expect Call Mike VanBokhoven at 425-3653 Or E-mail Mike at [email protected]

Or call Karen at 501-707-4472 or [email protected] DIRECTIONS: Take the exit from I-430 to Maumelle Blvd and turn left at

Walgreens onto Odom Blvd South. Travel 1.1 miles to Village Dr. Go left (at the

Gate house) about 100 feet to the round about. The Club House sits on the

round about. Please obey No Parking signs on street.

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Day at the Races Saturday March 22, 2014 $10.00 pp members & guests Includes entrance fee & reserved seat.

The Second Race

will be sponsored

by the ski club




501-690-2010 We will meet at Rod’s Pizza after the race

Page 8: LITTLE ROCK SKI CLUBSOCIAL,TRAVEL & 2014 LRSC Newsletter.pdf · Buffalo River Float Trip May 16-17 Page 8 ... Newsletter, Ski Trips Mike Graves

The Fabulous


May 16-18 2014

*Two nights lodging at the Beaver Creek Cabins

*Light breakfast Saturday morning

*Sack lunch Saturday on the river

*Canoe and shuttle provided

*Barbeque Dinner Saturday night

*Entertainment Saturday night

Bring cash for excellent food at the Low Gap Café on Friday evening. Sunday breakfast is on

your own; traditionally we eat at the Cliff House, famous for observing dozens of hummingbirds.

We are trying something new this year after considering suggestions to make

sleeping arrangements more versatile. For cabin rooms that are private, the total cost

for the weekend will be $170. per person based on double occupancy. ( so you and

your roommate must both pay together at sign up. This only applies for

the private cabin rooms ) . For the open lofts, sunroom, or living room areas, the

Cost for the weekend will be $140. per person. Your check holds your space and

there are a limited amount of private cabin rooms. Be aware there are no refunds

or cancellations, only substitutions will be allowed. Cost is less if you do not float,

but still want to join us for this fun trip ! Last day to pay is April 8th, 2014.

See Linda Frisbee at the February meeting with your checkbook.

We had an absolutely fabulously Fun, Fun, Fun Float Trip in May 2013 !!!

We are looking forward to another Fun Trip !! Join us !!!

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Profiles of Ski Club Members By Ronnie Jones

Each month we will interview some members for you to get to know better.

Number of years in Ski Club 10 years

Occupation Marvin (Child Psychologist/Research and Development) Gem (Human Resourses

Manager) We are both retired! WELL, Gem is working part time for a CPA firm in Hot Springs.

Favorite place to ski Marvin (Any ski area in Colorado) Gem (doesn’t ski).

Favorite Place to travel Colorado, the upper Michigan area and the beaches of the Emerald coast,

Florida ( Just can’t pick one ).

Favorite LRSC event All of the events are our favorites. We enjoy seeing, and visiting with

our friends. We have never been disappointed.

Most people don’t know Gem plays the piano and loves the Denver Broncos. Marv plays tennis,

loves the Broncos and classical music.

How did you find out about the LRSC Gem’s brother, Jon Luer, is a member and told us the

LRSC is a good organization for travel and social evenys. ( and it is ).

Your idea of a romantic evening Marv and I enjoy a nice candlelight dinner sitting by the fireplace

with some red wine and good conversation. ( Red apple Inn provides all of the above).

My dream vacation We would both love to visit Finland again. (Marv is Finnish). A Viking Cruise

in Europe would also be wonderful.

Most memorable LRSC moment Marv ( Helping Gem with membership at meetings and

carrying boxes). Gem (Enjoying the friendship and dancing to the live bands at the annual Snow


Favorite foods Our favorite is seafood, salmon, and Italian dishes.

Favorite drink We both like red wine. Marv likes a whiskey sour and coffee with Irish Cream.

I drive a Gem ( Infiniti G35 ) Marv ( drives a Corolla sporty model/energy efficient).

Gem & Marvin Koski

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ter. We hope you will enjoy.

Favorite foods: Chocolate, fruit and lots of cooked veggies.

Favorite drink: A glass of sauvignon blanc.

I drive a blue SUV.

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Membership Memberships are for a period of one year, starting in August and ending in July. A non-member or guest may attend only two meetings per year without joining.

Please help us keep your information updated by sending changes in addresses, phone numbers and email to insure you receive reminders of special events, ski trips openings,

and other items of importance. Any changes should be sent to Membership Chairman Gem Koski, at P.O. Box 250046, Little Rock, AR 72225-0046, or [email protected]

If you are interested in advertising in the monthly newsletter, contact

Mike Graves at [email protected] or call 837-7222 Square Business card size ad for $150 for one year.


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Please consider doing business with our advertisers and to personally thank them for

helping to support our club. We appreciate their willingness to partner with us.

Sam Giannavila Jan 5

Sallie Gaves Jan 7

We want your input.

We want all of your support and suggestions for trips and activities. We would

like input on functions that we might offer that will be of interest to you .

Please contact a board member with your suggestions and please respond to any

surveys we send your way.

PAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements that appear in the Lift Line are PAID advertisements. The LRSC does

not endorse products or services advertised, but encourage you to consider them. Advertisements that may

compete with or affect our members’ participation on trips or at functions sponsored by LRSC will not be approved

for publication or distribution on line or promoted at meetings or functions.