literature strikes back!!!

10/4/2013 Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.Primalis- C.Sotiriou Literature Strikes Back!!! Teaching Literature with Technology Learning Technologies SIG “Diane Eastment” scholarship Chryssanthe Sotiriou Dimitris Primalis

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How to teach literature with the use of technology


  • 1. Learning Technologies SIG Diane Eastment scholarship Sotiriou Dimitris Primalis10/4/2013 Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouLiterature Strikes Back!!! Teaching Literature with Technology

2. Part 1 Old techniques enhanced by technology- flipped classroom? Part 2 Web2.0 tool and collaborative platforms Part 3 The floor to YOULiterature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouIntroduction The dilemma: Fight or act smart?10/4/2013Overview 3. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 4. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013The Trojan Mouse 5. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 6. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 7. I need say nothing here, on the first head, because nothing can show better than my history whether that prediction was verified or falsified by the result. On the second branch of the question, I will only remark, that unless I ran through that part of my inheritance while I was still a baby, I have not come into it yet. But I do not at all complain of having been kept out of this property; and if anybody else should be in the present enjoyment of it, he is heartily welcome to keep it. I was born with a caul, which was advertised for sale, in the newspapers, at the low price of fifteen guineas. Whether sea-going people were short of money about that time, or were short of faith and preferred cork jackets, I don't know; all I know is, that there was but one solitary bidding, and that was from an attorney connected with the10/4/2013 Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouWhether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously. In consideration of the day and hour of my birth, it was declared by the nurse, and by some sage women in the neighbourhood who had taken a lively interest in me several months before there was any possibility of our becoming personally acquainted, first, that I was destined to be unlucky in life; and secondly, that I was privileged to see ghosts and spirits; both these gifts inevitably attaching, as they believed, to all unlucky infants of either gender, born towards the small hours on a Friday night. 8. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 9. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 10. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouInformation gap Use of visual aids Learning styles Skills development Motivation Restrictions10/4/2013Jigsaw Activity 11. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/20131:1 class 12. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouCreate a digital group divide into smaller groups Send the listeners the audio file Send the viewers the video without sound10/4/2013Flipped classroom 13. 60 Second Recap LexipediaLiterature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou Ask them to reconstruct the story in class Tweet the story10/4/2013Flipped Classroom 14. SKYPE CONNECTION Skype an Author Network S Skype 15. PBLPrepare the groundThere is no one PBLSchool + classroom cultureMethods for getting BETTER 16. Science Fiction When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off by sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere 10/4/2013Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.Primalis-C.Sotiriou 17. Match the sounds with their sourcesSparrow CooPidgeon ChirpBus RoarBrakes Rumble10/4/2013 SquealLiterature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouWheel 18. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013Can you recognize the sounds? 19. 10/4/2013 Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouWhy the founders of St Merryns Hospital chose to erect their institution at a main road crossing upon a valuable office site and thus expose their patients nerves to constant laceration, is a foible that I never probably understood 20. 10/4/2013 Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouCustomarily the west-bound buses thundered along trying to beat the lights at the corner; as often as not a pig-squeal of breaks then the released crosstraffic would rev and roar as it started up the incline. 21. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.SotiriouBut this morning was different. Disturbingly because mysteriously different. No wheels rumbled, no buses roared, no sound of a car of any kind, in fact was to be heard. No brakes, no horns. The more I listened the queerer it seemed. There was not the cooing of a pigeon, not the chirp of a sparrow. Nothing but the humming of wires in the wind.10/4/2013The day of the Triffids 22. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 23. Blooms taxonomy: Liz Schultz Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 24. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 25. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/ 26. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 27. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 28. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 29. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 30. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 31. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 32. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 33. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 34. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou10/4/2013 35. Literature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou Technology can be a powerful ally not a foe Technology is not panacea but can stimulate learners interest in literature10/4/2013 Literature greatly enriches the EFL class with exposure to different genres 36. Dimitris Primalis [email protected] Chryssante Sotiriou [email protected] @chryssantheLiterature strikes back! 2013 IATEFL Conference D.PrimalisC.Sotiriou 10/4/2013Thank you!