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  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    English Literature Test Questions

    English Literature Test Questions

    Quiz and Test to Test Your Knowledge in Literature


    Literature based Language Quiz


    1. The epigraph of The Waste Land

    is borrowed from-

    (A) Virgil (B) Petronius

    (C) Seneca (D) HomerAnswer:D

    2. Who called The Waste Land a

    music of ideas ?

    (A) Allen Tate(B) ]. C. Ransom

    (C) l.A.Richa1:ds

    (D) F, R. LeavisAnswer:A

    3. T. S. Eliot has borrowed the term

    Unreal City in first and third

    sections from

    (A) Baudelaire(B) Irving Babbit

    (C) Dante

    (D) LaforgueAnswer:C

    4. Which of the following myths

    does not figure in The Waste

    Land ?

    (A) Oedipus

    (B) Grail Legend 0f Fisher King(C) Philomela

    (D) SysyphusAnswer:D

    5. Joe Gargery is Pips-

  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    (A) brother

    (B) brother-in-law(C) guardian

    (D) cousin


    6. Estella is the daughter of-

    (A) ]oe Gargery(B) Abel Magwitch

    (C) Miss Havisham

    (D) Bentley DrummleAnswer:A

    7. Which book of Iohn Ruskin

    influenced Mahatma Gandhi ?

    (A) Sesame and Lilies A

    (B) The Seven Lamps of Architecture(C) Unto This Last

    (D) Fors Clavigera


    8. Graham Greenes novels are

    marked by-

    (A) Catholicism

    (B) Protestantism(C) Paganism

    (D) BuddiusmAnswer:A

    9 One important feature of janeAustens style is-

    (A) boisterous humour

    (B) humour and pathos

    (C) subtlety of irony(D) stream of consciousness


    10. The title of the poem The Second

    Coming is taken from-

    (A) The Bible

    (B) The Irish mythology

    (C) The German mythology

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    (D) The Greek mythology


    ll. The main character in Paradise

    Lost Book l and Book Il is-

    (A) God (B) Satan

    (C) Adam (D) Eve


    12. ln Sons and Lovers, Paul Morels

    m0thers name is-

    (A) Susan (B) jane

    (C) Gertrude (D) EmilyAnswer:C

    13. The twins in Lord of the Flies


    (A) Ralph and jack

    (B) Simon and Eric(C) Ralph and Eric

    (D) Simon and Jack


    14. Mr. Jaggers, in Great Expectations, is a-

    (A) lawyer

    (B) postrnan(C) judge(D) schoolteacher


    15. What does I stand for in the

    following line ?

    To Carthage then I came(A) Buddha

    (B) Tiresias

    (C) Smyrna Merchant(D) Augustine


    16. The following lines are an

    example of ,.. image.The river sweats

    Oil and tar .. .

  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    (A) visual (B) kinetic

    (C) erotic (D) sensualAnswer:C

    17. Which of the following novels

    has the subtitle A Novel With

    out a Hero ?

    (A) Vanity Fair(B) Middlermarch

    (C) Wuthering Heights(D) Oliver Twist


    18. In Leda and the Swan, who

    wooes Leda in guise of a swan ?

    (A) Mars (B) Hercules(C) Zeus (D) Bacchus


    19. Who invented the term Sprung

    rhythm ?

    (A) Hopkins

    (B) Tennyson

    (C) Browning

    (D) WordsworthAnswer:A

    20. Who wrote the poem Defence ofLucknow ?

    (A) Browning (B) Tennyson(C) Swinburne (D) Rossetti


    21. Which of the following plays of

    Shakespeare has an epilogue ?

    (A) The Tempest

    (B) Henry IV, Pt I(C) Hamlet

    (D) Twelfth NightAnswer:A

    22. Hamlets famous speech T0 be,

    or not to be; that is the question

    occurs in-

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    (A) Act II, Scene I

    (B) Act III, Scene III(C) Act IV, Scene III

    (D) Act III, Scene I


    23. Identify the character in TheTempest who is referred to as

    an honest old councellor

    (A) Alonso (B) Ariel(C) Gonzalo (D) Stephano


    24. What is the sub-title of the play

    Twelfth Night ?(A) Or, What is you Will

    (B) Or, What you Will

    (C) Or, What you Like It

    (D) Or, What you ThinkAnswer:B

    25. Which of the following plays of

    Shakespeare, according to T. S.Eliot, is artistic failure ?

    (A) The Tempest

    (B) Hamlet

    (C) Henry IV, Ptl(D) Twelfth Night


    26. Who is Thomas Percy in Henry

    IV, Pt I ?

    (A) Earl of Northumberland(B) Earl of March

    (C) Earl of Douglas

    (D) Earl of WorcesterAnswer:A

    27. Paradise Lost was originallywritten in

    (A) ten books(B) eleven books

    (C) nine books

    (D) eight books


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    28, In Pride and Prejudice, Lydia

    elopes with-

    (A) Darcy

    (B) Wickham

    (C) William Collins

    (D) Charles BingleyAnswer:B

    29. Who coined the phrase Egotistical Sublime?

    (A) William Wordsworth

    (B) P. B. Shelley(C) S. T. Coleridge

    (D) John Keats


    30. Who is commonly known asPip in Great Expectations ?

    (A) Philip Pirrip

    (B) Filip Pirip

    (C) Philip Pip(D) Philips Pirip


    31. The novel The Power and the

    Glory is set in-

    (A) Mexico (B) Italy

    (C) France (D) GermanyAnswer:A

    32. Which of the following isGoldings first novel ?

    (A) The inheritors

    (B) Lord of the Flies

    (C) Pincher Martin(D) Pyramid


    33. Identify the character who is a

    supporter of Womens Rights inSons and Lovers ?

    (A) Mrs. Morel

    (B) Annie

    (C) Miriam

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    (D) Clara Dawes


    34. Vanity Fair is a novel by-

    (A) Jane Austen

    (B) Charles Dickens

    (C) W, M. Thackeray

    (D) Thomas HardyAnswer:C

    35. Shelleys Adunais is an elegy on

    the death of

    (A) Milton (B) Coleridge(C) Keats (D) Johnson


    36. Which of the following is the first

    novel of D. H. Lawrence ?(A) The White Peacock

    (B) The Trespasser

    (C) Sons and Lovers(D) Women in Love


    37. In the poem Tintern Abbey,

    dearest friend refers to-

    (A) Nature (B) Dorothy

    (C) Coleridge (D) WyeAnswer:B

    38. Who, among the following, is notthe second generation of British

    Romantics ?

    (A) Keats

    (B) Wordsworth(C) Shelley

    (D) Byron


    39. Which of the following poems ofColeridge is a ballad ?

    (A) Work Without Hope

    (B) Frost at Midnight

    (C) The Rime of the Ancient

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    (D) Youth and AgeAnswer:C

    40. Identify the writer who was

    expelled from Oxford for circulating a pamph1et~

    (A) P. B. Shelley

    (B) Charles Lamb(C) Hazlitt

    (D) ColeridgeAnswer:A

    41. Keatss Endymiou is dedicated


    (A) Leigh Hunt

    (B) Milton(C) Shakespeare

    (D) Thomas ChattertonAnswer:A

    42. The second series of Essays ofElia by Charles Lamb was

    published in-

    (A) 1823 (B) 1826

    (C) 1834 (D) 1833Answer:D

    43, Which of the following poetsdoes not belong to the LakeSchool ?

    (A) Keats

    (B) Coleridge

    (C) Southey(D) Wordsworth


    44. Who, among the following

    writers, was not educated atChrists Hospital School,


    (A) Charles Lamb

    (B) WilliamWordsworth(C) Leighliunt

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    (D) S. T. Coleridge


    45. VVh0 derided Hazlitt as one of

    the members of the Cockney

    School of Poetry ?

    (A) Tennyson

    (B) Charles Lamb(C) Lockhart

    (D) T. S. EliotAnswer:D

    46. Tennys0ns poem ln Memoriam

    was written in memory of~

    (A) A. H. Hallam

    (B) Edward King(C) Wellington

    (D) P. B. ShelleyAnswer:A

    47. Who, among the following, is notconnected with the Oxford


    (A) Robert Browning(B) John Keble

    (C) E. B. Pusey

    (D) ]. H. NewmanAnswer:A

    48. Identify the work by Swinburne

    which begins when the hounds

    of spring are on winterstraces.,.-

    (A) Chastelard

    (B) ASongofItaly

    (C) Atalantain Calydon(D) Songs before Sunrise


    49. Carlyles work On Heroes, Hero-

    Worship and the Heroic inHistory is a course of-

    (A) six lectures

    (B) five lectures

    (C) four lectures

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    (D) seven lectures


    50. Who is praised as a hero by

    Carlyle in his lecture on the

    I-lero as King ?

    (A) ]ohnson

    (B) Cromwell(C) Shakespeare

    (D) LutherAnswer:B

    English literature quiz

    This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of English literature.Shakespeare,Milton

    ,Novelists,Poets and works of English Literature iconsQuiz about classics of English Literature.

    Objective solve questions of the english literature quiz

    1. Brevity is the soul of wit is a quotation from?(A) Milton(B) William Shakespeare

    (C) T. S. Eliot

    (D) Ruskin

    Ans : B

    2. Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale.Who speaks the lines given above in Twelfth Night?

    (A) Duke Orsino

    (B) Malvolio(C) Sir Andrew Aguecheek

    (D) Sir Toby Belch

    Ans : D

    3. In Paradise Lost, Book I, Satan is the embodiment of Miltons?(A) Sense of injured merit

    (B) Hatred of tyranny

    (C) Spirit of revolt

    (D) All these

    Ans : C

    4. Who calls poetry the breadth and finer spirit of all knowledge?

    (A) Wordsworth

    (B) Shelley(C) Keats

    (D) Coleridge

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    Ans : A

    5. Twelfth Night opens with the speech of?(A)Viola

    (B) Duke


    (D) Malvolio

    Ans : B

    6. What was the cause of Williams death in Sons and Lovers?

    (A) An accident

    (B) An overdose of morphia(C) Suicide

    (D) Pneumonia

    Ans : D

    7. Which poem of Coleridge is an opium dream?

    (A) Kubla Khan(B) Christabel

    (C) The Ancient Mariner

    (D) Ode on the Departing Year

    Ans : A

    8. Which stanza form did Shelley use in his famous poem Ode to theWest Wind?

    (A) Rime royal

    (B) Ottava rima(C) Terza rima

    (D) Spenserian Stanza

    Ans :C

    9. The phrase Pathetic fallacy is coined by?

    (A) Milton(B) Coleridge

    (C) Carlyle

    (D) John Ruskin

    Ans : D

    10. Tracts for the Times relates to?

    (A) The Oxford Movement

    (B) The Pre-Raphaelite Movement(C) The Romantic Movement

    (D) The Symbolist Movement

    Ans : A

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    11. The Chartist Movement sought?

    (A) Protection of the political rights of the working class(B) Recognition of chartered trading companies

    (C) Political rights for women

    (D) Protection of the political rights of the middle class

    Ans : A

    12. Who wrote Biographia Literaria?(A)Byron

    (B) Shelley(C) Coleridge

    (D) Lamb

    Ans : C

    13. Who was Fortinbras?

    (A) Claudiuss son(B) Son to the king of Norway

    (C) Ophelias lover(D) Hamlets Mend

    Ans : B

    14. How many soliloquies are spoken by Hamlet in the play Hamlet?

    A) Nine

    (C) Five

    (B) Seven(D) Three

    Ans : C

    15. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. The

    above lines have been taken from?(A) The Waste Land

    (B) Tintern Abbey

    (C) The Second Coming(D) Prayer for My Daughter

    Ans : C

    16 William Morel in Sons and Lovers is drawn after?(A) Lawrences father

    (B) Lawrences brother(C) Lawrence himself

    (D) None of these

    Ans : D

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    17. The most notable characteristic of Keats poetry is?

    (A) Satire(B) Sensuality

    (C) Sensuousness

    (D) Social reform

    Ans : C

    18. The key-note of Brownings philosophy of life is?(A) agnosticism

    (B) optimism(C) pessimism

    (D) skepticism

    Ans : B

    19. The title of Carlyles Sartor Resartus means?

    (A) Religious Scripture(B) Seaside Resort

    (C) Tailor Repatched(D) None of these

    Ans : C

    20. Epipsychidion is composed by?

    (A) Coleridge

    (B) Wordsworth

    (C) Keats(D) Shlley

    Ans : D

    21. The better part of valour is discretion occurs in Shakespeares?

    (A) Hamlet(B) Twelfth Night

    (C) The Tempest

    (D) Henry IV, Pt I

    Ans : D

    22. Epic similes are found in which work of John Milton?

    (A) Paradise Lost(B) Sonnets

    (C) Lycidas(D) Areopagitica

    Ans : A

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    23. Identify the writer who used a pseudonym, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, for much of his

    early work?(A) Charles Dickens

    (B) W. M. Thackeray

    (C) Graham Greene(D) D. H. Lawrence

    Ans : C

    24. Pride and Prejudice was originally a youthful work entitled?

    (A)Last Impressions(B)False Impressions

    (C)First Impressions

    (D)True Impressions

    Ans :C

    25. Identify the novel in which the character of Charlotte Lucas figures(A) Great Expectations

    (B) The Power and the Glory(C) Lord of the Flies(D) Pride and Prejudice

    Ans : D

    26; Theres a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.

    The line given above occurs in

    (A) Hamlet(B) Henry IV, Pt I

    (C) The Tempest

    (D) Twelfth Night

    Ans :A

    27. Who said that Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes?

    (A) Ben Jonson

    (B) John Ruskin(C) Thomas Carlyle

    (D) William Hazlitt

    Ans :B

    28. Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeares greatest?

    (A) comic figures(B) historical figures

    (C) romantic figures

    (D) tragic figures

    Ans : A

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    29. That Milton was of the Devils party without knowing it, was

    said by?(A)Blake

    (B) Eliot

    (C)Johnson(D) Shelley

    Ans :A

    30. Who called Shelley a beautiful and ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous

    wings in vain?(A) Walter Pater

    (B) A. C. Swinburne

    (C) Matthew Arnold

    (D) T. S. Eliot

    Ans :C

    31. Essays of Ella are?

    (A) full of didactic sermonising(B) practically autobiographical fragments(C) remarkable for their aphoristic style

    (D) satirical and critical

    Ans : B

    32. The theme of Tennysons Poem The Princess is?

    (A) Queen Victorias coronation(B) Industrial Revolution

    (C) Womens Education and Rights

    (D) Rise of Democracy

    Ans : C

    33. Thackerays Esmond is a novel of historical realism capturing the spirit of?

    (A) the Medieval age

    (B) the Elizabethan age(C) the age of Queen Anne

    (D) the Victorian age

    Ans :A

    34. Oedipus Complex is?

    (A) a kind of physical ailment(B) a kind of vitamin

    (C)a brothers attraction towards his sister

    (D) a sons attraction towards his mother

    Ans : D

  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    35. My own great religion is a belief in the blood, the flesh as being wiser than the

    intellect. Who wrote this?(A)Graham Greene

    (B)D. H. Lawrence

    (C)Charles Dickens(D) Jane Austen

    Ans :B

    36 .Shakespeare makes fun of the Puritans in his play?

    (A) Twelfth Night(B) Hamlet

    (C) The Tempest

    (D) Henry IV,Pt I

    Ans :A

    37. The rarer action is in virtue that in vengeance. This line occurs in?(A) Hamlet

    (B) Henry IV,Pt I(C) The Tempest(D) Twelfth Night

    Ans :C

    38. Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice is a?

    (A) Picaresque novel

    (B) Gothic novel(C) Domestic novel

    (D) Historical novel

    Ans : C

    39. Heaven lies about us in our infancy. This line occurs in the poem?(A) Immortality Ode

    (B) Tintern Abbey

    (C) The Second Coming(D) Leda and the Swan

    Ans :A

    40. Wordsworth calls himself a Worshipper of Nature in hispoem

    (A) Immortality Ode(B) Tintern Abbey

    (C) The Prelude

    (D) The Solitary Reaper

    Ans : B

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    41. When Wordsworths Immortality Ode was first published in

    1802, it had only?(A) Stanzas I to IV

    (B) Stanzas I toV

    (C) Stanzas I to VI(D) Stanzas I to VII

    Ans B

    42. Which method of narration has been employed by Dickens in his novel Great

    Expectations?(A) Direct or epic method

    (B) Documentary method

    (C) Stream of Consciousness technique

    (D) Autobiographical method

    Ans A

    43. Who said Keats was a Greek?

    (A) Wordsworth(B) Coleridge(C) Lamb

    (D) Shelley

    Ans B

    44. D. G. Rossetti was a true literary

    descendant of?(A) Keats

    (B) Byron

    (C) Shelley(D) Wordsworth

    Ans A

    45. To which character in Hamlet does the following description apply?

    The tedious wiseacre who meddles his way to his doom.(A) Claudius

    (B) Hamlet

    (C) Polonius

    (D) Rosencrantz

    Ans : B

    46. Brownings famous poem Rabbi Ben Ezra is included in?

    (A) Dramatis Personae

    (B) Dramatic Idyls(C) Asolando

    (D) Red Cotton Night-Cap Country

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    Ans : A

    47. S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of?(A) The Royal Society of Edinburgh

    (B) The Royal Society ofLondon

    (C) Royal Society of Arts

    (D) Royal Society of Literature

    Ans : D

    48. Which of the following is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen?

    (A) Sense and Sensibility

    (B) Mansfield Park(C) Sandition

    (D) Persuasion

    Ans : C

    49.Why did Miss Havisham remain a spinster throughout her life in Great

    Expectations?(A) She was poor

    (B) She was arrogant

    (C) Because she was betrayed by the bridegroom(D) She was unwilling to marry

    Ans : B

    50. W. B. Yeats received the Nobel Prize for literature in the year?

    (A)1938(B) 1925

    (C)1932(D) 1923

    Ans : D

    51. The Romantic Revival in English Poetry was influencedby the?

    (A) French Revolution

    (B) Glorious Revolution of1688(C) Reformation

    (D) Oxford Movement

    Ans : A

    52. The Pre-Raphaelite poets were mostly indebted to the poets of the?(A) Puritan movement

    (B) Romantic revival

    (C) Neo-classical age

    (D) Metaphysical school

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    Ans : B

    53. O, you are sick of self-love Who is referred to in thesewords in Twelfth Night?


    (B) Sir Andrew

    (C)Sir Toby(D) Malvolio

    Ans : D

    54. Hamlet is?

    (A) an intellectual(B) a man of action

    (C) a passionate lover

    (D) an over ambitious man

    Ans : C

    55. Which of Shakespeares characters exclaims; Brave, new, world!?(A) Ferdinand

    (B) Antonio

    (C) Miranda(D) Prospero

    Ans : C

    56. Paradise Lost shows an influence of?

    (A) Paganism(B) Pre-Christian theology

    (C) Christianity and the Renaissance(D) Greek nihilism

    Ans : C

    57. The style of Paradise Lost is?(A) more Latin than most poems

    (B) more spontaneous than thought out

    (C) more satirical than spontaneous(D) more dramatic than lyrical

    Ans : A

    58. In Pride and Prejudice we initially dislike but later tend to like?

    (A) Mr. Bennet(B) Wickham


    (D) Darcy

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    Ans : D

    59. Who in Hamlet suggests that one should neither be a lender nor a borrower?(A)Gertrude

    (B) Polonius


    (D) Hamlet

    Ans : B

    60. Shakespeares Henry IV, Pt I contains his?

    (A) senecan attitude

    (B) patriotism(C) love of nature

    (D) platonic ideals

    Ans : B

    English Literature Online Test Free

    multiple choice questions on english literatureenglish literature practice quiz

    English Literature

    1. The speech was too long a talk

    to hold the interest of the listeners.

    (A) Complex sentence

    (B) Simple sentence

    (C) Interrogative sentence

    (D) Comparative sentence


    2. My deeds upon my head ! crave

    the law, The penalty and forfeit

    of my bonds

    (A) Shylock speaks these lines tothe Duke

    (B) Portia appeals to Shylock

    (C) Antonio pleads to the Duke(D) Shylock speaks these lines as

    an argument to Portia


    3. Complacently means-

  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    (A) Self-satisfied

    (B) Confident(C) Devoted

    (D) Devout


    4. The poem Once upon a Time is

    a poem by-

    (A) T.S. Eliot

    (B) Leigh Hunt

    (C) Gabriel Okara(D) W.B. Yeats


    5. The antonym of Banish is-

    (A) Deport(B) Accept(C) Expel

    (D) Exile


    6. The Women in ancient India


    (A) Ill-treated and uneducated

    (B) Confined in the interiors ofthe house

    (C) Were literate poets, administrators and scholars(D) Hated education


    7. Gandhiji decided to teach all the

    children together because-

    (A) He gave first place to the

    culture of the heart and believedthat moral training could be

    given to all children together(B) They had all been brought

    up in different conditions and

    environment(C) They belonged to different


  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    (D) Nation and culture of each

    child was different


    8. Words are like leaves]

    The figure of speech used in this

    sentence is-

    (A) Metonymy(B) Antithesis

    (C) Personification

    (D) Simile


    9. The synonym of yield is-

    (A) Submit

    (B) Dumb(C) Aggravate(D) Reckless


    10. Revenge is a kind of wild justice}

    The figure of speech in thissentence is-

    (A) Metaphor

    (B) Oxymoron(C) Epigram(D) Personification


    11.. Why man, if the river were dry)

    I am able to fill it with tears}

    The figure of speech in thissentence is

    (A) Epigram(B) Oxymoron

    (C) Antithesis(D) Hyperbole


  • 7/29/2019 literature sindhi


    12. Choose the odd answer :

    The accountant of the villageHosahalli-

    (A) Was a rigid and outdated


    (B) Was an enlightened manwho sent his son to Bangalore for

    studies(C) Was courageous and literatefellow

    (D) Was a son called Ranga


    13. Calumnies means-

    (A) Statements(B) Slanderous statements

    (C) Callousness(D) Cadence


    14. He is strong enough to push the


    (A) Superlative sentence

    (B) Simple sentence(C) Complex sentence

    (D) Negative sentence


    15. Gandhiji decided to teach the

    children in the Tolstoy farmbecause the prime factor dominating his mind was

    (A) He did not have much funds

    (B) Qualified teachers were notavailable

    (C) Teachers were not ready totravel long distances

    (D) He did not believe in theexisting system of education and

    wanted to devise a new one by

    experiment and experience


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    16. The main cause of Gandhijis

    success as a teacher was-

    (A) His simplicty and devotion

    (B) His audacity

    (C) Because he never disguised

    his ignorance and was alwayswilling to learn

    (D) The handbooks he hadacquired during his voyage andin jail


    17. The camel is the ship of the

    desert!The figure of speech in this

    sentence is-

    (A) Euphernism(B) Metaphor(C) Hyperbole

    (D) Simile


    18. He had to sign or be executed.

    (A) Complex sentence(B) Simple sentence

    (C) Imperative sentence _,(D) Compound sentence


    Directi0ns(Q. 69-73) Read thefollowing extract carefully and ans-

    wer the questions that follow by

    choosing correct answer 1I would like to address a few

    words in particular to our young men

    and women. If they are to be effectivein the service of the nation, it is

    essential that they must fit themselves

    in every way for this task. Thebuilding up of a vast and pulsating

    democratic nation is no mean under-

    taking, and a mere desire to be in the

    service of the nation is not enough 2 it

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    must be accompanied by the ability to

    do so effectively.There are several distinct dimen-

    sions in which our youth must equip

    themselves. The first is the physical.Building a great democracy and

    defending it from predatory aggres-

    sors requires a young generation that

    is physically strong, with muscles ofiron and nerves of steel, and for this

    it must equipitself by undertaking

    physical training and developingphysical fitness to the maximum

    extent possible. Despite technological

    advances and mechanisation, defenceis still to a large extent, a matter of

    dogged physical endurance and

    courage as our Officers and Iawanshave so magnificently proved on the

    battle-field and they emerged victo-rious against superior and more

    sophisticated war equipment. In thiscontext the National Cadet Corps, the

    Physical Fitness Scheme, and other

    similar organisations play valuablerole in building up the strength of

    our youth, and these opportunities

    must be fully availed of. Along withphysical fitness the qualities of

    discipline and teamsmanship are

    essential, particularly for those plan-to join the proud ranks of our

    defence forces, because what is

    required is not only individual

    achievement but corporate progress.

    19. The mere desire to be in the

    service of the nation is useless,


    (A) Because building up a vast

    democratic nation is not an easytask

    (B) All forces of the youth aremobilized in the correct direction

    (C) Youth are highly educated

    (D) Mere desire without energy

    is inactive involvement anduseless

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    20. Physical fitness is very muchrequired because-

    (A) Illness would hamper pros-

    perity .

    (B) More hospitals would be

    required(C) It is needed to defend the

    nation from any threat or aggres-sion

    (D) Finance of the nation would

    be drained for medical purposes


    21. Technological advances andmechanisation are not in them

    selves sufficient because-

    (A) Defence of the nation should

    be strong(B) Defence is more important

    (C) Major youth potential would

    go in defence(D) Without power to defend

    the nation, peace is not possible

    and thus technological advancesimpossible


    22. In the battle-fields our armies


    (A) Never won due to lack ofphysical fitness

    (B) Sometimes won and some-

    times lost

    (C) Proved their ability by win-

    ning over more sophisticatedarmies

    (D) Shown lack of physical fit-ness


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    23. For those joining the defence


    (A) Physical fitness is required

    (B) Besides physical fitness,

    discipline and teamsmanship are

    required and very necessary(C) Facilities of NCC are of

    prime importance(D) just a willingness to joindefence forces is needed


    24. She is weaker than she should


    (A) interrogative sentence(B) Imperative sentence

    (C) Simple sentence(D) Complex sentence


    25. The fault is in ourselves, not in

    the stars means-

    (A) Do not blame stars for your

    destiny and deeds(B) Never leave everything to

    the tate(C) Stars are stronger and decideeverything

    (D) Stars cannot decide our fate


    26. The Tale of the Melon City is

    named thus because-

    (A) It is die tale of a land where

    melons grew in abundance(B) A melon was crowned the

    King of the city(C) The King of the city was

    fond of melons

    (D) Melons are delicious and thepoet is fond of them

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    27. Dubiously means-

    (A) Two-sided(B) Hesitantly

    (C) Confused

    (D) Cheating


    28. Mr. Berrie, the jailor regarded

    hixnselt the emperor because-

    (A) The prisoners in jail were

    lifetime convicts, and he was meonly person to whom they could


    (B) He was the wholesole master

    there(C) The convicts regarded him

    their God

    (D) He was a Britisher


    29. I wish that I shall get a medal-

    (A) Noun phrase

    (B) Noun clause

    (C) Adjective clause(D) Adverb clause


    30. The budding twigs spread out

    its fan} Fan is a-

    (A) Metaphor(B) Simile

    (C) Hyperbole

    (D) Okymoron


    31. Spiritual training was given to

    the children through-

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    (A) Religious books

    (B) Religious scriptures(C) Developing the spirit and

    enabling one to work towards

    the knowledge of God andtowards self-realization

    (D) Teaching them superstitions


    32, Variety is the spice of life.The figure of speech used in this

    sentence is

    (A) Oxymoron

    (B) Metaphor(C) Epigram

    (D) Personification


    33. The antonym of Benevolence


    (A) Malevolence

    (B) Beneficence

    (C) Bounty

    (D) Charity `


    34. Man proposes, God disposes.

    The figure of speech in this

    sentence is

    (A) Euphonism(B) Epigram

    (C) Hyperbole

    (D) Antithesis


    35. Give every man thy ear, but few

    thy voice.

    The figure of speech used in thissentence is-

    (A) Epigram

    (B) Antithesis

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    (C) Apostrophe

    (D) Metaphor


    36. Ranga did not want to get

    married in the village because-

    (A) He did not find any suitablematch in the village(B) He wanted to get married to

    a mature girl

    (C) He wanted to get married tothe girl, whom he was in love


    (D) He thought that a manshould marry a girl whom he



    37. Maggie was under the impres-

    sion that all Indians are vege-tarians because

    (A) Only Britishers are non-


    (B) She had heard that mostlyIndians do not eat meat and

    India is a land ot yogis

    (C) The author himself lookedlike a yogi

    (D) Author had expressed his

    dislike for non-vegetarian food


    38, Mr. Baldwin is persuaded by his

    family to say, he does not

    remember anything, because

    (A) He has forgotten everything(B) He will get a very huge

    amount in return for saying this,

    from Mr. Gresham(C) Mr. Baldwins own son is

    also named John

    (D) He needed to refresh his

    memory for accuracy

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    39. While teaching the childrenGandhiji found that the children

    easily remembered-

    (A) Things that they learnt from


    (B) What was taught to themindependently and verbally

    (C) Whatever was written on theblackboard

    (D) When they were scolded for



    40. The incident of beating theboy taught Gandhiji a better

    way of correcting the studentsbecause-

    (A) He found that though theyoungsters thus punished forgot

    it, but they never showed any

    improvement -(B) He learnt that students

    should be dealt with firmly

    (C) Cases of misconduct becomeless frequent

    (D) Students cannot improvewithout corporal punishment


    41. The Assyrians came down like awolf on the fold}

    The figure of speech in this

    sentence is-

    (A) Siinile

    (B) Metaphor(C) Oxymoron

    (D) Epigrarn


    42. Mourad defended his act of

    stealing the horse by saying

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    (A) Someone had given it to him

    (B) It would not become steal-ing unless he offered to sell the


    (C) He had borrowed it(D) lt was his friends horse


    43. The Hour of Truth reflects the-

    (A) Political situation of those

    days(B) Psychology of present man

    (C) Social evils of the society

    (D) Ethical background


    44. The study of mythology assumeda new character because-

    (A) Light has been thrown on it

    by ancient Vedic mythology ofIndia

    (B) It has become a fashion to

    study mythology

    (C) Even the fables of India arefull of mythology

    (D) Buddhism has been its

    principal source


    45. Choose the incorrect answer :

    Hosahalli is

    (A) A small village in Mysore

    (B) To Mysore what the filling isto Karigadabu

    (C) Its people are like a flock of

    sheep(D) The Sahibs of England have

    praised it in their writings


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    46. Brain Bhowmik, today a celebrity,

    was trying to avoid the glance ofhis fellow passenger because-

    (A) He appeared to be an

    unfriendly fellow

    (B) His glance was very piercing(C) He recognized that he was

    the same man whose clock hehad stolen years ago(D) They had met in bitter



    47. Barin consoled himself with thethought that the man failed to

    recognize him because-

    (A) He had a bad memory(B) Barins physical appearancehad changed

    (C) He was like Animesh-da

    (D) He had forgiven Barin


    48. Genius is an infinite capacity fortaking pains, means-

    (A) Very intelligent person(B) Excellent capacity to memo-rize

    (C) Exceptional capacity is the

    result of inexhaustable willing-

    ness to work and take greatUouble

    (D) Excellent understanding



    49, Turn a deaf ear means-

    (A) Ignore

    (B) Turn away from somebody

    (C) Refuse to listen to some-thing or somebody

    (D) Refuse to go with

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    50. The king became angry because-

    (A) The arch was built too low(B) The arch was not built artistically

    (C) The arch was built at the

    wrong place

    (D) The crowd disapproved ofthe arch
