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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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MRRS Solutions Corporation. Listen…Question…Analyze…Solve. M anagement R eporting & R einsurance S ystem. We have a world of experience!. Listen…Question…Analyze…Solve. Point and Click. The iSeries Becomes an Additional Server on Your Network. Access to PC Packages. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • ListenQuestionAnalyzeSolveManagement Reporting & Reinsurance SystemMRRS Solutions CorporationWe have a world of experience!

  • ListenQuestionAnalyzeSolvePoint and ClickAccess to PC Packages The iSeries Becomes an Additional Server on Your Network

  • ListenQuestionAnalyzeSolveDoes Your System Have A Problem With The UPR & IBNR Reserve?Do You Use Multiple Systems & Spreadsheets?Having Difficulties Managing Your Reinsurance Protections?Are You Satisfied With The Information Your System Provides?THE MRRS WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS

  • SOLUTIONorYour SystemorSpreadsheetsMRRSInterface

    MRRSDATABASEI.B.N.R. Entry and Automatic Distribution

    The Most Comprehensive Reporting System Available Understand where you areMaking or Losing MoneyInward & Outward Cash Management SystemDirectInterfaceFromBroker orMGAReinsuranceModuleTop Side EntryInward/OutwardInward Cash Management SystemAccrual Entry & Automatic Generation Including D.A.C.CashManagementReports

  • We have created a Reinsurance Module to handle virtually any structure Per Risk Excess Treaties Proportional TreatiesIndividual Facultative The MRRS will even handle your Cat ProtectionsInternal & External Schedule F Cash Management & ReportingTracks your aggregatesManages commutations

  • One DatabaseMRRSData BaseIn-House AppVendor Application Systemi.e. GeniusSpreadsheetsSolution

  • Daily Portfolio AnalysisMRRSData BaseDrill-DownAny SegmentOf YourPortfolioSearchesCreate Missing DataImaging SystemSQLExcelCrystal ReportsBusiness ObjectsEasy Export to PC PackagesGraphs and ChartsUse YourPCto

  • Our reporting system will help you understand what segments of your portfolio are making or losing moneybefore its too late

  • The reporting system is based on your financial statements. Any Number on the Technical Income StatementCan be explained down to the individual Risk or ClaimYou can only analyze profit & loss four times a year

  • ListenQuestionAnalyzeSolveYou probably started at the bottomThe MRRS starts at the topMany systems claim that it can provide everythingYou will see what you get before you invest your money

  • ListenQuestionAnalyzeSolve The income statement Reinsurance Calculations Year to Date Results Quarter to Quarter Large Loss Report Reinsurance Results Development TriangleManagement Reporting & Reinsurance System Some Canned Reports:

  • Chief ActuaryChief Claims OfficerC.F.O.C.U.W.Board of DirectorsManagement DocumentMRRS ReportsCommentsAnalysisBoard PackageC.E.OInformationQUESTIONSANSWERS

  • MRRSWingsStatutory Statement

  • Additional FeaturesAutomated Accrual CreationSliding Scale CommissionRetrospective Rated PremiumProfit CommissionIntegrated Imaging System

    **Talk about these different problems*Talk about these different problems*Talk about buying companies and porfolios, using the front-end systems as simple premium and claim postings,.let the mrrs handle the incoming cash for cash flow reporting******Concentrating on the adminstr****