links & rankings, the story in the data - brightonseo april 2017

Links & Rankings The Story in the Data

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Links & RankingsThe Story in the Data

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You navigate the web using links


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So links are a usefulproxy for popularity & trust


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There are now other waysto browse the web


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& Google doesn’t need toapproximate popularity


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Google is a browser


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Google is an ISP


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Google is, of course,a dominant search engine


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So they have the real dataon user behaviour.

No need for a proxy.


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& links have become a dirty signal


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So what, for Google, is the point in links?

Are they obsolete?


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First: House rules


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Don’t tweet this:


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Do tweet this:


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Has it already happened?

What could replace links?

What should you do next?

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1. What could replace links?

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The obvious answer:

Machine learning + user signals

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The less obvious answer:


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What if you could find a way to measure brand?

We all struggle with this.


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This is elementary for Google.


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Has it already happened?

What could replace links?

What should you do next?

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Has it already happened?

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What does Google say?

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“And I can tell you what they are.It is content. And it’s links pointing to your site.”

Andrey Lipattsev, Search Quality Senior Strategist, Google

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Question: Are links already redundant?● Google: No

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Counterclaim:Google is routinely wrong technically

correct about how Google works


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Classic examples:● HTTPS migrations pre-2016● 302s are as good as 301s● Subdomains are as good as sub-folders● CCTLDs are as good as .com


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Question: Are links already redundant?● Google: No

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Lots of people have found correlations


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We all know that correlationdoes not imply causation


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But causation & coincidenceare not the only possibilities


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We’ve all enjoyed this


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And this


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But how do these happen?


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)

2. Linearity - both cheese consumption and bedsheet-related deaths are trending linearly, and thus loosely correlated


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)

2. Linearity - both cheese consumption and bedsheet-related deaths are trending linearly , and thus loosely correlated


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)

2. Linearity - both cheese consumption and bedsheet-related deaths are

trending linearly, and thus loosely correlated

3. Reverse causation - it is in fact drownings that cause Nicholas Cage films, not

vice versa


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)

2. Linearity - both cheese consumption and bedsheet-related deaths are

trending linearly, and thus loosely correlated

3. Reverse causation - it is in fact drownings that cause Nicholas Cage films, not

vice versa

Or in our case...


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Potential Mechanisms

1. Complete coincidence - Nicholas Cage and drownings are in fact unrelated (!)

2. Linearity - both cheese consumption and bedsheet-related deaths are

trending linearly, and thus loosely correlated

3. Reverse causation - it is in fact drownings that cause Nicholas Cage films, not

vice versa

4. Joint causation - both cheese consumption and deaths in bedsheets are

related to increasing affluence (& effluence)


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Affluence causes:● Cheese consumption● Bedsheet deaths


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Brand awareness causes:● Links● Rankings?

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Brand awareness causes:● Links● Rankings?

This would explain those studies.


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Question: Are links already redundant?● Google: No● Correlation Studies: Inconclusive

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So how does brand awareness compare?


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If you care about DA, you should care about Branded Search Volume


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Question: Are links already redundant?● Google: No● Correlation Studies: Inconclusive● My Data: Yes

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Statistical Significance: 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999


R Squared: ~1%

Pearson’s Correlation: ~0.1

Which means that there’s something I’m missing.


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Qualitatively, what doesranking flux look like?

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Real World Example 1: Flowers

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Keyword: FlowersMarket: GB-enPeriod: May-Dec 2016Device: Smartphone

(This is all public data)

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What do we notice?1. Highly erratic

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What do we notice?1. Highly erratic2. Dominant site collapsed

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What do we notice?1. Highly erratic2. Dominant site collapsed3. DA 33 site overtakes DA 53 site(s)

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Old-school ranking factors:1. On-site2. Algorithm updates3. Links

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Old-school ranking factors:1. On-site2. Algorithm updates3. Links

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Old-school ranking factors:1. On-site2. Algorithm updates3. Links

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Site A (DA 53)

Site B (DA 33)

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Site A (DA 53)

Site B (DA 33)


40 domains

40 domains

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Old-school ranking factors:1. On-site2. Algorithm updates3. Links

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This is not unusual.


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Takeaway 1:Google is continuously iterating


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Takeaway 2:(Users like) Aesthetics & Price


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Real World Example 2:

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Content piece gains 168 referring domains

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Content piece gains 22 referring domains

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Content piece gains 191 referring domains

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Takeaway:Links move the needle ...sometimes?


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Question: Are links already redundant?● Google: No● Correlation Studies: Inconclusive● My Data: Yes● Anecdotal: Mixed


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Bringing all this together

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An explanation that is consistentwith all of this


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Perhaps there are now two tiers.


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1. At the competitive, data-rich top end, links mean increasingly little


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1. At the competitive, data-rich top end, links mean increasingly little

2. But, for now, links might be a big part of what gets you into that shortlist.

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Has it already happened?

What could replace links?

What should you do next?

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What should you do next?

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Win at user testing

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User testing for SEO: Places to start

1. Panda surveys

2. Click-through rate experiments

3. Plain old CRO - especially focusing on initial bounce

4. All of the above: Mobile first

None of this is new!


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Win at brand awareness & perception

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If you want to build links, think:

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Would Google value this tacticin a world without links?


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Thank You
