light scattering by phonon-polaritons

SpringerTracts in Modern Physics Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften 75 Editor: G. H6hler Associate Editor: E.A. Niekisch Editorial Board: S. Flegge J. Hamilton F. Hund H. Lehmann G. Leibfried W.Paul

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Page 1: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

SpringerTracts in Modern Physics Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften


Editor: G. H6hler Associate Editor: E.A. Niekisch

Editorial Board: S. Flegge J. Hamilton F. Hund H. Lehmann G. Leibfried W.Paul

Page 2: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

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Page 3: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

R.Claus L.Merten J.BrandmLiller

Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

With 55 Figures

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1975

Page 4: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Prof. Dr.J. BrandmQIler Dr, R. Claus

Sektion Physik der Universit&t MC~nchen 8 MCinchen 40, Schellingstra6e 4/IV

Prof. Dr. L. Merten

Fachbereich Physik der Universit&t M(Jnster 44 Mgnster, Schlo6platz 7

ISBN 3-540-07423-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-07423-6 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin

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Page 5: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Our understanding of the properties of phonon polaritons has reached

a level that allows numerous applications in the field of chemical

analysis of the experimental methods developed. The present volume

is intended as an introduction to the field and is written primari-

ly for experimentalists. Theories have normally been included only

to the extent they have been verified. Representative experiments

demonstrating the different theoretically derived effects are des-

cribed in detail.

The book begins with a brief review of the Raman effect and its ap-

plications, including some historical remarks. Grouptheoretical as-

pects of light scattering by phonons are summarized in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 gives an elementary description of the simplest model for

phonon polaritons in ideal crystals, starting from the Born -von

K&rm&n model which is assumed to be known from any textbook on so-

lid-state physics. Chapter 4 deals with the theory and experimental

methods for polyatomic crystals of arbitrary symmetry. Finally,

some related subjects, such as stimulated scattering and surface

effects, are treated in Chapter 5.

Various parts of the text have been written by the authors Brand-

mNller (B), Claus (C), and Merten (M) as follows: Sections i.i to

2.6 (B), 3.1 to 4.9 (C), 4.10 to 4.14 (M), 5.1 to 5.5 (C), Appen-

dix 1 (M), Appendices 2 and 3 (C), and Appendix 4 (B/C). We want to

thank G. Borstel, J. Falge, H. W. Schr~tter, and F.X. Winter for

stimulating discussions. We thank W. Kress, Stuttgart for references

and J.F. Scott, Boulder, Colorado for critical remarks.

Munich, December 1974 R. Claus L. Merten J. BrandmHller


Page 6: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Table of Contents

I. Introduction ............................................... I

1.1 What are Polaritons? .................................. I

1.2 The Raman Effect ...................................... 2

1.3 Different Causes of the Raman Effect .................. 7

1.4 Resonance Raman Effect ................................ 9

1.5 Nonlinear Raman Effects ............................... 10

2. Raman Scattering by Optical Phonons ........................ 13

2.1 The Phonon Wave-Vector ................................ 13

2.2 Observation of Optical Phonons by Raman Scattering .... 15

2.3 Factor Groups Analysis ................................ 15

2.4 Character Tables of the Point Groups .................. 16

2.5 Selection Rules ....................................... 20

2.6 The Raman Tensor ...................................... 35

3. Dispersion of Polar Optical Modes in Cubic Diatomic Crystals 41

3.1 Huangs' Equations ..................................... 41

3.2 The Retardation Effect ................................ 45

3.3 Dispersion of Polar Phonon Modes in the Polariton Region 47

3.4 Energy Density and Polaritons in Magnetic Materials .., 52

4. Dispersion of Polar Optical Modes in Polyatomic General

Crystals ................................................... 55

4.1 Fundamental Equations of the Polariton Theory ......... 55

4.2 The Macroscopic Theory and Fresnels' Equation of the

Wave Normal ............................................ 57

4.3 Polaritons in Cubic Crystals .......................... 62

4.4 Polaritons in Uniaxial Crystals ....................... 69

4.5 Experimental Arrangements ............................. 72

4.6 Directional Dispersion of Extraordinary Phonons in

Uniaxial Crystals (Oblique Phonons) ................... 78


Page 7: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

4.7 Extraordinary Polaritons in Uniaxial Crystals

(Oblique Polaritons) .................................. 91

4.8 Ordinary Polaritons and Parametric Luminescence

in Uniaxial Crystals .................................. 106

4.9 Polaritons in Biaxial Crystals ........................ 117

4.10 Damping of Po!aritons ................................. 126

4.11 Polariton Eigenvectors ................................ 136

4.12 Polariton Scattering Intensities ...................... 139

4.13 The Microscopic Theory ................................ 144

4.14 Polaritons as Particles ............................... 151

5. Some Special Topics Relative to Polaritons ................. 161

5.1 Stimulated Raman Scattering by Polaritons ............. 161

5.2 Polariton-Plasmon Coupling ............................ 175

5.3 On the Observation of Bulk Polaritons by TM Reflection 178

5.4 Surface Polaritons .................................... 182

5.5 Polariton Interaction with Localized Modes,

Second-Order Phonons and Soft Modes ................... 188

Appendix I

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

The Ewald Method ................................. 193

The Microscopic Treatment by Pick ................ 197

The Response Function Treatment by

Barker and Loudon ................................ 201

Raman Tensor Tables for the 32 Crystal Classes ... 204

References .................................................... 212

Author Index .................................................. 229

Subject Index ................................................. 235


Page 8: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

1. Introduction


Because ideal crystalline materials show translational symmetries

the eigenfunctions of excited states in such materials can be re-

presented by plane waves according to Bloch's theorem /1,5/. The ex-

cited states frequently are associated with an electric (or magne-

tic) polarization field so that polarization waves will be genera-

ted. The polarization waves on the other hand couple with electro-

magnetic waves described by Maxwell's equations. Coupled excited

states of this type have become known as polaritons. The most impor-

tant types of polarization waves in crystals are exciton waves /3,6/,

plasma waves /4/, and long-wavelength infrared-active optical lattice

waves. 'Long-wavelength' means that the wavelength I is very large

compared with the short-range interatomic forces, see 4.13.

The term 'polariton', however, also stands for the energy quanta of

the excitations in question. Thus a polariton is a quasi-particle

consisting of a photon coupled with an exciton, plasmon or a long-

wavelength polar optical phonon, see 4.14. The different types of

polaritons are distinguished by the terms exciton-like, plasmon-like

or phonon-like.lf one includes the coupling via a magnetic field,

the coupled state magnon-photon can also be regarded as a special

type of polariton, see 3.4. Although magnon-polaritons have been

predicted theoretically /5/, the existence of these quasi-parti-

cles has not been established experimentally so far.

In recent days there has been a trend to denote any coupled states

between photons and elementary excitations in matter as polaritons


Some attempts have been made in order to develop a general theory

so that the different types of polaritons cited above are obtained

Page 9: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

as special cases, see for instance the article by Hopfield /2/. A

final form of such a theory, however, still is missing.

We shall restrict our discussion in this volume to phonon-polari-

tons. For simplicity, we are thus frequently going to use the term

'polariton' only in this specialized sense. The existence of mixed

excited states which are partly mechanical and partly electromagne-

tic has first been predicted by Huang /36/ in 1951. The denomina-

tion 'polariton', however, was not introduced until 1958 /2/. We

also refer to the nice article 'Who Named the -ON's?' by Walker

and Slack /292/. The authors claim that Fano was responsible for

the 'polariton-concept'. Fane, however, only presents a first quan-

tum mechanical treatment of coupled electromagnetic and lattice

fields in 1956 /302/.

Additional Literature

We refer to review articles by Loudon /31, 160, 314/, Hopfield /3,

303/, Pick /80, 310/, Scott /71/, Merten /74, 78/, Claus /75, 76/,

Brandm~ller and Schr~tter /35/, Mills and Burstein /300/, Barker

and Loudon /73/, Born and Huang /62/, Lax and Nelson /311/, Bur-

stein /313/. The Proceedings of the first Taormina Research Con-

ference on the Structure of Matter: Polaritons /316/ are mentioned

here, too.

For those who desire a quick introduction to the field, we refer

to an article by Claus: 'Dispersion Effects of Polar Optical Modes

in Perfect Crystals' /77/. This article represents a comprehensive

form of the following text.


The existence of polaritons was first demonstrated experimentally

by Henry and Hopfield in 1965 on GaP /7/ by means of the Raman

effect. Since then the Raman effect has remained the most impor-

tant experimental method giving information on the physics of

these quasi-particles. We therefore present a short review inclu-

ding some historical remarks. Other experimental methods have been

described in 5.3 and 5.4 and, for instance, in /59, 283/.

Page 10: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Frequency-shifted scattered radiation from matter was first repor-

ted by Raman /8/ and somewhat later by Landsberg and Mandelstam

/347/ in 1928. Raman observed that the light from a mercury lamp

was scattered in such a way by liquid benzene that the spectrum

contained more lines than that of the mercury lamp itself.

An elementary Stokes scattering process takes place when an inci-

dent photon with the energy h~i is annihilated and another photon

h~ s is created simultaneously with a quantum he. With Anti-Stokes

scattering on the contrary a, for instance, thermally excited quantum

he is annihilated. Energy conservation requires

h e , = h e + h e 1 S

for Stokes processes


he. = he - he for Anti-Stokes processes (i-i) i S

The energy difference between the incident and scattered photons

corresponds to a change of the energy state of the material caused

by the interaction with light. In 1923 a relation

h~o i + E k = E n + hO~s (1-2)

was derived by Smekal /9/ from quantum-theoretical considera-

tions. Herein E k and E n stand for the energy eigenvalues of a me-

dium before and after a light-scattering process, respectively.

Smekal thus predicted the existence of frequency-shifted scattered


In a classical model the power of radiation emitted by a dipole is

I = (2/3c 3) <lil~ , (1-3)

where P denotes the oscillating electrical dipole moment and <>

means time-averaged. When regarding a molecule with the polarizabi-

lity a the dipole moment induced by the electric field E of the in-

cident radiation becomes in a linear approximation

P = ~ E (1-4)

Page 11: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

is a second rank tensor. The approximation is justified for 'small'

field strengths E,i.e. for spontaneous Raman scattering, see 5.1.

For molecular vibrations or rotations the components of e are perio-

dical functions in time with fixed eigenfrequencies modulating the

incident electromagnetic wave. This is the classical interpretation

of the Raman effect. In practice it is convenient to use linearly

polarized incident light (lasers). The electric field vector E then

can be arranged to have one nonvanishing component only so that

(1-4) becomes explicitly, for instance

Px I / axx ~xy

Py = ~yx ~yy

Pz ~zx ~zy yz/ Ez zzl z %~zz


Scattered radiation on the other hand is analyzed advantageously

with a polarizer before the entrance slit of the spectrometer. This

makes it possible to record the light scattered according to one

certain tensor element of ~, for instance, ~zz separately. From

(1-3) follows

I ~ ~.~(~zz ) 2 (1-6)

If ~i denotes a unit vector parallel to the polarization of the in-

cident laser radiation and ~s correspondingly describes the polari-

zation of the observed scattered light for a constant laser fre-

quency ~i (1-6) can be written alternatively

I ~ I~ i ~(~) es 12 , (1-7)

e(~) is the frequency dependent polarizability tensor from (1-4).

Eq. (i-7) describes the total scattered radiation including Rayleigh,

Raman and higher-order Raman scattering.

In a crystalline medium the molecular polarizability ~ must be re-

placed by the susceptibility X �9 X is a macroscopic property of the

material which will be discussed in more detail when considering

the crystal symmetry, see 2.3 to 2.6. The scattering intensity in

crystals becomes

Page 12: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

I ~ I_ei X(oJ) _es 12 (1-8)

For further discussion of scattering intensities in crystals,we re-

fer to 4.12 and Appendix 4.

Kramers and Heisenberg /iO/ derived a quantum-theoretical relation

for the scattering intensity by transferring the classical model

via the correspondence principle. This procedure can be summarized

in the following way: The radiation is treated classically where-

as the medium is treated quantum-mechanically. The change of the

eigenfunctions of the material caused by the exciting light wave is

derived by perturbation theory. This determines the electric dipole

moment. In order to calculate the scattering intensity, (1-3)

has hypothetically to be introduced. Dirac /ii/ in 1927 eliminated

this inconsistency by treating also the radiation field quantum-

mechanically. In both models the scattering intensity is determined


Ikn = (64~4/3c3) (~ i + ~kn)~ICkn 12 (1-9)


(A<klPlr>)<r]Pln> <klPlr>(A<rlP_In>) ]

Ckn = (i/h) + + ~i ~rk - mi ~rn

and ~i stand for the amplitude and frequency of the incident ra-

diation, respectively. Two photons are involved in a linear scatte-

ring process. ~rk and ~rn are the frequency differences of the le-

vels indicated by the subscripts r, k, n, respectively. The quanti-

ties A<kls and A<rl~In> are scalar products. The medium is

changed from the energy level k to n,and ~kn accordingly denotes

the frequency shift of the scattered radiation,which is identical

with the frequency of the Raman line observed, see (I-i) . The sum

has to be taken over all energy levels of the system; they play an

important role as intermediate states of the scattering process.

The energy of the incident photons must not be so large as to reach

one of the levels r. The Raman effect (except for full resonance,

see 1.4 and /155/) is not a sequence of absorptions and emissions as

is, for instance, fluorescence.

Page 13: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The main difficulty for numerical calculations on the basis of

(1-9) is that the complete set of energy levels in general is

not known even for the most simple systems. Placzek /12/ therefore

developed a semi-classical model for the vibrational Raman effect

which has become known as the 'polarizability theory'.

A molecule with fixed nuclei is supposed to have an electronic po-

larizability s o. If the nuclei are in motion, because of molecular

vibrations, the polarizability is modified. Placzek could show that

is only a function of the positions of the nuclei but not of

their velocities if

i) Ve-Vi >> IVnkl , i.e. the frequency of the incident radiation

has to be far enough away from any electronic transition frequen-

cies re" Ve-Vi must be large compared with the splittings and

shifts of the electronic ground state due to the vibrations of

the nuclei.

2) vi >> funk [' i.e. the exciting frequency vi must be large com-

pared with the vibrational frequencies in the electronic ground


3) The electronic ground state may not be essentially degenerate.

Placzek succeeded in finding a relation for the scattering intensi-

ty containing only quantities referring to the electronic ground

state. Any influence of other states is described by the polariza-

bility ~ and its dependence on the nuclear coordinates. ~ can be ex-

panded into a series in terms of the normal coordinates Qj as fol-


- + ... (l-lO)

The Raman scattering intensity of a molecule can be expressed by

2 of the tensor containing means of the trace aj and the anisotropy yj

the first derivatives of the polarizability with respect to the nor-

mal coordinates Qj (the linear term in (i-iO)). If the scattered

radiation is observed in a direction perpendicular to the incident

light and furthermore the exciting light is polarized perpendicular

to the direction of observation, the following equation holds:

-- 4

[ ....... gj'Io Zl~exp ? kT/J (5a~+4y~) (I-ii) IIJ (~iTmj) = 33 5c4v.


Page 14: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

If, on the contrary, the exciting light is polarized parallel to

this direction the corresponding relation I~(~i+~ j ) ~ = ... is ob-

tained by simply exchanging the last bracket with 3y 2 The experi- j. ment in the latter case has to be carried out with an analyzer par-

allel to the polarization of the incident light. The upper signs

hold for Stokes processes and the lower ones for Anti-Stokes pro-

cesses, vj is the eigenfrequency of the normal coordinate Qj and gj

the corresponding degree of degeneration. I ~ stands for the power

of the incident radiation per cm 2 at the position of the molecule.

Because it is still very difficult to determine all the tensor ele-

ments (~/~Qj).Qj explicitly for free molecules,important informa-

tion is usually derived from the depolarization ratio @s,which for

linearly polarized exciting light (lasers) is defined

P s = If/Ill = 3y~/(5a~+4y~) (1-12)

It is an important task of molecular spectroscopy to assign the ob-

served normal vibrational modes to the different symmetry species

of the molecular point groups. Only for totally symmetric vibra-

tions does the trace a. not vanish. Accordingly the depolarization ]

ratio becomes O ~ @s < 0.75. Ps = 0 holds for molecules with cubic

symmetry. For all non totally symmetric species the trace vanishes

so that the depolarization ratio becomes Ps = 0.75.

The number of normal vibrations of every species can be calculated

by group-theoretical methods /13, 14/. Correspondingly, selection

rules for Raman scattering and IR absorption can be derived for the

fundamentals as well as for harmonics and combinations, see 2.5.


There are quite a lot of different excitations which according to

(1-2) can cause a Raman effect. E k and E n may stand for energy

eigenvalues of a rotator. In linear Raman scattering the condition

for the appearance of rotational lines on both sides of the unshif-

ted Rayleigh-line is a finite optical anisotropy. From rotational

spectra of molecules information is obtained on the moments of in-

ertia and thus the interatomic distances. Information can also be

obtained on the nuclear-spin, the spin-spin, and spin-rotational in-

Page 15: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

teractions e.g. for 02 /15/.

The internal motions of N atoms in a molecule can be described

by 3N-6 independent harmonic oscillators by means of normal coor-

dinates. For linear molecules there are only 3N-5 normal coordi-

nates. The energy eigenvalues in (1-2) then determine vibrational

Raman lines. In (l-lO) the sums over j and k have to be taken from

1 to (3N-6) or from 1 to (3N-5), respectively. The symmetry proper-

ties of normal coordinates essentially depend on the structure of

the molecule as described by the point group. Thus it is possible

to get information on molecular structures from Raman and IR spec-

tra. The selection rules are of great importance. The appearance

of a vibrational mode in the linear Raman effect is determined by

the symmetry properties of the polarizability tensor whereas the

selection rules for IR absorption are determined by the symmetry

properties of the electric dipole moment which is a polar vector.

As a result, for molecules with an inversion center, normal vibra-

tions appearing in the linear Raman spectrum are forbidden in the

infrared and vice versa, see 2.5. All vibrational Raman lines of

free molecules have a rotational structure superimposed. The only

exceptions are the totally symmetric vibrations of molecules with

cubic symmetries. The rotational structures in general can only be

resolved in gases. Prevented rotations (librations) in liquids and

solids are responsible for the different profiles of Raman lines.

E k and E n in (1-2) may also denote different electronic energy le-

vels. This was initially verified experimentally by Rasetti in

1930 on NO /16/. Welsh et al. /17/ later could resolve the rota-

tional structure of the electronic Raman line in this material in

detail appearing at ~125 cm -I. Light scattering by electronic le-

vels has become of great importance for investigations of solids.

Here normally it is referred to as light scattering by excitons /18/.

Information on lattice dynamics of single crystals is obtained by

means of light scattering from transverse (TO) and longitudinal

(LO) optical ph0n0nslsee 2.1, 2.2 and the detailed discussions in

Chapters 3 and 4.

In semiconductors there are longitudinal waves of the free elec-

tron plasma. The corresponding quantized excited states are refer-

red to as plasmons,which consequently may cause Raman scattering

too /19 - 21, 9/. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular

Page 16: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

to their wave vectors,plasmons can couple with transverse polar

modes. This happens because the Lorentz force induces a quasi-

transverse character of the plasmons. Coupled states of this type

have become known as plasmaritons. For detailed discussions see 5.2.

Ferro-and antiferromagnetic properties of matter are determined by

the existence and arrangement of magnetic dipole moments caused by

the electron spins. The energy quanta of spin waves have become

known as maqnons, which according to (1-2) again give rise to

Raman scattering, see for instance /22/.

If,finally,a magnetic field is applied to a conductor or semicon-

ductor,translations of the free electrons are superimposed by rota-

tions at cyclotron frequencies. The corresponding quantized energy

levels are referred to as Landau levels. Inelastic scattering of

light again causes a Raman effect which has been experimentally

verified in good agreement with the theory in InSb /23/.

Additional Literature

Porto, S.P.S.: Light Scattering with Laser Sources /315/.

Anderson, A.: The Raman Effect /286/.

Koningstein, J.A.: Introduction to the Theory of the Raman Effect

/333/. Poppinger, M.: Magnonen, Phononen und Excitonen von MnF 2 /334/.

Szymanski, H.A.: Raman Spectroscopy, Theory and Practice /335/.

Woodward, L.A.: Introduction to the Theory of Molecular Vibrations

and Vibrational Spectroscopy /336/.


As has been pointed out in 1.2, Placzek's polarizability theory

holds only when the exciting line is not located too close to an

electronic absorption band. When this does happen the full quantum-

mechanical treatment has to be applied. The first term in the

bracket of (I-9) becomes large if the exciting frequency v i be-

comes close to ~rk" In the case of resonance, the scattering inten-

sity thus will be very strong. It should be noted, however, that

the scattering cross-sections of different Raman lines do not in-

crease in the same way. It turns out that only some of them (mainly

Page 17: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

the totally symmetric) will be intense. Theories for the resonance-

Raman effect have been developed by, for instance, Schorygin /24/

and Behringer /25, 305/. Resonance-Raman scattering is of great im-

portance for studies of heavily absorbing targets.

Additional Literature

Bendow, B., Birman, J.L. : Polariton Theory of Resonance Raman

Scattering in Insulating Crystals /220/.

Kiefer, W.: Laser-excited Resonance Raman Spectra of Small Molecules

and Ions /337/.

Behringer, J.: Experimental Resonance Raman Spectroscopy /338/.


When irradiating a crystal with a giant pulse laser very high elec-

tric field strengths at optical frequencies can be achieved in the

material. The electric polarization then cannot be considered as a

linear function Of the field strength as in (1-4). Terms of higher

order in E mush in addition be taken into account, see 5.1. Corres-

ponding phenomena are referred to as nonlinear optics. Nowadays, in

Raman spectroscopy we distinguish three different nonlinear effects:

a) The stimulated Raman effect is of greatest importance for our

subject. In the early days Kerr cells containing nitrobenzene were

used in order to construct giant pulse lasers. In the spectrum of -i

the radiation from such lasers a strong line shifted by 1345 cm

away from the ruby line at 694.3 nm was detected in 1962 /16/. G.

Eckhardt identified this line as originating from the totally

symmetric NO 2 valence vibration of nitrobenzene /27/. Only this

line,being the strongest one in the linear Raman spectrum of NO2,

was observed. The effect has become known as 'stimulated Raman

effect' and has been observed in many materials and all states of

matter since then. The most characteristic differences to the li-

near Raman effect are: only i, 2 or at most 3 lines of the linear

Raman spectrum (which may consist of a very large number of lines

are generated. The scattering intensity of these lines is of the

order of the Rayleigh-line intensity. Several harmonics of the st•

mulated lines are frequently observed, see 5.1. Stimulated Anti-


Page 18: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Stokes lines and their harmonics are generated with similar inten-

sities. The elementary scattering process involves four photons as

described by the wave vector relation 2~i = ~S + ~A' see (5-17)

and (5-21) and their derivation. The intensity threshold observed

for the generation of stimulated Raman scattering is essentially

determined by the optical Kerr constant which is responsible for the

self-focusing of the laser beam.

Stimulated Raman scattering has become of great importance for the

construction of 'Raman lasers'. Intense coherent radiation at diffe-

rent wavelengths may be generated by using different materials.

When generating stimulated radiation from polaritons, one obtains

a 'polariton-laser' tunable over a certain frequency region, see 5.1.

The remaining nonlinear Raman effects have not yet become of special

interest for polaritons.

b) The inverse Raman effect was also detected in liquids /278/.

When a medium is irradiated simultaneously by intense monochromatic

light from a giant pulse laser and by a continuum, sharp absorption

lines are observed on the anti-Stokes side of the laser line, and

under special conditions also on the Stokes side /279/. Gadow et al.

/330/ have recently studied the inverse Raman effect on single

crystalline LiIO 3 and LiNbO3, see also Kneipp et al. /353/.

c) The hyper-Raman effect appears when the electric field of the

exciting radiation is very strong. Higher-order terms of the in-

duced dipole moment again become significant /280/, see (1-4) and


PQ ~D~ E + 2 ~,T~ ~p~T T ~ ~ ~, ,UyD~TuEuETE +... (1-13)

The 'first and second hyperpolarizabilities' ~D~T and YDOTU' re-

spectively, lead to second and third harmonic light scattering at

the frequencies 2~ i and 3~ i (hyper-Rayleigh scattering). Their de-

rivatives with respect to the normal coordinates correspondingly

lead to nonlinear inelastic light scattering at 2~ i ~ e and 3~ i ~

(hyper-Raman scattering). ~i and ~ denote the frequencies of the

incident laser light and an elementary excitation in the material,


In addition to these nonlinear Raman effects,the generation of


Page 19: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Stokes and anti-Stokes radiation by mode-mixing in nonlinear mate-

rials has become of increasing interest (e.g. 'coherent Anti-Stokes

Raman spectroscopy'). For discussions of these phenomena we refer

to 5.1.

We finally cite review articles on the Raman effect in crystals:

/21, 29 - 35, 300/.


Page 20: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

2. Raman Scattering by Optical Phonons


The wave-vector k propagates in the direction of the wave normal.

The absolute value of ~ for photons in vacuum is

I~I = k = ~/c , (2-i)

where ~ = 2~ is the radian frequency of the electromagnetic wave

and c the velocity of light in vacuum. If the vacuum wavelength is

called l, trivially

c = ~ (2-2)

and the wave number is

k = 2~/I (2-3)

In a dielectric medium of refractive index n the vacuum velocity of

light is replaced by the phase velocity c/n. Thus (2-1) is replaced


k = n~/c (2-4)

and (2-2) by

c/n = X, (2-5)

If, finally, we denote the wavelength in the dielectric medium by

In, the wave number can generally be written

k = 2~/I n = 2~n/l (2-6)


Page 21: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Note that according to (2-4) the refractive index can always be

written in the form

n = ck/~ (2-4a)

This identity is of great importance in all the dispersion rela-

tions to be discussed below.

The wave vector of a photon is directly correlated to its momentum.

The magnitude of the momentum is p = mc and the photon energy

~w = mc 2. By eliminating m, we obtain p = ~k. The photon momentum

is defined as a vector in the direction of the wave vector

p = [k (2-7)

Because the propagation of phonons is not associated with mass

transport, phonons do not have a real momentum. Therefore, the

quantity hk for phonons has become known as 'quasi-momentum' /37/.

S~ssmann has discussed this quasi-momentum in detail /38/. From a

microscopic point of view, inelastic scattering of a photon by a

phonon is associated with a local deformation of the lattice, in

other words an atom becomes displaced from its equilibrium posi-

tion in a certain direction determined by a displacement vector u.

u is small compared with the lattice constant in a linear scatte-

ring process. The deformation is transmitted through the medium.

This process can be described by plane waves with wave-vectors per-

pendicular to ~.In fact,for infinite phonon wavelengths the quasi-

momentum hk is the macroscopic momentum of the crystal. Inelastic

photon-phonon scattering is therefore described by a wave-vector

relation, often referred to simply as 'momentum conservation'

~k = hk + hk , (2-8a) --l --S -- --

k i = k + k (2-8b) --S -- --

~i' k and k are the wave-vectors of the incident and scattered --S

photons, and the phonon, respectively. The upper signs in (2-8)

hold for a Stokes process and the lower ones for an Anti-Stokes

process. Energy conservation correspondingly requires

mi = ~s + ~ (see (i-i)). (2-9)


Page 22: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


We are going to determine the magnitude of wave-vectors for phonons

involved in Raman scattering processes of first order.

When using an exciting (laser) wavelength in the visible region of -5

the order I i = 500 nm= 5 x iO cm, the magnitude of the corres-

ponding photon wave vector is k i = 2~n/l i = 105 cm -I, provided the

refractive index of the material is not too different from I. The

relative wave numbers of phonons observed by Raman spectroscopy

in general are in the range 0 to 4000 cm -I. From (2-9) it can be

seen that e therefore remains of the same order of magnitude as s

~i and k s = k i. In a right angle scattering process with ~ (~i,ks)

= ~/2 the phonon wave vector becomes /~ -k. due to (2-8). This is 1

again of the order k z 105 cm -I. Phonon wave-vectors at the boun-

dary of the first Brillouinzone (IBZ) , on the other hand have a

(maximum) magnitude k = ~/2a. Here 2a denotes the lattice constant,

which is normally ~ O.i nm. Zone-boundary phonon wave-vectors are

therefore of the order of k ~ 108 cm -I. The wave-vectors of (funda-

mental) phonons observed by Raman scattering are about 3 orders of

magnitude smaller and thus located almost in the center of the

IBZ (k = 0).


Conventional factor goups analysis (FGA) holds for k H O. As can

be seen from 2.2, FGA is a good approximation for nonpolar modes

observed by first order Raman scattering. When the phonon spectrum

of a crystal is to be examined, FGA provides information on the

number of modes expected for the different symmetry species. In

the spectra of polar modes the degeneracies predicted by FGA for

k = 0 are normally removed. Taking into account TO-LO splittings

and directional dispersion, however, which are discussed later,

corresponding information concerning these modes can equally well

be obtained from FGA. We need to know the structure of the elemen-

tary cell and the character table of the factor group, see 2.4.

We omit detailed discussions because the corresponding methods

have recently been described and illustrated by Behringer /39/.


Page 23: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

We therefore include only a few basic remarks concerning the no-

menclature of the character tables.

Additional Literature

Zak, J., Casher, A., Gl~ck, M., Gur, Y.: The Irreducible Represen-

tation of Space Groups /339/.

Behringer, J.: Raman-Spektren von Kristallen (k-abh~ngige Gruppen-

theorie) /340/.

Miller, S.C., Love, W.F.: Tables of Irreducible Representations of

Space Groups and Co-Representations of Magnetic Space Groups /341/.


The factor group P' is isomorphous to the direction group P (or

crystal-class point group), i.e. the characters of the irreducible

representations for both groups are identical. The point groups

are well known from molecular spectroscopy, see for instance /13,

14/. The symmetries of non-linear molecules can be described by

the 43 point groups listed in Table i. Only 32 of these (indica-

ted by a black circle) are of importance in crystallography~ They

contain symmetry elements with n-fold rotational or rotational-

mirror axes, where n is only = i, 2, 3, 4, 6. The 32 point groups

cause the classification of crystal structures into 32 crystal

classes, see Table 5 in /39/. The international symbols for the

point groups introduced by Hermann and Mauguin have been added.

The former system of nomenclature was used in the International

Tables for X-Ray Crystallography, Vol. I, 3rd ed. 1969 /40/. Be-

cause of the large number of group symbols it is convenient to

denote the order of both point and space groups by the group symbol

in square brackets: ([P], [D3]). The real subgroups of the point

groups are listed in column 6 of Table i.

Symmetry operations cannot easily be illustrated graphically.

Therefore the concept of symmetry elements has been introduced. Some,

but not all aspects of symmetry operations are described in this way.


Page 24: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Ord- Abstrac% Pointgroup P

ning group Schoen- Interna-

g=[~ G flies tional

I GI=C I C I I 2 G2=C 2 .C 2 2

.Ci=S 2 T ,Cs=SI=CIh m=2

G3=C ~ C~

G~=C 4 'C 4 .S 4

--G~=D2=V ,D2=V

C2v C2h

G5=C 5 C 5 GI=C 6 C 6

$6=C3i $3=C3h

Zeal subgroups of P h]r



3 4


4 C 2

C 2 222 C 2 mm2=2mm=m~C2,C s

2/m Ci,C2,C s 5

6 C2,C 3 Ci,C 3

Cs,C 3 32 C2,C 3

6 I 8 9

10 11 12 13

14 15

C3v 3m G~=C 8 Sg


G] C4f ~ 4/m G4=D 4 D 4 422=42

C4v 4mm=4m

D2d=Vd ~2m 2 2 --~ D2h=Vh mmm =2 ~

G}o=CIo C5h=$5 T~

C~,C~ 16

C~,C 4 17

Ci,C2,C4,C2h,C4,S 4 18 C2,D2,C 4 19 C2,Cs,C2v,C4 20 C2,C~,D~,C~v,S 4 21

Ci,C2,Cs,D2,C2v,C2h 22 Cs,C 5 23


G~o=D 5 D 5 52 C2,C 5 24 C5v 5m C2,C 5 25

G~2 "C6h 6/m Ci,C2,Cs,C2h,C3,S6,C6,S 3 26

G~2=D 6

7~2.A4=T T

"D 6 622=62

�9 C6v 6mm=6m �9 D3h ~m2=~2m

2 �9 D3d ~m=~

C2,D2,C3,D3,C 6 21 C2,Cs,C2u,C3,C3v,C 6 28 C2,Cs,C2v,C3,D3,C3v,S 3 29 Ci,C2,Cs,C2h,C3,S6,D3,C3v 30

31 23 C2,D2,C 3 22

4/mmm=4 ~Ci ,C2 ,Cs ,C2h ,D2,C2v ,D2h,C4,

S4,C4h,D4,C4v,D2d 32


The 43 point groups which are of importance in molecular and crystal spectroscopy, from /340/.

16 G~6 D4h

G~6=D 8 D4d 20 G~O D5h


24 G~4


"' - 722m G24-D12 D6d

82m 7~m2=7~2m


�9 T h m3=~ 3 Ci,C2,Cs,C2h,D2,C2v,D2h ,

61mmm=s c3"s6'T 'D6h mmm Ci'C2'Cs'C2h'D2'C2v'D2h'C3 '

S6,D3,C3v,D3d,C6,S3,C6h,D 6, C6v,D3h

IC2,Cs,C4,D2,C2v,S8,D4,C4v 33 Cs,C2,C2v,C5,C5h,D5,C5v 34 2i,C2,Cs,C2h,C5,S10,D5,C5v 35




G'~=S 4=O.O D2d,SI2,D6,C6v

432=43 C2,D2,C4,D4,C3,D3,T

38 i

.T d ~3m C2,Cs,D2,C2u,S4,D2d,C3,C3v,T 40 2

48 O~8 .O h m3m=~ ~ ~ Ci,C2,Cs,C2h,D2,C2v,D2h,C4,S 4 C4h,D4,C4v,D2dsD4h,C3,S6,D3 , C3v,D3d,T,Th,O,Td 41

60 G~o=As=I I 532 C2,C3,D2,C5,D3,D5,T 42 120 G~20 I h 53m Ci,C2,Cs,C3,D2,C2v,C2h,C5,S 6,

D3,C3v,D2h*SIo,D5,C5v,T,D3d , Dsd,Th,I 43

Page 25: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The symmetry operation Cn, for instance, stands for all rotations

C j where j = l,...,n-l. The symmetry element on the other hand pri- n

marily describes the geometric structure of the operation ('center',

'axis', 'plane'). Nongeometric attributes are added to indicate the

connection with the operations ('inversion', 'rotational', 'mirror',

'fourfold' etc.). The point group C 6, as illustrated by the material

LiIO 3 /41, 42/, for instance, is cyclic. We shall make use of

this point group to explain the character tables. All group elements

are obtained as integer powers of only one generating element, as 6

can be seen from Table 2. The identity is E = C 6. Every group has

as many irreducible representations as there are classes of group

elements. The term 'symmetry species' is used as a synonym for the

mathematical term 'irreducible representation' in spectroscopy /52/.

The symmetry-species symbols for point group C 6 are listed in the

second column of Table 2. Detailed definitions of the symbols used

for different point groups are given in /51/. The general meaning


A symmetry with respect to the most-fold axis,

B antisymmetry with respect to the most-fold axis,

E twofold degeneracy,

F threefold degeneracy,

G fourfold degeneracy etc.

The degree of degeneracy can be seen from the column for the iden-

tity E in the character tables. Symmetry or antisymmetry, for in-

stance, with respect to an inversion center i is indicated by sub-

scripts 'g' or 'u' on the symmetry-species symbol. The former are

found to be only Raman-active and the latter only IR-active, (see

2.5). This is of great importance because polaritons cannot be ob-

served directly by Raman scattering in materials with an inversion

center (e.g. all alkalihalides).

The characters of the irreducible representations of the species

are normally listed as shown in Table 2. The A modes are totally

symmetric with respect to all symmetry elements (characters = + i).

The B modes on the other hand are symmetric with respect to E, C 3

and C 32 and antisymmetric with respect to C 6, C 2 and C6 (characters

= - i). In general, however, the characters are complex and cannot

be interpreted intuitively, see e.g. the E modes in the table.


Page 26: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

5 6

1 2

3 4

y C 6

E C 6


3 4

2 C5=~ 6

T C6=C 2 C6=C 3


6 1

6 6 2

6 3

6 4

6 5

1 A

1 1

1 1

1 1

2 B

1 -i

1 -i




5 E~ I)

1 -e*=S 2 -e =e

[E 2) 1

-s =s 4 -s~=s 2

1 -s =s 4 -~=s 2





0 1



0 O

0 2z




o O

O x+izy






i/xx-yy_+i(~y+yx) xy


~<xy+YXol (xx-yy)

-xx+yy-io (xy+yx)

1 {xx-yy-i (xy+yx)

xy+yx+i (xx-yy)

~kxy+YXol (xx-yy)

-xx+yy+io (xy+yx)





<Rx +iR~,~








of the point


C 6

(E =

exp(2~i/6) ,

~ +

gw =

i, s

- gw



The decomposition

has been



for a




4) ,







5) ,

and an axial



6) .

Page 27: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Note a fundamental aspect: an arbitrary tensor transforms as the

product of the coordinates indicated by the indices on the tensor

components when a linear orthogonal symmetry operation is applied.

Selection rules for IR absorption, the linear Raman effect and hy-

per-Raman effect are deduced from symmetry properties of the crys-

tals in the following way:

The intensity of a Raman line is determined by the matrix elements

of the polarizability tensor e, see (1-7) and (1-9). The intensity

of an IR absorption band on the other hand is proportional to the

square of the matrix element of the electric dipole moment P. The

intensity of a hyperraman line finally depends on the matrix ele-

ment of the corresponding hyperpolarizability. All these matrix

elements have the form


f %, 5 %,, dT --oo

, (2-10)

where 6 stands for the operator of the polarizability, the electric

dipole moment, or the hyperpolarizability. For IR absorption and

Stokes scattering ~v' and ~v" are the eigenfunctions of the upper

and lower energy states, respectively. Vibrations of atoms in

crystals may in good approximation be described by harmonic oscil-

lators. The corresponding eigenfunctions are determined essentially

by the Hermitian polynomials /13/; v' and v" are vibrational quan-

tum numbers. If interaction with light takes place in the ground

state (i.e. hot bands are left out of consideration), v" = O. It

can be derived from the Hermitian polynomials that the eigenfunc-

tion of the ground state ~O for any normal vibration is totally

symmetric for all symmetry operations

~o = ~o (2-11)

denotes the operator in question. The representation of ~O is

said to be totally symmetric or identical (id)

F (~0) = Fid �9 (2-12)


Page 28: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

It can further be derived from the Hermitian polynomials that the

eigenfunction of a normal vibration in its first excited state has

the same symmetry properties as the normal coordinate Qj itself

F (~,,) = F (Y)* (2-13)

The superscript (y) indicates the symmetry species.

If there are N atoms in the unit cell the 3 N degrees of freedom

are distributed within the following types of waves near the center

of the IBZ for the principal directions of the crystal:

1 longitudinal acoustical branch (LA)

2 transverse acoustical branches (TA)

N-I longitudinal optical branches (LO) and

2N-2 transverse optical branches (TO).

The acoustical branches are neglected in the following considera-

tions. They cause Brillouin scattering. The remaining normal coor-

dinates Qj therefore are counted as j = I,...,3N-3, and dT in

(2-10) correspondingly is dT = dQl-dQ 2 ... dQ3N_3.

The matrix element (2-10) becomes different from O if the integrand

or parts of it are invariant for all symmetry transformations of

the point group. In terms of representation theory this means that

the matrix element is different from O only if the integrand or

parts of it are transformed by means of the totally symmetric (iden-

tical) representation. A normal vibration thus is 'allowed' if the

representation of the integrand (int) contains the identical re-


Fid C Fin t (2-14)

The representation of the integrand is obtained by forming the

direct-product representation taking into account (2-12) and (2-13):

Fin t F(~v,) x F(6) • FC~v,,=o ) F (Y)* = = • F(5) • Fid (2-15)

In order to decide whether (2-14) holds or not, the character Xint

of the integrand is required. Because Xid(R) = 1 for all R,

Xint(R) = X (Y) (R)* �9 x6(R) (2-16)


Page 29: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

In general, the representation of the integrand is reducible, i.e.

it may be split into irreducible representations. We therefore have

to form

nid: (i/[P])[ kq. X q=l


Eq. (2-14) holds if nid> O and fails if nid= O. nid indicates how

many times the identical representation is contained in the repre-

sentation of the integrand. [P] denotes the total number of group

elements of the point group F (order of the point group in question),

k stands for the number of group elements in the class q, and r q

is the total number of classes of group elements in F. X(Y) (R) fi-

nally denotes the character of the irreducible representation of

the symmetry species ~ for the symmetry operation R. R is the ope-

rator of an arbitrary symmetry element in the class q. All these

quantities can be directly obtained from the character tables.

Selection rules for IR absorption can be derived if O is replaced

by the operator of the electric dipole moment P. P is a polar vector

(or first-rank tensor) which is transformed in the same way as the

cartesian coordinates p = x, y, z.

Every symmetry operation R can be written as a transformation ma-


cos #R - sin ~R il ~ = |sin ~R cos SR (2-18)

\o o +_

if the z axis of the coordinate system is parallel to the most-fold

rotational axis or perpendicular to a mirror plane if there is no

axis. The different symmetry operations are distinguished by the

angles CK" The positive sign of Rzz = detR = ~ 1 holds for all sym-

metry operations derived from a pure rotation (proper symmetry

operations), and the negative sign for all those derived from a

mirror rotation (improper symmetry operations). The character of

the representation which is the trace of the matrix (2-18) can

therefore be written as

X~ (R) = 2cos CR -+ 1 = 2cos ~R + detR - fR (2-19)


Page 30: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

where fR refers to the nomenclature of Behringer /39/. Now the se-

lection rules can be derived explicitly from (2-17). In the point

group C6, for example, only the species A, E~ I)" and E~ 2)" are IR-


Because the translation QT is also a polar vector, we obtain the

same selection rules. These are of importance for the acoustical

modes: Brillouin scattering.

Usually in molecular spectroscopy it is sufficient to decide whether

a symmetry species is allowed or not. When studying single crystals,

however, we may go further: we can decide which component of P is

responsible for the IR activity of a certain species. This infor-

mation is obtained when applying the projection operator /44, 52/

= O (Y) (R) ~ .[ (dy/[P]) [ (2-20) ii ii R~P

(The symbol "indicates an operator as before.) y denotes the sym-

metry species (see e.g. Table 2, column i), and the indices ii

(ir~ = l,...,dy) the diagonal elements of the representation matrix

D}[) (R). The dimension d of the representation is identical to l] y the character of the same operation obtained from the E column in

the character tables for each symmetry species y. The sum is taken

over all group elements of P.

As an example we again take the point group C6, which has only

one-dimensional representations (dy = i). The index i can there-

fore be omitted and D(Y) (R) ~ = X(Y) (R) ~ . The projection operator

is thus

~(Y) = (1/[p]) [ • (2-21) RCP

In order to derive the detailed selection rules for IR absorption

and the translations, this operator has to act on each of the co-

ordinates x (p = i, 2, 3). With x I = x, x 2 = y, x 3 = z and P

3 Rx = ~ we get P Rpp~Xp,


3 ~(V)x = (~/[p]) [ x [ x (v) (~)*.R (2-22)

p'= R~F PP'

where Rpp, are the matrix elements of (2-18). The matrices are


Page 31: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

given explicitly for all symmetry operations of C 6 in Table 3. The

totally symmetric species yield

P(1)x I = P(1)x 2 = 0 and P(1)x 3 = x 3

Correspondingly, in column 4 of Table 2 we find the vector

(!) for the A species. In order to restrict the number of indices, the

coordinate system has again been indicated in the table by x, y, z.

Our equivalent denominations (x, y, z) and (x I x 2 x 3) are identical

with the right-angle system (OXl, Or2, Or3) used by Nye /45/.

For the B species:

P(2)x I = P(2)x 2 = P(2)x 3 = 0 ,

for the one-dimensional symmetry species E~ I) with y = 3:

P(3)x I = (1/2 (xl+ix 2) , P(3)x 3 = (1/2)(x2-ix I) , P(3)x 3 = O ,

and for the E~ 2) species with y = 4:

P(4)x I = (1/2)(xl-ix 2) , p(4)x 2 = (1/2) (x2+ix I) , P(4)x 3 = 0

The vectors in column 4 of Table 2 summarize these results. Finally,

for the symmetry species E~ I)- and E~ 2)- the projection operator ac-

ting on all coordinates gives O.

Symmetry species with the complex conjugate characters of irredu-

cible representations are degenerate. Thus in many tables (e.g.

those given in /13, 14, 29/) the species E~ l) , E~ 2) and E~ I) , E~ 2)

are not distinguished from each other. Usually, the selection rules

are given only in the well-known comprehensive form, e.g. (x I, x 2)

or (Tx, Ty) for E 1 . Rigorously, this is not correct because the

symmetry species E 1 and E 2 are reducible in the complex space.

IR-active species are also referred to as 'polar' and the corres-

ponding vibrational modes consequently as 'polar modes'. We shall


Page 32: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

I U ~ l c q 0

II +


o ~ l ~ ~ 1 ~ o

~,~ U~l~ o



cg ,,,~ U

0 0

0 ~ 0 I

0 0





f 0 0


~,~ ~I ~ o

,~I ~ ~,~ o


~,~ ~I ~ o

~ + j

f ~ 0 0

0 ~ 0

0 0

~o U



0 P~




0 .r-I




~ n 4.t

0 ~ t14 C~I

{3 UI "M


0 0

4 -I II

0 N u~ C-I





Page 33: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

see later (3.1 to 3.3) that polaritons are associated only with

polar modes.

In order to derive the selection rules for the linear Raman effect,

6 has to be replaced by the polarizability operator in (2-10),

(2-16) and (2-17). The transformation of a polar second-rank symme-

tric tensor /45/ requires the character of the representation to be


X~ (R) = 2cos %R(+ 1 +_ 2cos SR )

= 2detR cos ~R(I + 2cos ~R ) - fR (2-23)

The same sign rule holds as for (2-19). Taking (2-17) into account,

the general condition (2-14) can be discussed again. In order to

derive detailed selection rules, the projection operator (2-20) or

(2-21) now has to act on the products x .x (p,~ = i, 2, 3). For P

one-dimensional species

3 P(Y)XpX ~ = (i/[P])p,,~,=iXp,X ,Rcp ~ X(Y) (R)~.Rpp,R , (2-24)

The sum over p' and ~' contains nine terms with the index combina-

tions Ii, 22, 33, 12, 21, 13, 31, 23 and 32. No presupposition is

claimed for tensors derived in this way.

The application to point group C 6 now becomes

P(3)XlX 3 = (1/2) (XlX3+ix2x 3) , P(3)x2x 3 = (1/2) (x2x3-ixlx 3) , etc.

When acting on the products XlXl, x2x 2, x3x 3, XlX 2 and X2Xl, the

operator 5 (3) gives O. The result obtained for the symmetry spe-

cies E~ I) has been given in tensor form in column 5 of Table 2.

Detailed selection rules for the other symmetry species are de-

rived in the same way.

We point out some characteristic properties of the tensors:

i) If all tensors are added up, the tensor (Xp,, xd,) with

pi i ,~ = i, 2, 3 is again obtained. This may advantageously be

used to check the calculations. We have only considered

(Xp,, x ,) because it shows the same symmetry properties as the


Page 34: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

polarizability tensor (ep~). For instance, the tensor for A-type

vibrations from column 5 in Table 2 can be written more expli-


i exx+eyy ~xy-~yx O 1 (1/2) (~xy-~yx) ~xx+~yy O (2-25)

0 O 2~ zz

Such tensors represent a decomposition of the polarizability

tensor and are transformed in the same way as the matrices of

the corresponding representations. For C 6 with only one-dimen-

sional symmetry species, the representations are reduced to the

characters of the irreducible representations.

2) As can easily be seen, the tensors of the unpolar symmetry

species E~ I) and E~ 2) are symmetric

ep~ = ~ p (2-26)

3) Furthermore the tensor components of the two species E~ I) and

E~ 2) , or E~ I) and E~ 2) , respectively, are complex conjugate

(Xp'Xo') (2) = (Xp )~ = (~ )~ E ,xa, E(1) or (ep~)E(2) po E.(1) ' 3 3 3 3

j = i, 2.


This can be seen directly from (2-24). (The characters are

complex conjugate.)

4) The tensor of the A species finally contains real elements only

and an antisymmetric part because

x ,Xp, -Xp,X , or Sop -~po for p ~ ~ (2-28)

All common character tables giving information on the Raman

activity state that the polarizability tensor is symmetric.

Such tables, for instance, contain no information on the off-

diagonal tensor elements for A species. In practice the pola-

rizability tensors may contain nonzero antisymmetric parts for

resonance Raman scattering /46, 53, 54/ or when the electronic


Page 35: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

ground state is degenerate /55, 56/. We denote the antisymme-

tric part by {~}.

It can be shown /47/ that for {~}

! X{~} (R) = 1 + 2detR �9 cos ~R = detR . fR = fR (2-29)

holds instead of (2-23). Eq. (2-29) is identical with the charac-

ter of a molecular rotation /48/ and can, consequently, be


X{~} (R) = X R (~) (2-30) Q (Note that the suffix R on Q means 'rotation' whereas ~ in

brackets stands for all symmetry operations.)

The antisymmetric part of the polarizability ten@or transforms

as the normal coordinate vector QR for rotating nonlinear mole-

cules. QR defining the rotational momentum is an axial vector.

For proper symmetry operations it transforms as a polar vector

and for improper operations as a polar vector in the opposite

direction /48/. In order to derive the selection rules for rota-

tions, a factor (-i) has thus to be added in terms referring to

the improper symmetry operations when the projection operator

(2-20) or (2-21) is applied. The selection rules for {~} may be

derived directly, either by examining the distribution of the

polarizability tensor on its antisymmetric parts by means of

the projection operator applied to the products xp x ,or by

calculating the transformation properties of the rotation from

(2-29) . In the latter case /47/ (il)jxx Qa = RX = l{~x x }I = /ayz-ezy 1

(1/2) ~zx-~xz] (2-31)


This implies that e.g. the antisymmetric component {~x2x3} trans-

forms in the same way as the x I component of the rotational nor-

mal coordinate QR. For the point group C6, consequently, a ro-


Page 36: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

tation around the x 3 axis Qx3 = Rz is allowed and the antisymme-

tric component (~xy-~yx)/2 of the A species does not vanish.

Furthermore, because C 6 contains only proper symmetry opera-

tions, the selection rules for rotations are identical to those

of translations and the electric dipole moment.

5) The tensors for the E~ I) and E~ 2) species in column 5 of Table 2

are nonhermitian. They contain an antisymmetric part which for

a second-rank tensor is given by

{~pO} = (~po-~Op)/2 2-32)

The projection operator (2-20) can be used as before to derlve

this and the corresponding relations for tensors of higher or-

der. The sum covers the elements of the permutation group of

second or higher order (see /59/).

According to (2-32) the nonsymmetrical part of {x2x3} in, e.g.

the symmetry species E~ I)" , becomes

{x2x 3} = [yz-zy-i(xz-zx)] /4 , (2-33)

which because of (2-31) and (2-32) corresponds to the rotational

normal coordinate component (Rx+iRy)/2. The antisymmetric parts

of the polarizability tensor and the corresponding components

of the rotational coordinate for the point group C 6 are listed

in full in Table 4.

The decomposition of an arbitrary rank tensor ~ for more-dimen-

sional symmetry species has to be performed in the following way.

A tensor ~Y) transforming as the irreducible representation y has

first to be determined by the projection operator (2-20). E.g.,

for i = 1

ii ~ = )R~pUll (R)~'R~ = ~I (2-34)

holds. All components of ~ have to be calculated in this way. In

the symmetry species y (of dimension dy), however, there are

(dy-l) additional tensors which may be derived by means of the

transfer (or shift) operator


Page 37: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

C 6

A {x2x 3} = {x3x I} = 0

{XlX 2} = } (xy-yx) = R z

[yz zy ~ (xz zx)] = {x2x 3 } =

1 = --2 (Rx+iRy)

1 [zx-xz+i (zy-yz)] = {x3x I } =

1 =--2 (Ry-iRx)

{XlX 2 } = 0

1 [yz-zy+i (XZ-ZX)] : {x2x 3 } =

1 - 2 (Rx-iRy)

1 {x3x ~} : ~ [zx-xz-i(zy-yz)] :

1 = -2 (Ry+iRx)

{XlX 2 } = O

R Q~



\ o /


�89 IRy+iRxP \ o ;

Tab.4 The antisymmetric part of the polarizabils tensor {~QO},

see Table 2, and the corresponding rotational normal coordi- nate vector for the point group C6.{pO} is used as an ab-

breviation for {~pO} ; Q,O = xl,x2,x 3.


Page 38: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

P(Y) = (dy/[P]) ~ D (Y) (R)~R j = 1 (dy-l) (2-35) ji RiP ji . . . . . . .

see, for instance, /52/ or /44/. Applied to #~) , the transfer ope-

rator dete rmines

PjI^(Y)%~T) = ~j(7) (2-36)

We illustrate the method on the smallest non-abelian point group

~3" The matrices of all its symmetry operations are given in Table 5.

A decomposition of ~ can be achieved if all symmetry operations are x

known. The two generating elements are C 3 and C 2 /44/. The remai-

ning group elements can be constructed in the usual manner. For

more-dimensional species it is not sufficient just to know the

character of the irreducible representations; the total represen-

tation matrices are required. These have been tabulated explicitly

for the generating elements by Poulet and Mathieu /33/. According

to (2-34) and Table 5, the components of a vector (IR absorption,

translation, rotation) become

P(3)x I = x I and ~(3)x2 t(3) = 0 ii Ii = PII x3 '



From (2-36) there follows the general relation

~(3)xp (2/6)x I ~ ~(3) (R) 21 = R P u21 'Rpl

which in our example determines

~(3) ^(3) = 0 and P(3)x 2 = x 1 21 Xl = P21 x3 21




Page 39: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

% o. o_

b Q_

@ I

{2 E~ o_

o o o ~ N

o o 0 0 0 II 0


f ' t

+ N N

+ N


N ~ N N N N


+ I +


o o o o o N 0 0 0 11 0

o o u I 11

0 l_r") l ~ ~ I c~ o o

~o +

, '~I~ I m l ~ o ~ r~ ~','~ I r~


0 0 ,,~ /


o i o

0 I [ |exl ~ o.,I



0 ~ 0 N c ~ ! C}


~l<~ ).~]~ o I ~ ~

!Ir'-~l r',1 ,-l le,l o N ~ c,~

i i


0 ,-4 0 ~ ,~




f ~

~1 ~ ~ ,~

I ~ J

~1 ~ - , ~ I

~ , ~ ~1 ~

o i


. , ~ ~1 ~

~-I r- t

f ~

,.~1 ~ - , ~ !


- , - ~1 ~ I

f o ~ 1'-4

, < , < v v



r" -M 0 P~
















O) ~4 ~4 OJ

,--t .Q

Q) ~4 14

II) ,12 4.1


qJ o


t ~


3 2

Page 40: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The xy plane consequently is isotropic and crystals belonging to

direction group D3 are uniaxial.

Furthermore, from (2-34) it follows for the components of a second-

rank tensor corresponding to the linear Raman effect or two-photon

absorption that

3 -(3) x = (1/3) Z x ,x , Z D~ 3) (R).R PII Xp O p ' ,~ '= l P ReD3 1 p p , R ,

In our example we explicitly get

_~(3) = yz ; ~(3)x3x 2 = zy ~(3)XlX 1 C(3)x2x 2 = (xx-yy)/2 ; FII x2x3 ~ii ~iI = -~ii

~3)x3x 3 ~(3)XlX 2 P~3)x2x I ~(3)XlX3 = P~3)X3Xl = O P 1 = ~ii = 1 = ~ii 1

These components form the tensor (~^~) in the line E (I) of Table 5.

The polarizability tensor for the E Y2) species, on the other hand,

can be calculated using the transfer operator (2-35)

3 P21 x x = (1/3) Z x ,x , ~ D (3)

P ~ p',~'=l p ~ RiP 21 (R).Rpp,R,

Xp, and x , have to be replaced by the corresponding components of

the polarizability tensor (ep~). Explicitly, we get

P(3)XlX 2 = (1/3) [ (1/2) (xx-yy) (-1/2)+(1/2) (-xx+yy) (1/2)] = 21

= (1/2) (-xx+yy) ,

*~3)x3x I -zy ~(3) = (I/2) (-xx+yy) ; ~(3) x = -yz ; P 1 = ' F21 X2Xl ~21Xl 3

•(3) x = O for s 1 2 3 ; ~(3)x2x 3 ~(3)x3x 2 = 0 21 xl ~ = ' ' ~21 = ~21

According to (2-31) and (2-32) , the antisymmetric parts of the

tensors derived in this way lead to the selection rules for rota-

tions given in column 6 of Table 5.


Page 41: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The decomposition of first-, second-, third-, and fourth-rank ten-

sors for all point groups playing a role as crystal classes have

been calculated by Winter and BrandmNller /57/. The results ob-

tained for second-rank tensors are of importance also for non-

linear two-photon absorptions, see above /56/. The decomposition

of third-rank tensors leads to the selection rules of the 6-hyper-

raman effect, which is a three-photon process, see (1-13) and /35/.

Finally, the selection rules for stimulated Raman scattering and

the y-hyperraman effect (four-photon processes) are determined by

a fourth-rank tensor. Corresponding references are given in /35/.

From such tables as Tables 2 and 4 the selection rules for trans-

lations, rotations, IR absorption, and the linear Raman effect can

be read off. The normal coordinates of type B are neither IR active

nor observable by spontaneous Raman scattering. They are referred

to as 'silent modes'. In hyperraman scattering, however, they are

not forbidden. General selection rules for the hyperraman effect

are derived when 0 in (2-17) is replaced by the operator of the

hyperpolarizability 6:

x6(R) = 2cos ~R(4COS2~ R + 2detR cos CR - i) (2-39)

Detailed selection rules again are obtained when applying the pro-

jection operator. Results have been published for the tensor (6poT),

for its antisymmetric part, and for a fourth-rank tensor (YpoTu) by

Christie and Lockwood /49/ and Menzies /50/. The degenerate species,

which can be reduced to a one-dimensional representation have not,

however, been explicitly separated.

The selection rules so far derived by group-theoretical methods de-

termine the fundamental normal vibrations allowed in IR absorption

or in the linear Raman effect. Selection rules for the harmonics

and combinations can be calculated by similar methods, see /13/.

In molecular spectroscopy it is usually sufficient to know whether

a certain normal coordinate is allowed or not. Assignments of to-

tally symmetric species can be achieved when analyzing the depola-

rization ratio. Assignments of other symmetry species, however, can

be carried out only on single crystals with the use of well-de-

fined scattering geometries. We therefore discuss the Raman tensors

in more detail.


Page 42: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Additional Literature

Birman, J.L.: Theory of Multiple-Dipole Resonance Raman Scattering

by Phonons /319/.


The form of the polarizability tensor for the A species is derived

as illustrated for the point group C 6 in (2-25). Except for some

special cases cited above, the intensity of a Raman line is deter-

mined only by the symmetric part of this tensor. The different ma-

trix elements (2-10) of the polarizability components are required

numerically for(l-7). The following abbreviations are introduced

for the matrix elements:

/ ,( --oo

i/2) (~xx+eyy)~v ,, dT = a


l~,~zz~v ,, at = b 2-40)

The symmetric part of the corresponding tensor S for A(z) specles

in point group C 6 then can be written

sA(z) ( a ) = a b (2-41)

The cartesian coordinate added to the symbol of the symmetry spe-

cies in brackets refers to the IR activity indicated in column 4

of Table 2. The vector is simply replaced by (z). The polari-

zability tensors of the remaining species of C 6 are complex. We

shall discuss them later.

In point group D 3 all polarizability components are real, see

Table 5. The corresponding Raman tensors S can therefore easily

be obtained. The form is identical to (2-41). A 2 modes are repre-


Page 43: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

sented only by an antisymmetric tensor. These modes therefore are

forbidden in first order linear Raman scattering. The tensors of

the E (I) and E (2) species contain an antisymmetric part, which

must be separated from the symmetric ones. Coordinate combinations

such as yz in abbreviation stand for ~yz" In general, eyz ~ ~zy"

The decomposition into a symmetric and an antislmmetric part be-


<xxi ~ lay ~ I! ~ 1 1 1 -xx+yy 2 = ~ -xx+yy yz z + ~ 0 yz-z

2yz yz+zy zy-yz

for E (I) species, and

~_ 0 -xx+yy -2yz~ I- 0 1 1 ~ xx+yy 0 ~) = ~ -xx+yy

\ -2zy 0 (zy+yz)

-xx+yy -(yz!zy) 1 0 +


I ~ ~ i 1 +~ o o

(zy-yz) O

for E (2) species. Using abbreviations in analogy to (2-40), the

symmetric part for the E(1) (x) species is

(x) = -c


and correspondingly

sE2 i cd) (y) = (2-42)

These tensors are usually referred to as 'Raman tensors'. They

have been tabled for all crystal classes by various authors. Poulet

and Mathieu /33/ indicate them by P ~((i),n). Loudon correspondingly

uses the symbol R T in his table /31/. Ovander /58/ has published ~P tables which, however, are not complete. The table published by

Mc Ciain /56/ is primarily derived for two-photon absorption pro-


Page 44: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

cesses. It also holds, however, for two-photon Raman scattering. In

this table, furthermore, the antisymmetric parts are given expli-


In symmetry species with complex characters of the irreducible re-

presentations the polarizability tensors consequently become com-

plex too. Real tensors may be calculated on the basis of the com-

plex ones in the following way. According to Table 2, the symmetric

parts of the polarizability tensors of, e.g. the E~ I)" and E~ 2)" spe-

cies are

1 I (xz+zx) +i (yz+zy)~ (zy+yz) -i (zx+xz

zx+xz) +i (zy+yz) (zy+yz) -i (zx+xz)

, (2-43)

and its complex conjugate, respectively. When introducing abbrevia-

tions for the matrix elements

(1/4) 7~V, (~ZX+aXZ)gV ,, dT = C//~ --oo



(1/4) 7~V, (~zy+eyz)~v,, dT = d//~ --co


the complex scattering tensors are given by

sE~ 1) = (i//~)

c+id d-ic

c+id )



E2 C c id 1 S = (iI/~) d+ic (2-45)

c-id d+ic

Also the decomposition of a polar vector with respect to the irre-

ducible representations requires complex vectors for these two-

symmetry species. Thus, according to column 4 of Table 2,


Page 45: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

E (I) (1/2) i = (I//2) (x+iy) (i//~) = rle 1 : ?


A : = z = r3e 3 (2-46)

The magnitudes of the basic vectors have been normalized


The corresponding coordinates which are identical to circular co-

ordinates) are still complex

/(1//3) (x+iy)~ r = <(1//3) z (x-iyJ (2-48)

The Raman tensors, however, are expected to provide assignments for

experimentally recorded phonon spectra. Consequently, real basis

vectors and real coordinates are required. A similarity transforma-

tion matrix T may determine the new real basis /44/

e' = e T (2-49)

which for experimental reasons forms the unit vectors of a rectangu-

lar (cartesian) coordinate system. Eq. (2-49) explicitly becomes

[<)<o)<0) 1 o i o = ( z / / ~ )

0 0 1

-i i T21 T22 T23

O O /~ T31 T32 T33



Page 46: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Accordingly the unitary transformation matrix is

T = (iI~/~) -i

o /


The coordinates are transformed by the relation /44/

r' = T-Ir = T+r , (2-52)

where T + denotes the conjugated transposed matrix. From (2-48) and

(2-51) the cartesian coordinates

r li) (2-53)

are obtained. The Raman tensor S for polar modes is a third-rank

tensor with components S where p, o, T = x, y, z. We can write y,po , this tensor as a three-dimensional run vector with components for-

ming three second-rank tensors

= (Sx,pa , Sy,p a , Sz,po)

According to (2-49) this vector again transforms as


S' = S T (2-55)

Using (2-41), (2-45) and (2-51) we explicitly obtain

[Ic Ic :I i a II S' = , , a (2-56)

d d c

This is the real form of the Raman tensor as usually given in the

literature /31, 33/, see Appendix 4. There are some discrepancies

because different coordinate axes have been chosen by the different

authors. Loudon strictly refers to Nye /45/. The table of Poulet

and Mathieu differs from Loudon's in the monoclinic crystal class

and for D3h and C3v. Finally, there are some minor errors in most


Page 47: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

of the tables published hitherto. We therefore include a corrected

list (Appdx 4) recalculated in the way described above. Winter and

Brandmdller /57/ have calculated the tensors for the hyper-Raman

effect, which are of importance for interpretations of single-

crystal spectra. Corresponding experiments have been performed

successfully in recent years, see for instance /49/.

Additional Literature

Birman, J.L., Berenson, Rh. : Scattering tensors and Clebsch-Gordan

coefficients in crystals /320/.

Birman, J.L.: Scattering tensors for 'forbidden' resonance Raman

scattering in cubic crystals /321/.

Birman, J.L.: Theory of Crystal Space Groups and Infra-Red and Ra-

man Lattice Processes of Insulating Crystals /322/.


Page 48: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

3. Dispersion of Polar Optical Modes in Cubic Diatomic Crystals


Phonon dispersion curves m = ~(k) of diatomic cubic crystals, for

instance alkali halides, may be calculated from rigid-ion models,

shell models, or breathing-shell models. These models are suitable

to describe lattice waves from the edge of the first Brillouin zone

(IBZ) at k : 108 cm -I down to k k 107 cm -I, a region where the theo-

ry can be experimentally verified by neutron scattering. For

k << 107 cm -I in the central part of the IBZ, no dispersion of op-

tical phonons is predicted by these models, i.e. ~(k) = const. The

phase-velocity of all optical phonons vanishes because 8w/3k = O.

In the simplest such model (the linear diatomic chain) proposed

by Born and yon K&rm&n in 1912 /60/, the oscillating atoms are re-

garded as two different types of mass points. We shall discuss this

model in the light of the polariton theory and thus assume the

masses to be charged simultaneously. If the masses of anions are in-

dicated by m@ and those of cations by m~,the equations of motion are

m@d2n = f [(U2n+l-U2n+a)-(U2n-U2n_l+a) ] (3-1)


m~d2n_l = f [(U2n-U2n_l+a)-(U2n_l-U2n_2+a)] (3-2)

where a denotes the distance between cations and anions and 2a the

magnitude of the unit cell. The model implies only nearest-neighbor

interaction in the harmonic approximation, f is the force constant.

The lattice-displacement coordinates u i of cations have odd numbers

and those of anions even numbers. An ansatz of plane-wave solutions

for the U2n_l and U2n , respectively, leads to the prediction of the


Page 49: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

well-known acoustic and optical dispersion branches. The former ex-

hibit zero energies for k = 0 which, for real crystals, corresponds

to three linearly independent translations of the whole lattice.

The latter show finite frequencies in the center of the IBZ. Two

rigid sublattices, containing cations and anions, respectively, are

oscillating against each other. Thus for k ~ O,

U2n_l = U2n+l = U2n+3 = ... H u~

U2n_2 = U2n = U2n+2 = ... H u e

Eqs. (3-i) and (3-2) then reduce to

for cations and

for anions.

ms~ 8 = 2f (u@ u 8) , (3-3)

m@~@ = 2f(u e - u@) (3-4)

These are simply the equations of two harmonic oscillators with

finite eigenfrequencies. They correspond to those of the optical

modes for k << 107 cm -I. The approximation made when replacing (3-1)

and (3-2) by (3-3) and (3-4) eliminates the wave-vector dependence

of the phonon frequencies in the region 107 % k ~ 10 8 cm -I .

Frequency splittings of longitudinal (LO) and transverse (TO) opti-

cal phonons as described by the well-known Lyddane-Sachs-Teller

relation cannot be derived from these equations.

From the simple electrostatic model illustrated in Fig.1 it can be

seen, however, that in the direction of the phonon wave-vector of

the LO mode there are electric fields of long range compared with

the dimensions of the unit cell due to periodic concentrations of

positive and negative charges. These electric fields induce addi-

tional restoring forces, leading to higher LO frequencies. The TO

mode in Fig.l On the other hand does not induce electric fields.

The situation sketched here corresponds to the electrostatic appro-

ximation where the velocity of light is supposed to be infinite.

If retardation effects are taken into account, every point in the

vicinity of an atom will be displaced to the position occupied at

time t O -x/c, where x is the distance and c the finite velocity of

light. As a result, in a more realistic model, polar transverse

phonons (with wave-vectors k ! 2• cm -I) will also be associated


Page 50: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

@ 0 �9 �9 �9 �9 0 �9 O O 00 �9 " O O 00 O O" O 00 O O

"o o o "00"o% " " "o" O0 00 �9 �9 �9 O0 0 0

0 0 0 O0 0 0 0 �9 �9 0 0 �9 0 0 0 O , 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 O

"o o o c+I-o o ~ " " o �9 o �9 �9 �9 o o o o o o ~149 (-)

0 0 �9 �9 �9 �9 �9 �9 �9 0 0 �9 �9 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �9 0 0 @0 0 0

O 0 0 I 0 00 " , 0(90 0 0 0 �9 0 �9 �9 � 9 0 0 0 0

O ~ 0 0 00 0 Q 0 �9 �9 �9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 00

TO ~ ~ LO

Fig. i Transverse (TO) and longitudinal (LO) optical vibrations in a diatomic cubic crystal showing the long-range electro- static fields that cause the LO-TO splitting. Sublattices with different charges are indicated by black and white circles (" = -; o = +) , from /76/.

with electromagnetic fields having frequencies equal to those of

the mechanical vibrations, see 3.2. If (3-3) and (3-4) are genera-

lized, taking into account additional restoring forces caused by

the local electric fields Eto c and ESloc at the positions of anions

and cations, we get

ms~ e 2f(u@ us)- e*E e = - loc (3-5)

* e (3-6) m@08 = 2f (u s - us)+ e El�9 c ,

where e* denotes the effective charge of the ions. These two equa-

tions can be reduced to a single equation of motion with respect

to the relative coordinate (us - u 8) by assuming the local fields

E s and E ~ . E loc loc to be identical, i.e E s = E 8 loc loc El�9

M(~8 - ~S) = -2f(u8 - us)+ e'El�9 c (3-7)

Herein M = m s �9 m@/(m@ + ms) is the reduced mass of an elementary


In addition to this equation, we have to consider the electric po-

larization of the unit cell

P = (e*/o a)_ (Us - u s )+(~@ + ~e)Eloc/~ a- (3-8)


Page 51: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

e~(u@ - u e) is a dipole caused by the displacement of the ions in

the two sublattices and ~@Elo c and ~eEloc are dipoles induced by

the local electric fields. They deform the electron shells of the

ions. ~8 and ~e are the polarizabilities of cations and anions, re-

spectively, and u a is the unit cell volume. For numerical calcula-

tions, we replace the local electric field in (3-7) and (3-8) by

the macroscopic field E appearing in Maxwell's equations. This can

be done by the well-known relation E = Eloc-(4z/3)P which, however,

holds only for optically isotropic media /61/. If, finally, a ge-

neralized displacement coordinate defined by Q (M/Ua) I/2 = ( u S - u ~ )

is introduced, (3-7) and (3-8) become of the form first claimed by

Huang /36/ in 1951 for the description of cubic diatomic crystals

with one polar mode

= BIIQ + BI2E (3-91

= B21Q + B22E (3-iO)

The coefficients B ~v can be interpreted macroscopically, see 3.3.

The derivation given above allows us - at least for the simple cu-

bic lattice in question - also to see directly the microscopic


B II = q2f/~+C4~e~2/3Ua M) . [1-47Ca8+~ @)/3ua]-I , (3-11)

BI2 = B21 = (e~/~--~a) [l-4~(~+~@) /3Ua] -I , (3-12)

B 22 = [(~+~e)/Ua] .[l-4~(~@+~@)/3Ua] -I (3-13)

B 12 = B 21 trivially follows also from the derivation given in 3.4.

In polyatomic crystals and others of lower symmetry the relation

between the macroscopic and local electric fields cannot as a rule

be expressed by a simple equation as used above. This makes the mi-

croscopic interpretation of the generalized coefficients B U~ more

complicated, see 4.13 and Appdx 2.

Because all directions in cubic crystals are optically equivalent,

the B U~ in (3-9) and (3-10) are scalars. Exactly longitudinal and

transverse waves thus exist for all wave-vector directions in such



Page 52: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

If we combine (3-9) and (3-10) only with Maxwell's equation div D = 0

for insulators, where D = E + 4~P, we obtain a description of the

long-wavelength optical phonons in the electrostatic approximation.

For the electric field E

div E -4~B21(I-4~B22) -I _ = ,div Q (3-14)

Transverse waves (with lattice displacement vectors QT ) consequent-

ly do not induce electric fields because div ~T = O. div ~T = O

leads to either a vanishing or a homogeneous, frequency-independent

electric field. Longitudinal waves on the other hand will be asso-

ciated with a long-range macroscopic electric field because

div ~L + O. The generalized equation of motion (3-9) now includes

a description of the frequency-splitting of polar TO and LO modes.

Both TO and LO modes, however, still are without dispersion in the

electrostatic approximation, i.e. their frequencies are wave-vector

independent in the center of the IBZ.

Additional Literature

Sindeev, Yu. G.: Determination of the effective charge of ions

from the spectra of the Raman scattering of light by polaritons

/ 2 4 0 / .


The theory in the electrostatic approximation on the basis of

Huang's equations (3-9) and (3-10) is developed by taking into

account only div D = O. These equations determine the vectors Q, E

and P. Regarding the total set of Maxwell's equations, the electro-

static treatment is equivalent to the approximation curl E = O.

In a rigorous treatment this assumption has to be dropped. The ro-

tation of the electric field then gives rise to a time-dependent

magnetic field

curl E = -(1/c)(~H/~t) (3-15)

and the magnetic field in turn causes an electric displacement


Page 53: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

curl H = (l/c) (~D/3t) , (3-16)

with D = E + 4~. It can be seen directly from (3-15) that the

approximation curl E = 0 is identical to a model with an infinite

velocity of light or with a time-independent magnetic field. Taking

account of retardation effects for long-wavelength polar lattice

vibrations thus means that Huang's equations are formally combined

with the complete set of Maxwell's equations instead of with only

div D = O.

It is well-known from crystal optics that Maxwell's equations

(3-15) and (3-16) together with an plane-wave ansatz lead directly

to a relationship between the electric field E and displacement D

of the form

D__ = n 2 [ E - s ( s . E ) ] , ( 3 - 1 7 )

where n is the refractive index of the medium, s denotes a unit

vector in the direction of the wave-vector k and, because s is al-

ways perpendicular to D /61/, it follows from D = E + 4~P that

s.E = -4vs.P (3-18)

and finally from (3-17) and (3-18)

E = 4~(n2-1)-l[P - n2s(s.P)] = 4~(n2-i) -I PT - 4~PL (3-19)

Combining Huang's equations with (3-19) therefore leads to a theory

which includes retardation effects. We now show that, in contrast

to the electrostatic model, polar TO modes are here no longer with-

out dispersion in the central region of the IBZ.

We remember that the refractive index can always be written

n = ck/~ , (3-20)

see (2-4). This follows directly from the definition n = c/v, where

v = m/k is the phase velocity of light in the medium. For trans-

verse waves (~ i s) the electric field according to (3-19) is simply

given by


Page 54: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

-i E = 47(n2-i) PT ' (3-21)

whereas for purely longitudinal waves (P~I s)

= -4WPL (3-22)

From (3-21) and (3-22) we can once more verify that the electrosta-

tic approximation (c § ~), which according to (3-20) is identical

with n z § =, leads to vanishing electric fields for transverse

modes, whereas the electric fields of longitudinal modes are not



It has been shown that because of retardation effects polar trans-

verse modes may also be associated with electric fields. This cau-

ses such modes to be coupled with light waves in the crystal when

the energies ~ and momenta hk of the phonons and photons are appro-

ximately of the same order. In general the phonon frequencies of

lattice waves lie in the infrared and the coupling with long-wave-

length photons will thus take place in this region. Photons in the

visible, on the other hand, propagate through the medium without

resonances when their frequencies fall into the gap between IR and

UV absorption (excitons).

Because of this coupling transverse polar modes will no longer be

without dispersion in the center of the IBZ. The dispersion rela-

tion can easily be derived from Huang's equations (3-9), (3-10),

and (3-21) when making an ansatz of plane-wave solutions for

Q, E and P ~ exp{-i(~t-k.s

The set of fundamental equations for TO modes is

_~2Q = BllQ + BI2E , (3-23)

B21Q + B22E = _ , (3-24)

-I E = 47(n2-i) P (3-25)


Page 55: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Elimination of Q, E and P leads to

n 2 = I+4~B 22 + 4~BI2B21/(-BII-e 2) (3-26)

This is the well-known dispersion relation for the frequency-depen-

dent dielectric function which is in general written macroscopi-

cally /61 w 62 w

2 (~o_C) / (~$_~ 2) n 2 = ~ (~) = e + ~T (3-27)

Damping has been neglected /61, 62/. go denotes the 'static' dielec-

tric constant for m << eT and e the high-frequency dielectric con-

stant for ~ >> mT" eT is the frequency of the polar transverse lat-

tice wave in the electrostatic approximation, eo-e ~ 4~ p denotes

the oscillator strength of the mode. In practice, g has to be de-

termined at some frequency in the gap between IR and UV absorption,

which for transparent materials is the visible region (e.g. the

laser frequency), and c o at some frequency that is small compared

with that of the optical lattice vibration but large compared with

the acoustic phonon frequencies. This means measurements at ~ 102 MHz.

Comparing (3-26) and (3-27), we can now see the macroscopic inter-

pretations of the coefficients B ~, which are of great importance


BII _ z (3-28) = ~T '

BI2 = B21 = ~T [(eo-S~ )/4z] I/2 = eT/~ , (3-29)

B 22 = (e -I)/4~ (3-30)

Taking (3-20) into account, the dispersion relation for transverse

POlar phonon s according to (3-27) becomes

2 (Co_g)/(e$_m2) (3-31) (cZkZ/~ z) = e + ~T

As this equation is quadratic in ~2, there are two solutions

~2 = m2 (k), corresponding to the two TO branches sketched in Fig.2a.

In addition to these transverse branches there is a longitudinal

branch. The corresponding solution is obtained when combining


Page 56: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


I \\\ I I ' LO LO LO LO I

\ \ I I I ,

, . ,

-.-~'12G _10 7 _2.10Z~ _i0 a 0 +I0 z' +2 10 z. +10 7 +~'12a -IO3+IO s

k (cm-1): -~

Fig . 2a Dispersion curves of the long-wavelength optical phonons, photons and polaritons of a cubic diatomic lattice in the center of the IBZ. In order to demonstrate the connection with dispersion effects in the region 106 ~ k ~ 108 cm -I , the branches of a LO and a LA phonon have been added in a different linear scale, from /76/.

Huang's equations (3-23) and (3-24) with (3-22) instead of (3-21).

Elimination of Q, E and P then leads to the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller


e2 = 4~BI2B21(l+4zB22)-I _ B II (3-32)

which due to (3-28), (3-29) and (3-30) can be written in the well-

known form

2 2 __ ~L/~T go/g ~ (3-33)

= ~L thus does not depend on k in the polariton region and accor-

dingly the LO branch in Fig.2a is without dispersion.

The detailed interpretation of Fig.2a is as follows: In the framing

pictures to left and right a longitudinal optical (LO) and longi-

tudinal acoustic (LA) dispersion branch as derived from lattice

dynamics on the basis of the Born-von K~rm~n model have been

sketched for 107 ! k ~ 108 cm -I. Dispersion effects caused by the

coupling between electromagnetic waves and transverse polar phonons

appear in the center of the IBZ for 103 ! k ~ 2 • 104 cm -I. This

'polariton region' has been sketched on a different linear scale

(middle picture). The dispersion curve of photons in the absence

of polar lattice waves is indicated by a dashed line with slope

c/E/~. Due to the coupling with lattice waves, the photons acquire


Page 57: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

some phonon character for decreasing k and the dispersion curve

ends at the frequency of the LO phonon. On the other hand, the

lowest-frequency TO phonon acquires some photon character for de-

creasing k, and the dispersion branch reaches ~ = 0 for k = O with

the slope c//~ ~ in the origin. This can easily be derived from

(3-31). The LO branch, (3-33), is finally described by a horizontal

line without dispersion. The energies of the quanta of the two TO

branches in the polariton region are partly mechanical and partly

electromagnetic /36, 62/, see 4.7, 4.11 and Fig.2b. Polaritons

associated with the upper TO branch are referred to here as 'photon-

like' and those originating from the lower TO branch as 'phonon-


For k = 0 the upper TO branch has the same frequency as the LO pho-

non, which implies that the electric field due to the retardation

effect is identical to that of the LO phonon. This can be seen di-

rectly from (3-21) and (3-22) because n 2 = O holds for k = O, see

again (3-20). Two rigid sublattices are oscillating against each

other and there are obviously no wave-vector directions in the cen-

ter of the IBZ. Hence, LO and TO modes can no longer be distinguished

from each other.

In the electrostatic approximation (c § ~), the slopes of the two

dashed lines c//< and c//~ o in Fig.2a would be infinite and all

the polariton dispersion effects would coincide with the ~ axis.

The lowest-frequency polar TO branch then becomes the horizontal

dashed line at e = eT" Furthermore, no photon dispersion curves

would appear in the ~, k diagram. Note, however, that the LO-TO

splitting described by (3-33) still takes place.

According to (3-19) and (3-20) the electrostatic approximation

(n 2 § ~) can be achieved for k + ~ in the polariton theory. Since

this theory, however, is an approximation valid only for long-wave-

length lattice waves, e = e(k) for k § ~ describes only phonons ex-

isting in the region 105 ~ k ~ 107 cm -I of the IBZ. The phase velo-

cities of these phonons vanish. The phase velocity of photons in the

absence of polar phonons on the other hand would be c//~ (slope of

the light line). Hence, the phase velocities of the mixed excita-

tions described by the phonon-like polariton branch change from O

to C//~ O for decreasing k values (the respective slopes of the dis-

persion curve).


Page 58: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons




I a

W_iT C

Fig.2b Percentage of mechanical energy in the (a) phonon- and (b) photon-like transverse branches, from /36/.

The horizontal parts of the dispersion curves of the polar TO pho-

nons in Fig.2a obviously describe lattice waves with different

wavelengths but identical frequencies. At the short wavelength li-

mit of the IBZ, the oscillating dipole moments of neighboring ele-

mentary cells are cancelled so that no macroscopic electric fields

are built up. Such fields are created by the lattice waves only if

their wavelengths become large enough, i.e. of the order of un-

coupled electromagnetic waves in the medium. This is exactly what

happens in the polariton region.

Polaritons are excitations in crystalline media, which always exist

because the materials are in thermal contact with their surroun-

dings: they are not excited only by external electric fields ente-

ring the medium. When, on the other hand, an infrared electromagne-

tic wave with a frequency lying in the polariton region (ordinate

in Fig.2) enters the medium,it travels through it as a polariton

wave with a wave vector k' which can easily be found on the abscissa

in the ~, k diagram. The phase velocity of this wave is (~w/~k)k,.

Finally,polaritons may also be created in Stokes-Raman scattering

processes, as described by (i-i). In this case only part of the

incident photon energy ~i traverses the medium as a p01ariton wave

~, and the rest continues at much higher frequency as a pure pho-

ton ~s with the phase velocity c/e/~. As can be seen from the

Boitzmann factor,only a small part of the polariton population at

room temperature is created in this way, most of them being created

thermally. The phenomenon is beautifully illustrated by Anti-Stokes

scattering from polaritons, see /284, Figs.l and 2/. Polaritons


Page 59: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

which have previously been excited thermally are here destroyed and

add their energies to the incident photons, (i-I). The decreasing

intensity in the Anti-Stokes spectra for decreasing temperatures

shows the decreasing thermal population at lower temperatures.

Huang's model may in summary be characterized in the following way.

The wave-vector dependence of phonon frequencies due to interatomic

forces has been eliminated by introducing k-independent coeffi-

cients B ~ and by the statements leading to (3-3) and (3-4), where

the lattice displacement coordinate (us - u 8) ~ Q is first intro-

duced. On the other hand, k dependence is reintroduced later by

plane waves in combination with Maxwell's equations. For this rea-

son, the theory describes polariton dispersion, but not dispersion

effects in the region 107 ! k ~ 108 cm -I


We now turn our attention to the energy in a material with polari-

ton dispersion. As first shown by Huang /36/, the following ex-

pression correctly describes the energy density (Hamilton density)

in such a medium

H = (I/2)O2-(I/2)QBIIQ - QBI2E-(I/2)EB 22E + E.P+(i/8n) (E2+H2). (3-34)

Energy conservation requires that ~H/~t remains zero. From (3-34)

we therefore derive

�9 ""

3H/~t = Q(Q-BIIQ-BI2E)+E(P-BI2Q-B22E)+E'P+(I/4z) (E.E+H.H) (3-35)

The first two terms obviously vanish because Huang's equations

(3-9) and (3-10) hold. The remaining terms can be rewritten

(i/4~) [E(~+4~P)+H.H] = (i/4~) (~ E.E+H.H) (3-36)

Eq.(3-36), however, is the time derivative of

(i/8~) (e E2+H 2) (3-37)

representing the energy density of the electromagnetic field in a


Page 60: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

nonmagnetic material. From thermodynamic considerations it is well-

known that the equation of motion as well as the macroscopic polari-

zation can be derived from the potential energy density when the

contributions of the vacuum field are omitted:

Q = -3~I~Q (3-38)


= -~#/~E , (3-39)

see /304, 138/. In order to apply (3-38) and (3-39), the energy den-

sity H (3-34) therefore has to be reduced by the first term

(1/2)22 describing the kinetic energy and by the last three terms.

(i/4~) (E2+H 2) obviously represents the vacuum energy density and

E.P the potential energy of all dipoles in the material (caused by

lattice vibrations) in an external field E. Eq. (3-34) reduces to

= -(1/2)QBIIQ - QBI2E -(1/2)EB22E (3-40)

As can easily be seen, Huang's equations (3-9) and (3-10) are in

fact immediately derived from (3-40) when (3-38) and (3-39) are

applied, and it trivially holds that B 12 = B 21.

The percentage of the mechanical energy of the phonon- and photon-

like dispersion branches as a function of the wave vector has been

calculated by Huang /36/ from (3-34), see Fig.2b.

The generalization of (3-40) to include materials with a magnetic

permeability ~ different from 1 becomes

> (3-41)

The two additional terms describe the interaction of lattice vibra-

tions with the magnetic field H and the potential energy of magne-

tic dipoles (induced by the H field) in the H field.

Direct interactions between the electric and magnetic fields in the

material have been left out of consideration in this approximation,

i.e. a mixed term in E and H has been neglected. The third funda-

mental equation (3-17) or (3-19) now has to be replaced by two re-

lations which are similarly derived from Maxwell's equations by


Page 61: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

taking into account that p # i. The total set of fundamental equa-

tions then becomes

_P -~ (c2k./~ ') [(~-1)/4~j [E-s(s.E)] . (3-41)

M_ = (c2k2/~21 [(u-~)14~] [H-sIs'Hl] , <3-421

12 12 = - ( ~ / ~ Q ) = B l l Q + B E .~ + B H ~ , (3-43)

12 22 P = -(~r = B E Q + _ _ B E E , (3-44)

12 22 M = -(~r = B H Q + B H H (3-45)

= [(~-I)/4~]H denotes the magnetic polarization. The system (3-41)

to (3-45) is linear in Q, E, P, H and M and can be solved by the

well-known methods of linear algebra. We do not further discuss

magnetic polaritons because no experimental work on the subject has

yet been published. It should, however, be mentioned that the re-

sults suggest that the dispersion curves are of a similar shape to

those shown in Fig. 2a. Mills and Burstein /300/ have presented

dispersion branches of magnetic polaritons in MnF 2 for a vanishing

external magnetic field. We refer to this article for further dis-



Page 62: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

4. Dispersion of Polar Optical Modes in Polyatomic General Crystals


In 3.1 to 3.4 we have presented a detailed discussion of the physi-

cal background of the polariton theory on the basis of its simplest

model. We now present a more rigorous derivation of the general

theory for arbitrary crystals, as developed over the last few years

/31, 63 to 68, 73, 332/. Furthermore, we shall discuss experimental

methods and results demonstrating the most characteristic phenome-

na /31, 35, 69 to 78/.

Following Cochran and Cowley /79/, the two fundamental equations

describing the long-wavelength lattice waves in a polyatomic cry-

stal may be derived from a potential energy density # which in the

harmonic approximation can be written

= (i/2)u.L,u - u.M.E - (I/2)E.N.E (4-1)

u is a 3s dimensional displacement vector for the ~ atoms in the

unit cell. L is a (31 • 3~) matrix, M a (3~ • 3) matrix, and N a

(3 • 3) matrix. The relation obviously represents the generaliza-

tion of (3-40) to arbitrary crystals: Because only infrared-active

modes show polariton dispersion,we can exclude the 3p displacement-

vector components of silent modes, only Raman-active modes, and

the three nonpolar acoustical mode components. All components of

the corresponding 3p + 3 lines in the matrix M are O. u reduces to

become of dimension 3n = 3Z - 3p - 3, and the matrices L, M, and N

become of type (3n x 3n), (3n • 3) and (3 • 3), respectively. The

equation of motion and the macroscopic polarization can again be

derived from (4-1) as


Page 63: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

P~ = -~I~ , (4-2)


P = -~%I~E (4-3)

In (4-2) p is a diagonal matrix with elements Pi = mi/Ua(i = l...3n).

The m i are atomic masses and u a is the cell volume. Groups of three

elements of the pi are always identical and represent the densities

of the n sublattices, appearing threefold because there are three

degrees of freedom. These densities can be eliminated from the fun-

damental equations by defining a generalized displacement vector u'

with components u! = ~ u i and by introducing corresponding matri- 1

with elements L[ = L (PiPj) -I/2 and M' = M (pi)-I/2 In ces l 3 ij is is

analogy to the normal coordinate treatment in molecular physics,

it is useful to diagonalize L' when describing the purely mechanical

part of the energy density: -A-I.L'.A = B" where A -I = A +. In ge-

neral, however, the second mixed term in (4-1) makes an important

contribution to the energy density ~. The linear orthogonal trans-

formation applied thus does not define normal coordinates in the

usual sense. The 'normal coordinates' obtained in general are not

linearly independent of each other but are still coupled due to the

electric field. We therefore use the term 'quasinormal coordinates'

These are Q = A-l.u ' and the remaining two terms of % become

B 12 = A-I.M ' and B ~2 H N. Eq. (4-i) can be written alternatively as

= -(I/2)Q.BII,Q - Q.BI2.E -(I/2)E.B22.E (4-4)

Taking into account (4-2) and (4-3), the equation of motion and the

macroscopic polarization are derived as

= -(~}I~Q) = BII.Q + Bl2.[ , (4-5)

= -(~#ISE) = B21.Q + B22.E , (4-6)

where B 21 is the transposed matrix of B 12, i.e. B 21 = (BI2) +. With

plane-wave solutions for Q, E and P ~ exp[-i(mt-k.r)] , (4-5) , (4-6) ,

and (3-19) represent the fundamental set of equations of the polari-

ton theory for general crystals:


Page 64: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

_~2Q = BII.Q + BI2.E

: B21.Q + B22,E

E = 41T(nZ-l)-l[P _ nZs(s.p)]




The quasinormal coordinates are normal coordinates in the usual

sense only for vanishing electric fields. This happens for k § ~

and wave-vectors in the principal crystal directions where there

are exactly transverse polar phonons, see 3.2. For silent modes and

only Raman-active modes, on the other hand, the normal coordinate

treatment still holds in the classic form because these modes are

never associated with electric fields for any wave-vector direc-

tions and magnitudes. Only acoustic modes in piezoelectric crystals

can be associated with electric fields due to the piezoelectric

effect. This may cause some polariton dispersion on the corres-

ponding branches.

Additional Literature

Inomata, H., Horie, C.: The master equation in a polariton system



Microscopic interpretations of the generalized coefficients B p~ in

(4-7) and (4-8) have been discussed in /263/ and /80/, see 4.13 and

Appdx 2. The coefficients may, however, easily be related also to

macroscopic properties that can be experimentally determined. If

we restrict our discussion to cubic, uniaxial, and orthorhombic

crystals, the components of (4-7) and (4-8) for the principal

crystallographic axes (~ = i, 2 or 3) are

Ii BI2E -~2Q~i = B~iiQ~i + ei ~ '



n = ~ BI2Q + B22E

P~ i~l ~i ~i e (4-ii)


Page 65: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

n is the number of polar modes for the direction a and nl+n2+n3 = n

the total number of polar modes. If the symmetry of the crystal is

at least orthorhombic, the quasinormal coordinates Qai for the a

direction are linear combinations of only those components of E and

P that refer to the same axis, ~. Every quasinormal coordinate

describes a mode with lattice displacements parallel to one of the

three principal directions. Consequently, there are at least two

TO and one LO mode for wave-vectors along every principal direction.

In monoclinic and triclinic systems the crystallographic axes are

no longer orthogonal. Pure TO and LO modes therefore generally exist

only for wave-vectors in certain off-principal directions. This is

because the axes of the dielectric tensor ellipsoid are no longer

determined by the crystallographic axes. Phonons propagating in

arbitrary directions, on the other hand, are in general of mixed

type due to multimode mixing. Monoclinic and triclinic crystals are

further discussed in 4.9.

The macroscopic theory has so far been worked out in detail only

for the orthorhombic system and such of higher symmetries. This is

partly because the experimental work that must be done to assign

all fundamental LO and TO modes in monoclinic and triclinic systems

is extremely extensive and the authors do not know of its existence

for even one material. The difficulties may be appreciated by re-

ference to 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7, where a rather simple trigonal cry-

stal is described.

It is convenient to study three different relations for the fre-

quency-dependent dielectric function e = a(~). The first can easily

be derived from (4-10) and (4-11) by eliminating ~ai and taking

into account that c(e)E = E + 4~P. The second is a well-known re-

lation from optical dispersion theory, where S i ~ 4zp i are the

oscillator strengths of the infrared active modes. The third is

a factorized form derived by Kurosawa /81/.

n~ 4~,B12. 2

~(~) = 1 + 4~B 22 + ~ (~i) (4-12) a~ _BII _ w 2 '

i=l ~ii

n~ S.~_, + [ i TI , (4-13)

i= 1 w2 _ ~2 ~Ti


Page 66: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

n ~2 _ ~2 ~Li

(~) = ~ H ~i= 1 ~2 _ ~2



Fig.3 is a graphical presentation of the Kurosawa relation (4-14).

For ~ § O, (4-14) reduces to the well-known generalized LST rela-



( z 2 (a (O) /~ ) = H maLi/m T i) (4-15)


a (O) H g~o denotes the static dielectric constant. For ~ § ~, on

the other hand, the product in (4-14) becomes 1 and E = a . Be-

cause damping terms have been neglected in the resonance denomina-

tors, the frequenoies of the n TO modes are described mathemati-

cally by the poles appearing for w § ~Ti" The frequencies of the

LO modes are obtained in the same way from the zeros of the dielec-

tric function where ~ = W~L i. From the resonance denominators in

(4-12) and (4-13) it can be seen that B II _~z which are the ~ii = ~Ti'

negative squares of the frequencies of transverse phonons in

direction. For ~ § ~, on the other hand, it follows from (4-12) and 22

(4-13) that B~ = (~-I)/4~. Finally, (4-12) and (4-14) determine


(B ) = (e /4~) n

H (~O~T j - Ob~T k) j=l j~k

when the constants BI~ and B 22 are explicitly substituted and ~ll ~

e = ~Tk ' which is the frequency of the k-th transverse mode in e

direction. Hence, the coefficients in (4-10) and (4-11) can be ex-

perimentally determined when the frequencies ~Tj (TO modes) and

~Lj (LO modes) and the dielectric constants ~e~ are known. The

mode strength S k of the k-th mode can be derived from (4-12) and

(4-13) for ~ § eTk

12 2 S k = (4~/e~Tk) (Bek) (4-17)


Page 67: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons




i ~L~



~L2 ~T



(//l-3 ('OT3

Fig.3 The dielectric function s = C(W) as determined by the Kuro- sawa relation when neglecting damping (4-14). The graphs are sketched for one principal direction, ~ = 1,2 or 3, and for n = 3 polar modes.

Substituting (4-16) in (4-17), we obtain

Sk = (~2~Lk - ~eTk) (e~/e~Tk)2

n 2 2

(~Lj - ~Tk ) H 2 2

j=l (~Tj - ~Tk ) j+k (4-18)

The determination of the LO frequencies ~Lj for calculations of

the coefficients B ~ can thus be replaced by the determination of

the mode strengths S k. For this purpose IR-intensity measurements

are required. According to (4-18) the mode strength is proportio-

nal to the magnitude of the LO-TO splitting of the corresponding

mode (first factor). S k thus vanishes for e~Lk = ~aTk"

In order to solve the set (4-9), (4-10), and (4-11), it is conve-

nient to combine the vectors Q, E and P to a (n + 3 + 3)-dimensio-

nal vector X = (Q, E, P). The equations can then be written in the

comprehensive form

A �9 X = O (4-19)

The matrix A is of dimension (n + 6) x (n + 6)


Page 68: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

A = I B II + ~2I B 12 O 1 (BI2) + B 22 -I

0 -I T

I denotes the three-dimensional unit matrix, 0 a zero-matrix, and

T stands for 4~(n2-1)-l.(I-n2s s). (The refractive index n in this

relation must not be confused with the total number of polar modes

n I + n 2 + n 3 = n, see above.) The condition for a nontrivial solu-

tion of (4-19) is: det A = O. This leads to a generalized Fresnel


2 2 2 s I s 2 s 3

+ + = O , (4-20) 1 1 1 1 1 1

n 2 el(U ) n 2 E2(w) n 2 g3(~)

where s = (Sl,S2,S 3) is a unit vector in the direction of the wave

vector s = ~/lhl, see /66/. If we compare (4-20) with the corres-

ponding relation from crystal optics, the only difference is that

the dielectric functions s (~) are frequency-dependent and not sim-

ply constants valid for a certain frequency. The frequency depen-

dence is given explicitly by the Kurosawa relation (4-14) or by

(4-13). Written without denominators, (4-20) becomes

3 3 s (~) s 2 n (g~(~) - n 2 ) = 0 (4-21)

~=i ~ ~=i

So as not to exclude any solutions, the equation will be discussed

in this form. Taking into account the relation n 2 = c2k2/m 2 (3-20),

(4-21) represents the general dispersion relation of polaritons in

orthorhombic crystals and such of higher symmetries.

The k dependence of the mode frequencies was introduced by plane-

wave solutions in (4-7) and (4-8), whereas the optical anisotropy

was allowed for by introducing (4-9), where the wave normal vector

s first appears (crystal optics). Eq.(4-21) is of power (n + 2) in

~2 and there are (n + 2) polariton eigenfrequencies for every di-

rection of the wave-vector. Directional dispersion as well as po-

lariton dispersion in matter is completely described by (4-21) and

we are now going to discuss some special cases concerning crystal

classes which have been experimentally studied.


Page 69: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Additional Literature

Barentzen, H., Schrader, B., Merten, L.: Optical properties of

lattice vibrations in molecular crystals /228/.

Tsu, R., Iha, S.S.: Phonon and polariton modes in a superlattice



In cubic crystals el(U) = e2(~) = e3(~) z ~(~) because they are op-

tically isotropic. Accordingly, the numbers of eigenfrequencies for

all (principal) directions are equal: n I = n 2 = n 3 ~ m. Eq. (4-21)


3 - Z = 0 (4-22)


with (3-20), and because s[ + s~ + s~ = i, it follows that

e(~l[~2e(~) - c2k z] = 0 (4-23)

This equation has two different types of directionally independent


a) s(~) = 0 leads to ~ = WLi, the frequencies of the LO phonons;

see the discussion of the Kurosawa relation in 4.2. Their 'dis-

persion relation' is the generalized LST relation and the LO

branches thus do not depend on the magnitude of the wave-vector

k within the whole polariton region.

b) ~2~(~) - c2k z = 0 or e(~) = c2k2/~ ~ = n 2 describes the wave vec-

tor-dependent polariton-dispersion branches. All polariton fre-

quencies in cubic crystals are directionally independent since

only k z appears in this relation. Note, however, that the Raman-

scattering intensities in cubic crystals are direction-dependent,

see 4.12. Thus, for experimental purposes, all k directions are

not equivalent. For k + O, the frequencies are identical to those

of the LO phonons, either ~ = ~Li or ~ = O. For k § ~, on the

other hand, m can be either ~ = ~Ti or e § ~. This can be seen

from (4-14), written


Page 70: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

m ~2 _ ~2 T• (i/~ z) K = s /c2k 2 , (4-24)

i=] ~Li - ~2

where eC~) = c2k2/m 2 has been introduced.

For the simplest type of diatomic cubic crystal with only two atoms

in the unit cell, discussed in detail in 3.3, m = 1 holds for eve-

ry direction. Consequently, the vector of the quasinormal coordi-

nates has only three components:

= Q2


Eq. (3-17) and D = g(~).E furthermore require s(s,E) = O. This im-

plies s for nonvanishing wave vectors and electric fields. From

Huang's equation (3-23) it can easily be realized that polaritons

in cubic crystals are exactly transverse (~i~) because

(Sl'S2'S3) Q2 (-~2-BII) = Bl2(sl's2's3 ) E2 = 0 (4-25)

3 E

The macroscopic polarization P also stands perpendicular to s, see

(3 -18) .

For all wave-vector directions there are purely longitudinal and

transverse modes. This result is unique for cubic crystals and

does not apply to crystals of lower syrmmetry. The proof can easily

be extended to cubic crystals with an arbitrary number of polar

modes by arranging the quasinormal coordinates in groups of three,

each group referring to a certain mode. Fig.4 shows the polariton-

dispersion curves in a cubic crystal with m = 2 polar modes. The

second (quadratic) factor in (4-23) describing the transverse pola-

ritons determines three dispersion branches because ~2.~(~)-c2k2= O

is of power m + 1 in ~2. Every branch becomes doubly degenerate

for all wave-vector directions, but this has no physical signifi-

cance. See, however, the discussion of uniaxial and biaxial crys-

tals in 4.4 and 4.9. The lowest-frequency dispersion branch goes

to zero energies for k § O and the next one correspondingly couples

down from ~T2 to ~LI" The highest-frequency one finally ends at ~L2


Page 71: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons




~L~ ~T~

/ / C / / - - /

/ , ' ' S : - ,."

/ , z

..... 5~-- -;~ ..............

/ /

/ 1 / / /

! �9


Fig .4 Polariton-disper-

sion branches in a

cubic crystal with

two polar modes

see /160,166/.

in the center of the IBZ. In the regions between eTl and eL 1 and

~T2 and WL2 , respectively, there are no bulk polaritons. We shall

later see that these are the energy regions where surface polari-

tons can be excited. For k + ~, where according to 3.1 and 3.2 the

electric field of the transverse modes vanishes, the two lower-

frequency branches again describe purely mechanical phonons with

vanishing phase velocities. The third branch describes photons pro-

pagating through the medium with phase velocity c//~"

The polariton dispersion branches of cubic crystals with an arbi-

trary number of atoms in the unit cell are derived from (4-23) by

taking into account a corresponding number of polar modes in the

dielectric function, (4-14).

Since the first successful light-scattering experiments on bulk

polaritons in GaP /7/, the Raman effect has remained the princi-

pal experimental method giving information on these quasiparticles.

We therefore discuss the corresponding techniques in more detail.

Energy and quasimomentum conservation are given by

+ ~ , (4-26) h~i = ~s --


~k, = ~k + ~k , (4-27) --l --S


Page 72: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

respectively, the positive signs describing Stokes and the negative

signs Anti-Stokes processes; i stands for 'incident' and s for

'scattered', see 2.1. We recall (see 2.2) that in a cubic (optical-

ly isotropic) crystal the magnitude of the wave-vectors of the in-

cident and scattered photons are given by k i = 2~n(li)/l i and

k s = 2~n(is)/is, respectively; n is the refractive index of the me-

dium, and I i and I s are the wavelengths in vacuum. For a right an-

gle Raman scattering process with , = ~ (~i' ~s ) = ~/2 and an exci-

ting frequency in the visible, we have seen that the magnitudes of

the wave-vectors of the observed elementary excitations are of the

order of k = 105 cm -I, which corresponds to the phonon limit in

polariton theory, see 2.2 and 3.3. Polaritons may therefore be ob-

served by right angle scattering only when using exciting frequen-

cies in the infrared (e.g. a CO 2 laser), where k is approximately -l

one order of magnitude smaller. In the visible region when, for

instance, an argon laser (488 nm, 414.5 nm), a Krypton laser

(568.2 nm, 647.1 nm), or a He-Ne laser (632.8 nm) is used as the

exciting light source, polaritons can be observed only by near-

forward scattering. The high intensities and collimation of laser

beams make it possible to attain well-defined scattering processes

as sketched in Fig.5. The reduction of the scattering angle ~ to

near-forward scattering generally allows the observation of ele-

mentary excitations with wave-vectors of approximately one order

of magnitude less. Furthermore, the variation of * allows a con-

tinuous variation of k. The wave-vector relation for a Stokes pro-

cess k = k + k derived from (4-27) leads to the following ex- --l --s

pression for the magnitude of k:

k = (k~ + k2s - 2kiks cos *)1/2 (4-28)

This can be written alternatively

k = [(k i - ks )2 + 2kiks(1-cos ,)]1/2 (4-29)

Because the refractive index is n = c(~k/~)~i and (~k/~m)~i z

(ki-ks)/(~i-~s), it follows that

k = [ (n2/c2le 2 + 2kiks(l-cos ,)]1/2 (4-301

taking energy conservation, (4-26), into account. (4-30) holds on-


Page 73: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Fig. 5



Near-forward scattering process, allowing the observation of polaritons when exciting laser frequencies in the visible region are used.

ly for n(~ i) z n(~s) . A linear approximation where n(~ s) z n(~i) +

(~k/~)~iI~i-~sl has been discussed in /300/. If the refractive in-

dex cannot be regarded as constant within the region of the Raman

spectrum, it is not possible to give a general prediction of the

experimental situation on the basis of (4-30), (4-31) and (4-56)

through (4-60); see also the discussion concerning (4-62). If we

solve (4-30) together with the dispersion relation ~2 = ~Z(k),

(3-31) or (4-23), the frequencies of the observed polaritons can

be determined directly as a function of #: w 2 = ~2 (#) . Graphically,

(4-30) determines hyperbolas for different ~ in the ~,k diagram.

The smallest wave-vectors are obtained for direct forward scatte-

ring where ~ = O. In this case the two asymptotes of the hyperbo-

las are obtained. Their equations are

= + (c/n) k (4-31)

The intersection points of these 'limiting lines' with the polari-

ton dispersion curves in the ~,k diagram determine the greatest

frequency shifts which can be observed experimentally, see Fig.6.

Then, for # > O, the intersections of the hyperbolas with the dis-

persion curves determine the observed polariton frequencies. The

limiting line with negative slope gives the same information but

for negative k directions, see Fig.2 left-hand side.

The basic condition for observing bulk polaritons by light scatte-

ring is that there be simultaneous IR and Raman activity of the

corresponding modes. Among the five cubic crystal classes the di-

rection groups T (= 23) and T d (= 43 m) have no inversion center.

Their triply degenerate modes (F modes) are consequently both IR-

and Raman-active, so that polaritons may be directly observed. In

1965 Henry and Hopfield /7/ published the first successful experi-

mental observation of phonon-polariton dispersion in GaP. The mate-


Page 74: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

(0 L

(1) T

/ / / / / / / / / , ,

/ / / / . - / , , / , , / /

,, / / / / / / / , / I

Fig.6 On the observation of polaritons in optically isotropic crystals by light scattering , see text.

rial belongs to the space group T d (= F 43 m). The exciting light

source was a 35 mW He-Ne laser and the recording was performed pho-

tographically. The calculated dispersion curves and the experimen-

tal data points are reproduced in Fig.7. For most insulators

c/n(~ i) > c//~o *) , so that the limiting line, (4-31) , has its in-

tersection point with the lowest-frequency dispersion branch in

the origin (Fig.6). In GaP, however, c/n(~ i) < c//s ~ *) because of

a small band gap. This causes an intersection with the polariton

branch at a finite frequency, ~ # O.

As can be seen from (4-31), the maximum frequency shift observable

depends on the refractive index of the material.Leite,Damen and Scott

/82/ first showed this in ZnSe. Like GaP, ZnSe has only one polar

mode. Furthermore, for this material too, the laser lines .at 488,

514.5, 568, and 632.8 nm do not lie too far away from electron re-

sonances, so the refractive index depends very much on the laser

wavelength used for excitation. For this reason, the polariton

shift observed for He-Ne laser excitation at 632.8 nm is more than

i00 cm -I, whereas an argon laser at 488 nm allows the observation

*) Note again that the limiting 'lines' exist only for the approxi- mation n(ei ) = n(~s ) .


Page 75: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~ w L


T3fo T


~ 0 0 4 2 ..Ix::

0 0 4 0





. . . . . . .J ~. - - ~ . . . . .

~ = 0 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~


/jl I f : ; 1 1 I I II, I, l, , ,

0 2 0.3 0.4 0 I 5 0.6 1tick (eV)

I 01 07 08

Fig.7 Calculated polariton dispersion curve and experimental data points for GaP, from /7/ (I eVa 8065 cm-l) .

of a shift of hardly more than 20 cm -I, see also /71/.

The first cubic crystal with an inversion center in which polari-

tons were observed by Raman scattering was KTaO 3 /83/. The experi-

ments were carried out at 8 K, where the material belongs to the

space group 0 k (= Pm 3 m). A pulsed electric field of 250 to 2000 V

was applied along a 2.4-mm crystal, periodically lifting the in-

version center, so (periodically) inducing a Raman activity of the

IR-active modes. The use of a chopper allowed the observation of -i

polaritons associated with the TO phonon at 556 cm . A frequency

shift of 16 cm -I down to 540 cm -I for an internal scattering angle

of ~ = 2 ~ was recorded. The experimental technique has been des-

cribed in detail by Fleury and Worlock /84/.

Further results concerning electric field-included Raman activity

have been reported for SrTiO3, /83/. This material, however, is no 18

longer cubic. It belongs to the space group D4h (= I 4/mcm) in the

low-temperature phase.


Page 76: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Additional Literature

D'Andrea, A., Fornari, B., Mattei, G., Pagannone, M., Scrocco, M.:

Light scattering from polaritons in NaBrO 3 and NaClO 3 /234/.


Uniaxial crystals are characterized by dielectric functions which

are identical for two principal directions. These directions des-

cribe the 'optically isotropic' plane

~z (~) = s2 (~) = ~i (~) (4-32)

For the third principal direction perpendicular to this plane and

referred to as the 'optic axis', the dielectric function is diffe-


e3(c~ -- ~'11 (~) =~ ~_L (~) (4-33)

The symbols i and II denote directions perpendicular and parallel to

the optic axis, respectively (~ = 3). The number of polar modes for

the two principal orthogonal directions in the optically isotropic

plane are identical: n I = n 2 = n i. For an arbitrary direction s of

the wave-vector k, the three vectors Q, E and P can be split into

linearly independent 'ordinary' and 'extraordinary' components

lying perpendicular to or in the plane determined by s and the op-

tic axis, respectively:

Q = kQinl +l'T" Qin2,Qlln 2 +I'''Qlln

Note that n I = n 2 ~ n 3 and n I + n 2 + n 3 = n. We furthermore define

E =

--Eeo .L ' E II



Page 77: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

p = =

e ' PII

If we split the coefficient matrices B ~ in (4-7) and (4-8) or

(4-10) and (4-11) into two parts, B~ ~ and B~, with respect to the

ordinary and extraordinary components of the vectors Q, E and P,

we obtain two different fundamental sets of equations describing

'ordinary' and 'extraordinary' polaritons. The two corresponding

relations for the electric-field components are

E = 4v(n2-1)-I P-o ' (4-34) --O


E = 47 (n2-1)-l[Peo-n2s (s.P.eo) ] --co


This can easily be derived from (4-9). Since Po is always perpendi-

cular to the plane determined by s and the optic axis, the second

term in the bracket of (4-9) vanishes for ordinary polaritons. Or-

dinary polaritons thus do not show directional dispersion because

s no longer appears in (4-34).

The set of equations describing extraordinary polaritons, on the

other hand, includes (4-35) for the electric field. In this rela-

tion (S.Peo) will generally not vanish since the only assumption

made was that P = (P ) lies in the plane determined by s and -so • Pll the optic axis. Accordingly, extraordinary polaritons become of

mixed type, being partly longitudinal and partly transverse for ar-

bitrary wave-vector directions.

In terms of group theory the modes with displacement vector compo-

nents lying only perpendicular to the optic axis are said to be

twofold degenerate. Ordinary polaritons with Q-o = (Q~I'''Q~n I) are

thus associated for all wave-vector directions with exactly trans-

verse photons of E type. The extraordinary displacement vector on

the other hand is Q-co = (Qinl+l'''Qin2 ' Qlln2+l "''QI~n )" This implies

quasinormal coordinate components both perpendicular and parallel

to the optic axis. Extraordinary polaritons for arbitrary directions

s therefore are associated with photons of mixed type E + A, the

A-type ones referring to totally symmetric components with the


Page 78: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

index II . We shall later see that only for wave-vectors propagating

in the optically isotropic plane do extraordinary polaritons show

pure A character with lattice displacements parallel to the optic

axis (z). On the other hand, for ~llz extraordinary polaritons dege-

nerate with the ordinary ones. Both are then of pure E(TO) type.

For more detailed discussions, see 4.7.

If the fundamental equations for the ordinary and extraordinary

components of Q, E and P are solved separately by the procedure des-

cribed in 4.2, different dispersion relations are obtained for the

ordinary and extraordinary polaritons. The result, however, can

also be seen directly from the general relation (4-21), taking in-

to account (4-32) and (4-33). Eq. (4-21) splits into two factors:


The zeros of the first factor, depending on the magnitude of the

wave-vector but not its direction, describe the ordinary polaritons.

The second bracket on the other hand contains E|(~) as well as

~ii(~), the magnitude of the wave-vector k, and its direction

= (Sl,~ eli) where s|~ = (s{ + s~)1/2 and ell ~ s 3. This bracket cor-

respondingly gives the dispersion relation of extraordinary polari-

tons. When the angle @ between the optic axis and s is introduced,

s~ = sin2O and s~ = cos28. The equation can then be written in the

familiar form:

(~,@) = c2k2/~ 2 = (4-37) ei(~) sin2@ + s (~)c~

The dielectric functions el[ (m) and s are explicitly determined

by two Kurosawa relations containing the LO and TO frequencies of

the polar modes with lattice displacements parallel and perpendicu-

lar to the optic axis, respectively. In terms of group theory this

means all LO and TO frequencies of polar A and E phonons.

Among the uniaxial crystal classes in the two direction groups

D2d (= 42 m) and S 4 (= 4) there are no totally symmetric polar pho-

none. In these cases the modes of symmetries B 2 and B ,respectively,

have dipole moments parallel to the optic axis. In order to avoid

confusion, which could easily arise if these exceptions are always


Page 79: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

pointed out in all derivations throughout, we are henceforth going

to discuss polar 'A' and 'E' phonons in uniaxial crystals only.

The reader may transpose the notations for the crystal classes

D2d (= 42 m) and S 4 (= 4) if necessary.


The principle of the experimental technique for the observation of

polaritons by light scattering has already been described in 4.3.

The scattered light is recorded in near-forward directions at small

angles r away from the direction of the incident laser beam. Varia-

tion of r is used in order to vary the magnitude of the wave-vector

of the observed polaritons. From the dispersion relation of extra-

ordinary polaritons, (4-37), it can be seen that the frequency

is a function of k as well as of its direction s. Experimental in-

vestigations in uniaxial crystals therefore require more careful

experimental techniques, allowing separate observation of directio-

nal dispersion and of dispersion due to the magnitude of ~.

In many papers on Raman scattering by polaritons the experimental

arrangements have been described rather indicatively so that it is

hardly possible to make a quantitative comparison with re-recorded

data. We therefore briefly discuss some basic experimental problems

and present a simple and useful scattering arrangement by Claus /85~

When the exciting laser beam is weakly focused into the sample, the

radiation scattered by polaritons with certain wave-vector magni-

tudes is emitted in forward directions conically around the inci-

dent laser beam. If 4, as before, denotes the angle between k. and --l

~s in the wave-vector diagram --lk' = -sk + _k (see (4-27)) 24 is the

vertex angle of such a cone (inside the sample). The experimentally

observed scattered radiation leaves the sample in directions be-

tween two cones of vertex angles 2(r162 and 2(r162

The scattering angle inside the medium (4) has to be calculated from

the corresponding angle 4' observed outside. For refractive indices

n > 1 r is always smaller than 4', which is advantageous for the

experiment. Reduction of Ar will allow a more precise determination

of the average wave-vector of the observed polaritons, while a

greater divergence angle Ar gives a more intense spectrum. The most


Page 80: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

suitable value of A~ must be chosen in each case with respect to

these two effects, the material, size of sample, laser output, elec-

tronic recording system, etc. Especially in regions of k space with

strong dispersion, the 'A~ error' causes a remarkable broadening

of the observed Raman lines /86/ because polaritons corresponding

to different wave-vectors are recorded simultaneously. A scattering

arrangement showing the 'A~ error' is sketched in Fig.8a. Further-

more, the extension of the crystal sample along the exciting laser

beam causes an error in ~, too, as illustrated in Fig.8b. In this

case only the use of a long-focus projection lens (i) or a thin

sample will allow more accurate determination of the po!ariton

wave-vectors. The technique described above is the most efficient

and can be used for cubic crystals where anisotropy effects do not

have to be taken into account.

In uniaxial and biaxial crystals the phonon frequencies in general

depend on the direction of the wave-vector because of the anisotro-

py of the materials. Since for different scattering angles ~ the po-

lariton wave-vector also changes its direction drastically, only

the use of a 'scattering plane' which is at the same time an opti-

cally isotropic plane of the crystal will allow observation of pure

polariton dispersion (due to the magnitude of the wave-vector).

'Scattering plane' means that all wave-vector triangles are arranged

parallel and not conically around the incident laser beam. In

Fig.9a series of typical scattering triangles: hi = k + k have been --S

drawn to scale in order to show the effect. It can easily be seen

that variation of ~ from 0.7 ~ to 4.0 ~ changes both the magnitude

and the direction of k: the angle 0 changes from 68 ~ to 27 ~ . Thus,

when optically anisotropic scattering planes are used, the shifts

of Raman lines observed will be caused by both polariton and direc-

tional dispersion. Extraordinary polaritons, see 4.4 were first ob-

served in 1970 in uniaxial LiIO 3 by Claus /85, 86/. Fig.lO shows a

corresponding experiment for LiNbO 3. Totally symmetric polaritons

associated with the AI(TO) phonon at 633 cm -I were recorded in the

optically isotropic plane, Fig.lOa (no directional dispersion).

For increasing scattering angles ~ from 0.7 ~ , the polariton moves

toward higher wave numbers and finally coincides with the position

of the pure AI(TO) phonon at 633 cm -I. Note that the scattering

cross-section of the polariton increases simultaneously. Fig.lOb

shows the same experiment done with a scattering plane containing

the optic axis. In this case we are observing directionally depen-


Page 81: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

(a) L

(b) I L

Fig.8 a) Error due to the finite divergence of the observed beams of scattered radiation; b) error due to the extension of the sample along the optical axis of the system, from /85/.

dent extraordinary polaritons. For increasing scattering angles

starting with ~ = i.O O, the polariton again increases in frequency -i

but moves only toward the position of an E(TO)phonon at 582 cm

The scattering intensity decreases because the polariton becomes

increasingly E-type with increasing #. We shall later see (Figs.16

and 17) that the two phonons, AI(TO) at 633 cm -I and E(TO) at

582 cm -I, are coupled by a directional dispersion branch. The scans

in Fig.lOa and b correspond exactly to the scattering triangles

sketched in Fig.9. The dashed vertical line in Fig.9 indicates the

direction of the optic axis for the experiments in Fig.lOb.

An arrangement that readily allows the observation of radiation from

parallel scattering planes is illustrated in Figs.ll and 12. Fig.lla

is a vertical and llb a horizontal projection. The entrance slit of

the double monochromator I is assumed to be vertical. The exciting

laser beam that passes through the optical parts of the system,

labeled in alphabetic sequence, starts as a parallel bundle of

rays entering the system on the left of Fig.ll. A is a glass plate

which serves to collect some light for the reference signal when

a two-channel recording system is used. B is a cylindrical lens

with its cylinder axis lying horizontally. The beam is diverged to

a vertical band by this lens which may in principle be either po-

sitive or negative. The total distance to the crystal sample E


Page 82: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~i5= 0.7 ~

1.0 ~

I f

15 ~

210 0

2.5 ~

3.0 ~

3.5 ~

4.0 ~


L ,


r~ 61~ I


4 I



Fig.9 Scattering triangles k. = k + k corresponding to polaritons associated with the A~TO)?~hon~n at 633 cm -I in LiNbO 3 for certain forward-scattering geometries. The diagrams are plotted to scale, see /75/.

should be chosen so that the height of the exciting beam is not

larger than the sample at position E and the length of the entrance

slit of the double monochromator at I. The shape of the laser beam

in the vertical plane of the system is sketched in Fig.llb up to

part F, which is a vertical slit limiting the divergence A~ of the

observed scattered radiation. C is a thick glass plate allowing a

parallel displacement of the laser beam in the horizontal plane.

The magnitude of the displacement can be changed by simply rotating

the glass plate around a vertical axis. D is another cylindrical

lens with the axis of the cylinder perpendicular to the plane of

Fig.lla. The laser is focused into the vertical focal line of this

lens in such a way that the angle # of forward scattering is simul-

taneously changed when the glass block C is rotated. By neglecting

the spherical aberration of the lens, the position of the focal

line is made independent of ~. For scattering angles r > O the ex-


Page 83: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


~ 1 0 o

~ L5o

~ 20 o I

, ~ 25 ~

~ 3.0 ~

q',.,,_ . . . . &O o

-' 7bo 'e~o s~o ~o~,~ -1


oo uo

D LU l.O ~

I ~ 4.5 ~ i

800 700 600 500 400cm -I

Fig.lO a) Polaritons associated with the AI(TO) phonon at 633 cm -I in LiNbO 3. Scattering triangles are lying in the optically isotropic plane, b) Extraordinary polaritons associated with the corresponding extraordinary phonens when using an opti- cally anisotropic scattering plane. This spectra series corresponds to the wave-vector triangles sketched in Fig.9, from /284/.

citing laser light cannot directly pass F, so any polarizer can be

used before the entrance slit I without being destroyed. Owing to

the divergence of the incident laser radiation, direct forward

scattering (~ = O) due to the diagonal elements of the Raman tensor

is in principle also possible. The divergence avoids local destruc-

tion of the gratings and mirrors in the monochromator, see for in-

stance /85/ and Fig.32. For straight forward scattering, however,

crystal polarizers necessarily have to be used before the entrance

slit I. The lens H projects the scattering volume on this slit. Be-

cause of the design of the whole arrangement, the image appears as

a bright bar which can easily be made to coincide with the slit.


Page 84: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

(a) . , ~ - -

. . . . H . . . . . . . . --I--0 ............. i I


(b) I

, , }


Fig.ll Arrangement for observing scattered light from polaritons in anisotropic crystals, a) vertical projection; b) hori- zontal projection, from /85/.

However, scattered light from polaritons does not leave the speci-

men only at certain angles ~ in the horizontal plane of Fig.fla.

Because of the finite height of the slits F and I, light at diffe-

rent scattering angles in the vertical plane (Fig.llb) will also

be recorded at the same time. In order to avoid a broadening of

the Raman lines due to this effect, which in uniaxial crystals can

involve shifts due to the anisotropy as well as polariton shifts,

a Venetian blind (sketched in Fig.12) is introduced at position G.

The horizontal slats of the blind restrict the divergence of the

observed scattered radiation in the vertical plane to angles less

than 8 away from the optic axis of the system.

- - �9 8

Fig.12 Venetian blind restricting the divergence of the observed radiation in the vertical plane to angles less than 0, from /85/.

Additional Literature

Ahrens, K.H.F., Schaack, G., Unger, B.: Instrumental Effects in the

Raman-lineshapes of Polaritons /352/.


Page 85: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


The dispersion relation of extraordinary polaritons in uniaxial

crystals (4-37), which was derived in 4.4, can be written

u2/c2k2 = (8~(~)sinZ8 + ell(~)cos20)/E~(~)~11(~) (4-38)

It can be seen directly from (4-38) that the equation for k § ~ re-

duces to

tg20 = - E l l (u)/~(w) (4-39)

There is no dispersion due to the magnitude of the wave-vector but

there is due to its direction. Eq. (4-39) thus describes the direc-

tional dependence of extraordinary phonons in the region

105 < k ~ 107 cm -I. On taking the Kurosawa relation (4-14) into

account, (4-39) becomes

n i n}I

sin2 H 2) ( ITj- 21 + i=1 j=1

nll n i 2 _ 2 2 _ 2 H (~iT i m ) = 0 , (4-40) + c~ jK=I (~LILj m ) i=l

where nl and nil stand for the number of polar modes for wave-vector

directions in the optical plane and parallel to the optic axis,

respectively. The total number of modes observed is n-+nll I = n. The

dependence of the phonon frequencies of extraordinary modes on the

angle 8 in (4-39) implies that a mode showing a certain frequency

when the wave-vector propagates parallel to the optic axis (z) con-

tinuously changes frequency as the wave-vector is changed, until it

finally propagates perpendicular to z. The frequency observed for

k ~ z is that of another fundamental mode. The latter Dhonon is

thus said to be coupled to the first one by 'directional dispersion'

The coupling of extraordinary phonon modes in uniaxial crystals be-

tween @ = O and 8 = ~/2 can be of four fundamental types:

(i) LO+-~TO; (2) LO+~LO; (3) TO ++ LO, and (4) TO++ TO. For @ = O,

the modes can be of symmetry type A(LO) or E(TO), and for @ = ~/2


Page 86: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

of type A(TO) or E(LO). The E(TO) modes for 8 = w/2 are ordinary

phonons. Table 6 shows the possible couplings in a schematic form.

The fact that the coupling is of the form LO ++LO, TO ~ TO, A++A,

or E++E does not imply that LO, TO, A, or E character is also pre-

sented for intermediate e values 0 < % < ~/2 /72/. For example,

longitudinal phonons, which are only Raraan-active for 8 = O and

@ = ~/2, may also be infrared-active in the intermediate region be-

cause they have some TO character /87/. This leads us to the pro-

blem of the directional dependence of infrared oscillator parame-

ters for extraordinary phonons.

Frequency- symbol


0 0

N ~T~

k l l z

0 = 0

2 o ~ o ~.~ o o 4

Symmetry Symmetry


_ i[ 2

Frequency- symbo i

A(LO) ~ ~ A(TO)

E(TO) ~/~-~ E(LO)

E(TO) ~ ~ E(TO)


Tab . 6 Possibilities of phonon coupling due to directional disper- sion in uniaxial crystals, z denotes the optic axis.


Page 87: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

According to (4-18), the mode strength of the k-th transverse mode

for e = 0 is given by

n• 2 -- 2

Si~ ~ (~ILj ~ITk ) J=!

S k = nl (4-41)

2 _ 2

~Tk ~ (~i~J ~i ~k) j=l j+k

The relation can be written correspondingly for an extraordinary

TO mode propagating perpendicular to the optic axis. The index

has only to be replaced by }I. For the lattice displacements ~i'

holds in this case ~i ]I z. These two relations describe the mode

strengths for two fixed principal directions. The oscillator strength

for an extraordinary phonon with an arbitrary wave-vector direction

can be derived as follows /88/.

The frequencies w = ~i(e) of the nli+n i = n polar extraordinary-

phonon modes for a certain angle 8 between the optic axis and the

wave-vector are determined by (4-40), i.e. the zeros of the denomi-

nator of the directionally dependent dielectric function (4-37).

This denominator can be written alternatively:

n ( e l ~ s in2e + sil ~ cos2e) K ( ~ ( e ) _ ~2)

i = l

If we use this notation, the dielectric function becomes

n i n}l

~ II oo j-w 2 ~=1 s (4-42)

s (~,8) = n

(~i~ sinZS+sii ~ cos28) n (~1(8)-~2) i=l

ei(~) and s}l(~) have been replaced by the corresponding Kurosawa

relations (4-14). Alternatively, the dielectric function in question

can be written, see (4-13)

n S.~o~ (0) r = %0(8) + X z 1 ( 4 - 4 3 )

i= I ~2 (8)-oJ 2 1


Page 88: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

From (4-42) and (4-43) the directional dependence of the mode

strength can easily be derived for e + ~k(8)

n i nll

Sk(e) . . . . . . . . n (sI~~ sinZe+~ll~~ c~ i=ln (~(e)-oo i2(e))



In the limiting case e = O, where the wave-vector propagates parallel

to the optic axis, the modes are either exactly transverse:

~T (0~ = ~Tj' (J = l...n~) (E(TO) modes), or exactly longitudinal:

WLk(O O) = ~IIL~, (i = l...nll). (A(LO) modes). In the first case (4-44)

reduces to

n• 2 _ 2

si~ fl (~iT k ~iL j) j=l

SkT(O ~ = nl (4-45) _5

/LO 2 --LO 2 ~iTk ~ '• • j=l j+k

All factors with indices IL in the numerator and denominator are

cancelled. Eq.(4-45) is identical with (4-41). In the second case,

on the other hand, one of the factors in the numerator always be-

comes zero. This implies that the mode strengths of all longitudi-

nal waves vanish.

An analogous result is obtained for 8 = ~/2. The purely transverse

extraordinary modes are then of totally symmetric type:

~Tk(~/2) = ~iTi, (i = l...n H) and the exactly longitudinal vibra-

tions are E(LO) modes: ~Lk(~/2) = ~L3'' = (j l...n|). The equation 4--

corresponding to (4-45) is obtained in this case by simply repla-

cing I by II.

Finally, we derive the directional dependence of the high-frequency

dielectric constant from (4-42) and (4-43) for ~ § ~ as

s_~ Sll m too (8) = (4-46)

~I~ sin28+E11~ cos2e


Page 89: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Eqs. (4-44) and (4-46) describe the directional dependence of the

oscillator parameters when damping is neglected. A quantitative

comparison with experimental data for ~ quartz is given in /88/.

If we wish to determine phonon frequencies for a certain wave-vec-

tor direction, (4-40) has to be solved. For crystals with a large

number of atoms in the unit cell this can be done numerically only

by computer. We shall therefore discuss some approximations of

(4-40) that allow the analytic calculation of certain isolated di-

rectional dispersion branches in polyatomic crystals.

The simplest expression hitherto used in the literature is the

pouletqLoudon approximatign /31, 89/:

~2(8 ) = w2 cos2e + 2 sin2@ (4-47)

where ~ and e~ are the phonon frequencies for wave-vector direc-

tions respectively parallel (0 = O ~ and perpendicular (0 = ~/2)

to the optic axis, and are coupled by the directional dispersion

branch in question. For e = 0 O, ~ can be either an A(LO) or E(TO)

phonon, and for 0 = ~/2 ~ can be either an A(TO) or an E(LO) pho-

non, see Table 6. The Poulet-Loudon approximation is obviously de-

rived from the rigorous relation (4-40) for si~ z s][~ when the di-

rectional dispersion of all the other branches is neglected, i.e.

their frequencies for 0 = 0 and 8 = ~/2 are assumed to be equal.

The Poulet-Loudon approximation may be applied to extraordinary

polar branches with small dispersion /90, 91/. If the directional

dispersion is rather strong (dominating anisotropy) better approxi-

mations have to be used.

A linear approximation /92/ of (4-40) is obtained when in all fac-

tors except (ei-~ 2) and (~_~2) the frequencies e are replaced by

an average value

-- (1/2) (~oc+o~ 8) (4-48)


could equally well be chosen as ~ = /~m8 or w = (I/2) (~+~).

The type of approximation for the average value has hardly any in-

fluence on the result. According to Table 6, ~ can be any one of

E ~ ~]]Lj the frequencies ~IT i (as for instance: ~ iTi ) or

(~ 5 ~]ILj) . We can similarly introduce ~8 ~ ~]I TJ or m 8 ~ ~LI" The

four principal types of extraordinary phonon couplings which can


Page 90: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

take place are described by the four relations:

dlj~) cos2e (~-~2)+dj (V) sin28(~-~zl = 0

where ~,~ = i, 2. The set of constants is

n• n II 2 - 2 II 2 -2 d i) K (eiTi-~) H (~IjLj-~)

= ~il = i=l 3=I i~I

n• I -2 nll 2) = ~ ( ~ l T i _ ~ 2 ) ~ (~I21Lj_~2). dl ~li~ i=l j=l


nl nll 2 --2 d~ I) = r ~ (~iLi-~ 2)

i=l j=l (~11 TJ -~ ) J+J

n i njj 2 --2 2 - - 2 d 2) = ~ l ~ ~ ( ~ l L i _ ~ )

i=l j=l (~IIT3 ~ ) i+x

By solving (4-49) we obtain the following four equations for ~ 2 = ~o2 (~)


2 cos2e+di ) sin 0 ~2 (O) = [ ~~

djl~) cos2%+d~ ~) sin20 (4-50)

In the linear approximation n-2 coupled oscillators are

thus formally treated as decoupled. The coupling is taken into

I ~) and d~ ~) account by introducing the constant coefficients d[

Eq. (4-50) can be reduced to the Poulet-Loudon approximation for

Merten and Lamprecht /92/ have shown that the linear approximation

represents great progress compared with the Poulet-Loudon approxi-

mation although the calculating effort is not much greater. Nume-

rical results for two-directional dispersion branches of e quartz

are shown in Fig. 13.

When two branches with strong dispersion lie quite close together


Page 91: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

cm- 56O







E (TO)


E (LO)

,~ jA(TO)

~'0o ~0o ~0o /0o ~0o ;0o ~0o doo 9bo e

Fig. 13 Directional dispersion of two extraordinary polar phonon

branches in ~ quartz:

: rigorous solution, Eq. (4-40)

........ : Poulet-Loudon approximation, Eq. (4-47)

.......... linear approximation, Eq. (4-50) , from /92/.

O denotes the angle between the wave-vector and the optic axis.

the accuracy of the calculation can be further improved by a qua-

dratic a~proximation. In this approximation ~ remains variable in

two factors of (4-40) corresponding to the two branches in question.

In analogy with (4-49), we then have

(oJ i ~0 )(~ 2-~0 )+Disin2%(e~l-~O 2) (w~2-~02) : O D}ICOS e 0 2 -- 2 2 2 (4-51)

where the pairs of frequencies (e~l' eel) and (e~2' ~B2 ) determine

the branches in the same way as in the linear approximation. The

coefficients are


a#~ 1

O~a 2

2 --Z


Page 92: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons



- - P = I

0+B l

0+B 2

Note that n = ni+nli, so that the frequencies ~Ti and ~}ILj in (4-40)

simply have to be arranged with respect to their magnitude and coun-

ted as ~, while the ~I]Tj and ~Li are similarly counted as Wp.

Eq. (4-51) is quadratic in e 2 and can still be solved rigorously

without difficulty.

Experimental investigations of the directional dispersion of extra-

ordinary phonons by light scattering with exciting lines in the

visible can be carried out by both rectangular and backward scatte-

ring. In both cases the magnitude of the wave-vectors of the ob-

served excitations are large compared with those in the polariton

region. In practice, however, the right-angle scattering technique

has been shown to be somewhat disadvantageous. Reflections of the

laser light on the second surface inside the specimen (in the di-

rection of the exciting laser beam) generate Raman scattering of

phonons at an angle e' = (~/2-@) to the optic axis. This means

that, for instance, the @ = 40 ~ spectrum will always be somewhat

mixed up with the @ = 50 ~ spectrum. This effect can make the inter-

pretation of the experimental data very difficult. The use of back-

ward-scattering technique eliminates this disadvantage because the

corresponding reflections then give rise to the e' = (q-e) spectrum

which is obviously identical with the e spectrum.

An experimental setup is sketched in Fig.14. The incident laser

beam comes from the top (arrow) and the back-scattered radiation

is turned to the horizontal by a mirror. The wave-vector diagram

for the observed scattering process is shown in the lower part of

the figure. It is obvious that the wave-vector direction of the

observed phonons can be made to propagate perpendicular to one of

the surfaces when k. and ~s are propagating symmetrically at the -1

same angle to this surface. Rigorously, however, the magnitudes of

the wave-vectors and the different refractive indices have to be

taken into account. Furthermore, it must be noted that the direc-

tion of an extraordinary light beam (Poynting vector) does not co-

incide with its wave-vector direction. In order to avoid disturbing


Page 93: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Fig.14 Experimental setup for the observation of backward scatter- ing by phonons, from /76/.

reflections from the 'first' surface of the sample, the weakly fo-

cused incident laser beam has necessarily to be shielded by a narrow

tube, as shown in Fig.14. A large angle between ~i and k magnifies -s

the error of the phonon wave-vector direction in the crystal where-

as a small angle makes experimental observation more difficult.

Experimental results on directional dispersion have become known

during the last few years for e quartz /71/, NaN02 /93/, Be SO4.4H20

/94, 95/, LiIO 3 /96, 97/, Te /98/ and LiNbO 3 /99/. We furthermore

refer to calculations for ~ quartz /135/ and BaTiO 3 /136/. Complete

data concerning all the extraordinary branches of a uniaxial cry-

stal have been presented in /99/. We point out that the frequencies

of only-IR-active phonons for the principal directions may be extra-

polated from the Raman data for directional dispersion. As an

example we cite measurements on ~ quartz by Scott /71/. In this

material the only-IR-active A 2 modes are coupled to E modes which


Page 94: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

are simultaneously IR- and Raman-active for arbitrary k directions.

Calculations of directional-dispersion branches in uniaxial cry-

Stals from (4-40) require determination of the LO and TO frequen-

cies of all polar modes in the principal directions k II z and ~ ~ z.

Such experiments have frequently been carried out by right-angle

scattering on samples cut in such a way that the surfaces form

angles of 45 ~ with the optic axis. Suitable scattering geometries

are illustrated in Fig.15. Note that for k ]l z no E(LO) modes are

allowed. Experiments of this kind were first published by Scott

and Porto in 1967 /91/.





Fig.15 Scattering geometries allowing the determination of the LO frequencies of twofold degenerate modes. For wave-vector directions parallel to the optic axis no E(TO) modes are allowed, see /91/.

According to (4-14) and Fig.3, the frequencies of both A and E

phonons have to form a sequence TO, LO, TO, LO,...,TO, LO from

lower to higher wave numbers, starting with a transverse mode and

ending with the highest-frequency LO mode. This is necessary be-

cause there is always a zero of the dielectric function between

two poles of the Kurosawa relation. The coupling of phonons due

to directional dispersion thus starts with the lowest-frequency TO

mode coupled to the next phonon of symmetry A or E and type LO or

TO at a higher frequency, and so on. The number of TO ++TO couplings

thus has to be equal to the number of LO++LO couplings. A look at

these rules reveals an important source of error in interpreting

spectra: a single second-order phonon erroneously assigned to first

order, or a weak ghost due to reflections assigned as, for instance,

an LO mode can disrupt the correct sequence and suggest incorrect


Page 95: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

couplings for all the following branches at higher frequencies, see

/72, 99, i00/. Directional-dispersion measurements of extraordinary

phonons therefore seem very useful for determining the correct

assignment of the fundamental frequencies.

As an example, we reproduce in Fig.16 a directional-dispersion

spectra series of LiNbO 3. The spectra for different values of e

were recorded on a series of samples with two parallel surfaces

forming different angles with the optic axis. Five of the branches

can easily be observed in this spectra series. 8 = 0 ~ corresponds

to z(xx)~ and 8 = 7/2 to x(zz)x scattering. The symbols used for

the scattering geometries are those introduced by Porto, Giordmaine

and Damen /285/. The letters outside the brackets indicate the di-

rection of the incident laser beam to the left and the direction

of the observed radiation to the right. The two letters in brackets

denote the corresponding polarizations to left and right, respec-

tively. These letters are identical with the subscripts of the Ra-

man-tensor element. Thus, @ = 0 ~ corresponds to Sx~and 0 = ~/2 to

S scattering in Fig.16. In order to observe all 13 dispersion zz

branches of the material, different spectra series starting with,

for instance, z(xy)z, z(yx)z, or z(yy)~ for @ = 00 have to be re-

corded. Fig.17 is a comparison between the data points and branches

calculated on the basis of (4-40).

Finally, it should be pointed out that a 'fitting' of one direc-

tional-dispersion branch will always influence the form of all the

other branches because of the coupling described by (4-40). This

can also be realized intuitively because the product of all TO-LO

splittings determines the dielectric constants for the principal

directions, see the LST relation in its generalized form (4-15).

For arbitrary directions, on the other hand, the dielectric func-

tion is determined by (4-37). An error in the assignment is there-

fore possible only for branches with very small dispersion where

the contribution to the dielectric function is negligibly small.

Recent measurements of surface polaritons have shown that the al-

most constant branch 12 in Fig.17 should be located at ~ 840 cm -I

whereas the Raman lines at ~ 740 cm -I, earlier assigned to be of

first order /99, iO0/, are due to a second-order process, see

/197, 253/. This demonstrates the limit of the method described.

In Fig.18 the assignments, wave numbers, and the principle of the

couplings are schematically summarized in order to show the TO-LO

sequences of A I- and E-type modes in LiNbO 3.


Page 96: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

w ~

70 ~

900 800 700 600 500 200 100 ,i r

Z, O0 300

80 ~

~0 o

0 cm -I

Fig.16 Experimental data on the directional dispersion of extra-

ordinary phonons in LiNbO 3. The experiments were carried out by_backward scattering, @ = O ~ corresponding to

z(x x)z and @ = ~/2 corresponding to x(z z)x geometry, from /99/.


Page 97: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


cm-1 gO0





Z (f0)

60[ E (TO)


A, (LO) E (TO)

L00 E (TO)

A, (LO)

E (TO) 3013 A,(LO) E (TO) E (TO)


E (TO]


12) ~ ,.. Q n o v - . e - c _ u




~ - ~ ^ ~ 0 ~ - ~ . . a ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~

2 1



E (LO]

E (LO)


E (LO) E {LO)

E (LO)

A, (TO)

E (LO) Ai (TO) A. (TO) E (LO)

E (LO)

~bo :~oo 35o ~'oo doo 6'o~ 7'0~ ~oo 90~ e

Fig.17 Calculated dis- persion branches and experimental data points for the directional dispersion of ex- traordinary phonons in LiNbO3, from /99/.

Additional Literature

Tsuboi, M., Terada, M. Kajiura, T.: Raman effect in ferroelectric

sodium nitrite crystal. II. Dependence of B2-type phonon spec-

trum on propagation direction /216/.

Anda, E.: Angular dispersion of large wave-vector polaritons in

ferroelectric NaNO 2 /227/.

Shapiro, S.M., Axe, J.D. : Raman scattering from polar phonons /348/.


Page 98: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Fig.18 Assignments and wave numbers of the direc- tional-dispersion branches in LiNbO 3 showing the TO-LO se- quency of A 1 and E phonon modes, from /99/.

E('[O) E(LO)

155 I ~198

238 2 ~ 243 265

5 325 q 295

371 4 . 7 371

431 .~ 8 428 454 §

582 - -

668 4

840 �9


- -25S 4 2?6 ,d 275

334 , 6 333

9 - - 436

10 -+633


11 658 I

12 840

880 § 13 876



For small wave-vectors k + O (long-wavelength limit) the dispersion

relation of extraordinary polaritons (4-37) reduces to

~2e (co) (co) = O (4-52)

The solutions of this equation correctly describe the region

k << 10 3 cm -I of the IBZ where the crystal lattice is completely

coupled to the electromagnetic waves. The lowest frequency polari-

ton branch ends at ~2 = O, as in cubic crystals, see Figs.2 and 4,

whereas the solutions obtained from e|(w)~ = O and sH (e) = O coin-

cide with those of the longitudinal phonons. s (~) = O leads to

frequencies equal to those of the totally symmetric LO phonons and

s|(e) = 0 to those of twofold-degenerate type. These solutions de-

pend neither on the direction of the wave-vector nor on its magni-

tude. Thus all branches except the lowest are without dispersion in

the region k << 10 3 cm -I of the IBZ.


Page 99: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

In the past, dispersion effects of extraordinary polaritons with

103 ~ k ~ 2 x 104 cm -I have frequently been discussed for two limi-

ting cases: (a) 'dominating anisotropy', with means small TO-LO

splittings and large directional dispersion, and (b) 'dominating

long-range electric fields' which implies large TO-LO splittings

and almost vanishing directional dispersion (quasi-cubic crystals).

These two limiting cases were first discussed by Merten in 1961

/65/ and later reviewed by Loudon /31/ and Claus /76/. Experimental

work over the last few years, however, has shown that in most uni-

axial polyatomic crystals of interest some modes will always show

large TO-LO splittings and others predominately directional dis-

persion so that the 'materials' in general cannot simply be des-

cribed by one of the limiting cases in question. The discussions

cited are therefore only of intere~in order to demonstrate some

principles of the theory and can be excluded from our text without

loss of information.

For every fixed wave-vector direction in uniaxial crystals the dis-

persion relation of the extraordinary polaritons (4-37) determines

a complete set of dispersion curves w 2 = ~Z(k) in the polariton re-

gion. According to (4-52), the frequencies of the branches for

k = 0 are identical for all the different sets: w o = 0 and w i = eli.

In the short-wavelength limit (k § ~), on the other hand, the mode

frequencies of a certain set corresponding to a fixed angle e = 0'

are equal to those derived from (4-39) or (4-40). For LiNbO 3 these

can be seen directly in the ~,0 diagram reproduced in Fig.17. The

frequencies ~(k) recorded for k z 103 cm -I and k ~ 10 5 cm -I are

connected by the polariton-dispersion curves. In Figs.19 to 23 sets

of extraordinary polariton-dispersion branches of LiNbO 3 are re-

produced for 8 = 90 ~ , 80 ~ , 60 ~ , 30 ~ and 0 O, respectively. All the

diagrams clearly show identical mode frequencies for k = 0 whereas

for k = 1.5 x 104 cm -l they vary with e.

In order to demonstrate the main characteristics of extraordinary

polaritons, we now discuss in detail the two limiting cases,

e = ~/2 and e = O.

The general dispersion relation (4-37) can be written

(c2k2/~ ~) (r (~)cos2@)-ai(m)ell (~) = O (4-53)


Page 100: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

cm-1 10o0





/ I - E (LO) 880

t E (LO) 8/,0

E (LO) 668

/ A, (TO) 633 /

"E (tO)/*28

"E (LO) 371 A,(TO) 334 ,,E (LO) 295 ,.,E (LO) 243 A,(IO) 276

-- A, (TO) 255

/ / ~ L ~__gOl "E (LO)198

e = 9 0 ~

05 1~3 i 1.5.10 z' cm -1 k

Fig.19 Extraordinary polarit0n-dispersion branches in LiNbO 3 for @ = ~/2. All E(LO) modes are without dispersion. Only the AI (TO) branches depend on the magnitude of the wave-vector, from /103/.

It follows directly that

= o


for e = 11"/2 , (4-54)

~il r [ (c2k2/~2)-cI(~)] = o for (9 = 0 (4-55)

The dispersion relation can thus be factorized in these two cases

and accordingly the solutions become of two different types in both


a) For e = ~/2, the zeros of g~(e) = O determine the E(LO) phonons,

which do not depend on the magnitude of the wave-vector, while the

zeros of the bracket describe purely transverse polaritons asso-

ciated with phonons of the A type. Only one of the dielectric func-

tions, g (~), is involved. II


Page 101: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


cm -I J






0 I'0 I.'5 �9 10 4 cm -I 015 k

Extraordinary polariton branches in LiNbO 3 for e = 80 ~ see /103/.

b) For e = 0 ~ the zeros of ~ii (e) = O determine the A(LO) modes and

the zeros of the bracket describe purely transverse polaritons

associated with the E(TO) phonons. In this case, too, both types of

solutions are linearly independent. We especially note that the

extraordinary polariton-dispersion branches for @ = 0 ~ coincide

with those of the directionally independent ordinary polaritons.

The zeros of the bracket in (4-55) are identical to those of the

first one in (4-36). This can easily be verified by comparing

Figs.19 and 23.

The linear independence of the eigenvectors of purely transverse

polaritons and LO phonons for the principal directions allows a

crossing of dispersion branches to take place. The modes are de-

coupled. LiNbO 3 shows four crossings of this type for 0 = 90 ~ .

Three of them have been indicated by arrows in Fig.19. The fourth

one appears to the right of the figure between the E(LO) phonon at

243 cm -I and the AI(TO) polariton mode moving towards 255 cm -I for

large k values.


Page 102: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


cm-1 1000





f / J

~ @ = 6 0 ~

O'.5 k

I'.o l~.qo cm "T

Extraordinary polariton branches in LiNbO 3 for @ = 60 ~ , see /103/.

According to (4-37) or (4-53), there are no modes of either exactly

A or exactly E type for arbitrary wave-vector directions because

the dispersion relation can no longer be factorized. Both dielectric

functions, Eli (w) and c|(~),~ are always involved. All dispersion

branches then describe modes of mixed type A + E and TO + LO in the

same way as the extraordinary phonons discussed in 4.6 were mixed

for arbitrary wave-vector directions. This means that the crossing

points are lifted. The modes become coupled for general wave-vector

directions, see Fig.20 (arrows). The interpretation of the two

lowest-frequency branches in this figure is as follows: the quasi-A 1

(TO) polariton couples with the quasi-E(LO) phonon for decreasing

wave-vectors and ends at 198 cm -I for k = O. Correspondingly, the

quasi-E(LO) phonon for smaller wave-vectors changes to quasi-Al(TO)

type and shows polariton character with a mode frequency decreasing

to ~ = O for k = O.

Mathematically, we can regard the crossing points appearing for

k i z and k 11 z as singularities. The polarizations of the modes in-

volved are changed discontinuously from A(TO) to E(LO) and vice


Page 103: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

c m q





200 - -




. / ' ~ , e : 3 0 ~

0.5 k


1.0 1.'5 ' 104 cm-1

Fig.22 Extraordinary polariton branches in LZNbO 3 for @ = 30 ~ see /103/.

versa, or from E(TO) to A(LO) and vice versa. The latter situation

appears for k II z. For decreasing angles e the coupling of the modes

becomes stronger (illustrated in Figs.21 and 22) and accordingly

the frequency splitting at the resonance points rises until finally

we have, for e = 0 ~ the second limiting case (b) with pure mode

symmetries and exact polarizations (Fig.23) . Another example is

shown in Fig.24, where the calculated extraordinary polariton

branches of Te have been sketched for e = 90 ~ , 80 ~ and 60 ~ , /74/.

The lifting of two crossing points appearing for e = 90 ~ can be

very clearly observed, see also corresponding calculations for

quartz /134/.

The 'crossing phenomenon' has been studied theoretically in detail

by Lamprecht and Merten /68/, neglecting damping of the modes, al-

though it also holds for the case of small damping /70/. For large

damping, crossing points between transverse modes which are not

lifted for off-principal directions have been predicted by Borstel

and Merten /iO1/.


Page 104: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons




200 - -

E (TO) 840

E (TO) 668

E (TO) 582

A,[LO) 876

A,(LO}/,,36 "E (TO) 431

"E (TO) 371 A,(LO)333



0.5 k

"'E (TO) 325 A,(LO) 275 E(TO) 265

--""E (TO) 238

"-~s (+0) 155

Ili0 1.5"104 cm-

Fig.23 Extraordinary polariton-dispersion branches in LiNbO 3 for @ = o O. All A1 (LO) modes are without dispersion. Only the E(TO) branches depend on the magnitude of the wave-vector, from /103/.

The appearance and lifting of TO-LO crossing points seems to be the

most characteristic feature of extraordinary polaritons. In fact,

this phenomenon demonstrates the mode-mixing and the directional

dispersion as well as the appearance of modes with pure symmetries

and exact polarizations for the principal directions.

Detailed experimental studies concerning the crossing point between

the lowest frequency AI(TO) polariton mode and the E(LO) mode at

198 cm -I in LiNbO 3 have been published /102/ and /103/. According

to Fig.9 the dispersion of extraordinary polaritons can be recorded

as a function of different fixed pairs of k and @ simply by varying

the scattering angle ~. The observation of extraordinary polaritons

with k and @ varying independently has been achieved by the use of

different crystal samples, their optic axes forming different

angles with two parallel surfaces. In Fig~ this implies that the

optic axis forms different angles with the dashed line. For a com-

parison of calculated curves and experimental data, see Figs. 25


Page 105: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

c~ 20O

% 145



8 = 90 ~

........ 80 ~

- = 60 ~


- - ~ - - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _

I I I 0 0.2 0,4 0.6 08 -104cm -


Fig.24 'Crossing points' appearing for @ = 90 ~ in Te, from /74/.

and 26. Data points for the horizontal dispersion 'curve' of the

E(LO) phonon have not been plotted in Fig.25 because the observa-

tion of this phonon is experimentally trivial for all k in this re-

gion. Three corresponding spectra series are reproduced in Fig.27.

In Fig.27a 9 = ~/2 for all scattering angles ~. ~ = 0 corresponds

to the geometry x(zz)x, whereas increasing ~ yields x(zz)x + y(zz)x.

The modes observed are therefore purely of symmetry A I. In Figs.

27b and 27c e = 87 ~ and ~ = 82 ~ at approximately maximum resonance;

the increasing frequency splitting with decreasing ~ can easily be


The rapid exchange of the scattering intensity of the polaritons is

caused mainly by the change of symmetry. The polariton branch of

quasi AI(TO) type changes to quasi E(LO) type and vice versa, see

above. Owing to the oblique orientation of the optic axis, the

straight forward scattering in Figs.27b and c (~ = 0) corresponds

to x(zz)x mixed with some z(xx)~ scattering. As can be seen from

the Raman tensors for the space group C~v(= R3c) of LiNbO 3 (Appdx 4)


Page 106: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons





o',s 11o 1's.1 -1 k

Fig . 25 Experimental data points and calculated dispersion curves concerning the crossing point between the E(LO) branch at 198 cm -I and the polariton branch associated with the At(TO) phonon at 253 cm -I for e = W/2 in LiNbO3, from /103/.

this causes modes of twofold-degenerate type to be observed simul-

taneously with those of totally symmetric type. As a result the

quasi-E(LO) phonon appears stronger for % = 1.4 ~ and ~ = 3.6 ~ in

Fig.27c than in the corresponding spectra of Fig.27b. In Fig.27a,

on the other hand, this phonon cannot be observed at all for the

scattering angles in question. The increasing intensity is thus not

caused only by the mixed symmetry ('A' + E) of the 'quasi'-E(LO)


When the Raman tensor elements of polar modes do not vanish, we can

in principle distinguish four different cases allowing the observa-

tion of polaritons in uniaxial crystals.

i) Ordinary incident and ordinary scattered photons

n i = n o(~i ) and n s = n O(~s )


Page 107: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons






. ! _ 75 ~ 81 ~

0'5 110 ' 15.104cm -I k

Fig.26 Experimental data points and calculated curves concerning the lifted crossing point, Fig.25, from /102, 103/.

2) Ordinary incident and extraordinary scattered photons

n i = no(m i) and n s ne(e s) ,

3) Extraordinary incident and extraordinary scattered photons

n i = n e (m i) and n s = n e (es)

4) Extraordinary incident and ordinary scattered photons

n i = n e(ei ) and n s = no(~ s)

n o and n e denote the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices

of the medium, respectively.

Among the nineteen classes of uniaxial crystals there are six with

an inversion center. This causes IR-active modes to be Raman-inac-


Page 108: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


0.9 ~

e = 9 0 o





101 o


~ ~ e= B7 ~

/ I [ ~11 , 2"3~

2' I ~ . _ . . . ~ . , , . ~ 3-6 ~ ' I ~'~'%,-.,....,. 3 .B~

300 200 100 300 200 100 300 200 100 cm -1

Fig.27 a) Spectral series showing the crossing point between the E(LO) branch at 198 cm -I and the polariton branch associated

with the AI(TO) phonon at 253 cm -i for @ = ~/2 in LiNbO 3. b) and c) Spectra series showing the lifted crossing point for

general wave-vector directions. The spectral series c) fur- thermore allows simultaneous observation of the lowest-fre- quency ordinary and extraordinary polariton branches moving towards ~ = O for k ~ O, from /102, 103/.


Page 109: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

tive and vice versa, see 2.3 to 2.6. In materials belonging to one

of the thirteen remaining crystal classes polaritons may be direct-

ly observed by light scattering. These classes are C 3 (= 3),

D 3 (= 32) , C3v (= 3m) , C 4 (= 4) , S 4 (= 4) , C4v (= 4ram) , 94 (= 422) ,

D2d (= 42m) , C 6 (= 6) , C3h (= 6) , D 6 (= 622) , C6v (= 6ram) , and

D3h (= 6m2).

If a scattering geometry corresponding to case i) described above

is chosen,the situation is analogous to that in cubic crystals, see

4.3. The ordinary refractive index does not depend on the wave-

vector direction. Only the Raman tensor elements Sxx and Syy are

involved. In the crystal classes C 3 (= 3) and C3v (= 3m) polaritons

associated with totally symmetric phonons as well as with phonons

to twofold-degenerate type may be observed simultaneously (N.B. si-

multaneous observation of extraordinary and ordinary polaritons).

Case 3) is also similar to the situation for cubic crystals. The

tensor element Szz involved vanishes for all vibrational species

except the totally symmetric modes. In contrast to case i), however,

we have to examine whether the directional dependence of the extra-

ordinary refractive index can be neglected or not. Moreover, the

rotation of the polarization plane in optically active media may si-

mulate a breakdown of the selection rules. The optically active

crystal classes are indicated in Appdx 4. In the case of straight

forward scattering along the x axis, for instance, the approxima-

tion n. ~ n neglects only the dispersion n = n(~). For larger l s

scattering angles ~, however, this applies only when both k and k -i -s propagate perpendicular to the optic axis (z) with all scattering

triangles k = k + k lying in the optically isotropic plane (xy). --i --s --

Similar features have to be taken into account in cases 2) and 4)

when ~i and hs are not perpendicular to the z axis. Experiments

due to cases 2) and 4) are distinguished from the others by the

fact that the refractive indices n i and n s can be regarded as ap-

proximately equal only for vanishing birefringence. In general,

however, this is not true.

According to (4-28) the magnitude of the polariton wave-vector for

a Stokes process k = k + k is -i -s --

k = 2~[(ni~i) 2+(ns~s) 2-2nins~i~s cos ~]i/2 , (4-56)


Page 110: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

where k i = 2~ni~ i and k s = 2Zns~ s. np (p = i, s) are the refractive

indices for the incident and scattered photons. ~p = i/Ip are the

wave numbers. I again denotes the wavelength in vacuum. Written in P

parameter form, (4-56) becomes

1 / 2

k = 2Z[ns~2+2ns~i(n i cos *-ns)~+~'~(n}+n'-2n'nl s 1 s cos (~)] (4-57)

This is an equation for hyperbolas in the ~,k diagram. The parameter

is ~ (note that in the derivation of (4-57) energy conservation re-

quires ~ = ~ +~). 1 s

In the limiting case ~ = O we obtain the two linear equations for

the asymptotes. They determine the maximum polariton frequency shifts

observable for a certain scattering geometry, as described earlier

in 4.3. The equations are

= (i/2zns)k + (~i/ns)(n s - hi) (4-58)


= -(i/2~ns)k + (~i/ns)(n s - n i) (4-59)

In Fig.28 the ordinary and extraordinary polariton dispersion bran-

ches of a uniaxial crystal with two atoms in the unit cell have

been sketched for wave-vector directions perpendicular to the optic

axis. Fig.28b shows the two limiting lines described by (4-58) and

(4-59). They have been indicated by % = O. The intersection with

the ~ axis is proportional to the birefringence of the crystal. The

wave number of the intersection point is

~' = ~i(ns - ni)/ns (4-60)

The situation for ~' = O, illustrated in Fig.28a, appears for

n i = ns, corresponding to cases i) and 3) described above, and will

be of importance mainly for the observation of polaritons associa-

ted with phonons of totally symmetric type. On the other hand,

~' ~ 0 (Fig.28b) normally holds when recording polaritons associa-

ted with phonons of E type. For ~ > O, (4-57) determines the hyper-

bolas sketched in the figures. Their points of intersection with

the dispersion curves again determine which polariton frequencies

are observed. The dispersion branches are described as e2 = ~2(k )


Page 111: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~=0 ~=0 r !4 .o *'~

/ / I/I

// . / | /////

// / I / \ S

r / t kr \ - ` k �9 k

Fig.28 Observation of polaritons in uniaxial crystal: a) light scattering by diagonal elements of the Raman tensor, for instance, Szz scattering corresponding to A-type polari- tons; b) light scattering by off-diagonal elements corres- ponding to, for instance, E-type polaritons, from /76/.

by, for instance (4-36), while (4-56) determines k = k(#). Solving

(4-36) and (4-56) simultaneously, we obtain ~2 = w2 (4)-

Among the thirteen classes of uniaxial crystals allowing Raman

scattering by polar modes there are only five in which modes of

twofold degenerate type can be observed by light scattering due to

diagonal elements of the Raman tensor. These crystal classes are

C 3 (= 3), D 3 (= 32), C3v (= 3m), C3h (= 6), and D3h (= ~m2). Certain

off-diagonal elements, on the other hand, will always allow scat-

tering by E polaritons. In the two crystal classes C3h (= 6) and

D3h (= 6m2), these are the elements Sxy and Sy x corresponding to

case I) and Fig.28a. In the eleven remaining classes, on the other

hand, the tensor elements Sxz, Szx, Sy z and Szy are generally in-

volved. The experiments have to be carried out in the way described

in 2) and 4) above, Fig.28b.

Further experimental techniques can be applied to uniaxial crystals

when making use of birefringence effects. This was first demonstra-

ted by Porto, Tell and Da/nen on ZnO /104/. In spite of the symmetry

of the Raman tensor (Sxz = Szx or Sy z = Szy) , scattering experi-

ments corresponding to cases 2) and 4) in this material will achieve

different maximum frequency shifts. From (4-60) it can be seen that

the limiting lines for ZnO have a positive intersection with the

axis in case 2) and a negative one of the same magnitude when

changing the geometry to case 4). This happens because ZnO is an


Page 112: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

> n . In Fig.29 the phonon-like optically positive crystal where n e o

polariton-dispersion curve of ZnO is plotted together with the li-

miting lines and the hyperbolas for different values of the para-

meter ~ in both cases. Obviously Sy z scattering, case 2), allows

the observation of larger frequency shifts. Regarding the wave-

vector triangles it will readily be realized that for the same scat-

tering angle ~ different polariton wave-vectors are involved: the

magnitudes of the incident and scattered photon wave-vectors

kp = 2~np/~p are determined in two different ways by the refractive

indices. The phenomenon has been illustrated for n o > n e in Fig.30,

corresponding to analogous experiments in LiIO3, which is an opti-

cally negative crystal, see /105/. For suitable scattering geome-

tries with n s > n i the magnitude of the scattered photon wave-vec-

tor ~s may be even larger than Ikil. The use of birefringence ef-

fects in the way described will in principle allow Raman-scattering

experiments exactly in the center of the IBZ.

cm- 400





I0 8


: 3.1, ~ 2 ~ 1.2 ~

! o. o

l I/ i I I i I !



0 15 ~ 25 ~

/' / / /i// /,' [ i

1 i I , I

2 /, 6 8 10 k {2X %/c)

Fig.29 Phonon-polariton dispersion curve of ZnO. Limiting lines and hyperbolas according to (4-58), (4-59) and (4-60) are sketched for Sy z and Szy scattering, from /104/.

quartz was the first polyatomic uniaxial crystal in which polari-

ton scattering was observed /106/ (Scott et al. in 1967). The dis-

persion branches of the eight transverse polariton modes of E type

were calculated from a generalized dispersion relation published

by Barker in 1964 /63/. This relation, however, holds only for the

principal directions and the experimental work is accordingly con-

cerned only with ordinary polaritons. Pinczuk, Burstein and Ushioda

examined ordinary polariton branches in the tetragonal phase of

BaTiO 3 (C4v) (= 4mm) in the same way in 1969 /107/.


Page 113: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

2:rno ~._ 2~ne "~ - ;%i

2]rne 2~no

~.~ V ~= X~

Fig.30 Dependence of polariton wave-vectors on the refractive in- dices of the incident and scattered photons in uniaxial crystals, from /105/.

Additional Literature

Khashkhozhev, Z.M., Lemanov, V.V., Pisarev, R.V.: Scattering of

light by acoustic phonons and polaritons in LiTaO 3 /222/.

Burns, G.: Polariton results in ferroelectrics with the tungsten

bronze crystal structure /232/.

Otaguro, W.S., Wiener-Avnear, E., Porto, S.P.S., Smit, J.: Oblique

polaritons in uniaxial crystals: application to LiIO 3 /242/.

Hizhnyakov, V.V.: Effect of the polariton-phonon coupling on the

dispersion /254/.

Laughman, L., Davis, L.W.: Raman scattering by pure and mixed po-

laritons in BeO /329/.



Sections 4.6 and 4.7 contained a detailed discussion of the extra-

ordinary modes. All derivations were based on (4-37) which in turn

is derived from the zeros of the second bracket of the general po-

lariton-dispersion relation in uniaxial crystals, (4-36). We now

turn our attention to the zeros of the first bracket in this equa-

tion leading to the description of ordinary polaritons

(c2k2/~ 2) = ~• (4-61)


Page 114: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

We already pointed out some characteristics in 4.4: these modes do

not depend on the direction of the wave-vector because no components

of the wave normal s appear in (4-61). Ordinary polariton modes

thus show only dispersion due to the magnitude of k and the branches

are consequently identical for all wave-vector directions in the

crystal, see also Table 6. Furthermore, only one dielectric func-

tion s is involved in (4-61). This implies that all ordinary

polaritons are exactly of E type. Finally the modes are purely

transverse for all wave-vector directions, which can be shown in

the same way as was done for cubic crystals in 4.3. The proof is

formally identical to the calculation in 4.3 because Huang's equa-

tions for ordinary polaritons in uniaxial crystals are identical

to the set for cubic crystals.

In 4.7 we have shown that extraordinary polaritons degenerate with

ordinary ones for k II z. The only difference between (4-55) and

(4-61) is that no factor ell (w) determining exactly longitudinal

A modes for e (~) = O appears in (4-61). Fig.23 therefore simul- H

taneously illustrates the ordinary dispersion curves of LiNbO 3 by

omitting the four A 1 (LO) branches. For a better survey, the ten

ordinary branches have been plotted separately in Fig. 31. In the

center of the IBZ the frequencies coincide with those of the E(LO)

modes: r = O, see (4-61). For large k, on the other hand, they

become equal to those of the E(TO) phonons. The corresponding wave

numbers are given to left and right of the figure.

The dispersion branch ending at the highest E(LO) phonon frequency

in the center of the IBZ describes ordinary photons k § ~. The di-

rectional independence of ordinary polaritons corresponds to the

fact that the ordinary refractive index known from crystal optics

does not depend on the photon wave-vector direction. Similarly,

the different slopes of the photon-like branches of extraordinary

polaritons for different 6 determine the varying phase velocities

of the extraordinary ray for different ~ directions, see Figs.19

to 23.

The degeneration of extraordinary and ordinary polaritons for

e = O ~ may be confused with the fact that the ordinary modes are

observed advantageously in experiments only for wave-vectors lying

in the optically isotropic plane, which means 8 = 7/2. We therefore

remember that ordinary modes are exactly of type E(TO) for all

wave-vector directions whereas extraordinary modes are of type


Page 115: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

441.D n m

64'71 nm /

cm- 880



E (TO) 840



371 I & k 37 ~ 1 \ " , 325

;?F \, \ , 1 9 8 ~ , . 238

I X _ _ . ~ss

I(" I ", I

0 0.5 1.0 k

1.5.104 era-1

Fig.31 Ordinary polariton dispersion branches of LiNbO 3 (for arbi- trary wave-vector directions). The limiting lines as deter- mined by (4-58) and (4-59) have been plotted for krypton- laser excitation (647.1 nm) and for He-Cd-laser excitation (441.6 nm). The wave numbers on the right are those of the E(TO) phonons for k § ~, from /108/.

A(TO) or E(LO) 0nly for k i z. Experiments allowing separate obser-

vation of E(TO) polaritons can thus be attained only by using

scattering geometries with wave-vector triangles lying in the op-

tically isotropic plane. The scattering angle ~ can then be changed

arbitrarily because the condition k i z is obviously fulfilled for

all ~. A(TO) modes are easily eliminated from the spectra by sui-

table polarizations of the laser beam and the observed scattered

radiation so that the E(TO) spectra are not mixed up with Raman

lines originating from extraordinary modes. Such scattering geome-

tries are ki(z, x~+Y)ks, ki(Y++ x, Z)ks , or ki(Y§ x++ y)k_s for

varying angles between ~i and ~s" Extraordinary A(TO) polaritons

may be separately recorded using geometries ki(z Z)ks, with --ik and

k forming an arbitrary angle ~ in the optically isotropic plane. -s

Because of the dependence of the refractive indices on the fre-


Page 116: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

quency of the incident laser radiation, it is also the case in uni-

axial crystals that the limiting lines determining the greatest po-

lariton-frequency shifts observed can be rather different. In

Fig.31 the situation has been sketched for He-Cd-laser excitation

(441.6 nm) and Krypton-laser excitation (647.1 nm) . The intersec-

tion points with the ~ axis are derived from (4-60) and the slopes

of the lines are ~ i/2~ns, see (4-58) and (4-59). Obviously the

slopes are constant only when the refractive indices can be regar-

ded as constant over the whole range of the Raman spectrum

ns(~ i) z ns(~' (4-62)

~' is the varying polariton frequency (Stokes or Anti-Stokes wave)

and ~i the frequency of the incident laser radiation as before. On-

ly on this condition are the'limiting lines' really 'lines' In

general, the approximation (4-62) is rather good in the region of -i

phonon-like polaritons located a few hundred cm away from the

exciting line. According to Fig.28b, however, the photon-like po-

lariton branches with large dispersion may also be observed by for-

ward scattering. Experiments have shown that the approximation

(4-62) usually cannot then be made because frequency shifts of se-

veral thousand wave numbers may easily be observed.

On comparing the limiting lines in Fig.31, it becomes obvious that

Krypton-laser excitation is more suitable for investigations in the

lower frequency region of LiNbO 3 whereas the He-Cd laser allows

better observation of photon-like polaritons. A spectra series

showing the lowest-frequency ordinary branch in this material is

reproduced in Fig.32. Owing to reflections of the incident laser

radiation on the second surface inside the sample and those of

scattered radiation on the first surface, the Raman line at 154 cm -I

corresponding to the E(TO) phonon for k § ~ appears simultaneously

with the polariton mode in all the scans. The maximum frequency

shift, from 154 to 117 cm -I for # = O, is determined by the left

intersection point on the corresponding branch in Fig.31.

In order to observe light-scattering processes originating from pho-

ton-like polaritons, a photographic method first described by Akhma-

nov et al. /109/ has proved very useful. This method has also been

useful for recording phonon-like polaritons with small cross-sec-

tions, as we shall show. The principle of the experimental setup


Page 117: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


154 I

j 'vV 0 ~

J '~-d. 09 ~

~l t~,, ~ ~ 3 ~

,, l I I

200 100 0 crr, -1

Fig.32 Raman-spectra series showing the lowest- frequency ordinary po- lariton branch of LiNbO3, ~i = 647.1 nm, from /108/.

is sketched in Fig.33. The incident laser beam propagates along

the optic axis of the system (horizontal dashed line) toward the

left of the figure. The luminescing volume is projected onto the

entrance slit S of a spectrograph with the lens L. This lens is

placed at focal distance from S so that all scattered radiation

corresponding to a certain external angle ~' will be focused onto

one point of the slit. (The internal scattering angle ~ of course

is smaller than ~'.) Radiation focused on the center of the slit

originates from straight forward scattering, corresponding to pola-


Page 118: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

$ [

Fig.33 Experimental setup for photographic recording of polaritons, see /109/ and /108/. For explanation, see the text.

ritons with maximum frequency shifts towards smaller wave numbers.

Positions on the slit at different distances symmetrically from its

center thus correspond to different fixed external scattering

angles ~' and -~' In order to reduce stray light caused by the la-

ser radiation in the spectrograph, two tricks may be used: (a) the

incident laser beam may be focused just beside the center of the

slit opening, so preventing the radiation from directly entering

the spectrograph; (b) a filter may be placed behind the slit (in-

side the spectrograph). A typical spectrum, reproduced in Fig.34,

shows the purely transverse phonon-like polariton associated with

the AI(TO) mode at 633 cm -I in LiNbO 3. The spectrogram has been ex-

posed in the way described. Due to some spillover scattering, the

position of the phonon is again recorded as a weak spectral line,

see Fig.32. The largest polariton shifts are observed in the cen-

ter of the picture, corresponding to the center of the entrance

slit, whereas the upper and lower parts of the figure corresponding

to larger ~ show the polariton moving asymptotically towards the

Al(TO)-phonon frequency.

Winter and Claus /108/ used this technique to record the polariton

dispersion of the ordinary E(TO) branch in LiNbO 3 moving from 582

to 454 cm -I for decreasing wave-vectors. Although this branch shows a

rather strong dispersion, see Fig.31, the scattering cross-sections

are extremely small over the whole k range in question. Backward


Page 119: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Spectrogram of polaritons associated with the

-I _ Ai (TO) phonon at 633 cm in LiNbO3, from /108/.

scattering of the E(TO) phonon at 582 cm -I due to reflections was

much stronger than the polariton scattering efficiency in the for-

ward direction. Photoelectric observation of the branch was impos-

sible. The results obtained with the photographic method, however,

were in good agreemen* with calculations by Obukhovskii et al.

/iiO/. The main advantage of the method is obviously that scattered

light can easily be integrated over several hours. Fiq.35 shows the

experimental data points derived from photometric measurements of

the photographic plate. A feature of special interest observed in

this figure is a Fermi resonance between the polariton and a se-

cond-order phonon at ~ 537 cm -I. The maximum frequency splitting

recorded was 7 cm -I see also 5 5. r

AS illustrated in Fig.28b, there are scattering geometries in uni-

axial and biaxial crystals that also allow the observation of the

photon-like branches. The frequencies recorded again correspond to

the intersection points of the dispersion curves and the hyperbo-

las determined by (4-57). For suitable refractive indices n i and

n there may even be two intersection points with the upper branch, s


Page 120: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

cm- 540



0 0'5 1.0 1'5 2.0.104cm -1 k

Fig.35 Calculated dispersion and experimental data corresponding to the ordinary polariton branch associated with the E(TO) phonon at 582 cm -I in LiNbO 3. Fermi resonance takes place with a second-order phonon at ~ 537 cm -I . The maximum fre- quency splitting is about 7 cm -I, see 5.5, from /108/.

as indicated in the figures. This happens in LiNbO 3 with, for in-

stance, argon-laser (I i = 488 nm and I i = 514.5 nm) or He-Cd-laser

excitation (X i = 441.6 nm). For ~ = O the limiting line determines

the pair of the highest and lowest frequencies observed. Increa-

sing scattering angles g cause the lower polariton frequency to

rise and the higher one to fall until at a certain angle g = go

the two coincide. For g > go' finally, the observation of the upper

branch is impossible. The possibilities of such experiments have

been discussed in detail by Obukhovskii et al. /iiO/.

Within the last few years light scattering owing to the higher-fre-

quency intersection point has been reported by several authors on

different materials /109/ and /iii through 117/. The phenomenon

has become known as parametric luminescence. Klyshko and coworkers

in 1970 /118/ were the first to show the connection with polariton

scattering. They succeded in recording scattering processes corres-

ponding to both intersection points simultaneously in LiNb03, using

the photographic method described above. We show the result in a re-

recorded spectrogram excited by a He-Cd laser, Fig.36. In this fi-

gure the ~ axis is perpendicular to the exciting spectral line at

the bottom. It can easily be seen that the polariton frequency of


Page 121: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Spectrogram showing Raman scattering by the ordinary photon-like polariton branch, and parametric luminescence in L i N b O 3 r e c o r d e d by Winter /119/.

the photon-like branch for straight forward scattering in the lower

part almost coincides with the highest-frequency E(LO) phonon at

880 cm -I. A second scattering process at ~ 5000 cm -I is observed

simultaneously, in agreement with the prediction by Fig.31. For

greater scattering angles $ the frequencies behave as described

above. The smallest diameter of the oval figure corresponds to an

external divergence of the scattered rays of 2~, see Figs.28b and

33. A quantitative comparison of experimental data with the calcu-

lated ordinary branch has been presented by Claus et al. /120/,

Fig.37. Corresponding studies on LiIO 3 have been published by Win-

ter /121/.

When the spectrogram stands vertically with the ~ axis as shown

in Fig.36, it can be regarded as a direct picture of the polariton

dispersion curves. For this purpose all branches in Fig.31 have

to be added symmetrically for negative k directions on the left

side of the ~ axis. The diagram then has to be cut alonq the limi-

ting lines and folded together vertically in such a way that the

upper two limiting lines and the lower ones coincide along the

axis, which then corresponds to the symmetry axis of Fig.36.


Page 122: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

crn-1, 1200



900 881

J l l l l l l 0.5 1.0 �9 10 & c m -1


Fig.37 Calculated dispersion branch and experimental data concer- ning polaritons associated with the ordinary photons in LiNbO 3, from /120/.

Owing to light scattering as in Fig.28b, only the ordinary photon-

like polariton branch seems to be observable. When oblique orien-

tations are used, however, the extraordinary photon-like branches

may also be observed. For decreasing angles 8 between the wave-vec-

tor and the optic axis, they move toward the directionally inde-

pendent ordinary branch. As a result intersection points may also

occur between the limiting lines and these branches. Furthermore,

variation of the direction of the extraordinary ray allows conti-

nuous variation of the corresponding refractive index from n o to

he(max) in optically positive crystals and from ne(min) to n o in

optically negative media. Accordingly, the slopes of the limiting

lines and the intersections with the ~ axis can be changed, see

(4-58), (4-59), and (4-60). Experiments of this kind have recently

been carried out by Ponath and coworkers on LiIO 3 /122, 123, 353/ and

by Winter on LiNbO 3 /124/.

We have seen from (4-53), (4-55) and (4-61) that extraordinary and

ordinary photons as well as phonon-like polaritons degenerate for

k II z, whereas for increasing angles e the degeneracy is removed

continuously. A simultaneous observation of ordinary and extraor-

dinary polaritons associated with the same directional dispersion

branch should therefore be possible for 0 + O. Such experimental

results were first reported by Claus and Winter /102/ relativ to


Page 123: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

the lowest-frequency directional dispersion branch in LiNbO3,

Figs.17 and 27c. For better orientation the position of the ordina- -i

ry E(TO) phonon at 152 cm is indicated by a dashed line in

Fig.27c. For scattering angles r > 3.6 ~ , the ordinary polariton

appears at % 152 cm -I and the extraordinary one at ~ 198 cm -I, which

is the frequency of the extraordinary phonon for large k and % = 82 ~ ,

see Fig.17. Decreasing ~ causes both polariton branches to move to-

wards ~ = O. Because of damping and broadening of the Raman lines

in the region of strong dispersion caused by the finite aperture

+ (i/2)A~, (&~ = 0.2o), the components can no longer be resolved

for r < 1.8 ~ Fig.38 shows the dispersion branches of the lower-

frequency region in the same way they are recorded in the spectra

Fig.27c. The ordinary E(TO) branch in question has been sketched

as a dashed curve. This curve is identical to the lowest-frequency

one in Fig.31. The ordinary E(TO) polaritons in Fig.27c are thus

also identical to those reproduced in Fig.32. It should be men-

tioned that owing to some backward reflections inside the sample -i

the 'quasi'-Al(TO) phonon at 253 cm again appears as a weak Raman


cm- 300~



~ , .'o ' ~ 5. ?04c m -1


Fig.38 Dispersion branches of polaritons in LiNbO 3 in the lower- frequency region as they are observed in Fig.27c. The lowest-frequency ordinary branch is indicated by a dashed curve, from /102, 103/.

1 1 6

Page 124: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Additional Literature

Ohama, N., Okamoto, Y.: Polariton dispersion relation in cubic BaTiO 3


Asawa, C.K., Barnoski, M.K.: Scattering from E 1 polaritons in LiIO 3


Mavrin, B.N., Abramovich, T.E., Sterin, Kh.E.: Transverse polari-

tons in a LiNbO 3 crystal /233/.


According to (3-20) and (4-21) the general dispersion relation of

polaritons in orthorhombic crystals can be written

~i (e) (~2~2 (e) -c2k2) (m2e3 (e) -c2k2) s~ +

s (w2E3(o~)-c2kZ) (~2El(C0)-c2k2)s ~ +

s3 (e) (mZgl (w)-c2k 2) (~2e 2 (~)-c2k 2)s~ = 0 (4-63)

For k § O, i.e. wave-vectors that are small compared with the pola-

riton region (k < 103 cm-l), (4-63) reduces to

0~EIE2E 3 S~ + ~SI~2E 3 S~ + 0J4Slg2e 3 S~ = 0

2 + s$ + s~ = i, and, because Sl

~4el(~)s2(~)s3(~) = O (4-64)

The three dielectric functions may be replaced by the corresponding

Kurosawa relations, (4-14). If n I + n 2 + n 3 = n as before denotes

the total number of polar modes, (4-64) is obviously of power

(n + 2) in ~2. The corresponding solutions are: the double root,

z = O and the zeros of the three dielectric functions lead to ~112 nl, n 2 and n 3 frequencies, which are identical to those of the

exactly longitudinal phonons for the three principal directions.

All modes except for the two lowest-frequency branches are without

dispersion in the center of the IBZ. This result is in agreement


Page 125: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

with the results for uniaxial crystals, see 4.7. The double root

ml,2 = O in general corresponds to two different direction-depen-

dent polariton branches going to zero energies for k + O. In uni-

axial crystals one of these becomes the lowest-frequency, direc-

tionally independent ordinary dispersion branch and the other the

corresponding extraordinary dispersion branch. Eq. (4-52) describing

extraordinary polaritons is therefore only of power in| ~ + nll+ i)

in ~2. We also recall that the m + 1 polariton dispersion branches

in cubic crystals described by (4-23) were all directionally inde-

pendent and derived as doubly degenerate, a fact which there was

without physical significance, see 4.3.

The counting of modes in cubic, uniaxial,and orthorhombic crystals

may easily cause some confusion. We therefore briefly summarize

the nomenclature used. In orthorhombic systems the total number of

modes is n I + n 2 + n 3 = n, the integers i, 2 and 3 referring to

the three principal axes. According to (4-21), (4-63) and (4-64),

the n phonon modes produce (n + 2) polariton branches. The two ad-

ditional modes appear because for every wave-vector direction there

are two photon-like branches. For k § ~ these describe pure photons

and are thus not counted as phonons. In cubic crystals,

n I = n 2 = n 3 H m, see (4-22) and related text. The number of modes

with different frequencies are identical for the three principal

directions. Strictly speaking, (4-23) determines m + 2(m + i) so-

lutions, m of them being longitudinal, and the (m + i) transverse

modes are doubly degenerate for all directions. In uniaxial cry-

stals, n I = n 2 z nl ~ n 3 ~ nil. Eq.(4-36) determines (n i + i) +

(n i ~ + n N + i) polariton branches. There are (n| + i) ordinary and

(n| ~ + n}l + i) extraordinary modes. Following a (not very beautiful)

convention, we referred in 4.6 to the 'total' number of extraordi-

nary phonons as n i + nll= n, which is not consistent with n =

n I + n 2 + n3, as defined earlier. However, this causes hardly any

errors because the n I and n 2 modes along the principal directions in

the optically isotropic plane are indistinguishable with respect

to their frequencies. Similarly, the total number of phonons in cu-

bic cryshals have frequently been referred to as n I = n 2 = n 3 { n

in the literature. It all depends on whether degeneracy is taken

into account or not.

For a certain principal direction, for instance ~ = i, s I = i,

s 2 = O and s 3 = O. Eq. (4-63) thus becomes


Page 126: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

el(U) (mz~2(m) - cZk 2) (~2s - cZk 2) = O (4-65)

In order to determine the slopes of the two lowest-frequency pola-

riton branches in the origin, we consider the ~ § 0 limit of (4-65)

- - c2k 2) = O (4-66) ~iO (~2~20 cZk2) (~2e30

which can easily be derived by taking into account the Kurosawa re-

lation (4-14). The two brackets in (4-66) directly determine the

slopes i~ question to be ~/k = c/e/~20 and ~/k = c//S~O, respective-

ly. Corresponding results are obtained for the other two directions,

= 2 and ~ = 3. The polariton phase velocities of the lowest bran-

ches in the origin are thus c//~O.

For k § ~, on the other hand, we obtain a description of polar pho-

nons in the region 105 J k ! 107 cm -I. For finite m, the first

terms in the brackets of (4-63) are small, so that the dispersion

relation reduces to

+ ~2 ( ~ ) s ~ + e3 ( ~ ) s ~ = o el(~)S I (4-67)

Because the wave normal vector s = (s I, s2, s 3) still appears in

(4-67), all polar phonons in orthorhombic crystals in general show

directional dispersion and there is no remaining dependence on the

wave-vector magnitude. Taking the Kurosawa relation into account,

we can verify that for a certain direction, e.g. ~ = i, the solu-

tions of (4-67) are:

= ~iLi

= ~2Tj

= ~3Ts '

i = l...n I = longitudinal modes

j = l...n 2 and

i = l...n 3 = transverse modes.

In addition to these branches with finite frequencies, (4-63) des-

cribes two photon-like modes with infinite frequencies for k § ~,

see above. The Kurosawa relation trivially requires e (~) = e

for ~ § = and (4-63) accordingly becomes

el~(~2g2~ - cZk 2) (wzg3~ - cZk z) = O (4-68)


Page 127: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

for the direction ~ = i. From the zeros of the brackets the slopes

of the two photon-like branches are derived as ~/k = c//s2~ and

~/k = c//~3~, respectively. Corresponding results are again ob-

tained for the other principal directions, ~ = 2 and e = 3.

Only in the orthorhombic crystal classes D 2 (= 222) and C2v (= mm2)

are there polar modes which are simultaneously infrared- and Raman-

active; materials belonging to the crystal class D2h (= mmm) have

an inversion center so that polaritons cannot be directly observed

by light scattering. Unfortunately this happens also in D 2 type

crystals where the form of Raman tensors prevents a direct observa-

tion, see Appdx 4.

To improve understanding, we discuss the phonon directional disper-

sion effects for a crystal with D 2 (= 222) symmetry in somewhat more

detail. Directional dispersion is observable, see Fig.39a, b, o.

Polar B 1 modes have dipole moments in the direction ~ = 3, whereas

the B 2 and B 3 modes have their dipole moments lying in the direc-

tions @ = 2 and ~ = i, see Appdx 4. Exactly transverse B 1 phonons

may therefore be observed only for wave-vector directions in a

plane perpendicular to the direction ~ = 3. Eq. (4-67) in this case


2 + s2(~)s ~ = 0 (4-69) s I

because s 3 = O. The equation determines the frequencies of the re-

maining direction-dependent phonon modes. These modes are of mixed

type (B 2 + B 3) for general wave-vector directions in the i, 2 plane

since only the two dielectric functions ~2(~) and s3(~) are in-

volved. Modes of pure type BI(LO) , B2(LO), or B3(LO), on the other

hand, appear only for the directions ~ = 3, e = 2 and e = i, re-

spectively. Like the BI(TO) modes, which did not show any directio-

nal dispersion for wave-vectors lying in the i, 2 plane, the B2(TO)

modes are not direction-dependent in the i, 3 plane and the B3(TO)

modes in the 2, 3 plane. Mode-mixing with directional dispersion,

however, takes place in each case for the other two types of pho-

nons. These features are of great importance for the observation

of polaritons. Thus, scattering experiments with wave-vector tri-

angles lying in only one of the principal planes always allow the

recording of polaritons associated with purely transverse phonons

of one symmetry type without directional dispersion.

Experimental data concerning the directional dispersion of phonon


Page 128: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

modes originating from the vibrations of the SO 4 ions in orthorhom-

bic MgSO4"7H20 have been carried out by Graf et al. /125/, for all

three symmetry planes, see Fig.39a, b, c. The material belongs to 4

the space group D 2 (= P21212 I) discussed above. Similar, though less

complete data have also been published for NaNO 2 /93/, benzophenone

/126/, SbSI /127/, and ~-HIO 3 /128 to 132/. systematic measurements

in the real polariton region 103 ~ k ~ 2 • 104 cm -I have hitherto

been published only for the purely transverse polar A I, BI, and B 2

modes in KNbO 3 by Winter, Claus et al. /137,317,350/. A spectra

series showing the AI(TO) polaritons in this material is reproduced

in Fig.4Oa. Four dispersion branches can be observed: for decrea-

sing internal scattering angles the Raman lines are shifted towards

lower wave numbers each starting at a TO-phonon frequency and ending

at the frequency of the next LO-phonon at lower wave numbers. Note

that the lowest dispersion branch again moves towards ~ = 0 for

k § O. Comparison of the experimental data with calculated disper-

sion curves shows good agreement, Fig.40b /317,350/. Similar but less

complete data have also become known for ~-HIO 3 /131, 132/ and

Ba2NaNb5Ol5 (banana) /133/.

In monoclinic systems the two crystal classes C 2 (= 2) and C s (= m)

show a lack of an inversion center. The only symmetry elements in

these crystal classes are a twofold axis and a symmetry plane, re-

spectively. According to convention /45/, these symmetry elements

determine the y axis.

In materials with C 2 (= 2) symmetry, for instance, the totally

symmetric vibrations all have their dipole moments in y direction

whereas the polar modes of B type have dipole moments lying in dif-

ferent directions in the xz plane. Exactly longitudinal A(LO) modes

are thus expected for wave-vectors propagating along the y axis and

A(TO) phonons without directional dispersion for wave-vectors in

the xz plane. For arbitrary angles e between the wave-vector and

the y axis, there are modes of mixed type (A + B) showing direc-

tional dispersion. When k II Y, all modes of B type are exactly trans-

verse. B(LO) modes, on the other hand, appear only for certain k

directions in the xz plane determined by the dipole moments in

question. B(TO) modes in the xz plane are observed one by one for

wave-vector directions perpendicular to those of the B(LO) modes.

When the wave-vector k rotates in the xz plane, the nontotally

symmetric phonons do show directional dispersion because of coup-


Page 129: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


114( I

I oO ~ . (8 T ) . ~ x X.x~" 3 2

~ - x - • •215 -• -C.~-~-•



( B3 )t


B T ) / ~ / ~ z~ '& '~ I ~

o-"-x-x--x~..~• • •

k//x ~//y I I ; ~o 310 o 60 ~ 90':'

Fig.39a Directional dispersion of modes originating from the vi- brations of SO 4 ions in orthorhombic Mg S04"7 H20. The principal directions ~ = 1,2, and 3 are indicated by x, y, and z, from /125/.

lings between the different modes of B type.

Every single B vibration determines a plane containing its dipole-

moment vector and the y axis where it couples with an A mode. All

other phonons with arbitrary wave-vector directions in this plane

are directionally dependent in general because of multimode mixing

involving an A phonon and other B modes. At the same time every

B mode determines a plane perpendicular to its dipolemoment. The

corresponding exactly transverse B(TO) phonon is observed for all

wave-vectors without directional dispersion in this plane.


Page 130: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons




I1801 i

cm-II L I �9

[ x x~'~X-x- ~• -x-x-~-~'~ ~ (B~) 3

11601- i I . . . . . x O A A l l I a O X v . O A O ~ •

- (BTI | i

11/.0 -

o BL ~x ~x

112C -o ~ ~-~x ~ • 2 1 5 ~ (Bb - ~ _ o _ o ~ . . o.~.._~,.~

- ( B ] ) 2

110C A L _ " �9 % �9 o

:~.6.• o'-~ " ~

x O � 9

L . . . . . . '

t t Fllz ~I/y

I I i I 0 o 30 ~ 0 o 90 o

Fig.39b Directional dispersion of modes originating from the vi- brations of SO 4 ions in orthorhombic Mg SO4"7 H20. The principal directions ~ = 1,2, and 3 are indicated by x, y, and z, from /125/.

Multimode mixing seems to be the most significant feature of biaxial

crystals in the same way as extraordinary modes (two-mode couplings)

were characteristic of uniaxial crystals. Note that multimode mi-

xing also takes place in orthorhombic materials for planes other

than the three symmetry planes.

Systematic experiments in monoclinic crystals may be performed as

follows. The frequencies of B(TO) phonons can be recorded for wave-

vector directions k I[ y. The fixed k directions in the xz plane for

different B(TO) modes can then be determined from directional dis-

persion measurements because their frequencies are known. The cor-

responding longitudinal modes propagate perpendicular to the direc-

tions determined in this way. Consequently, we know which planes


Page 131: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

11801.- c~I I .

A 0

(B~) 3 1160

Ooo 0



x x x x"'~-x-E"

�9 �9 (B~) 3

T B 3 3

(B~)3 ~'G'AA X • ~ O OO O@

(BL)2 a.

a kxx-x- •215 "-x'• 0"--0

0 zx

@ 0 �9 �9

) X 0

i i

~o 3'o ~oo 90~

Fig.39c Directional dispersion of modes originating from the vi- brations of SO 4 ions in orthorhombic Mg SO4"7 H20. The principal directions ~ = 1,2, and 3 are indicated by x, y, and z, from /125/.

allow directional dispersion-free investigations of polariton dis-

persion of purely transverse B(TO) branches. Investigations of this

kind, however, have not yet been undertaken to the authors' know-


In triclinic systems there is no symmetry element allowing a classi-

fication of different vibrational modes. The polar phonons in such

materials have their dipole moments lying in different directions

in space. Every mode again determines a plane perpendicular to its

dipole moment. The frequency of the exactly transverse phonon for

all directions appears in this plane. The corresponding longitudi-

nal phonon, on the other hand, appears only for wave-vectors propa-

gating parallel to the dipole moment. All other modes in general

1 2 4

Page 132: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Fig.4Oa Spectra series of At(TO) polaritons in orthorhombic KNbO 3. Internal scattering angles are given to the left of each spectrum. The scat- tering geometry y(z z)y corresponds to ~=O ~ Scattering plane: xy, from /137/.

~ cn

0,3 o

i I I i i i I I

cm-1 600 i.O0 200 ~2

show directional dispersion due to multimode couplings in the plane

cited. The difference from monoclinic crystals is that this state-

ment now holds for all waves and not only for a certain group such

as B modes in C 2 (= 2) crystals. Furthermore, all dipole moments are

lying in arbitrary directions in space and not only in one plane as

in monoclinic crystals. No detailed experimental or theoretical

studies have yet been made in this field.

Additional Literature

Asawa, C.K.: Frequency versus wave-vector for a diatomic ionic or-

thorhombic biaxial crystal /223/.

Graf, L., Schaack, G., Unger, B.: Raman scattering of polaritons

in uniaxial and biaxial piezoelectric crystals /236/.


Page 133: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons






294 ~ o ~ 294

200 194 ~ 192



O' 0.5 1.0 1.5 .I0 z' cm A


Fig.4Ob Experimental data and calculated dispersion curves of A1 (TO) polaritons in KNbO3, as shown in Fig.4Oa, from 13171.

Krauzman, M., Postollec, M. le, Mathieu, J.P.: Vibration spectra,

structure and angular dispersion of phonons in crystalline iodic

acid (~-HIO 3) /237/.

Belikova, G.S., Kulevsky, L.A., Polivanov, Yu.N., Poluektov, S.N.,

Prokhorov, K.A., Shigoryn, V.D., Shipulo, G.P.: Light scattering

from polaritons in m-dinitrobenzene single crystal /346/.


In the foregoing sections polaritons have been considered in the

harmonic approximation, i.e. in the lattice potential energy (4-4),

only quadratic terms have been taken into account, terms of higher

order being neglected. Furthermore, all perturbations such as

point defects, dislocations, and surfaces have been left out of

1 2 6

Page 134: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

consideration. These perturbations of the harmonic lattice poten-

tial limit the lifetime of polaritons and cause damping. For many

features, such as the half-widths of Raman lines, the losses in the

stimulated Raman effect, and the structures of the infrared spectra,

damping play an important role.

A rigorous theory of damping should include all the different kinds

of perturbations quantitatively, ioe. the origin of damping should

be expressed by means of the microscopic mechanism. Appropriate

theories, in so far as they exist, contain so many unknown para-

meters that quantitative calculations and comparison with experi-

mental data are still impossible except for the most trivial mate-


Furthermore, we have to consider that any damping mechanism affec-

ting one of the basic quantities in the fundamental equations (4-7),

(4-8) and (4-9) will cause damping of the entire polariton system.

A damping mechanism thus can act via a quasinormal coordinate Q j,

via the electric field E, via the polarization P, or via any of

these parameters simultaneously.

As has been shown by various authors, damping mechanisms originate

from anharmonic interactions /140, 141/ as well as from interactions

with impurities /142/. A frequently considered ansatz introduces

the damping factor as frequency-dependent, see /143-145, 148, 149/.

We also refer the reader to papers by Maradudin and coworkers /293-

296/, Cowley /297/, and Benson and Mills /150/.

The microscopic models developed hitherto do not yet seem to have

reached a final form where experimental studies could verify them.

We therefore present a phenomenologic theory for damped polaritons

which does not depend on the microscopic mechanism acting in any

special case.

In common crystalline materials a certain direction and its opposite

are equivalent. We therefore assume that both ~i(k) and -~[(~) re-

present polariton frequencies, i.e. the waves can always be com-

bined into pairs (~i' -~)"

By analogy with the Kurosawa relation for polaritons with real fre-

quencies (4-14), a generalized corresponding relation can be de-

rived for damped waves. In this case


Page 135: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~ (W) = g j=l (~Tj-~) (-~Tj -~) , (4-70)

where w L j = ~ L~-YeLj/2~ and ~eTj = ~Ti-Y~T~/2"~ ~ ~Lj and ~Tj de-

note the (real) frequencies, and Y~Lj and YeTj the damping factors

of the purely longitudinal and transverse optic phonons polarized

in ~ direction. The real frequencies correspond as before to un-

damped polaritons in the limiting case k + =. Eq. (4-72) can be writ-

ten in the equivalent form


e (~) = e H e~ j=l (]~Tj 12-i~Y~Tj -~2)


A similar result was derived by Barker in 1964 /63/ for the prlnci-

pal directions of a uniaxial polyatomic crystal. The polariton dis-

persion relation is derived in the form of a generalized Fresnel

equation as for undamped polaritons, see 4.2:

e I (s 2) (e3-na)si+s 2(e3-n2) (el-n2) s~+s 3 (cl-n2) (s2-n 2)s~ = 0 . (4-72)

The dielectric functions el(U), e2(~), and e3(~), however, are de-

termined by either (4-70) or (4-71).

In uniaxial crystals Fresnel's equation again splits into two parts,

the first part describing ordinary damped polaritons

(c2k2/~2) = n2 = gl (4-73)

and the second the extraordinary modes

(c2k2/~ 2) = n 2 = elell s2 (4-74) ~IS~ + ~:11 II

The indices and abbreviations are the same as those introduced in

4.4. All 'damped' dispersion branches ~i(~) for arbitrary wave-vec-

tors ~ can be calculated provided the nknnerical values of the ~Lj'

., ~T3 Y~Lj' Y~Tj' and s are known, see /146/.

We distinguish between spatial, temporal, and mixed spatial-temporal

damping. For pure spatial damping the wave-vector ~ is supposed to

be complex


Page 136: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

k = Re(k) + iIm(k) (4-75)

whereas the frequency ~i is real. On the contrary, the frequency is

made complex for pure temporal damping

wi(k) = ~i(k) + iYi(k)/2 , (4-76)

where the ~i(~) = Re,i(~) denote the frequencies and the 7i(~) =

2 Im~i(~) the temporal damping factors of the waves. The magnitudes

of the complex frequencies ~i are l~il = (~ + y~/4) I/2

Numerical calculations have been carried out for ZnF 2 by Merten and

Borstel /139/. Fig.41 shows the dispersion curves of spatially

damped extraordinary polaritons for different wave-vector directions

in this material. 8 denotes in the usual way the angle between the

optic axis and k' The values on the abscissa are directly related

to the refractive index n by

Re n = (c/~)Re k and Im n = (c/~)Im k . (4-77)

Pure spatial damping can be experimentally observed by IR absorption

whereas the Raman effect essentially corresponds to temporal damping.

It can be shown /146, 147/ that for the damping factors of the po-

lariton branches the sum rule holds:

n+2 nl n2 n3

i = l

n I n 2 n 3

j=ZIYITj+ = ~ Y3Ts const. (4-78)

n stands for the number of polar phonons in the principal direc-

tion e, ~ = i, 2, 3, and n = n I + n 2 + n 3 again denotes the total

number of infrared-active optical phonons. The sum of the damping

factors for all polariton branches is constant and independent of


Specializing (4-78) for uniaxial crystals, we obtain a sum rule for

ordinary polaritons


Page 137: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

cm-1 8OO




- - / 0 = 0 o

f f

o'.2 d.~ d.~ d.8 1:o Re

_ _ ~ e = 30 ~


o.2 o'.4 d.6 da 1.'o.lo ~-~

cm" 8O0




60 o

0.2 o.4 & o'.8 ,io Re

~ . e = 9 0 ~

0.2 0.4 0'6 018 Ii0.10 cm -I

Fig.41 Dispersion curves ~=~(Re k) for different angles e be- tween the wave-vector and the optic axis in uniaxial ZnF2, from /139/.

ni+Z n I n I

i~iYo,i (k) = [ 71Lj = [ Y~Tq = const. j=l ~ j=l ~ a

and another for the extraordinary modes


nil +ni+l n i nll n i nil

Yeo,i (k) = ~ k!lu = ~ YITq + [ u = eonst. (4-80) i=l

For the doubly degenerate transverse polaritons in cubic crystals

we have

m+l m m

YTi(k) = ! = [ yT i = const. i=l j 1 YLj j=l


in analogy to the ordinary polaritons in uniaxial crystals, m de-

1 3 0

Page 138: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

notes the number of infrared-active phonons (single count). It

(trivially) follows that the damping of all purely longitudinal

branches i s k-independent. The sum rules have not yet been experi-

mentally verified.

The theory outlined above does not depend in detail on the micros-

copic mechanism or any special form of the damping terms. If damp-

ing is assumed to be proportional to the normal coordinates, the ge-

neralized first fundamental polariton equation, (4-5), becomes

/63, 159/

+ r ( ~ ) �9 "Q = B 1 1 �9 Q + B 12 �9 E_ , (4-82)

where F(~) denotes a damping tensor. With a plane wave ansatz, the

total set of fundamental equations for damped polaritons becomes

-L02Q = (BII+i~F (~)) .Q + B 12 �9 E , (4-83)

P = (BI2)+.Q + B 22 �9 E , (4-84)

E = 4~(n2-1)-l[p-nZs(s.P)] (4-85)

in analogy to (4-7), (4-8) and (4-9). The dispersion relation is

derived in the same way as in 4.2 in the form of a generalized Fres-

nel equation, (4-72). If the diagonal tensor F(e) is approximately

constant in the vicinity of the resonance frequencies, the diagonal

elements F j are identical with the Y~Tj introduced above. This

happens because the equations of motion of purely transverse modes

for different normal coordinates are decoupled in the limiting case

k § ~. (4-83) then becomes explicitly

ii _~2Qej = B jQej + ieF jQ~j (4-86)

or, when BI~ = _~z is taken into account, see 4.2, ~3 ~tj

~2 + iwF j - ~tj = O (4-87)

The ~ . denote the frequencies of the undamped transverse polari- ~t]

tons in the limit k § ~. We then easily derive the solutions

~Tj = (iF j/2) + (~2 F2 /4)i/2 -- ~tj ~3 (4-88)


Page 139: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


~-~Tj = Re(~Tj) = Z 2 _ F2 /4)1/2 (~Gtj Gj (4-89)


YGtj = 2 Im(~ t j) = F j (4-90)

These relations, however, hold only when the damping term has the

form introduced in (4-82). The YGtj are there defined as indepen-

dent of any special damping mechanism.

To date, theories leading to an explicit damping function from a

special microscopic mechanism have been rare. As an example, we cite

a relation derived by Maradudin and Wallis /296/. The authors have

considered anharmonic couplings in a cubic crystal with only one

TO phonon

s = Co+4~p(~-~2-2~THR(~)-i2~THi(~)) -I (4-91)

HR(W) and Hi(u) denote the real and imaginary parts of the phonon's

self-energy for k = O.

Experiments concerning polariton damping are also rare. The damping

function below ~ = ~T' for instance, has been investigated in GaP

/143, 145/.

The phenomenological theory outlined so far assumes that the polari-

tons exist in the crystal as either undamped or damped waves. Pola-

ritons, however, may also be coupled to dipole relaxations. Couplings

of this kind are of great importance in ferroelectric materials be-

cause of the existence of Debye relaxations.

Relaxations are distinguished from the oscillating states by the

fact that their 'frequencies' are purely imaginary, wi(~) = iYi(~)/2.

By introducing a relaxation time T i = 2/Yi, we obtain a time depen-

dence of the form

exp(i~it ) = exp(-t/Ti) . (4-92)

The coupling with Debye relaxations causes strong shifts of the

real frequencies and strong damping of polaritons and can again be


Page 140: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

completely described by a phenomenologic theory. In contrast to the

theory outlined above, at least one frequency now has to be intro-

duced as purely imaginary. For the simplest case with only one re-

laxation polarized in ~ direction, imaginary LO and TO frequencies

are introduced in the Kurosawa relation as

~LO = i7~LO/2 = i/Y~LO



~TO = i7~TO/2 = i/T~TO

We then obtain


~LO -~ n !~ L~_~)(_~L _~)

s (~) = Ee~ ~ TO-e j=K 1 (~Tj -~) (-~Tj-~)



T TO(I+i~T LO) n (i~ L~I~_i~7~L _~z )

E~(~) = ~e= T~LO(I+i~TeTO ) j~l (I~Tj Iz iieT~Tj -e~')



T To(l+i~eLO ) n (~eLj_~) (_~Lj_~)

~ (~) = ~ T~LO(I+i~TO) 321 (~Tj-~) (-~Tj -~) (4-97)

If there is more than one relaxation, an additional factor

(T~Th/T~Lh) (I+i~TaLh)/(I+i~T~T h) appears. If we denote the total

number of relaxations by m , the correspondingly generalized Kuro-

sawa relation becomes

m s T Th(l+i~T~Lh) n (i~ Ljl2_i~YeLj_e2 )

~(~) = ~ K l+i~T Th ) 12 ~h=l T~Lh( j~l (I~Tj -z~7~TJ-~) (4-98)

The generalized Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation derived from (4-98)

for ~ § 0 is


Page 141: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

c sO


H a TaTh = s ]I

c~~176 T s L h j = l (4-99)

Similar relations have been derived by Chaves and Porto /157/. A

decomposition of (4-98) into partial fractions finally gives

ms n 4 ~ 0 . ~ c a(~) = ~+ ~ Csh + Z F~ ~

h=l l+ieTaTh j=l ImsTj -i~YsTj-~2 (4-1OO)

All real parameters (s , Csh, T T h, ]~sTj], 0aj, and YsTj) in this

relation can be experimentally determined and consequently the ge-

neralized Kurosawa relation (4-98) completely determines the dielec-

tric function.

The dispersion relation of polaritons including relaxations is ob-

tained when substituting the dielectric functions s (~) given by

(4-98) or (4-1OO) into Fresnel's equation (4-72).

A generalized LST relation of the type of (4-99) has been derived

also by Petersson and Mdser from the thermodynamics of irreversible

processes /298, 299, 345/. These authors in addition have shown

that the T L h and <sTh can be arranged as

O < TaL 1 <_ T T I < TsL 2 < T T 2 < ... < TaT m < co (4-101)

(The nomenclature used in /298/ corresponds to ours as follows:

w T h ~ wss , w L h ~ TB~ , e 0 ~ I/B ~ and s ~ i/~.)

As a result, we have for the additional factor in (4-99)


H (TaTh/T L h) > i h = l


Consequently, Sso appearing in the LST relation (4-15) will be

raised by Debye relaxations.

In uniaxial ferroelectric crystals the optic axis coincides with

the ferroelectric axis. Applying the relations derived above to the

simplest type of ferroelectric material thus provides dispersion

relations for ordinary and extraordinary polaritons

(c2k2/e 2) = si(~) ( 4 - 1 0 3 )


Page 142: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


(c2k2/~ 2 ) = s 2 , (4-104)

respectively, with

j=l Ic~ 12 -ic~176 (4-105)


T11T(I+i~TIIL ) nil [~l[njl 2-i~YllLj-e2

s11 (~) = elh= TLIL(I+i~TIIT) j~l lW]ITj 12 -i~YILTj-mz ' (4-iO6)

if only one Debye relaxation exists and

mJl ~llTh(l+imTllLh) nll [WlinjI2[i~YllLj-~ 2

s (~) = ell=h~l TllLh(l+imTLiTh) j~l I~II Tj la -imu I Tj -m2 (4-iO7)

if the total nuraber of relaxations is mli. In uniaxial crystals De-

bye relaxations thus influence only the extraordinary modes. As

described by (4-104), we refer to them as 'extraordinary Debye re-

laxations'. The dispersion of extraordinary Debye relaxations has

recently been discussed by Merten and coworkers /154/.

For model theories concerning the coupling of polaritons to Debye

relaxations, we refer the reader to /151-153, 156/.

The coupling of Debye relaxations with phonons and polaritons plays

an important role in the dynamics of phase transitions of ferro-

electric crystals (soft modes).

Additional Literature

Puthoff, H.E., Pantell, R.H., Huth, B.G., Chacon, M.A.: Near-for-

ward Raman scattering in LiNbO 3 /214/.

Ohtaka, K., Fujiwara, T.: Polaritons in anharmonic crystals /217/.

Giallorenzi, T.G.: Quantum theory of light scattering by damped po-

laritons /230/.

Reinisch, R., Paraire, N., Biraud-Laval, S.: Etude de la courbe de

dispersion des polaritons excites par diffusion Raman en pre-

sence d'amortissement /231/.


Page 143: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Ushioda, S., McMullen, J.D., Delaney, M.J.: Damping mechanism of po-

laritons in GaP /239/.

Inoue, M.: Dielectric dispersion formula for ferroelectrics /243/.


For many problems, we are interested, in addition to the frequen-

cies, in the eigenvectors themselves, such as the quasinormal co-

ordinates Q~j, the electric-field components E , and the components

of the macroscopic polarization P . When one is calculating, for

instance, the Raman scattering cross-sections on the basis of

(4-124), (4-125) and (4-126) it is necessary to know the quasinor-

mal coordinates Qej and the electric field components E .

In order to determine the eigenvectors from the fundamental set of

equations (4-7) through (4-9), the well-known methods of linear al-

gebra can in principle be applied. The numerical values of the re-

quired eigenfrequencies can be obtained from the generalized Fres-

nel equation (4-20). This method has been applied to LiNbO 3 by Mer-

ten and Borstel /70, 72/ and to GeSO 4 by Unger and Schaack /158/.

The nUmerical calculations of Borstel and Merten have shown that

the behavior of the eigenvectors in the surroundings of 'crossing

points' is of special interest.

As could recently be shown, however, the eigenvectors may also be

derived analytically /159/. The derivation is based on the funda-

mental equation of motion (4-10) written in components

_~(k)^(m)w~j = BIIQ(m)~j ~J + BI2E(m)~3 ~ (4-108)

Here the index m denotes a certain polariton branch and ~ the prin-

cipal direction, as before. The eigenfrequency ~m(~) of the m-th

polariton mode is supposed to be known from Fresnel's equation

(4-20). From (4-108) we therefore obtain

BI2E(m) _(m) (k) = ~J ~ (h) U~j _ il 2 (4-109)


By substituting BI~ = _~2 B 12 O/~j ~] ~Tj' ~j = ~Tj and taking (4-16) into


Page 144: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

account, we can write

(m) (m) /Paj Lo E

aTj Qc~j (k) = LO~Tj_~o~(k_)

(k) (4-110)


H (~2 _~2 ) (m) �9 aLi aTi E (k)

i=l e - = (ec~=14~) nc~ �9 (OJ~Tj_~o~(k)) (4-111)

]I (~2_ . -Lo2_ . ) i=l ~ ' , ' l ~'rJ i+j

Eq. (4-i09) has been derived by Loudon /73/ and others in an equi-

valent form.

The components of the electric field are correlated by

E(m) = [s (n2_sfl)/sB(n2_e&)],(m)~8 ( 4 - 1 1 2 )

This is a well-known result from crystal optics, see the relevant

discussion in 3.2. Eq. (3-17) can be written (e(~)-n2I+n2s s).E = O,

where I denotes the unit matrix. If the equation is split into

components, (4-112) can easily be derived by applying Cramer's rule

. and e 8 the corres- /161/ s and sfl are the direction cosines and ~

ponding dielectric functions, (4-14)

n m2 -m~(k) ~L~

e~(~) = ~a~j~ 1 ~Tj_~(k) (4-113)

By combining (4-111) and (4-112) it is possible to express all

quasinormal coordinates as a function of only one component of E (m) ,

-(m) (k) We then obtain which shall be ~i - "

~12~ (m) _ (m) ~ljml (k) Ulj (k)_ = eiTj-mm2 (k)_

, (4-114)

BI2 E (m) ~(m) s2 (n2-el) 2j 1 (k)

u2j (k)_ = sl(n2-e2 ) " ~22Tj .... Wm2 (k)

Q(m) (k) = s3(n2-el)

3j - s I (n2ie 3 )

BI2• (m) 3j~1 (k_) 60 2 --LO 2 3Tj m (k)

, ( 4 - 1 1 5 )


E(m) (k) can _ be regarded as a normalization factor and set = I.

EI~ m) (k) and E~ m) (k) are correspondingly determined as a function


Page 145: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

of E l(m) (k)_ by (4-112)

The equations (4-114) through (4-116) can be written in symmetric (m)

form by introducing the magnitude of the vector E (k). Taking

(4-112) into account the square of the magnitude is

2 (E(m))2 : (E~m))2+ s2(n2-el)(E~m))2+ s 3 ( n 2 - g l ) f ( E ~ m ) ) 2

si(n2-e 2) s~(n2-s 3)

(n2_gl) 2 2

s 1

2 2 2

( n 2 _ ~ l ) 2 '('n2_a2 )2 + (n~_d3)2

or simply

s (m) _(m) (k) = 1 E (k) ~1 - (n--An'=~ 1) S(k)



E(m) (k) s2 2 - (n2-e 2 )

(m) E (k)

s (k) , ( 4 - 1 1 8 )


s 3 E (m) (k) _ (m) (k) = �9 - % - s I_kl

For simplicity, we used

2 2 1/2

) S(k) = ((n2_sl) 2 + (n2/~2) ~ + (n2_e3) 2

(4 -119)


When finally we substitute (4-117) through (4-120) in (4-114

(4-116), the quasinormal coordinates explicitly become

s I B~ E (m) (k) (m) (k) = " 2 2 , Ulj - ~ s 0~iTj-em (k) (k)

_ (m) s2 B~ E (m) (k)

_ 2 _ 2 k ' U2j (k) = (n2_e2) ~2T 9 ~m (-) S(k)


(4 -121)



Q(m) s3 B~ (k) = ~ �9 2 _ 2 3j -- ~I~ -~3J ~3Tj ~m(k)

E (m) (k)

s (k) (4-123)

E (m) (k)/S(k) in the following can again be regarded as a normaliza-

tion factor.


Page 146: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Theoretical studies concerning Raman scattering intensities of po-

laritons are not only of interest for the spontaneous Raman effect

but also in the search for suitable materials for stimulated Raman

scattering experiments, see 5.1 and /74, 75, 162, 163/. Furthermore,

intensity measurements form an elegant method for the determina-

tion of the electro-optic coefficients /97/. The earliest theoreti-

cal studies were published by Poulet /89/, Loudon /31/, Ovander

/165/, and Burstein et al. /166/. Here we mainly follow the form

used by Burstein.

The relative scattering intensity I is classically determined by

the effective Raman tensor X(~) in the following way

I ~ lei.x(~),es 12 , (4-124)

see (1-8) and 2.6. Herein s denotes a unit vector parallel to the

(electric) polarization of the incident light wave and e a unit -s

vector parallel to the polarization of the scattered wave.

The absolute scattering efficiency per unit solid angle becomes

(for a Stokes process)

(dI/d~) = (~i/c) 4VLI<n +lles. X(e).eiln >12 (4-125)

V is the scattering volume and L the travel length of an incident

laser photon with the frequency ~i in the material. The quantity

inside the absolute value signs is the matrix element of the opera-

tor X(~) between the state with n polaritons of frequency ~ and

the state with n +i polaritons. In view of the great difficulties

experienced in conducting experimental studies designed to deter-

mine reliable absolute polariton scattering intensities, the infor-

mation obtained from such data seems disappointing. Yet many still

unknown properties of materials might easily be derived from the

relative intensities. In spite of this, very few such data have been

published in the literature. We know that this is because, even

here, the experimental difficulties are still very great. A de-

tailed discussion of (4-125) was given in the excellent article by

Mills and Burstein /300/.


Page 147: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

In the theory of Placzek /12/ polarizability has been treated as a

function of the normal coordinates: ~ = ~(Q), see 1.2. For phonons

in crystalline materials, ~ has to be replaced by the macroscopic

susceptibility, X = X(~)" In the polariton region, however, X is to

a large extent also determined by the electric field, X = X(Q,E) �9

The Placzek expansion presented in (i-iO) therefore has to be per-

formed with respect to the two variables Q and E. In the 'linear'

Raman effect the contributions of the normal coordinates and the

electric field components are superimposed linearly; hence the Ra-

man tensor elements for polaritons are given by

3 3 k(m) (~) = [ ~ (gXBy/gQej)Q~)(~)+ [ (8X6y/~Ee)E(m)(e) 6Y j~=l ~=i


3 3 v (j) ~(m) (~)+ [ b~,BTE(m)

XBY(m) (~) = j~ ~LIa~'sYUeJ= ~=I (~) (4-126)

a(J~ = 8 form the atomic The coefficients ~, ~Y XSy/~Q~ 9 displacement

tensor and the b~,67 = 8XBy/~E ~ the electro-optic tensor. When re-

sonance Raman scattering is excluded, the coefficients a (j) and ~,67 b~,fly can be regarded as frequency-independent, see 1.2.

According to (4-126) the Raman tensor can be derived if we know

i) the quasinormal coordinates and the macroscopic electric field,


2) the coefficients in (4-126), i.e. when the atomic displacement

tensor and the electro-optic tensor have been numerically deter-


The quasinormal coordinates and the components of the electric

field are obtained from (4-121) through (4-123) and (4-117) through

(4-119). Because the components of the atomic displacement tensor

cannot be numerically calculated from any microscopic theories so

far known, they have necessarily to be determined experimentally.

For this purpose it is sufficient to carry out intensity measure-

ments concerning only the purely transverse, long-wavelength lat-

tice vibrations for the principal directions of the crystal. For

the k-th TO mode in ~ direction

(k) ~ (k) X~,BY = ~,B7 ' (4-127)


Page 148: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

as can be seen from (4-126).

The electric field vanishes for TO modes with k ~ 105 cm -I (k §

limit, see 3.2). For fixed polarizations ~i and s the scattering

intensity then becomes simply

I ~ (a (k) )2 (4-128)

(k) Except for the sign, the coefficients as,By can thus be determined

from data on the relative scattering intensities of TO phonons only.

The components b ,~y of the electro-optic tensor, on the other

hand, are related to those of the second harmonic generation tensor

d by

b = 4d (4-129) ~,~Y ~,3u

They can therefore be determined (including sign) by well-known ex-

perimental methods from nonlinear optics. The signs of the a (k) ~,SY'

which according to (4-128) are still unknown, can be found by fit-

ting the scattering intensities for arbitrary k directions and po-

larizations as, for instance, for the LO modes in the principal


We now substitute the normal coordinates derived in 4.11 into

(4-126), see also /159/. Taking into account (4-117) through (4-119)

and (4-121) through (4-123), we obtain

[ I b n~ a(J) BI2~] (m) X (m) = 3 So~ + )~ ~, ~y <;i l / E (_k) BY ~1 ~ c~,[3y j=Z t ~ 1 7 6 S(k) (4 -130)

e.3 m -lj -

As pointed out before, the factor E (m) (k)/S(k) can be regarded as

a normalization factor and set = i. The frequencies ~m(k) on the

other hand are derived from Fresnel's equation.

Eq. (4-130) will now be discussed for some important special and

limiting cases.

k § ~ requires n 2 § ~, see (3-20). From (4-120) it follows accor-

dingly that (n2-e)S(k) + i. For long-wavelength optical phonons

(4-130) thus reduces to

x(m) + ~ ~,SY ~J l| E(m) - - s (kl /4-13,1

sy L =z ~k ~ ,BY j=l -- --


Page 149: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

This relation is essentially equivalent to an expression derived by

Hartwig et al. /93/.

For ordinary polaritons in uniaxial crystals n z = e I = ~2 and

(n2-~3)S(~) + ~ and (n2-61)S(~) = (n2-e2)S(~) § /s{+s~. Eq. 4-130)

then becomes

[ ~ nla(J) Bl2k

(m) = Sl i, + [ l,~y l~i XB7 8Y j=l i 2 _ e j-ram (k)/ +

Ib n2 a(j) B12kl (m) + ~ 2 ,8~ 2 i l l E (k_) + s2 ls{+s


The 1,2 plane is isotropic only with respect to the frequencles.The ~)

scattering intensities, however, remain direction-dependent.

For extraordinary polaritons, on the other hand, no essential simpli-

fication is obtained. The refractive index has to be calculated from

__-- S 2 ) ,

nZ ~11~1 / (~ /s~ + ali II (4-133)

see (4-37).

The scattering tensor for cubic crystals shows a similar shape to

(4-132) for ordinary polaritons in uniaxial materials

X~7 [~=i ek ~'87 j=l m~'-eZ(k)/Im 3 m -- i] (~) (4-134)

The number of (threefold degenerate)modes has been indicated by

r z n I = n 2 = n 3 .

If the crystal is piezoelectric and thus lacks an inversion center,

only the coefficients b3,12 and a(J)3,12 are different from zero (the

indices can be arbitrarily permuted). In all other cases the Raman

tensor vanishes and the polaritons are Raman-inactive.

Detailed experimental investigations of polariton scattering in-

tensities are very rare. Systematic studies concerning the limiting

case k § ~ have been carried out by Unger and Schaack for BeSO4~

~) Note that (4-132) has been corrected relative to /159/.


Page 150: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

/95, 158/ and by Claus for LiNbO 3 /164/. Some typical results for

BeSO4.H20 are plotted in Fig.42. Data for ~ quartz have been pu-

blished by Scott and Ushioda /215/, and for ZnSe by Ushioda et al.

/ 3 0 1 / .

�9 - m o o

o o

0 o ~5 o g00 135 o


Fig .42 Calculated and experimentally recorded right-angle Raman scattering intensities from longitudinal and transverse phonons of type E in BeSO4"4 H20 as a function of the direction in the optically isotropic plane. �9 = E(LO) at lifO cm -I , A = E(LO) at 1162 cm -1 and o = E(TO) at 1084 cm -I from /95/. ~ denotes the angle between the x axis and the wave-vector of the incident laser radiation.

Additional Literature

Scott, J.E., Ushioda, S.: Polariton intensities in ~ quartz /215/.

Benson, H.J., Mills, D.L.: Polaritons in tetragonal BaTiO 3. Theory

of the Raman lineshape /219/.

Otaguro, W.S., Wiener-Avnear, E., Porto, S.P.S.: Determination of

second-harmonic generation coefficient and the linear electro-

optic coefficient in LiIO 3 through oblique Raman phonon measure-

ments /255/.

Scott, J.F., Damen, T.C., Shah, J.: Electro-optic and deformation

potential contributions to the Raman tensor in CdS /281/.

Etchepare, J. Mathieu Merian: Calcul des intensit~s Raman des mono-

cristaux de quartz ~ et B /282/.

Bendow, B.: Polariton theory of Raman scattering in insulating

crystals /221/.

Agranovich, V.M., Ginzburg, V.L.: Theory of Raman scattering of

light with formation of polaritons (real exoitons) /235/.


Page 151: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Mavroyannis, C.: Optical excitation spectrum of interacting polari-

ton waves in molecular crystals /255/.

Wemple, H.: Elektro-optic phenomena in crystals /312/.


The two first fundamental equations of the polariton theory (4-7)

and (4-8) were derived in 4.1 from the energy density (4-4). The

sublattices have been regarded as rigid. This assumption caused the

coefficients B ~ to be constant, i.e. independent of k and ~. We

now show that the two fundamental equations in question can also be

derived from a microscopic model and that the coefficients B p~ can

be shown to be constant in the long-wavelength limit. The constancy

in general is well fulfilled for k ! 107 cm -I. Thus, lattice dyna-

mics provides a microscopic interpretation of the coefficients,

i.e. a method for calculating them from microscopic data on the

materials. A discussion of the corresponding simplest model was in-

cluded in 3.1. The third fundamental equation of the polariton

theory, (4-9) is left untouched because it was been derived from

Maxwell's equations and does not contain any material properties.

The model considered by Born and v. K~m~n, see 3.1, cannot be used

to derive the fundamental equations of the polariton theory because

long-range Coulomb forces have not been taken into account. As a

result the coefficients B 12 and B 21 vanish. We therefore use the

rigid-ion model introduced by Kellermann /263/, see also /62/.

An atom in its equilibrium position is represented by the position

vector ~s = ~s When it is displaced, its actual position is

indicated by [Z,k = ~s ' see Fig.43. The displacement from

the equilibrium position is described by the vector ~s ~i is the

position vector of a certain fixed point in the unit cell (in ge-

neral, a corner) and ~k describes the distance from this point to

the atom. The index s denotes the unit cell and k = l,...,n counts

the number of atoms in the cell.

In the adiabatic approximation a lattice potential ~ exists as a

function of [~,k or ~s The motion of an atom (s is therefore

described by the equation


Page 152: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Fig.43 The rigid-ion model of Keller- mann, see text.


mk~g'k = ~,k [k~,k]o ~', ',k' ''k'+''"


# is expanded in the equilibrium in terms of ~s m k denotes the

mass of the k-th atom. We use common abbreviations for the coeffi-

cients /62/

The latter are usually referred to as force constants. By taking on-

ly the quadratic terms of the expansion into account, we obtain the

equation of motion in the harmonic approximation

'" = .u , (4-137) m ~!,k - ~ ~s mZ',k ~',k' k,k'

The constant term vanishes in the equilibrium and the terms

-#Z,i,-~s thus describe the additional forces with which the

k,k' atoms (Z',k') act on the atom (i,k) when only the former are dis-

placed. If the crystal is regarded as infinite, (4-137) determines

an infinite system of linear differential equations which may be

solved with a plane-wave ansatz

u_Z,k = U k exp(i k-R_i,k - i~t) (4-138)

The periodicity of the crystal has been taken into account by

assuming the amplitudes to be equal in equivalent lattice points.


Page 153: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

By combining (4-137) and (4-138), we obtain

mk ~ z Uk =


~i,i'[k' exp[i k-(Rz,,k,-Ri,k )] Z',k' k,k'

X (k) "~k k' Ck'k' - (4-139)

Ck,k, (k)_ - s %i,i' exp(-i k-Rz,z,) (4-140)

k,k' k,k'


~Z,s ~ ~s k,k'


Ck,k, (~) has become known as the dynamical matrix, which is inde-

pendent of the cell index i because the force constants ~s and

k,k' the distance vectors ~Z,Z' depend only on the difference in the cell

k,k' indices Z-i'. We therefore also use the nomenclature ~Z-i' and ~Z-i'"

k,k' k,k'

The equations have been reduced to a set of linear homogeneous vec-

tor equations whose number is equal to the number of atoms in the

unit cell. As long as no coupling with electromagnetic waves takes

place, the dispersion branches ~ = ~(~) are determined by the con-

dition that the determinant of (4-139) has to vanish

ICk,k, (k) - mk~2~k,k,I I = O (4-142)

I denotes the unit matrix. The number of branches, which is identi-

cal with the number Of solutions, is 3n.

We now turn our attention to ionic crystals where long-range Cou-

lomb forces act in addition to the short-range forces. As first

shown by Kellermann /263/, a term describing the macroscopic field

can be separated from (4-139) for such crystals. In order to show C N this, we formally split Ck,k, (k) into two parts, _ k,k, (k) descri-

C (k) describinq the Coulomb bing the short-range forces, and Ck,k, _



Page 154: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

N C C (k) (4-143) Ck,k, (k) = Ck,k, (k) + k,k' -

Because the force constants }Z,i, rapidly attenuate with distance

k,k' from the atom (s is sufficient to take into account very few

neighbors in C N k,k,(k) (e.g. second or third neighbors). The Coulomb

forces on the other hand must be examined somewhat more carefully.

The contribution of the Coulomb potential to ~ is

~C = (1/2) [' ekek,/IR s k-Ri,,k, I , (4-144) s k,k'

where e k and ek, are the effective ionic charges of the sublattices

k and k', respectively. The upper prime on the sum symbol excludes

the term with s = s and k = k'. Taking (4-136), (4-140) and (4-143)

into account, we obtain

C ' 82 ekek' ) exp[-i k.(R~,k-Rk,) ] Ck, k ' ( k ) : -o

- ~ ~ , k ~ - ~ , I - - -

, ~2 /exp(-i k-Ri,k) h

= -ekek,exp(i k.Rk,) { ~Rk[SRk, k-~Rs I .... fl . (4-145)

If, for simplicity, an effective field is introduced

F k(k) = - (i/e k) k[ C C - , k,k' (k).Uk,

(4-139) can be written

, (4-146)

= C N (k).Uk,-ekFk(k) (4-147) mke2~k ~, k,k . . . . .

F_k(k) denotes the effective local electric field acting at the po-

sition of a certain atom in the sublattice k. We later show in de-

tail (Appdx i) that the effective field can be split into a part

independent of the sublattice and another part depending on the sub-


F k(k) = _E(k)-~k, (i/ek)Bk'k' (k)'Uk' (4-14S)

The k-independent part E(k) obviously describes the macroscopic

electric field. The B k k, (k) terms on the other hand behave like f

the terms for short-range forces C N , k,k, (k). By introducing the am-

plitude of the dipole moment ~k = ek~k and defining the contribu-


Page 155: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

tion of the sublattice k to the macroscopic polarization as

~k = s ' we can write (4-148)

Fk(k) = E(k)+~k Yk,k, (k).Pk, (4-149)

Yk,k, (~) = -OaBk,k, (k)/ekek , is a generalized Lorentz tensor (or

simply Lorentz factor). On substituting (4-149) into the equation

of motion (4-147), we have

= C G -mk~zUk -~k' k,k' (k) .Uk,+ekE(k) (4-150)


C G C N k,k' (k) = k,k' (k)+Bk,k' (k) (4-151)

We furthermore introduce the sublattice densities Pk = mk/u


into a

-Pk~ 2~k -~, (i/ua) cG = k,k' (h) '~k +(ek/ua)~ (~) (4-152

Eq. (4-152) can be written as a vector equation by using the abbre-


Lk,k, (k) --- C G -- k,k' (k)/u a

and (4-153

Mk~ ~ ek/o a

Finally, a matrix p containing the sublattice densities as diagonal

elements is introduced in the same way as in 4.1. The ~k then form

a (3n-3)-dimensional vector U and (4-152) takes the form

-~2~U_ = -L(k).U + M.E (4-154

This relation corresponds to (4-2) except for the k dependence of L.

We later show that L(k) is almost constant in the region

k < 107 cm -I. Because the transformation to normal coordinates can

be performed in the same way as in 4.1, (4-154) is identical with

the first fundamental equation of the polariton theory

_~2Q = B II (k).Q + BI2.E (4-155)


Page 156: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The macroscopic polarization, too, can easily be expressed by means

of the rigid-ion model. Obviously

P = ~k Pk/Ua = ~k ekUk/ua = ~k Mk~Uk

or, in matrix form,


P = M + �9 U (4-157 m

When the vector Q of the normal coordinates is introduced instead

of the displacement vector U, the equation can be written

= B 21 �9 Q (4-158

Eq. (4-158) is identical with the second fundamental equation (4-8),

except that the term B22.E does not appear. This, however, is a

specific characteristic of the rigid-ion model. B22.E describes the

electronic polarization, which is nonexistent for rigid-ions. If

we take into account electronic polarization in addition, the mi-

croscopic theory yields the complete set of fundamental equations

(4-7) and (4-8), including the term B22.E. Such models are e.G. the

shell model /264-267/, its generalizations /268, 269/, and the bond-

charge model /270-275/. Other microscopic models, as discussed by,

for instance, Pick /80/ and in /276/ and /277/, also allow deriva-

tion of the fundamental equations in the long-wavelength limit, see

Appdx 2. For review articles see refs /355-357/.

We finally show the constancy of the coefficients in the long-wave-

length limit. In the rigid-ion model obviously only Lk,k, (~) =

(1/~a)CG k,k, (k) is a function of k ,see (4-152) and (4-140). We

first consider the contribution C N k,k, (k) describing the short-range

forces, (4-143). Terms with the smallest distance vectors ~Z,s

provide the main contribution to C N k,k, (k) because k,k'

the forces and hence the force constants #Z,s rapidly attenuate

k,k' for increasing distances. The contributions of the short-range for-

ces are thus constant in good approximation when the magnitudes of

the exponents of the exponential factors, (4-140), are very small,


Ik--'_R~,~,l <-- k R~,~, k,k' k,k'

<< 1 (4-159)


Page 157: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

As a realistic value for the distance ~i,i' of next neighbors we

k,k' assume 0.25 nm = 2.5 • 10 -8 cm . (For ZnS, e.g.,it is 0.234 nm.)

The condition (4-159) therefore requires

k << (1/2.5).108 cm -I = 4.107 cm -I (4-160)

For neighbors at greater distance the limit for the constancy of

the corresponding terms is moved toward smaller k values. Since,

however, the force constants ~Z,s rapidly decrease with increasing

k,k' distances, these terms involve only small corrections.

In lattice-dynamical calculations for real crystals, the short-range

forces have generally been considered only for at maximum third

neighbors. Looking again at the ZnS lattice,we see that third neigh-

bors have barely twice the distance of next neighbors (0.448 nm).

The condition (4-160) then alternatively becomes k << 2 • 107 cm -I N

Consequently the Ck,k(~) can be regarded as generally constant for

k << 107 cm -I

As shown in Appdx i, an analogous result is obtained for the Bk,k, (k ~

orginating from Coulomb forces. According to (4-151) and (4-153),

the constancy has therefore been verified also for the C G k,k' (~) and

the Lk, k (k). This implies that the coefficients B~ 1 too, are con- ' -- lj'

stant in the region k << 107 cm -I because they can be expressed as

linear combinations of the C G k,k' or Lk,k,.

In the improved microscopic models that include electronic polari-

zability, the tensors B 12 B 21 and B 22 again remain k-independent: r t

the k dependence is described by exponential functions essentially

of the types cited above, (4-139), (4-140), and (4-145). The deri-

vations presented can therefore easily be extended to these more

complicated models.

The third fundamental equation of the polariton theory (4-9) is not

affected because it was derived from Maxwell's equations.


Page 158: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


All properties of polaritons so far described have been theoretically

derived by means of the wave model. We have seen that most experi-

mental results of any importance can be correctly described by this

classic model. In fact, the properties derived from the wave model

and the particle model are to a large extent identical for statio-

nary states. Quantization of the polariton waves, however, becomes

of importance when we consider the mechanism of interaction pro-

cesses, i.e. processes in which polaritons are created or destroyed.

The Raman effect beautifully illustrates such processes: polaritons

are created and destroyed, respectively, for Stokes and Anti-Stokes

scattering. Interaction processes with polaritons have relatively

rarely been discussed in the literature, and we want to outline po-

lariton quantization only in principle. We restrict our discussion to

cubic crystals with only one (threefold degenerate) infrared-active

dispersion branch /2, 303, 324-327, 354/.

Electronic polarization is neglected because it is not of princi-

pal importance for the creation of a polariton, i.e. we define

~ = 1 as requiring B 22 = O. For the microscopic model this implies

a restriction to the rigid-ion model of Kellermann. The polariza-

tion of the lattice then originates only from the displacement of

the rigid-ions, see 4.13.

In order to quantize the Hamilton function of polaritons, we dis-

cuss the energy density (3-34) in somewhat more detail for cubic

crystals. The normal coordinates of LO modes can be omitted because

they do not couple with electromagnetic waves. The fourth term in

(3-34) vanishes (B 22 = O) and the three first terms are referred to


Hp = (1/2)22-(I/2)BIIQ2-BI2Q'E (4-161)

The last two terms are similarly referred to as

H i = (i/8~) (E2+H 2) (4-162)

Hp and Hi, respectively, denote the polarization energy of the me-

dium and the electromagnetic energy in vacuum. If we neglect the

interaction term H I = E.P, Hp and H i are independent of each other.


Page 159: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

They may thus be quantized separately. As is well known, the quanta

of H i are photons whereas those of Hp are referred to as polariza-

tion quants or optical phonons. In order to introduce the latter we

rewrite Hp in terms of the macroscopic polarization, which in our

approximation is simply P = B21Q, see (4-6)

Hp = (I/2(B12)2) (~2-BIIp2+4~(BI2)2s 2) = (i/2p~) (p2+w~p' 2) (4-163)



and 4~p is the oscillator strength defined by (3-29). The frequency

of the transverse phonon in the short-wavelength limit k § ~ out-

side the polariton region is denoted by ~T" We have made use of the

fact that the E field is electrostatic and thus E = -4~P. Expressed

in terms of Q, on the other hand, tip takes the well-known form


which can easily be verified by substituting P = B21Q Finally, in

order to demonstrate the connection with the derivation given by

Hopfield /2, 303/, we rewrite the equation of motion (4-5)


Q = BIIQ + BI2E (4-166)

into an equation for P. If we multiply (4-166) by B 21 (= B 12) and

again introduce P = B Q, we get

p - Blip = (B 12) 2 E

or explicitly

+ ~ s = < ~ o - 1 1 ~ / 4 ~ = p ~ (4-~6v)

This relation is identical to that in Hopfield's paper /Ref.2,Eq. (4)/.

Our p there is simply B(~ p).

+ Creation and annihilation operators for optical phonons and

�9 + ahi a!i' respectively, are introduced in the normal way. aki_ shows the

following characteristics:


Page 160: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Acting on a system of optical phonons

nkl,nk2 �9 > I _ _ ..... nki .... nkN

an additional quant with the momentum ~i is created

+ n ,n 2'' n k ,...,n > =

%i ~1 ~ "" -i hN

= /nk.+l ,nk2,...,n k +I, > -1 n~l - --i .... nhN (4-168)

The annihilation operator on the contrary destroys a phonon with

the momentum ~i

.... nk, .... nkN> = ak-i Inhl'n~2 ' -1

= /nki_ nkl,nk2_ _ .... ,nki-l, .... nkN> (4-169)

/nk +i and /nk are normalization factors and the discrete vectors -i -l

~i (i = I,...,N) are due to the periodic boundary conditions of the

finite space volume, which is here assumed to be a unit volume.

+ Some important properties of the operators ak and ak. are summa-

-i -l rized below. The reader is referred to / 5 , 325, 326, 354/ f o r d e t a i l e d


+ The operator ~k = a k a k determines the number of optical phonons

-i -i -i with a momentum ~hi(quantum number). According to (4-168) and

(4-169), its eigenvalue is the quantum number

+ nkl nk2 ak-i ak-i , , .... nki,. ..,nkN> =

+ /n~-- n ,n ,n k -i > = ak. ,... ,...,n -~ hi hl h2 -i hN

/(n k -i)+i -i/n~ nhl,n~2 ..... n k .... ,n > = -i -i hN

n. In_ ,n. ,. ,. > ~i I ~i ~2 "''nhi "''nhN


+ The eigenvalue of the operator ak ak. correspondingly becomes


Page 161: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

(nk, +i ) -l

+ ] + +

aki,aki = ak.ak.-ak.ak. = 1 - - -i -l -l -l

The commutator vanishes for ~i ~ ~j

written as

and consequently the commutator


and can therefore generally be

[k +] ~j a ,a = i (4-172) j k-i

The displacement vector Q (or alternatively the polarization P) may

be expressed by a Fourier series covering the unit volume

( i k..r -i ki.r ) Q = k~ Qoeki, 1 aki'le -l -+ a ~ I e - (4-173) - k, w

. - - -1 -l I=1,2

i = 1,2 refers to the two directions of the transverse polarization

perpendicular to the wave-vector. These directions are described

by the unit vectors eki, I. Longitudinal waves can be left out of

consideration, as pointed out above.

The operator corresponding to (4-173) is obtained by simply repla-

cing the amplitudes aki,l and a~i,l by the annihilation and creation

operators, respectively:

( i k..r + -i k..~)

Q = Qo ~ ~k aki -i -+ ak I e -~ = - . --i 'I 'le --i' --l i=1,2

i k..r = .+a +_ X) e -i - (4-174)

Qo k ~, %i,I (aki,A -_Ki, -1

I=i, 2

where Qo = //~7~F" The operator of the canonical conjugate momentum


i k_i.r

_i,l ,I -ki, I) e -1 I=1,2



Page 162: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The operators P and P for the polarization e)

by multiplication by B 21

-- +a +. %) e i hi'[ P = B21//~P [ aki'l(aki,% -~i

k. -- -- '

--1 %=1,2


are derived from (4-175)


i k..r -iB21/~P/2 + 0 --1 -- = -a e ~ e (aki - - - k i , % , % - k i

-3. %=1,2


If we introduce the operators Q, ) or p, P into (4-163) and (4-165)

and take into account the commutation rules (4-172), the Hamilton

operator for polar phonons becomes

+ H F = ~ h~p(a k %a k i+1/2) = [ A~p(nki,%+i/2) (4-178)

k -i' -i' k - -l -l I=1,2 %=1,2

This result can be physically interpreted in the following way: ne-

glecting the interaction energy H I = E.P, the system possesses nki,%

phonons polarized in % direction with the energy ~p and wave-

vectors ~i" The phonon energy thus does not depend on the wave-vec-

tor in the uncoupled state.

The vacuum energy of the electromagnetic waves (4-162) can be quan-

tized in an analogous way. We introduce creation and annihilation +

operators foz photons bk. and bk , respectively, by analogy with -l -l

(4-168) and (4-169), and replace E and H by the vector potential

= -(i/c)A . . . . ; H = curl A ; div A = 0 (4-179)

A can then be expressed by a Fourier series over the unit volume

bki,% e -i ki'[) i ki.[+b~ ,h e (4-180) = a~ %i '% - -i

--l %=1,2

*) Note that P here denotes the polarization and not the canonical conjugate m--omentum ~ of Q as in most textbooks.


Page 163: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The corresponding operator is again obtained by replacing the ampli-

tudes by creation and annihilation operators. Thus, we get

i k .r

A = AO k~ ekitl(bki ,/+b_+ki,l) e -i - _ , (4-181)

--1 i=1,2

= ~ i " w i t h A ~ Apart from a constant factor, E can be inter-

preted as the canonical conjugate operator of A

i k..r E = _(i/c)~_ = Eo k ~ ek (bki _b + ) --l -- _i,X _ ,i _ki, l e , (4-182)

-l I=1,2


E o = -i/2z~ i (4-183

By analogy with (4-178), we finally obtain

HL = k.~ ~L(ki) (bE-i'kbki- ' k+l) = k.~ ~wL(ki) (nki,k+l) , (4-184 -l -l I=1,2 I=1,2


~i(ki) = ck i (4-185

Thus the electromagnetic field in the uncoupled state contains

photons with the energy [ck i polarized in ldirection For n k --i ' l

more detailed discussions, we refer to the textbooks by Heitler

/327/ and Louisell /331/.

We now include the interaction term H I = E.P. Taking into account

(4-176) and (4-182) for P and E, the operator becomes



(ak i_ ,A'+a+'-~i,l) (b-~i'l-b~i'l) (4-186


D = B 21 (~cki/~ P) 1/2 = (zQ~cki/~p) 1/2 (4-187


Page 164: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The Hamilton operator for the coupled system is therefore

+ laki I+i/2)+~/(b~ ,lbki,1+I/2) + H = [ [ep (a k k. -i' ' -i -


�9 + "+ + .+a . .b +, _ , ,i)] -i~D[aki,1~ki,l-aki,lbki,A -~i,A -[i,l-a-ki Ibki (4-188)

Because of the coupling term, phonons and photons are no longer ~(i)+ ~ ,~ (2)+

eigenstates of this system, NeW operators ki,l' ~ _. ,I ki,1, and

(2) ~-k._~,1' however, may be defined by linear combinations of the a~.,l,_l

b + a-k''1'-1 ~i'I' and b_k_i,l in the following way:

(i) + (ki) aki' -i l' -l ki,l = CII _ 1+Cl2(ki)a-k.-- ,1+Cl3(ki)bk- _. I+C14 (ki)b-k.-- ,I

e(~) (ki) aki' - -1 -i -1 _i,l = C21 _ 1+C22(ki)a-k.,1+C23(ki)bk ,1+C24(ki)b-k.,l ,


and two corresponding relations for ~ (2)+ ~(2) respectively ki,1 and _ki, I,

The coefficients are interrelated C21 = C12 , C22 = Cll , C23 = C14,

Because these new operators must behave as creation and C24 = C13. annihilation operators, they must diagonalize the Hamilton operator

H = + (1) + 1 " 2 ) . ( 2 ) + ~ ( 2 ) + . . - [h~(1) (~i) (~ (1~ +~21 ~kil ~,~i,1 ~i,t ~,~)] k. -- ki, 1~k i , I / -- --l I=1,2 (4-190)

and fulfill the commutation rules

[~k(g) ~ (h)+] --i '~kj ] = 6ki,kj'~gh ' (4-191)

g,h = 1,2 and i,j = I,...,N. The index I can be omitted because on-

ly photons and phonons with the same polarization direction will

couple. Conditions allowing the determination of the coefficients

CZ, m (s = 1,2,3,4) in (4-189) are derived from (4-191), e.g.

r (i) ,~(i)+ l [ k-i -h J : c11c22 - c12c21 + c13c24 - c14c23 :

= E c 1 1 1 2 - 1 c 1 2 1 2 + ] c 1 3 1 2 - 1 c 1 4 t2 = 1

From (4-190)


and (4-191) we further derive the important commutation


Page 165: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


(i/k) [~(1)+,H] = -~(I)(ki) ~ (i)+ �9 - k. ' (4-193)

--l --1

(i/h)[~(1) ] (i)_ , (i) [ k ,H = ~ ~i;~k. , (4-194)

--1 --l

and corresponding relations for (2)+k and ~k(2) . The frequencies --l --i

~(i) (ki) and ~(2)(ki) are completely determined by (4-191) through

(4-194). We show below that they are identical to those calculated

on the basis of the classic wave model for polaritons, see (3-31).

The operators defined by (4-189) therefore describe creation and

annihilation of the quantized mixed electromagnetic-mechanical waves.

As pointed out in i.i, we also refer to these quanta as 'polaritons'.

The index (i) refers to the phonon-like dispersion branch and (2)

to the photon-like one.

When determining the coefficients Ci,m(ki) and the polariton fre-

quencies ~(g) (ki) , we can omit the index i on the wave-vector be-

cause only states with identical ~i will couple, see (4-189) and

(4-191). Substituting (4-189) into (4-193) leads to

[-~pCll (k) -iDCI3 (k)-iDCI4 (k)] a~_+ [+WpCl2 (k)-iDC 13 (_k) -iDC 14 (_k)] a_k+

+[ iDCll (k_)-iDCl2 (_k)-~OICl3 (k)] bk+[-iDCll (k)+iDCI2 (k)+O~LCI4 (k_)] b_k =

= -~ (1) (_k) [Cll (k_) ak+C12 (k)a_k+C13 (k_)b~+C14 (k_)b_ k ] (4-19S)

+ From the condition that the factors of a~, a k, b k and b_k on both

sides of (4-195) have to be identical, we derive an eigen~alue equa-

tion of the following form

I [ (1)(k) o -i~ -iD / ~11~ -~Op ~o _ /

~p+~(1) (k) -iD -iD I C12

iD -iD _~i+ ~(I) (k) 0 k C13 J -iD iD O ~i+~(1) (kj \C14 /

= 0 (4-196)

The determinant of the coefficient matrix in (4-196) has to vanish

for nontrivial solutions. ~p is obviously identical with the fre-


Page 166: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

quency ~L of the longitudinal phonon. This requires


or, taking (4-164), (4-185) and (4-187) into account,


(c2k,i[~(l>] 2) : ~o~ b(1)] 2 ~_[~(1)]2 (4-198>

Eq. (4-198), however, is identical to (3-17) if we there substitute

e = i. Hence, both the particle and the wave pictures yield the

same dispersion relation for polaritons. The polariton frequency

does not depend on the wave-vector direction in cubic crystals.

Hence in the following we only consider the magnitude of k.

Finally, we determine the coefficients Ci,m, which obviously repre-

sent the magnitudes of the respective contributions of phonons and

photons to the polariton.

The factor which is left open by (4-196) is determined by (4-192)

if e.g. we assert that C13 shall be a real quantity. Using Cramer's

rule, we get

Cll(k) = _C22(k ) _ -i__ (up+ (i) (k) 2/~p

Cl2(k) = -C21(k) = 2-~ (-up+ ~(i) (k)

C13 (k) = C24 (k) =-D/~(ei+~(1) (k))A -I

2 ) ,

) (_,,] ') , - , ,


C14 (k) = C23(k) = D/~p(_~L+~(1) (k))A -I


A(~ (1) (k)> = Z (1) (k){(-~Z+[~ (1) (k)] 2)2+4D2~L~r } (4-200)

Corresponding relations are derived for the coefficients Cil, Ci2,

Ci3 and Ci4 (i = 3,4) of the operators ~(2)+ and (2) referring to

the photon-like branch.


Page 167: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

There is no principal theoretical difficulty in extending the quan-

tum field theory for polaritons to include electronic polarization

(~ = i) or arbitrary crystals. However, the amount of calculation

involved is enormously increased. For this reason, we omit any fur-

ther discussions of this kind.


Page 168: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

5. Some Special Topics Relative to Polaritons


The difference between spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering

may be characterized by the following statement. The stimulated Ra-

man effect is a scattering process associated with optical feedback

amplifying the scattered radiation whereas with spontaneous Raman

scattering nO feedback occurs.

We compare the Simplest one dimensional classic models in some detail

so as to demonstrate the physical background.

i) Spontaneou s Raman scatterin ~ by phonons: an incident laser wave

E(eL) = ELexp(-ieLt) enters a crystal and is modulated by a phonon

wave Q(wp) = Qexp(-i~pt). Taking into account Placzek's expansion

of the polarizability e(Q) with respect to the vibrational normal

coordinate Q, the radiating dipole moments are

M = [ao+(~e/~Q)oReQ(~p)+(i/2) (~2~/~Q2)oReQ(~p)+...] ReE(~ L) (5-1)

The first term describes Rayleigh scattering whereas the linear

term corresponds to the Stokes and Anti-Stokes radiation at the fre-

quencies u S = WL-~ p and ~A = ~L+~p ' respectively. Terms of higher

order describe higher-order Raman effects at frequencies ~=~L~n.~p

(n = 2,3,...). The energy density of the medium contains a mecha-

nical part due to the lattice waves and terms representing the po-

tential energy of dipoles M i = eoEi induced by the electric fields

E.. The indices i = L, S and A stand for Laser, Stokes and Anti-

Stokes, respectively. These dipoles build up the macroscopic polari-

zations, hence Pi = XoEi" Xo denotes the linear susceptibility of

the medium. The energy density thus can be introduced as


Page 169: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

= (1/2) Q~ (~p) WpQ (~p)- (1/2) E ~ (e L) Xo E (~L) -

-(1/2)E e (~S)Xo E(W S)-(1/2)E e (CA)XO E(WA)+c.c. (5-2)

Laser, Stokes and Anti-Stokes radiation in the medium can be des-

cribed by wave equations of type

AE-(I/c2)E = (4~/c21P (5-3)

if the material is assumed to be isotropic, i.e. div E = O. The m

field variables therefore are treated as scalars. The polarizatlons

Pi of the three waves are derived from (5-2) as -~r ~ (eL),

-~#/~E ~ (WS), -~/~(eA ) , and the equation of motion as

Q+FQ = -3r e (Wp) , (5-4)

see 3.4. Damping of the phonons is taken into account. The situa-

tion after a spontaneous Raman scattering process in the medium is

described by the following set of wave equations:

AE(~L)-(~L/CZ)E(~ L) = O , (5-5a)

AE(~s)-(es/C2)E(m S) = 0 , (5-5b)

AE(~A)-(eA/C2)E(~ A) = 0 , (5-5c)

Q (~) +FQ (e) +~e (~p) = 0 (5-5d)

This can easily be verified by taking eE = E+4~P. The equations

(5-5) are completely deeoupled, which implies no interaction be-

tween the waves after the scattering process, in other words, prin-

ciple of superimposition known from linear optics is valid here.

2) Stimulated Raman scatt@[in ~ by phonons: Primary scattering pro-

cesses take place in the same way as before. However, the scattered

radiation is now rather strong, being caused by a powerful exciting

(laser) source, and the nonlinear terms of the polarization have

also to be taken into account:

p = [ Xo+(~x/~Q) oReQ(ep )+--'] ReE(~ L) (5-6)


Page 170: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The energy density (5-2) has to be generalized by four nonlinear


= (I/2)Q ~ (ep)epQ(~p)-(i/2)E ~ (uL) XoE(UL)-

- (1/2) E ~ (~S) XoE (u s) - (1/2) E ~ (UA) XoE (UA) -

-E ~ (u S) (3x/~Q) Q~ (~p) E (e L ) -E ~ (CA) (3x/3Q) Q (Up) E (e L ) +c .c. (5-7)

The derivates 3x/3Q and later 3x/3E have always to be determined in

the equilibrium as (3x/~Q) O and (3x/$E) O. Laser, Stokes and Anti-

Stokes waves in the medium are again described by wave equations of

type (5-3), but now with polarizations derived from (5-7). The li-

near parts of these may be included in the dielectric constant

whereas the nonlinear parts remain on the right-hand sides of the

equations. The system corresponding to (5-5a to d) therefore be-


e L AE(e L )- C-- r E(W L)

s S AE (u s) - c-r E (u s)

e A AE (~A) - c-7 E (~A)

Q (u) +FQ (u) +~o~Q (e)

4~ 2 2 = C-- T ~-f ~ (Q(Up) E(es)+Q~(ep)E(~A))

47 3 z ~ Q~ = c- T ~ (ep) E(~L) ,

4~ 32 = c-~ ~ Q (~p) E (e L) ,

= (3x/~Q) (E (u L) E ~ (~S) +E (UA) E~ L) )

, (5-8a)




In contrast to (5-5a to d) all these equations are coupled. From the

equation of motion (5-8d) there follows for resonance

8)[ 1 (E (~L) E ~ (US) +E (e A) E ~ (e L ) ) Q(ep) = ~Q-ieF (5-9)

So the lattice wave is driven by electromagnetic fields at the fre-

quency UL-e S = UA-U L = Up. This causes a stronger modulation of the

incident laser wave and consequently amplified Stokes and Anti-

Stokes radiation. As a result the lattice wave is again more exci-

ted, and so on. The mechanism corresponds to optical feedback (at

the resonance frequency Up) and is limited only by the damping F.

The macroscopic polarization becomes


Page 171: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

1 2 p = (I/2)Xo[E(~L)+E~(COL)]+(I/2)(3x/3Q) _i--~pF[ E (~L)E~(COS)+

+E~E (~A) +E2 (~L) E~ (~A) +E~E (~S) +c �9 c �9 ] , (5-IO)

when taking (5-9) into account. E L denotes the amplitude of E(WL).

The factor

~X . 1 -i~pF = XNL (5-11) 3Q

is referred to as the nonlinear susceptibility of the medium for

the mechanism in question. XN L obviously becomes purely imaginary

for full resonance. According to (5-10), the polarizations at the

frequencies ~S and ~A are directly proportional to the square of the

laser field. For weak laser intensities, as in the case of sponta-

neous Raman scattering, the corresponding terms may be neglected

because XN L is small. For strong laser fields, however, the terms

can dominate the linear term and cause amplification of the Stokes

and Anti-Stokes waves. Equations (5-8a to d) may be simplified by

the assumption that the fraction of energy transferred from the la-

ser wave to the Stokes and Anti-Stokes waves is small, i.e. the

amplitude E L is treated as constant so that the laser wave equation

(5-8a) can be omitted.

The set (5-8b through d) can be solved for an 'almost' one-dimen-

sional case by considering the experimental situation as follows.

All waves are polarized in z direction. The incident laser beam

propagates in x direction. Stokes and Anti-Stokes radiation in the

xy plane are considered for near-forward directions a few degrees

away from the x direction so that an amplification of the waves is

approximately proportional to the x component of the propagation

length in the medium. The (small) y components of the wave-vectors

~S and ~A are neglected. A corresponding ansatz for the laser,

Stokes, and Anti-Stokes waves becomes

O E(r,~ L) = ELexp{ikLx'X-l~Lt}

E(r,~s) = Esexp{i [ (ksx+ik~x) X+ksy'y]-i~s t}

_ o , X+kAy. Y ] -i~At+i ~ (x) } E(r,~A ) = EAexp{l[~Ax+lkAx )





Page 172: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The x components of the wave-vectors of the two scattered waves

thus have been introduced as complex. The imaginary parts determine

the exponents of the factors describing the amplification or attenu-

ation of E S and E A. A x dependent phase factor has been added to

the Anti-Stokes wave; this factor is proportional to the travel

length in the medium and the exponent can be written ~(x) = Ak.x.

Ak may be interpreted as a 'wave-vector mismatch' of k ~ Eqs.(5-13 Ax'

and (5-14) are rewritten to become

E(r,m S)_ = EseXp[-k~x.X ] exp[i(ksx.X+ksy.Y ) O o _imst] , (5-15


_ = o o �9 _iwAt] E(r,mA ) EAexp[-k~x.X]exp[iAk-x] exp[i(kAx.X+kAy y) (5-16

If we substitute (5-12), (5-15) and !5-16) into (5-8b) and (5-8c)

while taking (5-9) into account, the wave-vector mismatch turns out

to be

o o o Ak = 2kLx-ksx-kAx (5-17

This result easily is derived when the amplitudes are considered to

depend only weakly on x so that the second derivates A ~ ~2/~x2 can

be neglected. The two coupled differential equations then reduce to

* * and E A When an algebraic system for the amplitudes E S and E A or E S

making the approximation k' ~ k' ~ y for the 'gain factor', and Sx Ax

0 2 0 2 ksx/~ S kAx/~ A ~ , the zeros of the determinant of this system re-


-1 /2 @ } 2 O 2 the ratio IEs/E~I 2 is found to be For ~k >> (2~s/ksxC)ImXNLIEL ]2

>> i, which implies that only the Stokes wave is amplified. The

Anti-Stokes wave will be attenuated.

2 0 2 ImXN L on the other hand, IEs/E~I 2 z 4 For Ak z (2~s/ksxC) IEL 12,

Both scattered waves are strongly amplified.

Finally, for Ak = O we get y = k' = k' = O. This result shows Ax Sx

that for perfect phase matching no stimulated amplification takes

place at all. The wave-vector mismatch Ak has necessarily to be in-

troduced in order to explain the appearance of stimulated Anti-


Page 173: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Stokes radiation.

Bloembergen has shown /168/ that Ak should be of the order of

2 o 2 ]ELiZ for maximum amplification of the Anti- Ak = 2(2~s/ksxC )ImXN L

Stokes wave. If Ak becomes larger, only the Stokes wave will again

be strongly generated (see above). Detailed discussions are given

in /167, 168, 344/. A wave-vector diagram corresponding to our an-

satz is shown in Fig.44. Only the momentum mismatch of the Anti-

Stokes wave in x direction has been considered. The left part of

the figure corresponds to a Stokes process

kL-kp-k S = O (5-19)

whereas the right part illustrates a 'mismatched' Anti-Stokes pro-

cess of the form

kL+kp-k_A-Ak = O (5-20)

k L kt A~

Fig.44 Wave-vector diagram illustrating the generation of stimu- lated Anti-stokes radiation in the direction k__A+a ~ = 2~L-~s , see text.

Stimulated Stokes scattering processes can take place for arbitrary

directions of ~S" If the laser frequency e L lies in the visible,

the phonons created have wave-vectors with magnitudes in the region

104 to % 105 cm -I and directions determined by (5-19). If polariton

dispersion effects are neglected, all these phonons have the same

frequency. A stimulated Anti-Stokes process, however, can only take

place for a large number of excited phonons fitting the wave-vec-

tor relation (5-20). Hence stimulated Anti-Stokes radiation is

emitted only in certain directions: kA+Ak, as illustrated in Fig.44.

By adding (5-19) and (5-20), we obtain

1 6 6

Page 174: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

which is equivalent to (5-17).

In practice, the wave-vector mismatch is very small, corresponding

to A~ ~ 0.5 ~ in Fig.44. The intensity dip expected for Ak H 0 has i

not sO far been experimentally observed. Stimulated Anti-Stokes ra-

diation thus appears in near-forward directions conically around

the exciting laser beam for Ak ~ O. This result has been experi-

mentally verified, see /169-172/.

A stimulated Raman spectrum in general /173/ consists of a strong

fundamental mode and some of its harmonics, which do not show fre-

quency shifts due to anharmonicities like two-phonon processes in

second-order spontaneous Raman scattering, see 1.5. The fundamental

mode is usually that with the largest scattering cross-section and

possibly small damping. For increasing exciting laser intensities

the Stokes wave caused by this phonon must first become strong

enough to induce optical feedback. The Stokes radiation finally be-

comes extremely strong and may itself act as a pumping beam and in-

duce stimulated radiation at the frequency ~L-2~p. The first har-

monic mode created in this way thus does not show any frequency

shifts due to anharmonicities because only a first-order scattering

process excited by the stimulated Stokes wave is primarily involved.

Fig.45 is a schematic diagram demonstrating the generation of the

harmonics due to this mechanism. The intense or amplified light

beams are indicated by thick arrows and the weak or attenuated

beams by thin arrows.

The theory outlined so far has been concerned only with stimulated

Raman scattering by long-wavelength phonons without polariton dis-

persion. The situation for polaritons has been discussed in, e.g.

/163, 167 and 174/. A frequency-dependent electric field E(e) at

(approximately) the phonon frequency has to be considered in addi-

tion. The macroscopic susceptibility X then depends on the quasi-

normal coordinate Q(~) as well as on E(~) and Placzek's expansion

in the linear approximation becomes

x(Q,E) z Xo+(~x/~Q) Q(~)+(~x/~E)E(~) (5-22)

~x/SQ denotes an atomic displacement coefficient and 8x/~E an elec-

tro-optic coefficient as before, see 4.12. The energy density (5-7)

now has to be generalized by terms describing the coupling between

the polar phonon mode and the electric field E(~). Furthermore terms


Page 175: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The force driving the lattice-vibration is proportional to: (see (7) and (8))

E (~L) E*(~L-~p) :

d ~t P I

T L- ~P


:Raman scattering process excited by the laser wave

:stimulated amplification of the Stokes wave

:Raman scattering process excited by the stimulated Stokes wave

:stimulated amplification of the first harmonic wave

Y ~/~7_ F :Raman scattering process

~gL-2~)pp ~ 2(~p, excited by the stimulated ~ first harmonic wave

L - 3 ~ p

E(~L_2~p) E~(~L_3Wp): WL'2r~P ~ 6~L-2~)P~ :stimulated amplification of the second harmonic

L-3 ~)p WaVe

Fig.45 Diagrams demonstrating a mechanism for the generation of harmonics in a stimulated Raman spectrum. The intense or amplified light beams are indicated by thick arrows.

must be introduced to describe the potential energy of dipoles os-

cillating at the polariton frequency in the field F(~), and four

nonlinear terms originating from the electro-optic coefficient term

in (5-22). The energy density becomes explicitly

= -(i/2) Q~ (e) BIIQ (~) -Q~ (u) BI2E (~) - (i/2) v.~ (~) B22E (~) -

-(1/2)E ~ (e L)B22E(eL)-(1/2)E ~ (Us)B22E(~s)-(1/2)E ~(u A)B22E(~A )-

-E ~ (~S) (~x/~Q)Q ~ (~)E(UL)-E~(u A) (~x/~Q)Q(~)E(~L)-

-E e(u S) (~x/~E)E ~(w)E(u L)-E ~(~A ) (~X/~E) E(~)E(u L)+c.c. (5-23)


Page 176: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

We have reintroduced the coefficients B II = _~2 and B 22 P = Xo in or- der to show the connection with the theory outlined in 4.1. (Note

that Xo = (~ -i)/4~, which can be seen directly from ~ .E = E+4~P.)

The polarizations and the equation of motion are derived in the same

way as before, so that the generalized set of equations for stimu-

lated polaritons corresponding to (5-8a through d) becomes

SL ' 4~ ~2[~,~ AE(~L)- c--T E(~L ) = c-- T ~--~[~Q~(~)E(ws)+Q~(~)E(~A))+

+ ~ (E(~)E(~s)+E~(~)E(~A)) ] , (5-24a)

EA 4~ ~ 2 [~_i


P(~L ) = B22E(mL)+ ~(Q(e)E(ws)+Q ~ (~)E(~ A))+

+ ~E (E(~)E(~s)+Ee(e)E(mA)) ' (5-24e)

P(eS) = B22E(es)+ ~Q Q~(~)E(eL)+ ~E E~(~)E(eL) ' (5-24f)

P(~A ) = B22E(~A)+ ~ Q(~)E(~L)+ ~ E(~)E(w L) , (5-24g)

P(c~) = BI2Q(m)+B22E(~)+ ~E (E~(~s)E(~L)+E(~A)E~(~~ ' (5-24h)

Q(~)+rQ(~) = BIIQ(~)+BI2E(~)+ ~Q (E~(~s)E(~L)+E(~A)E~(~L)) �9 (5-24i)

EqS. (5-24h) and (5-24i) are Huang's equations and include damping

for stimulated scattering, see (3-9), (3-10), and (4-83), (4-84).

Eqs. (5-24a through i) describe the stimulated Raman effect for po-

laritons in isotropic crystals. The approximation curl curl E = -AE

can be made only for exactly transverse E fields. This condition is

fulfilled in cubic crystals and also holds for ordinary polaritons

and the principal direction in uniaxial crystals. Extraordinary po-

laritons, however, are in general of mixed type LO + TO, so that

the equations corresponding to (5-24a through d) must be derived from


Page 177: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

curl curl E+(i/c ~)E = -(4~/c 2)P (5-25)

The set (5-24) can be solved by assuming that the laser field ampli-

tude remains constant as before and neglecting the Anti-Stokes wave.

Eq. (5-24) then reduces to

AE(~s) - c -T6S E(~S ) = c -T4~ ~2 [~Q Q~ (~)E(~L)+ ~E E~ (~)E(~L)] , (5-26a)

Eoo = 41T 2Q(o~)+ ~ E(LOL)E~ (eS) ] A~.(~)- ~ E(~) C ~ ~-~[~ , (5-26b)

P(~s ) = B22E(~s)+ ~Q Q~ (~o)~.(~T.)+ ~ ~.~ (~)E(~T.) , (5-26c)

p(m) = BI2Q(w)+B22E(~)+ ~ E~(~s)E(~ L) ,

Q(~)+FQ(~) = BIIQ(~)+BI2E(~)+ ~Q E ~ (~s)E(eL)



This system is linear because E L = const. The linearity allows us

to introduce a plane-wave ansatz for E~(~S) , Pe(~S ) , E(e), P(e),

and Q(e). These quantities thus become proportional to

exp(-iksx+i~st) and exp(ikx-i~t), respectively, and the determinant

of the system (5-26) is

(k~) 2+

4~ 2 c-~-- ~ EL

4~L0; ~X 41T~0~ a X o c--3T- ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~,~,


eoo ~ 41Toj 2 BI2 0 - (k) 2+ ~ 0 C~

I -~ ~ 0 ~Q ~ E EL - EL

0 -B 22 1 -B 12

O -B 12 O -(~2+i~F+B II)

_B 22

- ~-fl E L ~Q

The zeros of this determinant which can be derived without any

difficulty lead to the generalized dispersion relation of polari-

tons for stimulated Stokes scattering in isotropic materials

[ (c2k2/~~ [ (cZk*ZlL~ S 2]-s32 = 0 (5-27)


Page 178: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The three dielectric constants introduced for abbreviation are

2 e 1 = a -4~ (B 12) (~2+i~F+BII)-I ,

s2 = ~S_4~ (~x/~Q) ZELZ (~2+i~F+BII) -I ,


e 3 = 47 (?x/~E) EL-4~ (~X/~Q)BI2EL(~Z+i~F+B II)-I

~ (u S) in the second relation can be set = e because the Stokes gS frequency is large compared with the polariton frequency. The inter-

pretation of these dielectric constants becomes more obvious if we

look at the relations

D(~) = elE(~)+s3E~(~ S) (5-28a)


D(~ S) = e2E(~s)+s3E~(~) (5-28b)

They can easily be derived from

D(~) = E(~)+4~P(~)


D(~S) = E(~S)+4~P(~s)

by taking into account (5-26c,d,e) and a plane-wave ansatz. For

small exciting laser fields where no stimulated scattering takes

place, i.e. E L § O, (5-27) reduces to

The zeros of the first bracket are equivalent to (3-31),

(4-75). They describe the polariton dispersion when no nonlinear

effects are involved. The second bracket describes the 'dispersion'

of light, which is linear if e is regarded as constant.

The real parts of the solutions of (5-27) determine the wave-vec-

tors for the modified polaritons in nonlinear materials, while the

wave-vectors of the modified Stokes waves are obtained in the same


(4-12) or


Page 179: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

way, taking momentum and energy conservation into account:

~L = ~S +~ and w L = ~S+~. The imaginary parts of the wave-vectors as

before describe the amplification or attenuation of the waves.

Eq. (5-27) has been discussed quantitatively by Rath /174/ for GaP.

He neglected mechanical damping: F = O. The evaluation shows that

Close to the lattice resonance w the polariton frequency is hardly P

changed. This fact has frequently been verified because spontaneous

and stimulated scattering by polar phonons are observed at the same

frequency within the experimental error. Differences, however, occur

in regions where the energy of the polaritons contains a large elec-

tromagnetic contribution, i.e. for ~ >~ ~LO and ~ <~ ~TO"

An extensive review article on theoretical and experimental work

concerning stimulated Raman scattering up to 1967 has been published

by Bloembergen /175/. Stimulated scattering by polaritons was first

observed by Tannenwald and Weinberg on quartz in 1967 /288/, see

also a note by Scott /289/. The dispersion of the nonlinear suscep-

tibility in the polariton region of GaP was investigated by Faust

et al. in 1968 /176/. In 1969 Kurtz and Giordmaine observed the

stimulated Raman effect on the polariton mode associated with the

strong AI(TO) phonon at ~ 628 cm -I in LiNbO 3 /177/. The frequency

shift observed in this material was found to be in agreement with

the dispersion curve calculated for spontaneous scattering. Gelb-

wachs et al. /179/ first reported tunable stimulated emission of

Stokes and Anti-Stokes waves excited by the polariton mode associa-

ted with the AI(TO) phonon at 248 cm -I in LiNbO 3. These authors

were still using an external resonator, which prevented them from

observing the highly coherent infrared emission in the direction of

the stimulated polariton wave. Only a few months later Yarborough

and coworkers succeeded in generating stimulated emission from the

same polariton mode without an external resonator /178/; they ob-

served the stimulated Stokes wave as well as the corresponding id-

ler wave in the IR region. Variation of the scattering angle allowed -i

tuning of the radiation in the visible region from 42 to 200 cm

and in the infrared region from 238 to 50 ~. The conversion of the

pump beam to the tunable frequencies was found to be more than 50 %.

The experiment has been improved so that Johnson et al. in 1971 re-

ported peak powers outside the crystal of approximately 3 W at the

idler wavelength of 200 ~ /180/. Linewidth measurements showed a -i

bandwidth of less than 0.5 cm over the tuning range of 66 to 200~.


Page 180: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

From the beginning these experiments were of great interest for the

construction of tunable Raman lasers, especially in the IR region,

and experimental studies to find other suitable materials have been

going on. Thus, stimulated emission from the polariton mode asso-

ciated with the strong A(TO) phonon at 793 cm -I in LiIO 3 was repor-

ted almost simultaneously in 1971 by Schr~tter /181/ and Amzallag

et al. /182/. They observed frequency shifts down to 759 and 766cm-~

respectively. The absorption of the idler wave in this material,

however, was rather large. An additional result of special interest

reported by Schr6tter was the observation of stimulated emission

from a second harmonic Stokes component of the polariton mode at -i

1506 cm , see Fig.46.

Fig.46 Stimulated emission from a polariton associated with the A(TO) phonon at 793 cm -I and its first harmonic in LifO 3, from /181/.

Another technique for the construction of a polariton laser in the

IR region was proposed and first demonstrated by De Martini /183-

185/. Although these experiments do not directly involve stimulated

scattering, the subject is rather closely related to this nonlinear

effect. The author used two exciting laser beams in the visible

region at frequencies el and ~2" The energy difference of the quan-

ta was chosen to be identical with the energy of a polariton

~ = ~i-~2 in a nonlinear material (here GAP). If the two laser

beams enter the sample so as to form an angle such that the momen-

tum-matching condition k = kl-k2 for polariton is fulfilled, strong

infrared radiation is observed at the difference frequency ~i-~2 in


Page 181: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

the direction of the polariton wave-vector.

A similar experiment has recently been reported by Hwang and Solin

/186/. They report mixing of exciting argon-laser radiation at the

frequency w I in the visible, and carbon-dioxide laser radiation at

~2 in the IR region with RbCIO 3 as nonlinear medium. The polariton

mode is directly driven by the incident IR radiation and is not due

only to nonlinear terms such as (~X/~E) E~(~s)E(WL) in (5-26e), which

would require a giant pulse incident laser with ~L = ~i" Both the

Stokes and Anti-Stokes components of the hot polaritons have been

observed at Wl-~ 2 and el+W2 , respectively. Although modes with small

scattering intensities in the spontaneous spectra do not generally

cause stimulated emission, the experiment of Hwang and Solin shows

that, at least in the polariton region of polar phonons, the gene-

ration of 'quasi-stimulated' radiation from such modes is possible.

'Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy' /306/ is another example

of wave mixing caused by nonlinearities in matter. A strong light

beam from, for instance, a Nd:YAG laser at the frequency w L is

partly used to pump a dye laser. Radiation from the latter is tuned

to coincide with the Stokes frequency w S of a Raman signal from a

nonlinear medium. The remaining pump beam at w L and the dye laser

beam are weakly focused and crossed inside the material so that the

phase-matching condition 2kL-ks ~ ~A' (5-21), for stimulated Anti-

Stokes radiation is fulfilled, see also Fig.44 and related text.

As a result radiation is generated at the Anti-Stokes frequency

w A = 2~L-e S and may easily be analyzed with a spectrometer because

it leaves the sample at an angle which is obviously almost twice

the crossing angle ~ (k_L , ks ) .

We finally draw attention to experiments concerning stimulated

scattering excited by picosecond pulses, reported by Lauberau et al.

/187/, Karmenyan et al. /188/ and Herrmann et al. /192/. The mate-

rials used were GaP and LiIO 3. Because the exciting laser pulses

were so short, direct observation of the lifetime of polaritons

was possible.

Additional Literature

Faust, W.L., Henry, C.H.: Mixing of visible and near-resonance in-

frared light in GaP /213/.

Hwang, D.M., Solin, S.A.: Raman scattering from tunable hot phonons

and polaritons /238/.


Page 182: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Strizhevskii, V.L., Yashkir, Yu.N.: Peculiarities of Raman scatte-

ring by polaritons and polar optical phonons in anisotropic

crystals /241/.

Biraud-Laval, S.: Dispersion des polaritons ordinaires dans le

quartz /283/.

De Martini, F.: Nonlinear optical investigation of polaritons in

solids /308/.

Hollis, R.L.,Ryan,I.F.,Scott,I.F.: Spin-Flip-Plus-Phonon Raman scat-

tering: A new second-order scattering process /349/.


The vibrational energy quanta of an electron plasma in the conduc-

tion band of a material are known as plasmons. Plasmons are purely

longitudinal and have a resonance frequency Up given by

Up = (4~e~e m~) I/2 , (5-30)

-3 where u denotes the electron density in cm , e the elementary

charge, e~ the dielectric constant at high frequencies as before,

and m ~ the effective mass of the electrons (or holes) in the con-

ducting band. A coupling of plasmons with phonons is expected only

for purely longitudinal polar modes because transverse phonons and

plasmons are linearly independent. Strong interaction takes place

when the density of carriers~ determines a plasma frequency Up ap-

proaching that of a polar L0 phonon Up ~ u L. Varga /189/ has shown

that the total dielectric function in the long-wavelength limit is

then built up additively by contributions originating from the va-

lence electrons, the polar lattice vibrations, and the conducting



Damping has been neglected. Eq. (5-31) is identical with (3-27) ex-

cept for the additional Drude term. The (longitudinal) eigenfre-

quencies of the system are determined by the zeros of the dielec-

tric function e(u). Eq. (5-30) and (5-31) thus describe the disper-

sion u versus carrier concentration ~ for the coupled system (plas-

mon-LO phonon)

(4~e2/m ~) (~/u 2) = e [(u{-u 2)/(u~-u~)] (5-32)


Page 183: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

This relation is formal!y identical with the dispersion relation of

polaritons in the diatomic cubic case, see 3.3 (k 2 is replaced by

and e 2 by 4we2/m*) . The curves ~ versus /~ are similar in shape

to the polariton dispersion curves, see /189/. The theory has so

far been experimentally verified by Mooradian and Wright in GaAs

/ 1 9 / .

The dispersion relation for the modified transverse modes in the

presence of an electron plasma is derived from (5-31) in the usual

way by substituting s = c2k2/e 2

In the center of the IBZ the frequencies are

~2 (1/2) z 2 2 2 2 2 1/2 = (~r+wT)_+[ (1/4) (~p+~) -~P~T] (5-34)

The 'photon-like' polariton branch ends at a frequency slightly

higher than w L and the lowest-frequency branch does not reach ~ = 0

for k § O. No photon propagation is possible for frequencies below

the plasma frequency in a conducting material, see Fiq.47a and b.

For vanishing carrier densities ~, Up = 0 and (5-34) again describes

the situation in insulators.

The polariton dispersion curves are changed in shape because a longi-

tudinal mode appears in addition at approximately the plasma eigen-

frequency and because the frequency of the polar LO phonon is some-

what raised due to coupling with the plasmons. (The frequencies in

question depend on the carrier concentration ~, see (5-30) and

(5-34).) Polaritons, however, are not directly coupled to the (longi-

tudinal) plasmons as they are purely transverse . The normal co-

ordinates are linearly independent.

In order to achieve direct coupling with polariton modes in cubic

materials, a partly transverse character has to be induced in the

plasmons by external parameters, e.g. a magnetic field B. If ~ de-

notes the velocity of the electrons, the plasmon wave-vector is

parallel to Z" As can be seen from the Lorentz-force term e(vxB),

the plasmons will in fact no longer be longitudinal when a magnetic

field is applied perpendicular to ~. The coupled state photon-pho-

non-plasmon has been called plasmariton. The phonon-like polariton

branch splits into two components as in Fig.47c. Experiments to


Page 184: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

4 , l ' L m





Fig.47 a) Polariton dispersion branches in the cubic diatomic lattice of an insulator.

b) Polariton dispersion in the presence of an electron plasma.

c) Plasmariton dispersion branches when a magnetic field is applied, see text, from /190/.



show the existence of the coupled polariton-plasmon state described

above have been carried out by Patel and Slusher on GaAs /190/.

Good agreement was found with the upper of the two phonon-like bran- -i

ches whereas the other one at ~ 50 cm lower wave numbers has not

yet been observed. The term 'plasmariton', has also been used for

the excitations described by the dispersion curves in Fig.47b, where

no direct coupling takes place between polaritons and plasmons, in

a paper by Shah et al. /191/. The experiments reported concern or-

dinary polaritons in uniaxial CdS and correspond to plasmaritons in

the limiting case B = O.

Finally, we note that the observation of plasmaritons as sketched

in Fig.47c should be possible in noncubic material with free car-

riers without application of a magnetic field. According to 4.7,

extraordinary polaritons are in general of mixed type LO + TO for

arbitrary directions of the wave-vectors k, the LO and TO components

changing magnitude with the wave-vector direction. Thus, couplings

of different strengths should be observed when the angle between k m

and the optic axis is varied. No experiments of this kind have so

far been published.


Page 185: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


Two recent papers by Falge, Otto, and Sohler /193/ and Nitsch, Fal-

ge, and Claus /194/ present a new experimental technique that allows

the observation of bulk polaritons by infrared reflection spectros-


The dispersion relation for polaritons is determined by the dielec-

tric functions of a crystal, see 3.3 and 4.2. As is well-known, the

dielectric functions essentially determine the structure of the IR

reflection spectra /195, 196/. We therefore derive the latter as a

function of the wave-vector ~BP of bulk polaritons. As a result it

turns out that in suitable experiments the turning points of the

edges of the reflection bands depend on this wave-vector in the

same way as the bulk polariton frequency.

The principle of the experimental setup is sketched in Fig.48. An

incident electromagnetic wave (El) is partly reflected (Erfl) and

partly refracted (Erfr) by the surface of a crystalline medium. The

optic axis (z) stands normal to the surface. ~rfr corresponds to

the extraordinary ray in the material. The surrounding (upper) me-

dium with the refractive index n I is assumed to be isotropic. All

light waves are (electrically) polarized in the plane of the figure,

i.e. the magnetic polarization is perpendicular to the optic axis

and the figure plane. These conditions have become known as 'trans-

verse magnetic polarization' (TM polarization). With the ansatz

E. = E. exp i(kx,-k z) -i~t , --l l z



(cos) t cx ] ~rfl = Erfl 0 exp i(kx,k z) -i~t

~z- sin

where k x = (~/c)n I sin ~ and k z = (~/c)n I cos ~, the reflectivity

can be derived /195,196/ as

= i /c)cos ] ~/~X e/~Z(~O/C)COS ~+nl/~z(C0/C) 2-k~



Page 186: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Fig.48 Incident (Ei) , reflected

(~rfl) and refracted (Erfr)

ray when TM reflection is being measured in order to determine the dispersion of bulk polaritons, see text, from /194, 197/.






Continuity in the surface z = 0 has to be required for (a) the x

components of the wave-vector and the electric field and (b) the y

component of the magnetic field. Maxwell's equations have also to

be taken into account.

The real z component of the wave-vector of the refracted ray can be

determined from the generalized Fresnel equation (4-20):

k (rfr)z = (ll~z) [(~z (~21c2)-kx)~x~z ]1/2 (5-36)

For extraordinary bulk polaritons with wave-vectors ~BP propagating

perpendicular to the optic axis (x direction of Fig.48), we have

according to (4-54)

2 2 2 c kBp/~ = eZ (5-37)

where ez ~ ell" Combining (5-35) and (5-37), the reflectivity be-


RTM (~, ~) = S/~x kBp cos ~- lr

e/~x kBp cos ~ + n l ~ L 2


The angle ~ is defined as indicated in Fig.48. Total reflection

takes place if one, but not both, of the terms appearing in both


Page 187: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

the numerator and the denominator of (5-38) is imaginary. This

2 _ 2 is negative, and for happens for e z > 0 when either ex or (kBp kx)

Sz < O when simultaneously ex < O. In all other cases reduced re-

flectivity takes place with a refracted ray ~rfr" According to

(5-36) and (5-37), the real wave-vector component in direction z


(rfr) (i/s z ~ x k z = ) / (k~-k2) Cxs z (5-39)

for the refracted ray. This wave couples with the optical phonons

propagating in direction z.

We describe experiments on K3Cu(CN) 4 /194/. The polariton disper-

sion curves of this material in the high-frequency region origina-

ting from C { N stretching vibrations are reproduced in Fig.49a.

Areas with total reflection determined by the conditions given a-

bove have been hatched in the diagram. According to (5-39) the li-

miting curves separating areas of total and reduced reflection are

identical with the dispersion curves of bulk polaritons propagating

parallel to the surface. Their lattice displacements are parallel

to the z direction. This is easily verified by considering (5-39)

for k (rfr) = O. Recording IR- or ATR-reflection spectra /198, 199/ z

for different fixed angles ~ = s o gives reflectivity scans corres-

ponding to the traces indicated in the diagram for ~ = 24 ~ and

= 32 ~ .

Damping has so far been neglected in this experiment. When damping

is taken into account, the edges of the total reflection areas be-

come smoothed. In real experiments the turning points of the edges

of the reflection bands will correspond to the bulk polariton-dis-

persion curves /197/. Two scans for K3Cu(CN) 4 corresponding to

= 24 ~ and a = 32 ~ are reproduced in Figs.49b and 49c. For better

orientation, one typical turning point has been indicated by a small

square in Fig.49a and c. The two extremely narrow areas of total

reflection in the ~ = 24 ~ trace could not be observed, see Fig.49a.

The method described has proved to be an excellent complement and

sometimes superior to the common Raman scattering technique, see



Page 188: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


2) A,(TO)

3) EIL0)2085 . . . . . P ILY/'"/~ II 4) E(TO) 2080 . . . . . . ~ - ' - , , , , I I I i , I I I I

5) AdL0) 2077---]]/" 6) A(TO) 2 0 7 4 / " ~x=24~ ~=3

2060 k


- j


2140 cm -1 2065 1990 2120 cm -1 2090 2060

,,,, ~ (cm -1) ,,,, ~ ( c m "1)

Fig.49 a) ~-k diagram of the high-frequency extraordinary polari-

ton region in K3Cu(CN) 4 for wave-vector directions per- pendicular to the optic axis. Areas with total reflec- tion are hatched.

b) IR-reflection scan corresponding to ~ = 24 ~ as indicated

in a). c) ATR-reflection spectrum (nl: KRS 5) corresponding to

= 32 ~ as indicated in a) , from /194, 197/. The angles are defined as shown in Fig.48.


Page 189: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


The dispersion effects of polaritons localized at surfaces of in-

sulating media have become of great interest within the last few

years. We refer to an extensive article on the subject by Borstel

et al. /253/ for a complete list of references and detailed dis-

cussions of recent developments. We deal here only with the prin-

ciple of the phenomenon in order to show the connection with the

properties derived for bulk polaritons earlier in this article.

For an isotropic dielectric medium the two 'rotational' Maxwell's

equations determine the wave equation

curl curl E = -(e(~)/c2)E , (5-40)

see (5-3). By introducing an ansatz of the form

E = E(z)exp(ikxx-iwt) (5-41)

describing electromagnetic plane waves in direction x along the

surface z = O, we obtain the following three relations for the de-

pendence of the amplitude E(z) on the distance from the surface

(z = o)

$2E (z)/$z2 = ikx(~Ez(Z)/~z)-(e(~)~2/c2)E (z) (5-42) x x

~2E (z)lSz2 = (kx-s , (5-43) Y


ik x(SE x(z) /Sz) = -(kx-e (c0)~2/c2)E z (z) (5-44)

Taking into account that Ex(Z) = Ey(Z) because of the isotropy,

we make an ansatz for the amplitudes outside the medium (z > O) ,

where the refractive index is assumed to be n = i (vacuum)

E xlzl -- E x exp[ Ikx 2/c 2)1/2]z , 15451


E z (z) = ikx(k2-e2/cZ)I/2.E z exp[-(kx-~Z/c2)i/2] z (5-46)


Page 190: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Inside the medium (z < O) correspondingly we state

Ex(Z) = E x exp[+(k~-e~2/c2)i/2] z , (5-47)


E z (z) = ikx(k~-ee2/c2)I/2.E z exp[+(k~-e~2/c 2) i/2] z (5-48)

Note that in the medium n 2 = e(e). The quantities (k~-~2/c2)i/2=kzv

and (k~-E(~).~2/c2) I/2 = kzM are obviously the complex wave-vector

components in direction z describing the decay of the amplitudes in

vacuum (index = V) and in the medium (index = M), respectively, see

Fig.50. The signs are negative for z > O and positive for z < O,

see (5-45) to (5-48). At the surface (z = O) the Ex(O) and the Dz(O)

components both have to change continuously. The first condition

leads to the triviality Ex(O) = Ex(O) whereas the second one re-


iE z kx(kx_~2/c2)-l/2 = -iE (~)k x(kx-e(~)W2/c 2)-1/2 .E z (5-49)

Vacuum �9



- ~

~ Z El.ectric field ompl.itude

z = 8 (~1

Fig . 50 : Pattern showing the decay of the electric field amplitude as a function of the distance z from the surface z = O, from /290/.

From (5-49) we derive the dispersion relation of surface polaritons

~(~) (5-50) (C2kx/~2) = e(~)+l

The difference from the corresponding result for bulk polaritons is

obviously the appearance of the denominator s(e)+l on the right-hand

side. The condition for the existence of surface phonons directly

follows from (5-50) for k § ~, as e(~) = -i, a result familiar x


Page 191: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

from the literature /257/. Note that the denominator c (w)+l in

(5-50) originates from the introduction of the continuity conditions

at the surface. The z components of the wave-vectors are derived

from (5-50) by taking into account the definitions kzv = (k~-m2/c2~ ~

and kzM = (k~-em2/c2) I/2

kzv (m/c) [ (s (m)+l)-l] I/2 = - , (5-51)

ksM (m (ml +1-1] = (5-52)

From these relations it follows that surface polaritons exist only

for dielectric functions s(m) < -i, because kzv and kzM are re-

quired to be real. Fig.51 shows a surface polariton-dispersion curve

determined by (5-50) for a simple diatomic crystals. The branch lies

in the interval between the frequencies of the transverse (m T) and

longitudinal (m L) optic phonons. This energy region is not covered

by bulk polaritons. Investigations of surface polaritons thus repre-

sent a perfect complement to studies of bulk polaritons /253, 290/.

Taking into account the dielectric function given by (3-27), the

maximum frequency m s of the surface polariton can be derived from

(m) = -i as


This frequency can easily be changed by varying the refractive in-

dex of the surrounding medium. When instead of vacuum (s = i) the

space over the surface is a medium with the dielectric constant

= ~', the limiting frequency w s becomes

m s = (5-54)

A detailed discussion has been presented by Otto /260/. For appro-

priate experimental methods the reader is again referred to /253/.

A first observation of surface polaritons by attenuated total re-

flection was reported by Marschall and Fischer in 1972 /198/. The

material was GaP, the same as was used by Henry and Hopfield /7/

seven years earlier for the first observation of bulk polaritons.

Falge and Otto /258/ clarified the situation in uniaxial polyatomic

crystals, the material investigated being a quartz. The three dif-

ferent geometries studied by these authors are sketched in Fig.52.


Page 192: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~c 2 ~~ 2 = 1

~0 J~ k 2 c 2

~s .... f-

~ /

k 2 c 2 e (=) ~o 2 = e / ' ~ ) + l

k~ c 2


Fig.51 Surface polariton dispersion curve as determined by (5-50) and bulk polaiton-dispersion curves for a diatomic cubic material.

When we examine (5-45) through (5-48), it becomes obvious that the

main properties of surface polaritons in uniaxial crystals can be

derived by taking into account only two components of the electric

field vector, one parallel to the wave-vector direction and the

other normal to the surface. In Fig.52a both components are oriented

perpendicular to the optic axis (z). This implies that only the di-

electric function e~(~) is involved in the dispersion relation

(cZk2/~ 2) = ei(e)/(el(~)+l) , (5-55)

see /253/. Eq. (5-55) is obviously identical to (5-50) for isotropic

media. In analogy to the denomination of bulk polaritons in uni-

axial crystals, these excitations have been named 0[dinary surface

polaritons. They exist for e~(e) < -i and k > w/c, the same condi-

tions as for cubic crystals.

In the other geometries illustrated in Fig.52b and c there is one

component of the electric field vector parallel to the optic axis

and another perpendicular to it. The dispersion relations derived



Page 193: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

~.: ,T, ; - 7 /

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.52 Three geometric situations for the observation of surface polaritons in uniaxial crystals: a) k lying in an optically isotropic plane and propagating perpendicularly to the optic axis (z) : ordinary surface polaritons are observed, b) and c) correspond to extraordinary surface polaritons.

(c2k2/e21 = (erl I~) ei{el-ei(e)V <% (el eiIel-11 <5-561

for Fig.52b (with the conditions ell (e) < O, k > e/c), and

(c2k2/e21 = (ell (e) el(e) -~II (e)) / (~I[ (e) ~i(e) -i) (5-571

for Fig.52c (with the conditions s < O, k > e/c).

Eqs. (5-56) and (5-57) describe special cases of extraordinary sur-

face polaritons in the same way as (4-54) and (4-55) do for bulk

polaritons. We restrict our discussion to these limiting cases since

they have hitherto proved to be of the greatest interest for experi-

ments. The general case for arbitrary wave-vector directions has

been discussed in /259, 261, 262/.

Because (5-56) and (5-57) are symmetrical with respect to the in-

dices i and li, we consider only Fig.52b in more detail. The results

can easily be transferred to the other geometry. Real and virtual

(excitation) surface polaritons are distinguished:

a) in frequency regions where ell (e) < 0 and el(e) < O the disper-

sion relation determines a maximum frequency u s derived from

(~)e• = i (5-58) e H

for k § ~. The corresponding modes are referred to as real surface



Page 194: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

b) Virtua I excitation) surface polaritons exist in frequency re-

gions where ell (u) < 0 and e|(~)~ > i. The extraordinary surface po-

lariton branch starts at the frequency ~' where a bulk polariton

branch described by (c2k2/~ 2) = E|(~) crosses the light line

(c2k2/~ 2) = 1 and ends at the crossing point of the bulk polariton

curve with a longitudinal optical phonon branch at ~ = ~HL. It can

be shown that the transverse and longitudinal parts of the extraor-

dinary surface polariton at this latter crossing point disintegrate

into a transverse bulk polariton and a longitudinal optical phonon

propagating parallel to the surface.

In regions where ~11(~) > 0 or ~ll(~) < 0 and O < e|(e)~ < i, there are

no extraordinary surface polaritons. Fig.53 qualitatively shows the

dielectric functions_l E = eli (~) and e = ei(~)~ of ~ quartz for

300 < w < 600 cm In order to illustrate the conditions given

above, regions with real and virtual surface polaritons (for the

geometry of Fig.52b) are indicated by hatched areas in the lower

part of the figure. Forbidden regions are indicated above. Corres-

ponding experimental results have been published by Falge and Otto


Additional Literature

Schopper, H.: Zur Optik d~nner doppelbrechender und dichroitischer

Schichten /244/.

Flournoy, P.A., Schaffers, W.J.: Attenuated total reflection spectra

from surfaces of anisotropic absorbing films /245/.

Mosteller, L.P. jr., Wooten, F.: Optical properties and reflectance

of uniaxial crystals /246/.

Decius, J.C., Frech, R., Br~esch, P.: Infrared reflection from

longitudinal modes in anisotropic crystals /247/.

Sohler, W.: Extension of Wolter's multilayer reflection and trans-

mission formulae for orthorhombic absorbing media /248~.

Szivessy, G.: Polarisation /249/.

Wolter, H.: Schlieren-, Phasenkontrast- und Lichtschrittverfahren/250/.

Bell, E.E.: Optical constants and their measurement /251/.

Koch, E.E.,Otto,A.,Kliewer,K.L.: Reflection spectroscopy on mono-

clinic crystals /252/.

Borstel, G., Falge, H.J~ Otto, A.: Surface and bulk phonon-polari-

tons observed by attenuated total reflection /253/.

Agranovich, V.M.: Raman scattering of light by surface polaritons

in media with inversion centre /287/.

Wallis, R.F. : Surface-wave phenomena /309/.


Page 195: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

e= l

forbidden regions

i 30O

allowed regions :


..-4 I I I

/ I I

'//////////A s > 0

(virtuQt) SP

e t l > O O <e• <1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ ~llllllll/I


,J /4O0


/ /7 _/J k


I j ~ ( w ) I I t II J/s ( (o)

~ 1 ~ / r : '. 6;0 cm-1 I ,/~ I in ~ - d i r e c t i o n

/ i i I r I I I tlllll~ ~llllllll

ell < 0 ell < 0 s 1 7 7 e j . > l

reaL] (u i r tual ] S P ; ~ SP /

Fig.53 Diagram showing the dielectric functions s|(~) and sll (W) of

quartz qualitatively. The hatched areas above show regions where no surface polaritons are allowed, whereas in the re- gions indicated below real and virtual surface polaritons appear. These results correspond to the geometry shown in Fig.52b.



Interactions between polaritons and localized modes may advanta-

geously be observed on impurities due to isotopes. When the (natu-

ral) abundance of these impurities is of a suitable order, such

systems provide good conditions for experimental investigations;

maximum homogeneity of the distribution in the sample is guaranteed.

Because only an atomic mass is changed, the frequency of the loca-

lized mode is moved away from the corresponding fundamental mode

by an amount which can frequently be calculated from simple oscil-

lator models. According to 3.1, the local electric field ~loc (via

the electronic polarizabilities) has great influence on the polari-


Page 196: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

ton dispersion. Neither the polarizability nor ~loc' however, are

essentially changed. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is justi-

fied for such systems. Finally, isotopic impurities cause a type of

easily available localized modes. Very recently such experiments

on K3Cu(CN) 4 have been reported by Nitsch and Claus /200/. The op-

tical phonon spectrum of this crystal consists of two regions, well

separated by more than 1300 cm -I, where no fundamentals exist. The -i

low-frequency region from O to about 700 cm originates from trans-

lational vibrations, librations, and internal vibrations of the K +

3 ions. The high-frequency region from 2030 to about and Cu(CN) 4

2100 cm -I is caused by C ~ N stretching vibrations: There are two

fundamental AI(TO) modes at 2074 and 2093 cm -I and one E(TO) phonon -i

at 2080 cm , all of which are simultaneously IR- and Raman-active.

All the modes show large scattering cross-sections and in fact cause

the strongest Raman lines of the entire spectrum. For both the car-

bon and nitrogen atoms there are stable isotopes, 13C and 15N. The

natural abundances are 1.108 % and 0.36 %, respectively. Four modes

due to these impurities have been recorded: two of type A 1 at

2032.5 and 2046 cm -I, and two of type E at 2040 and 2053 cm -I. They

originate from 13C H N and C E 15N oscillators, respectively. The

frequency shifts and relative intensities compared to those of the

fundamentals caused by the 12C { 14N oscillators have been calcu-

lated and were found to be in good agreement with the experimental


Couplings between polaritons associated with the A phonon at 2074

and the E phonon at 2080 cm -I and the isotopic modes have been ob-

served. A representative spectra series is shown in Fig.54a. The

scans show four resonance splittings with drastic changes in the

intensities. The positions of the maximum resonances and their

assignments have been indicated.

Theories for localized polariton modes were published by Mills and

Maradudin in 1970 /201/ and by Ohtaka in 1973 /202/. A recent paper

by Hwang discussed isotopic effects of polar phonons /203/. Nitsch

has carried out numerical calculations based on the dispersion re-

lation derived by Ohtaka and found good agreement with the experi-

mental data from K3Cu(CN) 4 /318/. The dispersion branches shown in

Fig.54b facilitate comparison with data corresponding to the spectra

in Fig.54a.

When the frequency of a fundamental vibration becomes almost equal


Page 197: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

2074 CN

CN 15

i CN ls


, C]3 N

I I 2100 cm -1 2000

�9 ~ (.~ (cm -1)

Fig.54a Interactions of po- laritons assiciated with the A1 (TO) mode at 2074 cm-i in K3Cu(CN) 4 with four localized modes ori- ginating from 13C~N and CEI5N vibrations, see text, from /200/.

to that of a second-order phonon, Fermi resonance may take place

/13, 14/. Because polaritons can easily be'moved' in the Raman

spectra, polariton Fermi resonances can frequently be made to ap-

pear. The phenomenon was studied theoretically by Agranovich and


Page 198: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

2070 cm-







Fig.54b Experimental data and calculated dispersion curves for po- lariton interaction with localized modes as shown in Fig.54a, from /318/. Three sets of dispersion curves cal- culated for three different values of the fitting para- meter (localized mode amplitudes and oscillator strengths) are shown.

Lalov /204/ in 1971. Experimental results have been reported for

orthorhombic e-HIO 3 by Kitaeva et al. /205/. The same group also

reported Fermi resonance between a second-order phonon and a polar

first-order mode moved by directional dispersion only /132/. Pola-

riton Fermi resonances have also been recorded in LiNbO 3 /206, 108/

and LiIO 3 /207/. Fig.35 where the polariton branch associated with -i

the E(TO) phonon at 582 cm in LiNbO 3 'crosses' a second-order pho-

non branch at ~ 537 cm -I illustrates the phenomenon.

There are also some experimental studies of polaritons associated

with soft modes. The phenomena observed seem to be of special in-

terest because they show behavior typical of polaritons near phase


Page 199: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

transitions. Data exist for LiTaO 3 /208/, LiNbO 3 /209/, and BaTiO 3

/210-212/. Some representative results are reproduced in Fig.55,

showing the temperature dependence of the polariton-dispersion curve

associated with the lowest-frequency AI(TO) mode in LiNbO 3, see 4.6.

Polaritons in the 8 phase of quartz have recently been studied by

Fries and Claus /323/.

cm-I 200


02 0~ 06 08 I0 ,2 ,~ ,6 ,8 20.

Fig. 55 Temperature dependence of the polariton dispersion curve associated with the (soft) A1 (TO) phonon at 255 cm -I in LiNb03, which was frequently cited in the preceding text, from /209/. (These authors, however, assigned the phonon to appear at 248 cm -I at room temperature.)

Additional Literature

Shepherd, I.W.: Wave-vector-dependent relaxation of an optical

phonon in Gadolinium Molybdate /226/.


Page 200: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Appendix 1


(Applied to prove the Lorentz relation (4-148) in 4.13)

Apart from providing a proof for (4-148) and (4-149), the Ewald me-

thod offers an elegant way to calculate the B c k,k' (k) and Yk,k' (k) numerically for real crystal lattices /62, 263, 328/.

According to (4-145) and (4-146), the effective field can be written

c F_k(k) = -(i/ek) , Ck,k, (k).Uk, (AI-I)


C c , , 22 [exp(-ik'Rz, k) k,k (k) = -eke k exp(ik._Rk,) ~ ~Rk~Rk, \ iRs ' j ) (AI-2)

The term with i = O has to be excluded for k = k', see (4-144). Be-

cause the omission of this term disturbs the calculation, we first

generally claim k ~ k'. Let the relation

I/IR_s k, I = (2/~) f exp(-]Rs k, 12p2)dp (AI-3) o

be introduced into (AI-2). The sum thereln is accordingly replaced


~2 f (2//~){~ exp[-lRs163 exp(ik.Rk,)dp ~ - R k ' ~ P ' k ' o - -


while simultaneously exchanging the sur0/aation with the differentia-

tion and integration. The sum over s in (AI-4) can be expanded into

a Fourier series


Page 201: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

exp[-jR%,k-R-- k, I p2+ ik ' (Rk , -R_s k )] =

= (J~3/ua)X (i/P~)exp[-l~(h)+k_j/4p~+i~(h)'(R_k-_Rk,)] h


g(h) = 2~(hlb I + h2b 2 + h3b 3) (AI-6)

are vectors of the reciprocal lattice with h E (hl,h2,h 3) covering

all combinations of the integers hl,h2,h 3. The unit cell is deter-

mined by 2~bl, 2~b2, and 2~b3. Eq. (AI-5) has become known as the

'theta transformation'. For convenience, the sum is split into two

parts for small and large p by introducing a clipping radius r in

the reciprocal lattice. By considering the term with h = O separa-

tely and denoting the remainder by [', we obtain h

C c k,k' (~) =

2 2 -ekek'exp(i~'~k') ~Rk]~Rk, { (4~/Ua]~]2)exp[-l~I/4r2-ik'Rk'] +

+ (~/Uar~) [' G[ l~(h)+k_j 2/4rZ]exp[ig(h)-(_Rk-Rk,)-ik-Rk] + h

+ r [ H[rI_R ~ ]]exp[-ik'RK,k] }

Z k,k'

The abbreviations used are


G(X) = e-X/x ,

e_t 2 H(x) = (2/x/~)y dt = (l-F(x))/x X



F(x) = (2//~) I e -t2 dt (error function). 0


~2 HCx) = ~x~---~ HCjxj)

where x = r R_i


, (AI-7) becomes



Page 202: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

k k C c , k,k (k) = eke k {(4~/u a) ~-~ exp[-Ikl2/4r2]+

+ (W/Uar2 ) ~h' [ g (h) +k][g (h) +k] G[I ~[ (h) +k I /4r 2] exp[ i~[ (h).(R_k-_Rk,)] -

-r3[ H(rR i )exp[-ik._Rs ]} Z k,k' k,k'


H(x) is explicitly

H(x) = [(3/x) (l-F(x))+(6//~)exp(-x 2)/x 4+(4//~)exp(-x 2)/x z] x x -

-[(i/x 3) (l-F(x))+(2//~)exp(-x2)/x 2] I (A1-10)

I denotes the unit matrix and x = I~I = ritz I" As has already been


pointed out above, (AI-9) holds only for k ~ k'. The difficulty in

the summation for k = k' originates from the fact that no term with

= 0 appears in (AI-2) or (4-145). The Coulomb interaction of an ion

with itself has to be excluded. Consequently there is no term with

Z=Z' and k=k' in (4-144). The Ewald method, however, may also be

applied in this case by claiming Rk~Rk, and formally including the

(s = O)-term in the summation. This term has later to be subtracted

from the result and the relation obtained will be considered in the

limit ~k § ~k'" Formally H(x) in the s = 0 term is replaced by


H~ = -(2/x/~)[ exp(-x 2) dx (AI-II)

For details of the corresponding derivation we refer to /62/.

Eq. (AI-9) can advantageously be used for numerical calculations of

the C c k,k, (k) because all partial sums rapidly converge for a sui-

table clipping radius r. On the other hand, terms corresponding to

a 'macroscopic electric field' can now easily be separated from

(AI-9). The sums [' and [ are also regular for k = O. The term h

k k k k I~I 2 (4~/~ a) ~ exp[-l~12/4r 2] = (4~/~ a) ~ (1-4-~- + "") ' (A1-121

however, is singular because k ~/Ikl 2 behaves discontinuously for

k = O. By isolating this term and introducing the following abbre-

viation for the rest


Page 203: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

k k Bk,k, (k) : ekek, { (4~/D a) ~T[exp(-Ik I 2/4r2)-i]-

-r 3 [ H(r RZ )exp(-ik'R i )+

k,k' k,k'

+(~/Uar2)~h'[g(h)+kl[g(h)+~G[l~(h)+kl2/4r2] exp[ig(h)'(Rk-Rk,)]} ,


we can write (AI-9)

k k C (k) = eke k + (k) Ck, k, _ (4w/u a) , ~-r Bk, k, _ ( A l - 1 4

The effective field (4-146) therefore becomes

k k Fk(k) =-I (4~/~ a) - - -X

k' TF V'~-k' k' (i/e k) Bk, k, (k)'U k , (AI-15

The first term in (AI-15), being independent of sublattice k, des-

cribes the macroscopic field

k k _E(k) -= -4~ ~"~'K (ek'/Ua)Uk' (AI-16

Using this abbreviation, we can rewrite (Al-15)

Fk(k) = E(k)-[ (i/ek) Bk,k, (k).Uk, k'

, (AI-17)

which is obviously identical to (4-148). It is readily seen that

(4-149) thus holds too.

E(k) represents the electric field derived from Maxwell's equations

in the electrostatic limit (n 2 + ~) . By introducing P = ~ (ek,/Ua)Uk, k'

into (AI-16) and taking into account ~ = ~/I~I, we get

E(k) = -47 s(s.P) (AI-18)

This result directly corresponds to (3-19) or (4-9) for n 2 § ~.


Page 204: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Appendix 2


In 3.4 we showed that Huang's equations can be derived from a po-

tential energy density

=-(I/2)Q.BII.Q- Q,BI2.E-(I/2)E.B22, E (A2-1

Macroscopic considerations presented by Pick /80/ start from a si-

milar relation which, however, includes the vacuum field (I/8~)E 2.

The nomenclature used by Pick is somewhat different from ours. In

order better to show the analogies, we therefore translate the most

important formulas into our language. Numbers in curly brackets re-

fer to the equations in Pick's article.

The energy density {i} is introduced as

= -(I/2)Q_,BII._Q - E'B 21'_Q -(I/2)E.B22'E_ _ -(I/8~)_E 2 (A2-2

Eqs.{5a} and {6a} stand for

_~2Q = _(~/~Q) (A2-3

The equation of motion is derived from (A2-2) and (A2-3). The use

of the more general expression for the energy density, however,

means that the electric displacement D is obtained instead of the

polarization P when -4~/~E is applied to (A2-2). This can easily

be verified:

4~(B21"Q + B22"E) + E = 4~P + _E = D (A2-4)

Maxwell's equations are summarized in {6b} to


Page 205: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

D = n 2 (I-s s) .E (A2-5)

where s s stands for a dyad, see (3-17). When (A2-5) is combined

with the relation for the displacement derived from the energy den-

sity, Huang's equations appear together with Maxwell's equations as

(-BII-I~2).Q-(B21)+.E = 0

-B 21.Q+ (I/4~) [n 2 (I-s s)-(4~B22+I)] .E = 0



I denotes the unit matrix. A comparison of these equations with the

corresponding set in Pick's article {9} allows ready identification

of the different symbols used there. The electric field E can be

eliminated from (A2-6) and (A2-7). The remaining equation of motion

contains only the mechanical displacements Q. The condition for non-

trivial solutions is that the determinant of the dynamical matrix


I_BII_4~(B21 +[n2(i_ ~ s)_ (4~B22+i)] -i B21_~2II = 0 (A2-8)

As a result, the generalized Fresnel equation is obtained in the

same way as in 4.2. (A2-8) is identical with {43} in Pick's article.

Pick has left the coefficients B p~ k-dependent; this difference,

however, is of importance only for k Z 107 cm -I, see 4.13.

An equation equivalent to (A2-8) has then been derived from microsco-

pic properties of the crystal. We summarize some aspects of the deri-

vation using in part a simplified notation to allow easier compari-

son with the microscopic treatment in 4.13. For details of the deri-

vation we refer to the original paper.

The discussion is based on a hamiltonian for the neutral system of

electrons and nuclei. For a fixed position of the latter (Born-

Oppenheimer approximation)

P (Zae) (Zbe) = I /21 , + H~ a a a,b l~a-~b]


Pt (Zae) e e 2 (i/2) X ~ (A2-9)

t,u t+u


Page 206: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The five groups of terms denote respectively (i) the kinetic energy

of the nuclei (M a = masses, Pa = momenta), (2) the potential ener-

gies of the nuclei a and b with respect to each other (Ze = effec-

tive charges, e = elementary-charge, R = position vectors), (3) the

kinetic energy of the electrons (m = mass, Pt = momenta), (4) the

potential energy of the electrons with respect to the nuclei ([ =

electron position vectors), and (5) the potential energy of the

electrons t and u with respect to each other.

The nuclei have been treated classically. They are assumed to have

an equilibrium position R e The electric field at another position -a"

R can be derived from the second and fourth terms in (A2-9) by ma- -a

king use of the Helman-Feynman theorem

zbe < p (r) > E(Ra) = ~--Ra( ~b ~ +f ~ d3r) (A2-10)

The sum over all individual electrons has been replaced by an inte-

gral over space. <p (r)> stands for the mean electronic charge den-

sity which must be introduced because the electrons cannot be

treated classically. The equation of motion for a nucleon with the

position vector R a is derived using the classical Lorentz force

t M ~ = Z eE(Ra) = Zae [E(R:)+~ f(~E/~Rb)U b dt'] (A2-11) a--a a -- -- -- b -~ - - -

E(R a) has been expanded into a series in terms of the time-depen-

dent displacement vectors u b in the equilibrium position. The ex-

pansion is restricted to the harmonic approximation. According to

(A2-10) the electric field _E(R_~ ) vanishes. E has to be substituted

only in the second term on the right-hand side of (A2-11), {53},

using the relation (A2-10), {49b}. The dynamical matrix of the

equation of motion obtained in this way contains terms that depend

on the positions of the nuclei as well as a term depending on the

electronic charge density. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors des-

cribe the pure phonon modes.

A description of polariton modes is achieved by introducing the

classic wave equation {62} in the form

curl curl E + (i/c2)E_ = -(4z/c2) (~i/~t) (A2-12)

denotes the current density which in general consists of an exter-


Page 207: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

nally applied part ~ext and an induced electronic part lel" The

latter can be interpreted as the polarization current

Jel = ~P/~t (A2-13)

Insulators may be described by taking only (A2-13) into account.

Pick's derivation is broad enough to include the existence of plas-


~el is shown to be correlated to the total electric field by a li-

near response function. On the other hand, the continuity equation

correlates the current density to the charge density. Thus the wave

equation (A2-12), {62}, is coupled with the equation of motion via

the current much as Maxwell's equations were earlier coupled with

the equation of motion in the macroscopic treatment via the polari-

zation, see (A2-13) and Chapters 3 and 4. The dynamical matrix of

the coupled system has been derived as {93} or {122} in which the

form becomes identical to (A2-8), {43}. Finally relations for the

coefficients B II, B 21 and (4zB22+I) are derived in {86}, {90}, and

{88}, respectively. In principle, they allow the coefficients to be

calculated from microscopic data. The difference from the result in

the macroscopic treatment is that the coefficients remain dependent

on both wave-vector and frequency, just as they turned out to be in

4.13. Pick, however, was also able to show that they can be regar-

ded as constants around the center of the IBZ, which is the real po-

lariton region.


Page 208: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Appendix 3


This appendix is not intended to be a complete review of the very

extensive article by Barker and Loudon /73/. We merely point out

some aspects in order to facilitate comparison of their derivations

with our text.

The power of radiation from an oscillating dipole was related to

the mean square of the dipole moment by (1-3). The oscillating di-

pole moments themselves are caused by thermal fluctuations of the

microscopic ionic and electronic oscillators in the material. In-

elastic scattering of light from polaritons and polar phonons in

ideal crystals is thus primarily due to these fluctuations. A de-

tailed discussion of fluctuations on the basis of thermodynamics

and statistics has been given by Landau and Lifschitz /Ref.304,

Sections 112-127/.

Let us consider the relation

(u2)co = (kT F/w)[m 2(coo-co2)2+~o2F2]-1 , (A3-1)

/Ref.304, Eq. (124,16)/ where k is the Boltzmann constant, F the

damping factor, m the oscillator mass, and ~o the eigenfrequency of

the system. The mean square of the displacement coordinate u at the

frequency ~ has been related to the temperature of the system. More

generally, this relation can be written

(u2)~ = (kT/~)Im # (A3-2)

where ~ has become known as the response function of the system.

is explicitly


Page 209: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

= (A3-3)

An equation equivalent to (A3-2) was derived by Nyquist in 1928

/307/. His equation determines the mean square of the voltage caused

by thermal fluctuations in a conductor, i.e. the temperature. The

response function of the system is there the impedance.

Eq.(A3-2), generally known as Nyquist's theorem, is valid only in

the high-temperature limit. For low temperature rigorously

[ -i] (u2) = (~/~) l+(exp(~/kT)-l) Im ~ (A3-4)

A derivation of (A3-4) can again be found in /Ref.304, Eq. (126,9)/,

but there the thermal factor is somewhat different because a symme-

tric combination of the Fourier components at +~ and -e has been

considered, see /73, comment 2/. The mean square of the time-depen-

dent fluctuating displacement coordinate u(t) over the whole fre-

quency spectrum finally becomes


= f dw , (A3-5) <u 2 (t)> _ (u2)

/304, Eq. (121,6)/. Barker and Loudon could show that (A3-4) correct-

ly describes the 'intensities' of the Stokes and Anti-Stokes compo-

nents at +~o and -~o' respectively, see Fig.l of their paper. Note,

however, when comparing their and 2b, that the Stokes peak

corresponds to a phonon creation process described by +mo whereas

the Raman spectrum shows a corresponding shift of -~o with respect

to the exciting laser frequency.

Regarding the form of the response function (A3-3) , it can easily

be verified that for the mechanical system in question ~ can be ex-

pressed by

(w) = u(t)/F(t) (A3-6)

where F(t) denotes an external force driving the damped oscillator.

The ions and electrons in crystals are treated as such oscillators

driven 'externally' by an electric field E. The corresponding equa-

tions of motion for the simplest case of a cubic diatomic lattice

have been introduced as


Page 210: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

M U + K U = Z E (A3-7)

m d + k u = z E (A3-8)

Capital letters refer to ions and small letters to electrons. Z and

z denote charges and K and k are force constants. The electric field

introduced in these equations has strictly to be interpreted as

the local electric field from 3.1. Throughout the derivations by

Barker and Loudon, however, it is frequently interpreted also as

the macroscopic field. Their text has to be read with some care in

view of this aspect. In addition to (A3-7) and (A3-8), the polari-

zation per unit volume V is introduced

P = (Z U + z u)/V , (A3-9)

see {2.1} to {2.3}. (Curly brackets refer to the equations of Bar-

ker and Loudon.)

This is the way Huang's equations have been introduced by the au-

thors. Furthermore, Maxwell's equations are introduced in the usual

way in order to describe the coupling with photons. From (A3-7) to

(A3-9) the mode strengths {2.10}, the high-frequency dielectric con-

stant {2.13}, and the frequency-dependent dielectric function {2.9},

{2.12} are derived. The dielectric function is correlated to the

linear response function which consequently may be regarded as the

origin of polariton dispersion. The model has been generalized to

multiatomic, nonisotropic materials. The results obtained agree with

those derived in our preceding text.

An extension to include nonlinear effects has been achieved by re-

placing (A3-7) and (A3-8) by

M U + K U +e(U-u)2 = Z E

m ~ + k u +~(U-u)2 = z E (A3-10)

This implies that nonlinear coupling between the ions and electrons

is taken into account, {2.28} and {2.29}.

Scattering cross-sections of polaritons have been derived in {2.58}

and {3.71} taking into account Nyquist's theorem (A3-2).

Finally, resonance effects are discussed in the way that the exci-

ting laser frequency is supposed to approach the electronic frequen-

cy (k/m) I/2, see (A3-8).


Page 211: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Appendix 4


Tables for the symmetric parts of the Raman tensors have been pu-

blished by several authors /31, 33, 56, 58, and others/. Because

most of these tables contain some errors, we include a corrected one.

The following properties are listed in the different columns:

1. orientation of the principal axes in agreement with those used

by Nye /Ref.45, Appdx B, Table 21/

2. Schoenfliess and international symbols for the crystal classes

3. optical activity /342/

4. decomposition of a polar second-rank tensor which is not claimed

to be symmetric, see 2.5 and 2.6. The Wigner-Eckart theorem /343/

has not been applied. (O) denotes the zero matrix.

The index combinations p~ simply indicate the Raman tensor elements

S (p,~=x,y,z). p~

In the trigonal,

a = (1/2) (xx+yy)

b = (1/2) (xy-yx) ,

c = (1/2) (xx-yy) ,

d = (1/2) (xy+yx) ,

and in the cubic

a = (1/3) (xx+yy+zz) ,

b = (1/6) (yy-zz) ,

c = (1/6) (zz-xx) ,

d = (1/6) (xx-yy) ,

e = (1/2) (yz-zy) ,

f = (1/2) (yz+zy) ,

g = (i/12/2) (xx+yy-2zz) ,

tetragonal, and hexagonal crystal classes

(1/2 (Sxx+Syy) ,

crystal classes

h = (/~/12/~)(xx-yy) .


Page 212: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

The cartesian coordinate p given in brackets after some of the sym-

metry-species symbols indicates infrared activity due to the compo-

nent P of the electric dipole moment. The translation T is simul- P P

taneously allowed. A component Rp correspondingly shows that the

rotation is allowed. According to (2-31), the selection rules for

Raman tensors are given in this way.

Due to (1-7), (1-8), and (4-124), the relative scattering intensity

of the m-th nonpolar phonon of a certain symmetry species 7 can be

calculated from

d u


S (J)k x y Z (m) I (ei'ei'ei) po/ q

2 (A4-1)

The summation index j covers the degenerated irreducible represen-

tations, dy being the degree of degeneration. -ze and ~s denote unit

vectors in direction of the polarization of the incident and scat-

tered light, respectively. The absolute value signs are of impor-

tance because the Raman tensors may be used also in their complex


For long-wavelength polar phonoqs in the cubic crystal classes we


, z s(m),_(m)> |o m) / /eql 1% (eX,eY,e i) (Sx,po, y,p~ bz,po

tQ~m)/ re:/I The S (m) , S (m) and S (m) are those introduced in (2-54) When

x,po y,po z,pq examining a certain symmetry species only the polar components of

S (m) appearing in this species have to be considered. The normal

coordinate vector Q(m) describes the mechanical polarization of the

m-th mode. The tensor in curly brackets, frequently referred to as

the 'effective scattering tensor', is identical to the first sum in .(m)

(4-126) for purely transverse modes. The ~m,p~ are identical with

the atomic displacement tensor components a(m) , see (4-129). ~,SY

For long-wavelength polar (extraordinary) phonons in arbitrary di-

rections, polar LO phonons, and polaritons generally, the electric

field E does not vanish. As a result the electro-optic terms in

(4-126) may make an important contribution, and all normal coordi-



Page 213: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

nates are consequently coupled. The relative scattering intensities

in these cases can be calculated only from (4-124) with the use of

(4-126). The electro-optic tensor (b~,~y) has the same symmetry pro-

perties as the atomic displacement tensor. Its form can therefore

be seen from the table. Loudon reports a formula for the scattering

intensity where both tensors have been combined /Ref.31, Eq. (53)/.

This relation, although frequently cited, holds only for diatomic

uniaxial crystals and for the principal directions in polyatomic



Page 214: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


1 2

3 4



Raman tensors S

and S'

, resp. ;


e 2.

6 and /3

1, 33

, 56

, 57/





C 2

II y






Zll Z;eyll x

C 2 z

C211 Z;~yll


C =

I 1

C =7


C 2

= 2


= m


C2h =


D 2

= 222

C2v =


D2h =




xx xy xz


yx yy yz


zx zy








Ag (Rx



A u (x

,y, z)



) yy







A (y


B (x, z ;Rx,R z)

A' (



A"(y;Rx,R z)


Bg(Rx,R z)








<xx YY zz

) <y x xy

A B I (z

;R z )

A I (z)

A2(R z)


B I g

(R z)


BU (x,


) <zx



B3(x;R x)

B I (X


B2(Y;R x)

B2g (Ry

) B3g (R x)







Page 215: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

o 0o 1

2 3






C 3

II z

C 3 II z ;C 2 II x

C3I I z;



C311 Z



C 3

= 3

C =Y



= 52


= -~m

C =








~ )


- a


d -c



/2 zy


A (z ;R z)

E (X



(i) (R

x, Ry )

Ag (R z




\ I

d -c



- -d







(2) (R

x, Ry )



2 xz

/2 >



z)< -~

)~ C_c ~z ) <~c -c -~




A 1


A 2 (z

;R z)


R x)

E(y=X;Ry=R x)



E (1) (R


E (2) (R


) g




A2u (z)

Eu (x,


<a a

zz > <-

b b

d xz


xz h J



A 2 (R


E (X


E (y



) At(z)



) EU



Page 216: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

1 2





c 4

II z

s 4

il z

c 4

il z

C 4 ]J z ; Ov

II x

C 4 J[ z


II x



S 4 Jl z

,C 2 lJ x

C 411

z;C~ll x

C 4

= 4

s 4




= 4/m

C4v =


D 4

= 422


= ~2



= 4m









b d

1 1







zx zy




A (z ;R z

) B

E (x ;R x


E (y ;Ry

=R x)


) B(







R x)

(i) (R


) E(

2) (



Ag (R z )








E u (x,


<a a



b >

< c


> < d


> <z

x xz

> <

zx xz


A 1 (z)

A2 (Rz)


B 2

E (x ;Ry)

E (y

=x ;Rx


<a a



b > <c



< d d


zy YZ

> I-




A 1


;R z)


B 2


R x)



=R x)






) E(

x;R x)





E (I) (R


E (2) (R


) A1

g A2

g (Rz)



g g




Z )

Eu (x, Y)

Page 217: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

1 2

3 4


C 6 II Z

C 3

I[ z

C 6 F

I z

C 611 z;C

~ II x

C 2 II

�9 '

z ,C 2

I[ x

C31[ z;C21[ Y

C61[ Z;Ovl[ x

C 6

= 6




= 6/m

D 6




= 6/



~)3h = ~



= 6r









( )

( b

b 1







--~1(d -c









R z)







E~ I)

A' (R z)

E,~ (i) (Rx,Ry) E

" (2) (Rx=Ry)

E' (x)

Ag (Rz)

E (I)



ig (Rx'Ry)

ig (Rx=Ry)


) E~ 2)

E' (y)



E (2)

A (z)



u E1u



b b


zy y









A 2(

z;R z)

E 1(

x;~ x

) E I(




E~ 1)





R z)

E (I) (Rx) E

(2) (Ry=Rx)

E (I)

E (2)







A2u (z)

E1u (x,Y)



b b

) (z

x xz

) (

zx x

z >


-c )<c _c



) A2

(R z)



E I (y



) E~


E~ 2)


z) (

-b b

) (

zy y




z) (d




) (O)




E" (I) (Rx)

E "(2) (Ry

=R x)

E' (x)

E' (y=

x) AS(z)

Page 218: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

1 2

3 4



ic p




II p

s p II


c2 I

I p




T h




0 =


T d

= "43m

0 h =






la al





I a

i g-



g -2

g -2


A E (I)

E (2)

A E (I)

E (2)

g g




F (x ;R


F (y

=X ;R

y=R x)

F (1)g (Rx)

F (2)g (Ry=Rx)

aal ~







A 1

E (I)

E (2)


A 1

E (I)

E (2)



F2 (2)

F 2 (y=x)


f f




F I (x

;R x)


F I (R x)







F (I)

_ (2)

F (3)

Fig (Rx)




(e -e)

e /I


F 1 (Y


y=R x)

F 1 (z


z=R x)

F 1 (Ry=R x)

F 1 (Rz=R x)

Flg (Ry=Rx)

Flg (Rz=R x)

Flu (x=y=z)



=R x)

(3) (Rz=Rx)

Fu (x=y=z)


Page 219: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons


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Page 236: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Author Index

Abramovich, T.E. 117

Agranovich, V.M. 143, 187, 190

Ahrens, K.H.F. 77

Akhamanov, 109, iii, 113

Albrecht, A.C. 27

Alfano, R.R. 127

Altmann, K. 8

Amzallag, E. 173, 192

Anda, E. 90

Anderson, A. 8, 9

Andrade, P°Da.R. 135

D'Andrea, A. 69

Arguello, C.A° 86, 139

Asawa, C.K. 117, 125

Ataev, B.M. 167

Axe, J.D. 90

Balkanski, M. 12, 121

Barentzen, H. 62

Barker, A.S. 2, 55, 105, 127, 128,

131, 132, 201-203

Barnoski, M.K. 117

Begley, R.F. 174

Behringer, J. 5, iO, 15, 17, 23,


Belikova, G.S. 126

Bell, E.E. 187

Bendow, B. iO, 143

Benson, H.J. 127, 143

Berenson, Rh. 40

Bhagavantam S. 204

Bilz, H. 127

Biraud-Laval, S. 2, 135, 175

Birman, J.L. i0, 35, 40

Bloch, F. 1

Bloembergen, N. 166, 167, 172

DeBoer, J.L. 18

Bolhuis, F.v. 18

Born, M. 2, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50,

144, 193, 195

Borstel, G. 55, 79, 86, 88-90,

93-97, 99-101, 115, 116, 129-

131, 135-137, 141, 182, 184-187

Brandmdller, J. 2, 7, 8, 12, 16,

24, 34, 40, 55, 190, 207

Brion, J.J. 186, 193

Br~esch, P. 187

Bryksin, V.V. 180

Burns, G. 106, 192

Burstein, E. i, 2, 12, 64, 66, 105,

139, 143, 186, 193

Byer, R.L. 113, 174

Casher, A. 16

Chacon, M.A. 135

Chang, T.S. 173, 192

Chaves, A.S. 134

Cheesman, L.E. 105

Chiao, R.Y. 167

Child, M.S. 28

Chilingaryan, Yu.S. 174

Christie, J.H. 34, 40


Page 237: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Chunaev, O.N. 109, iii, 113 Fleury, P.A. 9, 68

Claus, R. 2, 43, 49, 51, 55, 72- Flournoy, P.A. 187

77, 86-90, 92-97, 99-101, 104- Fornari, B. 69

106, 108, iiO-i16, 121, 139,

143, 178-181, 188-192

Chochran, W. 55, 149, 151, 153

Coffinet, I.P. 127

Cohen, M.H. 149

Couture, Lo 121

Cowley, R.A. 55, 127, 151, 153

Cross, P.C. 7, 16, 20, 24, 26,

34, 190

Damen, T.C. 9, 67, 82, 88, 104,

105, 143, 177

Davis, L.W. 106, 192

Decius, J.C. 7, 16, 20, 24, 26,

34, 187, 190

Delaney, M.J. 136

Dick, B.jr. 149

Dimmock, J.O. 204

Dirac, P.A.M. 5

Dobrzhanskii, G.F. 121

Drude, P. 178

Dumartin, S. ii

Eckhardt, G. iO

Eich, R.H. 172

Etchepare, J. 143

Ewald, P.P. 193

Fadeev, V.V. 109, iii, 113

Falge, H.J. 88, 178, 180, 182,

184, 185, 187

Fano, U. 2

Fast, H. 8

Faust, W.L. 172, 174

Ferrell, R.A. 184

Fine, A.E. 127

Fischer, B. 180, 184

Frech, R. 187

Fries, J. 192

Fujiwara, T. 135

Gadow, P. 11

Garrett, C.G.P. 139, 167

Gelbwachs, J. 172

Genzel, L. 127

Gerbstein, Yu.Mo 180

Giallorenzi, T.G. 113, 127, 135

Ginzburg, V.L. 143

Gierdmaine, J.A. 88, 172

Gl~ck, M. 16

Graf, L. 121-124

Gut, Y. 16

Haken, H. 151, 153

Harris, E.G. 151, 153

Harris, S.E. 113

Hartstein, A. 186, 193

Hartwig, C.M. 86, 121, 142

Harvey, A.B° 174

Heiman, D° 192

Heisenberg, W. 5

Heitler, W. 151, 156

Hellwarth, R.W. iO

Henry, C.H. 64, 66, 68, 139, 167,

172, 174, 184

Heredeen, R. 167

Hermann, J. 174

Hizhnyakov, V.V. 106

Hochenbleicher, J.G. 8

Hollis, R.L. 175

Hopfield, J.J. i, 2, 64, 66, 68,

151, 152, 184

Hopp, H. 127

Horie, C. 57


Page 238: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Huang, K. 2, 44, 48, 50-53, 63,

144, 193, 195

Huth, B.G. 135

Hwang, D.M. 174, 189

Iha, S.S. 62

Inomata,H. 57

Inoue, M. 136

Jepsen, D.W. 127

Johnson, B.C. 172, 173, 192

Jones, W.J. ii

Kaiser, W. 174

Kajiura, T. 90

K~rm~n, T.v. 41, 49

Karmenyan, K.V. 174

Katiyar, R.S. 135

Kellermann, E.W. 57, 144, 146,


Kern, S. 167

Khashkhozhev, Z.M. 106

Khokhlov, R.V. 109, iii, 113

Kiefer, W. iO

Kitaeva, V.F. 121, 191

Kittel, Ch. i, 153

Klein, J. Ii, 115, 174

Kliewer, K.L. 187

Klyshko, D.N. 113, 121

Kneipp, K.D. ii, 115, 174, 191

Koch, E.E. 187

Koningstein, J.A. 8, 9, 27, 121

Koster, G.F. 206

Kramers, H.A. 5

Krauzman, M. 121, 126

Krindach, DoP. 113

K~hmstedt, R. 115

Kulevskii, L.A. 121, 126, 191

Kurosawa, T. 58, 61, 62, 71, 78,

80, 87, 117, 119, 128, 133,


Kurtz, S.K. 172

Kutsov, V.F. 121

Lalov, I.I° 191

Lamprecht, G. 55, 80, 82-84, 96,


Landau, L.D. 9, 53, 201, 202

Landsberg, G. 3

Lang, M. 1

Lau, A. ii, 174

Lauberau, A. 174

Laughman, L. 106, 192

Lax, M. 2

Laibfried, G. 14

Leite, R.C.C. 67, 177

Lemanov, V.V. 106

Lenz, K. ii

Lepard, D.W. 8

Lifschitz, E.M. 53, 201, 202

yon der Linde, D. 174

Long, D. ii

Longuet-Higgins, H.C. 28

Loockwood, D.J. 34, 40

Loudon, R. 2, 12, 29, 36, 39, 55,

64, 82, 92, 137, 139, 202-204,

206, 207

Louisell, W. 156

Love, W.F. 16

Lucovsky, G. 79

Ludwig, W. 1

Lugovoi, V.N. 167

Lyubimov, V.N. 186

Madelung, O. 151

Magde, D. 113

Mahr, H. 113

Mandelstam, L. 3

Maradudin, A.A. 127, 132, 189

Marschall, N. 180, 184

Martin, R.M. 149

DeMartini, F. 127, 173, 175


Page 239: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Massot, M. 121

Mathieu, J.P. 12, 24, 31, 36, 39,

121, 126, 204, 207

Mathieu Merian, J. 143

Matossi, F. 12

Mattei, G. 69

Mavrin, B.N. 117, 121, 191

Mavroyannis, C. 144

McClain, W.M. 28, 34, 36, 204,


McClung , F.J. i0

McMullen, J.D. 127, 132, 136

McWeeny, R. 23, 31, 38, 39

McWhorter, A.L. 8

Menzies, A.C. 18, 34

Merten, L. 2, 55, 61, 62, 79, 80,

Okamoto, Y. 117

Oksengorn, B. ll

Olthof-Hazekamp, R. 18

Onstott, J. 79

Oshman, M.K. 113

Otaguro, W.S. 86, 106, 139, 143

Otto, A. 88, 178, 182, 184, 185,


Ovander, L.N. 36, 139, 204

Overhauser, A. 149

Pagannone, M. 69

Pantell, R.H. 135, 172, 173, 192

Paraire, N. 135

PateI,C.K.N. 9, 177

Paul, H. 166

82-84, 86, 88, 92, 96, 98, 115, Pekar, S.I. 55

129-131, 135, 136, 139, 141 Penin, A.N. 113, 121

Miller, S.C. 16 Peretti, P. 121

Mills, D.L. i, 2, 12, 54, 66, 127, Petersson, J. 134

139, 143, 189

Mirlin, D.N. 180

Mooradian, A. 8, 176

Moresin, B. 18

Mortensen, O.S. 8, 27

Moser, H. 7, 16, 190

Mosteller, L.P.jr. 178, 187

M~ser, H.E. 134

Murphy, G.M. 28

Nakamura, T. 192

Nelson, D.F. 2

Nitsch, W. 178, 180, 189 r..

Nussleln, V. 149

Nye, J.F. 24, 26, 39, 121, 204

Nyquist, H° 202, 203

Obukhovskii, V.V. 112, 113

Ohama, N. 117

Ohtaka, K. 135, 189

Pfeiffer, M. ii

Phillips, J.C. 149

Pick, R.M. 2, 57, 149, 197

Pinczuk, A. 64, 105, 139, 143

Pisarev, R.V. 106

Placzek, G. 6, 9, 140

Polivanov, Yu.N. 121, 126, 191

Polkovnikov, B.F. 113

Polnikov, B.F. 121

Poluektov, S.N. 121, 126, 191

Ponath, H.E. ii, 112, 113, 115,

174, 191

Poppinger, M. 9

Porto, S.P.S. 9, 82, 86, 87, 88,

i04-iO6, 121, 134, 135, 139,

142, 143

Posledovich, M. 93-97, 99-101, 116

Postollec, M.le 126

Poulet, H. 12, 31, 36, 39, 82,

139, 204, 207


Page 240: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Prasad Rao, A.D. 135

Prokhorov, A.M. 121

Prokhorov, K.A. 126

Puthoff, H.E. 135, 172, 173

Raman, C.V. 3

Ranson, P. 121

Rasetti, F. 8, iO

Rath, K. 167, 172

Reinisch, R. 135

Richter, W. 86

Rokni, M. 192

Rosenthal, J.E. 28

Rosenzweig, A. 18

Rousset, Y. 121

Ryan, J.F. 175

Samikov, D.G. 186

Schaack, G. 77, 86, 121-124, 136,

142, 143

Schaffers, W.J. 187

Schopper, H. 187

Schorygin, P.P.J. i0

Schrader, B. 62

Schr~der, U. 149

Slack, G.A. 2

Slusher, R.E. 9, 177

Smekal, A. 3, 8

Smit, J. 86, 106, 121, 142

Sohler, W. 178, 187

Solin, S.A. 174

Soottoo, J. 172

Sovolev, N.N. 121

Stanton, L. ii

Statz, H. 204

Steffan, L. 86, 88-90

Sterin, Kh.E. 117, 121, 191

Stern, E.A. 184

Stoicheff, B.P° Ii, 167

Strey, G. 8

Strizhevskii, V.L. 112, 113, 175,


S~ssmann, G, 14

Suschtschinskii, M.M. 12

Sussman, S.S. 172

Szivessy, G. 187

Szymanski, H.A. 9

Tang, C.L. 113

Tannenwald, P.E. 167, 172

Schr~tter, H.W. 2, 12, 34, 51, 76, Tell, B. 82, 104, 105

167, 173 Teng, M.K. 121

Schwarz, S.E. i0 Terada, M. 90

Scott, J.F. 2, 55, 67, 68, 82, 86, Thuy, Ch.T. Ii

87, 105, 143, 172, 175, 177

Scrocco, M. 69

Shah, J. 143, 177

Sham, L.J. 149

Shapiro, S.M. 90, 121

Shen, Y.R. 166, 167

Shepherd, I.W. 192

Shigoryn, V.D. 126

Shipulo, G.P. 126

Sindeev, Yu.G. 45

Sinha, S.K. 149

Tinkham, M. 18, 23, 31

Tosatti, E. 1

Townes, C.H. 167

Tsu, R. 62

Tsuboi, M. 90

Unger, B. 77, 86, 121-124, 136,

142, 143

Ushioda, S. 64, 105, 127, 132,

136, 139, 143, 192


Page 241: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Varga, B.B. 175, 176

Vineyard, G.H. 127

Vodar, B. iI

Vos, A. 18

Walker, Ch.T. 2

Wall, L.S. 192

Wiesendanger, E. 86, 88-90, 121

Wilson, E.B.jr. 7, 16, 20, 24,

26, 34, 190

Winter, F.X. 34, 40, 93-97, 99-

iO1, 108, 110-112, 114-116,

121, 191, 207

Wolter, H. 187

Wallis, R.F. 127, 132, 186, 187, Woodbury, E.J. iO


Weber, W. 149

Weigmann, H.-J. ii

Weinberg, D.L. 172

Weiner, D. iO

Weiss, G.H. 127

Welsh, H.L. 8

Wemple, H. 144

Werncke, W. ii, 115, 174

Wheeler, R.B. 204

Wiener-Avnear, E° 86, 106, 121,

139, 142, 143

Woodward, L.A. 9

Wooten, F. 178, 187

Worlock, J.M. 68

Wright, G.B. 8, 12, 176

Yarborough, J.M. 172

Yashkir, Yu.N. 175, 191

Zak, J. 16

Zeiger, H.J. 167


Page 242: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

Subject Index

acoustic dispersion branch 42

adiabatic approximation 144

anisotropy 62 ff., 73, 78, 92,

117 ff., 129 ff.

annihilation operator 152

Anti-Stokes scattering 3, 52, 65,

151, 161, 165, 166

antisymmetric tensors 28, 29, 33,


atomic displacement tensor 140,

167, 205

attenuated total reflection 179,

180, 184

backward scattering 85

birefringence 104, 105

Born-Oppenheimer approximation

189, 198

Born v. K~rm~n model 41 ff., 144

Brillouin scattering 21, 23

bulk polaritons 66, 178

carrier concentration 175

characters 18, 22, 26, 37

coherent Anti-Stokes Raman spec-

troscopy 12, 174

commutation rules 154, 157 ff.

complex scattering tensor 37

continuity condition 183, 184

Coulomb forces 42 ff., 146, 195

creation operator 152

crossing points 95 ff., 136, 191

current density 199

damping factor 128 ff., 163, 180

Debye relaxations 132 ff.

degeneracy 18, 63, 66, 107

depolarization ratio 7, 34

dielectric function 48, 58, 59, 80,

88, 117, 128, 137, 175, 203

difference frequency 173, 174

dipole moment 3, 8, 51, 121, 132,

161, 201, 205

dispersion relation 48, 61, 62, 71,

78, 91-93, 117, 129, 134, 135,

159, 170, 183

dynamical matrix 146, 199, 200

effective charge 43

- field 147, 193

- Raman tensor 139, 205, 206

eigenvalues 3, 7, 153, 199

electric field induced Raman acti-

vity 68

electro-optic tensor 140, 167, 205,


electrostatic model 42, 46, 50

energy conservation 3, 14, 52, 103,


- density 52, 53, 55, 56, 144, 151,

163, 168, 197

exciting light 7, 65, 67, 72, 85,

109, 202

exciton i, 8


Page 243: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

extraordinary modes 69, 71, 78,

91, 97, i15, 118, 129, 169,

186, 205

Fermi resonance 190, 191

ferroelectrics 106, 134

fluctuations 201, 202

fluorescence 5

Fourier series 154 ff., 193 ff.

gain factor 165

Hamilton function 52, 151, 198

Helman-Feynman theorem 199

Hermitian polynomials 20

hyperbolas 66, 103, 112

hyper-Raman effect ii, 34

idler wave 172

imaginary frequency 132 ff.

impurities 126, 127, 188

intermediate states 5

inverse Raman effect ii

inversion centre 16, 66, 68,

104, 121

IR-absorption 31, 34, 66

irreducible representation 16

IR-reflectivity 178 ff.

Kurosawa relation 59, 128, 133

Landau levels 9

librations 8

life time 174

limiting lines 66, 67, 103,

109, 114

local electric field 44, 147,


Lorentz tensor 148

Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation 49,

59, 133, 134

macroscopic field 44, 146 ff., 196,


magnon i, 9, 53, 54

Maxwells' equations 45, 144, 150,


mode mixing 58, 70, 78, 83, 95,

120-125, 156, 169, 173 ff.,

175 ff., 189

- strength 59, 80, 81

modulation 163

momentum conservation 3, 14, 64,


nearest neighbors 147

normal coordinates 6, 56, 148,


number of modes 58, 62, 69, 78,

117, 118, 142

Nyquist theorem 201, 202

optical activity 102

- dispersion branch 42

- feedback 161

optically negative crystal 105

- positive crystal 105

ordinary modes 69, 71, 106, 115,

118, 129, 169, 185

oscillator strength see mode


phase factor 165

- transitions 135, 191, 194

- velocity 50, 51, 64, 107

photographic recording 109 ff.

photon dispersion 50, 113 ff.

pico second pulses 174

Placzek's expansion 6, 140

plasmariton 9, 176, 177

plasma waves I, 8, 175 ff.

polarizability 4, 6, 8, 9, 20, 28,

33, 35, 43, 44, 140, 167


Page 244: Light Scattering by Phonon-Polaritons

polarization i, 43, 56, 63, 95,

131, 149, 155, 160

- current 200

polar modes 24

Poulet-Loudon approximation 82

poynting vector 85

projection operator 23, 29

quantization 151

quasi-momentum 14, 64

quasinormal coordinates 56, 57,

63, 69, 70, 136, 138, 205

quasi-stimulated radiation 174

Rayleigh scattering 7

real surface polariton 188 ff.

reduced mass 43

refractive index 13, 14, 46, 65,

85, 99, i00, 108

relaxation time 132, 134

Resonance Raman scattering 5, 6,

9, 203

response function 200-202

rigid ion model 144 ff.

scattering intensity 4, 98, 109,

112, 139 ff., 172, 202, 203,

205, 206

- plane 74, 107

spin 8

Stokes scattering 3, 51, 65, 151,

161, 165, 166

sublattice 56, 148

surface phonons 185

susceptibility 4, 139 ff., 164,


symmetry operation 18

transfer operator 29

vacuum field 53, 151, 199

vector potential 155

Venetian blind 77

vibrational Raman lines 8

virtual surface polaritons 187

wave equation 162, 163, 169, 170,

182, 199

- normal vector 61

- number 13

- vector magnitude 15, 65, 72,78,

85, 102, 103, 107, iii, 180

-- mismatch 165, 166

Wigner-Eckart theorem 204