life changing products and business opportunity

Nutrition for a better life. Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity HERBALIFE Nutrition for a better life.

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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Statistics show a rise in consumer spending for body image concerns. “The IHRSA also reported that the total revenue in the fitness industry reached $21.8 billion in 2012.” Data source: International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), May, 2013. “Over the past 30 years, prevalence of obesity has tripled. More than half of U.S. adults are actively trying to lose weight.” Data source: Partnership Capital Growth, LLC, 2010. “In 2012, U.S. skin care sales reached $11.7 billion. By 2016, U.S. men’s grooming sales will reach $5.8 billion.” Data source: Euromonitor International, 2013.


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Nutrition for a better life.

Life Changing Products and Business OpportunityHERBALIFE

Nutrition for a better life.

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Statistics show a rise in consumer spending for body image concerns.

“The IHRSA also reported that the total revenue in the fitness industry reached $21.8 billion in 2012.”

Data source: International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), May, 2013.

“Over the past 30 years, prevalence of obesity has tripled. More than half of U.S. adults are actively trying to lose weight.”

Data source: Partnership Capital Growth, LLC, 2010.

“In 2012, U.S. skin care sales reached $11.7 billion.

By 2016, U.S. men’s grooming sales will reach $5.8 billion.”

Data source: Euromonitor International, 2013.



t M

anageMent OUteR nUtRitiO


f itneSS

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Yet more and more people have bad habits and eat poorly.

• North America has some of the highest obesity rates in the world for adults. The combination of a bad diet and minimal physical activity are the primary causes for obesity.1

• The average city in North America has an obesity rate of 30 percent or higher meaning that AT LEAST one in three people are obese.2

• People in North America generally don’t prepare meals and sit down for dinner together as frequently as they did 20 years ago. Moreover, they consume significantly more fast food which is packed with sugars and fats.3

1 Oregon Health & Science University website. What is Obesity? 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Trends by State 1985-2009.3 Office of the Surgeon General: Overweight and Obesity: Health Consequences.

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BMi trends among U.S. adultsThe Body Mass Index is a way to determine whether your weight is healthy or not. It is considered a more useful measurement than weight. In the U.S., a body mass over 25 is considered overweight and a body mass over 30 is considered obese.



BRFSS, 1990, 2000, 2010(*BMI ≥30, or about 30lbs. overweight for 5’4” person)


Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Survelliance System, CDC

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Excess fat, sugar, white flour, salt, preservatives.

fast foods are excessively high in calories and deficient in the nutrients your body needs. high calorie intake and low physical activity creates calorie imbalance, making you gain weight.

Hamburger, fries and soda (21 fl. oz.)1

• 1,130 calories• 48 g of fat• 30 g of protein• 75 mg of cholesterol

Two deluxe tacos2

• 460 calories• 22 g of fat• 20 g of protein• 70 mg of cholesterol

1 Meal Builder,, accessed April 2013.2 Full Nutrition Information: All Items,, accessed April 2013.

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the Reality of Our Daily Diet A balanced diet is essential for providing our bodies with the nutrients required to function properly. Unfortunately, most Americans find making healthy choices a challenge.

• Sugar

• Salt

• Alcohol

• Tobacco

• Fats

• Pollution: air, water

• Protein

• Vitamins

• Minerals

• Fiber

• Amino acids

• Complex carbs

• Phytonutrients

• Water



Optimum Nutrition

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herbalife team Member...

good nutrition for a heaLthY life!

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Vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, amino acids,

phytonutrients, antioxidants

Well-balanced, healthy meals provide a variety of essential nutrients. good nutrition and regular exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight and overall wellness.

Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix*(1 serving of Formula 1, 8 oz. of nonfat milk and 1 oz. of strawberries)

• 228 calories• 1 g of fat• 18 g of protein• 6 mg of cholesterol

*Nutrition Information for milk obtained from

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nUtRient-packeD. heaLthY. BaLanceD.

pROteinAs much protein as 3 large eggs

VitaMin cAs much Vitamin C as 2 small peaches

VitaMin eAs much Vitamin E as 25 pieces of whole almonds

fiBeRAs much fiber as1 small apple

caLciUMAs much calcium as1.5 cups of cottage cheese

VitaMin aAs much Vitamin A as ½ cup of cooked broccoli


Start your day right Formula 1 is a delicious healthy meal that provides protein and other important nutrients to help satisfy your hunger and give you lasting energy. Each shake is packed with 21 vitamins and minerals, fiber, and is an excellent source of antioxidants.† Clinical studies have shown that daily usage of meal replacement shakes is effective for managing weight, along with moderate exercise.

† Vitamin A (as beta-carotene), C & E

“ Herbalife market share in the meal replacement category for 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively was 24.5%, 26.8% and 28.5%, making Herbalife the brand leader in this category.”

Source: Euromonitor international.

The depicted fruits and vegetables contain other nutrients not present in Herbalife® Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix. Herbalife recommends consumption of Formula 1 as part of a regimen that also includes fruits and vegetables. An Herbalife® Formula 1 shake made with nonfat milk has only 180 calories and 18 g of protein, 15 mg Vitamin C, 7.5 IU Vitamin E, 3 g of fiber, 350 mg calcium, and 1750 IU Vitamin A.

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Our foundationMark hughesfounder of herbalife

MARK HUGHES (1956–2000), Herbalife’s Founder and First Distributor

• In 1980, Mark Hughes started Herbalife at age 23.

• Mark knew there was a better way for people to get healthy.

• Mark’s dream is now a reality as Herbalife operates in over 90 countries.

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herbalife is worldwide – in over 90 countries and continues to expand






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Numbers shown have been rounded up to the nearest tenth.

cOnSiStent Yearly SaLeS gROWthOver 3 decades in businessOver $7.5 billion suggested retail sales in 2013$1 billion suggested retail sales growth from 2012 to 2013

2M 423M








1980 1984 1996 2004 2006 2010 2011 2012 2013

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MiCHAEl O. JOHNSONChief Executive Officer

• Named chief executive officer of Herbalife in 2003 and chairman in 2007.

• Under his direction, suggested retail sales have increased over 238 percent – from 2003 of $1.9 billion to $6.4 billion in 2012.

• Has strengthened Herbalife’s product development and manufacturing as part of the Seed to Feed strategy.

• Chairman of the Herbalife Family Foundation.

• Fitness enthusiast and accomplished cyclist.

Our LeadershipMichael O. Johnson chief executive Officer

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advisorsToday, Herbalife has a great team of paid advisors, including:

* Titles are for identification purposes only. The University of California does not endorse specific products or services as a matter of policy.† The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and does not review, approve or endorse Herbalife® products.

David heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.

Chairman, Herbalife Nutrition Institute and Nutrition Advisory Board and Founding Director, Center for Human Nutrition, UCLA*

Lou ignarro, Ph.D.

Nobel† Laureate in Medicine

Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the UCLA* School of Medicine

excellence in Science

Steve Henig, Ph.D.


Luigi Gratton, M.D., M.P.H.

VICE PRESIDENT Product Marketing

Gary Small, M.D.

MEMBER Herbalife Nutrition InstituteNutrition Advisory Board

David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.

CHAIRMAN Herbalife Nutrition Institute and Nutrition Advisory Board

John Heiss, Ph.D.

SENIOR DIRECTOR Sports and FitnessWorldwide Product Marketing

Paulo Giacomoni, Ph.D.

VICE PRESIDENT Research and DevelopmentSkincare

Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.Nobel* Laureate in Medicine

MEMBER Herbalife Nutrition InstituteNutrition Advisory Board

Vasilios Frankos, Ph.D.

SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Global Product Science, Safety and Compliance

Rocio Medina, M.D.

VICE PRESIDENT Nutrition Training

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Julián Álvarez Garcia, Ph.D.


Florisa Barquera, M.D.


Pedro Barreda Muñoz, M.D.


Joaquim Caetano, M.D.


Banu Cayci, M.D.


Linong Ji, M.D.


Yubin He, M.D.


Marion Flechtner-Mors, Ph.D.


Jorge Dominguez, M.D.


Marco De Angelis, M.D.


Nataniel Viuniski, M.D.


Chin-Kun Wang, Ph.D.


Jonathan Yarom, M.D.


Patricio Kenny, M.D.


Jenny Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

United States

Roman Malkov, M.D.


Jacques Manic, M.D.


Carel le Roux, M.D., Ph.D.

United Kingdom Ireland

Cecilia Solis-Rosas, M.D., FACP


Jaime Orrego Gaviria, M.D.


Anoop Misra, M.D.


Felipe Melgar, M.D.


Jose Reinhart, M.D.



nutrition advisory Board The NAB is comprised of leading experts around the world in the fields of nutrition and health who educate Herbalife Members and, in China, sales employees, on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle.

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Sports nutrition Herbalife24 is the first comprehensive performance nutrition line empowering athletes 24 hours a day.

• For active lifestyles from professional athletes to youth sports

• Modular, customizable program for all sports nutrition needs

• Third-party tested for banned substances

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total nutrition

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Cellular Nutrition


personalized nutrition

Changing people’s lives since 1980 using Total Nutrition• Weight Management

• Digestive Health

• Heart Health

• Stress Management

• Immune Health

• Women’s Health

• Healthy Aging

• Men’s Health

• Children’s Health

• Energy & Fitness

• Outer Nutrition

Good health through Herbalife® Cellular Nutrition• Our body is made up of

over 100 trillion cells

• Cells form tissues

• Tissues form organs

• Organs form body systems

• The systems working together make up a human being

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incReDiBLe pRODUct ReSULtS

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lost 32 lbs. lost 78 lbs.

lost 22 lbs.lost 90 lbs.

RUBYMiR R. before: 274 lbs.after: 184 lbs.

tOM R.before: 210 lbs.after: 178 lbs.

kiRSten S.before: 198 lbs.

after: 120 lbs.

SeRgiO M.before: 172 lbs.

after: 150 lbs.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

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BRUce W.before: 188 lbs.after: 160 lbs.

lost 28 lbs.

ana B.before: 378 lbs.after: 265 lbs.

cYnthia W.before: 268 lbs.

after: 194 lbs.

ROn a.before: 435 lbs.

after: 219 lbs.

lost 74 lbs. lost 216 lbs.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

lost 113 lbs.

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aDRienne V.before: 35.5 inchesafter: 24 inches

gaRRain J.before: 35 inches

after: 31 inches

lost 4 inches,10.4% body fat

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

Vinnie L.before: 38 inches

after: 32 inches

lost 6 inches,Body Fat: 24% to 9%

lost 2 inches,Body Fat: 24% to 17%

MaRiabefore: 26 inchesafter: 24 inches

lost 11.5 inches,Body Fat: 24% to 12%

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JOhn t.Chairman’s Club

Shane R.Millionaire Team

powered by

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gReat pRODUctS.

gReat BUSineSS.

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as a MeMBeR, you have the opportunity to:

• Use the products.

• Help family and other Members get results on the products.

Daily Methods of Operation.

• Teach other Members to do the same.

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Statement of average gross compensation paid by herbalife to United States Members in 2012People become Herbalife Members for a number of reasons. The majority (73%)(1) primarily join us to receive a wholesale price on products they and their families enjoy. Some wish to earn part-time money, wanting to give direct sales a try and are encouraged by Herbalife’s low start-up costs (at their option, a Mini Herbalife Member Pack [HMP] at $57.75 or full HMP at $89.55, plus applicable sales tax, shipping and handling) and money-back guarantee(2). Others are drawn to Herbalife because they can be their own boss and can earn rewards based on their own skills and hard work.

Whatever the motivation, an Herbalife Membership is something like a gym membership: results vary with the time, energy and dedication you put into it. Anyone considering an active Membership needs to understand the realities of direct selling. It is hard work. There is no shortcut to riches, no guarantee of success. However, for those who devote the time and energy to develop a stable base of customers and then mentor and train others to do the same, the opportunity for personal growth and an attractive part-time or full-time income exists. Moreover, unlike other businesses, there are minimal start-up costs in beginning your Herbalife Membership. There is no need for a Member to spend significant amounts of money on sales aids or other materials. In fact, Herbalife’s corporate policy discourages the use of such sales aids, especially in the first few months of a Membership.

The majority of Herbalife’s Independent Members (71%) have not sponsored another Member and are therefore “single-level” Members. Single-level Members benefit from buying Herbalife® products at a preferred price for their consumption and that of their families, and for many this is the only benefit they seek. Some may also be retailing products for a profit and this profit is not included in any of the compensation figures below.

Some Members (29%) have decided to sponsor others to become Herbalife Members. In that way, they may seek to build and maintain their own downline sales organizations. They are not paid anything for sponsoring new Members. They are paid solely based on product sales to their downline Members for their own consumption or for retail to others. This multilevel compensation opportunity is detailed in Herbalife’s Sales & Marketing Plan, which is available to all Members online at

For potential Members to make an informed decision, we offer the following chart to show the different ranges of average gross compensation that Herbalife pays to its Members. The figures below do not include any retail/wholesale profit that a Member makes from selling Herbalife® products to others nor do these figures include expenses incurred by a Member in the operation or promotion of his or her business. Such business expenses can vary widely. They might include advertising or promotional expenses, product samples, training, rent, travel, telephone and Internet costs, and miscellaneous expenses. The compensation received by the Members in this chart is not necessarily representative of the gross compensation, if any, that any particular Member will receive. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual gross compensation or profits. Success with Herbalife results only from successful product sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities.

(1) Based on a Member research survey conducted in the USA by Lieberman Research Worldwide, January 2013, with a margin of error +/- 3.7%.

(2) 90 days on the return of the HMP and one year on the return of resalable inventory, upon leaving the business.

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The compensation chart below indicates that 434,125 Members (88%) received no payments from Herbalife during 2012. However, this chart does not include amounts earned by Members on their sales of Herbalife® products to others.

Additionally, this chart does not include the benefit to Members buying Herbalife® products at a preferred price for their consumption and that of their families. Based on the company’s survey, 73%(1) of individuals became Members primarily for this benefit.

51.0% of all sales leaders as of February 1, 2011, requalified by February 1, 2012 (including 34.3% of first time sales leaders).

The majority of those Members who earned in excess of (USD)100,000 in 2012 had reached the level of Herbalife’s President’s Team. During 2012, 47 US Members joined the level of President’s Team. They averaged nine years as an Herbalife Member before reaching President’s Team, with the longest being 20 years and the shortest being less than three years.

(1) Based on a Member research survey conducted in the USA by Lieberman Research Worldwide, January 2013, with a margin of error +/- 3.7%.

(2) 90 days on the return of the HMP and one year on the return of resalable inventory, upon leaving the business.

Single-Level Members (No Downline)

Economic OpportunityMembers*

The economic rewards for single-level Members are the wholesale pricing received on products for consumption by the Member and his or her family as well as the opportunity to retail product to non-Members. Neither of these rewards are payments made by the company and therefore are excluded from this schedule.

Number %

• Wholesale price on product purchases

• Retail profit on sales to non-Members351,065 71%

Non-Sales Leaders** With a Downline

Economic OpportunityMembers

In addition to the economic rewards of the single-level Members above, which are not included in this chart, certain non-sales leader Members with a downline may be eligible for payments from Herbalife on downline product purchases made directly with Herbalife.

2,466 of the 4,449 eligible Members earned such payments in 2012.The average total payments to the 2,466 Members was (USD)104.

Number %

• Wholesale price on product purchases

• Retail profit on sales to non-Members

• Wholesale profit on sales to another Member

60,333 12%

Sales Leaders** With a Downline

Economic Opportunity

Members All Sales Leaders with a Downline

This chart does not include

amounts earned by Members on their sales of Herbalife® products to


Number %Average Payments

from Herbalife (USD)Number of Members

% of Total Grouping

Average Gross Payments


• Wholesale price on product purchases

• Retail profit on sales to non-Members

• Wholesale profit on sales to another Member

• Multilevel compensation on downline sales

- Royalties- Bonuses

82,464 17%

>250,000 194 0.2% 724,030

100,001-250,000 452 0.5% 148,808

50,001-100,000 539 0.7% 68,912

25,001-50,000 1,136 1.4% 35,581

10,001-25,000 1,940 2.4% 15,538

5,001-10,000 2,552 3.1% 7,008

1,001-5,000 11,307 13.7% 2,216

1-1,000 39,151 47.5% 292

0 25,193 30.6% 0

Total 82,464 100.0% 4,485

*30,621 of the 351,065 single-level Members are sales leaders without a downline.**Sales leaders are Members that achieved the level of Supervisor or higher. See details on Herbalife’s Sales & Marketing Plan at

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* Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at

† An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

Francy Juliana F.World Team

Before Herbalife, I was going through a divorce, had poor well-being. Thanks to changes I made in my life, I started believing in myself and valuing every day. Using the Herbalife® products and incorporating a healthy lifestyle I improved my well-being. I lost body fat, gained seven pounds of lean muscle mass, and started working the business part time in August 2012. Based on my results I decided to dedicate more to my business so I could spend more time with my son, and also help my friends and clients reach their goals. Conveying Mark Hughes’ mission around the world has become my passion and lifestyle! I love Herbalife!*†

Diana C. Supervisor

I started with Herbalife thanks to the success that my sisters and brother in-laws have had, and due to their positive lifestyle changes. I am 25 years old, and I spent five of those years working at a sports warehouse. I used to work more than 40 hours a week, and had little time to focus on my well-being. Now, thanks to my increased stamina, I have been able to dedicate more time to my own business. I started my business as a way to make extra money to pay for my car. Striving for and achieving my nutrition and business goals has been a positive in my life and improved my well-being!*

Karen M.World Team

Before Herbalife, I was overweight and lacked energy. With eating healthy and regular physical activity, I lost 80 pounds and I feel spectacular! Due to the personal results I achieved, I started my own business as an Herbalife Member. Before, I was a full-time housewife and was looking for a good opportunity. Now I have my own Nutrition Club, and I feel that I have found my opportunity and improved my well-being overall.

Cameron M.GET

My Herbalife journey began when my wife and I moved to Sacramento just about a year ago. During our first few weeks in Sacramento we were both desperately looking for a job when I came across an ad that lead me to my first Herbalife meeting in Roseville, CA. After the success my father had from using the products, my wife and I both decided we were going to work in the Herbalife business. Now we are on our way to opening our own Nutrition Club! With the help of my mentor I was able to achieve more personal growth, and a greater sense of well-being. The Herbalife® products and business opportunity changed my life as well as the life of my family, and I can’t wait to share my full story with as many people as possible.

Maigan G.GET

In 2011 I began using the Herbalife® products, and eating healthy and exercising and I lost weight! My family and friends became interested in my results and started using the products. My Sponsor invited me to participate in a Nutrition Club she wanted to build, so with my business degree, I jumped into the Herbalife business oportunity with a full-time focus and a desire to make a difference! I love my Herbalife business most because it embodies and exceeds other business methods I learned about in college. We have happy customers, Members, and leadership, and this powerful combo fuels what has become my personal mission.

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Andy H.Millionaire Team

Andy, a university student, was overweight and tired all the time. “I needed a way out, and that’s when I was introduced to Herbalife – and my life began to change.” He started taking the Herbalife® products, exercising and eating healthier, and was so impressed with his results that he decided to pursue the business opportunity. Now Andy leads a healthy life fulfilling his newfound passion: helping others.*†

Jonathan W.Millionaire Team

Jonathan was unfulfilled, working hard for what he had but never recognizing what he was missing. Working for very successful corporations and then owning his own businesses, with the luxury of creating his own schedule, he still didn’t realize that none of it brought fulfillment. After meeting his Herbalife Sponsor at a seminar and becoming a Member, he continues to grow every day. He shares, “I no longer see challenges; I see opportunities.”*

Joelle & Dale T.Millionaire Team

Joelle worked as a chiropractic assistant and spent most of her paycheck on her four childrens’ day care. But after a friend introduced her to Herbalife® products, she started her own Herbalife independent business part time. “My results with the products motivated several friends to try them,” says Joelle. Then she opened a Nutrition Club and decided to work her business full time. “That was the best business decision I’ve ever made,” she adds.*

* Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at

† An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

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Brian & Cari T.President’s Team

Brian and Cari had just bought a home and were expecting a baby when Brian lost his six-figure job. He started businesses but had little success. Worried about their future, the couple followed the example of Cari’s parents and became Herbalife Members. After much dedication to their Herbalife independent business, now they have a thriving business. “And,” they exclaim, “we’re just getting started!”*

Nickeshia T. & Fitzroy R. G.Millionaire Team

Nickeshia and Fitzroy, originally from Jamaica, were concerned about their financial future. She was trying to lose extra weight. When they came across Herbalife and signed up as Members, they started to do well and realized the opportunity was good. Her Herbalife independent business transformed her life. “Nutrition Clubs became really popular. We had over 70 guests a day,” she says. They are now happy to take nutrition around the world.*†

Britni l.Millionaire Team

When a friend introduced her to Herbalife, she became a Member and has never been happier. Britni shares, “Herbalife pushes me to be a better me every day.”*

* Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at

† An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

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Mary H.Chief Executive President’s Team 20K

When Mary decided to resign from her corporate position due to the high stress, she discovered Herbalife. After seeing positive product results, she wanted to spread the word about the products and the business opportunity. Today, Mary leads a thriving business both in the United States and internationally. “I love helping people reach their health and financial goals. I’m grateful for the freedom, flexibility and income that the business provides. I love Herbalife!” she says.*

Kevin & laurie G.Executive President’s Team 15K

Kevin was a teacher, and his wife Laurie ran a day care center and taught fitness classes. Although they worked hard, they wanted to earn more money. Then Kevin’s sister suggested they try Herbalife® products and the business opportunity, so they became Herbalife Members. With hard work and dedication, their small income turned into a larger one. “We’ve enjoyed helping others as others have helped us,” Kevin says.*

* Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at

† An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

Brook K. Executive President’s Team 20K

Brook enjoyed training athletes to get into peak condition. But she had no time to work out and became overweight. When she discovered Herbalife® products, she started eating healthier, exercising again, lost weight, and became a Member and decided to work the business part time. After some time, she began earning more part time from her business than as a trainer. “I left my job and worked hard to achieve my goals in the Sales & Marketing Plan,” she says. “I also learned how to better lead my organization. Now two athletes I trained are in my downline.”*†

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Senior Consultant


Success Builder*


Qualified Producer

42%Retail &


Supervisor 50%

Retail & Wholesale & Multiple Streams

500 VP in 1 order/month

1,000 VP in1 order

*The Success Builder is a one-month order discount opportunity and not a step within the Marketing Plan

Accumulate 2,500 VP in 1-3 months

4,000 VP in1 month

2,500 VP in2 consecutive


Accumulate 5,000 VP

in 3-12 months


Purchase HMP

*Retail & wholesale profits are calculated on earn base and do not include expenses.

position Determines Your Discount and profit potential

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Founder’s Circle

Chairman’s Club

President’s Team

Millionaire Team

Global Expansion Team

World Team


Qualified Producer

Success Builder

Senior Consultant



10 first-line, Fully Qualified President’s Team members* in 10 separate lines of your downline organization

5 first-line, Fully Qualified President’s Team members* in 5 separate lines of your downline organization

10,000 Royalty Override Points in 3 consecutive months, all of the benefits of a Supervisor PLUS 2% to 6% Organizational Production Bonus, qualify for special Vacation and Training Events

4,000 Royalty Override Points in 3 consecutive months, all the benefits of a Supervisor PLUS 4% or 2% Organizational Production Bonus, qualify for special Vacation and Training Events

1,000 Royalty Override Points in 3 consecutive months, all the benefits of a Supervisor PLUS 2% Organizational Production Bonus, qualify for special Vacation and Training Events

2,500 Volume Points in each of 4 consecutive months or 10,000 Volume Points at 50% in 1 month or 500 Royalty Override Points in 1 month

4,000 Volume Points (VP) in 1 month or 2,500 in each of 2 consecutive months (with a minimum of 1,000 of those VP unencumbered each month), or 5,000 accumulated VP within 12 months, with a minimum of 3 months required, 50% Retail Profit, up to 25% Wholesale Profit, earn up to 5% Royalty Override on three levels

2,500 accumulated Volume Points in 1 to 3 months, all orders must be purchased directly through Herbalife, 42% Retail Profit, 7% or 17% Wholesale Profit †

Receive a 42% discount on a 1,000 Volume Point order and on additional orders during the same Volume Month†

Minimum 500 Volume Points in 1 month, 35% or 42% Retail Profit, 7% or 17% Wholesale Profit †

25% Retail Profit, Member HAP;35% to 42% Retail Profit

TAB Team: Top Achievers

Business Team

Your Marketing plan

* For complete qualification details, refer to your HMP.† It is not necessary to become a Senior Consultant, Success Builder or Qualified Producer before qualifying as a Supervisor. For complete qualification details, refer to your HMP.

Page 36: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


herbalife gives Back

More than 90 CASAs in 50 countries.

Helping children around the world.

Page 37: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Contents subject to change. FullMini

get Started with an herbalife Member pack (hMp)

allows you to:

• Earn Member discounts and profits by retailing products

• Be a part of the Herbalife team

• Access a personalized training process

• Receive support from your Sponsor

• Sponsor others

• Do business in over 90 countries

• The opportunity for personal and financial growth

• Change lives!

Page 38: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


great products! great Business!

Your past doesn’t determine your future!

• In Business over 3 decades

• Open in Over 90 Countries

• US$5.4 Billion Suggested Retail Sales in 2011

• Over US$6.4 Billion Suggested Retail Sales in 2012

products Marketingplan


Page 39: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


YOUR neXt Step – Make a decision on your ultimate goals:

a) Get started on the products 3 Look better and feel better.

B) Start part time to supplement your income 3 Work around your current schedule.

c) Run your business as a full-time occupation.

Page 40: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


3 global Megatrends




Page 41: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


heRBaLife aMazing


Page 42: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


†Aminogen® is a registered trademark of Triarco Industries.

QuickstartBasic program for healthy weight management that includes:• 3 Core Products – Formulas 1 (750 g),

2 and 3 to support Cellular Nutrition

• Herbal Tea Concentrate (50 g)

advancedAdvanced program contains added enhancers to support metabolism and support fluid balance.* Includes ALL Quickstart program products, PLUS:• Total Control®

• Cell-U-Loss®

UltimateUltimate program contains added enhancers to help support blood glucose levels already within a normal range, provide additional fiber to contribute to feeling fuller, and break down proteins into amino acids.* Includes ALL Advanced program products, PLUS:• Snack Defense® • Thermo-Bond® • Aminogen®†

Weight Management programs That Deliver Results

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

A healthy weight-management program should include modest caloric intake, balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Page 43: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity






#2792 #3123







Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix • Up to 21 essential vitamins and minerals

Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex • Over 20 essential nutrients, including antioxidant Vitamins A

(as beta-carotene), C and E • Promotes healthy bones, skin and hair*

Formula 3 Cell Activator®

• Supports the body’s absorption of micronutrients and cellular energy production*

Formula 1 Express Meal Bar• Packed with 21 vitamins and minerals

Formula 1 + PDM On The Go Packets • The combination of Formula 1 Cookies ’n Cream and Protein Drink

Mix Vanilla delivers a rich flavor and creamy texture, for an additional protein boost anytime, anywhere

Herbal Tea Concentrate• Refreshing tea that contains a gentle lift from caffeine*†

Total Control®

• Contains caffeine† that boosts metabolism, and increases feeling of energy and alertness*


• Supports healthy elimination of excess water*

Snack Defense®

• Helps support blood sugar level already within normal range*


• Contains fibers from apple, grains, citrus and cellulose to help support digestive health*


• Helps break down protein chains into amino acids, which are smaller molecules that the body can absorb*

Prolessa® Duo• A dual-action, weight-management solution that helps with fat loss

and hunger control*

Protein Drink Mix• Boosts protein intake to 24 grams when added to the Formula 1

Healthy Meal Nutritional shake

Personalized Protein Powder• A fat-free protein supplement for hunger control that helps build

and maintain lean muscle mass

Snacks• Ideal for satisfying your appetite between meals

personalize your program

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

†Caffeine is known for its natural thermogenic (metabolism-boosting) benefits and green tea for its antioxidant properties.‡Aminogen® is a registered trademark of Triarco Industries, Inc.

Page 44: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


‡Aminogen® is a registered trademark of Triarco Industries, Inc.


• A dietary supplement for protein digestion and assimilation*

• Helps break protein chains into amino acids, which are smaller molecules that the body can absorb*

• A natural enzyme supplement to support protein digestion

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The depicted fruits and vegetables contain other nutrients not present in Herbal Aloe. The image of fruits are used only to illustrate the flavor of the product.

21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program• AM formula – A morning tablet that

contains milk thistle, traditionally used for liver support, which helps promote the body’s natural elimination of toxins*

• PM formula – An evening tablet that contains dandelion, traditionally used to support healthy elimination*

Florafiber• Helps support digestive health

with fiber and provides friendly bacteria*

Active Fiber Complex• Promotes regularity and healthy

bowel movement*

• Supports growth of friendly intestinal bacteria*

• 5 g of balanced soluble and insoluble fiber

• Add to Formula 1 for a thicker, smoother shake

Herbal Aloe liquid and powder• Soothes the stomach

• Relieves occasional indigestion

• Improves nutrient absorption

Digest and Feel Your Best Support your digestive system with ingredients traditionally used for healthy digestion and the body’s natural elimination of toxins.*


As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

Page 45: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity

45 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Take Control of Your Heart Health

Core Complex• Convenient daily packettes contain six

softgels, including Herbalifeline®, Tri-Shield® and CoQ10 Plus

• Target the four key indicators of heart health – cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine and oxidative stress


• Helps maintain cholesterol and triglyceride levels already within a normal range*

• Vitamin E provides antioxidant support*

CoQ10 Plus• CoQ10 helps support heart

health by providing energy to heart cells and serves as a powerful antioxidant and free-radical scavenger*

• Vitamin D supports general health benefits*

Mega Garlic Plus• Supports healthy circulation

and heart health*

• Each tablet supplies the powerful benefits of one whole garlic clove


• Provides nutrition for your heart with this formula containing 100% pure Neptune Krill Oil (NKO®†)

• Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within a normal range with three heart-healthy compounds*


• Supports nitric oxide production for energy, vascular and circulatory health*

• Helps keep blood vessels toned and flexible for healthy vascular function*

• Supports blood flow to support the function of the heart, brain and other organs*

† NKO® is a registered trademark of Neptune Technologies and Bioressources, Inc.‡ Source:, “Health benefits of docosahexaeonic acid (DHA)”. As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to

our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

Page 46: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Good Heart Health Begins With the Right Nutrients

What Researchers SayKeeping in Circulation• Garlic has been shown to support

healthy circulation.*

Supporting Vascular Health • Evidence from epidemiological and clinical trials

suggests that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may have a significant role in supporting heart health.*

Maintaining Blood Fat Levels • Krill oil has been shown effective in supporting

healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.*

Rejuvenating Arteries • Research suggests that L-Arginine and L-Citrulline,

found in Niteworks®, help produce Nitric Oxide, which can protect cardiovascular health and help arteries stay flexible and youthful.*

† With the addition of CoQ10 Plus to Core Complex.

Target Area Herbalifeline® Tri-Shield® Core Complex Niteworks® CoQ10 PlusMega Garlic Plus

Total Cholesterol



Blood Pressure 3

















3 3


Vascular Health

Heart Energy

Antioxidant Support



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 47: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Relax Now• Contains jujube and

passionflower, which help you cope with occasional stress and maintain a healthy mood*

Sleep Now• Supports sleep so you

can rest easy*

• Helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle*

• Contains passionflower, hops, melatonin, valerian and lavender

Keep Stress at Bay Ease stress and enjoy restful sleep.

As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 48: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Garden 7®

• Delivers 7+ phytonutrients like those found in fruits and vegetables

• Contains powerful antioxidant Vitamins A (as beta-carotene) and C

• Helps nourish cells and organs so they function properly*

Hand Sanitizer†

• Alcohol- and triclosan-free spray

• Kills 99.99% of most common germs

• Fits in your pocket, purse or travel bag

• Gentle botanical blend won’t strip away the healthy oils in your skin

Schizandra Plus• Supports immunity and

cellular health*

• Provides general antioxidant support against free radicals*

• Supports your body’s natural defense against oxidative stress*

†For external use only.‡Best Defense® is classified as a dietary supplement.

Best Defense®‡

• Contains a robust source of echinacea and 1,000 mg Vitamin C

• Helps support your immune system*


• Supports your body’s natural defense against environmental toxins*

• Provides antioxidant support throughout the day*

Support Your Body’s Natural DefensesStay healthy all year long.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 49: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Xtra-Cal® Advanced• Helps build strong bones and

maintain bone density and healthy teeth*

• Three easy-to-swallow tablets supply 100% of the Daily Value (100%DV) for calcium and Vitamin D intake

Tang Kuei Plus• Helps ease PMS discomfort*

• Helps relax smooth muscle*

• Supports the female reproductive system*

Triple Berry Complex• Provides an antioxidant

boost and dietary support for urinary tract health*

• Contains concentrated cranberries, blueberries and bilberries

Woman’s Choice• Menopausal support with

just 1 tablet per day*

• Helps support comfort and well-being for women during monthly hormonal fluctuations and menopause*

Natural Balance for Women Ease PMS discomfort, support well-being during menopause and getthe benefits of powerful antioxidants with our Women’s Health products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 50: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Joint Support Advanced • Contains glucosamine to support healthy

joint function and comfort*

• Contains the herb scutellaria for antioxidant and healthy-aging benefits*

• Excellent source of manganese and selenium and a good source of copper

Ocular Defense Formula

• Lutein supports eye health during aging*

• Lutein helps support healthy vision*

• Provides nutrition for the eye*

Support Your Eyes and Joints as You AgeOur Healthy Aging products will help you stay active whether you’re in your 20s, 40s, 60s or beyond.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 51: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


† Prelox® is a registered trademark of Horphag Research, Ltd.

Robust Health for Men Our Men’s Health products target male health to aid in enhanced physical performance and a healthy prostate.*

As part of our branding initiative, we are phasing in new product labels to our entire product line. During this transition, you may receive products with either the old or new label design based on warehouse availability.

Male Factor 1000®

• Proprietary blend of nettle, ginseng, calcium and Vitamin C

Ultimate Prostate Formula• Contains saw palmetto that

promotes healthy prostate and urinary function*

• Excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin E

Prelox®† Blue• Helps promote sexual intimacy

and pleasure*

• Protects blood vessel and circulatory health*

• Nutritional support for male sexual health*

• Patented nutritional formula helps increase blood flow for sexual performance*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 52: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners.

Kids Shakes• Great-tasting shakes with 17 essential vitamins and

minerals, plus protein and fiber

• Excellent source of calcium, B-complex Vitamins and antioxidant Vitamins A (as beta-carotene), C and E

• 15 g of protein (6 g from powder + 9 g from milk)

• Good source of fiber

Multivites• Fruit-flavored chewable multivitamin

• Provides 100% of the Daily Value of 11 essential vitamins children ages 4+ need daily

• Excellent source of B-complex Vitamins, iron, zinc and antioxidant Vitamins A (as beta-carotene), C and E


• 11 essential vitamins infants and toddlers need every day

• Easy to serve – just one full dropper (1 mL) daily dispensed directly or mixed in milk, juice or water

Essential NutritionYour Kids Need

Page 53: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


All Herbalife24 products are tested by the Banned Substances Control Group, an independent laboratory.

Herbalife24 is developed in our state-of-the-art laboratories. The research behind our products is led by a panel comprised of world-renowned experts in nutrition science. These experts include former athletes, competitive cyclists and researchers who have made significant contributions in the nutrition field.

Seize the Competitive EdgeFormula 1 SportHealthy meal for athletes

• Milk protein supports lean muscle mass

• Carbohydrate blend provides immediate and sustained energy

• L-Glutamine supports muscle growth and immune function

• Antioxidant support

ProlongSustain performance with dual-source carbohydrates and electrolytes*

• Dual-source carbohydrate blend facilitates caloric utilization*

• Whey protein isolate helps reduce muscle breakdown*

• 850 mg of electrolytes support proper muscle function*

• B Vitamins support carbohydrate metabolism*

• 500%DV of Vitamin C helps combat free radicals*

Rebuild Strengthimmediate and sustained muscle recovery*

• 24 g of whey and casein proteins create a rapid and sustained protein-building state*

• Tri-core protein-amino blend of free amino acids, whey and casein proteins help rebuild muscle and speed recovery*

• Iron essential for red blood cell protection*

• Branched-chain amino acids support muscle growth*

• L-Glutamine supports immune function and promotes muscle repair*

Rebuild EnduranceGlycogen replacement and muscle recovery*

• Branched-chain amino acids, whey and casein proteins create a rapid and sustained protein-building state*

• Carbohydrate blend replenishes muscle glycogen*

• Tri-core protein-amino blend of free amino acids, whey and casein proteins help rebuild muscle and speed recovery*

• L-Glutamine supports immune function and promotes muscle repair*

• L-Carnitine reduces recovery time

PrepareNitric oxide precursor and creatine supplement system*

• Support healthy blood flow*

• Enhance fast-twitch muscle contractions*

• Maintain focus and performance*

RestoreHelps combat temporary exercise-induced muscle inflammation*

• Scavenges free radicals*

• Supports immunity*

HydrateAdvanced hydration with bioavailable electrolytes

• Hydration anytime, for anyone

• High in the antioxidant Vitamin C

• Less than 15 calories

• Only 1 g of sugar

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 54: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


“Even though I had been hitting the gym hard for years, it wasn’t until I started using Herbalife® products that I finally

got the results I always wanted. I gained 23 pounds of lean muscle while keeping my body fat down to 10 percent. It’s

pretty amazing. I would never give up my Herbalife nutrition! Because, if you want to have the best results, you’ve got to

use the best products, and for me that’s Herbalife.”

– Nathan M.

H3O® Fitness Drink• Essential electrolytes support

cellular rehydration

• Energizing carbs for immediate and sustained energy

• Powerful antioxidants neutralize free radicals

liftoff® • Increases energy and

improves mental clarity for better performance throughout the day*

• Contains an exclusive blend of taurine, guarana, caffeine, panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba and Vitamins C, B6 and B12

N-R-G Nature’s Raw Guaranatea mix & tablets

• Hot or cold, this zesty yet gentle tea is a natural pick-me-up

• Infused with guarana, which can increase mental alertness and help maintain energy*

Power Up, Fuel Good Stay on top of your game.

Rehydrate and Replenish

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Page 55: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Soothing Gel• Shown to leave skin

smoother and softer.‡

• Infused with aloe vera and skin-conditioning botanicals to moisturize and soothe skin.

• Fragrance-free formula.

Hand & Body Cream• Clinically shown to hydrate

skin for deep nourishment.*

• Increases skin moisture by 100% after just one use.†

• Aloe vera and African shea butter absorb quickly and leave skin feeling soft and smooth.*

Bath & Body Bar Soap• Gently cleanses without

stripping necessary oils from skin.

• A blend of aloe vera, olive oil and Vitamins A, C and E nourishes the skin.

• Fresh, clean scent.

Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner• Leaves hair 10 times stronger after just one use.*

• Reduces hair breakage by 90%.*

• Hydrolyzed wheat protein helps protect, repair and strengthen your hair.*

• Color-preserving formula.

* When Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner are used in conjunction versus untreated hair. Results based on Clinical Strengthening and Breakage Study. Average value obtained from Combing Test conducted by an independent research laboratory on “damaged” hair tresses. Broken fiber counts were compared on untreated versus treated hair using Herbal Aloe Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner.

Hand & Body Wash• Gentle plant-derived


• Triple-silkening moisturizers help relieve dryness and deeply moisturize skin.

• Blend of desert botanical extracts helps maintain healthy skin.

† Hand & Body Cream versus baseline after 20 minutes. Based on Nova Meter reading study coupled with blind sensory panelist observations. In vivo studies conducted by an independent research laboratory demonstrated 100% increase in skin hydration when using Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Cream compared to baseline.

‡ Claims supported by individual panel testing.

Strengthen and Repair Your Hair Herbal Aloe Hair Care products are clinically proven to strengthen and repair damaged hair, leaving it soft and silky.* Made with beneficial botanicals, our family-friendly Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner are free of parabens, harsh sulfates and added colors and dyes.

Moisturize and Soften Your SkinDiscover the remarkable conditioning power of desert botanical extracts with our line of Herbal Aloe Bath and Body Care products, specially formulated to moisturize skin for softer, smoother results.† Made with beneficial botanicals, Herbal Aloe Bath and Body Care products are free of parabens, harsh sulfates and added colors and dyes.

Page 56: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


line Minimizing Serum† • Reduces the

appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

• Improves softness, radiance and glow in a week.

Energizing Herbal Toner• Hydrates, gently

conditions and soothes skin.

• Feel fresh and clean skin without dryness or stinging.

Soothing Aloe Cleanser• Removes dirt

and makeup.

• Softens and moisturizes.

• For normal to dry skin.

Polishing Citrus Cleanser*• Removes oil and dirt.

• Clinically tested to show areduction in the skin’s sebum after just one use.

• For normal to oily skin.

Combining Formula, Feel and Fast Results to deliver a luxurious experience you can see and feel.• Paraben-free • Sulfate-free • Dermatologist tested

*Tested on subjects, measuring sebum levels immediately after application.100% of subjects showed sebum reduction on surface of skin after one use.† Tested on subjects for smoothness, softness, glow, radiance and luminosity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of two, four and seven days. 100% of subjects showed improvement in all five areas over seven days.

Page 57: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


Firming Eye Gel†

• Helps improve the appearance of the delicate eye area by increasing skin’s elasticity.

• Contains revitalizing cucumber extract.

Daily Glow Moisturizer*§**• Doubles skin’s moisture

over eight hours.

• Clinically tested to show that skin looks more glowing and feels softer and smoother in just seven days.

Hydrating Eye Cream‡

• Minimizes lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

• Clinically tested to show a significant increase in the skin’s moisture over eight hours.

Replenishing Night Cream**††

• Doubles skin’s moisture over eight hours.

• Provides noticeable improvement of overall skin complexion and luminosity in just one week.

Purifying Mint Clay Mask§§

• Improves the appearance of pores after just one use.

• Provides the absorbent and toning effects of bentonite clay to remove dirt and absorb excess oil.

instant Reveal Berry Scrub• Helps achieve soft

and smooth skin.

• Reveals healthy-looking skin.

† Tested on subjects for firmness and elasticity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of seven days and 42 days. In 85% of subjects, improvement was seen in the appearance of firmness/elasticity in skin under the eye at 42 days.

‡ Tested on subjects, measuring skin moisture levels at eight-hour intervals. Skin of 100% of subjects showed significantly higher moisture levels over baseline after eight hours.

§ Tested on subjects measured by visual expert grading on intervals of two, four and seven days. 96% of subjects showed improvement over seven days in smoothness, softness, glow and radiance. 93% showed improvement over seven days for luminosity.

** Tested on subjects, measuring skin moisture levels at eight-hour intervals. Skin of 100% of subjects showed double the moisture levels over baseline after eight hours.

†† Tested on subjects for smoothness, softness, glow, radiance and luminosity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of two, four and seven days. 100% of subjects showed improvement in smoothness, softness and glow over seven days. 97% of subjects showed improvement in radiance and luminosity.

§§ Tested on subjects, measuring pore appearance by visual expert grading immediately after application. 100% showed improvement in appearance of pores immediately after use.

*To complement your daily routine and provide UVA/UVB protection from ordinary exposure to the sun, use Skin Activator® Day Lotion SPF 15. Also, look for Herbalife SKIN SPF 30 coming soon!

Page 58: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


† Tested on subjects, measuring sebum levels, immediately after application. 100% of subjects showed sebum reduction on surface of skin after one use. ‡ Tested on subjects measured by visual expert grading on intervals of two, four and seven days. 96% of subjects showed improvement over seven days in smoothness, softness,

glow and radiance. 93% showed improvement over seven days for luminosity. § Tested on subjects, measuring skin moisture levels at eight-hour intervals. Skin of 100% of subjects showed double the moisture levels over baseline after eight hours.** Tested on subjects for smoothness, softness, glow, radiance and luminosity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of two, four and seven days. 100% of subjects showed

improvement in smoothness, softness and glow over seven days. 97% of subjects showed improvement in radiance and luminosity.

The Basic Program Includes Soothing Aloe Cleanser or

Polishing Citrus Cleanser†, Energizing Herbal Toner, Daily Glow Moisturizer*‡§, Replenishing Night Cream**§

*To complement your daily routine and provide UVA/UVB protection from ordinary exposure to the sun, use Skin Activator® Day Lotion SPF 15. Also, look for Herbalife SKIN SPF 30 coming soon!



Page 59: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


The Advanced Program Includes the Basic Program plus the following:

Line Minimizing Serum*, Firming Eye Gel†, Hydrating Eye Cream‡


* Tested on subjects for smoothness, softness, glow, radiance and luminosity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of two, four and seven days.100% of subjects showed improvement in all five areas over seven days.

† Tested on subjects for firmness and elasticity measured by visual expert grading at intervals of seven days and 42 days. In 85% of subjects, improvement was seen in firmness/elasticity in skin under the eye at 42 days.

‡ Tested on subjects, measuring skin moisture levels at eight-hour intervals. Skin of 100% of subjects showed significantly higher moisture levels over baseline after eight hours.



Page 60: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


The Ultimate Program Includes the Advanced Program plus the following:

Purifying Mint Clay Mask*, Instant Reveal Berry Scrub and an exclusive free gift!




*Tested on subjects, measuring pore appearance by visual expert grading immediately after application. 100% showed improvement in appearance of pores immediately after use.

Page 61: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity


*To complement your daily routine and provide UVA/UVB protection from ordinary exposure to the sun, use Skin Activator® Day Lotion SPF 15. Also, look for Herbalife SKIN SPF 30 coming soon!

Daily Skin Care RegimenAchieve results you can quickly see and feel by following the Daily Skin Care Regimen.



Soothing Aloe Cleanser (For Normal to Dry Skin)

Soothing Aloe Cleanser (For Normal to Dry Skin)

Polishing Citrus Cleanser(For Normal to Oily Skin)

Polishing Citrus Cleanser(For Normal to Oily Skin)


Energizing Herbal Toner Energizing Herbal Toner


line Minimizing Serum line Minimizing Serum


Firming Eye Gel Hydrating Eye Cream


Daily Glow Moisturizer* Replenishing Night Cream


Deep cLeanSe instant Reveal Berry Scrub (1-3 times a week)

pURifY Purifying Mint Clay Mask (1-3 times a week)

Page 62: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity

Your Targeted Skin Care ConcernsSkin activator®

Day Lotion Spf 15 [a] • Minimizes the appearance of

fine lines and wrinkles.

• Gentle, light lotion with UVA/UVB protection moisturizes and firms skin.

Radiant c®

Body Lotion Spf 15 [b] • lightweight all-over lotion

with a wonderful citrus scent.

• Moisturizes and protects skin with UVA/UVB protection.

Radiant c® Daily Skin Booster [c]

• Antioxidant-enriched gel-cream seals in skin’s natural moisture.

• Enhances texture and tone, leaving skin silky soft.


Radiant c® face Quencher [d]

• instant hydrating mist for men and women to energize dehydrated skin.

• Helps set makeup for longer wear.






Page 63: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity

Stimulate Your Senses

Man• A cool, invigorating

scent with watermint and basil.

• For men who enjoy more refined and natural essences.

Woman• A subtle yet distinct

citrus blend for the modern woman.

• Contains a heart note of jasmine, water lily and peony.

Soul• A light, fresh scent

with sexy, masculine power.

• Contains a fresh blend of yuzu citrus, parsley, lavender and cedarwood.

Heart• A gentle scent

with pure, sensual botanicals.

• Includes water lily, green ivy tea leaves and gardenia.


Page 64: Life Changing Products and Business Opportunity

Nutrition for a better life.

“it’s all here at Herbalife: exciting, science-based products,experienced worldwide leadership, extensive training and an

unbelievable Marketing Plan that rewards your efforts.”John T., Chairman’s Club

© 2013 Herbalife International of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. #6704-US-13 12/13