library of congress€¦ · vt*sale-oneoffdie bemlocatedandbeat nrruieed*feguen-ian rooms in...

Vt* Sale-One off Die BeM Located and Beat nrruieed* feguen-ian rooms in Bo«too. Address 3. C. Currier, UuoDgb Beaton Post Oflle SCO C wHef InlliU'iiza Cared toy IlrandrctlCi illls witAm tbe last mon'h. This ptevall'ng complaint la r.utd by pun ft iog iho blo..l. Impure blood ia cau- e I by malHilj a necked perspiration, or by tDf cause that *KC»iiK>B» any of the evacuations of tbo bo ly to remalo louder than the time utsfgneil by nature for their re- marsi. Now, i n pa re blood, when confined to any part, .torrfp. it internally and externally. Thus wo nave eruption* pimpiea, swellings, running of the noae, with burairp wn> it '<c. pains in the bea t and limbs. Now, Xracdretti . ptllfi eur these »ymp*oms at f ace. Soms- tbues a singiH dose wilt cure, Cot nothir.g will cure aeoear, and their use occa-i«u« 110 trouble coinpira treely. Ibey ire Innocent as bread, bnt all-powerful a* ad apent (or ihe cure of <1i*ease, whether chronic, or resent infections, or otherwise. 8tld at Or. BRAS. BRKTH'8 principal office, Urandreth BulldiOK . entrance No. 48 Canal '26 cent* per boa, with full di¬ rections. a Iik>, at the bian h offices, 274 Bowery, and 241 Hudsou street. R-uiember the principal office, JBtaadrtth Building. 43 Canal (treat. OU Cagnae-rh< Heat Imported, and the universally approved, esaencea Otard, psaeh and cider tsaadiea; essence (rin, whiskey, Jamaica and St Croix Mm; oil* of juniper, blt'er almond*, ahsynth, anisettes, .araway an* piroeuto; photographic and daguerreotype Chemicals; cvarnde potassium. pyrogallic aeid, Ac. , lor eale by )>R. L. FKUCHrWANOER, 141 Maiden lane. Holloway'e Ointment and Cord Raglan.. hofe>wr Holloway ban, by order, dlipatched to the Heapital* of the Army of the Eaat. the celebrated Or. Kaowle* witli a large shipment of the ointment, to be used u»i«r hu instructions. It will cure any wound, I » note or nicer. Fold at the manufactories, No. 80 Maid¬ en lane, New York, and No. '244 Strand, I .on Ion, and by all druggists at 2b cent*, 62); cent*, and $1 per pot. M Owanf of Howi will And Dr. TobloVa Untmest, in pint bottle*, at fifty centa, superior to any¬ thing else for curing colic, swellings, galls, bruises, lump*, Ac. Po'd by all storekeepers and druggists. De pet, 60 Coxtlandt street. Dr. John Bull's Sarso par Ilia Is the moat ef¬ fectual purlier of the blood and all tbe secretion* of the human system. Our most eminent physicians, (to whom the composition has been made known, > pronounce It to be an unequalled tonic medicine for inligention, dyspep¬ sia, and liver complaints. Bold, wholesale and retail, at Or. JOHN HULL'S principal office, No. 20ortIandt street, two doers from Broadway. Price, ia quart bottles, $1 each, er six bottles for $8. [' Lovct'i* Wahpene will Restore Gray Hair to ils original color and youthful appesrance, and cures baldness. Call at 762 Broadway, where reference will ba given to aged persona who have been gray and bald, and who now have aa beautiful beads of hair aa when young, by the use of XX)VET'S wabpene. Office, 762 Broadway, Jour doors above Eighth street. Coaghs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, and all bang affections are cured immediately by using Dootor ROBE'S celebrated oough svrup 26, 50 cents and SI abot tie. Sold by R. H. HARTSHORN, 162 Fulton street, op¬ posite St. Paul's Church. AO Pain will be Cured like Magic, by using Or. BOfB'3 pain curer. It sures rheumatism from acohf, stiff neck, pain in the limbs, 'side or back; also chil¬ blains, frosted feet, oramps in the stomach or bowela. 12 W. 25 and F>0 cents a bottle. Sold by R H HARTS- BORN, 162 Fulton street, opposite St. Paul's Church. Birth. " . JUS*, 'l.'* ¦arrleo, t On Mon lay, February 19, bv the Rev. Dr Starrs, V, 6., at tbe aesldence of John Madden, Esq , Jaxih Cava- aaufh. E»q. , M. D., ol Easton, Pa , to Misa Thsraha Stew¬ art, of thia city. On Wednesday, February 21, at Brooks' Assembly Rasma, by the Kev Ansel Leo, Mr. H. My Kin, late of Ssa Franciaco, California, to Mi's Botha Licaraamw, saly daughter of II. S. Licbtenste n, of tbis city. Ban Francisco and 8acramento city ptpars please copy. At Uwghamton, New York, on Tuesday, February 20, by the Kev. W. T. Doubleday, of Ullbertville, Dr. E. (J. C*A>TH, of Newark Valley, to Sihah P. Doudlkoay, slaughter of Or A. Douhh'day, of the foraer place. On Tuesday, February 2ft, in St. Thorn is chur h, by the IUv. O. Nevill, Mr W». H. Mahom, Jr., of Hutfalo, H N. Y., to Miss Bm/abktii H. Wuitakkr, of Norwich, Conn. Oo February ^HKr. Patrick Rully, in the 434 yrar of hia age. Hi* friend* and acquaiotantance*, nod those of hU father- la- law, Pat'ick (iibney, and brother* in Uw, Mat¬ thew Gaflney, I'atiick tialllgan and Henry Poweri, are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, tblt after- .on, at one o'clock, from hia Ut« residence, No. 378 Kant Thirteenth atrcet. Ilia re-aaln* will be taken to Calvary cemetery for interment. Ob Monday, February 19, Rkbkca, daughter of the late Robert Martin, In the 20th year of her age. The friend* of the family, and those of her brother, Robert, and brothar-ln law, Dr. K. tiray, arc respect- fnUy.ln sited to attend the funeral, this afterno in, at two o'clock, from her late reeldenca, No 140 3*conl ¦tract. Foneral service at three o'clock, at St. Stephens' church, corner of liroome and Chriaty »i.r««ta. Oa Tuesday, February 20, of chron o diarrhoea, Jon* dmtom, aged r,8 years. Hia funeral will take plaoe tlila morning;, at nine .'clock, from the residence of hia brother, I'eter Clinton, No. 660 Greenwich street. The friend* of hia broth«ra Pater, Matbew and Richard Clinton, are respectfully ia rlhd to attend. Oa Tucecay, February 20, after a short illness, Jamch R., iafant child of Ftephen L. and Catharine M. Travis, agedl month and 14 day*. Ihe relative* and fiienda of the family a*e respectfully Invited to attend the funer&l, from the residence of hi* parents, No. 17 Troy street, at three o'clock thl* after- .OB. On Tueiday, Febrnary 20, ot consumption, at hia late aaidence, No. 1^0 Sixth avenue, William Cuave, carver, 31 years, native ot Dublin, Ireland Hia friend* and relativea are ie*pectfully requested to ¦Mend the funeral, to morrow afh-rneon. at one o'clock, fieaa the above address. Niagara Kn^ine Company is re- ape ct fully invited. Hi* remain* wid be taken to (ireen- aood. Dublin paper* please copy. Departed thi* life on Wednesday. January .11, at his realoen 'e, in Couth fat-olios, Jaitm A. M Garovmi M. D., formerly of New Votk city, in the 49th year of hia j age. Suddenly, of icerlet fover, oa Tuesday, F«nrusry 21, Hknry P. bwan. third arnof James and llary C. Swan, || aged 2 years, 10 months and 21 day* The relative* and fri»nda of the family are respectfully Iavited to attend tbe fuoertl, this afternoon, at two o'clock, from tbe r«sldeoe« of hi* parent*. No 13 hmth c'evmtb street, Williamsburg. Hia remain* will be tak> n to tirynwood. | Ob Wednesday, February ,21 Johw Hknii* I.rnxii, aged [,. moatlis and 4 day* Tbe relatives and friend* of the family are reipectfn'ly avited to attend the funeral, from the reldenue of hi* paieata, No. 213 ' anil 'rest, thi* afternoon, at one .'clock. Hi* remains will be taken to Greeowood ceaie ,tery for iuterm*nt. Oa Wedneedady, February 21, Lavixa HtviLAXD, widow of the late Benjamin Haviinnd, aged 72 ye^ra. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend *>er fil¬ lera 1, from the 1 out-e of Hai.btl II Falconer, No. 200 William stieet, st four o'clo»k thi* afternoon H»r re¬ tain* will be ttHen to Purchase, by the 7 o'clock tram u be Harlem Railroad. In thi* city, on Monday, February 19, after a short la en, Mr. Jou.n C. Tirwiwo, aged 81 year*, formerly of Newton, Mas*. The friends of the family ire r"*p»ctfulty Invited to .ttrnd the funeral, from tte -..¦iden.-e o! his brotV-r, Charle* Thwiog, No. 2'JO Writ Fifteenth street, tuis afternoon at two o'clock. On Tuesday, February 20, Sarrn, only soo of Smith and He nth Ann Rnlaad, .gel 2 year* and 11 month*. The relative* am) friends of the family are invited to att.n l tne funeral, from tt »!r residence, J street. (ireeu W+*-_ iii* aflerooou, at ou* o'clock. On V/edccvday, February 21, OloR'.i. W Ilxn.Y. ion of Jebn II. and < aroline II. Hyde, a^ed 2 yean, 11 mouths Mid 2 aye. Tbe frlenda an l relativeaof the family are rafpectf'iily iav ted to attend the uneral services, at thr e o'cloia usaftirnmn, from [he resdsnce of hi* grsndlatber, Daniels'. H/do No 1(H) We . Fifteenth atreot Hi* remaio* L will te IiUb Kim Cove for leteiment, to morrow morn king at ei^ht o'elocx. | On Iburac1 ay, I'ebriisiy 15, kt St. August n*, Florid*, Lwbltber l<e had gone for tbe benefit of hia V-altli, An- ItwrciHN. Sai.Ttm, eldest aoaof the late Fraavs Sultus, i thi* cry. Oa Weda^edsy, Fehruniy 91, nf »carl<-t fever. Hvko* Kadv, sob of Jetee Ca'ty, dec* i»«d, and Fenny I. ''»dy, b af ed 3 yveia and A mot ha. Tb« Irleids and aequalntan < of i>ie fairly are re naetlaliy invited to att-od tbe funeral, tli « al'»rn<>on. at two oarlock, Iron h>e lite r«d irto» Ho. 441 Hiath avenue, wl'bcut further aritatlon. Oa Tuerday, Febm.irv 21. tftrr a sho t illae*', Mr. Cbabuh Aornrfe,* la the :W«h y»ar of hia .je."' Tbefriead* and (elatiree of th* fsmi'y are -e«j»e>tf Jly tavttrd to attend the fontral, from liis late re .deac», No. W Water (tieet. to morrow nf'.etaeon, at ..el«li, without furtbrr invitation. II a rem tin* will takes toOieenwood remeteryfor ia'ermeat. KVKKk iH. HI 4to. rmMi.tN wanted.osk WHo~c mdkrVtano^ tbe eyHnder press pref»rr>d. Apply to H. llo« k Co. EA Brnw HAKii..' WANrril TWO MEN WHO IV der<'au<' at* kit g lortituia springs. Apply to 1A Hint, S73 Pe*i I :r<'. t. ¦Urto PLi Mim WASiu> i vi) i"R-r hati. joi r H| J ae} tt en plun^ff* .V< u > r goo-1 hausl* aeed op- H|l^ to MidMa A y liu, o lu-ir'.h atfei't. WANTVD-Tll 1>: F.>«tAVKR ON W.wilt, *!.<«<) a drAf'aman, who is ctpabl* of dr«wii>g in aa lrff baad mat>u«r A| l> at I -|.r U"- »ir»«t .<¦ uod WATl»li.\ J KWKLHV, AC- . VKR VlVF. IIITNDI'l' > 1TOVI E DAlP.Y M':r L. A I J JAI *¦' ?aMishm'-nt, 407 1 sr*v, .re their relebraUd California dianioBi**, equal ill illiaatv to the teal oUtoond. Ois 'swt judges cannot ill theia, and tbe | ri<-ei are withia the reach of every ta. tall *ad are th»m. AUPORNIA IMAMONfiH EQI'AL TO THE REAL diamond, feat« . lust- r pins »> irl» 'On »i to 0; elne'rr rai rings, $ii to »1*: rmws, fli to (It. etnds, Neva h.«tti,oa, ladus'pian, lie. rtent by mail U> eay art of tho I ntted State* L A J JA0UB\ 407 Broadway HEW PUBLICATIONS. FV. F. F. r. v.; OR THE FANCIES, FUUHIf) AN!) a Freak* of a Fickle and Fascinating Female, ii duly recorded io that wonderful book. " WikoH's CuurUhi > hnd it* Oaam-'ia«DC« <¦" Price $1 In paper; cloth, 91 13. Fv.r sale by nil booksellers. IN PHE88 A VOICE TO AMFJUt'A ; OH, TBK MODK1 HlCTt'BUO, ITS ciUJRT OB ITS KALL With a. review of the K* publics o' Souih America. Vrilto anil of the Old World, together witlfcthe causes of their decline and failure, applied to tbe prerent criil* of the Un-ted t-taU». By the American Uuarl. 1 vol. 1J no. Tliis will he found a work of deep, stirring interest and will male its appeal to the heart of every Citizen. K. WAI.hhK, Publisher, No. 114 Faltoa it. QOMiTIUNU fcXtjl 18ITE IN THE WAY 0/ KEEM- U ness uiay be found in tlie Na'ionul Police Uaxelte this week, being tbe true history of the banker who knew ail about Also full report of are- cent n.alpraotice case. Also Dungeon History, wbicb la very interesting. ROHS, JONES & TOWSI.Y, 103 Nassau street, agents. Sold everywhere. The beacon fires lioiitfj) . now ready- stanhope BUHLKIGH; TilK JOtllta in our uoiw. A Nov u., RY IlKl.KN Dill'. The excitement attending the publication of this pow¬ erfully written American work deep and far spread Ibe topic in tbe literary and politic »1 circles of the me- troioll* is btanhope Burleigh, and in the villages, town* aiui cities of tbe whole Union tbe Influence of thi* book i* beginning to be felt. E»ery hour briugs to tbe pub listers large orders for the l ook, wbicb Is the surest te*t of the interest of tbe public la the subject upon wLieh it treats, and which bas been incorporated so completely into tbe romance of the narrative, as to be r»«d with increased seat by even politicltn* themselves. Ihe author has gained the public attention by a charm¬ ing story, and thns Is enabled to unfold the daagers of a political intrigue to the young, upon whose education In truth and in a strong nationality tbe future of the United State* »o much depends, either for a bleming or a blighting. "Head, and ponder upon tbe duty of Americans t," Is the counsel of thoae who have been ani¬ mated bv Stanhope Burleigh. From hundreds of commendatory notice* already re¬ ceived, we extract the following from the press of the river counties: . [From tbe Albany Evening Transcript ] The book i* one of deep interest, and must meet with an extended Rale. We commend it to the perusal of «very patriot, and particularly to thoee wbo will control tbe future of this ocean-girted land of freedom. [From the Auburn Daily American.) The Book of tbe Age.. That it i* destined to effect a deep pervading, powerful influence upon the people of th:« country, i* a* certain a* that Saxon blood still cir¬ culate* io our veins, or that civil and religious liberty I* still our inherltaance. [ From the Troy Whig.) It walk* into some of our politicians and bishop* un¬ mercifully. Who tbe author is we know not, but under ber nom de plume she conceal* a courageous soul and a bold heart, while she wielii* a graceful pen. It i* cer¬ tainly destined to a great popularity. The following from the Near York Observer, exhibit* tlie hearty welcome with wkich the work is being greeted by religion* journals everywhere. Its object is to expose tbe secret Influence* of tbe Je¬ suits In the home* of America. Seising upon the present excited Itate of lo»lisg in regard to tlie progress of Ro¬ manism In this country, and the dangers which threaten its peace and liberties, the writer bas wrought out a tale of great interest and ability, in which the dark and mighty influence* of the system are clearly «x posed. The hook is one of much power, and, we doubt not, will he widely read. Published by STRINGER k TOWNPKND, No. I'll Broadway, New York. And for sale by all booksellers and news agents. Tenth edition of mr. wikoffs book now ready. MY COURTSHIP AND ITS OONSKQUKNCES. ' 12mo. Price $1, in paper; cloth, >1 36. It is more romantic than any romance; more novel than any tale of fiction. 1 -a Fayette Journal. Replete nith stirring events and startling contrast*. Made up as it i* of actual occurrence* aad experiences, tbe work possesses all tbe charm and fascination of a romance Burlington Kentluel. The spirit of forgivetess manifested by Heury WiVolf, In hi* apparently candid statement of tbe whole affair, will win blm a multitude of sympathizing friends wher¬ ever his book may be read. . \ate« County Whig. A spirit of absolute hilarity pervades his volume; he nnwtrre upbraids hi* fall* charmer for her insensib.iity, and her Violation of plighted f litb; nor dee* he ask Hie reader'* commiseration for a withered heart upon which the dew* of tender end coufiditg love have ceasod to fall. . Petersburg (Va.) Kxpreas. We candidly advise those who wish to read this book to commence ft in the early part of the day and nit ai we unwisely did, take it up at about 10 o'clock P. M., and so get cheated out of half their ueual night's rest. The hook is one which they must and will hnish if they be¬ gin It; for tbe same singular tasta that lsad* the author to write a book expressly to let the workl know how com- plftely hi* ladylove hae Jilted lilm, also lead* blm to fill the book with the most novel and exciting Incident*. The courtihip, whose biitory is here given, is one of the rarest events that ha* occurred sinoe Fal»talT laid siege to the susceptible teert of tbe hostess of tlie Boar's Head Tavern .Vermont Union J. C. DERBY, Publisher, N*w York. And for pale bj book seller* everywhere. I^HK MCHT hUOTEa-FDI. AMERICAN BOOK.RC. rt HAJX ; a itooMtle tale of the prM«iit ;io>. By nny Fern 400 pp., 1'Jmo. Cloth. Proe, 31 iB. It ban been reaerved to thin iliitinf liihoiJ author*** achieve what ruAy, nndee the eircumatanor*. ho regarded aa I be mont br.'Jumt lucceci eve; obtained bjr an tiae- rieen writer of Action. Hu'h FioU, h'r fire'. canilnnoui «toj j, though dor I ting nr inteeeet or ptyulirtt/ from ccunectirn with un» of chore re«ed quertioaa which agitate the public m:nd, '/*»«, Ic *hv C to month* Kino* ita flrft apperance, reached a ifeatly It'ger ialo tain an; uther Awer. -an work of fiction whatrr»r within the Mini! period. Tula extraordinary fact. ia, of ltaelf, abun¬ dant evid#r>* of the abaoroljg inter»?«»t and graphic peacr of thin remarkable wo;k. We hire In our pse- -. - -it " r hundred revlewa cf Kuth Hall, which iiare alrtady appeared in tb i principal newspaper* and periodical*. Nearly all ot' tUsttr pronouoca it e'ophati- ca!!^ a work «f genu*, manj predicting for It the larg¬ est *als of any Air.eri'-ati book, and derating whole co'up'aa to ita cul <gUm, while have >et ao-u but a v few (not t.welre In all) which deny It* lingular fai cinatina. Hnth H ill in for pale by boakxeltorii generally. Pu I dialed by MASON BROTflKiW, So 23 Part row, New fat, pgEioaat. ~ Any perpon knowino of wiu.i\m Ancm'3 frakir, from Philadelphia, who name to New York, I, will confer a faror on hi* mother by loannga note, or calling at lftS Delancey *trtet, on J W. Chi ce. If Capt John H. Baker la in the c tjr he will hear of aome- thing to hie adrantage by ealling at the abore plac*. Any iapy wishing to adopt an infant fkom ita rlrfli, (In the early part or March ) may hear of a good opportunity, and have an interview with the mother, by a.dreaaliig E. box 1ST. Herald office. IF THE GZNTLftlf/ N WHO KOI NI) A flOI.Ii BRACK- letun yeeterda/, the 11th, in Filton av-nue, be¬ tween Jar and I*«»enre itreeta will return the name to »V>9 Fulton ttrc.'t, Brooklyn, be ahall be liberally re¬ wards. and lecolve the thank* of M. Taeaer. INFORMATION WANTED .THE MWUfflfM OF Jamea Feiwriere, t.nami'h, from Haarick, tfioMinl, will be mnch ob'ired to him if he wou d forward hi* a1 dn-*« to them at Wirconntn Jaueaville, Kocky county, or to William I. Park, 14ft Gc-ld afreet, Brooklyn; or ahoukl tbia rrque»t meet the eve f any of hi* acquaintance, the *1 ore pirtiea will duly ritffn the faror if they would futniah hi* addre** INFORMATION WA^TkD OF PATRICK, MICHAEL »nd Mary Murray, native* of lrelan t. < 0'i9*y of Lei trim, near the town ot l'rum»hambo Wbea La«t heard from lived car Antocia Poet Office State of Virginia. Ad; intc rotation reaper ting them will be thankfully re¬ ceived br their '.rothar, Jamea Murray. care of Mr. Tho*. Blake, 6ft Heater afreet, corner of l.n ilor, N. Y. INFORMATION WANTED.OF PATRICK OOUOHLAN. by li » brother Jam* e. Any informal ion of him will be thanklul'y te fired at 31 ('atil itreet, by Mra. Van ranee. Farai.aab papei* ple*«tc«py. \f »8 N\\< Y Wil l. PI.EAHK CAM. AT THE I1H0AD- if 1. way l'o«t Offire for two b tteri xl4rea«ed to her. B'OTIfT.-MR. 1HOMA* 1'IMON, A (lARDENBR, Wll.t. rmr .nmethlni; to hi* a<trant age by ealli>i( at 166 Mniden lane, New Y»rV, or M 1 rmvn »tn-et, Brooklyn, without delay. It ia au( | ha ia « n I.oog Itlaal. T»CP>ONAl ..THK KKLATIVI# '»F«iM»H4JICF. AU U», X. reeen'ly mata uf a*b(®tmt«f thia p< rt. aod nif- po«*d to be from ."eouayi vanla, *ar l «ac .Aaaa'.blng 'e ;l»el» a<<T«BU«e. by applylns to J*MW W PHU.l rP<* 6-2 < alh < re-t -tl-I-.T A HAY I'HOM H >MK, OS nit: 1 7 : r y\ ir 'ant. Jr'd'r^ka I'bo, ten »e«ra oU, lirht hair »n blue eye* h»d f<a a pU -t 'rn-W, ht le . i !K aa I bl < t.onnet .*p»ak* German an l EneilaH. Any io'>rma- ticn tkHklaRf r'celve.l by h»r 4MaMWl wmh It3 | v 'ant«'B »tr'et. LEcruRm. TPMAN I.KCTUMV.fBCONO TRIOI . THlC SE cor»d ot the re..«»ti| «. r «.( Oermau leoinrea will beoehrered at tiie M*rc»btiia I. brary, late A«'.or Opera Ht>n>e, on Tliurt<iay even ng, '.?d Imt., at *o';l<Kk. bjr I'r. K.Vrhrenm Hubj»ct "literary rtrcl-a »f the IStn and lb', b rmturira," (Buieau d'e*prlt, T.eck'* loireee, rtr ) Knt ante 'ii '.aaU. I KCIOMMIN TH K KKKN <II1A Ml i I !A( I K. .rtfl Ml 1KB j Inntitiite lactnre llo< m Mo 6 la oii »|>iare. A rnurre of five lerfure* on tb» lll-tory ai l literature of the Frem li will be elirered onThnr>d»y of each w«ek. ty ( HAKI.IKR, of Pari*, Profe««r of the Fr»n<-I» I angiiage in 11. Peujoet . |u»titnt-»o, V> eO'nmen-e on lbnr».l»r leb V'.'d, at b o'eloek P M flubiec*! .t. 1 ranre tnfthe 1Mb c nturv.. Jennae il'Ata II. I'raaca ia fb> 1* th lettan. .Ij» Heoaiaemro III. k IV. Fcaaoe In Ik* lllk rmtarf .-Kitrb <te Lnila X V V. Frae'-e in flie 1Mb eentury --Vol'alre et kd tempi, (barn tirUte, |': atagi* tiek«t*. ft" e«ate; to be hid at l«;«- wooil'a, 411 Rroadwar; at Cbnetern'*, 7«S Broadway; i r at the dorr. We take much pk'**ur* ia ona'a liag thi« rnur*e <e atadcat and lover* of tbe i'nnc'i Itn fu>ge I'nf (he i her'* ebaract<r eel at'na*i'*U *a title klaa te th* '*u6<t»n> e and regard of our comm'inity. ooitiiAM d. Aftitfrrr, Prioi-ipu. X' kw DKiUMii voum~ mk> a A«ociAnoy^. 1* 1 be eiath aad la»t of the aanaal eeurae of Wlnr*a will be d»llvmd at l alau Halt, A«tar place, on Frtdav fvoiif I»l*. i3, at . e'ehaek, by Rer. ItBuel Uigood, I'. D. robjeet. " the Tr*ie Amerleaa, " a laetore ler Ihe t inea. ItcMaCi mta. F WIU.I4 FTP HER, M P Pre., deal J. W. R Oeow*, .eeretary UUU AT ADOTHM, _ * rcn on iwmci .large sals ok "a Km: as- j\ lurtniDt of elegant jswalry . EDWARD tCHF.NCK will sell at auction, on Frl lay, 23d init , at 10 '* o'clock, at hi* saleroom* 14 Wall atreet. Gold KngLrh patent and delate bed lever watchws, dunn-x, l»jiiu«, chronome¬ ter*, Independent second, Ao, , do. Oy C»p«r, Tobias, Oudin, Jobo'oii, Koakell, ju l othsr celeirated matera; elegant mosaic gold atone bracelets, luita of pica and earring*, gold fob, veat and guar I chains. chatelaines, A». brooebea, ring*, plus and other article* of joweiry. of the finest Pari* manufacture. Sale without reaarto. Term* rut. Auction notice .laiujk and peremptory balk ol a fine collection I botbouae |>I»u',*.-»KI>WaKI) HCHENCK will ««ll at auction on fhuriiday, Feb 22d, at hi* salesroouia, No. 18 wall atreut at o'uloik, a beautiful aarortm»nt of plant* in bloom, coa-istlng of double whito eameliai, rod multiQura, red Sherwood, wild<ii, very rare; imbrcoata, do. variagatad; awaai orange, very rare: aperiu prlmifolia. do. longlfolla, ar.e lia, lemcn, monthly incarnation, violet* de parmia, and a large assortment of other planta. Terms ca*h. Hal* toaWwa Auction notice..m iocghty, auctioneer, will aell to morrow, Friday, at 10 W o'clock,(at 64 Sixth avenue, the Kfiiteel furniture of a family, conalat- ing of aofaa, tete-a-tetea, mahogany chairs and rockera, centre, aide and extension tablea, throo ply and Ingrain carpet*, roaewood and mahogany beds tends, hair mat- treases, bolsters and pillows, dre-singand plain bureaus, encloavd waihatands, itair carpets, rod*, china crockery and glaaa war*, cooking stoves, he. Sale positiva. A CCTION NOTICE..HAUl° EI, OHOC )n, AUCTION- A t*r, store tin Naaaau itrmt, wiu aell, this morning, 2!d Feb at 10)f o'clojk, ea the premlrea, by order of the Street Ccminisakner, the whole of the frame and bilck buildings on tb* junction of Third and Fourth ave¬ nue a, between and Sere nth atreet*. Term* cash; the buildings to removod previous to the ttfth of March, 1866. 4 CCTION NOTICE.J. L. SMITH, AUCnONEER, will aell, to-morrow (Friday) morning, at 10,^ tek, the contenta of houae No. 70 Franklin atreet, near Broadway, cona'atiog of roaewood patier suites, in aatin brocade, centre, aide and aofa tables, oil paint¬ ing*, lace and brocatrilu curtain*, large oral and pier Claeses, tapeitry and velvet carpets, roaewood and ma ogany bedsteads, bureau*, waahatanda, feather beds, bol-ter* and piUowa, fine wool blanket*, hair mattreaaea, black walnut and mahogany cushioned chain, aofaa, rocker*, china vaaes, crockery, glaaaware, ivory cutlery, ¦liver war*, aalverx, fork*, ipoona, castors, tea aervlce, atair cWrpeta. oil cloth*, atovea, Ac., comprising the whole contenta of a well farniahad four ctory hjuie. A deposit required from all purchaser*. Auction notice..tho* bell, acctioneer- By BAM. A HUSH.. Friday, at 10* o'clock, will be sold, in the *ale* rooms 27 Centre atreet, a valuable assortment of good furniture and housekeeping article*, fancy articlci, hardware, Ac. Saturday, In continuation, tl.u furniture of a family; al«o, foity splendid canary bird*, in bandtomt cage*; the last of the lot from Bjrmen, in fln* heath and aong. A CCTION NOTICE .CROCKERY. GLASS AND CHINA. . T«a aeta, rich dinner aeta, sliver plated war*, Ac., tTi* entire *tock of atoro 171 Eighth avenue, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth atreet*, at 10 o'oiock A. M. on Friday, Feb 23.. Boardlnghouae keepers will do well to attend. Sale peremptory. By order of A. McDONAl.D. WILLIAM SHIRLEY, Auctioneer. A UCTION NOTICE..J. BOGART, AUCTIONEER.BY jfV. S. BOOAKT. . The aale advertised for to-day will take place to-morrow, Friday, Feb. 23, at 10 % o'clock, at the auction rocm*, corner of Frankfort and William ¦treat*, when will be aold a large and general assortment of furniture, conaiiting of aofaa, dressing and plain bu ream, divan*, tables, chairs, bedsteads, beds and bad- ding, oarpet*. oilcloth, cooking and office stove*, mirrors, crockery, and glaan war*. Albert h. nicolay, auctioneer -bio ,ks and bond* at auction.. Regular aale . ALUKRT H. MCGLAY will foil thi* day. February 22, at li % O'clock, at tho Verchinta' kxebange, for account of whom it may ooucern . 1 16 .000 Hudson Rtvnr Railroi l third mortgage 7 |>< r eent oonvertible bond*. int«re*t lat May and lat November, I1,0j0 each; flO.iO) Nnw York and Harl*m Railroad fir it mortgage 7 per cent boo it, Intertat lit Kay and lat November, <1,000 each; f 16, 000 Grrat Weatern rlUiuola) Railroad first nurtgag*- 10 per cent bonda, interest lat April and 1st October, 11,000 cach; <6,600 Eiie and Pennsylvania Canal 0 per rent bond*, Interest lat January, 60 up; <2.riOO Oosa* and Milvrautie Railroad h per cunt cooTertiMe boodi, lo- Ureit lit January and lat July <l,&no and <600: <rj,000 Cleveland aid Toledo Railroad 7 per ceot convertible in¬ come bond*, interest lat January and l»t Jnly. <1,000 »ft'h <''.000 New Ji raey Contral Railroad 1st mortgage 7 percent Sonde, interest 1st Keb and lat Aug., <1,000 each. <6,000 City of Raclue (Wlacooaln) 7 per cent con¬ vertible bond*, Inter-st February 10, <1,000 each; <2,000 lluahirg Kailroad lit mortgage 7 far sent boad*, ln'*rr*t 1st Maich and litSeptember, O.l'OO each; <7,000 Breck- eniidga Canuel Coal Company of Ktntusky. 6,000 acre* of land. . A deed for the above land, b-lrig altuated in Can r on County, Tentessce, datel Nashville, March 26th, 1841. Rccordad in RtniiaUr'a olllco, book O, page 170. (R. Ndaon, R*giaUr of Mnun, tain district): (0 ahar-* Rulfalo and State line Rail- roa<?, <60 each, 16 Fiuihing Railroad, <20 each; 100 Michigan Southern Railroad, <100 tach; 00 Hulaon River Railroad, <100 each, 100 Northern Indiana Railroad <100 each; 60 Erie Railroad, <100*acb; 50 Cumberland Coal Company, <100 each; 20 Pacific Mall Steamship Company, <1,000 each; 20J Farmer*' Imu and Trust | Company, 160 each: 60 Chatham Bank, <26 ea :h; 141 Knlcktrbccker Lank, <26 each 60 Ojean Bank, <50 each 10 Excelsior Fir* Inaurance Company, <i<> each; 30 Walla, Fargo A Co. Expreaa, <100 *acl>; 80 Grocers' Mmm Sugtr ReBnlng fempanj, <100 each, 40 Hum- I ptireyaville Copper Company, <26 each; . 100 Onio life Insurance and Truit Company, <100 eacn. Tsrmi or aale. Ten per cent tin* day, and the balance before 2 o'< lock to morrow. The accrued interest on all bon is will be charged to the purchaaar. Next regular sale on Monday. Albert H Nlcolay holds regular aalea of atock* and bond* every Monday and Thursday, at the Mer¬ chants' Excliange, and al«o special a.ilea when required, Tmoday, Wedueaday, Friday and Saturday. At private ¦ale, a givat variety of Brat cla** railroad, city and M'at* bonds, b«nk, inaurauce and other st<>< ka, of un¬ doubted character for inveatmeat. For particular*, see hi* private aale* catalog u*. Office No. 4 Broad ctreet, next to corner of Wall street. A LBERT H. NICOI.AY, Al'CriONEER.-SPIUNG Kl'Il J\ niture auction Bale*. .Tbe nailcriitfocl bega :..»»... to (Bfnrm hie friend* anil tb<> public, that he U prepared aa uaual to (ire hii peraoaal attention to lint rltu fur¬ niture rail* at auction, at the reei-lmce* of familias that intend breaking up lironekeeplng thia faring. A1.11KHT H. NllOLAY, Auctioneer, No. « Broad it. , a DMINlflRATOR'8 8AI.E.SIOTK AND FIX rt'RW A of liquor »»ore Itnl We*t ?trcet, on Friday, Feb 24. at 10 o'clock. keg* an<l coot. nt», counter and fixture*, I d"anter*. contenta. beer pnmpa, atove and boiler*, i tegara, bedetead*, bureau*, rille r«volver wearlog ap paiel, writing deal;. W. 4. CARTER, Auctioneer 67 iJay atrret, eorn<r of (>r<tifld. a IWOUBPg NOIRE -NOTICE is IIEl'.F.BY GIVEN ' x\. ^at ' anlel C. Brown and I.or«pbua O. M.nmoiii, of (he Ann of Drown k . imuiona, of the city »r.d ooutily of New York, Lure made an a»'l,rnin*nt of all tvi*lr ;>er- tonal ami real ratate, in tiu -t. !<<r the pajm nt of their debta, to tbe underlined and all paraona having claim* againat the raid Arm of Broa n k Simoooi. and ill per- acn* Indebted to tl.em, are requited to call on th- ua ; <>r*igced, at hia oftlea, No. .»>H Broadway, anl adjust tbe tame. J. 8. BLAL'.-ON, Aaaignee. rated February 14, 18r>6. ASSIGNEE'S 8AI-E-.M'lENE D. KRANKUN, Auc¬ tioneer. By FRANKLIN fc NICHOLS, olfl'e 81 Nnaeau rtreet. Will aell, to morrow, Friday, Feb. 21, at 10 o'clock, the atock or larea. rmbrolderlea and wlilta g«>orf* remaining in the «t<re 7.'i0 Broadway. AUo, tore* of aaid itora, to e'.o»e the bp*iae»*, by order of tbe aaoigaee. W. A. FOSTER, Anl j nee. A MWNEE'S KA1J 1UE STOCK OF I.ACEH, 7M- A bro'derle*, »n 1 white good* remaining in tbe a .ore 730 Broadway, *111 tie ef'M a', auction, to uoee the bu*i- 1 re»a, cn Friday, Fabhroary at 10 o'cl«.ch. by order of | the Aatignee. WM A FOSTER, 730 Broadway. By c. a. w*n rocky, aictiomexb..we mux hi Irxley ol tt-ia week, Feb. 23d, genu ne Havana eegara, which actually coat to mport Irom f 12 to ».*) per I 000. Aleo In bond, fl»e <|uarUr aa*fc* of pile cognac brandy, vintage n? 1M8, ah.rh roat tUe importer ov»r ft per gallon Alaoa Urge and valuable atock of other liquor*. The tilt <-,im-<rc»* at 10*^ o'clock, at our ate re, No. .18 Broad atreel. K«e particular* ia < <t i lag Ma. (»0>H1ABILH HALE.. A. M. CRI TAI.tK, AUC- j tWbeer, will rell at iU AIlea . treat, by vlitua af an eieeutina, houaehflld (ur^lluie, contained ia aaid bona*, with bam.'« txtuiaa, ke., on Fri.lay, 83d laat , at 10 o'clock. By o der of JAMES NKilitTr, Coa»ULIe D8. HorGH, ACCIIONEEK. MoRTOAfiE HAI.I!- Of (Jegant lloutabobl Furniture, tin* day, I* (In.laj) morning, February 17, at 10)f o'clo- a, ttto cortea a oI the largo fiur atery bo ia« Watrei atr'tt (not a boar>T*ogf booaa,^ eontiati-ig of tbe (<i<k>wiag articl**, »;j It,«a n'-llruoU carpet, ol cb'tka, mahogaay 'en-ioo t*a and diamg ta- ! bl»a, m*>Qftay aad" '¦.ittage cbaira. aofni, aairroM. 1 e'ork, f ail painting, china -liancr aad tea ..!». '«i elarnware. alleerware. Ivury e itlery. k«. Parl»r« -Rt<.b- ly larwil romotil anita in breexla, arm and N^aptioa , ctalra to match, ceatra «.<ie and aofa tablea, aup»rior ' roeewcod etager*, wi'h p'ate gU«a >al ba .V very co tly roMwod pianoforta of apl*ndld t/me ar.d Bateh rneeaood b»<kcaa«, aup«rbly tarred, led'e*' roeawa<>4 ec nt< ra, with p'ata gleae doora ea| *rb t»i»ea'tr car- pe»a 'arge «rral minora, la^ afiidew eatlatai. UtkM . ml paintinfi in rich frame*. Kr-u-b ewrreeinfe, ri'h china eaaca. Marine and I'ariaa l^am, t«n'j iaa day , orrrolu <i!c«.k, ciilaa .pitlaoaa, ke. k*. PwwtM ra»a ¦ Mah' geay auit m <-rim«».B pl"«b, w»«l mirr<>r, h-e car- tan a aed rich rbadet, rich piiat lf', aual»l nlae.k. I' Aim (lat»a raa»», »Htaet reaewwad Ii«l«t« la, t>a r*aa, *a>t 'taBd, ea Mile, gilt toilet eel. Al«o, tk* i cbo.oe farattare «f *.*<» bairoame, cnnprieing roea- ! »ood, mabogaay an>i bie-l wa'aat, Mda and bedteag, hair maUreeaea, kc. .'ale po tire X'W I TtiK'S BAIJt. THE TAU'ilU TRUE* «TUK f JTj brtek booae aad lot w lb itar«, a 1 1 a kri'i rlabU, l> 1 kaat B*'ia<way. - >rn»r af Ccammel i(-«et !l a trai rate aatghUrbooA. na »a»y t»rm«. Ear far*! ; ilare, ay- ply to A W. HKYN' IJH a< rthw»et eor»»r at > -wai c»i aa<l Fultca etieeta, ia tbe be«eiaact, or it. f. *HX', lixntar, Pert Elihmoad. THtMltB VKANKUV ' .MNrMU.3Y I tv>a Ft UWimatlf, am e " Saeeaa eUarV»-*i*1ag farattbie au'Uoa ae'ea- Ire aubaenhare leg leave to Inform their fr aeda aad tke f ihtf, U*t ibey »ul jt»e tie r |<-ra< ral altaati. a ta l«.ra t 'fe^leaat'l, at tie it>Ke»>ea »f lawilia a t»at .W'a-1 ap ketteirep af la Ik >\t ag UJUtf AT AUTMM. TT^LIAS COMBH, RKA1, K"TAT AND OEMRMAL A CO- M i liHMr, ttiurtwl ium'.-HIm <-f ¦tn.-k*. and real eatate, attend <i *t tr.e MereBai»t*' Kijhange. I uruiture and rocrot audi e at irndoom .ml *w»* lioUMfl tentec «. >! properly of *U Uk4« luM at pmate .ale. Prompt r> turn* mate. ]7\ COUEON, AUCHONHCR..IMPORTANT «ULR Ok' *. household f, rnllire, of averf dw.rlpti.a, aqtte ble for il*alei* aail other*; two ><>«wwood pianoforte*, French plate and oval mirror .; e*rv~t* and o l cloth*, cottage furniture; plated <vare Ac kr..f. Cotton will Bell tkla oay, (Thur.niaj, ) Ke iruary 22, at lttlj .'.lock, at the auction room*, Reetman *tr*«t, * v iry lar$e and dealrabW aaaortoicnt of roeewood an'l rain "(any cablret furniture, moat of which ha* heeu mad* fir ou<<- torn trade, ar<l can be rcliel upon. It irlll Mmprlni in part, of roaewood and mabogany *ofaa and tetna t Ho couclie*: bookoaae* and wardrobe*- marble tap and plain bureau*; mahogany, French, Oothle, «n>i plain bedateuila; mahogany p rlor cuair*; rattan do,; arm do.; *ofa bed*tead*: oak and mahogany dining and | extension table*; carved rocking chair*; marble top waab*taB'!*; cottage furait ira, bed* and hair mat'reaaee. carret* and oil clotlia, otlico deak*, French plat* and oval mirror*, lie., Ao. AI*o, two ro*ewoo<l pianoforte*, in good order. Alto, about SO cottage bedatead*, to cloae a consignment. AUo, several silver plated mater*, to¬ gether with curl maple and ether plain cbatM. Sale peremptory and catalogue* ready early fn the morning Good* moct be removed this day and early on Friday morning. /"JBOCERIKS, C-.LMNS' PATENT AXLK8, sBGAR-l . VJT Friday, Feb. 23, at 57 IHy atreet, corner of Grean- wlrh, at 12 o'clock, maocaronl, French chocolate, *helled alnrtr.d*, tea*, lunar*, coir, o*, buckwheat flour, car rant*, cocoa, brandy, rum, gin, wine*, champagne, *o»p, handle*, ollv" oil, saddlery, whipi, hardware.. W. A. CARTER, Auctioneer, f>7 Dey street. 11 ENRY H. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER. BY H. H. LEEDS XX & CO.. Thursday, February 23, and Friday, 221, at 10>< o'clock, at the salesroom, 10 Saa*au atreet, Signor O. II. I'andolHai'* large itale of about 100 ca*e* auperb marble good*, juat received from Italy, confut¬ ing of large and beautiful Ktruaean Hebe, Roman, and otntr new atylea of vase* in ba*ao. relievo; alao a large aannr'nunt of smaller description, and a Urge ailtrt- ment of fancy marble ornament*; a'*o an Invoice of beanttful alabaster group*, Venul of Canora, llnn -ing Girl*, Cleopatra. Susannah, Hebe of Canova, Herculea, Venus in a shell, bust*, A". : also a large lot of freih gooli, juat received from l'arii, confuting of rocooco cabinet*, boxes, looking gla-iea, cabinet*, illuminated night clock*, group*, figures, ormolu clock*, bronre*. plated ware, cblna and other deilrable gool*, being the last sale of tbi* *na*on. Sale without reaerve. At 12 o'clock, (directly after the tale of marble ami fancy Iiootll,) at the lalrsroom, 19 Nassau atreet, a large col- ection of ituffcd bird*, from South Amirica, Itilv, aud. other parti of the world, nrepared by the Well known Nr. Galbraith, being the fluent collection ever brought forward by tfcat gentleman, consisting uf bird* In large cases, do, in glasn shades and mouhtea on *prig* -all mounted in the most aubatauttal manner. Sale without reaerve. TT WII.°ON, ACC1I0NKFR THURSDAY MORNING JX a Feb. 22, at I0>^ o'clock, th<- aplendid homohoM furniture contained in the large four atory houae No. 169 Weat Twenty fourth atreet, near Eighth avenue, coniiitlof, In part, of otic richly carved roaewood piano¬ forte, 7 octavea, coat $600, with rich carved leg*, made by Chevalier; auperior made roicwood parlor auitai, in ratin, io*ewood centre and il-!n table*, large mirrori, brocatelle and lace curtain*, rich roaewool etegere, with minor back*; ottoman*, re?oplioo and aria cbalr*. coatly lape«try, velvet and Ingrain carpet*, <>i> painting*, ro>* wood and mahogany bcdRtead*, bureau* and wa*b«i*nJ> to match, hair raattreaae*, bed*, bolatera and pillowi, aheeti, pillowcaae* e i I k and otber bed Npreadn, ohina vaiea, Aw ami tea *et*, allver tea *ervrice, ca«ter«, ealvera, apoona, ladle*, fork*, rrooktry, cut glaitware, I ivory cutlery, mabogany and black wilnut exteoaioa dining and tea tabiei, maide, mahogany and cotUge cbalr*, *ofaa, clock*, worktable*, Ac. JOBErH HKtiElIAN, AL'CnONEKR. FRIDAY, F»br«ary 2.V, at ten o'oleck, A. N , at |K On'ral Salei Room, corner of Willongbby aid Pearl ilNtl*. Brooklyn, a eeneral araortmeat of new auil *«cond liana furniture, five aofa*, eight bureau*. t»<lve mahogany 1 and waluut French bedaU id*. all ntten'. lM)*tea1i, ma I bogany anl cane aeat chair*, uookca**, wardrobe*, excellent aprlng mattree*, tapoatry velvet carpit*, la- grain carpet, tuilat »etv, Hedenbergh heater, in go»d order, Ac. Alio, t*o pianoi and foirteen lecture >u«m (eat*, with hack*. Same day. a' two o'clock, I'. M., pra- cliely, at 13 Tillary, near' Fn lion atreet, the furni'.ure remaioltig In the hon e, conaiatmg of tap«atry Uru«*eU and ingrain caipcti, atalr carpet* and red*, oil clot'n*, pier glaa*, unhognny taMea, chair*, bedateada, feit'ier bed* aud mattrea*. A-c. AUo, tho (a* fixture^ through out the hnuM, and the kitchen range, Ren .ie'* patent. JOHN W. R'JMEItlNDYKE, AL' MOHrGAOE aale of aewing ma-hiuei, Ac..-On Monday n*it. Feb. at 10 o'clock A. M , at No. !>i Pino atrnet, up atalr*, twen'.y-alx *ewing mael.ine*, Grc ver, Baker * Co , manufacturer* alio, deak*, bench**. Bxture*, Ac., Ac. JOHN W. SOMKRI.Sm KK, Att'y for Mortg igee. JOHN W. S0MKRIN DYKE, At'CnONEIR.- MOUrOA'JE .ale of *al«on and liouiehold furaituro, on Friday, Feb. 22, at 21 lteeknau atreet, (baaeaont,) at l^o'cl*<'k, bar, counter, gla**ea, decanter*, clock*, mirror*, map*, pictuie*. curtain*, table*, armchair*. rofrlg'>ator, Ac., Ac , billiard table and utensil*; lirg* table*, chair* A"., alto the furniture of eleven bedroom <. coccjm«log the uiual variety. CHAIU.F.S F UATTS, Attorney for Moi lg»ie*. JOHN I. VAN DK WATER, Al CnONMCH.. VANDK WATIB A TURNER will aeil at aucti .o, tl.U day, I-'eb 22, at 10 1, o'clock, at tAa *nle*r >o n, No*. <10 Pin* and if Cedar i treeta, a j.len lid a**ur'. oienl of h^uaebolil furniture, comlit.og of irahogany and bla-'k wtlnut aofn, cha rr, late a tet»*. arm chair*, lounge*, marble top tide, centre and pier table*, bj ikoate, t.*l*iead», bu rtau*, wni'bataud*, Ac.; alao a aplendid linen? F.ench plate mirror*, in ricli gUt frame* alao an aa«ortm»nt o lecoud hand furniture, removal for c«nv»uHuoe of -ale JOHN KfchSE, al'CTION i>B. . DOUivri AND STAII J X- ery at auctiou.. The iin<.er*'go» 1 will »eil on tbi* (Iburaday) and alao oo Satur Uy evening, < ouimenclng at o clock on each evening,) . lhH>k» a large and very *elect catalogue of >taodarl and mi*c*llaneo'i* Ixwk*, fr**h from the publiaber*' el change*. S'a- tior.ery p*p*r, envelope*, porttmoscaie*. diar.e*, card*, Ac Ac. LYMaN A CO., (*ucce**or* to Coolejt A K«»»e,; 3"7 Broadway. JOHN W. * tMI RLNDYKh, AIXTIONKKR . FCRJU. tura uk, onlhunx.'aT. th« 22d luk, at 10 o'clock, »t Ko t.'l Ann ilii't, tbe b.laiire of tli« *'.o<k of \(«uri. F. It T. Uflt, cotxiatit it of roM a f'oH parlor auita <n bro. *d»; French and other l>a>Ut*wd*. .traiaiog and plaia hi ; nmrbf " i, tnrt otl>rr wa«."M -ao-l*; large in*- I Mati/ i-' 'cda and bed-ling; coin an i aid* Iti . aim), a laifc* asai rltnODt of common *>ad (ita,llklMl Wt*h»tan if, eiO'-\trf, glavavarc, «' Ac >. H. .11 r Ifaaara. Imri wiah 'o in turn ibeir ii ien-U ai> f lia pabll"- that t »y h iva r»- >.«»M tb»ir li)rr'»ur« »Vk» to 104 Spring itrrat, on-l»r tie st. Nichola* Mo.ol J OHN W. MiJlKltlNDYKK, Al CllONKUt .< bla'a nf ni llinery * <.«!«, no Tr Idaf, k>b 21 at 10 o'c'c* k, «. tlia ancticn r<>"in. No 1 10 Centra ilr»»', for wr ur 1 rant lln, a quantity of millinery go da, Iad:e4 ba'* and *l»o otbar ioo«la. J W. POMKKlNDYKr., oaataMa. JMORIAKTY, AICT10N»H- vvd.l. HUX, TBI8 0 day, at 10 o'clock, at ITS < hatha m ¦ t r<** a | large aaaortrnent of furniture, *ecoti'l har l, from faioi. lit a removing. Tho aala will tooimenca in tua «tr**t, ami alii be continued in tha atora. Bl»U I- W. WIKIOOTT, At'CTIONKKB.WILL HSU. to m< new, (Friday,) at 10« o'clock rain or . bloa. a large and n.l»ortld vaiirty of bouaabold furnl'ur*, of . rerj .leacrip' on being Oie (oUre btD'1-imir furnitam of tL* houM No. 13 kiglith avenue, worthy tlie attention of bmaakeepar* «n<l tbe trade, ae tie goo-le wlli ba pe¬ remptorily told un.iatng of roawa'< *1 parlor form lure to >oit, in l.alrelotb; one magnificent aalt, eight piecta, in French liro<ade, carted let* a-telae »o>l *ofa*, aim aid reieplltn chair* to match; rirh *Ha«'* <-|.t-k, lotcwood tabLta, mirror front etag«r»a, roaawood plaao 1 forte. perior laatium nt valval and bottom hair*, rarved I'okraae, oil paint nge, in rich fraarv *, f »o -o»t Ijr lt*o<li r»ilrmr».»le*eut miabl va-«a and ornamaata; Uca curt*m« ami nh»«!c« v«ri-tyof rich a I rer war*, rcaewtori and mahogany U l. tea !»; crarbla top bureau*, waahetaafa, tdiat acta, oval mirrora, auperb hair mat irnt're-»e*, faatbei leda, lounge* 4c., witb a Ur** <|>ian- tit jr n( IndiMT. furniture, alno tbc btremaa' furo't ir* - . lteanion table, cbioa t*a aet, cut «ia«a v taen WilWio. I ri ..*!«, and clb»r carpvta, oilcli th he. Cttakgnea at l.auaa ytagra and ear* pax tba door. QirUAl, il'CtHW NOTICK TO OOMtMWTM.. WR I o niak« regular weekly al>o apaetat »al». at o ir atore. of the loi)>wiag good*, for account of Importer* and atttrf, vit . Iry (i-eca, foreign and donnUq. OlaXftr*. eaitb>nwara and ehlaawar*. If anxnd Jewelry and watcLea. frgttt, wme and brandiea. Mar i *<ra and mlUrj, hatd . itbri for ra»h or for endoraad notaa «» li.ft 't/.ry to nalirra, a* prefer rad by our wtal(lMi <Jk*li «l Ivaacea at aH tlir»*. F.very mp>r'»r >1, and de«iar in, the a>a»a ariiclra, tbro<.(bout tha e'ty, «aa lymvtrt tlM-ir good* Into money (in raa*oatble tarm«)iftf«y (»r» inriuded in oar wa< »!r ca'tlofiia aalea. AH Into. »« lnt«nd'd for tfce»a «»'»« .houbt,l>« *.»'. a tbaal I da)*y »/ 1'ira Ko . I: road »<ie»l c. a. wirp.[(m;nr. Anetiuaaar, lata Walei'iarj QBS1IVT* -Al t or fODA WtTr.R Kil'iT.IVi, b<>ttle* «»fi.»i kr Oa fitirnay, K»b tl, U>> ».. 10 o'tlo<k A M at 430 i'aarl *tr*et. rana-tia /, n' *</',a valir ff.r.taln*, bottle*, wagor.* Aa. «/ ft. MnJjoa, Ai cnoNKu?-BY iv>v<uiro- * fv , Uellar, Friday, I iV XI, at half pa«l tan o'r.ack. .t bai. a Nn. WJ0 f|fia| atreat, near Hulaon Ovate*) UhmUU faiaitarw, _i«p*atry a*4 kogra a wrarta. »r«r.c!i alata pier and oval m.rrwra, it* rbaad* :>*>*, oil |* atlar*, eagratlaf., rveb brocatafla and ia-« wm .'aw avrUna aad actawaa, tarvad n*l sroj p*<kT fvrbitaie, l«., t«ta-»1ata of*, vtl'aira chair*, apr.a^ »*at paiKr enatra, a-ail.!a top »»a'r» aa.l p*r ti '*», ' fancy table*. caaa«r *<and a, b* ia<ia4la| taa »Ua*al<ar fuinltar* af »va ra»««, ba r naaMr«aaa* pOVvwa. t' , alio a alr 'arfala, rad*, a l aladh, hat aUad girandakaa, ¦aebt a maaii,>a<a, 4a ; a l*r** aaaata at of k'tebea at d boi'i-ant fwtmtaro al«t a farf* a»a«r*n»»at <»' U-*!'*' l*ta, fre-acb hwifa. tab*, M|»f na-iahn, Ae. Ta't V|i.r« |»ir4 *a amralat af mm- *wtk|r tha iltaaiai Iof trada and hanaaarepav* a ea»b dv^oait will ba r»'|olie<1 titm all parcbaaara, tad gaiU la ba raa*ii1 . n <'ay of »»>a %tr f. %n\rm, AwnowBBt-mfo mum* at T? aaatjaa, by Howgb Wa a Mali*'. <b a day, T%ara- ^ay. at twalaa a at 1U Kwmi Craal -Tb-**«%- I petM» ¦« aad roaawaad aad mabagawy plana fartaa, I. f ' varvaa'ad. -eld ta pay ndva»c*« wrtby 'ba atiaaiaa I af tit* UM*a aad t lira. PAT.F.8 AT ADCT109. WH. 'IOCQUT0N * a MKi.l>>K.Tha.'av, rim jr t'elo^, at the «ale« room, tl-'i N**w*'l atr-nt, elegant cu»l»n made eabiaet furniture, b' ug the entire manufactured atock of a tlirt nlaca «it; mi. lufartnr'r, removed it >m a private w»rero -m Invito tue trade, country m-r cliaata *nd otb'ri to 1 I* ntHf (I'mtuWol *v«ry article of elegipce *ud rl< hn> ia the houae furninilnj vi» mini r«MM«d otmun Krwnob plate doom latent etylea roaeivoOd parlor f rnitire en atrta, civered in rwb ma'erln la, tha mo*t approved patent", eatrnalon iliniiK table* in ouk, maboguu;, ro»earood and wa'nut, oak lit t*ry anil dining room furniture ia fult* ito mav li, richly con red roc- n uol eeufe 'able*, mahogany »:id walnut <lo. fcura'utbau atyla lull attud, i'c chair*, rotfwurd and mahnrany bookeaiaa and awcretarle* lined with latin wood, io>ewood, Prenc i plata clieval glaaae*. elrgant arved rosewood, inahogauv ami .. almf dimi b< r furniture en auita to ti. itch, with marble topa **ve- lal m»nv lie.l dumber *ui'e», Ian acape pmu'-l very ri h, together with an cndl*** variety of med um '.la '* furmturu, vn fete a-tete aofa* i ny. ro'klog an I .pring neat parlor chair*, gotli.c au 1 plain l rtn?h Im-1- ¦tead*, ottoman*, common bureau*, ht. AUo, a xaratjr ol aen-ndhana furniture, tb« ulual variety, together with aeveral put# horaa hair mattrcrwa, p»lli\*»»*, Jte. Alio an Involc* of thick Iran -U plate pier un oral mirror*, in rich framea. A targe lot of china an) gle-v wine, clock a, fco. <ine superior ro-ewojd pianoforte, aeveral choice oil painting*, engraving*, Ac. W? VELIOK, AUCTIONEER. BY IIOUfilirON \ M«llor, Thuraday, Feb 33, at twelve o'clock, at 11^ Nan an atree'. Order* on the Nortn American dutta Percha Company , and accepted, amounting to $10010 I*' ft aa collateral. Hold without reserve. "If 7 M WITTER*. AVCTIONEf R, Wil.f. PKLL ON W 'Patnrday, Feb. .4, at ln>< o'clock, at 417 Hud- iion »trttt,the itoek and Uxturv* of a gentleman * fur- r. liln^ «ti.r», rountera, alio* ca*ea, hoae, crawta, aliirte, i'rnaer«, «1 ivea, Arc., together with alt othtr gccda uatlal'y found in och atorea. Hv oc'er of KlCHAKIi C.RKKN, A»«igM»« Alao on Mnn«!ny. Feb. 28, at 107 Canal atrret, a Urga <|iiantlt; of Kentri-I hotiarliold furtitura; a!ao t'a« fur¬ niture and 111 tuier of a lager bear aloon alao on Ved nenlay, at l'J'J Wmt lioadaay, all the fuiultura of tbe home. .PuciAii maniKs. AYOl Ktl MAN, WHO INTENDS RKTI'RNINQ Tf) California alout tha middlo of April, will at Mod :ho collertlon of accounta, alao to tUa iala of real i atatc, ic. Heturna will ba promptly ma' ;e. Tha belt ol city rafTenca given. Apply to W. tl. U., No. M4 Bowery. C1A1 TIOK.A UTTTEB ADDRK8BED To WlUJStV»M, ) KnlfrhtACo New York, conlaioing tbo following de n ilbe.d notex and chark, waa put Into the I'oat Otlice a* Boston, on tb« lftli lost but baa not coumi t > Iiaud. All (eraou* are cautioned againat recvlvmg or n"K3tiatisi( tb«m,a« pay inent haa been atopped. A nuitabl* reward will be ^aid for their delivery to the uuderiii/ued . Vaoder- buig, Bonnett b. Co.'* note for t(,10H i'l, due May H, 1866; Taylor. Richard* k Owen'* note for $l,'Jl:i -j, due June 7, 1866; Wilcox. Bliliag* A i'o '. nota for (1^ due Mny »4, 1H54; F V. Krug .V t'o.'a nite for *701 3d, <lue June 6, 181.'>, all being . ii'for'-cd bv rt. Wllllatoa h Co and 11. (1. Knight; al«o II. (> Knight'* chaak on Manlattan Company, uto.l Feb 1', for* '>0 60, payable to J. M Ward* ell, or order. W1LU8T0N, KMCilir K C>)., r.6 Maiden lane. / <OMMISS10NK3 <iF DBEDS AMD N4HARV P0BU0 \ lor New York, (alwaj* In,) Attorney and Conn ai llor at Iaw, tad Agei.t for e1ai;.i» ng« mat th* Ualted t tale* FJ)WAKII lllr.M IX, No. 07 Wall atreet. E A VAN A, IHIjVND OF Ct'BA. CENEItAI, AND cotanilMion agincy.. Mirci'«rr» rtrent No t,- J. Q. Huiarte, for a uiodorate ra*e of cointaiailoo. will execute older* for ;be purcluM ol Ue cITerant Ciodncta of tbe !.<land of Cuba, ¦ <\* «ugar, molaa*aa. ibacco, .egara, wtx, Ac., a* alao the clfacting aalea or omiigDn-'eata ol meicban u>.e entruatad ta hi* .^ara. iu tba broker. *e department, Mr. huxarta w.llaltrnd tJ the pnrc.iiaaa of (Uarea of the dibiilt atock .uxpamea, Itldad property, i m .n tlUa> atoi eouti j -cat* in tba la-'lghtlul iqt Txii.r. of Havana, klli ttn'Dta i laod, coilaa ai 0 ugar »»*at«*, (nrti.* and cotlag**. A< <1 a 'if *(- oeri-nt* *rd citenai-a aciinalntanc* b ia i i a m- altion to b'a'n tl t i i at iav< ii'>l« puiahaa. . and aele*. U'ni and Ui>trra bimreif that |>er*o!i« «ut ¦.ll-i.ri.fa to bim will )¦* Mr Hirarte wi'l pro<i e t ie M'-it r*r«reoo* * a* to ati.i. and apxliiti Or r to ba dir«h}t*d aoove. J '| bt'ZAitlB, *r ADONIC..CIUNC».M/)R WALWORl'II KUH.K JXI » I tn'et 'bin n raiiyl evening -li 'JtZ n tbe ball on tbe toitk«i>t oruer o' T w»nt 'it.- ' re# ' and 1 ti ii d ttenne, at 7 >, o'e'oik JOHN F. HA' UWIN. W M New yoioc an ii uvMacooif cvitsd ht.\ rn Mai M airtbip ('omi-any, to Wall at i eat --New York, Feb l*t, 1>*'6. Notlco ."he annua! eleruan lot tlireetara '.f UiMt'-onipany will He teVl at tUlaofflee, oa Tbureday, lat Idarsb next, Iftwecn tba bonr* of li M. audi P.M. WM. U YOtlE m-reUrv. NOTICK-THE I'ltK 'l.tN'tS AND tXCRCfAK1EH OF tbe dlfai* nt f tocktoa ( luba u! the city of New York, ora^nlrad under the charter and hy i»w» of Jarriar/ 1, 1866, wit! meet at tiio Aatur liouae thii (vatilag, it o'clock. My ori'»r ROBERT D. LIV1NO 1TOS', Freildant, l ro tem T. E Bicvmtt, JVcretary. T^TOTIC*.. A KEETfRfl Of MUMMi WM 1M1 A.1 variona Iriah c|»ir aocietx-a will >.<. bold at Mom K< mny Mall, "l> l'iln«w> atieel, on Frlda J rv.-n ag, 'J il IratMil, at IK o'clock, for the ;iurpo-« of making ar rai.gementa to celebrate tba fwtte»mi*f aanlraranry of lieliml'l Fatna Mat. Hotielu-- not h.-retn'orw r-'pra- rer.ted, toy* th.-r with t'lme of BfoVlyn WillUtnabil V, Jrraay City, 4l«., are Invited t.< »-t.d le|**»»»a By order, FRTKR B O tYNOH. Cluairnao Jiata MaxnroHti, H»cr*tary. 8' 1*TD AVEMl K RAILROAD.- MTTICK TO TAIi-KM gera. Itv City ordinance the r.\'« ar* |uewtr.l to atop above tni etr»<*t croailng gUng tip ind below It (Org dowa. I'aaretigeva are tei|ne Wd to intkeHeon- 7eu>nt to take *i.<t .* «e the cara on tho>e email ,g by ti.* rear door, to Uavw them oa the aide next to t e >kta walk, and aot to Jair p on orot while tbi-v are in motion. WM. KBIItr, tuperlateulnnt. riv» yc.iMi mfn ~yoi no mkv, num n tow J year* of ago, ran join tin- Mn'ual B«neftt ( l ib by a<ldre»ai>.g a line to E. tl'J Brontne atreet, aUtinf wbea and wtere an interview ran be had. M1ICKLI.AMCOIH. hn/t takm tapkktkt carpotw*, OUiV" y '* "| ** *' " *n 'n";' n"' of Icgra.n and ll»:-i j»ljr, jii U pure' a»» at tba r«*»at auction mIm. IjOW k TAY1AHl, fJrmml »tr<«t en oar of Ctrratia Hi PL « kiukct, >eak v.kick . *a k. X\JO VAN k ata *u'1 klt< U-n r«a#», ¦on.i»»r rang> ar..l ti-ir* wwnti:a». W> btra a U '41 uwr'wr'. of ?A« tata-at paltarna of matital a rang* a ar.l fur *¦'<. a raaam ab a Urma airtUa aD't rai faa aaWnrt r»palra<l ra',*»« lioad, Iraai fo »«; a»a' an 1 jawrl'aira' f 'ima »,< .?«.. a aa \ b'A*at 0"-na bull: an« r»pn>ia4 BHKAD rOR Ai l»- I.AHOI AMI IWf r I V i UK rllj OMnpara it wltli o(h»r» 0 «a.!it, uUit, an rattan an) nnUllfcona ajManUaa TK^Al WKI.I. "f iry. No. 1.0 I'anuiua atraa-t, batwaan !V»l!orl ar.'i illaarbrr atraat". HARP 7IWK- ' P.KA T I'R'rf MMa; <r. -I J'AT th" b'rnaat I'tloa for kll blo'ta I ol>l «, pampMata, oil writing |»]*r, oil Mati« buiVa, uM a. ata. If*' ta, baa<i M la, eatalntuaa aid arai'r pa{ aorta and airaa J. CHAM. KY STOCK WH L A. a atioat ba-»n.-rt. Inoui -t^MINSirii ANina Rt «n:m ¦<>.- J in ft w or-tar, jnat r»<"lr.l itaim-r, by J. y < I P.V k CO., No '*> Malitao iana. Irjwft n » m v »>i int. mn ten ii i [ Paria" aia-i Pi ra iilly Um Inn I' »;«.>. I im ) rrrn ' |»ilii«n»m 11 far Slajaata tot f fa mill, by ap«c»al appo l.tmaat Pa|aill]lt, »'i<air<ia la tola'.'a r»u a Ibf for tba bair for tba tawlal. Jluil» (.til fc rii». Hu la ¦!oobl« Pot, fa la Rb Ira lilies, aag*»n»>l" to a.1ar frr atilt-n n; I a .||t, Ham ran 'tola m>lk, for baanttfjl ug t » -«~u» . 7kia naw Br*|<ar»t o*i -a prafarr><f br '.ar 14 tt'.<r. A.»o. b ulilj t-'il iwil in, Hi, ki'iij m ap !*.<. ti "»|i laptn-ia n I 1' . .#cilb »»<1 lofao^'a ai-*ji lb . !i<t m*n° --taiti ilala "i t trl alralr !n »l,« a' *i '.;» -olr ¦>*'»< In Va» \i If, M II VO .1 H ».». . . I 1 } alo a( ll'j biMi'loa /, m-»r ' n < ¦ m S- HOWarAfJt rOIIMt.V A H'.l *¦'< I L I M" t K ail'Ni'B, So. kt Moaarj a if Va »»r al »al - n»i r«4ala »»aij ftjW, nliar ill*. 1 ki .4 mm aat n ar<iA, mahogany A* .* H '''I » nfcan ,n at' hi ma Ortfn ftMf'lr »rnoiroru> v<»r a ». »' i xu> to If of hair ? pia iirr j,! a i»l al ( »; »..! a aim kaa ra?ar fallo-l to n itart tSa t . '. i.f i»m ",»» r»»»l^t t'l n a»«*. to |«ji Ilroc'ion '* tla fa/rlft »' a lallaf >»V.i a a{ ii , lalaoataf a alaMH pal |*i I Ui I if >Uu, Ihaalat; 1 uat 'mtm. 1 na»»tr i lam^. a'aJr " OKI I.UOM. At. A~ 7^7»V> A FT A cf> , WIl.l. ori » ')'. UOXDAT, I al^'.arj I* aa alayaal taaortav it .< »ft a< aa4 [ ana v »r 'Iraaa fo-ia iBifa rtaA riMiaai; la» 'f t I' <l| it aa. I<r-*4«aa, ' LatjVra »a4 <U*ata. K" Ol illA'itgW IPKKCU WUVI OMHiH-AI^i ^ ia I'4 III r a aaa a - . b.i . a . » . »»..». laa*. ra»»'»i4 It Mra l,Al '"OK, I , ^i'.r I «»».. ., »a»r faatbaiiiot N ¦ . A ». « Utrf aaaVr<H4ana* ih j 1A a 4a/, thirty far "il aUai rfaUi f i,;#a in wwn «. Vict r,'j»"if» t'n .. *.(¦< -r.'i- t i W 1 art Mtl ti'ww 1 !til ti i- a»i ifiaiualt/nrr k!ai< tfiirt .a lli.i U fif bata ail |w- . m; »'. » La M MI) iraa, a aa iUmiWi »Ao Vara n,i a j . -'.aiat a>-a (all| Tka Hack iattli',1 »f ua-n f- via of raarj »» rM<f. itaa ttllat aAlit^nga iM afca»'.-»ji piUtw - aaa ¦.ma, ft r<a,f*aa' r^iaai A- A* rata aar r*a'a<( aenaaj ^.ata«l|Jl aa4 iasi U a'l far>« «f <m iratt atA aU.lait* 'r»a A V MlAW U < r>urv It THH .«* .a AUM. c- 1 inT! aij*v -m inf. muj p liaaa iat illam, aalf lAUwa yaara of af» atal . '. b< 4 r "taa a *Tf at*r»<M a»4 i"» »f H S*i* haa'aaj WANT*. A - lie; Mil. VOI N '.MAN W01U 4 WHUl», h ait '.itlro l.i a nrti'U, .rally; la a fco«! foil, V <"fci T 40 ! an* 'III'"; Usli MllD|. »t«< <':r«ii»|;h tie ft, up »U I, third 6 tor, ti t r jam AtJtNTS WANTKK.ffVJ m* NKW YOHK, FOCI* '¦rliock'in a tirf (!». la th« roL'.lry, . <-11 in aiti. 1* lj will, h i rf no* making M Jo tl2 pir day. CmhI »a. ». tMa tftil will »!.«« Kxtn.jrdtjnin t,i» tc '.'tj. CtkU anal a**min« . t -U> Croud* ay, (Cdui 12 4COMIK KM l'V« WOMAN WANT* A SITf .I ion Ik nnr>» -an .«> a irga of id infant from ['¦. » ." 1 a- .n "!¦ li g in"*, in »i tig. Can a'vt l a at of ciljf rafrraara for eharaast.r and rapa dhtr for two 4a»«, If nut rngagrd, at 20 fhnlir »'.n . front baaatuant. Ayoi'Nu wom\n want" a situation au«eam Itirm; ilia uo<V>ia1.n1 .i.i.tintking and ail kin la of plain urn i(f, an<l U wil'lo* > in hit<a«!r (rurally iiMful. Ilao t*a b- «t of rlty re n *o from !.« ^a t pla-x. whar* ah* IIth! fir a l'u|tl of 'iinr. No ol.. t'nn thacomitiy. I la««» call at 211 Third tuoui, n . iloor from T*fnij tlrai »'r»»t. At. «MiD COOK, HAhliKI! A.\H IRONEK WANI*i>, to go a i< hurt dia'a-ir# In li « country. N*o«.a other I f < «il 4iipW »l 2'1 Aiullv jila' ., . iwran tha Loan of A A. M. a»d 1J M., tbi« .lay. A RTM'i i.W I woman * *Nft A ffN'ATKM 41 jflL n ok aha thoroughly un> atatanita hrr hualnaaa In ill Itn branch*'* and la willti / u> k . at ¦ t in th« ruti n; ami Ironing of a amall pr »al< am'ly. Mood ly ra'ar far* altrao. I'lt a a call or i uaya at 2A0 Mil>rr j ..lira", nmr llnu't n AYOf .Ml WOMAN WIHIU'.i A HITl'AIION TO llfl gantral hnuaowork In a nail piivata la . ' waaha r anil ironn, uaJ :i >nna wall raouimaod ail. I'laaaa rait for two dara a< I'i Vanrtam atraat ba twaan Varlck and Maolougal atraota, aacond floor, front room ARRHI KTAIM.K YOUNO OIRI. WIHII1H A *jrtA tlon nnrac, ' t to do rhauiharwatk or pitta aaw - l|i»;; akllinir to nmUa linrai-lf ganarall/ uaaful. baa mi objirtionto (o t<> Mia country or l!r«iokljn. Hm fo <rt eity raf'ratu!" I'lauM rail a' :.<i7 Madlaon rtra«t, foe two <U\« ADroc^MAUKR WIMItMIO (III TO WORK, MT Tilt or wrrt. t.i If-ai »r ililr faiulllaa, upon raaa abl* Irrun. Call at t M Wf»t T«. ntjr aavantU tlraat, l«aanMith and rannlli »»»».,«! AIH->l'WTAltr.Ef*»l.(»''i:ii WOMAN W aNTV A S1TV- atlon, 1/ un »i illrri' ok. Tfca bait of ilj r«- fi itnre. I'lrara call at hrr pr# <rn' nnplorar'a, l< I E*«t, Twaoty flrat at'aet <^n ba »a<-u till ault»l. ANKNOIJHH I'ROTKsrANT HIRI. W1ARKH A S!Tl?«. tiuu in a an. all prlva'- tnrnlly to do bouaawark I cinarally. Khb« but r»*a««Ubl* partial nxl acfly. May ba fr«n 'or two daya at N.>. 40 (larkaon atrial, front. lliartln'uta. A RBUTCTAB1Jl TMNO OIK WMORA OTHAXMH J\ aa rc ok n a prirata family or would a w ko l <Tog«naial boua««ork for a »n«Ii family 1U< foolaity laiaronra. I'laaia call a* SOT Madlaoa alra't. Aam'ATION WA'.TKI' -MY A 11^- I KlTABI.K young » in in, «< good pUIn oook la a Brat rata wa»h»r *n1 Ir. nrr llai m u' jrcllon to go a abort dla Un a t «. nintry. An Ainrri'- n 'aia ly prafarrad. Maa (rood raf»rt-n«» from lirr laat rlara Fl a-a tall, far two uaya, at 410 llr^omt «trf»t top llnor. ba k room AYOl Nil WOMAN WANTS A WTL'ATioN TO 00 . plaia cooking, waabioif ant iron ng, or «uU ill | gatarai liouraaork In a amati pr rata fa B.fy. I! -a guwd 1 rlty raf»»»na»». I an >.» ifn fur two at No. d ! Ilart ii on i Oral, aai-nnd lioti«a fruui corua r cf <>1 ia bia "trial, noun A I'WllVM/NT OKRMAN tilltl,, OF A I;ESPECr f\ abla family, wlahaa to obtain a >11 latlon aa cbam- fi -mald and to do plain aawlnt, la a drat rata wa*H<r andlronar; wouM Ilka to travel with a fan ly, al'har in i U.U ronntr* orU»tm*ny would ailarid a bikaty Plaaao call at 00 Klv ngton «trra< thliu Hour, ba' Ic iooic. AfxinrrrrNT iirsr aakkh wisiik- to womk out by tbi. day ; «l>a run girr ararf raMafar tlnn ia rutting and fitting ladiaa1 drraaaa. j»l:a.l'il Twalfll atraat, katw«an Filth iii'l ilth ar»r.u*i J\ alraaa and draaamakrr. «anl<a»ltui <?i laaprl- ral« latnilf; ran rut an<1 Lt ladiaa' ani h 'lota a«. Would #»w bf tba rr*k mr (Wtllk. lf»a r^ot city lafarmraa Apply, or aolraaa |i»amilr»M a*. 12<i O "ton pla r, klphtb a'laat, In tha aUira, la> '.no ay* a YOI.NO wn< II l>l olK^I f. l|WONAV w ITEi A f\ Htuat i n, aa rbaml.^rmatd a a good iiair ol U< li to a»al»! In tha waahlog. li-md rlty i»'rraaea will ta gitrn. Al-o, « wait*r. with four ranra r«farai*v I'laara rail at va T»nth ttioat, tjatwarn nteond ar )flr«t *»anu»a. AMtnt II tilltl. WA'TH A -'ITT A 'HON AM f1l \M9KR it a.d and « altar; would aaaiat lu waihtng an<* ir <a- | It K I'lra.n rail I r lan>ay> Iroui '2 to 4 o'rlo at No. 127 Wiat Cuantai nth ?! rumor of Mavant araaaa. At tjik nucr Kr.MAUt orrica, m ivtr.ur, lirtw'in I'wanty Mil aod Taint) o.itb I aiiai-'a.Want'd, thla day. t1 ra« i»oo<l fa ka »*ihar« aidlrorrra, a'an, two '.lumlx rn »'<t» and a'!-aaa, allh fr«nl rafarrnra. fmart *'rl«. for * n«ril t-,o»a »iik, anot'aln gie-l altua< 'an« ai.d (liak ph««' *.{oj rip t'.wu AmvF. »NBRorr»r -tm wantpi '<> tm pi O# an ar" I -I** In gra«t d*m«n' Tbt^ !«a | atanrr far »m»rt i. »n tha' aoldom oT-r- t'-o, .liraa witb $H/0 ra h, to trar l i'i" ul»«» II i-..l " at 00 Mrrr>r alratt. Ayw'Mi nnjiva) v\ x who I'.vnm-rAtpi I la 1'iialnraa »»ll, an-i w on ran »p«»Y d "'rant 'angtagaa, «i '.t< a » tnatlan aa flr«t fa'-' Ir 't. vr.bra^ in an Am»ri' an -r Kr»n< li fn.iflr 'iah«»a» «a1 r, it. . II rat fa»tl>a n Fainpr aft 'ha I'nltad Kt»|»a » tant rrlnia ri.a U |.nu A'ldn «a J ,H»ralJ " -a, fair two 'aja A^m wanttii -twkntt is m a rw inPfllto and ll*a bun ^ In t'ia rn n'ry a bandi'tri* an-f *alnakla ' rk ja . p ibllal.. ! h* .1 oa.y by <[*i la, I'nra I l>'h a;»n* will haf*a "ait a ward or partof t;« r.ountiy. K<r full pa -u ».ut ap¬ ply at J II iOI.ViS f ... rt jr.' Wlllla.-n H»' A .am rm vurv "vk who m qi'AUPttp to *ak» el ¦ (raaLfttata an I jr^r'aii!* f%f . >, fir - it» 4 «»». tn« 0(M»i» i «r ¦ ()<¦«<.«, U»t >|Mli I'ol Mfm*4 Arpi; A fllMK. 41 V«»» U' 14 10 »a l 4 t <. In.Ur Ar»»v viio »».. m r* Kmnnur* at I*# 1 I I '!jfl.'». . .1,1 1,1 l(|l>u A( MM .1 If iii tl.»* t n)r»i« l%*<t r*ii »n «.f K ( « r:b I llama. 477 (¦«*.) anrat A<.*i:rr.nt -*ai* a in , i*r »ln»l» v »n t»a *1 'j t|, fi .1; ut.r '.t. - I. « liilMIII, II t't MM III I . I 1*' r »»f« »iwl t'(a*al>l«a li>» lav a ' . n.' a . Kr (an >roit«<a »'i-' t i',n'»la ,|i» Illy ar>'1 url aa Ml. . H r ,.r«i A '1raa« J 0 »f » Ah uam»n»i< -iri ATMs- »avitt», rr . tka 4;, wtlw ma>, «b »l« .'.»«i-a»i» ull It* tirwina Ktauik>>. 'ha «»f.. a«1 maoi("»( nf |IH|I>«IM .»* at«t» (U'.la ant l<,f(a< In .uwltl olt.»rai,» i -.Ir m.a'f t'nrttl'y if' aa'f a»i|uaini' «l!li IL« !*;<>( mi! of tru" a* f . fa i.'l»a. I,n«t i-'ljr r»f»ir»i-» *OC« 11 J T kit Iboaatnll f a fa* ("in I* aaii il VI/ ns '.k « »*«<! »1» »., i I * »lt» » rx t '¦-» two '!»ya. hM 'Hmi' W »V7«-' N t*/ m»»\ a'/ I I'- |> . ji »r ga» (n lfc» rl'jr * ai'HI< af IMM l.a I. ' a /4<t M, Vlltr Itttil ii'k .no, , lot 4. 1H l'a«t <>*'..» (IAIjIOKMA .A Ml Ifl'l* A4itO #«»*» N, AM# I|»'t / .'a<mli'ar a.; «a; a |«« )a ta aiif«r »!., »»m (ri'frr a <»» ty that aiaM ra jafr# !?.« f Mr %».# Altar ATI I a la IJ'i ra rnaa U u atrallati tail nil Umkl»|*r tt.a <.l|« »a u ria . »<t aaarn'tr < llath «a» ytf ra r«r<ii»«* «rat m".<«la |/i 'tin'tiria4 ' a paoilit r Iia h»ln<t*la r<r farther part lAri. | laaaa rait, »a It ft || a ran-. a A, -rrm+i <k '.»»li<i»»lli at fart t»f> floor (uUXI'Ma (ih TH>; Mil in r.vo i, I J « ti'm La wlac, lata aat a ulaaai ttl aaW . mi a "1+m ti .. "»t a»"». . !>l «l<k *. W w -f-Uanl If adh'rM tfcaatifapaa AMrata I >fV |!tr>4 Hl«, ^ tOOK WA-.rKI A - :.<.«. I'll OH V / at ft»4ii»f k»' tMMlnaaa, . .!» |<at fty fll>M>li , n>; 1^'; «t *.'. S *MW»|t/.« nn r», ni'-ra r,/> Wm ll</V,. »!,. >, ha t»- . -t It fa taifc* «ajat*f ¦ 'it, I'a laaiily 'ar tfc* aiirrft (lOMUVAN AM> t Til UK MUtVAMT* »txir' - J Aa »i|«r aa « aia,r!« ti *ai '.ftta u4 t< t»a.<labl la »» »l<!tl<t IWtlilW MaalktH l»>raf |J»»«I.A M'lila. A .** H aat valMr, aa at altavt ' . «'k t) aaalt* * ft-. I«^a<iiaaft Ai, m. aa I r-.'a.taftla Applf i*a taa.tftlftJ t at 14a iirftad I'nat / 'IHUI V PA'KIF -I . lil't A. 1.IMI ,1 *f. I H k'l *( rt«rlai;ma ana |anl ra'»f»»«a a*a, . f n»f man »l, > aritaa ¦ aa*l ka*4, a* to Mattel, tAataaa U R H lla'.Mata IlMT «.O0M ? AU>MA>. " a A n*T U1Y t ) ami Ik Ik- h>!* 1*a».irF 4»r^»faa«4 A|V| i* ifc* ¦t' ltltj. AM' 4 CO., lw IU#hUi a»«»M. IjtiHY rniA> i RtK w nu «Airounui vho a » trlr.»taf an a. ,-!«». a »*^ j atlavkftla >. .Ira a»ol , U 4 iaW4kO, i*i hiiii>wn ______________________ . *.. .< ri "T » ¦'> ®r »«» '¦« a. »k" > aa I ft4 G at MlHMl. ImWi Ml, f**4 H Ai- l»4 Iifart wa is la«tU*f tH aaltlac ¦fhir IH tll|f ; V»< .< »UK» NMVlWfAli t# mpja a Hi rti^ar'ftLla fm.0y (*4afl iti .*i 'a-alft. w> I >. )U Ha rail ul«a f&nT-dfcsinmr wjurro~inr a" ¥ak r .ll atait (%id*arf It* >Hww>aiK tHWmiw H »4 Ma aarU' » >a r ^Ktlt la Hylacj/it aa a j aa I1>|ia rail It *11 Klatk iwoaa, war TMr- ..all. ».».?. I>I|< «'» r, fraat.raow Dwl ><4 tk« Nasi, h at »ala af flalrt / < I I % I* *J'VH -TO UTMB IpTt* TAXM II rfcftJmaa latalj Itatmaaf la>4 aawJaiaatAt a<«k . iMll U»aa aat kaaa vUl Nm4«H«|M |r r . <»?!, tra.t* a aa 1mI> I«a*4t«to4f trnm ll to '3 AM, At let rraaj atraai, la llagk AS. If WI&RM .# fuUM fllsU Hf*»

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · Vt*Sale-OneoffDie BeMLocatedandBeat nrruieed*feguen-ian rooms in Bo«too. Address 3. C. Currier, UuoDgbBeaton Post Oflle SCOCwHefInlliU'iizaCaredtoy IlrandrctlCi

Vt* Sale-One off Die BeM Located and Beatnrruieed* feguen-ian rooms in Bo«too. Address 3. C.Currier, UuoDgb Beaton Post OflleSCO CwHef InlliU'iiza Cared toy IlrandrctlCi

illls witAm tbe last mon'h. This ptevall'ng complaintla r.utd by pun ft iog iho blo..l. Impure blood ia cau- e Iby malHilj anecked perspiration, or by tDf cause that*KC»iiK>B» any of the evacuations of tbo bo ly to remalolouder than the time utsfgneil by nature for their re-marsi. Now, i npa re blood, when confined to any part,.torrfp. it internally and externally. Thus wo naveeruption* pimpiea, swellings, running of the noae, with

a burairp wn> it '<c. pains in the bea t and limbs. Now,Xracdretti . ptllfi eur these »ymp*oms at f ace. Soms-tbues a singiH dose wilt cure, Cot nothir.g will cureaeoear, and their use occa-i«u« 110 trouble coinpiratreely. Ibey ire Innocent as bread, bnt all-powerful a*ad apent (or ihe cure of <1i*ease, whether chronic, orresent infections, or otherwise. 8tld at Or. BRAS.BRKTH'8 principal office, Urandreth BulldiOK.entranceNo. 48 Canal '26 cent* per boa, with full di¬rections. a Iik>, at the bian h offices, 274 Bowery, and241 Hudsou street. R-uiember the principal office,JBtaadrtth Building. 43 Canal (treat.

OU Cagnae-rh< Heat Imported, and theuniversally approved, esaencea Otard, psaeh and cidertsaadiea; essence (rin, whiskey, Jamaica and St CroixMm; oil* of juniper, blt'er almond*, ahsynth, anisettes,.araway an* piroeuto; photographic and daguerreotypeChemicals; cvarnde potassium. pyrogallic aeid, Ac. , loreale by )>R. L. FKUCHrWANOER, 141 Maiden lane.

Holloway'e Ointment and Cord Raglan..hofe>wr Holloway ban, by order, dlipatched to theHeapital* of the Army of the Eaat. the celebrated Or.Kaowle* witli a large shipment of the ointment, to beused u»i«r hu instructions. It will cure any wound,

I » note or nicer. Fold at the manufactories, No. 80 Maid¬en lane, New York, and No. '244 Strand, I .on Ion, and byall druggists at 2b cent*, 62); cent*, and $1 per pot. M

Owanf of Howi will And Dr. TobloVaUntmest, in pint bottle*, at fifty centa, superior to any¬thing else for curing colic, swellings, galls, bruises,lump*, Ac. Po'd by all storekeepers and druggists. Depet, 60 Coxtlandt street.

Dr. John Bull's Sarso parIlia Is the moat ef¬fectual purlier of the blood and all tbe secretion* of thehuman system. Our most eminent physicians, (to whomthe composition has been made known, > pronounce It tobe an unequalled tonic medicine for inligention, dyspep¬sia, and liver complaints. Bold, wholesale and retail, atOr. JOHN HULL'S principal office, No. 20ortIandt street,two doers from Broadway. Price, ia quart bottles, $1each, er six bottles for $8.

[' Lovct'i* Wahpene will Restore Gray Hair1 to ils original color and youthful appesrance, and cures

baldness. Call at 762 Broadway, where reference will bagiven to aged persona who have been gray and bald, andwho now have aa beautiful beads of hair aa when young,by the use of XX)VET'S wabpene. Office, 762 Broadway,Jour doors above Eighth street.

Coaghs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, and allbang affections are cured immediately by using DootorROBE'S celebrated oough svrup 26, 50 cents and SI abottie. Sold by R. H. HARTSHORN, 162 Fulton street, op¬posite St. Paul's Church.AO Pain will be Cured like Magic, by usingOr. BOfB'3 pain curer. It sures rheumatism from acohf,stiff neck, pain in the limbs, 'side or back; also chil¬

blains, frosted feet, oramps in the stomach or bowela.12 W. 25 and F>0 cents a bottle. Sold by R H HARTS-BORN, 162 Fulton street, opposite St. Paul's Church.


.JUS*, 'l.'*

¦arrleo,t On Mon lay, February 19, bv the Rev. Dr Starrs, V,

6., at tbe aesldence of John Madden, Esq , Jaxih Cava-aaufh. E»q. , M. D., ol Easton, Pa , to Misa Thsraha Stew¬art, of thia city.On Wednesday, February 21, at Brooks' AssemblyRasma, by the Kev Ansel Leo, Mr. H. My Kin, late of

Ssa Franciaco, California, to Mi's Botha Licaraamw,saly daughter of II. S. Licbtenste n, of tbis city.Ban Francisco and 8acramento city ptpars please copy.At Uwghamton, New York, on Tuesday, February 20,by the Kev. W. T. Doubleday, of Ullbertville, Dr. E. (J.C*A>TH, of Newark Valley, to Sihah P. Doudlkoay,slaughter of Or A. Douhh'day, of the foraer place.On Tuesday, February 2ft, in St. Thorn is chur h, bythe IUv. O. Nevill, Mr W». H. Mahom, Jr., of Hutfalo,H N. Y., to Miss Bm/abktii H. Wuitakkr, of Norwich, Conn.

Oo February ^HKr. Patrick Rully, in the434 yrar of hia age.Hi* friend* and acquaiotantance*, nod those of hU

father- la- law, Pat'ick (iibney, and brother* in Uw, Mat¬thew Gaflney, I'atiick tialllgan and Henry Poweri, arerespectfully invited te attend the funeral, tblt after-.on, at one o'clock, from hia Ut« residence, No.378 Kant Thirteenth atrcet. Ilia re-aaln* will be takento Calvary cemetery for interment.Ob Monday, February 19, Rkbkca, daughter of the

late Robert Martin, In the 20th year of her age.The friend* of the family, and those of her brother,Robert, and brothar-ln law, Dr. K. tiray, arc respect-fnUy.ln sited to attend the funeral, this afterno in, at

two o'clock, from her late reeldenca, No 140 3*conl¦tract. Foneral service at three o'clock, at St. Stephens'church, corner of liroome and Chriaty »i.r««ta.Oa Tuesday, February 20, of chron o diarrhoea, Jon*

dmtom, aged r,8 years.Hia funeral will take plaoe tlila morning;, at nine

.'clock, from the residence of hia brother, I'eter Clinton,No. 660 Greenwich street. The friend* of hia broth«raPater, Matbew and Richard Clinton, are respectfully iarlhd to attend.Oa Tucecay, February 20, after a short illness, Jamch

R., iafant child of Ftephen L. and Catharine M. Travis,agedl month and 14 day*.

Ihe relative* and fiienda of the family a*e respectfullyInvited to attend the funer&l, from the residence of hi*parents, No. 17 Troy street, at three o'clock thl* after-.OB.On Tueiday, Febrnary 20, ot consumption, at hia late

aaidence, No. 1^0 Sixth avenue, William Cuave, carver,31 years, native ot Dublin, Ireland

Hia friend* and relativea are ie*pectfully requested to¦Mend the funeral, to morrow afh-rneon. at one o'clock,fieaa the above address. Niagara Kn^ine Company is re-

[ apectfully invited. Hi* remain* wid be taken to (ireen-aood.Dublin paper* please copy.Departed thi* life on Wednesday. January .11, at his

realoen 'e, in Couth fat-olios, Jaitm A. M Garovmi M.D., formerly of New Votk city, in the 49th year of hia

j age.( Suddenly, of icerlet fover, oa Tuesday, F«nrusry 21,. Hknry P. bwan. third arnof James and llary C. Swan,

|| aged 2 years, 10 months and 21 day*, The relative* and fri»nda of the family are respectfully

. Iavited to attend tbe fuoertl, this afternoon, attwo o'clock, from tbe r«sldeoe« of hi* parent*. No 13

| hmth c'evmtb street, Williamsburg. Hia remain* willbe tak> n to tirynwood.

| Ob Wednesday, February ,21 Johw Hknii* I.rnxii, aged[,. moatlis and 4 day*Tbe relatives and friend* of the family are reipectfn'ly

avited to attend the funeral, from the reldenue of hi*paieata, No. 213 ' anil 'rest, thi* afternoon, at one.'clock. Hi* remains will be taken to Greeowood ceaie,tery for iuterm*nt.

I Oa Wedneedady, February 21, Lavixa HtviLAXD, widowof the late Benjamin Haviinnd, aged 72 ye^ra.Her relatives and friends are invited to attend *>er fil¬

lera 1, from the 1 out-e of Hai.btl II Falconer, No. 200William stieet, st four o'clo»k thi* afternoon H»r re¬tain* will be ttHen to Purchase, by the 7 o'clock tram ube Harlem Railroad.In thi* city, on Monday, February 19, after a shortlaen, Mr. Jou.n C. Tirwiwo, aged 81 year*, formerly ofNewton, Mas*.The friends of the family ire r"*p»ctfulty Invited to

.ttrnd the funeral, from tte -..¦iden.-e o! his brotV-r,Charle* Thwiog, No. 2'JO Writ Fifteenth street, tuisafternoon at two o'clock.On Tuesday, February 20, Sarrn, only soo of Smith

and Henth Ann Rnlaad, .gel 2 year* and 11 month*.The relative* am) friends of the family are invited to

att.n l tne funeral, from tt »!r residence, J street. (ireeuW+*-_ iii* aflerooou, at ou* o'clock.On V/edccvday, February 21, OloR'.i. W Ilxn.Y. ion of

Jebn II. and < aroline II. Hyde, a^ed 2 yean, 11 mouthsMid 2 aye.Tbe frlenda an l relativeaof the family are rafpectf'iily

iav ted to attend the uneral services, at thr e o'cloiausaftirnmn, from [he resdsnce of hi* grsndlatber,I Daniels'. H/do No 1(H) We . Fifteenth atreot Hi* remaio*

L will te IiUb Kim Cove for leteiment, to morrow morn

king at ei^ht o'elocx.| On Iburac1 ay, I'ebriisiy 15, kt St. August n*, Florid*,Lwbltber l<e had gone for tbe benefit of hia V-altli, An-

ItwrciHN. Sai.Ttm, eldest aoaof the late Fraavs Sultus,i thi* cry.

. Oa Weda^edsy, Fehruniy 91, nf »carl<-t fever. Hvko*I Kadv, sob of Jetee Ca'ty, dec* i»«d, and Fenny I. ''»dy,

b af ed 3 yveia and A mot ha.Tb« Irleids and aequalntan < of i>ie fairly are re

naetlaliy invited to att-od tbe funeral, tli « al'»rn<> two oarlock, Iron h>e lite r«d irto» Ho. 441 Hiathavenue, wl'bcut further aritatlon.Oa Tuerday, Febm.irv 21. tftrr a sho t illae*', Mr.

Cbabuh Aornrfe,* la the :W«h y»ar of hia .je."'Tbefriead* and (elatiree of th* fsmi'y are -e«j»e>tf Jly

tavttrd to attend the fontral, from liis late re .deac»,No. W Water (tieet. to morrow nf'.etaeon, at«li, without furtbrr invitation. II a rem tin* will

takes toOieenwood remeteryfor ia'ermeat.

KVKKk iH.HI 4to.

rmMi.tN wanted.osk WHo~cmdkrVtano^tbe eyHnder press pref»rr>d. Apply to H. llo« k Co.EA

Brnw HAKii..' WANrril TWO MEN WHO IVder<'au<' at* kit g lortituia springs. Apply to

1A Hint, S73 Pe*i I :r<'. t.

¦Urto PLi Mim WASiu> i vi) i"R-r hati. joi rH| J ae} tt en plun^ff* .V< u > r goo-1 hausl* aeed op-H|l^ to MidMa A y liu, o lu-ir'.h atfei't.

WANTVD-Tll 1>: F.>«tAVKR ON W.wilt, *!.<«<)a drAf'aman, who is ctpabl* of dr«wii>g in aa

lrff baad mat>u«r A| l> at I -|.r U"- »ir»«t .<¦ uod

WATl»li.\ JKWKLHV, AC-. VKR VlVF. IIITNDI'l' > 1TOVI E DAlP.Y M':r L. AI J JAI *¦' ?aMishm'-nt, 407 1 sr*v,.re their relebraUd California dianioBi**, equal ill

illiaatv to the teal oUtoond. Ois 'swt judges cannotill theia, and tbe | ri<-ei are withia the reach of everyta. tall *ad are th»m.

AUPORNIA IMAMONfiH EQI'AL TO THE REALdiamond, feat« . lust- r pins »> irl» 'On »i to

0; elne'rr rai rings, $ii to »1*: rmws, fli to (It. etnds,Neva h.«tti,oa, ladus'pian, lie. rtent by mail U> eayart of tho I ntted State*

L A J JA0UB\ 407 Broadway


FV. F. F. r. v.; OR THE FANCIES, FUUHIf) AN!)a Freak* of a Fickle and Fascinating Female, ii duly

recorded io that wonderful book. " WikoH's CuurUhi >hnd it* Oaam-'ia«DC« <¦" Price $1 In paper; cloth, 91 13.Fv.r sale by nil booksellers.


OH, TBK MODK1 HlCTt'BUO, ITS ciUJRT OB ITS KALLWith a. review of the K*publics o' Souih America.

Vrilto anil of the Old World, together witlfcthe causes oftheir decline and failure, applied to tbe prerent criil* ofthe Un-ted t-taU». By the American Uuarl. 1 vol. 1Jno. Tliis will he found a work of deep, stirring interestand will male its appeal to the heart of every Auierlo.auCitizen. K. WAI.hhK, Publisher, No. 114 Faltoa it.

QOMiTIUNU fcXtjl 18ITE IN THE WAY 0/ KEEM-U ness uiay be found in tlie Na'ionul Police Uaxeltethis week, being tbe true history of the banker whoknew ail about Also full report of are-cent n.alpraotice case. Also Dungeon History, wbicb lavery interesting. ROHS, JONES & TOWSI.Y, 103 Nassaustreet, agents. Sold everywhere.

The beacon fires lioiitfj) .now ready-stanhope BUHLKIGH;

TilK JOtllta in our uoiw.A Nov u., RY IlKl.KN Dill'.

The excitement attending the publication of this pow¬erfully written American work b» deep and far spreadIbe topic in tbe literary and politic »1 circles of the me-troioll* is btanhope Burleigh, and in the villages, town*aiui cities of tbe whole Union tbe Influence of thi* booki* beginning to be felt. E»ery hour briugs to tbe publisters large orders for the l ook, wbicb Is the surestte*t of the interest of tbe public la the subject uponwLieh it treats, and which bas been incorporated socompletely into tbe romance of the narrative, as to ber»«d with increased seat by even politicltn* themselves.Ihe author has gained the public attention by a charm¬ing story, and thns Is enabled to unfold the daagers of

a political intrigue to the young, upon whose educationIn truth and in a strong nationality tbe future of theUnited State* »o much depends, either for a bleming or

a blighting. "Head, and ponder upon tbe duty ofAmericanst," Is the counsel of thoae who have been ani¬mated bv Stanhope Burleigh.From hundreds of commendatory notice* already re¬

ceived, we extract the following from the press of theriver counties:.

[From tbe Albany Evening Transcript ]The book i* one of deep interest, and must meet with

an extended Rale. We commend it to the perusal of «verypatriot, and particularly to thoee wbo will control tbefuture of this ocean-girted land of freedom.

[From the Auburn Daily American.)The Book of tbe Age..That it i* destined to effect adeep pervading, powerful influence upon the people ofth:« country, i* a* certain a* that Saxon blood still cir¬culate* io our veins, or that civil and religious libertyI* still our inherltaance.

[ From the Troy Whig.)It walk* into some of our politicians and bishop* un¬mercifully. Who tbe author is we know not, but underber nom de plume she conceal* a courageous soul and abold heart, while she wielii* a graceful pen. It i* cer¬tainly destined to a great popularity.The following from the Near York Observer, exhibit*

tlie hearty welcome with wkich the work is being greetedby religion* journals everywhere.

Its object is to expose tbe secret Influence* of tbe Je¬suits In the home* of America. Seising upon the presentexcited Itate of lo»lisg in regard to tlie progress of Ro¬manism In this country, and the dangers which threatenits peace and liberties, the writer bas wrought out atale of great interest and ability, in which the dark andmighty influence* of the system are clearly «xposed.The hook is one of much power, and, we doubt not, willhe widely read. Published by

STRINGER k TOWNPKND,No. I'll Broadway, New York.

And for sale by all booksellers and news agents.

Tenth edition of mr. wikoffs book nowready.MY COURTSHIP AND ITS OONSKQUKNCES.' 12mo. Price $1, in paper; cloth, >1 36.

It is more romantic than any romance; more novel thanany tale of fiction. 1 -a Fayette Journal.

Replete nith stirring events and startling contrast*.Made up as it i* of actual occurrence* aad experiences,tbe work possesses all tbe charm and fascination of aromance Burlington Kentluel.The spirit of forgivetess manifested by Heury WiVolf,In hi* apparently candid statement of tbe whole affair,will win blm a multitude of sympathizing friends wher¬

ever his book may be read.. \ate« County Whig.A spirit of absolute hilarity pervades his volume; he

nnwtrre upbraids hi* fall* charmer for her insensib.iity,and her Violation of plighted f litb; nor dee* he ask Hiereader'* commiseration for a withered heart upon whichthe dew* of tender end coufiditg love have ceasod to fall.. Petersburg (Va.) Kxpreas.We candidly advise those who wish to read this bookto commence ft in the early part of the day and nit ai weunwisely did, take it up at about 10 o'clock P. M., and soget cheated out of half their ueual night's rest. Thehook is one which they must and will hnish if they be¬gin It; for tbe same singular tasta that lsad* the authorto write a book expressly to let the workl know how com-plftely hi* ladylove hae Jilted lilm, also lead* blm to fillthe book with the most novel and exciting Incident*.The courtihip, whose biitory is here given, is one of therarest events that ha* occurred sinoe Fal»talT laid siegeto the susceptible teert oftbe hostess of tlie Boar's HeadTavern .Vermont Union

J. C. DERBY, Publisher, N*w York.And for pale bj book seller* everywhere.

I^HK MCHT hUOTEa-FDI. AMERICAN BOOK.RC. rtHAJX ; a itooMtle tale of the prM«iit ;io>. By

nny Fern 400 pp., 1'Jmo. Cloth. Proe, 31 iB. Itban been reaerved to thin iliitinfliihoiJ author*** t»achieve what ruAy, nndee the eircumatanor*. ho regardedaa I be mont br.'Jumt lucceci eve; obtained bjr an tiae-rieen writer of Action. Hu'h FioU, h'r fire'. canilnnoui«tojj, though dor Iting nr inteeeet or ptyulirtt/ fromccunectirn with un» of chore re«ed quertioaa whichagitate the public m:nd, '/*»«, Ic *hv C to month* Kino*ita flrft apperance, reached a ifeatly It'ger ialo tainan; uther Awer. -an work of fiction whatrr»r within theMini! period. Tula extraordinary fact. ia, of ltaelf, abun¬dant evid#r>* of the abaoroljg inter»?«»t and graphicpeacr of thin remarkable wo;k. We hire In our pse--. - -it " r hundred revlewa cf Kuth Hall, whichiiare alrtady appeared in tb i principal newspaper* andperiodical*. Nearly all ot' tUsttr pronouoca it e'ophati-ca!!^ a work «f genu*, manj predicting for It the larg¬est *als of any Air.eri'-ati book, and derating wholeco'up'aa to ita cul <gUm, while have >et ao-u but a

v few (not t.welre In all) which deny It* lingular faicinatina. Hnth H ill in for pale by boakxeltorii generally.Pu Idialed by MASON BROTflKiW, So 23 Part row, Newfat,


Any perpon knowino of wiu.i\m Ancm'3frakir, from Philadelphia, who name to New York,

I, will confer a faror on hi* mother by loannga note,or calling at lftS Delancey *trtet, on J W. Chi ce. IfCapt John H. Baker la in the c tjr he will hear of aome-thing to hie adrantage by ealling at the abore plac*.

Any iapy wishing to adopt an infant fkomita rlrfli, (In the early part or March ) may hear

of a good opportunity, and have an interview with themother, by a.dreaaliig E. box 1ST. Herald office.

IF THE GZNTLftlf/ N WHO KOI NI) A flOI.Ii BRACK-letun yeeterda/, the 11th, in Filton av-nue, be¬

tween Jar and I*«»enre itreeta will return the name to»V>9 Fulton ttrc.'t, Brooklyn, be ahall be liberally re¬wards. and lecolve the thank* of M. Taeaer.

INFORMATION WANTED .THE MWUfflfM OFJamea Feiwriere, t.nami'h, from Haarick, tfioMinl,

will be mnch ob'ired to him if he wou d forward hi* a1dn-*« to them at Wirconntn Jaueaville, Kocky county, orto William I. Park, 14ft Gc-ld afreet, Brooklyn; or ahoukltbia rrque»t meet the eve f any of hi* acquaintance,the *1 ore pirtiea will duly ritffn the faror if theywould futniah hi* addre**

INFORMATION WA^TkD OF PATRICK, MICHAEL»nd Mary Murray, native* of lrelan t. < 0'i9*y of Lei

trim, near the town ot l'rum»hambo Wbea La«t heardfrom lived car Antocia Poet Office State of Virginia.Ad; intc rotation reaper ting them will be thankfully re¬ceived br their '.rothar, Jamea Murray. care of Mr.Tho*. Blake, 6ft Heater afreet, corner of l.n ilor, N. Y.

INFORMATION WANTED.OF PATRICK li » brother Jam* e. Any informal ion of him will

be thanklul'y te fired at 31 ('atil itreet, by Mra. Vanranee. Farai.aab papei* ple*«tc«py.\f »8 N\\< Y Wil l. PI.EAHK CAM. AT THE I1H0AD-if 1. way l'o«t Offire for two b tteri xl4rea«ed to her.

B'OTIfT.-MR. 1HOMA* 1'IMON, A (lARDENBR, Wll.t.rmr .nmethlni; to hi* a<trant age by ealli>i( at 166

Mniden lane, New Y»rV, or M 1 rmvn »tn-et, Brooklyn,without delay. It ia au( | ha ia « n I.oog Itlaal.

T»CP>ONAl ..THK KKLATIVI# '»F«iM»H4JICF. AU U»,X. reeen'ly mata uf a*b(®tmt«f thia p< rt. aod nif-po«*d to be from ."eouayi vanla, *ar l «ac .Aaaa'.blng 'e;l»el» a<<T«BU«e. by applylns to

J*MW W PHU.l rP<* 6-2 < alh < re-t

-tl-I-.T A HAY I'HOM H >MK, OS nit: 1 7 : ry\ ir 'ant. Jr'd'r^ka I'bo, ten »e«ra oU, lirht hair»n blue eye* h»d f<a a pU -t 'rn-W, ht le . i !K aa I bl < '»t.onnet .*p»ak* German an l EneilaH. Any io'>rma-ticn tkHklaRf r'celve.l by h»r 4MaMWl wmh It3| v 'ant«'B »tr'et.


cor»d ot the re..«»ti| «. r e« «.( Oermau leoinrea willbeoehrered at tiie M*rc»btiia I. brary, late A«'.or OperaHt>n>e, on Tliurt<iay even ng, '.?d Imt., at *o';l<Kk. bjrI'r. K.Vrhrenm Hubj»ct "literary rtrcl-a »f the IStnand lb', b rmturira," (Buieau d'e*prlt, T.eck'* loireee,rtr ) Knt ante 'ii '.aaU.

I KCIOMMIN THK KKKN<II1AMl i I !A( I K. .rtflMl1KBj Inntitiite lactnre llo< m Mo 6 la oii »|>iare. A

rnurre of five lerfure* on tb» lll-tory ai l literature ofthe Frem li will be elirered onThnr>d»y of each w«ek.ty ( HAKI.IKR, of Pari*, Profe««r of the Fr»n<-I»

I angiiage in 11. Peujoet . |u»titnt-»o, V> eO'nmen-e onlbnr».l»r leb V'.'d, at b o'eloek P M flubiec*! .t.

1 ranre tnfthe 1Mb c nturv.. Jennae il'Ata II. I'raacaia fb> 1* th lettan..Ij» Heoaiaemro III. k IV. FcaaoeIn Ik* lllk rmtarf.-Kitrb <te Lnila X V V. Frae'-ein flie 1Mb eentury --Vol'alre et kd tempi, (barntirUte, |': atagi* tiek«t*. ft" e«ate; to be hid at l«;«-wooil'a, 411 Rroadwar; at Cbnetern'*, 7«S Broadway;

i r at the dorr. We take much pk'**ur* ia ona'a liagthi« rnur*e <e atadcat and lover* of tbe i'nnc'i Itnfu>ge I'nf (he i her'* ebaract<r eel at'na*i'*U *atitle klaa te th* '*u6<t»n> e and regard of our comm'inity.

ooitiiAM d. Aftitfrrr, Prioi-ipu.X' kw DKiUMii voum~ mk> a A«ociAnoy^.1* 1 be eiath aad la»t of the aanaal eeurae of Wlnr*awill be d»llvmd at l alau Halt, A«tar place, on Frtdavfvoiif I»l*. i3, at . e'ehaek, by Rer. ItBuel Uigood,I'. D. robjeet. " the Tr*ie Amerleaa, " a laetore ler Ihet inea. ItcMaCi mta.

F WIU.I4 FTPHER, M P Pre.,dealJ. W. R Oeow*, .eeretary


* rcnon iwmci .large sals ok "a Km: as-j\ lurtniDt of elegant jswalry .EDWARD tCHF.NCKwill sell at auction, on Frl lay, 23d init , at 10 '* o'clock,at hi* saleroom* 14 Wall atreet.Gold KngLrh patentand delatebed lever watchws, dunn-x, l»jiiu«, chronome¬ter*, Independent second, Ao, , do. Oy C»p«r, Tobias,Oudin, Jobo'oii, Koakell, ju l othsr celeirated matera;elegant mosaic gold atone bracelets, luita of pica andearring*, gold fob, veat and guar I chains. chatelaines,A». brooebea, ring*, plus and other article* of joweiry.of the finest Pari* manufacture. Sale without reaarto.Term* rut.

Auction notice .laiujk and peremptory balkol a fine collection I botbouae |>I»u',*.-»KI>WaKI)

HCHENCK will ««ll at auction on fhuriiday, Feb 22d, athi* salesroouia, No. 18 wall atreut at o'uloik, abeautiful aarortm»nt of plant* in bloom, coa-istlng ofdouble whito eameliai, rod multiQura, red Sherwood,wild<ii, very rare; imbrcoata, do. variagatad; awaaiorange, very rare: aperiu prlmifolia. do. longlfolla, ar.elia, lemcn, monthly incarnation, violet* de parmia, and

a large assortment of other planta. Terms ca*h. Hal*toaWwa

Auction notice..m iocghty, auctioneer,will aell to morrow, Friday, at 10W o'clock,(at 64Sixth avenue, the Kfiiteel furniture of a family, conalat-ing of aofaa, tete-a-tetea, mahogany chairs and rockera,centre, aide and extension tablea, throo ply and Ingraincarpet*, roaewood and mahogany bedstends, hair mat-treases, bolsters and pillows, dre-singand plain bureaus,encloavd waihatands, itair carpets, rod*, china crockeryand glaaa war*, cooking stoves, he. Sale positiva.

A CCTION NOTICE..HAUl° EI, OHOC )n, AUCTION-A t*r, store tin Naaaau itrmt, wiu aell, this morning,

2!d Feb at 10)f o'clojk, ea the premlrea, by order ofthe Street Ccminisakner, the whole of the frame andbilck buildings on tb* junction of Third and Fourth ave¬nuea, between and Serenth atreet*. Term* cash;the buildings to b« removod previous to the ttfth ofMarch, 1866.

4CCTION NOTICE.J. L. SMITH, AUCnONEER,will aell, to-morrow (Friday) morning, at 10,^

tek, the contenta of houae No. 70 Franklin atreet,near Broadway, cona'atiog of roaewood patier suites, inaatin brocade, centre, aide and aofa tables, oil paint¬ing*, lace and brocatrilu curtain*, large oral and pierClaeses, tapeitry and velvet carpets, roaewood and maogany bedsteads, bureau*, waahatanda, feather beds,bol-ter* and piUowa, fine wool blanket*, hair mattreaaea,black walnut and mahogany cushioned chain, aofaa,rocker*, china vaaes, crockery, glaaaware, ivory cutlery,¦liver war*, aalverx, fork*, ipoona, castors, tea aervlce,

atair cWrpeta. oil cloth*, atovea, Ac., comprising thewhole contenta of a well farniahad four ctory hjuie. Adeposit required from all purchaser*.

Auction notice..tho* bell, acctioneer-By BAM. A HUSH..Friday, at 10* o'clock, will

be sold, in the *ale* rooms 27 Centre atreet, a valuableassortment of good furniture and housekeeping article*,fancy articlci, hardware, Ac. Saturday, In continuation,tl.u furniture of a family; al«o, foity splendid canarybird*, in bandtomt cage*; the last of the lot fromBjrmen, in fln* heath and aong.

A CCTION NOTICE .CROCKERY. GLASS AND CHINA.. T«a aeta, rich dinner aeta, sliver plated war*, Ac.,tTi* entire *tock of atoro 171 Eighth avenue, betweenEighteenth and Nineteenth atreet*, at 10 o'oiock A. M.on Friday, Feb 23..Boardlnghouae keepers will do wellto attend. Sale peremptory. By order of A. McDONAl.D.


A UCTION NOTICE..J. BOGART, AUCTIONEER.BYjfV. S. BOOAKT..The aale advertised for to-day willtake place to-morrow, Friday, Feb. 23, at 10% o'clock,at the auction rocm*, corner of Frankfort and William¦treat*, when will be aold a large and general assortmentof furniture, conaiiting of aofaa, dressing and plain buream, divan*, tables, chairs, bedsteads, beds and bad-ding, oarpet*. oilcloth, cooking and office stove*, mirrors,crockery, and glaan war*.

Albert h. nicolay, auctioneer -bio ,ks andbond* at auction..Regular aale .ALUKRT H.

MCGLAY will foil thi* day. February 22, at li%O'clock, at tho Verchinta' kxebange, for account ofwhom it may ooucern.1 16 .000 Hudson Rtvnr Railroi lthird mortgage 7 |>< r eent oonvertible bond*. int«re*t latMay and lat November, I1,0j0 each; flO.iO) Nnw Yorkand Harl*m Railroad fir it mortgage 7 per cent boo it,Intertat lit Kay and lat November, <1,000 each; f 16,000Grrat Weatern rlUiuola) Railroad first nurtgag*- 10 percent bonda, interest lat April and 1st October, 11,000cach; <6,600 Eiie and Pennsylvania Canal 0 per rentbond*, Interest lat January, 60 up; <2.riOO l« Oosa*and Milvrautie Railroad h per cunt cooTertiMe boodi, lo-Ureit lit January and lat July <l,&no and <600: <rj,000Cleveland aid Toledo Railroad 7 per ceot convertible in¬come bond*, interest lat January and l»t Jnly. <1,000»ft'h <''.000 New Ji raey Contral Railroad 1st mortgage 7percent Sonde, interest 1st Keb and lat Aug., <1,000each. <6,000 City of Raclue (Wlacooaln) 7 per cent con¬vertible bond*, Inter-st February 10, <1,000 each; <2,000lluahirg Kailroad lit mortgage 7 far sent boad*, ln'*rr*t1st Maich and litSeptember, O.l'OO each; <7,000 Breck-eniidga Canuel Coal Company of Ktntusky. 6,000 acre* ofland..A deed for the above land, b-lrig altuatedin Can ron County, Tentessce, datel Nashville,March 26th, 1841. Rccordad in RtniiaUr'a olllco,book O, page 170. (R. Ndaon, R*giaUr of Mnun,tain district): (0 ahar-* Rulfalo and State line Rail-roa<?, <60 each, 16 Fiuihing Railroad, <20 each; 100Michigan Southern Railroad, <100 tach; 00 Hulaon RiverRailroad, <100 each, 100 Northern Indiana Railroad<100 each; 60 Erie Railroad, <100*acb; 50 CumberlandCoal Company, <100 each; 20 Pacific Mall SteamshipCompany, <1,000 each; 20J Farmer*' Imu and Trust

| Company, 160 each: 60 Chatham Bank, <26 ea :h; 141Knlcktrbccker Lank, <26 each 60 Ojean Bank, <50 each10 Excelsior Fir* Inaurance Company, <i<> each; 30Walla, Fargo A Co. Expreaa, <100 *acl>; 80 Grocers'Mmm Sugtr ReBnlng fempanj, <100 each, 40 Hum-

I ptireyaville Copper Company, <26 each; . 100 Oniolife Insurance and Truit Company, <100 eacn. Tsrmior aale. Ten per cent tin* day, and the balance before 2o'< lock to morrow. The accrued interest on all bon iswill be charged to the purchaaar. Next regular sale onMonday. Albert H Nlcolay holds regular aalea of atock*and bond* every Monday and Thursday, at the Mer¬chants' Excliange, and al«o special a.ilea when required,Tmoday, Wedueaday, Friday and Saturday. At private¦ale, a givat variety of Brat cla** railroad, city andM'at* bonds, b«nk, inaurauce and other st<>< ka, of un¬doubted character for inveatmeat. For particular*, seehi* private aale* catalog u*. Office No. 4 Broad ctreet,next to corner of Wall street.

A LBERT H. NICOI.AY, Al'CriONEER.-SPIUNG Kl'IlJ\ niture auction Bale*..Tbe nailcriitfocl bega :..»» (Bfnrm hie friend* anil tb<> public, that he U preparedaa uaual to (ire hii peraoaal attention to lint rltu fur¬niture rail* at auction, at the reei-lmce* of familias thatintend breaking up lironekeeplng thia faring.

A1.11KHT H. NllOLAY, Auctioneer, No. « Broad it.

, a DMINlflRATOR'8 8AI.E.SIOTK AND FIX rt'RWA of liquor »»ore Itnl We*t ?trcet, on Friday, Feb 10 o'clock.keg* an<l coot. nt», counter and fixture*,I d"anter*. contenta. beer pnmpa, atove and boiler*,

i tegara, bedetead*, bureau*, rille r«volver wearlog appaiel, writing deal;. W. 4. CARTER, Auctioneer

67 iJay atrret, eorn<r of (>r<tifld.

a IWOUBPg NOIRE -NOTICE is IIEl'.F.BY GIVEN' x\. ^at ' anlel C. Brown and I.or«pbua O. M.nmoiii, of

(he Ann of Drown k . imuiona, of the city »r.d ooutily ofNew York, Lure made an a»'l,rnin*nt of all tvi*lr ;>er-tonal ami real ratate, in tiu -t. !<<r the pajm nt of theirdebta, to tbe underlined and all paraona having claim*againat the raid Arm of Broa n k Simoooi. and ill per-acn* Indebted to tl.em, are requited to call on th- ua

; <>r*igced, at hia oftlea, No. .»>H Broadway, anl adjusttbe tame. J. 8. BLAL'.-ON, Aaaignee.rated February 14, 18r>6.

ASSIGNEE'S 8AI-E-.M'lENE D. KRANKUN, Auc¬tioneer. By FRANKLIN fc NICHOLS, olfl'e 81

Nnaeau rtreet. Will aell, to morrow, Friday, Feb. 21, at10 o'clock, the atock or larea. rmbrolderlea and wliltag«>orf* remaining in the «t<re 7.'i0 Broadway. AUo,tore* of aaid itora, to e'.o»e the bp*iae»*, by order oftbe aaoigaee. W. A. FOSTER, Anlj nee.

A MWNEE'S KA1J 1UE STOCK OF I.ACEH, 7M-A bro'derle*, »n 1 white good* remaining in tbe a .ore

730 Broadway, *111 tie ef'M a', auction, to uoee the bu*i-1 re»a, cn Friday, Fabhroary at 10 o'cl«.ch. by order of| the Aatignee. WM A FOSTER, 730 Broadway.

By c. a. w*n rocky, aictiomexb..we muxhi Irxley ol tt-ia week, Feb. 23d, genu ne Havana

eegara, which actually coat to mport Irom f 12 to ».*)per I 000. Aleo In bond, fl»e <|uarUr aa*fc* of pilecognac brandy, vintage n? 1M8, ah.rh roat tUe importerov»r ft per gallon Alaoa Urge and valuable atock ofother liquor*. The tilt <-,im-<rc»* at 10*^ o'clock, atour ate re, No. .18 Broad atreel. K«e particular* ia < <t i


(»0>H1ABILH HALE.. A. M. CRI TAI.tK, AUC-j tWbeer, will rell at iU AIlea .treat, by vlitua af

an eieeutina, houaehflld (ur^lluie, contained ia aaidbona*, with bam.'« txtuiaa, ke., on Fri.lay, 83d laat ,at 10 o'clock. By o der of JAMES NKilitTr, Coa»ULIe

D8. HorGH, ACCIIONEEK.MoRTOAfiE HAI.I!-Of (Jegant lloutabobl Furniture, tin* day,

I* (In.laj) morning, February 17, at 10)f o'clo- a, tttocortea a o I the largo fiur atery bo ia« 7» Watreiatr'tt (not a boar>T*ogf booaa,^ eontiati-ig of tbe(<i<k>wiag articl**, »;j It,«a n'-llruoU carpet,ol cb'tka, mahogaay e» 'en-ioo t*a and diamg ta-

! bl»a, m*>Qftay aad" '¦.ittage cbaira. aofni, aairroM.1 e'ork, f ail painting, china -liancr aad tea ..!». '«i

elarnware. alleerware. Ivury e itlery. k«. Parl»r« -Rt<.b-ly larwil romotil anita in breexla, arm and N^aptioa

, ctalra to match, ceatra «.<ie and aofa tablea, aup»rior' roeewcod etager*, wi'h p'ate gU«a >al ba .V very

co tly roMwod pianoforta of apl*ndld t/me ar.d Batehrneeaood b»<kcaa«, aup«rbly tarred, led'e*' roeawa<>4ec nt< ra, with p'ata gleae doora ea| *rb t»i»ea'tr car-

pe»a 'arge «rral minora, la^ afiidew eatlatai. UtkM .ml paintinfi in rich frame*. Kr-u-b ewrreeinfe, ri'hchina eaaca. Marine and I'ariaa l^am, t«n'j iaa day

, orrrolu <i!c«.k, ciilaa .pitlaoaa, ke. k*. PwwtM ra»a ¦

Mah' geay auit m <-rim«».B pl"«b, w»«l mirr<>r, h-e car-tan a aed rich rbadet, rich piiat lf', aual»l nlae.k.I' Aim (lat»a raa»», »Htaet reaewwad Ii«l«t« la, t>ar*aa, *a>t 'taBd, ea Mile, gilt toilet eel. Al«o, tk*

i cbo.oe farattare «f *.*<» bairoame, cnnprieing roea-

! »ood, mabogaay an>i bie-l wa'aat, Mda and bedteag,hair maUreeaea, kc. .'ale po tire

X'W I TtiK'S BAIJt.THE TAU'ilU TRUE* «TUK fJTj brtek booae aad lot w lb itar«, a 1 1 a kri'i rlabU,l> 1 kaat B*'ia<way. - >rn»r af Ccammel i(-«et !l a trairate aatghUrbooA. na »a»y t»rm«. Ear far*! ; ilare, ay-ply to A W. HKYN' IJH a< rthw»et eor»»r at > -wai c»iaa<l Fultca etieeta, ia tbe be«eiaact, or it. f. *HX',lixntar, Pert Elihmoad.

THtMltB VKANKUV ' .MNrMU.3Y I tv>aFt UWimatlf, am e " Saeeaa eUarV»-*i*1agfarattbie au'Uoa ae'ea- Ire aubaenhare leg leave toInform their fr aeda aad tke f ihtf, U*t ibey »ul jt»etie r |<-ra< ral altaati. a ta l«.ra t 'fe^leaat'l,at tie it>Ke»>ea »f lawiliaa t»at .W'a-1 apketteirep af la Ik >\t ag

UJUtf AT AUTMM.TT^LIAS COMBH, RKA1, K"TAT AND OEMRMAL ACO-M i liHMr, ttiurtwl ium'.-HIm <-f ¦tn.-k*.and real eatate, attend <i *t tr.e MereBai»t*' Kijhange.

I uruiture and rocrot audi e at irndoom .ml *w»*lioUMfl tentec «. >! properly of *U Uk4« luM at pmate.ale. Prompt r> turn* mate.

]7\ COUEON, AUCHONHCR..IMPORTANT «ULR Ok'*. household f, rnllire, of averf dw.rlpti.a, aqtte

ble for il*alei* aail other*; two ><>«wwood pianoforte*,French plate and oval mirror.; e*rv~t* and o l cloth*,cottage furniture; plated <vare Ac kr..f. Cotton willBell tkla oay, (Thur.niaj, ) Ke iruary 22, at lttlj .'.lock,at the auction room*, Reetman *tr*«t, * v iry lar$eand dealrabW aaaortoicnt of roeewood an'l rain "(anycablret furniture, moat of which ha* heeu mad* fir ou<<-torn trade, ar<l can be rcliel upon. It irlll Mmprlni inpart, of roaewood and mabogany *ofaa and tetna t Hocouclie*: bookoaae* and wardrobe*- marble tap dren-.niand plain bureau*; mahogany, French, Oothle, «n>iplain bedateuila; mahogany p rlor cuair*; rattan do,;arm do.; *ofa bed*tead*: oak and mahogany dining and |extension table*; carved rocking chair*; marble topwaab*taB'!*; cottage furait ira, bed* and hair mat'reaaee.carret* and oil clotlia, otlico deak*, French plat* andoval mirror*, lie., Ao. AI*o, two ro*ewoo<l pianoforte*,in good order. Alto, about SO cottage bedatead*, to cloae

a consignment. AUo, several silver plated mater*, to¬gether with curl maple and ether plain cbatM. Saleperemptory and catalogue* ready early fn the morningGood* moct be removed this day and early on Fridaymorning./"JBOCERIKS, C-.LMNS' PATENT AXLK8, sBGAR-l .VJT Friday, Feb. 23, at 57 IHy atreet, corner of Grean-wlrh, at 12 o'clock, maocaronl, French chocolate, *helledalnrtr.d*, tea*, lunar*, coir, o*, buckwheat flour, carrant*, cocoa, brandy, rum, gin, wine*, champagne, *o»p,handle*, ollv" oil, saddlery, whipi, hardware..

W. A. CARTER, Auctioneer, f>7 Dey street.

11 ENRY H. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER.BY H. H. LEEDSXX & CO..Thursday, February 23, and Friday, 221,at 10>< o'clock, at the salesroom, 10 Saa*au atreet,Signor O. II. I'andolHai'* large itale of about 100 ca*e*auperb marble good*, juat received from Italy, confut¬ing of large and beautiful Ktruaean Hebe, Roman, andotntr new atylea of vase* in ba*ao.relievo; alao a largeaannr'nunt of smaller description, and a Urge ailtrt-ment of fancy marble ornament*; a'*o an Invoice ofbeanttful alabaster group*, Venul of Canora, llnn -ingGirl*, Cleopatra. Susannah, Hebe of Canova, Herculea,Venus in a shell, bust*, A". : also a large lot of freihgooli, juat received from l'arii, confuting of rocoococabinet*, boxes, looking gla-iea, cabinet*, illuminatednight clock*, group*, figures, ormolu clock*, bronre*.plated ware, cblna and other deilrable gool*, being thelast sale of tbi* *na*on. Sale without reaerve. At 12o'clock, (directly after the tale of marble ami fancy

Iiootll,) at the lalrsroom, 19 Nassau atreet, a large col-ection of ituffcd bird*, from South Amirica, Itilv, aud.other parti of the world, nrepared by the Well knownNr. Galbraith, being the fluent collection ever broughtforward by tfcat gentleman, consisting uf bird* In largecases, do, in glasn shades and mouhtea on *prig* -allmounted in the most aubatauttal manner. Sale withoutreaerve.

TT WII.°ON, ACC1I0NKFR THURSDAY MORNINGJX a Feb. 22, at I0>^ o'clock, th<- aplendid homohoMfurniture contained in the large four atory houae No.169 Weat Twenty fourth atreet, near Eighth avenue,coniiitlof, In part, of otic richly carved roaewood piano¬forte, 7 octavea, coat $600, with rich carved leg*, madeby Chevalier; auperior made roicwood parlor auitai, inratin, io*ewood centre and il-!n table*, large mirrori,brocatelle and lace curtain*, rich roaewool etegere, withminor back*; ottoman*, re?oplioo and aria cbalr*. coatlylape«try, velvet and Ingrain carpet*, <>i> painting*, ro>*wood and mahogany bcdRtead*, bureau* and wa*b«i*nJ>to match, hair raattreaae*, bed*, bolatera and pillowi,aheeti, pillowcaae* e i I k and otber bed Npreadn, ohinavaiea,Aw ami tea *et*, allver tea *ervrice, ca«ter«,ealvera, apoona, ladle*, fork*, rrooktry, cut glaitware,

I ivory cutlery, mabogany and black wilnut exteoaioadining and tea tabiei, maide, mahogany and cotUgecbalr*, *ofaa, clock*, worktable*, Ac.

JOBErH HKtiElIAN, AL'CnONEKR. FRIDAY,F»br«ary 2.V, at ten o'oleck, A. N , at |K On'ral

Salei Room, corner of Willongbby aid Pearl ilNtl*.Brooklyn, a eeneral araortmeat of new auil *«cond lianafurniture, five aofa*, eight bureau*. t»<lve mahogany1 and waluut French bedaU id*. all ntten'. lM)*tea1i, ma

I bogany anl cane aeat chair*, uookca**, wardrobe*,excellent aprlng mattree*, tapoatry velvet carpit*, la-grain carpet, tuilat »etv, Hedenbergh heater, in go»dorder, Ac. Alio, t*o pianoi and foirteen lecture >u«m(eat*, with hack*. Same day. a' two o'clock, I'. M., pra-cliely, at 13 Tillary, near' Fn lion atreet, the furni'.ureremaioltig In the hon e, conaiatmg of tap«atry Uru«*eUand ingrain caipcti, atalr carpet* and red*, oil clot'n*,pier glaa*, unhognny taMea, chair*, bedateada, feit'ierbed* aud mattrea*. A-c. AUo, tho (a* fixture^ throughout the hnuM, and the kitchen range, Ren .ie'* patent.

JOHN W. R'JMEItlNDYKE, AL' of aewing ma-hiuei, Ac..-On Monday n*it.

Feb. at 10 o'clock A. M , at No. !>i Pino atrnet, upatalr*, twen'.y-alx *ewing mael.ine*, Grc ver, Baker * Co ,manufacturer* alio, deak*, bench**. Bxture*, Ac., Ac.

JOHN W. SOMKRI.Sm KK, Att'y for Mortg igee.

JOHN W. S0MKRINDYKE, At'CnONEIR.- MOUrOA'JE.ale of *al«on and liouiehold furaituro, on Friday,

Feb. 22, at 21 lteeknau atreet, (baaeaont,) at l^o'cl*<'k,bar, counter, gla**ea, decanter*, clock*, mirror*, map*,pictuie*. curtain*, table*, armchair*. rofrlg'>ator, Ac.,Ac , billiard table and utensil*; lirg* table*, chair* A".,alto the furniture of eleven bedroom <. coccjm«log theuiual variety. CHAIU.F.S F UATTS,

Attorney for Moi lg»ie*.

JOHN I. VANDKWATER, Al CnONMCH..VANDKWATIB A TURNER will aeil at aucti .o, tl.U day,

I-'eb 22, at 10 1, o'clock, at tAa *nle*r >o n, No*. <10 Pin*and if Cedar i treeta, a j.len lid a**ur'. oienl of h^uaebolilfurniture, comlit.og of irahogany and bla-'k wtlnutaofn, cha rr, late a tet»*. arm chair*, lounge*, marbletop tide, centre and pier table*, bj ikoate, t.*l*iead», burtau*, wni'bataud*, Ac.; alao a aplendid linen? F.enchplate mirror*, in ricli gUt frame* alao an aa«ortm»nt o

lecoud hand furniture, removal for c«nv»uHuoe of -ale

JOHN KfchSE, al'CTIONi>B. . DOUivri AND STAII J X-ery at auctiou..The iin<.er*'go» 1 will »eil on tbi*

(Iburaday) and alao oo Satur Uy evening, < ouimenclngat o clock on each evening,).lhH>k» a large andvery *elect catalogue of >taodarl and mi*c*llaneo'i*Ixwk*, fr**h from the publiaber*' el change*. S'a-tior.ery p*p*r, envelope*, porttmoscaie*. diar.e*,card*, Ac Ac. LYMaN A CO., (*ucce**or* to Coolejt AK«»»e,; 3"7 Broadway.

JOHN W. * tMI RLNDYKh, AIXTIONKKR .FCRJU.tura uk, onlhunx.'aT. th« 22d luk, at 10 o'clock,

»t Ko t.'l Ann ilii't, tbe b.laiire of tli« *'.o<k of \(«uri.F. It T. Uflt, cotxiatit it of roM a f'oH parlor auita <nbro. *d»; French and other l>a>Ut*wd*. .traiaiog and plaiahi ; nmrbf " i, tnrt otl>rr wa«."M -ao-l*; large in*-I Mati/ i-' 'cda and bed-ling; coin an i aid*Iti . aim), a laifc* asai rltnODt of common *>ad(ita,llklMl Wt*h»tan if, eiO'-\trf, glavavarc,

«' Ac >. H..11 r Ifaaara. Imri wiah 'o inturn ibeir ii ien-U ai> f lia pabll"- that t »y h iva r»-

>.«»M tb»ir li)rr'»ur« »Vk» to 104 Spring itrrat, on-l»rtie st. Nichola* Mo.ol

J OHN W. MiJlKltlNDYKK, Al CllONKUt . <

bla'a nf ni llinery * <.«!«, no TrIdaf, k>b 21at 10 o'c'c* k, «. tlia ancticn r<>"in. No 1 10 Centra ilr»»',for wr ur 1 rant lln, a quantity of millinery go da, Iad:e4ba'* and *l»o otbar ioo«la.

J W. POMKKlNDYKr., oaataMa.

JMORIAKTY, AICT10N»H- vvd.l. HUX, TBI80 day, at 10 o'clock, at ITS < hatham ¦ t r<** a

| large aaaortrnent of furniture, *ecoti'l har l, from faioi.lit a removing. Tho aala will tooimenca in tua «tr**t,ami alii be continued in tha atora.

Bl»U I- W. WIKIOOTT, At'CTIONKKB.WILL m< new, (Friday,) at 10« o'clock rain or . bloa.

a large and n.l»ortld vaiirty of bouaabold furnl'ur*, of. rerj .leacrip' on being Oie (oUre btD'1-imir furnitam

of tL* houM No. 13 kiglith avenue, worthy tlie attentionof bmaakeepar* «n<l tbe trade, ae tie goo-le wlli ba pe¬remptorily told un.iatng of roawa'< *1 parlor formlure to >oit, in l.alrelotb; one magnificent aalt, eightpiecta, in French liro<ade, carted let* a-telae »o>l *ofa*,aim aid reieplltn chair* to match; rirh *Ha«'* <-|.t-k,lotcwood tabLta, mirror front etag«r»a, roaawood plaao1 forte. perior laatium nt valval and bottom hair*,rarved I'okraae, oil paint nge, in rich fraarv *, f »o -o»tIjr lt*o<li r»ilrmr».»le*eut miabl va-«a and ornamaata;Uca curt*m« ami nh»«!c« v«ri-tyof rich a I rer war*,rcaewtori and mahogany U l. tea !»; crarbla top bureau*,waahetaafa, tdiat acta, oval mirrora, auperb hair matirnt're-»e*, faatbei leda, lounge* 4c., witb a Ur** <|>ian-tit jr n( IndiMT. furniture, alno tbc btremaa' furo't ir* -

. lteanion table, cbioa t*a aet, cut «ia«a v taen WilWio.I ri ..*!«, and clb»r carpvta, oilcli th he. Cttakgnea at

l.auaa ytagra and ear* pax tba door.

QirUAl, il'CtHW NOTICK TO OOMtMWTM..WRIo niak« regular weekly al>o apaetat »al». at o ir atore.

of the loi)>wiag good*, for account of Importer* andatttrf, vit .

Iry (i-eca, foreign and donnUq.OlaXftr*. eaitb>nwara and ehlaawar*.If anxnd Jewelry and watcLea.frgttt, wme and brandiea.Mar i *<ra and mlUrj,hatd . itbri for ra»h or for endoraad notaa «» li.ft 't/.ry

to nalirra, a* prefer rad by our wtal(lMi <Jk*li «lIvaacea at aH tlir»*. F.very mp>r'»r >1, and de«iar in,

the a>a»a ariiclra, tbro<.(bout tha e'ty, «aa lymvtrttlM-ir good* Into money (in raa*oatble tarm«)iftf«y

(»r» inriuded in oar wa< »!r ca'tlofiia aalea. AH Into. »«lnt«nd'd for tfce»a «»'»« .houbt,l>« *.»'. a tbaal

I da)*y t« »/ 1'ira Ko . I:road »<ie»lc. a. wirp.[(m;nr.

Anetiuaaar, lata Walei'iarjQBS1IVT* -Al t or fODA WtTr.R Kil'iT.IVi,

b<>ttle* «»fi.»i kr Oa fitirnay, K»b tl, U>>».. 10 o'tlo<k A M at 430 i'aarl *tr*et. rana-tia /, n' *</',avalir ff.r.taln*, bottle*, wagor.* Aa.

«/ ft. MnJjoa, Ai cnoNKu?-BY iv>v<uiro- *fv , Uellar, Friday, I iV XI, at half pa«l tan o'r.ack.

.t bai. a Nn. WJ0 f|fia| atreat, near Hulaon Ovate*)UhmUU faiaitarw, _i«p*atry a*4 kogra a wrarta.»r«r.c!i alata pier and oval m.rrwra, it* rbaad* :>*>*,oil |* atlar*, eagratlaf., rveb brocatafla and ia-« wm.'aw avrUna aad actawaa, tarvad n*l sroj p*<kTfvrbitaie, l«., t«ta-»1ata of*, vtl'aira chair*, apr.a^»*at paiKr enatra, a-ail.!a top »»a'r» aa.l p*r ti '*»,

' fancy table*. caaa«r *<anda, b* ia<ia4la| taa »Ua*al<arfuinltar* af »va ra»««, ba r naaMr«aaa* pOVvwa. t' ,alio a alr 'arfala, rad*, a l aladh, hat aUad girandakaa,¦aebt a maaii,>a<a, 4a ; a l*r** aaaata at of k'tebeaat d boi'i-ant fwtmtaro al«t a farf* a»a«r*n»»at <»' U-*!'*'l*ta, fre-acb hwifa. tab*, M|»f na-iahn, Ae. Ta'tV|i.r« |»ir4 *a amralat af mm- *wtk|r tha iltaaiai

Iof trada and hanaaarepav* a ea»b dv^oait will bar»'|olie<1 titm all parcbaaara, tad gaiU la ba raa*ii1. n <'ay of »»>a

%tr f. %n\rm, AwnowBBt-mfo mum* atT? aaatjaa, by HowgbWa a Mali*'. <b a day, T%ara-

^ay. at twalaa a at 1U Kwmi Craal -Tb-**«%-I petM» ¦« aad roaawaad aad mabagawy plana fartaa, I. f

' varvaa'ad. -eld ta pay ndva»c*« wrtby 'ba atiaaiaaI af tit* UM*a aad t lira.


WH. 'IOCQUT0N *a MKi.l>>K.Tha.'av, rim jr t'elo^,

at the «ale« room, tl-'i N**w*'l atr-nt, elegant cu»l»nmade eabiaet furniture, b' ug the entire manufacturedatock of a tlirt nlaca «it; mi. lufartnr'r, removed it >m aprivate w»rero -m W« Invito tue trade, country m-rcliaata *nd otb'ri to 1 I* ntHf (I'mtuWol *v«ryarticle of elegipce *ud rl< hn> r» ia the houae furninilnj

vi» mini r«MM«d otmun Krwnob plate doomlatent etylea roaeivoOd parlor f rnitire en atrta, civeredin rwb ma'erln la, tha mo*t approved patent", eatrnaloniliniiK table* in ouk, maboguu;, ro»earood and wa'nut,oak lit t*ry anil dining room furniture ia fult* ito mav li,richly con red roc- n uol eeufe 'able*, mahogany »:idwalnut <lo. fcura'utbau atyla lull attud, i'c chair*,rotfwurd and mahnrany bookeaiaa and awcretarle* linedwith latin wood, io>ewood, Prenc i plata clieval glaaae*.elrgant arved rosewood, inahogauv ami .. almf dimib< r furniture en auita to ti. itch, with marble topa **ve-lal m»nv lie.l dumber *ui'e», Ian acape pmu'-l veryri h, together with an cndl*** variety of med um '.la '*

furmturu, vn fete a-tete aofa* i ny. ro'klog an I.pring neat parlor chair*, gotli.c au 1 plain l rtn?h Im-1-¦tead*, ottoman*, common bureau*, ht. AUo, a xaratjrol aen-ndhana furniture, tb« ulual variety, togetherwith aeveral put# horaa hair mattrcrwa, p»lli\*»»*, Jte.Alio an Involc* of thick Iran -U plate pier un oralmirror*, in rich framea. A targe lot of china an) gle-vwine, clocka, fco. <ine superior ro-ewojd pianoforte,aeveral choice oil painting*, engraving*, Ac.

W? VELIOK, AUCTIONEER.BY IIOUfilirON \M«llor, Thuraday, Feb 33, at twelve o'clock, at

11^ Nan an atree'. Order* on the Nortn American duttaPercha Company , and accepted, amounting to $10010I*' ft aa collateral. Hold without reserve.

"If 7 M WITTER*. AVCTIONEf R, Wil.f. PKLL ONW 'Patnrday, Feb. .4, at ln>< o'clock, at 417 Hud-iion »trttt,the itoek and Uxturv* of a gentleman * fur-r. liln^ «ti.r», rountera, alio* ca*ea, hoae, crawta,aliirte, i'rnaer«, «1 ivea, Arc., together with alt othtrgccda uatlal'y found in och atorea. Hv oc'er of

KlCHAKIi C.RKKN, A»«igM»«Alao on Mnn«!ny. Feb. 28, at 107 Canal atrret, a Urga

<|iiantlt; of Kentri-I hotiarliold furtitura; a!ao t'a« fur¬niture and 111 tuier of a lager bear aloon alao on Vednenlay, at l'J'J Wmt lioadaay, all the fuiultura of tbehome.


California alout tha middlo of April, will atMod:ho collertlon of accounta, alao to tUa iala of real

i atatc, ic. Heturna will ba promptly ma' ;e. Tha beltol city rafTenca given. Apply to W. tl. U., No. M4Bowery.

C1A1 TIOK.A UTTTEB ADDRK8BED To WlUJStV»M,) KnlfrhtACo New York, conlaioing tbo following de

n ilbe.d notex and chark, waa put Into the I'oat Otlice a*Boston, on tb« lftli lost but baa not coumi t > Iiaud. All(eraou* are cautioned againat recvlvmg or n"K3tiatisi(tb«m,a« pay inent haa been atopped. A nuitabl* reward willbe ^aid for their delivery to the uuderiii/ued .Vaoder-buig, Bonnett b. Co.'* note for t(,10H i'l, due May H,1866; Taylor. Richard* k Owen'* note for $l,'Jl:i -j, dueJune 7, 1866; Wilcox. Bliliag* A i'o '. nota for (1^due Mny »4, 1H54; F V. Krug .V t'o.'a nite for *701 3d,<lue June 6, 181.'>, all being . ii'for'-cd bv rt. Wllllatoa hCo and 11. (1. Knight; al«o II. (> Knight'* chaak onManlattan Company, uto.l Feb 1', for* '>0 60, payableto J. M Ward* ell, or order.

W1LU8T0N, KMCilir K C>)., r.6 Maiden lane.

/ <OMMISS10NK3 <iF DBEDS AMD N4HARV P0BU0\ lor New York, (alwaj* In,) Attorney and Connai llor at Iaw, tad Agei.t for e1ai;.i» ng« mat th* Ualtedt tale* FJ)WAKII lllr.M IX, No. 07 Wall atreet.

E AVAN A, IHIjVND OF Ct'BA. CENEItAI, ANDcotanilMion agincy.. Mirci'«rr» rtrent No t,-

J. Q. Huiarte, for a uiodorate ra*e of cointaiailoo.will execute older* for ;be purcluM ol Ue cITerant

Ciodncta of tbe !.<land of Cuba, ¦ <\* «ugar, molaa*aa.ibacco, .egara, wtx, Ac., a* alao the clfacting aalea or

omiigDn-'eata ol meicban u>.e entruatad ta hi* .^ara. iutba broker. *e department, Mr. huxarta w.llaltrnd tJ thepnrc.iiaaa of (Uarea of the dibiilt atock .uxpamea,Itldad property, i m .n tlUa> atoi eouti j -cat* in tbala-'lghtlul iqt Txii.r. of Havana, klli ttn'Dta i laod, coilaaai 0 ugar »»*at«*, (nrti.* and cotlag**. A< <1 a 'if *(-oeri-nt* *rd citenai-a aciinalntanc* b ia i i a m-altion to b'a'n tl t i i at iav< ii'>l« puiahaa. . and aele*.U'ni and Ui>trra bimreif that |>er*o!i« «ut ¦.ll-i.ri.fato bim will )¦* Mr Hirarte wi'l pro<i e t ieM'-it r*r«reoo* * a* to ati.i. and apxliiti Or r toba dir«h}t*d a» aoove. J '| bt'ZAitlB,

*rADONIC..CIUNC».M/)R WALWORl'II KUH.KJXI » I tn'et 'bin n raiiyl evening -li 'JtZ ntbe ball on tbe toitk«i>t oruer o' T w»nt 'it.- 're# ' and1 ti ii d ttenne, at 7 >, o'e'oik


New yoioc an ii uvMacooif cvitsd ht.\ rnMai M airtbip ('omi-any, to Wall at i eat --New

York, Feb l*t, 1>*'6. Notlco ."he annua! eleruan lottlireetara '.f UiMt'-onipany will He teVl at tUlaofflee, oa

Tbureday, lat Idarsb next, Iftwecn tba bonr* of li P.M. WM. U YOtlE m-reUrv.

NOTICK-THE I'ltK 'l.tN'tS AND tXCRCfAK1EH OFtbe dlfai* nt f tocktoa ( luba u! the city of New York,

ora^nlrad under the charter and hy i»w» of Jarriar/ 1,1866, wit! meet at tiio Aatur liouae thii (vatilag, ito'clock. My ori'»r

ROBERT D. LIV1NO 1TOS', Freildant, l ro temT. E Bicvmtt, JVcretary.

T^TOTIC*..A KEETfRfl Of MUMMiWM 1M1A.1 variona Iriah c|»ir aocietx-a will >.<. bold at MomK< mny Mall, "l> l'iln«w> atieel, on FrldaJ rv.-n ag, 'J ilIratMil, at IK o'clock, for the ;iurpo-« of making ar

rai.gementa to celebrate tba fwtte»mi*f aanlraranry oflieliml'l Fatna Mat. Hotielu-- not h.-retn'orw r-'pra-rer.ted, toy* th.-r with t'lme of BfoVlyn WillUtnabil V,Jrraay City, 4l«., are Invited t.< »-t.d le|**»»»a Byorder, FRTKR B O tYNOH. CluairnaoJiata MaxnroHti, H»cr*tary.

8'1*TD AVEMl K RAILROAD.- MTTICK TO TAIi-KMgera. Itv City ordinance the r.\'« ar* r« |uewtr.l to

atop above tni etr»<*t croailng gUng tip ind below It(Org dowa. I'aaretigeva are tei|ne Wd to intkeHeon-7eu>nt to take *i.<t .* «e the cara on tho>e email ,g byti.* rear door, to Uavw them oa the aide next to t e >ktawalk, and aot to Jair p on orot while tbi-v are in motion.

WM. KBIItr, tuperlateulnnt.riv» yc.iMi mfn ~yoi no mkv, num n towJ year* of ago, ran join tin- Mn'ual B«neftt ( l ib bya<ldre»ai>.g a line to E. tl'J Brontne atreet, aUtinfwbea and wtere an interview ran be had.


hn/t takm tapkktkt carpotw*,OUiV" y

'* "| ** *' " *n 'n";' n"'

of Icgra.n and ll»:-i j»ljr, jii U pure' a»» at tba r«*»atauction mIm. IjOW k TAY1AHl,

fJrmml »tr<«t en oar of Ctrratia

Hi PL « kiukct, >eak v.kick . * a k.X\JO VAN k ata *u'1 klt< U-n r«a#»,¦on.i»»r rang> ar..l ti-ir* wwnti:a». W> btra a U '41uwr'wr'. of ?A« tata-at paltarna of matital a

rang* a ar.l fur *¦'<. a raaam ab a Urma airtUaaD't rai faa aaWnrt r»palra<l ra',*»« lioad, Iraai fo »«;a»a' an 1 jawrl'aira' f 'ima »,< .?«.. a aa \ b'A*at0"-na bull: an« r»pn>ia4

BHKAD rOR Ai l»- I.AHOI AMI IWf r I V i UKrllj OMnpara it wltli o(h»r» 0 «a.!it, uUit,

an rattan an) nnUllfcona ajManUaa TK^Al WKI.I.


iry. No. 1.0 I'anuiua atraa-t, batwaan !V»l!orl ar.'iillaarbrr atraat".

HARP 7IWK- ' P.KA T I'R'rf MMa; <r. -I J'ATth" b'rnaat I'tloa for kll blo'ta I ol>l n» «,

pampMata, oil writing |»]*r, oil Mati« buiVa, uM a.

ata. If*' ta, baa<i M la, eatalntuaa aid arai'r pa{aorta and airaa J. CHAM. KY STOCKWH L A. aatioat ba-»n.-rt.

Inoui -t^MINSirii ANina Rt «n:m ¦<>.-

J in ft w or-tar, jnat r»<"lr.l itaim-r,by J. y < I P.V k CO., No '*> Malitao iana.

Irjwft n » m v »>i int. mn ten ii i[ Paria" aia-i Pi ra iilly Um Inn I' »;«.>. I im

) rrrn ' |»ilii«n»m 11 far Slajaata tot f

fa mill, by ap«c»al appo l.tmaatPa|aill]lt, »'i<air<ia la tola'.'ar»u a Ibf for tba bair

for tba tawlal.Jluil» (.til fc rii».

Hu la ¦!oobl«Pot, fa la Rb Iralilies, aag*»n»>l" to a.1ar frr atilt-n n; I a .||t,

Ham ran 'tola m>lk, for baanttfjlug t » -«~u» .

7kia naw Br*|<ar»t o*i -a prafarr><f br '.ar 14tt'.<r. A.»o. b ulilj t-'il iwil in,Hi, ki'iij map !*.<. ti "»|i laptn-ia n I 1' .

.#cilb »»<1 lofao^'a ai-*ji lb . !i<t m*n° --taitiilala "i t trl alralr !n »l,« a' *i '.;» -olr ¦>*'»<In Va» \i If, M II VO .1 H ».». . . I U» 1 }alo a( ll'j biMi'loa/, m-»r ' n < ¦ m

S-HOWarAfJt rOIIMt.V A H'.l *¦'< I L I M" t Kail'Ni'B, So. kt Moaarj a if Va »»r al »al -

n»i r«4ala »»aij ftjW, nliar ill*. 1 ki .4 mmaat n ar<iA, mahogany A* .* H '''I » nfcan ,n

at' hi ma Ortfn ftMf'lr»rnoiroru> v<»r a ». »' i xu> toIf of hair ? pia iirr j,! a i»l al ( »; »..! aaim kaa ra?ar fallo-l to n itart tSa t. '. i.f i»m ",»» r»»»l^t t'l n a»«*. to |«jiIlroc'ion '* tla fa/rlft »' a lallaf >»V.i a a{ ii ,

lalaoataf a alaMH pal |*i I Ui I if >Uu, Ihaalat; 1 uat'mtm. 1 na»»tr i lam^. a'aJr



A~7^7»V> AFT A cf> , WIl.l. ori » ')'. UOXDAT,I al^'.arj I* aa alayaal taaortav it .< »ft a< aa4

[ ana v »r 'Iraaa fo-ia iBifa rtaA riMiaai; la» 'f t I' <l|it aa. I<r-*4«aa, ' LatjVra »a4 <U*ata.


ia I'4 III r a aaa .« a - . b.i . a . » . »»..».

laa*. ra»»'»i4 It Mra l,Al '"OK, I , ^i'.r I «»».. ., »a»rfaatbaiiiot N ¦ .A ». « Utrf aaaVr<H4ana* ih j1A a 4a/, thirty far "il aUai rfaUi f i,;#a

in wwn «. Vict r,'j»"if» t'n .. *.(¦< -r.'i- t i

W 1 art Mtl ti'ww 1 !til ti i-

a»i ifiaiualt/nrr k!ai< tfiirt .a lli.i U fifbata ail |w- . m; »'. » LaM MI) iraa, a aaiUmiWi »Ao Vara n,i a j . -'.aiat a>-a(all| Tka Hack iattli',1 »f ua-n f- via of raarj »»

rM<f. itaa ttllat aAlit^nga iM afca»'.-»ji piUtw - aaa

¦.ma, ft r<a,f*aa' r^iaai A- A* rata aar

r*a'a<( aenaaj ^.ata«l|Jl aa4 iasi U a'l far>« «f <miratt atA aU.lait* 'r»a

AVMlAW U < r>urv It THH .«* .a

AUM.c- 1 inT! aij*v-m inf. mujp liaaa iat illam, aalf lAUwa yaara of af»atal . '. b< 4 r "taa a *Tf at*r»<M a»4 i"» »f HS*i* haa'aaj


A - lie; Mil. VOI N '.MAN W01U 4 WHUl»,h ait '.itlro l.i a nrti'U, .rally; la a fco«! foil,

V <"fci T 40 ! an* 'III'"; Usli MllD|.»t«< <':r«ii»|;h tie ft, up »U I, third 6 tor, ti t r jam

AtJtNTS WANTKK.ffVJ m* NKW YOHK, FOCI*'¦rliock'in a tirf (!». la th« roL'.lry, U»

. <-11 in aiti. 1* lj will, h i rf no* making MJo tl2 pir day. CmhI »a. ». tMa tftil will»!.«« Kxtn.jrdtjnin t,i» tc '.'tj. CtkU anal a**min«. t -U> Croud* ay, (Cdui 12

4COMIK KM T« l'V« WOMAN WANT* A SITf.I ion Ik nnr>» -an .«> a irga of id infant from['¦. » ." 1 a- .n "!¦li g in"*, in »i tig. Can a'vt l aat of ciljf rafrraara foreharaast.r and rapa dhtr for two 4a»«, Ifnut rngagrd, at 20 fhnlir »'.n . front baaatuant.

Ayoi'Nu wom\n want" a situation au«eamItirm; ilia uo<V>ia1.n1 .i.i.tintking and ail kin laof plain urn i(f, an<l U wil'lo* > in hit<a«!r (rurallyiiMful. Ilao t*a b- «t of rlty re n *o from !.« ^a t pla-x.whar* ah* IIth! fir a l'u|tl of 'iinr. No ol.. t'nn t«

thacomitiy. I la««» call at 211 Third tuoui, n . iloorfrom T*fnij tlrai »'r»»t.

At. «MiD COOK, HAhliKI! A.\H IRONEK WANI*i>,to go a i< hurt dia'a-ir# In li « country. N*o«.a otherI f < «il 4iipW »l 2'1 Aiullv jila' ., . iwran tha Loan of A A.

M. a»d 1J M., tbi« .lay.A RTM'i i.W I woman * *Nft A ffN'ATKM 41jflL n ok aha thoroughly un> atatanita hrr hualnaaa Inill Itn branch*'* and la willti / u> k . at ¦ t in th« ruti n;ami Ironing of a amall pr »al< am'ly. Mood ly ra'ar

far* altrao. I'lt a a call or .» i uaya at 2A0 Mil>rrj..lira", nmr llnu't n

AYOf .Ml WOMAN WIHIU'.i A HITl'AIION TO llflgantral hnuaowork In a nail piivata la .

' waaha r anil ironn, uaJ :i >nna wall raouimaodail. I'laaaa rait for two dara a< I'i Vanrtam atraat batwaan Varlck and Maolougal atraota, aacond floor, frontroom

ARRHI KTAIM.K YOUNO OIRI. WIHII1H A *jrtAtlon t« nnrac, ' t to do rhauiharwatk or pitta aaw -

l|i»;; l» akllinir to nmUa linrai-lf ganarall/ uaaful. baa miobjirtionto (o t<> Mia country or l!r«iokljn. Hm fo<rteity raf'ratu!" I'lauM rail a' :.<i7 Madlaon rtra«t, foetwo <U\«

ADroc^MAUKR WIMItMIO (III TO WORK, MT Tiltor wrrt. t.i If-ai »r ililr faiulllaa, upon raaa

abl* Irrun. Call at t M Wf»t T«. ntjr aavantU tlraat,l«aanMith and rannlli »»»».,«!

AIH->l'WTAltr.Ef*»l.(»''i:ii WOMAN W aNTV A S1TV-atlon, 1/ un »i illrri' ok. Tfca bait of ilj r«-

fi itnre. I'lrara call at hrr pr# <rn' nnplorar'a, l< I E*«t,Twaoty flrat at'aet <^n ba »a<-u till ault»l.

ANKNOIJHH I'ROTKsrANT HIRI. W1ARKH A S!Tl?«.tiuu in a an. all prlva'- tnrnlly to do bouaawark

I cinarally. Khb« but r»*a««Ubl* partial nxl acfly.May ba fr«n 'or two daya at N.>. 40 (larkaon atrial, front.lliartln'uta.A RBUTCTAB1JlTMNO OIK WMORAOTHAXMHJ\ aa rc ok n a prirata family or would a w ko

l <Tog«naial boua««ork for a »n«Ii family 1U< foolaitylaiaronra. I'laaia call a* SOT Madlaoa alra't.

Aam'ATION WA'.TKI' -MY A 11^- I KlTABI.Kyoung » in in, «< good pUIn oook la a Brat rata

wa»h»r *n1 Ir. nrr llai m u' jrcllon to go a abort dlaUn a l« t U« «. nintry. An Ainrri'-n 'aia ly prafarrad.Maa (rood raf»rt-n«» from lirr laat rlara Fl a-a tall, fartwo uaya, at 410 llr^omt «trf»t top llnor. ba k room

AYOl Nil WOMAN WANTS A WTL'ATioN TO 00. plaia cooking, waabioif ant iron ng, or «uU ill

| gatarai liouraaork In a amati pr rata fa B.fy. I! -a guwd1 rlty raf»»»na»». I an >.» ifn fur two at No. d! Ilart ii on i Oral, aai-nnd lioti«a fruui U« corua r cf <>1 ia

bia "trial, noun

A I'WllVM/NT OKRMAN tilltl,, OF A I;ESPECrf\ abla family, wlahaa to obtain a >11 latlon aa cbam-fi -mald and to do plain aawlnt, la a drat rata wa*H<randlronar; wouM Ilka to travel with a fan ly, al'har in

i U.U ronntr* orU»tm*ny would ailarid a bikaty Plaaaocall at 00 Klv ngton «trra< thliu Hour, ba' Ic iooic.

AfxinrrrrNT iirsr aakkh wisiik- to womkout by tbi. day ; «l>a run girr ararf raMafar tlnn ia

rutting and fitting ladiaa1 drraaaa. j»l:a.l'ilTwalfll atraat, katw«an Filth iii'l ilth ar»r.u*i

J\ alraaa and draaamakrr. «anl<a»ltui <?i laaprl-ral« latnilf; ran rut an<1 Lt ladiaa' ani h 'lota«. Would #»w bf tba rr*k mr (Wtllk. lf»a r^otcity lafarmraa Apply, or aolraaa |i»amilr»M a*. 12<iO "ton pla r, klphtb a'laat, In tha aUira, la> '.no ay*a YOI.NO wn< II l>l olK^I f. l|WONAV w ITEi Af\ Htuat i n, aa rbaml.^rmatd a a good iiair a«

ol U< li to a»al»! In tha waahlog. li-md rlty i»'rraaeawill ta gitrn. Al-o, « wait*r. with four ranra r«farai*vI'laara rail at va T»nth ttioat, tjatwarn nteond ar )flr«t*»anu»a.

AMtnt II tilltl. WA'TH A -'ITT A 'HON AM f1l \M9KRit a.d and « altar; would aaaiat lu waihtng an<* ir <a-

| It K I'lra.n rail I r lan>ay> Iroui '2 to 4 o'rlo atNo. 127 Wiat Cuantai nth ?! rumor of Mavant araaaa.

At tjik nucr Kr.MAUt orrica, mivtr.ur, lirtw'in I'wanty Mil aod Taint) o.itb

I aiiai-'a.Want'd, thla day. t1 ra« i»oo<l fa ka »*ihar«aidlrorrra, a'an, two '.lumlx rn »'<t» and a'!-aaa,allh fr«nl rafarrnra. fmart *'rl«. for * n«ril t-,o»a»iik, anot'aln gie-l altua< 'an« ai.d (liak ph««' *.{ojrip t'.wu

AmvF. »NBRorr»r -tm wantpi '<> tmpi O# an ar" I -I** In gra«t d*m«n' Tbt^ !«a

| atanrr far »m»rt i. »n tha' aoldom oT-r- t'-o, .liraawitb $H/0 ra h, to trar l i'i" ul»«» II i-..l " at 00Mrrr>r alratt.

Ayw'Mi nnjiva) v\x who I'.vnm-rAtpiI la 1'iialnraa »»ll, an-i won ran »p«»Y d "'rant

'angtagaa, «i '.t< a » tnatlan aa flr«t fa'-' Ir 't. vr.bra^in an Am»ri' an -r Kr»n< li fn.iflr 'iah«»a» «a1 r, it. .

II rat fa»tl>a n Fainpr aft 'ha I'nltad Kt»|»a » tantrrlnia ri.a U |.nu A'ldn «a J l» ,H»ralJ " -a, fairtwo 'aja

A^m wanttii -twkntt is m a rwinPfllto and ll*a bun r» ^ In t'ia rn n'ry a

bandi'tri* an-f *alnakla ' rk ja . p ibllal.. ! h* .1 oa.yby <[*i la, I'nra I l>'h a;»n* will haf*a "ait award or partof t;« r.ountiy. K<r full pa -u ».ut ap¬ply at J II iOI.ViS f ... rt jr.' Wlllla.-n H»'

A .amrm vurv "vk who m qi'AUPttpto *ak» el ¦ (raaLfttata an I jr^r'aii!* f%f

. >, fir - it» 4 «»». tn« 0(M»i» i «r ¦

()<¦«<.«, U»t >|Mli I'ol Mfm*4 Arpi; u»A fllMK. 41 V«»» U' 14 10 »a l 4 t <.In.Ur

Ar»»v viio »».. m r* Kmnnur* atI*# 1 I I '!jfl.'». . .1,1 1,1 l(|l>u A( MM

.1 If iii tl.»* t n)r»i« l%*<t r*ii »n «.f K( « r:b Illama. 477 (¦«*.) anrat

A<.*i:rr.nt -*ai* a in , i*r»ln»l» v »n t»a *1 'j t|, fi .1; ut.r '.t. - I. «

liilMIII, I I t't MM III I . I 1*' r »»f«»iwl t'(a*al>l«a li>» lav a ' . n.' a .

Kr (an >roit«<a »'i-' t i',n'»la *¦ ,|i»Illy ar>'1 url aa Ml. . H r ,.r«i A '1raa«J 0 »f »

Ah uam»n»i< -iri ATMs- »avitt», rr . tka4;, wtlw ma>, «b »l« .'.»«i-a»i»

ull It* tirwina Ktauik>>. 'ha «»f.. a«1 maoi("»( nf|IH|I>«IM .»* at«t» (U'.la ant l<,f(a< In.uwltl olt.»rai,» i -.Ir m.a'f t'nrttl'y if' aa'fa»i|uaini' «l!li IL« !*;<>( mi! of tru" a* f . fai.'l»a. I,n«t i-'ljr r»f»ir»i-» *OC« 11 J T kitIboaatnll f a fa* ("in I* aaii il VI/ ns '.k «»*«<! »1» »., i I * »lt» » rx t '¦-» two '!»ya.hM 'Hmi' W »V7«-' N t*/ m»»\ a'/ I I'-|> . ji »r h« ga» (n lfc» rl'jr * ai'HI< afIMM l.a I. ' a /4<t M, Vlltr Itttil ii'k

.no, , lot 4.1H l'a«t <>*'..»

(IAIjIOKMA .A Ml Ifl'l* A4itO #«»*» N, AM# I|»'t/ .'a<mli'ar a.; «a; a |«« )a ta aiif«r

»!., »»m (ri'frr a <»» ty that aiaM ra jafr# !?.« f Mr%».# Altar ATI I a la IJ'i ra rnaa U u atrallati tail nilUmkl»|*r tt.a <.l|« » a u ria . »<t aaarn'tr < llath«a» ytf ra r«r<ii»«* «rat m".<«la .« |/i 'tin'tiria4' a paoilit r Iia h»ln<t*la r<r farther part lAri.| laaaa rait, a» »a It ft || a ran-. a A, -rrm+i <k'.»»li<i»»lli at fart t»f> floor

(uUXI'Ma (ih TH>; Mil in r.vo i,I J « U» ti'm La wlac, lata aat a ulaaai ttl aaW .

mi a .» "1+m ti .. "»t a»"». . !>l «l<k *.W w -f-UanlIf adh'rM tfcaatifapaa AMrata I>fV |!tr>4


^ tOOK WA-.rKI A - :.<.«. I'll OHV / at ft»4ii»f k»' tMMlnaaa, . .!» |<at fty fll>M>li ,n>; 1^'; «t *.'. S *MW»|t/.« nn r», ni'-ra r,/> Wmll</V,. »!,. >, ha t»- . -t It fa taifc* «ajat*f¦ 'it, I'a laaiily 'ar tfc* aiirrft

(lOMUVAN AM> t TilUK MUtVAMT* »txir' -

J Aa »i|«r aa « aia,r!« ti *ai '.ftta u4 t<t»a.<labl la »» »l<!tl<t IWtlilW MaalktH l»>raf|J»»«I.A M'lila. A .**Haat valMr, aa at altavt' . «'k t) aaalt* * ft-. I«^a<iiaaft Ai, m. aa

I r-.'a.taftla Applf i*a taa.tftlftJ t at 14a iirftad I'nat

/ 'IHUI V PA'KIF -I . lil't A. 1.IMI ,1 *f.I H k'l *( rt«rlai;ma ana |anl ra'»f»»«a a*a,. fn»f man »l, > aritaa ¦ aa*l ka*4, a* to Mattel,tAataaa U R H lla'.Mata

IlMT «.O0M ?AU>MA>. "a A n*T U1Y

t ) ami Ik Ik- h>!* 1*a».irF 4»r^»faa«4 A|V| i*ifc* ¦t' ltltj. AM' 4 CO., lw IU#hUi a»«»M.

IjtiHY rniA> i RtK wnu «Airounui vhoa » trlr.»taf an a. ,-!«». a »*^ j

atlavkftla >. .Ira a»ol l» , U 4 iaW4kO,i*i hiiii>wn


. *.. .< ri"T » ¦'> ®r »«» '¦«

a. »k" > aa I ft4G at MlHMl. *¦ ImWi Ml, f**4H Ai-

l»4 Iifart wa is la«tU*f tH aaltlac¦fhir t» IH tll|f ; V»< .< »UK» NMVlWfAlit# mpja a Hi rti^ar'ftLla fm.0y (*4afl iti .*i 'a-alft.

w> I >. )U Ha rail ul«af&nT-dfcsinmr wjurro~inr a" ¥ak

r .ll atait (%id*arf It* >Hww>aiK tHWmiwH »4 Ma aarU' » >a r ^Ktlt la Hylacj/it

aa a j aa I1>|ia rail It *11 Klatk iwoaa, war TMr-..all. ».».?. I>I|< «'» r, fraat.raow Dwl ><4 tk«Nasi, h at »ala af flalrt/ < I I % I* *J'VH -TO UTMB IpTt* TAXMII rfcftJmaa latalj Itatmaaf la>4 aawJaiaatAta<«k . iMll U»aa aat kaaa l» vUl Nm4«H«|M|r r . <»?!, tra.t* a aa 1mI> I«a*4t«to4f trnm ll to'3 AM, At let rraaj atraai, la llagk AS.

If WI&RM .# fuUM fllsU Hf*»