library of city real estate 12 story loft building for sale 9 lofts available for...

News CITY REAL ESTATE 12 Story Loft Building FOR SALE 9 Lofts Available for Occupancy February 1 9 West 20th Street Near 5th Avenue Fireproof 100% Sprinklered Size: 28.6x96 FREDERICK BROWN Î17 Broadway. Telephon* Barclay 4933 JOHN L. PARISH APPRAISER.BROKER.AGENT. It8 Broadway.Tel. 5740 Cortlar.dt. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN FOR SALE.PLOT 40x100 IN" SAGE FOUNDATION: PARTICULARLY LOW Fp.ICE FOR QUICK SALE. M. H. ANDREWS, 175 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN, N. Y. REAL ESTATE NEW TORK STATE FOR SALE Magnificent All Year Estate On West Shore of Hudson River, 20 Miles from New York City A thoroughly modern home at the « leal and most picturesque part of the Hudson Hiver.which will particularly appeal to those lond of yachting and ».tier sports/ Main house (about 4 year» old) Is of white stucco, with giren tiled roof, with .very known convenience. Spacious ga¬ ra?" of same construction. Large shore ht.use with ballroom, bll- !:a-i room, etc.; bachelor's bungalow, hath ho >se with private beach, boat housA ;iIi , dock, etc. Grounds comprising about 5 acres are artlstclaliy lut.i out. with terrace, drive- wa3 », lawns, flower gardens, etc. Electricity, gas, water, most modern beating, svs.iem. To be sold at m low price to settle an Estate COST OVER $150.000 BROKER»' INQUIRIES SOLICITED for inspection and further rarf irulors npply to Sole Agent. il NASSAU ST., NEW YORK OTT Telephone 6500 Rector LONG ISLAND ATTENTION.Bargain, desirable residence on tlit drive at Kew Gardens. $13.000. Worth more Sole agent, Leon S. Altmayer, 6J East 86th at. NEW JERSEY CERTAINTY OR A GUESS If 'ou own real estate ln Brrgnn County, and the titles are not Insured, write for the above booklet. It is in- ten »ting. North Jersey Title Insurance Co., HACKENSACK, N. J. CALDWELL, N. J..Rent for season or year, handsome large house, extensive grounds, garden, near station. Tenth floor, 64 Wall St. Hanovty 5131. YVESTCHESTER COUNT» MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. WESTCHESTER COrNTY COLONIAL SlIIOW PLACE. Large, handsome ht-me house, 10 rooms, 2 batha, lavatories; ali the latest Improvement»; parag^ for i cara Opp. Barley Estaf?. Prie«, 155.000. GOOD INDUCEMENT offered to cash buyer, 16 room house, steam heat, gas, electricity; open fireplaces; lawns; garage, ».'.¦ chauffeur's quarters. Plot 200x150. Price, j;; ooo OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL well built house. iO'al corner; »pace for garage; at- lawns. Plot 125x142x175. Excol- atlon Prl."*. 113,500. «INK Or IflK ATTRACTIONS; 12 room«. Î bait.», largi? porch; hot watrr heat, gas, electricity; garage for 2 cars. Corner plot, 145x11' Trie-. J25.000. TERM!» CAN BE ARRANGED. 12 rooms, I baths, frame house, all improvements; gas, electricity. sV»am heai; large veranda; lawns, shrubbery. Corner plot, 75x105. Prie*. $¡«,500. A MODERN HOME at a modem price. Bungalow type bouse. « rooms, tile bath. It!» kitchen; room for garage; tine grounds, Willi Trice, $7.$00. rNEXf ELLED LOCATION, 10 rooms, 1 bath, «team heat. «11 Improvements; lot, MxllO. Price. »14,500. Owner, aH Senr-.a Av» Mount Vernon. N. T. A DESIRABLE HOME, Cheater Hill seo '»n. lo rf/mi«, all improvements: plenty or .»any windows; Immediate possession; C*ra for K*r*.ge. Prie, $10.000. Owner, r- O. Box 22«, Mount Vemon, N. T. X. L. VAIL * CO., INC., . PIP.3T NATIONAL BANK BLDO., «Hunt Vernon. N. Y. Tel. K«4. NEW ROCHELLE hav« o. our list ths most beautiful .* reera house. 2 baths, garage for 2 cars '** 4 living room«; piot 100x125. »20.000 lX rvym house, t baths, open flreplai«, . 1**xl». »25,000. /«om hot -». garage, large plot, 117.noo O, tt¿'rrtai i"aif*ir>w. Sil latent Improvements. èi*V*íîl^'.i,.,' horn«-* from $5.000 to $20.000 HOME REALTY CO., i._y*?f Rochelle Trust Co. Idilldln« *'*>*" « Phone 337 <?5. *tVKR WAt» MORE OPPORTUNE J!*'' ao» to self-ct your home sltfc» and »Ulli yoar own home; let rne show .?w y*u c*o own your own home 1,, »«'Active surroundings, with «il rwy ,mprov#rr,»nt«, at Lsrchrnont, wlth- lt^yj**-*tew»et» w»ik of the st*- 'tot> »"d fort-r «.mutis of New Tork. I Hadler,ft av., n, r. f.'Uy. Tel 2577 __. Orma«sr<;y. XWhJoÂs r%*r<rt?T.J\,rUA* VOTED $»9,«0».«00 OS WSTH^'im^AP* ' MAVB A TRACT **» L1XIJ3 Hl'iHWAV P',U KALK. m iVl¿ t' i il. TKlUt/NK. tttnctuj./ksmvH NfL*W« i^'^l'f*-' w** . «*.*« Booklet. J: * Portable w-ir (orp.( us ßw.y. -rr- 8TUD1QS TO LET vntku %^^r¥Í¿^!Ífp KTu "'r' IWkT'Wlt UtH TKLÄPMONK, and Co Rush for Downtown | Space Moves Angelo ¡On Pearl St. to Buy Pays Klein & Jackson Their Price for 160 and 162 Pearl Street, to Make Sure of Quarters in Section Downtown New York is as close to real estate mad as it is possible to be. The buying for investment is intoxi¬ cating in its effect and every concern of any size which does not own its building cr 'Wants more space is seri- ously contemplating purchase rather than lease, because it is moret econom¬ ical with réntala as they are to buy a fee than to buy the privilege of using a certain amount of space for a given period. The big real estate men in the field are hard at it trying to meet the de- mand placed on them by business con- I cerns. How widespread is the buying movement may be judged by the pur¬ chase yesterday of the property at 160 and 162 Pearl Street by Angelo, who Î conducts the restaurant at 161 Pearl Street. Angelo has built up a business there that dates back many years, and he feared that in the rush for space that some one would buy the building he occupies and tufh him out. Klein & Jackson offered him the opportunity of remaining on Pearl Street, directly across from his old stand, and just north of Wall Street, so he took it. The Charles F. Noyes Company ar¬ ranged the deal. The property was held in the market at $125,000. Two five-story buildings cover the property, which is 46.10 feet wide and 100 feet deep. The buildings will be altered if not removed entirely and a new structure erected. The new building will be an office structure in addition to housing Angelo's restaurant. The realty adjoins the old Tabor Building at tlie northeast corner of Wall and Pearl streets, which was taken over several months ago on a long-time lease by the Pacific Development Com- pany. Pillsbury Flour Co. Buys Realty Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd have sold for Sarah E. Townsend, 30 Moore Street, a five-story building, on lot 24.8x72, also for the estate of Ben¬ jamin F. Wheelwright, 32 Moore Street, a five-story building on lot 22x73. George A. Zabriskie. the buyer, repre¬ sented the Pillsbury Flour Company. The flour company will occupy the property. Dacorn Reported Sold The Leonard estate of Syracuse, N. Y., is reported to have sold to a Mr. Pressberger the Dacorn, the six-story elevator apartment house at 452 Fort Washington Avenue, at the northeast corner of 180th Street, on plot 144.5x 100. Investor Buys in 115th Street Max* Kramer has sold to a client of Leitner, Brener & Starr the Munroe, a six-storv elevator apartment, at 415 West 115th Street, on plot 66.8x100. | Woman Investor Buys in Second Ave. The Mose Goodman Corporation has sold to a woman investor the southeast corner of Socond Avenue and 114th Street, a four-story tenement, with store, on lot 20.11 by 80 feet. APARTMENTS mnient < I Harold I. Platt Takes Park Ave. Corner Will Erect a Fine Home on Site Is Surmise; Apartment Is Town Residence Now Harold I. Pratt, who lives at Glen Cove in the summer and in an apart¬ ment here in Manhattan in the winter, took title yesterday to the two dwell¬ ings at the southwest corner of Park Avenue and Sixty-eighth Street. The purchase supports the surmise that Mr. Pratt is tired of apartment life and is going to have a private home. The dwellings have a frontage of forty feet on Sixty-eighth Street and 100 feet along Park Avenue. Directly op- ) posite, at the northwest corner, is the Percy Pyne house and diagonally op¬ posite is Hunters College. At the Sixty-ninth Street corners of Park Avenue are tho homes of Commodore Arthur Curtiss, James Henry Davison and Geraldyn Redmond. The corner house taken by Mr. Pratt was owned by Emily Fowler and the adjoining house by the City Real Estate Com¬ pany. Sale in 60th Street The Ruland & Whiting-Benjamin Corporation has sold for Mitchel A. C. Levy to A. C. Wendel the four-story dwelling, on lot 20x100, at 243 East Sixtieth Street. Gets House in 94th Street Folsom Brothers have sold for Frances S. Phraner, the five-story dwelling, 14 West Ninety-fourth Street, to Max Werber. Seven Story 61st Street Garage Reported Sold The seven-story garage building st 3 to 7 West Sixty-first Street, extend- ing through to 4 to 8 West Sixty-sec- ond Street, formerly owned and occu-, pied by the Tichenor Grand Company, has been sold, according to reports in real estate circles yesterday. The, structure fronts 75 feet on each street and has a depth of 200 feet, between Central Park West and Broadway. It faces the Century Theatre on Sixty- second Street and the American Circle Building on Sixty-first Street. The realty is assessed at $*i'75,000. Title is held by the Columbus Circle Realty Corporation, of which C. W. Stoddard, of Boston, is president. Fine Home Near 5th Av. Rented ¡ Douglas Gibbons & Co. have leased, furnished, for Mrs. Henry F. Shoemaker, her six-story modern American dwelling at 4 East Sixty- ! fifth Street, adjoining the corner of Fifth Avenue to Thomas R. Yuille, of the American Tobacco Company, for next winter. Worthington Whitehouse has leased, furnished, for Mrs. George P. Wetmore the five-story American basement dwelling at 9 East Seventy-ninth Street to John Sloane, of W. & J. Sloane. I Douglas L. Elliman & Co. have leased for Mrs. William C. Sheldon her former residence, at 38 East Fortieth Street, a five-story American basement, te a client for occupancy. May Sell Hanover Club The members of the Hanover Club will meet on Friday night at the club- house, at Bedford Avenue and Rodney Street, Brooklyn, to decide whether the clubhouse shall be sold and what the future of the club shall be. A plan is under consideration for the sale of the property and the pur- chase of smaller quarters in another section of the borough. APARTMF.\*T¿ Are You Looking For An Apartment? If you have a small amount of cash and can furnish satisfactory references We Have Apartments For Oct. 1st Occupancy Where Home Insurance, Rent Insurance and a safe investment are combined At Jackson Heights We own and control one of this city's finest Apartment House sections, comprising 100 city blocks, where there is real community life. Where else in New York City can there be found an Apartment House Section that has its own Tennis Courts, nine-hole Golf Course, Children's Playgrounds, Community Gardens and Bowling Alleys, etc.? We are now offering all of these advantages at Jackson Heights on Our Collective Ownership Plan that will give you absolute control of your future apartment rental, and in addition dividends on your investment in a Modern Apartment building. You are invited to make a personal inspe-^.on of the apartments. To visit Jackson Heights by most convenient route take Subway to Grand Central, transfer to Quecnaboro Subway (Corona Line) to 25th St. Station. Time 22 minute«. For farmer detail» call or write The Queensboro Corporation Manhattan Office SO E. 424 Si., Cor. MsdUoo Ate. Telephone Murray Hill 70c>7 Jackson Heights Office Oppotils 28th St. Subway Station Telephone Netttovn 2361 Capital Ready to Provide Housings For City's Firms L. H. Slawson Forms Strong Mortgage and Investment Group to Undertake Big Building Enterprises Under an arrangement between large mortgage and investing interests per¬ fected by Loton H. Slawson, it is now possible for any responsible business concern to have exactly the space it requires in any location desired on Manhattan Island. Details of the plans which just now have been announced indicate that it is one of the most ! important developments of the rapidly expanding real estate market. Execu- tion of the plan on a large scale will help materially to relieve New York of the pressing demand for business space. The plan of operation as explained by Mr. Slawson is both novel and inter- esting. There are two distinct inter- j ests which take part in the development of ¿he idea. The first is the investor or equity interest. The other is the mortgage interest. It is the business of the investor or 1 equity interest to receive and pass on applications for individual buildings for business tenants. When the application is acceptable it is passed on to the mortgage interest to be figured for a loan. Final decision whether to pro- ceed with the operation rests with the equity (interest, for it is their part to furnish the difference between the j amount of the mortgage and the cost of the structure. Single tenants only are to be considered and only such propositions will be taken on as meet with the approval of the mortgage lenders who are interested in the plan. It is Mr. Slawson's belief that prop- erties produced under such a plan will prove to be most attractive invest- ments. Rented on long term leases and on net rental basis, he expects them to offer such advantages to investors that new capital will be drawn into the real estate market. Only Manhattan Island will be considered by Mr. Slaw- son and his associates as a field for: operation. The combination of capital which Mr. Slawson has formed heretofore operted individually with considerable success. Now, with interests joined their field will be greatly enlarged with resultant ability to undertake operations of even the greatest magni¬ tude. They have already practically closed negotiations for several impor¬ tant structures. Satisfied Mortgages * Manhattan 10TH AV, 104: Rose & Frederick Brown to Wm Dangler; Rtty. Silas A 11 Hay- ton, 170 Bway; Nov 24, lilOO.$5,000 24TH ST, 425 to 4115 B, lease, chattels, etc; J J Little Ives Co, 425 E *i41 ti st, to Irvine: (formerly Broadway) Trust Co, attys. Breed. Abbott A M, 32 Lib¬ erty at; Dee 15, 1015.$202,375 122D ST, 407H: Basilio Lo Prestí, 231 B 24th st, to Hudson P Rose Cn, 7 W 45th ut atty, Hudson P Rose Co, 7 W 45th st ; June 15, 1017.$1,600 14STH ST, «06 W; Chas A& Nellie C| l'Iurl et al to Julia Coddinpton; atty,; Seth B Roáinson, 35 Nassau st ; May 22. j 1905 .$12,000 40TH ST. 357 W; Thomas & Mary P Charlton. of Tonawanda. N T, to Carl Shi. hart; attys. Amend & A. 119 Nas- sau st; Jfin 15, 1901.$13,000 40TH ST. ::55 \V : Winfleld S & Emma .1 Gilmore to Tillle Weiss. Honesclale, Penn; atty, S Vv' Weiss, 4* Wall st June 28, 1J05.$8.500 40TII ST. C:»."» W; same to same; atty, sam<«; June 28. 1905.$8,500 41ST ST, :>52-54 W; Ooueh S- Fitzgerald to the Franklin Sav Bank. 85R-S Sth av; atty, Wilson M Powell, 7 Wall st Oet 3, U»l'l .$30,000 40T1I ST, n S, 160 e 0th av, 20x98.9; W S Ullmore to Bottle, Geo and Arthur Wise, trubtees, will of Nathan Wise, for bene¬ fit of Frieda Cerf et al; atty, T G& T Co, 176 Bway; March 1, loin.$10,000 lOTir AV, e s, 50.11 n 97th Ht, 25x74; Lorenz and Louisa Weiher, New Ro- chelle, N Y, to Dry Dock Sav Inst; atty, F M Tichenor, SSV Park Row; Oct 10. 1887 .$12,000 7BTH ST, n s, 580 w Columbus av, 20x 102.2: Acnés H Littlefield, 151 Wr 75th st, to Mary" E Baldwin, 129 Tyson st. New Brighton. S I: atty. T G & T Co. 176 Broadway; Nov 16, 1914.$10,000 AVENUE D, 40-51; Cyli .<c Isidore Teitel- haum to Rose Israel. 722 E 9th st atty, Samuel Bittcrman, 300 Broadway; Mareh 31. 1019.$1,700 REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION and Sul Speedy Profit in Resale Of the Le Roy Hall Frederick Brown Sells Property at Fordham Road Corner, Bought Recently Le Roy Hall, the six story apartment at thff southwest corner of Fordham Road and Valentine Avenue, purchased recently by Frederick Brown, brought a quick and profitable return yester¬ day, when Mr. Brown resold the prop¬ erty, which is located in one of the busiast sections of The Bronx. Richard H. Scobie, as broker, sold the property to an investor for all cash over the mortgage. The house is on a plot 110x134. It is opposite the new theatre being erected by the B. F. Keith Company and the United States Theatre, also in course of construc¬ tion. Mr. Brown also sold to Isadore Montefiore Levy the five story modern apartment, on a plot 100x100, at 547 to 553 West 147th Street, 125 feet east of Broadway, and to the Benenson Realty Company through S. Rosen 752 East 179th Street, two five story apartments, each on a plot 36x100. He took in part payment 345 Rivington Street, a four ctory tenement, on a lot 25x75. Operators Buy Prospect Avenue House Harris & Maurice Mandelbaum bought from Amanda W. Undrun the five story apartment at the northeast corner of Prospect Avenue and 183d Street. David and Lester E. Kissler were the brokers. Bathgate Avenue Flat Sold Charles H. Baechler sold for Isabel C. Phraner the four story flat at 1636 Bathgate Avenue to Sam Horowitz, who will alter it; also for Ben Barcus the two family house at 1527 Lurting Ave¬ nue to Rodger J. Rush, the two_|amily hous-j 1525 Lurting Avenue to a Mr. Flynn, for May Kucera the two fam¬ ily dwelling at 1482 Holland Avenue to Max Novick, and for the Morris Park Estates a lot on the west side of Fowler Avenue to John Hartmetz. Sale in Vyse Avenue The Stebbins Realty and Construc¬ tion Company, J. Malino, president, has bought 904 Vyse Avenue, a five-story apartment on plot 72xS7. The same company has sold 2017 La Fontaine Avenue, a five-story apartment, on plot 37.fixl00; also sold an estate on Air- mont Avenue at Ramsey, N, J., consist¬ ing of five acres, with large mansion and outbuildings, to a Mr. Reid, of Plainfield, through the Batson Farm Agency. Brook Ave. Corner Flat Sold M. Nasanowitz & Son have sold for the Stebbins Realty and Construction Company to Joseph Pritzman the five- story apartment on lot 25x90, at the northeast corner of Brook Avenue and 157th Street. Houses in Burnside Avenue Sold B. H. Weisker has sold for Gilbert B. Ferris to Charles L. Acker and Frank Begerisch, jr., the three threestory buildings with stores and apartments at 103 to 107 Burnside Avenue. The Benenson Realty Company has sold to Isidore Sacks 3018 and 3020 Third Avenue, a two-story frame build¬ ing, with two stores, on plot 35x184, together with the plot 61.6x59, abutting on Brook Avenue. Samuel CJbwen has sold 943 East 167th Street, a twofamily dwelling on lot 25x100, for a Mrs. Herwig. Michael J. Cleary sold the two-family house at 729 East 22Sth Street on lot 20x114, through John Pendergast. Nehring Brothers have sold for the Rudden Estate to Samuel E. Barnes 615 Walton Avenue, a three-story and base¬ ment two-family house, on lot 25x100. Plot Buyers Plan Apartments J. Brown has bought from Wilhelmina F. and Wilhelmina L. Miller the plot 95x95 at the southeast corner of 175th Street and Topping Avenue. The pur¬ chaser will build two five-story apart¬ ments. The Herman Arns Company has sold for Elizabeth Short McMillan to the E. Z. R. A. Holding Company (I. Rosen- feld and I. Antler) the plot 75x100 at the northwest corner of University and Tremont Avenues. The buyers will build a five-story apartment from designs by Charles Kreymborg. The Dutchess Realty Company has sold 1510 Benson .Vvenue to Samuel Fritz through M. M. Weiss & Co. The same brokers sold 1532 Overing Street for the Poplar Realty Company to David Luindberg. and 1516 Benson Ave¬ nue for Samuel Bitterman to Y. Laurea, REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION RIGHT ON THE WATER 30 Minutes from Manhattan ^=-.. piSaau^ Overlooking Long Island Sound 151 PLOTS and LOTS Surrounded by Attractive All Year Homes ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAIE Next Saturday, June 28th AI r. M.. on the frémis«». Bain or Shine, at M l&ttcb burst On North Shore of Boro of Quern*. City of New York Terms 66 2-3% May Remain on Mortgage Payment in SO EQCAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Title* Ar« Guaranteed Without Expense to Purchasers by THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Call, Writs or Phone for Illustrsted Map and Complimentary Railroad Passes for Day of Sals Jere Johnson Jr. Co., Auctioneers 193 Montague t»t. Bn.oklyr Telephone Main 1238 or office on property opposite ststlon, open every afternoon HOW TO OO.Prom Penna. station fake an sleotrlo trsln on North Side Division. Lone Island R. R-. to Beech- hurst ( Landing): or a short run bv automobile v|a Queennboro tiSth tit.) Bridge. Jsokion Avs. and mushing. mrban I More Dwelling Houses Taken Over by «Church j .- St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal to Modernize Houses Bought in Stuyvesant Street St. Mark's P. E. Church, at Second Avenue and Tenth Street, which from time to time has purchased properties in the neighborhood of the church and modernizeos them/ figures in anotherj ideal of this character, the latest one ¡involving the purchase through Moore! & Wyckoff of the Stone estate property at 33 and 35 Stuyvesant Street, extend- ing through to 126 East Tenth Street.! It consists of three five story dwellings fronting 64 feet on Stuyvesant Street and 23 feet on East Tenth Street. Business Firms Get Lofts In Downtown Buildings William A. White & Sons have leased ¡at 168 Centre Street a loft to Louis! Offerman; at 245 to 251 Seventh Ave- nue, a loft to B. Saubiac & Sons; at 168 Spring Street, a loft to Meyer Zettel and Samuel Krause; at 23 South Will- iam Street, the store and basement to Sigsbee, Humphrey & Co.; at 290 Pearl Street, a loft to Joseph Cohen; at 29 and 31 Liberty Street, offices to Bal- four, Williamson & Co. Carstein & Linnekin. Inc., have leased 24 East Twenty-first Street to Louis S. Westerman, the Peerless Thread Company, Inc., Bernstein & Gouldberg and Samuel Bernstein; 220 Fifth Avenue, to George Aubert; 19 Madison Avenue, to the Brooklyn Art Publishing Company; 456 Fourth Ave- nue, to George H. Rosonbaum, Edward R. Rickman, J. Abrahams, Inc., and Louis Levin; 396 Broadway, to the Su- perior Novelty Manuacturing Com- pany; 214 West Ninety-second Street, to Recha Kohn. Edward Koles, John Montgomery, William E. Howe, Will¬ iam Seckels and Helen Bauer; 182 Madison Avenue, to Adams & Hoffine; 1215 Broadway, to Benjamin W. Glick and Henry Drexler; 5 and 7 West Twenty-ninth Street, to Zirinsky & Spero; 23 to 29 West 119th Street, to Herman Schapierer, Maurice Rosen- gard, Isaac Lieberman, Hyman Cogut, Jennie Rothbart, Mathilda JafTe, Abra¬ ham Rogalsky, Emil Witanen and Harry Rose, and 21 West Thirty-ninth Stree't, to Abram Mayer. The Gotham Silk Hosiery Company has leased a floor at 516 Fifth Avenue for a term of years. Clark T. Cham¬ bers was the broker._ Recorded Transfers Downtown. PLATT ST. 15. n e s. 205.10 w Pearl st, 32x22 "'v Irreg; .las A Glover to Frances L, his wife, at Phillpstown. N Y : c a g ; all liens; July 10, 1917; address. 95 Will- lam st .îl ORCHARD ST. 35. and part of 33. w s. 30.8x100; Isaac Kalmowltz to Theresa Bernstein, .35 Orchard st; all liens; June 25: attys, Frank & AVolfson, 299 Broad¬ way .$1 LEWIS ST, 49. w s, 25x100 (toréelos June 19, 1910); Henry W Showers, ref, to U 5 Trust Co of N Y. 45 Wall st. trustee: June 20; atty, Wilson 51 Powell. 7 Wall »t.$18,000 RIVINQTON ST. 193." s w cor Ridge st, 25.7x72.11; Frumet Froelleh to Jacob, her husband, 95 Ridge st 12-35ths, right, title and int ; all Hens; May 30, luis attv, R J Macher, 15 Maiden lane ....'..$1 SAME PROP: Jacob Froelleh et al to Robt J Maeher. 1325 Carroll st, Bklyn: all Hens; atty, same .$1 East Side. 12TH ST, 514 B, s s. 26x103.3; Margt t Becker to Samuel Soroka, 234 E 7th st all liens; June 20; atty, Nathan Licht¬ blau, 63 Park Row .$23,000 16T1I ST. 51S-20 K, s s, 37.6x103.3; Abr Ziidek et al to Chas W Stoeppler, 53 E lS2d st; mtge $35.000; all liens; b and s. c a g; May 2»; atty, Lawyers Title 6 Trust Co, 160 Bway .$100 16TH ST, 522-24 E, s s, 37.6x103.3; Jos Strauss to Chas W Stoeppler, 53 E 182d st mtge $35,000; all liens: b and B, c a g; May 28; atty. Lawyers Title & Trust Co, 160 Bway .$100 17TH ST, 16 K, s s. 25x92: Franklin Sav Bank to Manboro Realty Corpn, 15 Broad st; b and s, e a g; all lien3; April 25: attys. Gottner, S & A, 299 Broad¬ way .$100 52D ST, 54 E. s s. 17x100.5; M Hawkes- wo.rth to Emery L Ferris. 65 Central Park West: all liens: June 26; atty. Tide Guar »i- T Co, 176 Bway .$100 CIST ST, 111 E. n s. 19x100.5: Hardee Realty Co to Marv E Gardner, 325 \V 89th st; mtge $24.000, all tien»; b and s: June 24; attv, Lawyers Title & Trust Co. 160 Bwsy .$100 6STH ST, 60 E, s w cor Park av. 20x100.5: Emily Fowler to Harold I Platt, Glen Cove, L I; June 25; atty, E R Otheman 31 Nassau st ..$10(5 6ST1I ST. s s. 20 w Park av. 20x100.5; City Real Estate Co to Harold I Pratt. Glen Cove, L, I; all liens; June 13; attv, T Q & T Co, 176 Bwav.$100 84TH ST, u s, 120 w Madison av-, 204.4x 4!»x irreg; Ambrose Realty Co to Chas F Hoffman. 15 E 84th st; mtge $175,000; June 24; attys, Mlddlebrook, R & B. 46 Cedar st .$100 1ST AV, 2035, w s, 00.6 n 106th st. 25x 72.10; The Di Troia R & C Co et al to Antonio Sorge. 215.*» 1st av all liens: Installs $16,000; attv-, T G & T Co, 176 Bway .$100 MALISON AV. 1677, e s, 30.3 n 11th St. 15.3x70; Sheppard H Sapiro to Jennie Saptro, Ill W 112th st; mtge $10.000: Au? 4, 1914; address 104 W 115th St.$100 West Side 60TH ST, 12«; W. f= ?. 23x100.4: 50th st. 126 W, s s, 25x101..4: Lawrence C Haf¬ ner and ano, exrs. etc, to Herald Square Holding Co, 128 Bway; mtge $25.000; all liens; June 6; attys, 'Arnstein & Levy, 128 Bway .$65.000 54TH ST, s n, 300 e 7th av, 50x100.5: Maria J Forshay and ano. exrs, etc, to Merton E Kinsley, 640 West End av; June 20; atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway.$100 88TH ST, s s< 242 c Columbus av. 20x100.S Ezekie! Plonsky to Louis H Strouse. 2!'4.'> Molt av, Far Rockaway; in trust for parly uf 1st part; nuge $14.000; attvs, Campbell. F. T & S. 2 Rector et.$1 921) ST, 310 XV. s s. 20x112.3 to n s old road x20xlll.2 with a t to old road; Frances S Dlxon (Sprague) to Chas H Phelps. 549 W ]40th st mtge $24,000; all liens; June 23; atty, Hy Peg ram, 66 Beaver «t .$100 115TH ST, 415 W. n s, 66.8x100.11; Chas L Wagner to Arthur D Colin. 352 "VV 123d at; mtge $87.500. all liens; June 24; attv, Frederick Lese, 35 Nassau st.$100 142D ST, 155-157 XV, n s, 54x55.11; Lena Meyer to Jos L Jaeobson, 565 XV 169th st all hens, April .'6; attys, May & Jaek- Bronx HULL AV, 3269. w a, 50x100; Eliz F White to John L Montalto, 2232 Crotona av, June 23; atty, D K Lynch, Ö47 5ih av. KINGSBRIDGE TERRACE, w s, 297.1 n Kingsbrldge Rd, w, 71.3x s 25.2x e 67.5 to terrace x n 25 to beg; Cath M Gif¬ ford to Eliz Hogue, 252 W 148th st; mtge $2,500; June 24; atty, L. T & T C'o, 160 Broadway. $100 CAMBRELLEN'G AV, w s, 100 s 189th st. 25x100; Esther Hamburger to Giovanna Benfantl. 2400 Cambrelleng av; mtge $3,500; June 24; atty L T & T Co, 160 Broadway .siijo WASHINGTON AV. w s. 121.3 a Ford- ham Rd, 21.6x100; Carmela DI Benedetto to John Caputo, 566 E 187th sU- mtge $3,250: June 24; atty. Peter R"obs, 154 Nassau st . jl WASHINGTON AV. w s. 100 s Fordham R.I. 21.3x100; Carmela DI Benedetto to May Lugattolla. 2266 Lorlliard PI; mtge $3.250: June 24; atty, Peter Ross, 154 N a ssau st . . $ j. ROMBOL'LDT AV, sec Boston Post rd. s 80.5x w 06.5 to Mill Lane x n 36.5 to Boston Post rd x n e 90.6 to beg; Hud- REAL ¿STATE TO LET Î* tealty M $420,000 to Build Flats In University Heights New York Title Insurance Com¬ pany Advances Money to Henlee Corporation The New York Title Company through the 135 Broadway Holding Company, a subsidiary, is backing the Henlee Real Estate Corporation with $420,000 for the improvement of the southwest corner of University Avenue and 184th Street and the southeast corner of Andrews Avenue and lS3d Street with apartment buildings. The loans were made yesterday. Each house will cover a sit« 87.6x100. Gets John Street Agency The Merchants' Property Company has taken title to tho property, 83, 85 and 87 John Street, northwest corner of Gold, which it purchased recently. William A. White & Sons have been appointed agents for the buildings. '¦¦-.- Brokers in 5th Avenue Sale Pearse & Elliman and Douglas L. El- liman & Co. were the brokerr. in the sale of the Norrie home property at 377 Fifth Avenue, reported in Wednes¬ day's Tribune. The sale of the prop- erty must be confirmed by the court before it is legally closed. Recorded Leases Manhattan BROADWAY. J241 -47. n w c 80tb s' (249 W); all: tenant to make altera¬ tions, $25.00O; landlord to loan $25.000; due In 10 years at 6 per ecnt Julia Schwarz to C &. L Lunch Co, 205 W 76th st; 21 yrs from May I, 1913: atty. Abr P Walker. 61 Park Row. net $20 00ft «TH AV. 217, 1st floor above sto-r Louis Littman et al to Frank J Ourm, 217 «th av; .1 yrs from June 15. 1919; 2 yrs renew; atty, Andrew H Scoble. 50 Church st .$1.000 5TH AV. 624, loft on 2d floor; Theo C Marceau to Jas A Maclean, 2«21 Briggs av, Bronx; 7 7-12 yrs from Oct 1. 1920; address T C Marceau, 624 5th av $10,000 6TH AV. 473, all; Jas Plater to David Sherman, 5 Cathedral Parkway; 5 yrs from Mav 1, 1920; 5 yrs renew: attv, Chas G Keller, 109 W 23d at.$6.000 DE1.AKCEY ST, 124; Norfolk St. 101: all: Myer Kaplan to Max Bernstein, 557 AV 124th st; 10 yrs; atty, Benj Bernstein. 299 Bway; 5 per cent of excess taxes afler 1922 .$ 14TH ST. 20 E. str and b; Chas H Burke and ano, trustees, to Josef Schaffer, 1029 Kelly st, Bronx, et al; 7 vrs from May 1, 1920; atty, Samuel Orr, 299 Bway .$8,500 son P P^ose Co to Vincenzo VUello. 537 W 59th st; April 10; attys, Barber] & Z. 35 Nassau st.$100 RTBR ST, w s. ad.i lot 351, map part farm Chis Berrlan: Isaac N Hebberd to Max Notes«. 103.1 Boston rd ; June 19; atty. Max Nolâss, 1033 Boston rd...$100 JEROME AV, w a. 75 n Burnside av. «6Sx 93.1x654.2x90; Jerome Ave Realty Co to Milton M SllveTman, 207 W 110th st. and ano: June 17; atty, C M Silverman, 30 E 42d st.$100 SAME PROPERTY; to Clemilt Realty Co, :;47 Madison av: June 17; attv. Clemilt Really Co, 347 Madison av.$100 152D ST, 380 E, s s. 25x115.2; Bridget Anderson el al to Michael Kaufman. «20 Cnurtlandt av. and ano, June 16; attv, T (J & T Co. 17« Bwav..$100 SAME PROPERTY: Hattia Grace to same; May 15 atty. same.$ 1 SAME PROPERTY; Anna Kaufman, wid¬ ow, to same: June 1«; atty. same.$1 SAME PROPERTY; Mary Luber to same; June 24 atty, same.$1 SAME PROPERTY; Mary Wynne to same; May 15; atty, same.$1 SAME PROPERTY; Michael Kaufman & ano to Donato Pavluccl, 256 E 151st st June 24; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 178 Bway .$100 241ST ST, 317 E. n s, 25x100; Margt M Burnet. ref, to Bronx Investment Co. 1O0 Bwav; June 23; attvs, Merrill, R & T, 100 Bway.$100 MAPES AV, w s, s w M> lot 125, map E Tremont. 33x150; Tommaso Giordano to Carolina Lauritano, 2131 Mapes av; Sept 7. 1916: atty, Carolina Lauritan-i, 2131 Mapes av.$100 CLARKE PL, s s, 264 e Jerome av. 50x 95; Carrie, wife of Abr Oppenheimer, to Morris & Isidor Glaser, 321 E 121st st mtg $8,750; June 24, atty. C S Rosen¬ thal. 302 Bway.$11,250 175TH ST. n s. 80.1 e Mohegan av, 34.lx 82.6x33.5x89.2; Louisa Schenck to Amelia Schenck, 873 E 175th st May 21; atty, Hirleman. .'¡91 E 149th st.. $1 WHITLOCK AV., 916, e g, 25x129.5x25x 130.11: Downtown rtealty c.'o to Sam! Neiman, 910 Whitlock av; mtg $5,000; June C ; atts. Knox & D, 291 Bway.lioo SAME PROPERTY; Saml Neiman to Ig¬ natz Prager, 949 Whitlock av. mtg $5,000; June 20; attys, Knox & D, 291 Bway .$100 159TH ST. 374 E. s s, 50x98.4; Carl Ernst to Barclay Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $44.(100; June 16: atty, J H Zieser. 217 Bway .$10n UNION AV, 827. w s, 79.1x105x79x105. Laura E Walker to Barclay Holding Co. 217 Bway; mtg $>7.i00; June 17. atty. J H Zieser. 217 Bway.$100 HARRISON AV, w s, 175.3 n Morton pi, 56.4x122x56.9x130.10: Paulino Frank to Barclay Holding Corpn, 217 Bway: mtg $7.0ün; June A3; atty, J II Zicaer, 217 Bway .$100 SOUTHERN BLVD. w ». 193.4 s 182d St. 47.1x106.11x44x90.2; M K L Realty Corpn to Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bwav; mtg $31.125; June 16; atty, J H Zieser. 217 Bway.$1.000 COLLEGE AV. 1321-3, w g, 75x92.6; Bar¬ clay Holding Corpn to Pauline Frank, 1839 Harrison av: mtge, Î41.000; June 17; atty. Title Guar <fc T Co, 176 Bway $100 CLAY AV, w s. 638.11 n 169th st. 25.1x79.1x 25.1x79.4; Harry Margolin to Wm. Gibral- ter. 1457 Wilkins av; mtge. $4.000; June 24; atty, Title Guar & T Ca, 17C Bway. $100 LOTS 86 aiid 87, may W F Duncan, West- chester; Francesco Governiale to Li¬ beria Governlale; June 6; atty, Llborio Governiale. 719 East 213th st.$1 161ST ST, 950 East, s s. 22x76.2; Wm Greenberger to Harry Wrettholz, 393 Union av, and ano; mtge, $5,000; June 28; atty, A & J Romagna, 31 Liberty st .$1 RYER AV. 2075. lot 27, map 26 lots at Jit Hope; Anna Weiss to FreaerlcK Scnaep- ering, 3311 Decatur av; mtge, $3,500; June 23; attys, O'Hara Bros, 200th st and Webster av .$100 DECATUR AV, 2973, w s, 37.6x100; Chas G Keet8 to Hy A Gleason. 206 East 200th I st; mtge. 47,000; June 26; attys. O'Hara Bros, 200th st and Webster av.$100 NEW DRIVE, w s, at n s lot 6 on map land Margt E Putnam, w 238.3x s 50x e 320 to drive x n 50 to beg; also New Drive, w a. at s s lot 7. w 305.3x n 78x 320 to drive x s 76 to beg; Mary M 5lr- Kelvey to Sam! Stansfield, on Palisade av. N Y; mtge, $9,ooo, June 10. atty. Saml Stanstleld. Palisade av. N Y. $1,350 3D AV, 3909. w e. 25.1x87.10x26.1x87.6; Olds Holding Corpn to Jos Katz. 3909 3d av; mtge. $16.000; June 24; atty, Title Guar T Co. 176 Bway.$100 LOT 20. part 17. map Wm B Ogden; Fredk C New to Grace S Reuschle, 1917 Walton av; June 10; atty. Title Guar & T Co. 176 Bway .$5,000 Lis Pendons Manhattan MONROE ST, 93; Herman Gottheif agt Harriet Cohen et al (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, A F Silverstone. WOOSTER ST, 243 and 245: Phoebe Cros« agt Alice Horn et al (partition; attys, Hill, Lockwood & P.edfield. Bronx LOT 82. block 3005, section 11. tax map; Warren W Erwin et al agt L:llian-Trc- mont Realties, Inc. et al (action tc foreclose transfer of tax lieru attys Warren & Korh. REAL ESTATE TO LET An Attractive House Cheap at Poc&ntico Hills Well located, with stable and 12 acres of ground. A great bargain, as we will make most favorable terms and want the place occupied. WM. A. WHITE & SONS 146 Cedar Street Phone John 5700 [arket Home Shortage in Other J- Boroughs Helps Brooklya - Ownership Movement in Kings Supported by City's Disap- : pointed Tenantry L, The Realty Trust has sold for ATe6.>. Building Company, the one-famU*?-- remi-detached brick dwelling at 2033 Sixty-fifth Street, Mapleton Park. to. Fr--nk Laura, the presen*; tenant. The Buckley & Horton Company has sold 33 Clermont Avenue, a three-. story three-family frame dwelling on :' lot 25x100, for Mrs. Pauline B. Fox. _ Samuel Calitaka and J. Lacov hasr*» seid for the Miller Bere Realty Cot«-. ps.ny the new two-story and attic oiié-«'. 4 family house with garage on plot «4$tC 100, ¿n the east side of East Twenty- third Street, 100 feet south of Ave¬ nue J. The Meister Builders have sold 16.-J4 Eighty-third Street, a one-family brick house. The Clinton Trading Corporation has sold to Nicola Sêtteducati, the two- family brick dwelling at 2822 Cortel- ycu Road, on a plot 20x87. F. .r. Aeresta, broker. -.- Sales at Auction By Henry Brady 105TH T. "9 W, n s. jn-î 2 e M-nh-ttin »?. 16.10x100.11; 3-sty & b d«ig. Eh* Me- «¦fiiifthan. ffdn. ete, agt R L Andre«.«*« et al; due, $10.S0ii.03. taxe», etc. $61*>; fo the plaintiff for $10.noo OLÎNVILLE AV. w s. S7.ll n Burk* a*. 49 11x96.2x Irreg. C F King agt Fran**;- M.Garry et »1: due, $1,776. taxes, «atC» $S0, to the plaintiff for $1.325. By Joseph P. Day PJAST BROADWAY, 100, n s. 1Í5.J «*. P}*<« si. 25x66.7x Irreg; 7->»!v l»-«ft * »tr, Hud. Bon 'ity Savgs lnsfn agt Abr Ds.via.. ft »1 »lu.«. $7,762.31; taxe«, etc. Jin"» 7'. mtg.«. $30.000; to the plaintiff for $38,000. 1S7TH ST, n ». 164 w Rathg.ite »v. 81» .Í04.7 to 18«Hh at x22.9x irreg. vacant; F W. Blauvelt et al act Mount*a2ñ Conetn Co et al; due. $19.840 85: tax*«," etc, $636, to the plain-tiff for "¡a.ñOO. Bv J H Mayers. RTVTNnTON ST. SOS. n s, 2* 1 e Lewi* »t. 27.11x100; 6-ety tnt «fc etr»: action !; Francis Asbury Palmer Fund agt Chas Caaasza et al; due. $29.195.87; taxée, err*"- $780: adjourned to Julv 2. R1VINGTON ST, 312. n s. 53 Lewi» -tft\, * 27.11x100x27.-0x100; 6 sty tnt * eM-s ; action 2; same agt same; due. $29.205 **T^ "" taxes, etc, $815; adjourned to July 2. Recorded Mortgages East Side FOURTH ST, s s, SO m Av« B. 23x96JÍ:... Jun»' 17; Eliz M Marshall to CenUcaA. I'nlon Trust Co of N V. 90 Bwav. due Julv 19, 1921. 6 per cent; attys, Miller. K. \j & T. »o Bway.$1.«-*<*>- 17TH ST. 16 K. s s. 25x02. p la; April MR Mamboro Really Corpn tu Franklin Sa* Bank. 656 Mh av, 5 yrs. 5 per cent: attarvl" .Wilson M Powell. 7 Wall et.$65.000 PIR8T AV, 2055, w B, 50.6 n 116th et, 2ÎX- 72.10; p in. June 23, Anttfnti» Sorgo to Awsunta Baratta, on premises; 2 yrfi. ... 6 per cent; pr m!g $14.000, atty, Jauob- 1 Berman, 346 Bway.$2,060 West Side 29TH ST. n s, 334 w 8th at», 22x08.9; June 9; Robt XV Rue. Chas H Rue and Netfl« W Burnham to Dim»« Sav«Bank of BroAk lyn. O De Kalb av: due June 1, 1022, 5 '-. per cent; atty, U S T G Co, 32 Col*r*> st, BKlyn .$<.,<**V 42D ST, 13M W. s 8. 107.6x24.fix irreg; m; Jnn»> 24; Kath j Grm-e to Jas Bora; 205 W 75th st, et al; 5 yr». 5 per oent;- atty, T G & T <o. 176 .Bway.$2*0,000 60TH ST. 16 W. 8 s. 18x100 5; June 2 5; 16 West 6Bth St Corpn to Eupene A ron. 566 5th st. Bklyn; 3 yrtt. 6 per cent; ^t^, mtg, $30.000; atty«, Romben A- Parions. 60 Wall st .$6,&úJ» AMSTERDAM AV, 204. w 8. 40 5 n 69+1"»,-. st, 20x65; June 25; .-Vest 48th Street Go¬ to Central L'nion Trust Co of N Y. 80 Bway. gdn; 3 yrs, BV» per cent; atty. Wm 1* Hill. 120 Bway.$15.500 COLt'JIBCS AV, n e «.or 72>1 et, 102.2x54; June 24: 53 ".Vest 72d Street. Inc. to Gott-More Holdg Co. 29» Bway; i*ua . July 1, 1021, 6 per cent; pr mtg, $150,- 000; atty, Herman Gottlie, 2;i9 Broad¬ way.$ôo;0v*9" 31ST ST. 260 W, s s. 17xlt)0.8; Jun« **»'. " Chas E Gantier to Title Guar & Tru*t Co. 176 Bway, due «tnd a* per". bond.$'0,000 115TH ST, n 8, 166.8 e Amstr av. 6C.-X 100.11; p m: June 24; Arthur D '""aba to Cha» L Wagner. Greenwich, Coon; 10 yrs, 6 per cent; attye, House, G A *#» 115 Bway.$14,000 Bronx PALISADE AV. w B at n e r Und nô* or formerly est J 0 Johnson x 505.3x 132x365; also Palisade av. w « at n-* private rd, 116.7x .; also new drive, w h at n »= lot 6. map M E Putnam,.' 50x338.3x50x420; alf«o new drive, w s at s s lot 7; Fame map. 76x3!!0x 7>>x307; SamuM Htansfield to MáíV M McKelvey, Palisade av; Jun« 10: due .' May 17, 1923: 5 H p c; atty, M Ntckeï- ¡odv, on Palisade av .$9,0AO 192D ST, 67-ti W. n B. 64x99.6: Wm Moore Holding Co to North Side Sav Bank, 2230 3d av; June 24; 6 yea,»»»: 5Vi P c; atty, A E Gutgsell. 38 Park Row .$5.000. HULL AV. 3Ï69, w ». 50x100; John L Montalto to Eliz F White, 3269 Hull av; Juno 23; 5 years, 6% p c; atty, D R Lynch. 347-5 5th av.$5.000 SAME PROP: same to same; pr mtge. $...000; June 23; installs; 6 p c; atty. same .$3,t>0(» BRVANT AV. e s, 180 n 174th et, 75* 100; Eckman Bids Co to City Mtge Co. 16 Wall st; June 24; demand 6 p C; attv. Titl" G Co. 176 Bwav .$60,000 KINÙSBRÏDGE TER. w », 272.1 n King*- bridge r»l, 25x71.3x25 2x67.5 Eliz HogtWr to Lawyer« T ¿- T Co, 160 Bway; June-' 24: 5 years; 5 4 p c; atty. Lawyers T' & T Co. 160 Bway .$3.^''<> SAME PROP: same to Cath M Giffor-i. 2709 Klngsbrldge ter; pr mtge. $3.590: .Tune 24, 1 year; 5 H p c; atty. same .$2,50ö- WASHINGTON" AV, 2629, w m. 21 3x10-0--- , May Lagattoila to Carm»*!a Di B'-nedet'<*>, Tiebout av; pr mtge, $3,250; Jun© 24; 2 year»; 6 p c; atty, C Di Benedetto. Tiebout av .$»50 WASHINGTON AV, 2527, w 8. 21.6x100; John Caputo to «amf; pr mtge. $3.250; June 24; 1 year; 6 p c: atty, same .$150 CAMBRELLENG AV, w », ¡00 a 189th «t, 25x100; Salvatore Bonfanli to Esthor Hamburger, 2455 Cambrol'eng av, * ar,-v> June 24; ¡nstalp. 8 p c: atty, Y. G Ham¬ burger. 2U9 Bway.$2.80V RVER ST, w s. adj lot 351; map rar*t farm Chas Berrian. .x.; Max Not»»»« to Isaac N Hebberd, at Washington. Conn; June 24; 1 yr, 6 p c; atty. I ïf Hebberd, Washington. Conn.$1,590 152D ST, 380 B. ts a. 25x115.2: Donato Pa-e-- lucci to John Mucco, 434 W 4îd at; *, June 24; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, Tltl« Guar & T Co, 176 Bway .$3,50* COLLEOE AV. 131-1323. w s. 75X92^;.. Pauline Frank to Barclay Holding CofuL, 217 Bway; pr mtge $20,600; Jun« "TE.- installs, 6 p c; atty, Title Guar * T G¿,,, 176 Bway .$6,Û0ii- . CLARKE PL, «s. 264.9 a.Jerome »v. 60«*W( Morris Isidor Glaser' to Carrie Oppen- heimer. 20 Clarke pi; June 24; 7 yr«. 6*i4 Pi; atty, C S Rosenthal. 302 Bway. $8.75» WHÎTLOCK AV. ?'.»:. e s. »6*129.5; léñala^ Präger to Saml Neuman, 910 WhitlotU. av; June 24; Installa. 6 p c; atty, Hy W Fried, 200 Bwav .$1.600 LOT 20. parcel 17; map Win B Ogderr Est; Grac* S R»«nseh!e to Railroad oper & L Assn. 103 Park av; June "".: install». 6 p c; atty. Title Guar <k T C'o. 176 Bway .$3,4Ci» RYER AV. 2075; Fred Rchaepering to Anna Wei»», 3917 white Plains av; pr mtge $3,500, rune 23; due Nov 23, 191*; . p c; atty. A Weiss, 3917 White Plain» av .$1,«C0 m New Building Plans Manhattan U5TH ST. 321 to 329 E. to a 3-»ty di»p»n»- ary, 42 4x60.8; N T Infirmary for WomM : and Children, premises, owner; Butler & Rodman, 6t» West 45th »t. archlteef«» «.j«»t .$s,»o»' Alterations COLCMBCP AV. 8 w c 108th «t. to a 1-tTV' shop; Lion Brewery. 100 W lOith tf" owner; P J Murray, 141 K 40th »t. arela- tect .$S 0ao 5TH AV. «S3, to a 6-sly club; Criterion r ¡ub, inc. premises, owner; H F Smii'v 2 W 32d «t, architect.$9 ft'.* . 45TH ST. 149 to 157 W, to a 6-»ty theatr«. New Lyceum Theatre Corpn, pre mine*,- own-r; FE Vitalo. 56 W 45th st. arettt-- i tect .I10.0''«'* 2STH ST. 517 W. to a 6-»ty fnen^tjt; M M Ide Courval. Pari», Franc«, o-»raer; A E Straker. 191 9th av. architect, $6.»0o REAL ESTATE KOCHXAXD COrKTV Commuters! A family break-up brings this tnone-e« making offering: 40 sere«, near station atvl ¡high «chool: 1,:00 State Roa«¿ frontac*: -''-- room bunfjalow, all improvements. !*!¦**» Barn, for $9.000; half earh; ijuick act:.»*-, Howard Gatóímith, 63 Park Row Tele!»£îone 259* Beekman. J

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Page 1: Library of Congress...News CITY REAL ESTATE 12 Story Loft Building FOR SALE 9 Lofts Available for OccupancyFebruary 1 9 West 20th Street Near 5th Avenue Fireproof 100% Sprinklered


12 StoryLoft Building


9 Lofts Availablefor Occupancy February 1

9 West 20th StreetNear 5th Avenue

Fireproof100% SprinkleredSize: 28.6x96FREDERICK BROWN

Î17 Broadway. Telephon* Barclay 4933

JOHN L. PARISHAPPRAISER.BROKER.AGENT.It8 Broadway.Tel. 5740 Cortlar.dt.







Magnificent All Year EstateOn West Shore of Hudson River,

20 Miles from New York CityA thoroughly modern home at the

« leal and most picturesque part of theHudson Hiver.which will particularlyappeal to those lond of yachting and».tier sports/Main house (about 4 year» old) Is of

white stucco, with giren tiled roof, with.very known convenience. Spacious ga¬ra?" of same construction.Large shore ht.use with ballroom, bll-

!:a-i room, etc.; bachelor's bungalow,hath ho >se with private beach, boathousA ;iIi , dock, etc.Grounds comprising about 5 acres are

artlstclaliy lut.i out. with terrace, drive-wa3 », lawns, flower gardens, etc.

Electricity, gas, water, most modernbeating, svs.iem.

To be sold at m low priceto settle an Estate


for inspection andfurther rarf irulors npply to


Telephone 6500 Rector


ATTENTION.Bargain, desirable residenceon tlit drive at Kew Gardens. $13.000.

Worth more Sole agent, Leon S. Altmayer,6J East 86th at.


CERTAINTY OR A GUESSIf 'ou own real estate ln BrrgnnCounty, and the titles are not Insured,write for the above booklet. It is in-ten »ting.

North Jersey Title Insurance Co.,HACKENSACK, N. J.

CALDWELL, N. J..Rent forseason or year, handsome

large house, extensive grounds,garden, near station. Tenthfloor, 64 Wall St. Hanovty5131.



COLONIAL SlIIOW PLACE. Large,handsome ht-me house, 10 rooms, 2 batha,lavatories; ali the latest Improvement»;parag^ for i cara Opp. Barley Estaf?.Prie«, 155.000.GOOD INDUCEMENT offered to cash

buyer, 16 room house, steam heat, gas,electricity; open fireplaces; lawns; garage,».'.¦ chauffeur's quarters. Plot 200x150.Price, j;; oooOWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL well built

house. iO'al corner; »pace for garage; at-lawns. Plot 125x142x175. Excol-

atlon Prl."*. 113,500.«INK Or IflK ATTRACTIONS; 12 room«.

Î bait.», largi? porch; hot watrr heat, gas,electricity; garage for 2 cars. Corner plot,145x11' Trie-. J25.000.TERM!» CAN BE ARRANGED. 12 rooms,

I baths, frame house, all improvements;gas, electricity. sV»am heai; large veranda;lawns, shrubbery. Corner plot, 75x105.Prie*. $¡«,500.A MODERN HOME at a modem price.

Bungalow type bouse. « rooms, tile bath.It!» kitchen; room for garage; tine grounds,Willi Trice, $7.$00.rNEXf ELLED LOCATION, 10 rooms, 1

bath, «team heat. «11 Improvements; lot,MxllO. Price. »14,500. Owner, aH Senr-.aAv» Mount Vernon. N. T.A DESIRABLE HOME, Cheater Hill seo

'»n. lo rf/mi«, all improvements: plenty or.»any windows; Immediate possession;C*ra for K*r*.ge. Prie, $10.000. Owner,r- O. Box 22«, Mount Vemon, N. T.

X. L. VAIL * CO., INC.,. PIP.3T NATIONAL BANK BLDO.,«Hunt Vernon. N. Y. Tel. K«4.

NEW ROCHELLEw» hav« o. our list ths most beautiful.* reera house. 2 baths, garage for 2 cars

'** 4 living room«; piot 100x125. »20.000lX rvym house, t baths, open flreplai«,. 1**xl». »25,000./«om hot -». garage, large plot, 117.noo

O, tt¿'rrtai i"aif*ir>w. Sil latent Improvements.

èi*V*íîl^'.i,.,' horn«-* from $5.000 to $20.000HOME REALTY CO.,

i._y*?f Rochelle Trust Co. Idilldln«*'*>*" « Phone 337

<?5. *tVKR WAt» MORE OPPORTUNEJ!*'' ao» to self-ct your home sltfc» and»Ulli yoar own home; let rne showI« .?w y*u c*o own your own home1,, »«'Active surroundings, with «ilrwy ,mprov#rr,»nt«, at Lsrchrnont, wlth-lt^yj**-*tew»et» w»ik of the st*-'tot> »"d fort-r «.mutis of New Tork.

I Hadler,ft av., n, r. f.'Uy. Tel 2577__.Orma«sr<;y.XWhJoÂs

r%*r<rt?T.J\,rUA* VOTED $»9,«0».«00 OSWSTH^'im^AP* ' MAVB A TRACT

**» L1XIJ3 Hl'iHWAV P',U KALK.m

iVl¿ t' i il. TKlUt/NK.

tttnctuj./ksmvHNfL*W« i^'^l'f*-' w** . «*.*« Booklet.J: * Portable w-ir (orp.( us ßw.y.


vntku %^^r¥Í¿^!Ífp KTu "'r'


and CoRush for Downtown

| Space Moves Angelo¡On Pearl St. to BuyPays Klein & Jackson Their

Price for 160 and 162Pearl Street, to Make Sureof Quarters in Section

Downtown New York is as close toreal estate mad as it is possible to be.The buying for investment is intoxi¬cating in its effect and every concernof any size which does not own itsbuilding cr 'Wants more space is seri-ously contemplating purchase ratherthan lease, because it is moret econom¬ical with réntala as they are to buy afee than to buy the privilege of usinga certain amount of space for a givenperiod.The big real estate men in the field

are hard at it trying to meet the de-mand placed on them by business con-

I cerns. How widespread is the buyingmovement may be judged by the pur¬chase yesterday of the property at 160and 162 Pearl Street by Angelo, who

Î conducts the restaurant at 161 PearlStreet. Angelo has built up a businessthere that dates back many years, andhe feared that in the rush for spacethat some one would buy the buildinghe occupies and tufh him out. Klein& Jackson offered him the opportunityof remaining on Pearl Street, directlyacross from his old stand, and justnorth of Wall Street, so he took it.The Charles F. Noyes Company ar¬ranged the deal. The property washeld in the market at $125,000. Twofive-story buildings cover the property,which is 46.10 feet wide and 100 feetdeep. The buildings will be alteredif not removed entirely and a newstructure erected. The new buildingwill be an office structure in additionto housing Angelo's restaurant. Therealty adjoins the old Tabor Buildingat tlie northeast corner of Wall andPearl streets, which was taken overseveral months ago on a long-timelease by the Pacific Development Com-pany.

Pillsbury Flour Co. Buys RealtyCammann, Voorhees & Floyd have

sold for Sarah E. Townsend, 30 MooreStreet, a five-story building, on lot24.8x72, also for the estate of Ben¬jamin F. Wheelwright, 32 Moore Street,a five-story building on lot 22x73.George A. Zabriskie. the buyer, repre¬sented the Pillsbury Flour Company.The flour company will occupy theproperty.

Dacorn Reported SoldThe Leonard estate of Syracuse,N. Y., is reported to have sold to a Mr.

Pressberger the Dacorn, the six-storyelevator apartment house at 452 FortWashington Avenue, at the northeastcorner of 180th Street, on plot 144.5x100.

Investor Buys in 115th StreetMax* Kramer has sold to a client of

Leitner, Brener & Starr the Munroe, asix-storv elevator apartment, at 415West 115th Street, on plot 66.8x100.

| Woman Investor Buys in Second Ave.The Mose Goodman Corporation has

sold to a woman investor the southeastcorner of Socond Avenue and 114thStreet, a four-story tenement, withstore, on lot 20.11 by 80 feet.


mnient <

IHarold I. Platt TakesPark Ave. Corner

Will Erect a Fine Home on SiteIs Surmise; Apartment IsTown Residence Now

Harold I. Pratt, who lives at GlenCove in the summer and in an apart¬ment here in Manhattan in the winter,took title yesterday to the two dwell¬ings at the southwest corner of ParkAvenue and Sixty-eighth Street. Thepurchase supports the surmise that Mr.Pratt is tired of apartment life and isgoing to have a private home. Thedwellings have a frontage of fortyfeet on Sixty-eighth Street and 100feet along Park Avenue. Directly op-) posite, at the northwest corner, is thePercy Pyne house and diagonally op¬posite is Hunters College. At theSixty-ninth Street corners of ParkAvenue are tho homes of CommodoreArthur Curtiss, James Henry Davisonand Geraldyn Redmond. The cornerhouse taken by Mr. Pratt was ownedby Emily Fowler and the adjoininghouse by the City Real Estate Com¬pany.

Sale in 60th StreetThe Ruland & Whiting-BenjaminCorporation has sold for Mitchel A. C.

Levy to A. C. Wendel the four-storydwelling, on lot 20x100, at 243 EastSixtieth Street.

Gets House in 94th StreetFolsom Brothers have sold for

Frances S. Phraner, the five-storydwelling, 14 West Ninety-fourth Street,to Max Werber.

Seven Story 61st StreetGarage Reported Sold

The seven-story garage building st3 to 7 West Sixty-first Street, extend-ing through to 4 to 8 West Sixty-sec-ond Street, formerly owned and occu-,pied by the Tichenor Grand Company,has been sold, according to reports inreal estate circles yesterday. The,structure fronts 75 feet on each streetand has a depth of 200 feet, betweenCentral Park West and Broadway. Itfaces the Century Theatre on Sixty-second Street and the American CircleBuilding on Sixty-first Street. Therealty is assessed at $*i'75,000. Title isheld by the Columbus Circle RealtyCorporation, of which C. W. Stoddard,of Boston, is president.

Fine Home Near 5th Av. Rented ¡Douglas Gibbons & Co. have

leased, furnished, for Mrs. Henry F.Shoemaker, her six-story modernAmerican dwelling at 4 East Sixty-

! fifth Street, adjoining the corner ofFifth Avenue to Thomas R. Yuille, ofthe American Tobacco Company, fornext winter.Worthington Whitehouse has leased,

furnished, for Mrs. George P. Wetmorethe five-story American basementdwelling at 9 East Seventy-ninthStreet to John Sloane, of W. & J.Sloane. IDouglas L. Elliman & Co. have

leased for Mrs. William C. Sheldon herformer residence, at 38 East FortiethStreet, a five-story American basement,te a client for occupancy.

May Sell Hanover ClubThe members of the Hanover Club

will meet on Friday night at the club-house, at Bedford Avenue and RodneyStreet, Brooklyn, to decide whetherthe clubhouse shall be sold and whatthe future of the club shall be.A plan is under consideration for

the sale of the property and the pur-chase of smaller quarters in anothersection of the borough.


Are You LookingFor An Apartment?

If you have a small amountof cash and can furnishsatisfactory references

We Have ApartmentsFor Oct. 1st Occupancy

Where Home Insurance,Rent Insurance and a safeinvestment are combined

At Jackson HeightsWe own and control one of this city's finestApartment House sections, comprising 100city blocks, where there is real community life.Where else in New York City can there befound an Apartment House Section that hasits own Tennis Courts, nine-hole Golf Course,Children's Playgrounds, Community Gardensand Bowling Alleys, etc.?We are now offering all of these advantages at

Jackson Heights on

Our CollectiveOwnership Plan

that will give you absolute control of yourfuture apartment rental, and in additiondividends on your investment in a ModernApartment building. You are invited to makea personal inspe-^.on of the apartments. Tovisit Jackson Heights by most convenient routetake Subway to Grand Central, transfer toQuecnaboro Subway (Corona Line) to 25thSt. Station. Time 22 minute«.

For farmer detail» call or write

The Queensboro CorporationManhattan OfficeSO E. 424 Si., Cor. MsdUoo Ate.

Telephone Murray Hill 70c>7

Jackson Heights OfficeOppotils 28th St. Subway Station

Telephone Netttovn 2361

Capital Ready toProvide Housings

For City's FirmsL. H. Slawson Forms Strong

Mortgage and InvestmentGroup to Undertake BigBuilding Enterprises

Under an arrangement between largemortgage and investing interests per¬fected by Loton H. Slawson, it is nowpossible for any responsible businessconcern to have exactly the spaceit requires in any location desired onManhattan Island. Details of the planswhich just now have been announcedindicate that it is one of the most !important developments of the rapidlyexpanding real estate market. Execu-tion of the plan on a large scale willhelp materially to relieve New York ofthe pressing demand for business space.The plan of operation as explainedby Mr. Slawson is both novel and inter-esting. There are two distinct inter- jests which take part in the developmentof ¿he idea. The first is the investoror equity interest. The other is themortgage interest.

It is the business of the investor or 1equity interest to receive and pass onapplications for individual buildings forbusiness tenants. When the applicationis acceptable it is passed on to themortgage interest to be figured for aloan. Final decision whether to pro-ceed with the operation rests with theequity (interest, for it is their part tofurnish the difference between the jamount of the mortgage and the costof the structure. Single tenants onlyare to be considered and only suchpropositions will be taken on as meetwith the approval of the mortgagelenders who are interested in the plan.It is Mr. Slawson's belief that prop-erties produced under such a plan willprove to be most attractive invest-ments. Rented on long term leases andon net rental basis, he expects them tooffer such advantages to investors thatnew capital will be drawn into thereal estate market. Only ManhattanIsland will be considered by Mr. Slaw-son and his associates as a field for:operation.

The combination of capital whichMr. Slawson has formed heretoforeoperted individually with considerablesuccess. Now, with interests joinedtheir field will be greatly enlargedwith resultant ability to undertakeoperations of even the greatest magni¬tude. They have already practicallyclosed negotiations for several impor¬tant structures.

Satisfied Mortgages* Manhattan

10TH AV, 104: Rose & Frederick Brownto Wm Dangler; Rtty. Silas A 11 Hay-ton, 170 Bway; Nov 24, lilOO.$5,000

24TH ST, 425 to 4115 B, lease, chattels,etc; J J Little Ives Co, 425 E *i41 ti st,to Irvine: (formerly Broadway) TrustCo, attys. Breed. Abbott A M, 32 Lib¬erty at; Dee 15, 1015.$202,375122D ST, 407H: Basilio Lo Prestí, 231 B24th st, to Hudson P Rose Cn, 7 W 45thut atty, Hudson P Rose Co, 7 W 45thst ; June 15, 1017.$1,60014STH ST, «06 W; Chas A & Nellie C|l'Iurl et al to Julia Coddinpton; atty,;Seth B Roáinson, 35 Nassau st ; May 22. j1905 .$12,00040TH ST. 357 W; Thomas & Mary PCharlton. of Tonawanda. N T, to CarlShi. hart; attys. Amend & A. 119 Nas-sau st; Jfin 15, 1901.$13,00040TH ST. ::55 \V : Winfleld S & EmmaI» .1 Gilmore to Tillle Weiss. Honesclale,Penn; atty, S Vv' Weiss, 4* Wall stJune 28, 1J05.$8.500

40TII ST. C:»."» W; same to same; atty,sam<«; June 28. 1905.$8,500

41ST ST, :>52-54 W; Ooueh S- Fitzgerald tothe Franklin Sav Bank. 85R-S Sth av;atty, Wilson M Powell, 7 Wall st Oet 3,U»l'l .$30,000

40T1I ST, n S, 160 e 0th av, 20x98.9; W SUllmore to Bottle, Geo and Arthur Wise,trubtees, will of Nathan Wise, for bene¬fit of Frieda Cerf et al; atty, T G & TCo, 176 Bway; March 1, loin.$10,000

lOTir AV, e s, 50.11 n 97th Ht, 25x74;Lorenz and Louisa Weiher, New Ro-chelle, N Y, to Dry Dock Sav Inst; atty,F M Tichenor, SSV Park Row; Oct 10.1887 .$12,000

7BTH ST, n s, 580 w Columbus av, 20x102.2: Acnés H Littlefield, 151 Wr 75th st,to Mary" E Baldwin, 129 Tyson st. NewBrighton. S I: atty. T G & T Co. 176Broadway; Nov 16, 1914.$10,000

AVENUE D, 40-51; Cyli .<c Isidore Teitel-haum to Rose Israel. 722 E 9th st atty,Samuel Bittcrman, 300 Broadway; Mareh31. 1019.$1,700


and SulSpeedy Profit in Resale

Of the Le Roy HallFrederick Brown Sells Property

at Fordham Road Corner,Bought Recently

Le Roy Hall, the six story apartmentat thff southwest corner of FordhamRoad and Valentine Avenue, purchasedrecently by Frederick Brown, broughta quick and profitable return yester¬day, when Mr. Brown resold the prop¬erty, which is located in one of thebusiast sections of The Bronx.

Richard H. Scobie, as broker, soldthe property to an investor for all cashover the mortgage. The house is on aplot 110x134. It is opposite the newtheatre being erected by the B. F.Keith Company and the United StatesTheatre, also in course of construc¬tion.

Mr. Brown also sold to IsadoreMontefiore Levy the five story modernapartment, on a plot 100x100, at 547 to553 West 147th Street, 125 feet east ofBroadway, and to the Benenson RealtyCompany through S. Rosen 752 East179th Street, two five story apartments,each on a plot 36x100. He took in partpayment 345 Rivington Street, a fourctory tenement, on a lot 25x75.Operators Buy Prospect Avenue House

Harris & Maurice Mandelbaumbought from Amanda W. Undrun thefive story apartment at the northeastcorner of Prospect Avenue and 183dStreet. David and Lester E. Kisslerwere the brokers.

Bathgate Avenue Flat SoldCharles H. Baechler sold for Isabel

C. Phraner the four story flat at 1636Bathgate Avenue to Sam Horowitz, whowill alter it; also for Ben Barcus thetwo family house at 1527 Lurting Ave¬nue to Rodger J. Rush, the two_|amilyhous-j 1525 Lurting Avenue to a Mr.Flynn, for May Kucera the two fam¬ily dwelling at 1482 Holland Avenue toMax Novick, and for the Morris ParkEstates a lot on the west side ofFowler Avenue to John Hartmetz.

Sale in Vyse AvenueThe Stebbins Realty and Construc¬

tion Company, J. Malino, president, hasbought 904 Vyse Avenue, a five-storyapartment on plot 72xS7. The samecompany has sold 2017 La FontaineAvenue, a five-story apartment, on plot37.fixl00; also sold an estate on Air-mont Avenue at Ramsey, N, J., consist¬ing of five acres, with large mansionand outbuildings, to a Mr. Reid, ofPlainfield, through the Batson FarmAgency.

Brook Ave. Corner Flat SoldM. Nasanowitz & Son have sold for

the Stebbins Realty and ConstructionCompany to Joseph Pritzman the five-story apartment on lot 25x90, at thenortheast corner of Brook Avenue and157th Street.

Houses in Burnside Avenue SoldB. H. Weisker has sold for Gilbert B.

Ferris to Charles L. Acker and FrankBegerisch, jr., the three threestorybuildings with stores and apartmentsat 103 to 107 Burnside Avenue.The Benenson Realty Company has

sold to Isidore Sacks 3018 and 3020Third Avenue, a two-story frame build¬ing, with two stores, on plot 35x184,together with the plot 61.6x59, abuttingon Brook Avenue.Samuel CJbwen has sold 943 East

167th Street, a twofamily dwelling onlot 25x100, for a Mrs. Herwig.

Michael J. Cleary sold the two-familyhouse at 729 East 22Sth Street on lot20x114, through John Pendergast.Nehring Brothers have sold for the

Rudden Estate to Samuel E. Barnes 615Walton Avenue, a three-story and base¬ment two-family house, on lot 25x100.

Plot Buyers Plan ApartmentsJ. Brown has bought from Wilhelmina

F. and Wilhelmina L. Miller the plot95x95 at the southeast corner of 175thStreet and Topping Avenue. The pur¬chaser will build two five-story apart¬ments.The Herman Arns Company has sold

for Elizabeth Short McMillan to theE. Z. R. A. Holding Company (I. Rosen-feld and I. Antler) the plot 75x100 atthe northwest corner of University andTremont Avenues. The buyers will builda five-story apartment from designs byCharles Kreymborg.The Dutchess Realty Company has

sold 1510 Benson .Vvenue to SamuelFritz through M. M. Weiss & Co. Thesame brokers sold 1532 Overing Streetfor the Poplar Realty Company toDavid Luindberg. and 1516 Benson Ave¬nue for Samuel Bitterman to Y. Laurea,


RIGHT ON THE WATER30 Minutes from Manhattan ^=-..


Overlooking Long Island Sound151 PLOTS and LOTSSurrounded by Attractive All Year Homes

ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAIENext Saturday, June 28th

AI r. M.. on the frémis«». Bain or Shine, at


l&ttcb burstOn North Shore of Boro of Quern*. City of New York

Terms 66 2-3% May Remain on Mortgageoí Payment in SO EQCAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS

Title* Ar« Guaranteed Without Expense to Purchasersby THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO.

Call, Writs or Phone for Illustrsted Map andComplimentary Railroad Passes for Day of Sals

Jere Johnson Jr. Co., Auctioneers193 Montague t»t. Bn.oklyr Telephone Main 1238

or office on property opposite ststlon, open every afternoonHOW TO OO.Prom Penna. station fake an sleotrlo

trsln on North Side Division. Lone Island R. R-. to Beech-hurst ( Landing): or a short run bv automobilev|a Queennboro tiSth tit.) Bridge. Jsokion Avs. andmushing.

mrban IMore Dwelling HousesTaken Over by «Church j.-

St. Mark's Protestant Episcopalto Modernize Houses Bought

in Stuyvesant StreetSt. Mark's P. E. Church, at SecondAvenue and Tenth Street, which fromtime to time has purchased propertiesin the neighborhood of the church andmodernizeos them/ figures in anotherjideal of this character, the latest one¡involving the purchase through Moore!

& Wyckoff of the Stone estate propertyat 33 and 35 Stuyvesant Street, extend-ing through to 126 East Tenth Street.!It consists of three five story dwellingsfronting 64 feet on Stuyvesant Streetand 23 feet on East Tenth Street.

Business Firms Get LoftsIn Downtown Buildings

William A. White & Sons have leased¡at 168 Centre Street a loft to Louis!Offerman; at 245 to 251 Seventh Ave-nue, a loft to B. Saubiac & Sons; at 168Spring Street, a loft to Meyer Zetteland Samuel Krause; at 23 South Will-iam Street, the store and basement toSigsbee, Humphrey & Co.; at 290 PearlStreet, a loft to Joseph Cohen; at 29and 31 Liberty Street, offices to Bal-four, Williamson & Co.

Carstein & Linnekin. Inc., haveleased 24 East Twenty-first Street toLouis S. Westerman, the PeerlessThread Company, Inc., Bernstein &Gouldberg and Samuel Bernstein; 220Fifth Avenue, to George Aubert; 19Madison Avenue, to the Brooklyn ArtPublishing Company; 456 Fourth Ave-nue, to George H. Rosonbaum, EdwardR. Rickman, J. Abrahams, Inc., andLouis Levin; 396 Broadway, to the Su-perior Novelty Manuacturing Com-pany; 214 West Ninety-second Street,to Recha Kohn. Edward Koles, JohnMontgomery, William E. Howe, Will¬iam Seckels and Helen Bauer; 182Madison Avenue, to Adams & Hoffine;1215 Broadway, to Benjamin W. Glickand Henry Drexler; 5 and 7 WestTwenty-ninth Street, to Zirinsky &Spero; 23 to 29 West 119th Street, toHerman Schapierer, Maurice Rosen-gard, Isaac Lieberman, Hyman Cogut,Jennie Rothbart, Mathilda JafTe, Abra¬ham Rogalsky, Emil Witanen andHarry Rose, and 21 West Thirty-ninthStree't, to Abram Mayer.The Gotham Silk Hosiery Company

has leased a floor at 516 Fifth Avenuefor a term of years. Clark T. Cham¬bers was the broker._

Recorded TransfersDowntown.

PLATT ST. 15. n e s. 205.10 w Pearl st,32x22 "'v Irreg; .las A Glover to FrancesL, his wife, at Phillpstown. N Y : c a g ;all liens; July 10, 1917; address. 95 Will-lam st .îl

ORCHARD ST. 35. and part of 33. w s.30.8x100; Isaac Kalmowltz to TheresaBernstein, .35 Orchard st; all liens; June25: attys, Frank & AVolfson, 299 Broad¬way .$1

LEWIS ST, 49. w s, 25x100 (toréelos June19, 1910); Henry W Showers, ref, to U5 Trust Co of N Y. 45 Wall st. trustee:June 20; atty, Wilson 51 Powell. 7 Wall

»t.$18,000RIVINQTON ST. 193." s w cor Ridge st,

25.7x72.11; Frumet Froelleh to Jacob,her husband, 95 Ridge st 12-35ths,right, title and int ; all Hens; May 30,luis attv, R J Macher, 15 Maidenlane ....'..$1SAME PROP: Jacob Froelleh et al toRobt J Maeher. 1325 Carroll st, Bklyn:all Hens; atty, same .$1

East Side.12TH ST, 514 B, s s. 26x103.3; Margt tBecker to Samuel Soroka, 234 E 7th stall liens; June 20; atty, Nathan Licht¬blau, 63 Park Row .$23,00016T1I ST. 51S-20 K, s s, 37.6x103.3; AbrZiidek et al to Chas W Stoeppler, 53 ElS2d st; mtge $35.000; all liens; b ands. c a g; May 2»; atty, Lawyers Title6 Trust Co, 160 Bway .$10016TH ST, 522-24 E, s s, 37.6x103.3; JosStrauss to Chas W Stoeppler, 53 E 182dst mtge $35,000; all liens: b and B,c a g; May 28; atty. Lawyers Title &Trust Co, 160 Bway .$10017TH ST, 16 K, s s. 25x92: Franklin SavBank to Manboro Realty Corpn, 15Broad st; b and s, e a g; all lien3; April25: attys. Gottner, S & A, 299 Broad¬way .$10052D ST, 54 E. s s. 17x100.5; M Hawkes-wo.rth to Emery L Ferris. 65 CentralPark West: all liens: June 26; atty.Tide Guar »i- T Co, 176 Bway .$100CIST ST, 111 E. n s. 19x100.5: HardeeRealty Co to Marv E Gardner, 325 \V89th st; mtge $24.000, all tien»; b ands: June 24; attv, Lawyers Title & TrustCo. 160 Bwsy .$1006STH ST, 60 E, s w cor Park av. 20x100.5:Emily Fowler to Harold I Platt, GlenCove, L I; June 25; atty, E R Otheman31 Nassau st ..$10(56ST1I ST. s s. 20 w Park av. 20x100.5;City Real Estate Co to Harold I Pratt.Glen Cove, L, I; all liens; June 13; attv,T Q & T Co, 176 Bwav.$10084TH ST, u s, 120 w Madison av-, 204.4x4!»x irreg; Ambrose Realty Co to ChasF Hoffman. 15 E 84th st; mtge $175,000;June 24; attys, Mlddlebrook, R & B. 46Cedar st .$1001ST AV, 2035, w s, 00.6 n 106th st. 25x72.10; The Di Troia R & C Co et al toAntonio Sorge. 215.*» 1st av all liens:Installs $16,000; attv-, T G & T Co, 176Bway .$100MALISON AV. 1677, e s, 30.3 n 11th St.15.3x70; Sheppard H Sapiro to JennieSaptro, Ill W 112th st; mtge $10.000:Au? 4, 1914; address 104 W 115th St.$100

West Side60TH ST, 12«; W. f= ?. 23x100.4: 50th st.126 W, s s, 25x101..4: Lawrence C Haf¬ner and ano, exrs. etc, to Herald SquareHolding Co, 128 Bway; mtge $25.000; allliens; June 6; attys, 'Arnstein & Levy,128 Bway .$65.00054TH ST, s n, 300 e 7th av, 50x100.5: MariaJ Forshay and ano. exrs, etc, to MertonE Kinsley, 640 West End av; June 20;atty, T G & T Co, 176 Bway.$10088TH ST, s s< 242 c Columbus av. 20x100.SEzekie! Plonsky to Louis H Strouse. 2!'4.'>Molt av, Far Rockaway; in trust forparly uf 1st part; nuge $14.000; attvs,Campbell. F. T & S. 2 Rector et.$1921) ST, 310 XV. s s. 20x112.3 to n s oldroad x20xlll.2 with a t to old road;Frances S Dlxon (Sprague) to Chas HPhelps. 549 W ]40th st mtge $24,000; allliens; June 23; atty, Hy Peg ram, 6 6Beaver «t .$100115TH ST, 415 W. n s, 66.8x100.11; Chas LWagner to Arthur D Colin. 352 "VV 123dat; mtge $87.500. all liens; June 24; attv,Frederick Lese, 35 Nassau st.$100142D ST, 155-157 XV, n s, 54x55.11; LenaMeyer to Jos L Jaeobson, 565 XV 169th stall hens, April .'6; attys, May & Jaek-

BronxHULL AV, 3269. w a, 50x100; Eliz F Whiteto John L Montalto, 2232 Crotona av,June 23; atty, D K Lynch, Ö47 5ih av.

KINGSBRIDGE TERRACE, w s, 297.1 nKingsbrldge Rd, w, 71.3x s 25.2x e 67.5to terrace x n 25 to beg; Cath M Gif¬ford to Eliz Hogue, 252 W 148th st;mtge $2,500; June 24; atty, L. T & TC'o, 160 Broadway. $100CAMBRELLEN'G AV, w s, 100 s 189th st.25x100; Esther Hamburger to GiovannaBenfantl. 2400 Cambrelleng av; mtge$3,500; June 24; atty L T & T Co, 160Broadway .siijoWASHINGTON AV. w s. 121.3 a Ford-ham Rd, 21.6x100; Carmela DI Benedettoto John Caputo, 566 E 187th sU- mtge$3,250: June 24; atty. Peter R"obs, 154Nassau st . jlWASHINGTON AV. w s. 100 s FordhamR.I. 21.3x100; Carmela DI Benedetto toMay Lugattolla. 2266 Lorlliard PI; mtge$3.250: June 24; atty, Peter Ross, 154N a ssau st . . $ j.ROMBOL'LDT AV, sec Boston Post rd.s 80.5x w 06.5 to Mill Lane x n 36.5 toBoston Post rd x n e 90.6 to beg; Hud-


tealty M$420,000 to Build Flats

In University HeightsNew York Title Insurance Com¬

pany Advances Money toHenlee Corporation

The New York Title Companythrough the 135 Broadway HoldingCompany, a subsidiary, is backing theHenlee Real Estate Corporation with$420,000 for the improvement of thesouthwest corner of University Avenueand 184th Street and the southeastcorner of Andrews Avenue and lS3dStreet with apartment buildings. Theloans were made yesterday. Eachhouse will cover a sit« 87.6x100.

Gets John Street AgencyThe Merchants' Property Companyhas taken title to tho property, 83, 85

and 87 John Street, northwest cornerof Gold, which it purchased recently.William A. White & Sons have beenappointed agents for the buildings.


Brokers in 5th Avenue SalePearse & Elliman and Douglas L. El-

liman & Co. were the brokerr. in thesale of the Norrie home property at377 Fifth Avenue, reported in Wednes¬day's Tribune. The sale of the prop-erty must be confirmed by the courtbefore it is legally closed.

Recorded LeasesManhattan

BROADWAY. J241 -47. n w c 80tb s'(249 W); all: tenant to make altera¬tions, $25.00O; landlord to loan $25.000;due In 10 years at 6 per ecnt JuliaSchwarz to C &. L Lunch Co, 205 W76th st; 21 yrs from May I, 1913: atty.Abr P Walker. 61 Park Row. net $20 00ft

«TH AV. 217, 1st floor above sto-r LouisLittman et al to Frank J Ourm, 217«th av; .1 yrs from June 15. 1919; 2 yrsrenew; atty, Andrew H Scoble. 50 Church

st .$1.0005TH AV. 624, loft on 2d floor; Theo CMarceau to Jas A Maclean, 2«21 Briggsav, Bronx; 7 7-12 yrs from Oct 1. 1920;address T C Marceau, 624 5th av $10,0006TH AV. 473, all; Jas Plater to DavidSherman, 5 Cathedral Parkway; 5 yrsfrom Mav 1, 1920; 5 yrs renew: attv,Chas G Keller, 109 W 23d at.$6.000DE1.AKCEY ST, 124; Norfolk St. 101: all:Myer Kaplan to Max Bernstein, 557 AV124th st; 10 yrs; atty, Benj Bernstein.299 Bway; 5 per cent of excess taxesafler 1922 .$lo.ooo14TH ST. 20 E. str and b; Chas H Burkeand ano, trustees, to Josef Schaffer,1029 Kelly st, Bronx, et al; 7 vrs fromMay 1, 1920; atty, Samuel Orr, 299Bway .$8,500

son P P^ose Co to Vincenzo VUello. 537 W59th st; April 10; attys, Barber] & Z.35 Nassau st.$100

RTBR ST, w s. ad.i lot 351, map partfarm Chis Berrlan: Isaac N Hebberdto Max Notes«. 103.1 Boston rd ; June 19;atty. Max Nolâss, 1033 Boston rd...$100JEROME AV, w a. 75 n Burnside av. «6Sx93.1x654.2x90; Jerome Ave Realty Co toMilton M SllveTman, 207 W 110th st. andano: June 17; atty, C M Silverman, 30E 42d st.$100SAME PROPERTY; to Clemilt Realty Co,:;47 Madison av: June 17; attv. ClemiltReally Co, 347 Madison av.$100152D ST, 380 E, s s. 25x115.2; BridgetAnderson el al to Michael Kaufman. «20Cnurtlandt av. and ano, June 16; attv,T (J & T Co. 17« Bwav..$100SAME PROPERTY: Hattia Grace to same;May 15 atty. same.$ 1SAME PROPERTY; Anna Kaufman, wid¬ow, to same: June 1«; atty. same.$1SAME PROPERTY; Mary Luber to same;June 24 atty, same.$1SAME PROPERTY; Mary Wynne to same;May 15; atty, same.$1SAME PROPERTY; Michael Kaufman &ano to Donato Pavluccl, 256 E 151st stJune 24; atty, Title Guar & T Co, 178Bway .$100241ST ST, 317 E. n s, 25x100; Margt MBurnet. ref, to Bronx Investment Co.1O0 Bwav; June 23; attvs, Merrill, R &T, 100 Bway.$100MAPES AV, w s, s w M> lot 125, map ETremont. 33x150; Tommaso Giordano toCarolina Lauritano, 2131 Mapes av;Sept 7. 1916: atty, Carolina Lauritan-i,2131 Mapes av.$100CLARKE PL, s s, 264 e Jerome av. 50x95; Carrie, wife of Abr Oppenheimer, toMorris & Isidor Glaser, 321 E 121st stmtg $8,750; June 24, atty. C S Rosen¬thal. 302 Bway.$11,250175TH ST. n s. 80.1 e Mohegan av, 34.lx82.6x33.5x89.2; Louisa Schenck toAmelia Schenck, 873 E 175th st May21; atty, Hirleman. .'¡91 E 149th st.. $1WHITLOCK AV., 916, e g, 25x129.5x25x130.11: Downtown rtealty c.'o to Sam!Neiman, 910 Whitlock av; mtg $5,000;June C ; atts. Knox & D, 291 Bway.liooSAME PROPERTY; Saml Neiman to Ig¬natz Prager, 949 Whitlock av. mtg$5,000; June 20; attys, Knox & D, 291Bway .$100159TH ST. 374 E. s s, 50x98.4; Carl Ernstto Barclay Holding Corpn, 217 Bway;mtg $44.(100; June 16: atty, J H Zieser.217 Bway .$10nUNION AV, 827. w s, 79.1x105x79x105.Laura E Walker to Barclay HoldingCo. 217 Bway; mtg $>7.i00; June 17.atty. J H Zieser. 217 Bway.$100HARRISON AV, w s, 175.3 n Morton pi,56.4x122x56.9x130.10: Paulino Frank toBarclay Holding Corpn, 217 Bway: mtg$7.0ün; June A3; atty, J II Zicaer, 217Bway .$100SOUTHERN BLVD. w ». 193.4 s 182d St.47.1x106.11x44x90.2; M K L Realty Corpnto Arrow Holding Corpn, 217 Bwav;mtg $31.125; June 16; atty, J H Zieser.217 Bway.$1.000

COLLEGE AV. 1321-3, w g, 75x92.6; Bar¬clay Holding Corpn to Pauline Frank,1839 Harrison av: mtge, Î41.000; June17; atty. Title Guar <fc T Co, 176 Bway

$100CLAY AV, w s. 638.11 n 169th st. 25.1x79.1x25.1x79.4; Harry Margolin to Wm. Gibral-ter. 1457 Wilkins av; mtge. $4.000; June24; atty, Title Guar & T Ca, 17C Bway.

$100LOTS 86 aiid 87, may W F Duncan, West-chester; Francesco Governiale to Li¬beria Governlale; June 6; atty, LlborioGoverniale. 719 East 213th st.$1161ST ST, 950 East, s s. 22x76.2; WmGreenberger to Harry Wrettholz, 393Union av, and ano; mtge, $5,000; June28; atty, A & J Romagna, 31 Libertyst .$1RYER AV. 2075. lot 27, map 26 lots at JitHope; Anna Weiss to FreaerlcK Scnaep-ering, 3311 Decatur av; mtge, $3,500;June 23; attys, O'Hara Bros, 200th st andWebster av .$100DECATUR AV, 2973, w s, 37.6x100; ChasG Keet8 to Hy A Gleason. 206 East 200thI st; mtge. 47,000; June 26; attys. O'HaraBros, 200th st and Webster av.$100NEW DRIVE, w s, at n s lot 6 on mapland Margt E Putnam, w 238.3x s 50x e320 to drive x n 50 to beg; also NewDrive, w a. at s s lot 7. w 305.3x n 78x320 to drive x s 76 to beg; Mary M 5lr-Kelvey to Sam! Stansfield, on Palisadeav. N Y; mtge, $9,ooo, June 10. atty.Saml Stanstleld. Palisade av. N Y. $1,3503D AV, 3909. w e. 25.1x87.10x26.1x87.6; OldsHolding Corpn to Jos Katz. 3909 3d av;mtge. $16.000; June 24; atty, Title Guar&¦ T Co. 176 Bway.$100LOT 20. part 17. map Wm B Ogden; FredkC New to Grace S Reuschle, 1917 Waltonav; June 10; atty. Title Guar & T Co. 176Bway .$5,000

Lis PendonsManhattan

MONROE ST, 93; Herman Gottheif agtHarriet Cohen et al (foreclosure ofmortgage); atty, A F Silverstone.WOOSTER ST, 243 and 245: Phoebe Cros«agt Alice Horn et al (partition; attys,Hill, Lockwood & P.edfield.

BronxLOT 82. block 3005, section 11. tax map;Warren W Erwin et al agt L:llian-Trc-mont Realties, Inc. et al (action tcforeclose transfer of tax lieru attysWarren & Korh.


An Attractive House Cheapat Poc&ntico Hills

Well located, with stable and 12 acres of ground.A great bargain, as we will make most favorable terms

and want the place occupied.WM. A. WHITE & SONS

146 Cedar StreetPhone John 5700

[arketHome Shortage in OtherJ-Boroughs Helps Brooklya-

Ownership Movement in KingsSupported by City's Disap- :

pointed Tenantry L,The Realty Trust has sold for ATe6.>.

Building Company, the one-famU*?--remi-detached brick dwelling at 2033Sixty-fifth Street, Mapleton Park. to.Fr--nk Laura, the presen*; tenant.The Buckley & Horton Company has

sold 33 Clermont Avenue, a three-.story three-family frame dwelling on :'lot 25x100, for Mrs. Pauline B. Fox. _

Samuel Calitaka and J. Lacov hasr*»seid for the Miller Bere Realty Cot« the new two-story and attic oiié-«'. 4

family house with garage on plot «4$tC100, ¿n the east side of East Twenty-third Street, 100 feet south of Ave¬nue J.The Meister Builders have sold 16.-J4

Eighty-third Street, a one-family brickhouse.The Clinton Trading Corporation has

sold to Nicola Sêtteducati, the two-family brick dwelling at 2822 Cortel-ycu Road, on a plot 20x87. F. .r.Aeresta, broker.-.-

Sales at AuctionBy Henry Brady

105TH T. "9 W, n s. jn-î 2 e M-nh-ttin »?.16.10x100.11; 3-sty & b d«ig. Eh* Me-«¦fiiifthan. ffdn. ete, agt R L Andre«.«*«et al; due, $10.S0ii.03. taxe», etc. $61*>;fo the plaintiff for $10.noo

OLÎNVILLE AV. w s. S7.ll n Burk* a*.49 11x96.2x Irreg. C F King agt Fran**;-M.Garry et »1: due, $1,776. taxes, «atC»$S0, to the plaintiff for $1.325.

By Joseph P. DayPJAST BROADWAY, 100, n s. 1Í5.J «*. P}*<«si. 25x66.7x Irreg; 7->»!v l»-«f t * »tr, Hud.Bon 'ity Savgs lnsfn agt Abr Ds.via..ft »1 »lu.«. $7,762.31; taxe«, etc.Jin"» 7'. mtg.«. $30.000; to the plaintifffor $38,000.

1S7TH ST, n ». 164 w Rathg.ite »v. 81».Í04.7 to 18«Hh at x22.9x irreg. vacant;F W. Blauvelt et al act Mount*a2ñConetn Co et al; due. $19.840 85: tax*«,"etc, $636, to the plain-tiff for "¡a.ñOO.

Bv J H Mayers.RTVTNnTON ST. SOS. n s, 2* 1 e Lewi* »t.27.11x100; 6-ety tnt «fc etr»: action !;Francis Asbury Palmer Fund agt ChasCaaasza et al; due. $29.195.87; taxée, err*"-$780: adjourned to Julv 2.

R1VINGTON ST, 312. n s. 53 <¦ Lewi» -tft\, *

27.11x100x27.-0x100; 6 sty tnt * eM-s ;action 2; same agt same; due. $29.205 **T^ ""

taxes, etc, $815; adjourned to July 2.

Recorded MortgagesEast Side

FOURTH ST, s s, SO m Av« B. 23x96JÍ:...Jun»' 17; Eliz M Marshall to CenUcaA.I'nlon Trust Co of N V. 90 Bwav. dueJulv 19, 1921. 6 per cent; attys, Miller.K. \j & T. »o Bway.$1.«-*<*>-

17TH ST. 16 K. s s. 25x02. p la; April MRMamboro Really Corpn tu Franklin Sa*Bank. 656 Mh av, 5 yrs. 5 per cent: attarvl".Wilson M Powell. 7 Wall et.$65.000PIR8T AV, 2055, w B, 50.6 n 116th et, 2ÎX-72.10; p in. June 23, Anttfnti» Sorgo toAwsunta Baratta, on premises; 2 yrfi. ...6 per cent; pr m!g $14.000, atty, Jauob-1 Berman, 346 Bway.$2,060

West Side29TH ST. n s, 334 w 8th at», 22x08.9; June

9; Robt XV Rue. Chas H Rue and Netfl«W Burnham to Dim»« Sav«Bank of BroAklyn. O De Kalb av: due June 1, 1022,5 '-. per cent; atty, U S T G Co, 32 Col*r*>st, BKlyn .$<.,<**V42D ST, 13M W. s 8. 107.6x24.fix irreg; 1»m; Jnn»> 24; Kath j Grm-e to Jas Bora;205 W 75th st, et al; 5 yr». 5 per oent;-atty, T G & T <o. 176 .Bway.$2*0,00060TH ST. 16 W. 8 s. 18x100 5; June 2 5;16 West 6Bth St Corpn to Eupene A ron.566 5th st. Bklyn; 3 yrtt. 6 per cent; ^t^,mtg, $30.000; atty«, Romben A- Parions.60 Wall st .$6,&úJ»AMSTERDAM AV, 204. w 8. 40 5 n 69+1"»,, 20x65; June 25; .-Vest 48th Street Go¬to Central L'nion Trust Co of N Y. 80Bway. gdn; 3 yrs, BV» per cent; atty.Wm 1* Hill. 120 Bway.$15.500

COLt'JIBCS AV, n e «.or 72>1 et, 102.2x54; '¦June 24: 53 ".Vest 72d Street. Inc. toGott-More Holdg Co. 29» Bway; i*ua .

July 1, 1021, 6 per cent; pr mtg, $150,-000; atty, Herman Gottlie, 2;i9 Broad¬way.$ôo;0v*9"31ST ST. 260 W, s s. 17xlt)0.8; Jun« **»'. "

Chas E Gantier to Title Guar & Tru*tCo. 176 Bway, due «tnd a* per".bond.$'0,000115TH ST, n 8, 166.8 e Amstr av. 6C.-X100.11; p m: June 24; Arthur D '""abato Cha» L Wagner. Greenwich, Coon;10 yrs, 6 per cent; attye, House, G A *#»115 Bway.$14,000

BronxPALISADE AV. w B at n e r Und nô*

or formerly est J 0 Johnson x 505.3x132x365; also Palisade av. w « at n-*private rd, 116.7x .; also new drive,w h at n »= lot 6. map M E Putnam,.'50x338.3x50x420; alf«o new drive, w sat s s lot 7; Fame map. 76x3!!0x7>>x307; SamuM Htansfield to MáíVM McKelvey, Palisade av; Jun« 10: due .'May 17, 1923: 5 H p c; atty, M Ntckeï-¡odv, on Palisade av .$9,0AO192D ST, 67-ti W. n B. 64x99.6: Wm tíMoore Holding Co to North Side SavBank, 2230 3d av; June 24; 6 yea,»»»:5Vi P c; atty, A E Gutgsell. 38 ParkRow .$5.000.HULL AV. 3Ï69, w ». 50x100; John LMontalto to Eliz F White, 3269 Hullav; Juno 23; 5 years, 6% p c; atty,D R Lynch. 347-5 5th av.$5.000SAME PROP: same to same; pr mtge.$...000; June 23; installs; 6 p c; atty.

same .$3,t>0(»BRVANT AV. e s, 180 n 174th et, 75*100; Eckman Bids Co to City Mtge Co.16 Wall st; June 24; demand 6 p C;attv. Titl" G Co. 176 Bwav .$60,000KINÙSBRÏDGE TER. w », 272.1 n King*-bridge r»l, 25x71.3x25 2x67.5 Eliz HogtWrto Lawyer« T ¿- T Co, 160 Bway; June-'24: 5 years; 5 4 p c; atty. Lawyers T'& T Co. 160 Bway .$3.^''<>

SAME PROP: same to Cath M Giffor-i.2709 Klngsbrldge ter; pr mtge. $3.590:.Tune 24, 1 year; 5 H p c; atty.same .$2,50ö-WASHINGTON" AV, 2629, w m. 21 3x10-0--- ,May Lagattoila to Carm»*!a Di B'-nedet'<*>,Tiebout av; pr mtge, $3,250; Jun© 24;2 year»; 6 p c; atty, C Di Benedetto.Tiebout av .$»50WASHINGTON AV, 2527, w 8. 21.6x100;John Caputo to «amf; pr mtge. $3.250;June 24; 1 year; 6 p c: atty, same .$150CAMBRELLENG AV, w », ¡00 a 189th «t,25x100; Salvatore Bonfanli to EsthorHamburger, 2455 Cambrol'eng av, * ar,-v>June 24; ¡nstalp. 8 p c: atty, Y. G Ham¬burger. 2U9 Bway.$2.80VRVER ST, w s. adj lot 351; map rar*tfarm Chas Berrian. .x.; Max Not»»»«to Isaac N Hebberd, at Washington.Conn; June 24; 1 yr, 6 p c; atty. I ïfHebberd, Washington. Conn.$1,590152D ST, 380 B. ts a. 25x115.2: Donato Pa-e--lucci to John Mucco, 434 W 4îd at; *,June 24; 3 yrs, 6 p c; atty, Tltl« Guar& T Co, 176 Bway .$3,50*COLLEOE AV. 131-1323. w s. 75X92^;..Pauline Frank to Barclay Holding CofuL,217 Bway; pr mtge $20,600; Jun« "TE.-installs, 6 p c; atty, Title Guar * T G¿,,,176 Bway .$6,Û0ii- .CLARKE PL, «s. 264.9 a.Jerome »v. 60«*W(Morris Isidor Glaser' to Carrie Oppen-heimer. 20 Clarke pi; June 24; 7 yr«.6*i4 Pi; atty, C S Rosenthal. 302 Bway.

$8.75»WHÎTLOCK AV. ?'.»:. e s. »6*129.5; léñala^Präger to Saml Neuman, 910 WhitlotU.av; June 24; Installa. 6 p c; atty, Hy WFried, 200 Bwav .$1.600LOT 20. parcel 17; map Win B OgderrEst; Grac* S R»«nseh!e to Railroad C»oper lî & L Assn. 103 Park av; June "".:install». 6 p c; atty. Title Guar <k T C'o.176 Bway .$3,4Ci»RYER AV. 2075; Fred Rchaepering toAnna Wei»», 3917 white Plains av; prmtge $3,500, rune 23; due Nov 23, 191*;. p c; atty. A Weiss, 3917 White Plain»

av .$1,«C0m

New Building PlansManhattan

U5TH ST. 321 to 329 E. to a 3-»ty di»p»n»-ary, 42 4x60.8; N T Infirmary for WomM :and Children, premises, owner; Butler &Rodman, 6t» West 45th »t. archlteef«»«.j«»t .$s,»o»'AlterationsCOLCMBCP AV. 8 w c 108th «t. to a 1-tTV'shop; Lion Brewery. 100 W lOith tf"owner; P J Murray, 141 K 40th »t. arela-tect .$S 0ao5TH AV. «S3, to a 6-sly club; Criterionr ¡ub, inc. premises, owner; H F Smii'v2 W 32d «t, architect.$9 ft'.* .45TH ST. 149 to 157 W, to a 6-»ty theatr«.New Lyceum Theatre Corpn, pre mine*,-own-r; F E Vitalo. 56 W 45th st. arettt--i tect .I10.0''«'*2STH ST. 517 W. to a 6-»ty fnen^tjt;M M Ide Courval. Pari», Franc«, o-»raer;A E Straker. 191 9th av. architect, $6.»0o


Commuters!A family break-up brings this tnone-e«making offering: 40 sere«, near station atvl¡high «chool: 1,:00 State Roa«¿ frontac*: -''--room bunfjalow, all improvements. !*!¦**»Barn, for $9.000; half earh; ijuick act:.»*-,Howard Gatóímith, 63 Park RowTele!»£îone 259* Beekman. J