

Upload: brennandaigle

Post on 02-Dec-2014




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When I get older I want to go to Harvard, Pennsylvania State, or Yale. My parents keep telling me to get scholarships and I have I have only gotten one C as a grade in my whole life. Last term I had all straight A’s. This term I'm hoping for A’s and B’s. I really want to be a dentist so I want to go to a big college. I want to go to a college with a dorm. It seems cool to have a roommate like a brother or something. My mom is a teacher and she always says education is important. I want to go to school where they teach dentistry like my godmother Kim who works at a dentist office.



Pennsylvania State

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One year my dad was digging up dirt for the fish pond and I came home he was screaming. I ran over and he said “I found something very cool for you but I dropped it and it went into the dirt.” He wouldn't tell me what it was because he thought if I couldn’t find it I would be disappointed. But we found it! It was a black and yellow salamander. I made it a habitat and I played with him and he swam but one day I forgot to give him water and my mom thought he was dead and put him in the pond. He swam into the rocks really quickly and we never saw him again.



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When I was seven or eight I had my tonsils removed. I had to blow up a balloon full of sleeping gas. They put me to sleep and when I woke up my mom was there. She said my tonsils were gross. Then she handed me a tiger. She asked, “What do we name it?” I couldn’t think of one finally she said, “How about Tonsils?” and I agreed. Then I took him everywhere, I took him to the beach, the mountains, the Red Sox everything.


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My Uncle Bob and Aunt Pauline are awesome. My Uncle is a veteran he is really cool and has really cool stuff from movies. Whenever I go over to their house he has a model he’s building. Sometimes when I go over he gives me one. This time during February vacation we are going to build a real working airsoft gun. My Aunt Pauline is really cool too. She has a really cute cat named Boo because she found him on Halloween and he has no tail. She also is a really good cook. My favorite thing she makes for breakfast is these peppers with eggs and for dinner her chicken with special crust. Last time I went I learned how to catch crabs and uncle bob taught me how to hold the crabs and Aunt Pauline showed me how to tie the chicken on a string.

Uncle Bob & Aunt Pauline

Aunt Pauline

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In the future I see myself being successful. I want to graduate high school and go to college. I want to have my own business and make big money. I want to be a dentist. That way I can help people and make money at the same time. It would be an accomplishment to do two things I like doing at once, helping, and making money.

Vision of Me

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Every summer my family and I go to lake Winnisquam. We always have so much fun. We ride on the boat and I learned how to kneeboard and do a 360. We also learned to kayak and canoe. It was very funny. Every night we stayed there, we would tell stories , it was funny because when we didn’t have a story we would make something really dumb up and everyone would laugh.


Service DeskOur Cabin

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When I got a black-eye from baseball I went to the hospital to get an X-Ray. They had to put this neon-colored drops in my eye to see how far I could open it. It hurt really bad but they were able to get an X-Ray. They said I broke two veins but no broken bones in the skull. It was a long day. My eye was really swollen and eventually it went down. The X-Ray was very cool.


My eye after the black eye was gone. The veins were still broken.

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For Christmas I got my first phone, it was a Samsung Brightside. It has unlimited texting and 1400 minutes talking. It came to me with a blue case and screen protectors. I really enjoy it. It is a slide phone and has touch screen too. I have different ringtones for all my friends. It is my first phone and I will always remember it.

Year 2012 First Phone

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At my friend Laura’s house she has a zip line. It isn’t to big but when you are dodging trees and getting chased by her dog the height doesn’t matter. It has red handles and a yellow rope to pull it back up. Its scary at first because you have to jump from like ten feet off the ground and catch it. When I first tried I hit a tree because I swung too far to the left and hit a tree.

Zip line