li lbm5 sgd17 modul kardiovaskuler - copy

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  • 7/27/2019 Li Lbm5 Sgd17 Modul Kardiovaskuler - Copy


    Swollen Leg Accompainied With Redness and Pain

    Step 1

    Varicose vein : dilatation of vein and tortous caused by disability of valvulae to controll the blood flow.

    Step 2

    1. Anatomy of superficial and profunda vein upper and lower extremities ?2. explain the fisiology superficial and profunda vein of upper and lower extremities ?3. What is relation from her second pregnancy with varicose ?4. What is the relationship varicose with obese ?5. Why does the patien complain of swollen, redness and pain on the limb ?6. What is the relationship of pregnancy and the symptom experience by the mother ?7. What is the relationship of vital sign with varicose ?8. What is the etiology of varicose ?9. What is the predispotition factor of varicose ?10.Why was the right leg brownish in color and hard when palpited ?11.Why does she had a profuse bleeding on the affected limb ?12.What is the classification of varicose ?13.What are the stadium of varicose ?14.What is phatology of disorder of vein including varicose vein, trhomboplebitis, and varicose vein ulcer ?15.What is the treatment of varicose ?16.Explain the disorders of vein including varicose vein thromboplebitis and varicose vein ulcer?17.What is complication of varicose ?

    Step 3

    1. Anatomy of superficial and profunda vein upper and lower extremities ?Blood flow to hard its from through superficial veiin dan vena profunda.

    Vena superficial berada di luar fascia, pada extremitas superior vena dalam hanya dialiri 10% darah vena, padaextremitas inferior sebagian besar aliran darah melalui vena dalam.

    Yang vena superficial ada beberapa pertemuan yaitu

    Ektremitas inferior : vena shapena parva v.Poplitea v.cava inferior

    dan v.shapena magna v.femoralis v.cava inferior

    Extremitas superior : V.basilica dan v.chepalica v.mediana cubiti v. Basilica dan v.chepalica v. Brachialis

    v. Axillaris v.subclavia v.anonyma v.cava superior

    2. explain the fisiology superficial and profunda vein of upper and lower extremities ?vena-vena menuju ke jantung yang dipengaruhi :

    katub, otot vena (polos ), dan otot lain dan tekanan thorakoabdominalis.

    Vena superfisial


    V.profunda, melewati katub yang berfungsi mencegafh aliran refluks kebawah aliran darah dari ektremitas inferior ke abdomen saat ekspirasi dan dari abdomen ke thorax saat

    inspirasi ke jantung

    3. What is relation from her second pregnancy with varicose ?Ketika hamil kebutuhan jumlah darah nya itu meningkat karena untuk bayi juga, memberikan ketegangan pada

    vena. Peningkatan hormon mnyebabkan dinding otot pembuluh darah melebar dan menambah resiko varises.

    Secara fisiologis wanita hamil tekanan vena intraabdomen meningkat tekanan tungkai lebih meningkat dari

    tekanan abdomen pompa vena tidak bekerja secara fisiologi lagi dilatasi vena sirkulasi vena keluar ke


    Ketika ibu hamil ada janin di abdomen tekanan abdomen lebih tinggi di abdomen dari ektremitas darah

    susah naikmemaksa naik katub tidak mampu menahan lagi vena melebar--> varises

    Estrogenmelonggarkan hambatan pembuluh darah dinding pembuluh darah membesar.

    Progesteronmengurangi tonus otot polos.

    4. What is the relationship varicose with obese ?

  • 7/27/2019 Li Lbm5 Sgd17 Modul Kardiovaskuler - Copy


    Pada obes lemak subkutan dapat menekan dinding pembuluh darah darah susah naik.

    Pada obes kebutuhan suplai darah meningkat tekanan hidrostatis meningkat tekanan darah

    meningkat aliran darah lambat susah kembali ke jantung.

    5. Why does the patien complain of swollen, redness and pain on the limb ?Kemerahan : tekanan di vena cukup tinggi varises purpura( akibat ektravasasi)

    Bengkak ; tekanan tinggi ektravasasi cairain edema

    Nyeri : ketika bengkak nervus tertekan nyeri

    Bagaimana timbul reaksi inflamasi ?

    Adakah varises yang di ektremitas superior ? apa yang mempengaruhi aliran balik darah nya ?

    6. What is the relationship of blood pressure with varicose ?Hipertensi darah lebih kental aliran darah lamban susah balik ke jantung

    7. What is the etiology of varicose ?Rusaknya katub

    Pembuluh vena semakit kurang elastisOtot-otot di vena dan ektremitas inferior kurang kuat kontraksi

    Banyak faktor :

    Keturunan saat usia muda

    Pada usia lanjut elastisitsa berkurang

    Kehamilan peningkatan hormon

    Merokok pembuluh darah kaku

    Terlalu banyak berdiri tekanan meningkat dan tahanan semakin besar

    Memakai sepatu high otot tumit jadi kurang maksimal membantu vena

    Alkohol vasodilatasi pembuluh darah katub kurang bisa menutup refluks aliran darah ke bawah

    8. What is the predispotition factor of varicose ?Hormon




    9. Why was the right leg brownish in color and hard when palpited ?Karena v.superficial melebar jaringan lunak rusak diganti jaringan fibrotik teraba kaku dan keras (

    lipodermato sklerosis ) dan kecoklatan karena adanya eritrosit yang bocor ke jaringan akibat regurgitasi katub

    vena kapiler dan vena kecil rusak.

    Kecoklatan ; darah keluar ke ekstravasasi sel darah puti datang untuk fagositosit Hbmenhasilkan

    hemosiderin ( pecahnya eritrosit ) dan biliferdin hemosiderin menyebabkan coklat

    10.Why does she had a profuse bleeding on the affected limb ?Akibat regurgitasi katub vena akumulasi darh di bawah tekanan tinggi kerusakan endotel keluarnya

    darah dari pembuluh darah perdarahan

    11.What is the classification of varicose ?12.What are the stadium of varicose ?13.What is phatology of disorder of vein including varicose vein, trhomboplebitis, and varicose vein ulcer ?14.What is the treatment of varicose ?15.Explain the disorders of vein including varicose vein thromboplebitis and varicose vein ulcer?16.What is complication of varicose ?

  • 7/27/2019 Li Lbm5 Sgd17 Modul Kardiovaskuler - Copy


    STEP 7

    1. Anatomy of superficial and profunda vein upper and lower extremities ?2. Explain the fisiology superficial and profunda vein of upper and lower extremities ?3. What is relation from her second pregnancy with varicose ?4. What is the relationship varicose with obese ?5. Why does the patien complain of swollen, redness and pain on the limb ?6. What is the relationship of blood pressure with varicose ?7. What is the etiology of varicose ?8. What is the predispotition factor of varicose ?9. Why was the right leg brownish in color and hard when palpited ?10.Why does she had a profuse bleeding on the affected limb ?11.What is the classification of varicose ?12.What are the stadium of varicose ?13.What is phatology of disorder of vein including varicose vein, trhomboplebitis, and varicose vein ulcer ?14.What is the treatment of varicose ?15.Explain the disorders of vein including varicose vein thromboplebitis and varicose vein ulcer?16.What is complication of varicose ?