lesson plan

LESSON PLAN School : SMP Subject : English Class/Semester : VIII/1 Standar Competence : 4. . Express the meaning in short and simple functional and monolog text orally in the form of descriptive and recount to interact with the environment. Basic Competence : 4.1. Express the meaning in short and simple functional and monolog in the form of oral text accuretely and fluently and accepted to interact with the environment. Indicator : Able to response the questions about things, people, etc. Kinds of text : Descriptive text Theme : -- Skill : Speaking Time allocation : 2 x 40 minutes I. Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson the student are expected to be able to : 1. Describe things / people, place or environment orally 2. Describe things / people or animal orally like or look like. 3. Build the students’ characteristics able to create and cooperate II. Learning Material : a. Dialog about describe people, thing, place or environment. x: How is your father? y: My father is tall, thin and friendly. b. the use of like and look like x: what is the zebra look like

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School : SMP

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/1

Standar Competence : 4. . Express the meaning in short and simple functional and monolog text orally in the form of descriptive and recount to interact with the environment.

Basic Competence : 4.1. Express the meaning in short and simple functional and monolog in the form of oral text accuretely and fluently and accepted to interact with the environment.

Indicator : Able to response the questions about things, people, etc.

Kinds of text : Descriptive text

Theme : --

Skill : Speaking

Time allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

I. Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson the student are expected to be able to :

1. Describe things / people, place or environment orally2. Describe things / people or animal orally like or look like.3. Build the students’ characteristics able to create and cooperate

II. Learning Material : a. Dialog about describe people, thing, place or environment.

x: How is your father?

y: My father is tall, thin and friendly.

b. the use of like and look like

x: what is the zebra look like

y: it looks like a horse

x: what does the tiger look like ?

y: it looks like a cat

III. Teaching Methods : There phase technique

IV. Instructional Steps :

A. Pre Activity (10’)

Greeting, check the students’ present care, dicipline Questions and answer about someone, things in the class. braveness,


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The students answer the questions using adjectives. braveness, confidence

B. While Activity 60’

Read dialog text (Lets talk page 7 ) & Lks Mevi accurate Answer the questions based on the dialog careful, confidence,

bravement Make a dialog based on the picture given in pairs cooperative,


C. Post Activity 10’

The teacher conclude the materials The teacher suggest the student to use the pattern in their daily life.

V. Media / Learning Resouces.

a. Let’s Talk grade VIII for junior high school page 5 – 8b. Real object / picturesc. Another relevant bookd. Dictionary

VI. Evaluation :

a. Technique : oral testb. Form : Oral questionsc. Instrument : Make dialog descriptive in pairsd. Evaluation rubric

Statement ScoreRight content, right grammar 3Right content, grammar isn’t enough right 2Content and grammar isn’t enough right 1No answer 0

Approved by Headmaster English Teacher

Kaharuddin S.pd Norma Madilah

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Students Worksheet

1) 2)

Look at the picture above,than answer the questions orally !

a.What does the picture 1 look like ? a.What does the picture 2 look like ?

b.Does it have black and white stripes b. Does it have sharp teeth ?

c.What does it eat ? c. Is it protected animal ?

d.How many legs does it have ? d. What does it eat ?

e. Is it herbivore ?


Do it with your partner and guess what animal these are !

1. x. Do you know it is like a dog and it is a wild animal ?

y. Sure it is.......

2. x. Could I ask what animal is like a horse, it eats grass and it has white and black stripes ?

y. Right it is.............

3. x. Do you know what animal is like a goat and it can run fast ?

y. Sure it is.........

Answer key. 1. Wolf 2. Zebra 3.Deer

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School : SMP

Subject : English

Class/semester : VIII / II

Skill : Reading

Genre : Recount Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Standar Competence : To understand the meaning in short and simple functional text and

monologue recount and narrative to interact with the


Basic Competence : Express the meaning in short and simple functional text in the form

of oral text accurately and fluently and accepted to interact with the

environment in narrative and recount text


Kognitif 1. Identify the purpose of the text

Afektif 2. Find out the general information from the text

3. Identify the generic structure of the text.

Psicomotoric 4. Read the text in together

I. Learning Objective : At the end of the lesson the students are expected to be able to :

1. Identify the purpose of the text

2. Find out the general information from the recount text

3. Identify the generic structure of the text.

II. Learning Material : Recount text

This text is recount. A recount consists of three main parts’

1. Orientation

This part introduces the scene (who/what/where/when/why

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This parts retells what happened in chronological order. It usestime

Connectives such as first,next,soon,after that, later, finally

3. Re-orientation (optional)

This part tells the writer’s comment about the events that happened.

It can also be said as a conclusion of the text.

Remember that past tense is mostly used in this text

III.Teaching Methods : Three- phase-technique

IV. Instructional Steps :

A. Pre-Activity (1O)

-The teacher greets the students

-The teacher checks the students’ attendance

-The teacher leads the students to the topic by showing the picture and

asking some questions, such as :

What picture is this ? Have you ever heard this story ? What is the purpose of this text ? The purpose of the text is to retells past even or experience in the order they happened What thing can we get from the story ? We must be carefull to drive a car

The teacher tells the objectives of the subject matter.

B. While Activities (60)

- Teacher asks the students to read and then answer the questions

based on the reading text (Worksheet..)

- Teacher checks the students’ understanding

- Teacher asks some students to write down the answers on the

whiteboard enclude the difficult words

- Teacher checks the students’ answers with the class.

- Teacher explains what the text about

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- Teacher checks the students’ answers with the class.

C. Post Activities (10)

-The teacher concludes the material

-The teacher suggests the students to learn more about that material.

V. Media/ Learning Resources.

-1. Hand out (Recount text : A car race)

Nur Zaida, 2009, Practise Your English Competence class VIII

Erlangga KTSP 2006

-2 English Silabus 2006

-3.. Pictures and LcD

VI. Evaluation : -Technique : Written test

-Kind of Test : True-False Statements and Multiple choices

No Remaks Score



The correct answer

The wrong and No answer



Format of Scoring :a. Each right item : 1b. Maximum score : 100

Students’ Score : Score of the right item x 10 Total score item 100

Jayapura,31 May 2012

Class’ Suvervisor English Teacher

Margaretha Kafudji, M.A Norma Madilah, S.Pd

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Students’ Worksheet

1. A recount retells past events or experiences in the order they happened

Activity I

Read the following text and answer the questions individually.


Yusuf went to Marina circuit in the morning to join a car race

He arrived at seven and directly checked up his engine. The race started at eight.At first he led the race, but it wasn’t long because suddenly another car hit his car from behind. He lost the race

and his car was broken.He was very disappointed.

1. Why did Yusuf go to the circuit ?

a. To watch his friend racing c. To join a car race

b. To check his engine. d. To hit other cars.

2. What was the first thing Yusuf did when he arrived at the circuit ?

a. Checking up his engine c. Starting the car.

b. Leading the race d. Losing the race.

3. Why did Yusuf lose the race ?

a. Because he lost his car c. Because his car was broken

b. Because he was hit by another car d. Because he was disappointed

4. How did Yusuf feel ?

a. Cheerful c. Happy

b. Excited d. Upset

5. What is the purpose of the writer writing the text ?

a. To persuade the readers to go to Marina circuit

b. To inform the readers about Yusuf’s hobby

c. To tell the past events happened to Yusuf

d.To describe the Marina circuit.

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Answer Key

1. C 2. A. 3.C 4. D 5.C

Activity 2

Put (T) if the statement is True or (F) if the statement is false

1.Yusuf went to Marina circuit. ( T / F )

2. He arrived at six o’clock in the morning. (T/ F)

3. He lose the race because his car was broken. (T/F)

4. His car hit by another car. (T/ F)

5. He was very happy.(T/ F)

Answer Key

1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VII / I

Keterampilan Fokus : Berbicara

Genre : Percakapan transaksional & interpersonal

Alokasi waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana

Untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

1.1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional(to get things done) dan interpersonal

(bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat

lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak

tutur meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan trimakasih, meminta maaf, dan meng-

ungkapkan kesantunan.

3.1 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur, meminta dan

memberi informasi,mengucapkan terimakasih meminta maaf dan mengungkapkan



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Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan dalam percakapan transaksional


Meminta dan memberi informasi,mengucapkan terimakasih,meminta maaf,kesantuna


Melakukan percakapan transaksional dan interpersonl

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran.

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

a. Membuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi

b. Merespon ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi

c. Membuat ungkapan untuk mengucapkan terimakasih

d. Merespon ungkapan terimakasih

e. Membuat ungkapan meminta maaf

f. Merespon ungkapan meminta maaf

g. Membuat ungkapan kesantunan

h.Merespon ungkapan kesantunan

2. Materi pembelajaran

Percakapan transaksional lisan yang memuat ungkapan berikut

A : Excuse me can you tell me where the library is ?

B : Oh sure, It’s next to English laboratory

A : Thanks for helping me.I really appreciate that

B : Not at all

A : I am sorry I forgot to bring your dictionary today.

B : It doesn’t matter, you can bring it tomorrow

A : Chould you pass the salt, please ?

B : Sure, here you are

A : Thank you

B : Don’t mentione it

A : I’m sorry to hear about your sister

B : Thanks..

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1. Kosa Kata Terkait Tema :

Nouns : words related to school, library, english laboratory,dictionary, salt

Verbs : to describe, to apologize,to pass,tell, helping, forget to bring, to hear etc

Adjective : happy, sad, angry, excited,bored, proud, corious,afraid, lucky,hungry etc

Tobe : am, is,

Personal Pronoun : I , You,

2. Ungkapan :

- Thanks - not at all - I’m sorry

- I apologize - you’re welcome - here you are

- Chould you please – sure

3.Metode / Teknik

Direct Instruction (DI) dan Cooperative Learning (CL)

4. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Menyapa siswa (membiasakan siswa memberi salam dalam bahasa Inggris)

2.Mengecek kehadiran (peduli)

3.Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran (memberi bantuan pada siswa)

4.Menanyakan siswa tentang benda-benda di sekitar sekolah dan perpustakaan

5.Membacakan siswa text dan dialog transaksional dan interpersonal ringan,pendek dan . sederhana yang berkaitan dengan school life.

b. Kegiatan Inti

1. Membahas kata-kata sulit yang di gunakan dalam text (seksama)

2.Mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat yang di ucapkan oleh guru (tenang/diam)

3.Menentukan makna dan fungsi kalimat ekspresi yang di dengar (cermat)

4.Menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang di ucapkan guru (secara seksama)

5.Mendengarkan percakapan tentang perkenalan (perhatikan dengan tenang)

6.Melakukan praktek percakapan (cooperative/ communicative)

7.Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan : terima kasih,meminta maaf,menyatakan kesantunan,

Bersimpati ( dengan sopan)

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c. Kegiatan Penutup.

1. Menanyakan kesulitan siswa (peduli)

2. Menyimpulkan materi

3. Memberi tugas

5. Sumber Belajar

a. Bates, Nina real time, An Inreractive English course for Junior High School students year

VII, Jakarta. Penerbit Erlangga 2007

b. Mukarto et al. English On Sky for Junior High School Students Year VII,Jakarta

Penerbit Erlangga 2007

c. Buku ajar acuan pengayaan English in Fokus 2007

d. PUSTEKKOM CD. Pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP kelas VII


a. Teknik : Tes lisan

b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan lisan

c. Instrument : Teks percakapan, performance,real object


Percakapan Transaksional lisan yang memuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi,

Berterima kasih dan meminta maaf.

Ardy : Excuse me, can you tell me where the library is ?

Beto : Oh sure, It’s next to the English laboratory

Ardy : Thanks for helping me.I really appreciate that

Beto : Not at all

Paul : I’m sorry I forgot to bring your dictionary today.

Merry : It’s doesn’t matter, you can bring it tomorrow

Titus : Could you pass the salt, please ?

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Elis : Sure, here you are

Titus : Thank you

Elis : Don’t mentionet it

Bagas : I’m sorry to hear about your sister

Indah : thanks

Apologis (meminta maaf)

Study the following expression of showing apology and its response

Apology Respon

I’m sorry Never mind

I’m really sorry That’s all right

I’m sorry for... Please don’t worry

I apologize for.... It’s doesn’t matter

Sorry ( informal) That’ts ok (informal)

Answer the following questions orally

1. What do you usually say if you make a mistake to someone ?

2. If she/he forgives you, what will you say ?

3. What do you usually say if you need your friend’s help ?

Jayapura. 31 may 2012

Class Suvervisor English Teacher

Margaretha Kafudji, M.A Norma Madilah, S.Pd12250915710131


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Read the announcements aloud and answer the questions


Joint the extracurricular programmes at school, choose your favourite programmes.

Don’t miss out and have fun !


1. What does the announcement tell you about ?

2. Who reads the announcement for ?

3. Where does the extracurricular take place ?

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Good morning students, we will go to the museum tomorrow afternoon.

Please gather at school at two p.m

Thank you



1. What is the purpose of the announcement ?

2. What time do the students gather at school ?

3. Who give the announcement ?

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VII / I

Keterampilan Focus : Speaking

Genre : Introduce –Identity

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi :

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

1.1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done