lesson plan 1 kindergarten level

I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: López, Fernanda Emili E. Período de Práctica: Inicial Institución Educativa: I. F. D. Nº13 Dirección: Italia 144 Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1° A Cantidad de alumnos: 16 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Objetos de la Escuela Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 23/09/14 Hora: 15.05 – 15.45hs Duración de la clase: 40’ Fecha de primera entrega: 17/09/14 Teaching points: Indefinite Article “A” Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to: Identify and refer to different school objects. develop listening and speaking skills. Use the indefinite article to refer to a school object. Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation R E V Weather: rainy/cloudy/ diny/sunny Numbers: 1 to 6 Colours: yellow, red, -What’s this? -What colour is it? -How many? Short questions: -is it green/red?

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ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: López, Fernanda Emili E.Período de Práctica: InicialInstitución Educativa: I. F. D. Nº13Dirección: Italia 144Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1° ACantidad de alumnos: 16Nivel lingüístico del curso: PrincipiantesTipo de Planificación: ClaseUnidad Temática: Objetos de la Escuela Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 23/09/14Hora: 15.05 – 15.45hsDuración de la clase: 40’Fecha de primera entrega: 17/09/14

Teaching points: Indefinite Article “A”

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Identify and refer to different school objects. develop listening and speaking skills. Use the indefinite article to refer to a school object.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation


Weather: rainy/cloudy/diny/sunnyNumbers: 1 to 6Colours: yellow, red, violet, blue, green, orange, brown, black, white, pink. School objects: pen, pencil, sharpener,

-What’s this?-What colour is it?-How many?Short questions: -is it green/red?

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ruler, book, rubber.


-Recognizing objects.-Oral production for answering short questions and naming objects.

-Indefinite article: A

-Correct pronunciation of school objects. There will be a focus on the pronunciation of the indefinite article “A. The weak form will be taught: / ə /

Teaching method: PPPMaterials and resources: flashcards, real school objects, posters, slips of paper.

Integration of skills: Students will listen to the teacher naming school objects and students will recognize which of them are. Every time the teacher presents an object, they will have to repeat its name. The teacher will bring real school objects to the class and will revise the different colours and numbers with visual activities.

Seating arrangement: Students will sit in a circle around the teacher and in front of the board.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Some students may have problems remembering the numbers and colours. For this reason, the teacher will have a set of coloured flashcards at hand and will resort to gesturing and counting to help them remember the numbers.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

Some students will have problems with remembering the names of school objects (pen, pencil, sharpener, ruler, book, rubber); therefore, the teacher will ask the same question several times. One of the possible problems may be not remembering colours and number which have already been covered with their English teacher. For this reason, the teacher will make a revision of colours and numbers. She will also monitor every activity done in class. Confident students will be asked to answer the questions first.

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Assessment: Students’ correct pronunciation and recognition of objects/colours/numbers will be tested with short questions. Some of them will be asked to the whole group and then, individually.


Routine (2 minutes):

The Teacher greets the students and presents herself: “Hello, my name is Emili”. Students will get to know that the teacher will work with them this day since their English teacher has already presented her. The teacher will ask some of the students’ names: “What’s your name?” After asking students’ name, the teacher will say that today she will teach them their English class: “Today and for some lessons, I’ll be your teacher!” (This may be said in Spanish) If students do not understand this, the teacher will resort to the L1. She will also say: “Let’s speak English”. The teacher will ask students to say the words they know in English.

Warm up (5 minutes)

The teacher will start the class by pointing to the window and she will ask the students. “What’s the weather like today?” As some students may not recognize this question, she will ask: “Is it sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy?” Whenever students give a correct answer, the teacher will show a happy face to them. When they answer incorrectly or stand up, she will show them a sad face. This will help as a way of praising and motivating them to continue working with the new teacher.

Then the teacher will stick the picture of the weather on the board. She will then ask them to put the date and draw the weather picture on their notebooks: “Let’s write the date, and draw the weather, open your notebooks”. She will accompany all expressions with miming since students are not used to receiving so much English input. “This is different, but don’t worry! I’ll help you”

In order to gain some time for working with Chiara, the teacher will bring the date written in a sign and the weather’s drawings for students to choose from. She will only resort to writing on the board whenever it’s necessary.

The following chant will be given to talk about the weather:

How's the weather? [Weather gesture - make a 'W' with the three middle fingers on each hand and then twist them back and forth.]How's the weather?How's the weather today?Is it sunny? [Sunny gesture - Make a big circle over your head with your

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arms.]Is it rainy? [Rainy gesture. Wiggle your fingers down in front of you, simulating rain]Is it cloudy? [Cloudy gesture - Squeeze two imaginary pillows above your head.]Is it snowy? [Snowy gesture. - Move your hands down in front of you in a slow, wavy motion.]How's the weather today?

Transition: After having the date and weather written on their notebooks, the teacher will bring her bag to the middle of the class and say: “This is my school bag, can you guess what’s in it?” this question will also be accompanied by an expression of doubt.

Presentation (10 minutes)

Students start saying whatever they think the teacher may have brought to the class. Then the teacher asks one of the students to come to the front and ask him/her to touch the object without looking at it: “Touch the object, eyes closed”, the teacher will mime these questions. The teacher asks the student: “What is it?” The student will answer and say what he/she thinks it is. The teacher praises the student by stating: “well done!” or showing the happy face. This will be repeated with several students until all the school objects which have been covered in class are reviewed: pencil, pen, sharpener, rubber, ruler and book.

The teacher will ask about colours too, “What colour is it?” When students do not understand the question itself, the teacher will ask yes/no questions like: “is it green/red/blue?” Sts will answer yes or no.

Transition: The teacher will select some students to be secretaries. They will the ones who hand out sheets and this strategy will serve for sts to be organized and for the teacher to work with Chiara while the rest is receiving their sheets. Secretaries will receive a badge that they will have on their school uniforms. This strategy will be repeated in the following classes by giving all students the possibility of being secretaries. The teacher will bring a bag to each class. This will have all the students’ names so the teacher will take out the student’s name and read it aloud. He/she will be the secretary that day. Two secretaries will be selected.

Development and Practice

Activity 1 (10 minutes)

The teacher will take out one of the students’ names to get to the front. He/she will be looking to board and will give the back to the group. The teacher will say: “I will draw (she will mime this verb) the school object on her/his back (she will point to the student’s back), let’s see if she/he can guess, please don’t tell her (she will put her finger on the mouth to show students have to make silence) the object”. The student will have the

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school’s object drawn on his/her back and she will have to guess what it is. She/he will have to say it, and then the teacher will show a flashcard of the object.

This process will be repeated as long as necessary so the teacher can have a complete set of school object’s stick on the board.

Transition: The teacher will put school’s objects pictures on the board.

Activity 2 (10 minutes)

The teacher will ask: “How many school’s objects can you see? Two? Three?” Students will answer numbers or yes or no. However, some of the school’s objects, which were put on the board previously by the teacher (transition stage), will be left alone. The teacher will take one of the school objects out of the board and will ask the students: “How many?” Students will probably answer “one”. The teacher will bring big “A’s”. She will put it next to the school’s objects which are alone. She will ask: “What is “a”?” Probably, some students will say that “a” is “one”. The teacher will put flashcards to form a short sentence next to the objects which are alone. Students will repeat the sentences formed by the teacher: “It’s a sharpener” / “It’s a pen”

The teacher will state the correct pronunciation of “A”/ ə / and will ask students to write and draw on their notebooks what they have done on the board.

Students will have to produce the sentences alone. Some students may be called to repeat after me .

The secretaries will hand out a worksheet for students to complete.

The teacher will first ask them: “show me your sharpeners/rubbers/rulers”.

The teacher will resort to showing school objects’ flashcards if necessary.

If there is some time left, fast-finisher students will receive the colours with which they would have to paint their school’s objects.

Closure (3 minutes)

The teacher will say to the students: “Can you show me what you drew?” Some students will want to show their notebooks to the teacher so she will ask them to do it in front of the whole group. Then, the teacher will say goodbye and she will see them next class.

Worksheet students will receive:

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The teacher will bring her school bag and say: “Listen and draw” These indications will be gestured by the teacher. “I’ve got a red pencil, two sharpeners, three white rubbers, a blue pen and a green book”. Students will be asked about how many elements they have to draw and which colours they have to use, so as to check comprehension. The teacher will repeat the instruction several times. She will ask students to stick the worksheets on their notebooks and she will correct their work done there.