les mots-clés de la publicité et de la communication


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BTS - IUT - DEUG Formations tertiaires

Cadres d'entreprises


G i l l e s P I N C H O N

Professeur en BTS Action; et Communication publicitaires Professeur dans une agence de publicité parisienne

B r é a l éditions

310/320 Boulevard de la Boissière - 93100 MONTREUIL




■ Stratégie publicitaire par A. MILON, L. MARSENAC, S.-H. SAINT-MICHEL

■ Communication publicitaire par M. JOUVE

■ L'agence de publicité par S. CARRIER-DUFOUR

■ Relation presse - Relations publiques par P. MOREL


ALLEMAND Les mots-clés de la publicité et de la communication par M. KAERCHER

© Bréal 1991 Toute reproduction même partielle intérdite Dépôt légal : août 1991 ISBN 2 85394 414 X

A V A N T - P RO P O S

Ce glossaire plus part iculièrement destiné aux étudiants

p répa ran t l 'épreuve d 'angla is du BTS Communication et Action Publicitaire a été conçu comme un instrument de travail avant tout prat ique et efficace permettant une acquisition progressive et ordon- née du vocabulaire de la communication et de la publicité anglo-sa-

xonne. La méthode choisie présente le vocabulaire, d 'une p a r t dans des listes faci l i tant les révisions et un contrôle précis et, d ' au t re p a r t dans un contexte afin de proposer à l 'é tudiant des modèles d 'uti l isa-

tion souvent accompagnés de rappels syntaxiques, f a i san t appara î - tre les constructions nécessaires (gérondif infinif, préposition, etc.).

Dans un souci de clarté et de cohérence pédagogique, il nous

a semblé opportun de différencier les rubriques qui relèvent de la création publicitaire proprement dite, de celles qui concernent l 'ob- je t de la publicité.

Enfin, la troisième par t ie met à la disposition du lecteur une liste d'expressions permet tant d'analyser, de commenter, de fo rmule r une opinion sur la publicité. Elles sont tirées des domaines aussi

divers que ceux de la photographie et de la création artistique du marketing.



L e s m o t s - c l é s



ETUDE DE MARCHE Market survey



■ agence de marketing direct

direct marketing agency Black and White Ldt is a well-established direct marketing agency, whose primary function is to advise its customers on di- rect marketing strategy, the choice of me- dia and mailing lists...

■ catégorie socio- professionnelle

socio-economic group, social class Social class is the most common criterion used by interviewers and market research- ers. The main social classes are : - lower class - lower-middle class-upper-middle class - upper class.

comportement des consommateurs consumer behaviour

The main purpose of market surveys is to study consumer behaviour (synonyms for purpose: goal, aim).

c o m p o r t e m e n t d e l ' a u d i e n c e

a u d i e n c e c o m p o s i t i o n

The analyses of market surveys always take into account the audience composition.

(To t a k e into a c c o u n t = p r e n d r e

e n c o m p t e , to a c c o u n t for = r e n -

d r e c o m p t e d e , to g i v e a n a c c o u n t

of = fa i re un réci t d e )

R e m a r q u e : d a n s le l a n g a g e publicitaire, a c c o u n t = client).

■ c o n s o m m a t e u r

c o n s u m e r

The consumer is the main target of adver- tisers.

( a d v e r t i s e r = a d m a n = publici ta ire)

c o n s o m m a t e u r p r e c o c e

e a r l y a d o p t e r

Our task is to identify the early adopters' buying habits.

c o n t r ô l e d e s q u e s t i o n n a i r e s

ed i t ing

A reliable market survey always requires editing.

■ d é m a r c h e m a r k e t i n g

m a r k e t i n g c o n c e p t

The market researcher and the account

executive got together early this morning to discuss the marketing concept for the next campaign.

(to g e t t o g e t h e r = s e réuni r )

d o n n e e s d e b a s e

b a c k g r o u n d

A reliable background is a requirement fo r an effective market survey (fiable = reliable ≠ unreliable).

é c a r t t y p e s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n

■ é c h a n t i l l o n

s a m p l e

For a nationwide market survey, several samples of the same product were given to respondents by interviewers.

( r e s p o n d e n t = i n f o r m a n t = inter-

v i e w e e = e n q u ê t é )

For that market survey a sample of 300 consumers was used.

In that case sample means a selected group of consumers.

é c h a n t i l l o n a l é a t o i r e

r a n d o m s a m p l e , probabili ty s a m p l e

é c h a n t i l l o n p a r z o n e

a r e a s a m p l e

The launching on this new product re- quired an area sample.

é c h a n t i l l o n r e p r é s e n t a t i f c r o s s s e c t i o n

A cross section of 300 consumers was used to carry out this market survey.

(to c a r r y o u t a m a r k e t s u r v e y =

fa i re u n e é t u d e d e m a r c h é )

é c h a n t i l l o n s t r a t i f i é

s t ra t i f ied s a m p l e

A stratified sample of 300 potential con- sumers was needed to test this new brand


é c h a n t i l l o n n a g e

s a m p l i n g

Sampling is as reliable as statistics.

é c h a n t i l l o n s c o m p a r a b l e s

m a t c h e d s a m p l e s

3 matched samples, 2 stratified samples are needed to carry out this market re- search and meet the requirements of our account.

■ e n q u ê t e

s u r v e y

If you stroll along 14th Street on a sunny Monday afternoon you can see interview- ers carrying out surveys.

e n q u ê t e d ' a u d i e n c e

a u d i e n c e s u r v e y

e n q u ê t e o c c a s i o n n e l l e

a d h o c s u r v e y

e n q u ê t e p a r t é l é p h o n e

t e l e p h o n e s u r v e y

e n q u ê t e p e r m a n e n t e

c o n t i n u o u s s u r v e y

To meet the requirements of their poten- tial customers, market researchers can resort to a wide range of tools which in- clude audience surveys, adhoc surveys, telephone surveys, continuous surveys. All these techniques of investigation are reliable and effective.

e n q u ê t e u r i n t e r v i e w e r

The launching of an advertising cam- paign requires skills, know-how, compe- tence, that's why market researchers need to rely on professional interviewers.

(qual i f ié = skil led ≠ unski l led . T o

rely o n = c o m p t e r sur , re l iab le = fi-

ab l e ) .

e n t r e t i e n a v e c q u e s t i o n n a i r e

p r é - é t a b l i

s t r u c t u r e d in te rv iew

e n t r e t i e n e n p r o f o n d e u r

d e p t h in te rv iew

A structured interview and a depth inter- view can be used for the preliminary of the campaign. However for this type of product a depth interview is more likely to be relevant.

(to b e likely to = p r é r i p h r a s e expr i -

m a n t la p robab i l i t é = p r o b a b l e ,

r e l e v a n t = pe r t inen t )

e n v o i ( p u b l i c i t é d i r e c t e )

mai l ing s h o t , d i r ec t mail s h o t

This company specialised in data processing does a mail shot every month.

é t u d e d e c o m p o r t e m e n t b e h a v o u r i a l r e s e a r c h

■ é t u d e d e m a r c h é

m a r k e t s u r v e y , m a r k e t s t u d y

é t u d e d e m é m o r i s a t i o n

recal l s u r v e y

é t u d e d e m o t i v a t i o n

mot iva t ion r e s e a r c h

The scope of a market survey can be lim - ited or expanded according as the pre- liminary work includes a behavioural, recall or motivation research.

é t u d e d e s m é d i a s

m e d i a r e s e a r c h

To be effective a marketing strategy should always include a thorough media research.

é t u d e d e s u p p o r t s p u b l i c i t a i r e s m e d i a r e s e a r c h

é v o l u t i o n d ' u n p r o d u i t

p r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e n t

The blue line on this chart represents the product development, whereas the red line reflects the variation in prices.

f a c t e u r s d ' a t t e n t i o n

a t t e n t i o n f a c t o r s

This packaging was designed according to the most accurate attention factors. To design this packaging the stylist took into account attention factors. ( a c c u r a t e = p r é c i s )

■ f a c t e u r s M

M f a c t o r s

The 6 main factors in marketing and advertising are : merchandise, market, motives, messages, media, money. They are known as the M factors.

f i c h i e r d ' a d r e s s e s

mai l ing list

The Chamber of Commerce can supply companies with up-to-date mailing lists.

■ f i l t r e r

to s r e e n

Top marketing consultants willing to se- cure a good reputation screen their ac- counts.

i n d i c e d ' é c o u t e

a u d i e n c e rat ing, t e l e v i s i o n ra t ing

Audience rating (or television rating) is one of the most common tools used by marketing consultants.

m é m o r i s a t i o n

reca l l

In order to evaluate the impact of pack- aging interviewers often test potential consumers' recall.

m é t h o d e d e s o n d a g e p a r f i c h i e r s

c l u s t e r s a m p l i n g

Different criteria can be used by market- ing managers. One of them is called clus- ter sampling.

m i s e à j o u r d e f i c h i e r s list m a i n t e n a n c e

List maintenance is a must for punchy and efficient mailing shots.

m o t i v a t i o n

m o t i v a t i o n

Motivation is the key word for hard- working salesmen.

■ m o t i v a t i o n s d ' a c h a t

b u y i n g m o t i v e s

This recent survey has shown that house- wives ' buying motives have changed over the past ten years.

■ n o t o r i é t é d e la m a r q u e b r a n d a w a r e n e s s

A well-established brand awareness can help art directors produce more creative advertising campaigns.

p a n e l d e c o n s o m m a t e u r s

c o n s u m e r p a n e l , c o n s u m e r jury

a carefully selected consumer panel has been testing this new washing powder. The results are encouraging and positive. We must carry on to give the final touch to the market survey.

■ p e r c e p t i o n

c o g n i t i o n

This item has been available in shops for several years, thanks to a cunning adver- tising approach, its cognition has been thoroughly changed. ( i tem = ar t ic le , a v a i l a b l e = dis-

pon ib l e )

p e r c e p t i o n d é c a l é e

c o g n i t i v e d i s s o n a n c e

This sophisticated marketing concept re- fers to a mental conflict between an indi- vidual's knowledge and his behaviour. This concept is particularly relevant to define the pre or post purchase anxiety often associated with expensive items. (pricy = e x p e n s i v e )

p e r s o n n e e n q u ê t é e , i n t e r r o g é e

r e s p o n d a n t , informant , i n t e rv i ewee

a cross section of 300 informants was in- terviewed to test this new instant soup.

■ personnage de publicité trade character

It consists in asking a famous personality to promote a product or a service. Need- less to say that a personality with a na- tionwide or international audience such as an actress or a pop star is more likely to be a successful trade character.

position d 'une annonce positioning advertisement The better positioning advertisement, the more effective advertising.

positionnement du produit product positioning In order to beat an even harsher compe- tition, we 'd better aim for the best prod- uct positioning.

■ potentiel du marché market potential The briefing lasted 2 hours, several vital questions were tackled. The last but not the least dealt with the market potential.

premières remontées front end, up front response We are all looking forward to going over the up front responses concerning last week's market survey.

premiers adeptes early adopters The buying motivations of this panel of early adopters are of vital importance for the future of this product.

pré-test de spot publicitaire on air pre-testing "These estimations sound too optimistic ! I'd rather rely on an air pre-testing. "

pré-tester to pre-test Pre-testing is a common practice in mar- keting.

sound track 65 bande de son

space 58 blanc

space booking 15 réservation d'espace

space discount 26 dégressif sur le nombre d'insertions

space position value 16 valeur de l'emplacement

space selling organisation 56 régie publicitaire

speak through (to) 84 exprimer à travers (s')

speaking terms (to be on) 45 connaître (se ... assez pour parler)

special deal, special offer 30 offre spéciale

special effects 71 trucages

special offer 79 offre spéciale

specialised magazine 74 magazine spécialisé

speciality goods 31 produits spécialisés

spectacular 15 panneau géant animé

speech bubble 71 bulle (bande dessinée)

speed-up motion 51 accéléré

split image, composite image 68

image fractionnée split run 64

tirage alterné sponsor 37


sponsor 23 sponsor

sponsor (to) 37 commanditer

sponsor (to) 30 parrainer

sponsor (to) 23 sponsoriser

sponsoring 23 sponsoring

sponsoring, sponsorship 30 parrainage

spread traffic 64 taux de lecture d'une double page

square 89 carré

square format 90 format carré

sreen (to) 11 filtrer

stake 47 enjeu

stamp card 26 carte de fidélité

stand (to) 80 supporter

stand on ceremony (to) 49 manières (faire des)

stand out (to ... from) 87 détacher (se ... de)

stand out against (to) 42 détacher (se ... sur)

standard deviation 10 écart type

standard type 57 caractère normal

startling 83 étonnant

statue 44 statue

stem back from (to) 85 remonter

stereotype 77 stéréotype

stick to a product (to) 79 fidèle (rester)

still life 43 nature morte

stock photography 85 photographie d'archive

stone 60 marbre

stone editor 63 rédacteur au marbre

stop 87 diaphragme

stop frame, animation 70 prise de vue image par image

store check 14 tournée de magasins

storecast 24 animation radiophonique dans un grand magasin

storyboard 70 scénarimage

storyboard 77 storyboard

straightforward 92 direct

strategy 41 stratégie

stratified sample 10 échantillon stratifié

strong image 84 image forte

structured interview 10 entretien avec questionnaire pré-établi

studio 43 intérieur

styling 34 conception artistique

styling 35 stylisme

stylist 35 styliste

subconscious / subtilité 86 subconscient

subdued 92 discret

subheading, crosshead 76 sous-titre

subject 89 sujet

subliminal advertising 55 publicité subliminale

substitute 31 produit de substitution

suggest (t) 93 suggérer

sullen 50 renfrogné

super-calendered paper 76 papier surglacé

supplement 64 supplément

support 86 support

support medium, secondary medium 22

média d'accompagnement survey 10

enquête swash letter 74

lettre ornée

swung tag, corded tag 28 étiquette mobile

T tabloid 77

tabloïd tactless 50

tact (manquer de ...) tailor (to) 35

adapter take 70

prise de son take liberties (to) 86

prendre des libertés take part in (to) 49

participer take up a subject (to) 91

aborder un sujet

take, filming, shooting 70 prise de vue

take-one-pad, tear pad 72 bloc de prospectus

take-one-pad, tear pad 53 bloc de prospectus mis à la disposition des clients

talent for doing something (to have a) 86

talent (à diriger) tap a market (to) 29

attaquer un marché target audience 17

audience utile

target, target group, target market 19


team 83 équipe

teaser 65 aguiche

teaser 53 annonce mystère

teaser 32 teaser

teaser campaign 18, 25 campagne mystère

teaser campaign 18, 26 campagne teasing

tele marketing, phone marketing 32


telephone survey 10 enquête par téléphone

telev ision consumer audit 22 mesure de l'impact sur un échantillon de télespectateurs

tertiary readership 21 lectorat tertiaire

test 13 test

test marketing 14 test de marché, test marketing

theory 82 théorie

thick rule 73 filet mat

third cover, inside back cover 64

troisième de couverture

thought-out (well) 90 réfléchi

three-colour-process 70 trichrome

thumbnail 66 croquis

tie-in advertisement 52 annonce collective

time discount 26 dégressif sur le temps acheté

time segment 14 tranche horaire

timorous 50 timoré

tint block 59 cliché d'aplat

title stand 65 banc titre

top 92 haut

top lighting 88 lumière tombante

trade and technical press 63 presse professionnelle

trade character 12 personnage de publicité

trademark 21 marque de fabrique

traffic 28 fluctuation de la clientèle

traffic builder 25 cadeau de bienvenue, de création

traffic controller 17 responsable du trafic planning

transcient 72 éphémère

transmission certificate 40 justification de diffusion

transparency 73 film diapositif

transport advertising 51 affichage sur les transports

travelling display 72 étalage itinérant

travelling, traveling (U.S.), travelshot 70


treat someone (to) 50 traiter

treatment 50, 86 traitement

trial 68 essai

trick 87 astuce

try out (to) 80,89 tester

tube 45 tube

tube card, subway card 52 affichage dans les voitures du métro

two-colour process 58 bichromie

twofold 83 double

type 56 caractère

type mark-up 59 copie annotée

type size 57 corps de la lettre

typesetting, composition 57 composition

typographer 58 typographe

typography, letterpress 58 typographie


unadvertised product 81 produit non soumis à la publicité

underground advertising 54 publicité dans le métro

underline (to) 93 souligner

unfriendly to 48 hostile

unpleasant 91 déplaisant