lecture 2: es6 / es2015 slide

Lecture 2: ES6/ES2015 and Beyonds with the Best Practices Kobkrit Viriyayudhakorn, Ph.D. CEO of iApp Technology Limited. [email protected] http://www.kobkrit.com

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Page 1: Lecture 2: ES6 / ES2015 Slide

Lecture 2: ES6/ES2015 and Beyonds with the Best Practices

Kobkrit Viriyayudhakorn, Ph.D. CEO of iApp Technology Limited.

[email protected] http://www.kobkrit.com

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What we will learn today?

• A bit on JavaScript History

• Learn how to program in the modern JavaScript i.e., ECMAScript 2015 (Version 6) / ECMAScript 6 / ES2015 / ES6 complied by BabelJS

• Program with the best practices (Airbnb coding style) and style checking tools by ESLint

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Short History• Want to added support for Java applets more

accessible to non-Java programmers in Netscape.

• Developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape

• December 1995

• Mocha => LiveScript => JavaScript

• Popular!

• Microsoft release JScript

• NetScape submit to ECMA for standardize

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ECMAScript• Script-Language


• Standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262, based on JavaScript

• First Appeared June 1997, 19 year ago.

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Significant Development• V8 JavaScript engine (2008). To compete with Internet

Explorer on JavaScript benchmark, Google developed v8 that can compile JavaScript to Native Machine code. It is very fast.

• NodeJS + NPM (2009): Using V8 to make server-side JavaScript Web Application.

• MongoDB (2009): No SQL database based on V8 engine.

• React (2013): JavaScript Front-end Web framework for creating Interactive UI.

• React-Native (2015): Enable to Mobile App Development

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HomeBrew Installation

• Open Terminal (Click on Find icon on the top right of the screen)

• Type “Terminal”

• Enter $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

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Install React-Native in Mac for iOS Development.

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React-Native-Cli Command

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Atom IDE


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Setup the Project• Download atom IDE and install

• $ cd workingFolder

• $ react-native init l2es6

• $ cd l2es6

• $ react-native run-ios

• $ atom .

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Making a new JS file

Right click on l2es6, Select New File, Type down a new file with JS extension

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Running JS Script• Open Terminal (Open

Spotlight  , Type Terminal)

• Change Directory to working directory ($ cd {working dir})

• $ node {filename.js}

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Let’s Start with ES6

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ES6 Basic• /* Comment */

• // Comment

• console.log(‘print out’);

• Syntax mostly derived from C language

• if (true){}

• while (true){}

• do{…} while(true);

• for(init ; condition; incr) {}

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Primitive Types• Directly Store Value

• string

• number

• boolean

• null

• undefined

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Primitive Type #1: String, Number, and Boolean

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Primitive Type #2: Null, Undefined, and Reference by Value

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Exercise 1

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Complex Types• Reference of its value

• object

• array

• function

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Complex Type #1: Object & Array

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Complex Type #2: Function and Pass by Reference

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Exercise 2

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Declaration (Var, Let and Const)

• Var, Let, Const = Making Variable Declaration

• Const = Constant Declaration, Can’t Reassign.

• Use with reference that never change.

• Block-Level Scope

• Safer (If reassignment happen, it will throw the errors)

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Declaration (Var, Let and Const)

• Let = Variable Declaration, Can Reassign.

• Block-Level Scope

• Var = Variable Declaration, Can Reassign

• Global-Level Scope

• Old JavaScript

• Dangerous. Don’t use it.

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Declaration #1: Global Scope, Block Scope and Constant

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Declaration #2: General Use Case in For loop

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Exercise 3

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Functions• Function in JavaScript are objects, which can use

as arguments.

• Function can be invoked.

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Function #1: Declaration, Invocation

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Function #2: ES6 Feature - Declaration

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Exercise 4

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Function #3: Anonymous Function

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Function #4: Recursive

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Function #5: Callback

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Exercise 5

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Function #6: Exceptions

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Function #7: ES6 Feature - Rest Params (Spreads …), Default Params

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Function #8: ES6 Feature - Named Parameters

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Exercise 6

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Function’s Airbnb Style Guides

Style Guide #1. Use function declarations instead of function expressions.

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Style Guide #2. Wrap immediately invoked function expressions in parentheses.

Why? An immediately invoked function expression is a single unit - wrapping both it, and its invocation parens, in parens, cleanly expresses


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Style Guide #3. Never declare a function in a non-function block (if, while, etc.)

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Style Guide #4. Never use arguments, use … instead.

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Style Guide #5. Use parameter syntax rather than mutating function arguments.

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Style Guide #6. Avoid side effects with default parameters

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Style Guide #7: Always put default parameters last.

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Style Guide #8: Use spread operator … to call variadic function.

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Style Guide #8: Use Arrow Functions when passing an anonymous function.

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Style Guide #9: Omit braces and use the implicit return, if the function body consists of a single expressions.

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Style Guide #10: If your function takes a single argument and doesn’t use braces, omit the parentheses. Otherwise, always

include parentheses around arguments.

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Object• Object is a dictionary data structure.

• Map between Key => Value

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Object #1: Declaration, Reference

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Object #2: Assignment, Retrieval, Re-Assignment

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Object #3: Deletion, Keys, Size, Loops

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Exercise 7• Complete the following code that can change digit

to reading word.For example, 12.3 => “one two dot three”

Starting code

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HomeWork 1(1) Write down a function that sum every element in array. E.g. sumArray([12,3,4,1,2,3]) = 25

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HomeWork 2(2) Write function that count word size case-insensitively.

Input: "Hello world hello hello earth earth" (Not limited to these word, it can be any words)

Output: Object{hello : 3, world : 1, earth : 2 }

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