leader ship


Upload: vickismith

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Leader ship


Page 2: Leader ship

Start the journey

• Share your work with the staff

• Encourage them to get amongst it

Page 3: Leader ship

Captain and Crew

• Part of the role of Captain is to form that crew

• Do need to be the final word in a situation -not in an autocratic way - aware of thedirection heading

• Assist and guide the crew [you can’t do it all]and crew need to also take responsibility forwhere the ship is heading

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Pick your weather

• Changes occur in the windspeed and direction

• Be informed of theeventualities, study theforecasts, talk to others

•The longer you are out therethe more likely you will getstorms - be prepared

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Be optimistic

what can achieve you with the tools you have?

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Passage Planning

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• Leave safe harbour [change is difficult]

• Have a good idea of the direction to achieve yourobjective and ensure the crew understand thenavigation process

• Do regular checking on the progress

• It’s a given things don’t always go according to planbut the ability to respond to change is crucial

• Interesting things come out of the ability to adapt

• Remember the next port is great to reach but there ismore out there - keep moving

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Keep in touch

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for 2011Where to


BLP moodle