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Important Dates To Remember Wednesday 20 th March Prep – 4 Assembly. Thursday 21 st March Athletics Day CANCELLED. Friday 22 nd March Ride to school day. Tuesday 26 th March Students dismissed at 1.00 pm. Tuesday 26 th March Parent Teacher Interviews 2.00 – 7.00 pm. Thursday 28 th March Last Day of Term 1 – Dismissed at 2.10 pm. Monday 15 th April First Day of Term 2. Tuesday 21 st May Athletics Day – New Date. TERM 1 UPDATE: Next week we will be celebrating Harmony Week at Laverton College. This is our opportunity to demonstrate our support and appreciation of all cultures that combine together to make up our College community. Harmony week will conclude with a concert on Thursday. A reminder that Parent Teacher Interviews are being held next Tuesday 26 th March, 2013 from 2.00 pm till 7.00 pm. Classes for the day will conclude at 1.00 pm. Students are invited to attend the Parent / Teacher Interview with their parents. School concludes for Term 1 on Thursday 28 th March, 2013. As advertised in the last Newsletter school will break up at 2.10 pm on this day. Term 2 begins on Monday 15 th April, 2013. STUDENT BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS: Over the past several weeks it has been necessary to remind a number of students about behaviour expectations of our College. This applies not only to the time that students spend in school but also coming to and going home from school. It has been pointed out to students that when they are travelling to or from school the behaviour standards expected of them whilst at school remain the same. The same consequences for not following expected behaviours, going to or from school, also apply. Families are asked to reinforce this important message to their children. SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTION: Several vacancies for parent representatives on School Council remain. If you would like to join our School Council please complete the nomination form that was attached to the back of last week’s School Council letter. Alternatively, please contact the main office at school for a nomination form. [email protected] u Contact Details: 91 Bladin Street Laverton Vic YEARS 9 - 12 LEARNING COMMUNITY NEWS 19 th March, 2013 Issue Principal’s Report:

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Important Dates To RememberWednesday 20th March Prep – 4 Assembly.Thursday 21st March Athletics Day CANCELLED.Friday 22nd March Ride to school day.Tuesday 26th March Students dismissed at 1.00 pm.Tuesday 26th March Parent Teacher Interviews 2.00 – 7.00 pm.Thursday 28th March Last Day of Term 1 – Dismissed at 2.10 pm.Monday 15th April First Day of Term 2.Tuesday 21st May Athletics Day – New Date.

TERM 1 UPDATE:Next week we will be celebrating Harmony Week at Laverton College. This is our opportunity to demonstrate our support and appreciation of all cultures that combine together to make up our College community. Harmony week will conclude with a concert on Thursday.

A reminder that Parent Teacher Interviews are being held next Tuesday 26th March, 2013 from 2.00 pm till 7.00 pm. Classes for the day will conclude at 1.00 pm. Students are invited to attend the Parent / Teacher Interview with their parents.

School concludes for Term 1 on Thursday 28th

March, 2013. As advertised in the last Newsletter school will break up at 2.10 pm on this day. Term 2 begins on Monday 15th April, 2013.

STUDENT BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS:Over the past several weeks it has been necessary to remind a number of students about behaviour expectations of our College. This applies not only to the time that students spend in school but also coming to and going home from school. It has been pointed out to students that when they are travelling to or from school the behaviour standards expected of them whilst at school remain the same. The same consequences for not following expected behaviours, going to or from school, also apply. Families are asked to reinforce this important message to their children.

SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTION:Several vacancies for parent representatives on School Council remain. If you would like to join our School Council please complete the nomination form that was attached to the back of last week’s School Council letter. Alternatively, please contact the main office at school for a nomination form.

SCHOOL ATHLETICS POSTPONED:The School Athletics Carnival which was due to be held this Thursday 21st March, 2013 has been postponed till Tuesday 21st May, 2013. This new date will allow all students from across the College to participate in the Athletics Carnival.

CRASHENDO MUSIC PROGRAM:It is great to see our Crashendo Music Program up and running again this year. Erica is continuing in the role of Program Coordinator and is supported by tutors Eric and Susan. Last Friday the students and tutors visited Penleigh and Essendon Grammar to watch their senior orchestra and choir perform. Our students had the opportunity to sing with the students from PEGS. We look forward to their school performances during the year. The last day for Crashendo for Term 1 is Wednesday 27th March.

All Victorians urged to become a Bully Stopper:On 15 March 2013, the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, the Victorian Government launched a major bullying prevention campaign: Bully Stoppers: Make a Stand, Lend a Hand.

Principal’s Report:

[email protected]

Contact Details:

91 Bladin StreetLaverton Vic

3028Phone: 9369


19th March, 2013 Issue No: 4

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The campaign is based on a series of resource available online that empowers students, parents, teachers and principals to ‘make a stand, lend a hand’ and stop bullying.

Bully Stoppers supports parents, teachers and principals in working together to make sure schools are safe and supportive places, where bullying is taken seriously and not ignored.Psychologist Andrew Fuller and cyber safety expert Susan Mclean have provided tips and advice to help you support your child if they have been affected by bullying and how to ensure they stay safe online.

All schools have been asked to take the Bully Stoppers Pledge. Pledges have been sent to all schools in Victoria and they’re a great way for teachers, parents and students to all show that they are going to ‘take sand, lend a hand’ against bullying.Learn more by visiting

Reminders:1. Demolition Works.

Demolition of the old gym and the old Secondary College buildings is in the final stages. The demolition program is expected to conclude during the Term 1 vacation. Under no circumstances is anyone permitted to enter the demolition site.

2. College Carparks.Families are reminded that the off street carparks at our College are restricted to staff only. Unfortunately, we are not able to allow parents to park in these carparks. Families please take note that the carpark adjacent to the old college buildings and the demolition site is restricted to use by the builders and to some staff. Parents are not permitted to park in this carpark.

3. Visitors to Laverton CollegeAll parents and community members are reminded that all visitors to the College must firstly report to the main office before going to a Learning Community. Parents are not permitted to enter a Learning Community and approach a teacher whilst they are teaching or enter an office or staff room or leaders office, without speaking to the office staff in the main office.

4. Website, Newsletters and emails.Our new website is up and running, although not fully developed as yet. Families are able to access all Newsletters for the current year on the website. Various College policies are also located on the website. Families are reminded that if they have email access at work or home, they can have the fortnightly College Newsletter emailed to them. All you need to do is pass on your email address to our office staff.

5. Bike and Scooter Safety.All students at all levels of the College are required to wear a helmet when riding to and from school. This is not just a College requirement it is a state law that helmets be worn when riding a bike or scooter.

Have a great week.Neil SproalCollege Principal


On Friday 22nd March, 2013 it’s Ride2School day. On this day, students can ride, skate, scoot or walk to school (whilst wearing their helmet). There will be other activities held throughout the day. Thank you to the VCAL class for organising this event. We encourage all students participate in this event.

There will be No assembly on Wednesday March 27th, 2013. This is a short week with many interruptions to the class program.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS:Parents are reminded that Ms Hadzikadic, Mrs Moran and Mr Nastic are available for Parent Teacher Interviews and are happy to discuss the programs they deliver to your children. They will be able to also talk about the progress your child is making within specialist subjects.

A reminder that Mr Gauci will be available for interviews next term when he returns from leave. If you wish to return the blue form, they will be collected for Mr Gauci and you will be contacted for an appointment next term. You can also contact the school next term and make an appointment through Rhonda Jackson in our Prep - 4 Office.

PREP - 4 ATTENDANCE TROPHY:Congratulations to our class 2M for winning the Attendance Cup again last week for the second week in a row. Miss Murphy’s class, achieved above our class expectation of 95% attendance. Well done! Regular school attendance helps your child to achieve their full educational potential. They are not able to actively engage with and

Prep – 4 News:

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participate in their learning without full and regular attendance.

It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age. Students who are regularly absent from school are at risk of missing out on important aspects of their educational and social development. We find that children not only fall behind academically but start complaining that they don’t have friends or have trouble maintaining friendships adding to their anxiety if they do miss school.

It is pleasing to see how many students are positively engaging in school this year and thank you to parents for assisting us in this regard.


Sitara White – for working hard.Gursimran Kaur – for resilence with tough injuries.Dah O’Mer – for using amazing expression in reading.Kate Turner – for excellent attention to detail when creating her felt hand in textiles.Milica Lemaic – for her wonderful writing.Felix Kelekolio – for his fabulous writing.Tiana Darling – for settling in well in her new classroom.Zoe Brisbane – for learning her alphabet.Isaac Pitcher – for working extra hard in Maths.Eh Ler Plaw Dwe – for trying his best in class.Chad Lazaro – for lovely handwriting attitude.Hun Boy Kaleb – for always trying her best.Eh Taw Doh – for trying his best to improve his work.Kendall Whiu – for always trying her best during Art/Textiles sessions.Tahereraunni Wilson – for being mature and supportive in class and for trying his best.William Aitken – for always trying his best, showing good manners and support in class.

Ms. Jan ScottPrep - 4 Community Principal


We are delighted to present the Years 5 - 8 Learning Community Home Group Ambassadors for 2013. They are Sahin Adamaz (5A), Megan Lazaro (5A), Rhennay Bryant (5B), Eric Lay (5B), Ashleigh Sinfield (6A), Janhvi Khandel (6A), Jasmine Kaur (6B), Grant Vaituutuu (6B), Ocean George (7A), Dylan Ould (7A), Brandon Lizama (7B), Hayley Fullerton (7B), Edien Adamaz (8A), Nikau Williams (8A), Alyssa Morgan, (8B), Dion Daniels-Teao (8B), Belinda Eastham (8C) and Ta-John Teao (8C).

The Years 5 - 8 Home Group Ambassadors are committed students who will have many opportunities to assist in the leadership of the College. These students will receive student leadership training and will step up to the challenges of running many exciting activities and events for the community.

As the year progresses, the 5 - 8 Home Group Ambassadors will develop important life skills that will have a positive impact on their lives in the future. We look forward to working with them and watching their leadership skills grow.

Obianuju Ofoedu 5-8 Home Group Ambassadors’ Coordinator


On the 8th March, 2013 the 5 - 8 Learning Community celebrated the launch of their new 5 - 6 and 7 - 8 Libraries. Library monitors were introduced and acknowledged in their new and important role of tracking borrowing and maintaining the libraries. All students in the community had the opportunity to explore the

5 – 8 NEWS:

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wonderful new books and enjoy an afternoon of independent reading.

Many thanks to Sue Peterson, Cathie Ginn and Esma Bala for the set-up of these libraries.


On the 7th March, 2013 the boys cricket team captained by Ba Sho played 2 games on what turned out to be an extremely hot day. Although the team lost both games, a great day was had by all involved. If there was a best on field award I would have to split the decision between 3 players, Ba Sho, Jordan and Lachlan. All three of them were brilliant on the day and displayed great leadership qualities. Our team was outstanding in regard to amount of respect and sportsmanship they showed and I would like the boys who were there to know how proud I was to be there with them.

I would like to thank Jayden Brisbane’s mother and Lachlan Rosie’s Mothers for spending most of the day with us.

Finally, on behalf of the Year 7 & 8 boys cricket team, I would like to thank Lachlan’s mother for bringing some sandwiches and drinks for the boys on that hot day. The whole team and I really appreciated it.

Mr. Ciotti.


Please be vigilant in checking your child’s hair. Unfortunately, there have been a few students sent home with live lice. Products are available from the Prep - 4 office if required for $15 per bottle.


On Thursday 7th March, 2013 a group of 42 Year 9 students visited Werribee Zoo. It was a very hot day but that did not get in the way of a very enjoyable day. The excursion was planned as part of our studies in Humanities as we are currently learning about different biomes. The students were given a guided tour of the critically endangered grassland habitat and met some grassland animals such as the Eastern Barred Bandicoot and Emus. They also followed the totem poles and took a safari tour and were able to see the hippos, rhinos, giraffes, camels, and zebras to mention a few who were roaming freely in the open savannah plains. To finish off the day the students strolled through the African village and then entered the domain of the lions, cheetahs, gorillas and monkeys. To end our visit we arrived at the Serval presentation which was a great way to finish our savannah experience. A good time was had by all.

Nadia Palazzolo - Year 9 Humanities


Breakfast Club has started again. This time our VCAL students are running the program. Each Tuesday at 8.30 am toast will be available for all Years 9 – 12 students. Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


At our school we have a competition that can make our school even greater it’s called ‘Ring Pulls Collection’. Parents we need your help. One Ring Pull can save someone’s life. I was wondering if you can help us students by collecting them every time you drink a can. Once collected bring them to the front office of the school and we will forward them to ‘Heart Kids’.

9 – 12 NEWS:

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This competition will be on all year so you have plenty of time to collect the ring pulls.


If you have not already paid for Term 1 lessons you will soon receive an invoice. Please ensure you pay this, or make alternative arrangements with Donna Pace (Business Manager), before the end of Term 1; otherwise your child’s enrolment may be cancelled.

If you wish to withdraw your child from lessons, please notify the school before the end of Term 1; otherwise it will be

assumed that your child is continuing and you will be required to pay for Term 2 lessons.

ZOO KEEPER OR VET FOR A DAY – Thinking of a career working with animals? Then, what about a ‘Keeper for a Day’ or ‘Vet for a Day’ program in the coming school holidays? Participate in a range of hands-on experiences designed to provide you with an insight into the role of a zoo keeper. On offer: Werribee open Range Zoo’s Keeper for a Day

program; Ages: 13-18yrs; Cost: $103 (incl morning tea); Book: 9285 9406; See:

Harmony Week March 25th- 28th The last week of Term 1 will be very exciting as we join the rest of Australia in celebrating Harmony Week. The message of Harmony Week is ‘Everyone Belongs’. It is a week to celebrate Australia’s diversity and the diversity within Laverton College. It is a week of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.

Harmony Week provides our College with an opportunity to acknowledge the benefits different cultures and people bring to Australia and our community.

It is a time to celebrate multiculturalism, denounce racism, and promote social harmony and mutual respect.

We have organised activities across the College that aim to promote intercultural understanding through celebrating all cultures in a way that recognises commonalities and differences.

Activities will include; a wall and book display in our library, music from around the world at break times, art displays, rotational workshops that celebrate multiculturalism, sports from around the world, multicultural breakfast in the 9 - 12 community, a multicultural staff lunch, multicultural food being sold at the canteen, cake stalls and a BBQ and drinks for sale on the day.

On Thursday the 28th of March, 2013 (the last day of term 1) students are invited to celebrate cultural diversity by coming to school in national costume or by wearing orange.

Students can also pre pay to have a cooked BBQ lunch and a drink.

On this day at 12.45 pm the College is hosting a concert for students that also celebrate cultural diversity.

We are looking forward to this important and exciting week.


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Happy Harmony Week to you all.

Colouring in Competition to celebrate Harmony DayPlease return this balloon coloured in by Monday 25th March, 2013 to your Learning Community Office, to go into the draw to win a $5 canteen voucher. Six prizes are available to win.