lancaster daily intelligencer. (lancaster, pa) 1882-12-12 [p ]....fine towoih and linens; also...

" 4S - v v ' ' . (m Volumn XIX- - -- Xo 87. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1882. Price Two Cents. JOHN 8. GIVLKK & CO. OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOCKtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000000000009000000000000" OO0O0000000O0O0000O000OO0O0OO0000O00OO000OOO00000O0000O00O0000000C0O0O0O00O0000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooonono;. uo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooocoo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooaoooooooooooooooooooooo oooonoooooooooooo-oonoaoot-o- o oooooooooooooooooooooooot.oco OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooi I oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooocoooo oogogooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooco OOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtiOOOonooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOCOVOOOOOOOtMlOOOOOOOOfiMHJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO OO00OO0OOOOOW)OOO0O0OO0i.Ot'uO000G00O000000O0O000O0000O0000XO0O0O00O0000OO0ll0O0O0O00O0OCO00OOOO0OOOOOO00O00000O rillKlSTMAS OIFTS CHRIS Nos, 26 and 28 NORTH ARTICLES HOLIDAY MiItahm; STREET. BOWERS & HURST'S, We have now open an Line of Choice New Goods, suitable and useful for Gifts either for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys Girls. We have Everything Marked Very Low. BOWERS & HURST, Nos. 26-2- 8 STREET, U.KS Jlc KA'i'HKON. M No. East MERCHANT TAILORING-- . New liFvcta Imported Woistcds Basket, Diagonal and weave, Blue, Green and Black. New effects Silks Mixed English, Cheviots fashionable New effects Cheviots, fashionablo colors. Now effects Imported Overcoating, London Beavers, English Meltons, Kerseys and tho Niggeihca' MYERS RATHFON, PINE MERCHANT TAILORS, user AliKK KKOTIIKi:. II 1882. CO., HOLIDAY GOODS. DECEMBER Our ttook this season embraces great variety goods for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CLOAKS AND AN ELEGANT OF LACES. AND HANDKERCHIEFS, AND NOVELTIES OP THE SEASON. Fine TowoIh and Linens; also Gentlemen's Neckwoar, Glovee, &o No. 25 West King Street. JM.IWS WIIXSON. BOUSE! JTVMUillilllNU UOODH. & GRAND OF TOYS LARGER STOCK THAN EVER LOWER PRICES THAN EVER DOLLS! DOLLS! BLOCKS! GAMES! HORSES! CARTS! WAGONS! SLEIGHS BICYCLES Elegant Silver-Plate- d Knives, Silver-Plale- d Spoon', Silvcr-Platc- tl Forks, &e. & j'z.v3ii:ixa ani U1IN I.. AKNUI.ll. J NOT FOR OR HALL, FOR PRESENT tho most brilliant and useful prcsont you could mako. from $1.00 $200.00 each. Wo havo few Sconces with Beveled for Largest stock Fino Globes, Lights, Lights. Call and tho Fino Window Display. LOW. PRICES LO W. Nos. 11, 13 16 East Pa. STOCKS. MCKKAKK YOU1C CAPITAL. I WHEAT 20, 50, Those dolrlnjr to inako money on small medium Investments In j?niin, provisions stock speculations, operating on mirplau. Krom May 1881, to data, on investments to $1,000 cash realized paid to Invest- ors amounting to several limes original Investment. J'rottts paid first of every month, still leaving original invest- ment making money or payable on Kxplanatory circulars statements ot lund W sent free. want responsible agents who will report on crops introduce plan. Liberal commissions paid, FLEMBONG & Commission Merchants Major Rlock, iu'J-ly- d WtlOK, ATTOIINEY. RAM Ofltco irom 06 North Duke street to STREET, immedi- ately Kfar Court House, Long's New iintlding. ml7-tl- d URI GOODS, JOHN S. GIVLER & Alii: SEI.LIJ.G USEFUL FOR PRESENTS, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO kok nvEitvnouY, 00000000000000000000000000000 AT I'OIMJLUt I'llICES. OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO No. 25 EAST T M -- AT Elegant Christmas or NORTH QUEEN STREET, Vl.OTHlNU. 12 , iii in Birdeyc in in in all colors. in Scotch in all in in popular ' & 9. a of suitable DRESS GOODS. LINE Handkerchiefs, & HAGER & BROTHER. HOUSEFURNISHING ! FLINN WILLSON'S OrEXIKG ! TOYS ! CHRISTMAS GOODS! A ! ! ! VELOCIPEDES ! ! USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Carvers, FLINN WILLSON, LANCASTER PA. WHY BUY A TOUR PARLOR, DINING-ROO- M A CHRISTMAS ? Tlioy are I liavothcm to a Mirrors. Jardinercs Window Flowers. STANDING MIRRORS. o( Newal Reading see EXPENSES JOHN L. ARNOLD, and Orange Street, - Lancaster, STOCKS, 10, 100. ami ami can Uo so by 1, tho present ot $10 prolilsliavebccu and the the demand. j and Wo and tho MERRIAM, Clii-csig- 111. SAMDKIa H. his No. 41 GIIANT In of Se. KINO A. a as t'liximi. FINE GAS FIXTURE VA.KFJS1H. I UKrKTTS. Carpet Manufactory, Having undertaken to manufacture RAG mid CHAIN OARl'KTS, wholesale, 2,000 yanls per week, I am now prepared to sell my entire stock of Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AT GRKAT BARGAINS AND "AT BELOW COST, to make rootn and give my entire attention to wholesale trailo of my own manufactured goods. I'lease call early. H. S. SHIRK, CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Sts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000000000000000000 QUEEN GLOVES oo noqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gr I !F T S , LANCASTER, PA., LANCASTER, PA, King Street, Lancaster Pa. clothing. c LOTIUNU. In connection with our Storm Goat, mentioned last week, we have large commodious Ulsters, adapted to car conductors and drivers, who of all persons em- ployed out of doors, need warm heavy wraps to protect them from the cold. PRICES LOW ALWAYS- - A. 0. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Chestnut & S'xih Sis. PHILADELPHIA. dIMtih! OI'KCIAL NOTIUK. Our Price List. Hen's Heavy Wool Mixed Suits. . .!? 8.00 Men's HcavyBrown Twilled Suits, 10.00 Men's Heavy Steel Mixed Suits.. 10.00 Men's AH-Wo- ol Casimerc Suits.. 12.00 Men's Brown & Blue Heaver Over- coats 18.00 Men's Black Beaver Overcoats. . 11.00 Men's Plaid Back Beaver Over- - 13.00 coats 1 3.00 Men's Plaid Back t'assimere Over- coats 13.00 Men's Heavy Unllned Overcoats. . 7.50 All of Our Own Manufacture. D. B. istetter & Son 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. ?A. CaTAKBU IS CAUSED BY SOMETIMES or inspiration ot irritating dust, tumea awl vapors, whether by accident or in tho pursuit ot ordinary avocations. Diseased ot the Ey, Ear and Throat also, Cancers. Tumors, Skin and Chronic Diseases successfully treated by DRS. II. D. and M. A. LONG A1CER, Office : 13 East Walnut street, Luncas i r, l'a Consultation free. till ;t i VIOAKH. JlrOK 25 UTS, CONNECTICUT old Mock Connecticut to- bacco) at HARTMAN'S YKLLOWJfKONT CIGAR." STORK. THE SOUTH PENNA. B. E. KAII.KUAU DtVKLDPMKST In TlllS STATE. A New Short J'.oute to the West Addition to rhiladelphta'ri Field Tor Traffic Twenty AtilllouH KxMiu!itare. The next few years will likely witness a great impetus iu railroad development in this fctate. Alicady there are being built linksof a new chain of railroads from the eastern part of the state towards tho Ohio liuc, through CliutoD, Clearfield, and other counties of Central Pennsylva- nia, developing the vast coal interests lodgod there. IleMden t bis another through line, parallel with tho P. It. R. is contem- plated. We find the following compre- hensive account of it in tho Philadelphia Inquire;' : Jt is expee'ed that tho Sou'Ji Petmsil-vani- a railroad will bo put under contract at an cailyday, tho sutvays having been completed a'.oig the entiie route, which is one that has lcquired inticli ' heroic enginceiing." Tho load, as is generally known, is now uuder tho control of what is called the Vandcibilt clique in Xew York. Robeit H. Say to, esq., of Bethle- hem, former vice president and m.usagrr of the Lvhigh Val'c-- y jaii oad, is acting an president ui tho company, and Mr. II. MeKav Twotabley, :i son in-la- of Mr. V. ll. Vandtvbilr, is the financial mana ger. It is fiecly asserted by the parties iu in- - trrcst that ail tin tiionuy, between fifteen and twenty millions, nettled to complete tho load is in baud. As surveed, tho roatl luns iu a straight lino, thnty-iiv- o miles, fiom Ilarrishurg to Kvcrctt, for- merly Bloody Run, paE.ung along tiie top ridge of tho, and through li'o tunnels, about live miles anil a quarter W all, varrying iu length from a quaiter o a mile to one tnilo and a tpiarler, pas&iug Hurut Cabins, Sideling and Ray's lull mountains to tho v.tllt-- ot Jirush cicelr, which it ttaveises on a giddy tivstle woik, thence to tho valley of the Juni.tta, along which it coutiuues westwaid to Redlord, Somerset, ConuelLsviile, Union town and Wheeling, with a branch lino direct to 1'ittsbuigh. The route traverses a large aiea in tho south and southwestern portion of tha state including Dauphin, Perry, Cumber- land, Fiankliu, Fuito:i, Redfotii, fco.ncrset Fayette, Wcstinorelaud, Greeu and Alle- gheny counties. One of tho great advan- tages of tho road consists in its shoiteniug tho distance between HarrisDurg and Pittsbuigh Irani foity to sixty miles aud making a dilleieuce of not less than one bundled miles to travelers betweeu New York and Chicago. Engineers and others versed iu lailroad construction es.inate the cost of the road, not calcul ting the cost of its tunnels piercing Ray's hill aud tho Allcghenies, and its maguiliccnt biidgcscver tho Susquehanna, the Juni-atn- , tho Tuc.irora and the Ohio, at $100,-0)- 0 a mile. The corpoiatc s!le and title of thcpicr-o- nt organization iu tho South Peunsylva ilia railroad company, which is not to be confounded, ho it rcmembeied, with tho Southern Pennsylvania- lailroad, uhic'i occupies a near tfiiitory. Tho organisa- tion has been pcifcutcd under a chatter originally granted by tho Pennsylvania Assembly in 1854. The corporation was originally organized shortly after its crea- tion by the Assembly, a sullicif nt sum paid iu to secure its franchises, and a route surveyed under the able diiection of Cok-n- el James Worrol, one of the las-- of thoso famous enginteis whose skill and wisdom devised tho existing great routes of travel across the state, under difficulties almost insuperable. lie was contemporary with Wirt Robinson mid his brother, Moncure, to whoso skill wc owe tho inimitable en ginceriug as far as grades and lines aro concerned of tho Philadelphia & Reading railroad ; also with Mr. J. Edgar Thomp- son aud John Wilson, the pi tsent chief engineer of tho Pennsylvania lailroad ; with J. II. Latrobe, whoso monument ex- ists in tho Baltimore & Ohio railroad, and with Milnor Roberts, Ashbel Welsh and others whose names and works arc wiittcn withS pen of steel on the surface of the Ktate. Tho lines drawn then had already becu devised by Colonel Worrel at the incep- tion of tho state works half a century ago and placed on record, and known to en- gineers as the Slahtcrback survej. Tho l or. to then contemplated now surveyed and scon to approach completion, was almost direct through Sherman's valley to Bcdfoid, aud thence to tho Ohio liver at Wheeling, with a biunchto Pittsburgh. Tho date of the first incorporation was March 5, 1851, under tho title of tho Duncanuon, Laudisburg and Broad Top railroad company, which namo was, by subsequent legislation, changed to that of ' The Sherman's Valley and Broad Top railroad company,'' alter ward to that of "Tho Pennsylvania Pacific railroad company," and later still to "Tho South Pennsylvania railroad company," aud the original act may bo found in the pamphlet laws for 1S80, page G08. Sup- plemental lcgHat ion was also had at the following dates. May 5, 1835 ; February, 25, 1850 ; May 12, 1857 ; Match 31, 185!) ; February 12, 1S02 ; April 1, 18G5 ; August 10. 18C-- 1 ; February IS, 1869. During that entire period tho organis was kept alivo under tho manage- ment of able lawyers, and repeated cft'ort3 were made after surveys had been pro-pare- d and estimates obtained to seenro the aid of capital for tho completion of tho road. Prior to the war it was at onotimo deemed almost a certainty that tho backed by a wealthy syndicate of English capitalists, would complete tho undertaking ; but tho comparative infancy of railroad traffic then, as compared with its condition of tho present day, rendered quick aud largo returns improbable, and the succcssivo linancial disturbances of 1837 aud 1839 dispelled any hope of to assistance from that or any other quarter. Tho civil war, with its vaiied financial history of encouragement and depression to great enterprises, followed, and the southern counties of Pennsylvania beyond tho Susquehanna were almost abandoned to tho frequent attempts of Baltimoro capital to make inroads in what rightfully belonged to Philadelphia whilo tho lines looking to the northern border of tho state proved attractive (among others to Sir Morton Peto and his associates, and the oil developments in tho northwest), to insure the completion of railroad enter- prises that more than satisfied the desires of the most sanguine when they did not insure (as to many they did) a heavy loss. In this state of affairs the counties of Fulton, Bedford, Somerset, Fayette, Westmoreland and Washington, in tho absence of any facilitlosof railroad com- munication with the East, were compelled to fall back upon side lines and branch connections with Baltimoro and Pitts- burgh. About a year ago capitalists in search of investments wcro attracted to tho rich and 'almost virgin fields of mineral, sylvan and agricultural wealth iu the abovo coun- ties, invaded the territory iu force, heard colonel Worrell's unanswerable argu- ments ps to tho certainty of largo and im mediate returns upon the comparatively small investments required to complete a railroad, first-clas- s in all its appointments, and, working quietly, without at trading the attention of tte world at large, took the field in November, 1881, with the largest force, ever, perhaps, put upon a railroad of like dimensions, under the direction of Mr. Oliver Barnes, a well known engineer, formerly ot Philadelphia. Win. F. Shunk, identified with the Eleva ted railroad construction in 'New York city, and others, and with the services of Colonel Worrel and General T. E. Sickels, of tho Union Pacific railroad, as consult- ing engineers, supported by a corps of the finest engineering " talent, at an expense of over 500,000. The offices of the com- pany are in the Mills building, in Broad street, New York city, and tho former offices of the Northern' Central railroad company in Ilarrishurg. They "pulverized" tho country irom Ilarrisburg to Wheeling, ruuning lines through Cumberland, Sherman and other valleys, crossing tho Tuscaroras, Allo-gheu- ies and spurs of. tho Blue ridge, and cutting across mountain ranges, in tho lower crypts of which still Ho, untouched by the baud of mau, immenso trcasuros of marble, fire-cla- coal aud iron. The road thus surveyed, the course of which wa.s indioatcd at tho opening of this article, will, a" already said, soon be put under contract for construction, and, it is confidently expected, will be in active operation within two years. Tho track is to be laid double with stool rails, scvonty-liv- o pounds to tho yard, already purchased, at a cost of forty-tw- o tloilais per ton, and it is beliovcd that a saving of thirty per cent, wili bo effected, at the present prices of labor, over tho estimates made a year ago, by pushing ou the great work to completion with all possible ra- pidity. A man is wiser for lii-- i learning, and the sooner Ihj learns that tho only pioiier way t cmo it t oiili or CoM, is to use Dr. Hull's Cough Syruj, the belter i.c is olt. J"Men condemn in others wlmt tlu-- y flifcictieo tlieinselvf.s.' Tiio-- c who )ructlru thu us'-- , ol Kidney-Wor- t nrver condemn its line bv othcis. but commend it to all ullcoted with iiic:, dyspepsia, constipation and nil other diM'iiscs lcsnltim; trotu ;i disordered stuto of kidney, liver or bowels. 4Sli;imoinl Dyes ate so perfect and so lieautitul that It is 11 ploasuie to use them. Kqually good lor dark or light colora. lOcts. ?mtou's curb wili. Imnifedialciy relieve Croup, Whooping Cough mid KroiicliItU, For by II. 15. Cocluan, druggidt, Ml and 139 North Quieu street. The verdict alter an impartial trial The Celluloid Kye-- li lasses will stand len times more abuse than any other. For sale by all leading Jewelers and Optician". Wui. II. Midlam, ilariisburg, l'a , .ays : ' Itrown'i Iron iSittcrs spccdilj cured moot a nervous affection of the stomach." For sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l."K Noith tjuecn sireet. till lwtl&w Jlr. J. Marsh Ilanlc, ofTorouto, Ont., writes: "iSilliousuess ami dyspepsia stecm lo have grown up with me ; having been usutl'eier for years, I have tried many remedies, but with no lasting result until I used your i.nrdock lilood bitters. They have been truly a hies9ing to me, and 1 cannotspcak too highly ot them." I'ricujl. For sale by II. 15. Cochran druggist. 137 and 133 Noith Queen ttreet. Tl!K IlKV. .KO. II. '1 IIAVKIt, Ot ISOlll'OOn, lllll., siy-- i : "Until myself and witu own our lives to Siiiloii's Consumption Cuku. For sale by II. 1. Co liran, dmggist, 137 ::ntl l"!i North Queen street i.uvo Your Neighbor. When your fiiend or neighbor is iaboiing iimier bodily alllletion, indigestion, bilious-ncs-- ', constipation, caused by impurity of blood, or tlisou'ers ol the kidneys or liver, don't Mil to recommend Hurdocic Ulonil l!it-tei- s, a suit: and remedy. I'riee $!. For ale by 11. II. Cochran, l.7 and 13) North (iiieen street. Shilou'3 Cataiumi kkmudy a positive euro lor catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker Month. For sale by 11. It. Cochran, diuggi.t, 137 and l.Kl North uueen street. Walnut l,e:if ll-.n- r t&etttoror. It i- - entirely dlllerentlroui all others. It is us clear as water, and, as its name indicate", is a perfect Vegetable Uasr Itestoror. tt will immediately tret; the head irom nit dar.tirutt, icstorugiay hair to its natuial color ami pro- duct: a new growth where it has lallenott". It docs not iu any manner ellecc tho health, which Sulphur, Sugar of l,eid and N Unite ol bilver prcpaiations have done. It will change, light or faded hair in a few days to a btitntitnl glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Kach bottle is warranted. &311T1I, KL.1NK CI'., Wholesale Agents, I'hiladelphia, and II AM. t 1CUCKKI., Now York. jniiO lyd.eodJtw ULISX AN J) UUJJKXSHAJtt,. I I KHI M MAKTIN. HOLIDAY GOODS -- AT OHINA HALL Wo iitv ilfeitlaylng a voiy largo lino ot HOLIDAY GOODS, -I- X- IIAVII.ANU'S CHINA. ISIMJUK waui:, UOIIKMIAN GLASSWARE, MAJOLICA WAKK, CUT. l'UEaSKI AND KNGit.WKH (J I.ASSWAliK, LAVA WAltK. IKC'(i:ATKt CHAMItER SETS, . TOY TEA SETS. TAliLEMIUKOUS, T' FLO WE II ST AN I)S, A II ITK (lUAMTEand l'OKCELAlX H'AKK, Ac, cheaper tha-- i ever before. These Gootls arc suitable lor useful CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, fee them before making your purchases. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. 1A. "Y7-ai.- KI.K AMI USKFUr. PRESENTS Spectacles, Eyo Glasses, Claudo Lorraine Mirrors, Spy Glasses, Field Glasses Kaleidoscopes, Telescopes, Stereoscopes, Opera Glasses, Grapboscopes, Microscopes, Drawing: Instruments, Thermometers, Barometers, Magic Lanterns, Celestial and Terrestlal Globes,' Pocket Compasses, Sets Philosophical Appatatus, Model steam Engines, Sets of Chemical Apparatus, Pedomitora, Gold Charm Compasses Catalogues as follows, 9ent on application : Part 1st Mathematical Instrument , 1C2 pages " 2d Optical Istrauienta, - 1S8 ' ' 3d Magic Lanterns and Vicirs,159 ' ' 4th Physical instruments, - 183 ' " 5th MeteorologicallDstrumcntsl') " JAMES W. QDM & CO., 024 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. MED1CA1.. i:OWNS IKOX KITTKKSJ. FAILIM! That is what a great many people aro doing. They don't know just what is tho matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and oaeh month thoy grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is lirown'.s Iron Bitters, aud this by rapid and thorough assimilation with tho blood purifies aud enrichos it, and rich, strong blood flowing to overy p.trt of tho system repairs tho wasted tissue., diives out dise.v?' anlive-liealt- h and btren"th. Tliis is why Broivn's Iron l)iilr wa.s cure kidney and livor diseao , consumption, rheumatism, ueuralgi.. dyspepsia, malaria, intermittent fevers, &c. 203 . I'aca St. Il.iUiinon;. Kov.S,lSSl. 1 was a great sufferer Irom Oy3pepsia,antl lor several weeks could eat nothing and was grow- ing weaker every day. I tried ltrowu'.s Iron Klltcra, unit am happy to sny I now have u good appetite, ami am getting strong er. Jos. McCawlev. Bkown's Ikon BrrTF.ns is not a drink and doe? not contain whisky. It is tho only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious effects. Get the genuine. Don't bj imposed on with imitations. Forsalu wholesale and retail by II.iI. COCI1-U.&- Oruggl-ot- , H7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancanter H riDNKV-WOR- T Has been proved tho surest enro lor KIDNEY DISEASES. Hoes a lamo hack or disordered urine intll-eii'- o i hut you are it victim T THEN III) NOT II ESITATE ; use Kidney-Wortaton- (drng-gNt- - recomnientl it ) and it will speedily over- come the d'si-:i- ami restore healthy action. 1 orlioa 'or complaints peculiar to JLlcliUoD. your sox. such r.s pain and weaknjsses, Kidney-Wo- rt is nnsurp.wcd, a- - it w ill act promptly and salely. Either sex. Incontinence, retention ofurine, brick dust or ropy deposits, antl d nil. dragging pains, all speedily yield to its curative powt-r- . S()LI IIV ALL UUUGtaSTS. lTlce, I. KIDNEY-VORT.- 0 Aclsatthe same time on tho Kidnov., Liver and ISowcN. ' TSMS." cc ISMS." THE WOU8T "ISM" TO-IA- IS RHEUMATISM. RHEUMATISM. IN THE HACK CURED HV 1'ERIiY DAVIS'S PALY KILL Kit. RHEUMATISM IN THE KNEES ccitan nv PERU Y lh HS'S PALY KILL Eli. RHEUMATISM IN TIIE MUSCLES cenr.n by PE11UY DAVIS'S PALY KILLER. KIIEUMATISM OK LONU STANDING cureo nv VEURY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RII EUHATIC SUFFER KKS, buy of ANY OHUCtjilsT Perry Davis's Pain Killer. i!eel-lui(t&- KAlLKOAtiS. THE GREAT Burlington Route t:hiego, Bnrllngton & nincy K. K. (Miicagro, Ifnrllngton A; niticy IU K. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLT FAVORITE FROM C H I C A GO OR P E 0 R I A TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and RKST line to St. .losepli, Atcliinson, Topeka, Doniaon, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, ca, Missouri, Kansas, Kuw Mexico, Ari- zona, Montana anil TeTsw. This ronto has no superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis antl St. l'aul. Nationally reputed as being tho GREAT THROUGH CAIt LINE. Universally concoded to be the REST EQUIPPED Railroad In tho world for nil 'lasses ol travel. All connectlon.-- i made In Union depots. Try It and you will find trawling nluvury instead of a tllscouilort. Through tickets via this celebrated lino lor tfUo at all offices In the U. S. and Canada. All Information about rates or rare, fclowpin ? Cara, etc., cheerfully given by FKKCKVAL, LOWKI.L, Ucneral Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. I.J.POTTKK, .Ml Vice l'res. & Gen. Manager, Chicago, 111. JOUH . A. BEAN ,Oen. Eastern Agt., 317 Rroadway, 306 Washington St. Njt.v Yokk. Bostoh, Mass. navl-lvdJt- w fllWO SMALL. IIASD-aAU- B HAVANA L Cigars lor 5 cents nt ilAKTMAN'S YELLOW FItONT CKSAR STORE. DJtTOOOVS. Wana maker's. Silk novelties innumerable and indescribable. Everything that ladies or dressmakers have occasion for in matching; deco- rating, combining. What we are remarkable for, more than for anything else in silks, is va- riety ; or, at least, we are re- puted so. You hear it said by everybody: "If you want to match anything, or find a rare silk, even an unexpectable one, go to WanamakerV The other peculiarity that everybody expects to find here is less pleasant to speak of; lower prices.. We put it second, because there are prop1'- - who don't credit us with lower prices. Still, we imagine that if one should assert the con- trary, almost everybody in I'hil adelphia would believe ii. Oftener we speak of other aspects of our trade ; aspects less obvious or less recognized. It is well occasionally to give old news. Ncxt-onte- r circle, south entrance to main building. Warm skirts for ladies, and leggings for ladies, girls and lit- tle girls. The warm skirts are satin, satin-and-clot- h, satin-and-fel- t, satin-and-Itali- an -- cloth, and Italian, all quilted; cloth, flannel and felt prettily trimmed, not quilted, warm enough without. The leggings are all sorts ; one very useful and fairly pretty sort, woven, at two-thir- ds value, 25 to 65 cents. West or south entrance to nvilii building. Furs have to be thought of. We're busy enough as to mak- ing. If we advertise at all, we ought to say what will not op- press us with too much making. Perhaps this it is. A great many seal coats and fur-lin- ed circu- lars are ready-mad- e. More sizes are ready-mad- e here than anybody expects; especially the unexpected sizes. Ready-mad- e work we can make in July. Why shouldn't we make all the shapes and sizes ready-mad- e ? l.Kl.: Chestnut. Black satin rhademaes and satin de Lyons, 25 to 35 cents below our own recent prices, of all grades from $1 to 2 ; and we guess our prices haven't been very high; have they? NtiVt'Oiiter circle, south entranro to main building. Wool serge embroidered with sitk dots that ought to sell for $1.50 no diat isn't the way to put it; it ought to sell according to our theory, for just as little as wc can afiord ; and that is 75 cents. Look out for such now. It's time for over-buyin- g and all sorts of mistakes to show them- selves. We try to keep ready to turn other folk's mistakes to account for ourselves and for you. Third circle, oulli'i-'- t from c. , JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut. Thirteenth ami Markt-- I itreftt) anil City-hu- ll Miu:r-- t riiiludcii.hlu. MUHIVAT. INHTKVMEXTS. -- 1TUS1C BOXKS. C. GAUTSOHI & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF i Music Boxes, STE. CROIX and GENEVE, SWITZERLAND- - Salesrooms, lOiS Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Wo offer during, the holidays a large importation pf the finest Quality High Olaao Musical Boxes, at our Swiss factory price, with only advance of froteht and import duty. Circular and Prico List oil application . ' An early call will givatirco lor good selec- tion. -- ulJ-tuV LINK lr I.OKIt.LAKU'S AVV.l.U nud other Hrht-cl.ts- s brands Ut IIARTJIAN'S YKLLOW FRONT CIGAR STOKE.; S". m i 1

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Page 1: Lancaster Daily Intelligencer. (Lancaster, PA) 1882-12-12 [p ]....Fine TowoIh and Linens; also Gentlemen's Neckwoar, Glovee, &o No. 25 West King Street. JM.IWS WIIXSON. BOUSE! JTVMUillilllNU

" 4S - v v ' '.

(mVolumn XIX- - --Xo 87. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1882. Price Two Cents.




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CHRISNos, 26 and 28 NORTH





We have now open an Line of Choice New Goods, suitable and useful forGifts either for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys Girls.

We have Everything Marked Very Low.



No. East


New liFvcta Imported Woistcds Basket, Diagonal and weave, Blue, Green and Black.New effects Silks Mixed English, Cheviots fashionableNew effects Cheviots, fashionablo colors.Now effects Imported Overcoating, London Beavers, English Meltons, Kerseys and tho Niggeihca'






Our ttook this season embraces great variety goods for




Fine TowoIh and Linens; also Gentlemen's Neckwoar, Glovee,&o

No. 25 West King Street.






Elegant Silver-Plate- d Knives, Silver-Plale- d Spoon', Silvcr-Platc- tl Forks, &e.


j'z.v3ii:ixa aniU1IN I.. AKNUI.ll.J


FOR PRESENTtho most brilliant and useful prcsont you could mako. from

$1.00 $200.00 each. Wo havo few

Sconces with Beveled for

Largest stock Fino Globes, Lights, Lights. Call and thoFino Window Display. LOW. PRICES LO W.

Nos. 11, 13 16 East Pa.STOCKS.


20, 50,Those dolrlnjr to inako money on small

medium Investments In j?niin, provisionsstock speculations, operating onmirplau. Krom May 1881, todata, on investments to $1,000 cash

realized paid to Invest-ors amounting to several limes originalInvestment. J'rottts paid first of everymonth, still leaving original invest-ment making money or payable onKxplanatory circulars statements ot lundW sent free. want responsible agents whowill report on crops introduce plan.Liberal commissions paid,

FLEMBONG &Commission Merchants Major Rlock,

iu'J-ly- d

WtlOK, ATTOIINEY. RAMOfltco irom 06 North Duke

street to STREET, immedi-ately Kfar Court House, Long's Newiintlding. ml7-tl-d





kok nvEitvnouY, 00000000000000000000000000000AT I'OIMJLUt I'llICES.


No. 25 EAST


ElegantChristmas or






iii in Birdeyc inin in all Scotch in allin in popular '


9.a of suitable












A CHRISTMAS ?Tlioy are I liavothcm

to aMirrors. Jardinercs Window Flowers.

STANDING MIRRORS.o( Newal Reading see


JOHN L. ARNOLD,and Orange Street, - Lancaster,


10, 100.amiami

can Uo so by1, tho present

ot $10prolilsliavebccu and


demand.j and

Woand tho




No. 41 GIIANTIn of




aas t'liximi.




Carpet Manufactory,Having undertaken to manufacture RAG

mid CHAIN OARl'KTS, wholesale, 2,000 yanlsper week, I am now prepared to sell my entirestock of

Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian



to make rootn and give my entire attention towholesale trailo of my own manufacturedgoods. I'lease call early.


Cor. West King and Water Sts.









oo noqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Gr I !F T S ,



King Street, Lancaster


In connection with our StormGoat, mentioned last week, wehave large commodious Ulsters,adapted to car conductors anddrivers, who of all persons em-

ployed out of doors, need warmheavy wraps to protect themfrom the cold.


A. 0. YATES & CO.,

Ledger Building, Chestnut & S'xih Sis.



Our Price List.

Hen's Heavy Wool Mixed Suits. . .!? 8.00Men's HcavyBrown Twilled Suits, 10.00Men's Heavy Steel Mixed Suits.. 10.00Men's AH-Wo- ol Casimerc Suits.. 12.00Men's Brown & Blue Heaver Over-

coats 18.00Men's Black Beaver Overcoats. . 11.00Men's Plaid Back Beaver Over-- 13.00

coats 1 3.00Men's Plaid Back t'assimere Over-

coats 13.00Men's Heavy Unllned Overcoats. . 7.50

All of Our Own Manufacture.

D. B. istetter & Son



CaTAKBU IS CAUSED BYSOMETIMES or inspiration ot irritatingdust, tumea awl vapors, whether by accidentor in tho pursuit ot ordinary avocations.

Diseased ot the Ey, Ear and Throat also,Cancers. Tumors, Skin and Chronic Diseasessuccessfully treated by

DRS. II. D. and M. A. LONG A1CER,Office : 13 East Walnut street, Luncas i r, l'aConsultation free. till ;t i

VIOAKH. JlrOK 25 UTS,CONNECTICUT old Mock Connecticut to-bacco) at




A New Short J'.oute to the West Additionto rhiladelphta'ri Field Tor Traffic

Twenty AtilllouH KxMiu!itare.The next few years will likely witness a

great impetus iu railroad development inthis fctate. Alicady there are being builtlinksof a new chain of railroads from theeastern part of the state towards thoOhio liuc, through CliutoD, Clearfield,and other counties of Central Pennsylva-nia, developing the vast coal interestslodgod there. IleMden t bis another throughline, parallel with tho P. It. R. is contem-

plated. We find the following compre-

hensive account of it in tho PhiladelphiaInquire;' :

Jt is expee'ed that tho Sou'Ji Petmsil-vani- a

railroad will bo put under contractat an cailyday, tho sutvays having beencompleted a'.oig the entiie route, whichis one that has lcquired inticli ' heroicenginceiing." Tho load, as is generallyknown, is now uuder tho control of whatis called the Vandcibilt clique in XewYork. Robeit H. Say to, esq., of Bethle-hem, former vice president and m.usagrrof the Lvhigh Val'c-- y jaii oad, is acting anpresident ui tho company, and Mr. II.MeKav Twotabley, :i son in-la- of Mr.

V. ll. Vandtvbilr, is the financial manager.

It is fiecly asserted by the parties iu in- -

trrcst that ail tin tiionuy, between fifteenand twenty millions, nettled to completetho load is in baud. As surveed, thoroatl luns iu a straight lino, thnty-iiv- o

miles, fiom Ilarrishurg to Kvcrctt, for-merly Bloody Run, paE.ung along tiie topridge of tho, and through li'otunnels, about live miles anil a quarter Wall, varrying iu length from a quaiter o amile to one tnilo and a tpiarler, pas&iugHurut Cabins, Sideling and Ray's lullmountains to tho v.tllt-- ot Jirush cicelr,which it ttaveises on a giddy tivstlewoik, thence to tho valley of the Juni.tta,along which it coutiuues westwaid toRedlord, Somerset, ConuelLsviile, Uniontown and Wheeling, with a branch linodirect to 1'ittsbuigh.

The route traverses a large aiea in thosouth and southwestern portion of thastate including Dauphin, Perry, Cumber-land, Fiankliu, Fuito:i, Redfotii, fco.ncrsetFayette, Wcstinorelaud, Greeu and Alle-gheny counties. One of tho great advan-tages of tho road consists in its shoiteniugtho distance between HarrisDurg andPittsbuigh Irani foity to sixty miles audmaking a dilleieuce of not less than onebundled miles to travelers betweeu NewYork and Chicago. Engineers and othersversed iu lailroad construction es.inatethe cost of the road, not calcul ting thecost of its tunnels piercing Ray's hill audtho Allcghenies, and its maguiliccntbiidgcscver tho Susquehanna, the Juni-atn- ,

tho Tuc.irora and the Ohio, at $100,-0)- 0

a mile.The corpoiatc s!le and title of thcpicr-o- nt

organization iu tho South Peunsylvailia railroad company, which is not to beconfounded, ho it rcmembeied, with thoSouthern Pennsylvania- lailroad, uhic'ioccupies a near tfiiitory. Tho organisa-tion has been pcifcutcd under a chatteroriginally granted by tho PennsylvaniaAssembly in 1854. The corporation wasoriginally organized shortly after its crea-tion by the Assembly, a sullicif nt sum paidiu to secure its franchises, and a routesurveyed under the able diiection of Cok-n- el

James Worrol, one of the las-- of thosofamous enginteis whose skill and wisdomdevised tho existing great routes of travelacross the state, under difficulties almostinsuperable. lie was contemporary withWirt Robinson mid his brother, Moncure,to whoso skill wc owe tho inimitable enginceriug as far as grades and lines aroconcerned of tho Philadelphia & Readingrailroad ; also with Mr. J. Edgar Thomp-son aud John Wilson, the pi tsent chiefengineer of tho Pennsylvania lailroad ;

with J. II. Latrobe, whoso monument ex-

ists in tho Baltimore & Ohio railroad, andwith Milnor Roberts, Ashbel Welsh andothers whose names and works arc wiittcnwithS pen of steel on the surface of theKtate.

Tho lines drawn then had already becudevised by Colonel Worrel at the incep-tion of tho state works half a century agoand placed on record, and known to en-

gineers as the Slahtcrback survej. Thol or. to then contemplated now surveyedand scon to approach completion, wasalmost direct through Sherman's valleyto Bcdfoid, aud thence to tho Ohio liverat Wheeling, with a biunchto Pittsburgh.

Tho date of the first incorporation wasMarch 5, 1851, under tho title of thoDuncanuon, Laudisburg and Broad Toprailroad company, which namo was, bysubsequent legislation, changed to that of' The Sherman's Valley and Broad Top

railroad company,'' alterward to thatof "Tho Pennsylvania Pacific railroadcompany," and later still to "ThoSouth Pennsylvania railroad company,"aud the original act may bo found in thepamphlet laws for 1S80, page G08. Sup-plemental lcgHat ion was also had at thefollowing dates. May 5, 1835 ; February,25, 1850 ; May 12, 1857 ; Match 31, 185!) ;February 12, 1S02 ; April 1, 18G5 ; August10. 18C-- 1 ; February IS, 1869.

During that entire period tho organiswas kept alivo under tho manage-

ment of able lawyers, and repeated cft'ort3were made after surveys had been pro-pare- d

and estimates obtained to seenrothe aid of capital for tho completion of thoroad. Prior to the war it was at onotimodeemed almost a certainty that tho

backed by a wealthy syndicateof English capitalists, would complete thoundertaking ; but tho comparative infancyof railroad traffic then, as compared withits condition of tho present day, renderedquick aud largo returns improbable, andthe succcssivo linancial disturbances of1837 aud 1839 dispelled any hope of to

assistance from that or any otherquarter. Tho civil war, with its vaiiedfinancial history of encouragement anddepression to great enterprises, followed,and the southern counties of Pennsylvaniabeyond tho Susquehanna were almostabandoned to tho frequent attempts ofBaltimoro capital to make inroads in whatrightfully belonged to Philadelphia whilotho lines looking to the northern border oftho state proved attractive (among othersto Sir Morton Peto and his associates, andthe oil developments in tho northwest), toinsure the completion of railroad enter-prises that more than satisfied the desiresof the most sanguine when they did notinsure (as to many they did) a heavy loss.

In this state of affairs the counties ofFulton, Bedford, Somerset, Fayette,Westmoreland and Washington, in thoabsence of any facilitlosof railroad com-munication with the East, were compelledto fall back upon side lines and branchconnections with Baltimoro and Pitts-burgh.

About a year ago capitalists in searchof investments wcro attracted to tho richand 'almost virgin fields of mineral, sylvanand agricultural wealth iu the abovo coun-ties, invaded the territory iu force, heardcolonel Worrell's unanswerable argu-ments ps to tho certainty of largo and im

mediate returns upon the comparativelysmall investments required to complete arailroad, first-clas- s in all its appointments,and, working quietly, without attrading the attention of tte worldat large, took the field in November, 1881,with the largest force, ever, perhaps, putupon a railroad of like dimensions, underthe direction of Mr. Oliver Barnes, a wellknown engineer, formerly ot Philadelphia.Win. F. Shunk, identified with the Elevated railroad construction in 'New Yorkcity, and others, and with the services ofColonel Worrel and General T. E. Sickels,of tho Union Pacific railroad, as consult-ing engineers, supported by a corps of thefinest engineering

"talent, at an expense of

over 500,000. The offices of the com-pany are in the Mills building, in Broadstreet, New York city, and tho formeroffices of the Northern' Central railroadcompany in Ilarrishurg.

They "pulverized" tho country iromIlarrisburg to Wheeling, ruuning linesthrough Cumberland, Sherman and othervalleys, crossing tho Tuscaroras, Allo-gheu- ies

and spurs of. tho Blue ridge, andcutting across mountain ranges, in tholower crypts of which still Ho, untouchedby the baud of mau, immenso trcasuros ofmarble, fire-cla- coal aud iron.

The road thus surveyed, the course ofwhich wa.s indioatcd at tho opening ofthis article, will, a" already said, soon beput under contract for construction, and,it is confidently expected, will be inactive operation within two years. Thotrack is to be laid double with stool rails,scvonty-liv- o pounds to tho yard, alreadypurchased, at a cost of forty-tw- o tloilaisper ton, and it is beliovcd that a saving ofthirty per cent, wili bo effected, at thepresent prices of labor, over tho estimatesmade a year ago, by pushing ou the greatwork to completion with all possible ra-


A man is wiser for lii-- i learning, and thesooner Ihj learns that tho only pioiier way tcmo it t oiili or CoM, is to use Dr. Hull'sCough Syruj, the belter i.c is olt.

J"Men condemn in others wlmt tlu-- y

flifcictieo tlieinselvf.s.' Tiio-- c who )ructlru thuus'--, ol Kidney-Wor- t nrver condemn its line bvothcis. but commend it to all ullcoted withiiic:, dyspepsia, constipation and nil other

diM'iiscs lcsnltim; trotu ;i disordered stuto ofkidney, liver or bowels.

4Sli;imoinl Dyes ate so perfect and solieautitul that It is 11 ploasuie to use them.Kqually good lor dark or light colora. lOcts.

?mtou's curb wili. Imnifedialciy relieveCroup, Whooping Cough mid KroiicliItU, For

by II. 15. Cocluan, druggidt, Ml and 139North Quieu street.

The verdict alter an impartial trial TheCelluloid Kye-- li lasses will stand len timesmore abuse than any other. For sale by allleading Jewelers and Optician".

Wui. II. Midlam, ilariisburg, l'a , .ays :' Itrown'i Iron iSittcrs spccdilj cured moot anervous affection of the stomach." For saleby II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l."K Noithtjuecn sireet. till lwtl&w

Jlr. J. Marsh Ilanlc, ofTorouto, Ont., writes:"iSilliousuess ami dyspepsia stecm lo havegrown up with me ; having been usutl'eier foryears, I have tried many remedies, but withno lasting result until I used your i.nrdocklilood bitters. They have been truly a hies9ingto me, and 1 cannotspcak too highly ot them."I'ricujl. For sale by II. 15. Cochran druggist.137 and 133 Noith Queen ttreet.

Tl!K IlKV. .KO. II. '1 IIAVKIt, Ot ISOlll'OOn, lllll.,siy-- i : "Until myself and witu own our lives toSiiiloii's Consumption Cuku. For sale by II. 1.Co liran, dmggist, 137 ::ntl l"!i North Queenstreet

i.uvo Your Neighbor.When your fiiend or neighbor is iaboiing

iimier bodily alllletion, indigestion, bilious-ncs-- ',constipation, caused by impurity of

blood, or tlisou'ers ol the kidneys or liver,don't Mil to recommend Hurdocic Ulonil l!it-tei- s,

a suit: and remedy. I'riee $!. Forale by 11. II. Cochran, l.7 and 13) North

(iiieen street.

Shilou'3 Cataiumi kkmudy a positive eurolor catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker Month.For sale by 11. It. Cochran, diuggi.t, 137 andl.Kl North uueen street.

Walnut l,e:if ll-.n- r t&etttoror.It i- - entirely dlllerentlroui all others. It is

us clear as water, and, as its name indicate",is a perfect Vegetable Uasr Itestoror. tt willimmediately tret; the head irom nit dar.tirutt,icstorugiay hair to its natuial color ami pro-duct: a new growth where it has lallenott".It docs not iu any manner ellecc tho health,which Sulphur, Sugar of l,eid and N Unite olbilver prcpaiations have done. It will change,light or faded hair in a few days to a btitntitnlglossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Kachbottle is warranted. &311T1I, KL.1NK CI'.,Wholesale Agents, I'hiladelphia, and II AM.t 1CUCKKI., Now York. jniiO lyd.eodJtw




OHINA HALLWo iitv ilfeitlaylng a voiy largo lino ot








Ac, cheaper tha-- i ever before.

These Gootls arc suitable lor usefulCHRISTMAS PRESENTS,

fee them before making your purchases.

High & Martin,15 EAST KING STREET.


"Y7-ai.- KI.K AMI USKFUr.

PRESENTSSpectacles, Eyo Glasses,

Claudo Lorraine Mirrors,Spy Glasses, Field Glasses

Kaleidoscopes, Telescopes,Stereoscopes, Opera Glasses,

Grapboscopes, Microscopes,Drawing: Instruments,

Thermometers, Barometers,Magic Lanterns,

Celestial and Terrestlal Globes,'Pocket Compasses,

Sets Philosophical Appatatus,Model steam Engines,

Sets of Chemical Apparatus,Pedomitora,

Gold Charm CompassesCatalogues as follows, 9ent on application :

Part 1st Mathematical Instrument , 1C2 pages" 2d Optical Istrauienta, - 1S8 '' 3d Magic Lanterns and Vicirs,159 '

' 4th Physical instruments, - 183 '" 5th MeteorologicallDstrumcntsl') "


024 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.




That is what a great many peoplearo doing. They don't know justwhat is tho matter, but they have acombination of pains and aches, andoaeh month thoy grow worse.

The only sure remedy yet found islirown'.s Iron Bitters, aud this byrapid and thorough assimilation withtho blood purifies aud enrichos it, andrich, strong blood flowing to overyp.trt of tho system repairs tho wastedtissue., diives out dise.v?' anlive-liealt- h

and btren"th.

Tliis is why Broivn's Iron l)iilrwa.s cure kidney and livor diseao ,

consumption, rheumatism, ueuralgi..dyspepsia, malaria, intermittentfevers, &c.

203 . I'aca St. Il.iUiinon;.Kov.S,lSSl.

1 was a great sufferer IromOy3pepsia,antl lor several weekscould eat nothing and was grow-ing weaker every day. I triedltrowu'.s Iron Klltcra, unit amhappy to sny I now have u goodappetite, ami am getting stronger. Jos. McCawlev.

Bkown's Ikon BrrTF.ns is not adrink and doe? not contain whisky.It is tho only preparation of Iron thatcauses no injurious effects. Get thegenuine. Don't bj imposed on withimitations.

Forsalu wholesale and retail by II.iI. COCI1-U.&-

Oruggl-ot- , H7 and 139 North Queenstreet, Lancanter



Has been proved tho surest enro lor

KIDNEY DISEASES.Hoes a lamo hack or disordered urine intll-eii'- o

i hut you are it victim T THEN III) NOTII ESITATE ; use Kidney-Wortaton- (drng-gNt- -

recomnientl it ) and it will speedily over-come the d'si-:i- ami restore healthy action.

1 orlioa 'or complaints peculiar toJLlcliUoD. your sox. such r.s pain and

weaknjsses, Kidney-Wo- rt is nnsurp.wcd, a- -

it w ill act promptly and salely.Either sex. Incontinence, retention ofurine,

brick dust or ropy deposits, antl d nil. draggingpains, all speedily yield to its curative powt-r- .


Aclsatthe same time on tho Kidnov., Liverand ISowcN.

' TSMS."












Perry Davis's Pain Killer.i!eel-lui(t&-




Burlington Route

t:hiego, Bnrllngton & nincy K. K.(Miicagro, Ifnrllngton A; niticy IU K.




The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and RKST lineto St. .losepli, Atcliinson, Topeka, Doniaon,Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, ca,

Missouri, Kansas, Kuw Mexico, Ari-zona, Montana anil TeTsw.

This ronto has no superior for Albert Lea,Minneapolis antl St. l'aul. Nationally reputedas being tho GREAT THROUGH CAIt LINE.

Universally concoded to be the RESTEQUIPPED Railroad In tho world for nil'lasses ol travel.

All connectlon.-- i made In Union depots.Try It and you will find trawling nluvury

instead of a tllscouilort.Through tickets via this celebrated lino lor

tfUo at all offices In the U. S. and Canada.All Information about rates or rare, fclowpin ?

Cara, etc., cheerfully given byFKKCKVAL, LOWKI.L,

Ucneral Passenger Agent, Chicago, III.I.J.POTTKK,

.Ml Vice l'res. & Gen. Manager, Chicago, 111.

JOUH . A. BEAN ,Oen. Eastern Agt.,317 Rroadway, 306 Washington St.

Njt.v Yokk. Bostoh, Mass.navl-lvdJt- w

fllWO SMALL. IIASD-aAU- B HAVANAL Cigars lor 5 cents nt



Wana maker's.

Silk novelties innumerableand indescribable. Everythingthat ladies or dressmakers haveoccasion for in matching; deco-rating, combining. What weare remarkable for, more thanfor anything else in silks, is va-riety ; or, at least, we are re-puted so. You hear it said byeverybody: "If you want tomatch anything, or find a raresilk, even an unexpectable one,go to WanamakerV

The other peculiarity thateverybody expects to find hereis less pleasant to speak of;lower prices.. We put it second,because there are prop1'- - whodon't credit us with lowerprices. Still, we imagine thatif one should assert the con-

trary, almost everybody in I'hiladelphia would believe ii.

Oftener we speak of otheraspects of our trade ; aspectsless obvious or less recognized.It is well occasionally to giveold news.Ncxt-onte- r circle, south entrance to main


Warm skirts for ladies, andleggings for ladies, girls and lit-

tle girls. The warm skirts aresatin, satin-and-clot- h, satin-and-fel- t,

satin-and-Itali- an -- cloth, andItalian, all quilted; cloth, flanneland felt prettily trimmed, notquilted, warm enough without.The leggings are all sorts ; onevery useful and fairly prettysort, woven, at two-thir- ds value,25 to 65 cents.West or south entrance to nvilii building.

Furs have to be thought of.We're busy enough as to mak-ing. If we advertise at all, weought to say what will not op-

press us with too much making.Perhaps this it is. A great manyseal coats and fur-lin- ed circu-lars are ready-mad- e. Moresizes are ready-mad- e here thananybody expects; especially theunexpected sizes. Ready-mad- e

work we can make in July.Why shouldn't we make all theshapes and sizes ready-mad- e ?

l.Kl.: Chestnut.

Black satin rhademaes andsatin de Lyons, 25 to 35 centsbelow our own recent prices, ofall grades from $1 to 2 ; andwe guess our prices haven'tbeen very high; have they?NtiVt'Oiiter circle, south entranro to main


Wool serge embroidered withsitk dots that ought to sell for$1.50 no diat isn't the way toput it; it ought to sell accordingto our theory, for just as littleas wc can afiord ; and that is 75cents.

Look out for such now. It'stime for over-buyin- g and allsorts of mistakes to show them-selves. We try to keep readyto turn other folk's mistakes toaccount for ourselves and foryou.Third circle, oulli'i-'- t from c.

, JOHN WANAMAKER.Chestnut. Thirteenth ami Markt-- I itreftt) anil

City-hu- ll Miu:r-- t riiiludcii.hlu.




Music Boxes,STE. CROIX and GENEVE,


Salesrooms, lOiS Chestnut St.,


Wo offer during, the holidays alarge importation pf the finestQuality High Olaao Musical Boxes,at our Swiss factory price, withonly advance of froteht and importduty. Circular and Prico List oilapplication . '

An early call will givatirco lor good selec-tion. --


LINK lr I.OKIt.LAKU'SAVV.l.U nud other Hrht-cl.ts- s brandsUt IIARTJIAN'S YKLLOW FRONT



