labbot, andover stage of chapel...

TeCochran Chapel 'Pirates' Notice Sunday will be Dr. Howard will be presented for the stu- Thurman, of Howard University. det nSt£ay pi 2a The serice will begin at the_____ u s u al ti m e , 1 1 A~~~~~~~~~~~~ M .* * . :3 0in G e o ig e W a h in g to n H a ll. Established 1878 Vol. LXVIII, No. 23. PHILLIPS ACADEMY, - ANDOVER, MASS. APRIL 19, 1944 TL-n Cents DR. THU RMAN TO. SPEAK lProdigal P'hilolaches Caresses Beautiful P'hilematium 'lAbbot, Andover Stage AT P. A. STUDENT FORUM -"Pirates Of Penzance Post-War Peace, Race Problems Houston, Pratt, Brewster, Stevens - Topics for iscussion Sunday ToSa1etFidy&Stra Exeter, Milton, Thayer Academy, Groton, and St. Paul's will be the guests of Andover Sunday at an all-day forurn At 8:30 o'clock Friday evening, the first performance oi to discuss post.war international qu~stions and social, re- the long-awaited "Pirates of Penzance" will be presented by ligious, and racial problems. At 9:30 a group of Philo mem- the combined musical clubs of Abbot and Phillips Academy. bers will make short speeches on international problems, inThr will be a second performance on Saturday night, at the debate room of Bulfinch. In the afternoon another group 8:30, especially for the undergraduates and their guests. of boys will iscuss racialprob- _____________________________ '~Tickets for eer performance may be purchased after lunch lems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the commnins r at Williams The outstanding feature of thisLa gu e Exams Hl rm Wl orneo o Sunday's conference will be DDR R. u g W ES hGAT IvWillamson. ho are also handling Howard Thurman, Dean of the Coming T publicity Only sixty-cent~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pbliity Onl sity-en Chapel at Howard University, '' TO JOIN BROOKS!tcesn e.hwvr o h Washington. D. C., who will preach Dove, Aiken Exams at the morning chapel service Sun- LtnIsrco ilTeoeet ilb odce day morning and will conduct a Offer Prizes of $20 Lai Isrutr il h DoprePtt illhe ondthedn forum meeting at 4:30 unday af- Duigtidn etwefv -et (over musical department, and M1r telrnoon in the Meeting Room Of. Di!.r WlrdWetae i Howe. of Abbot. Ac3mpaniment George Washington Hall. The sub- priz exrsaiaton wpill0 lopieive structor in Latin here for nine will be furnished on two grand ject of his talk in the afternoon Oxntisdy Ail 20, coeiivenfrte 4Years. will leave this coming ep- pianos. b~y Dr. Fit th and M.Nr Fill- will be the "Relation, of Religion toex intoswlbegefrth ) tember- to assume a position as Di- mo10 e In cha-ge of direction and the Geat Social Problems of To- DoePien Latin mad ort n Va-r ector of the Latin and Greek De- otm'ai MisahofAb, day." The two Wey Prize inLainC mpoin.- . partment at Brooks School. His de-; l Cobb. i Cchran and Dr. Dy. Thurman is one of the Iet Thetoi WLseyn Pie xaic - isParure will, of coui-se. be a great G(i ew The all-important stage crew known Negi-o educators in America aptio SinL an one o whcUpper_________________________________ loss to Andove-, for 1)0th he and i headed by manager-s Woodie today. He has, been in great de-opntSeiisndneoUpe his wife are vei-y popular with the Stocku ell and' Fi ed Meacham. and tnMiddlers, will be distributed Before the horrified eyes of Sapha (I. DP. May), a elderly maid,- aut n tdn oy teir assistants. Bob Cushing. Jus- mand as a lectu-e- and preacher tnIiFclyan tdn oy -collges nd scoolsthrouhoutApril 24. Te John Aiken Prize Ex- the glamorous ex-slave Philematium (D. . Killam) responds to the af Ben apotdin3asI- tin Gale. Danny Lyn~e, Johnny Ryan. the coutiy. H will lave Ho ard mation in German will be held fectionate embrace of Philolaches (J. C. Farrar) who shares his admira- structor in Latin. Dr. Westgate has BbTir.Ca i ern n University at the end of this col- o pi 5 tion with pretty Deiphiurn (G. N. Meeks) as Callidam ates (C. H. Quinby) filled his position well. Also he Geoi ge JeNett. Handling the prop- lege year to become pastor of a The Dove Latin Prize Examina- reclines in a drunken stupor at the Latin Players' presentation of Plau- tagtAcetIsoydrn h ertie- ae manage- John Shepard, interracial chuirch in California. tion will be held in Pearson on tus' "Mostellaria" last Friday. scolya- f13 n 97 d-Don Stei ling. and Alfred Lanes. Some years ago Dr. Thurman and Thursday, Api-il 20, at 7: 1~~~~ p. m: ed to histo ciediteisthis h foundingiof Of I hetthitheeettniiaeeleads.,AAla his wife visited India as represen- It is open to Seniors only and offers -u the Latin Players (1938), which I Houston again takes the spotlight, te MofC A.e Whie iisnda he pis.Ts i te six tenthnfv op- Open DooreiI i~have recently presented "Mostel- playing the pat of abel, beautiful thesM of the Studen diio of parzeTs tey, tentn fv eo- Dtarcntmeior th A- M o te l' laiia, a comedy accepted with and tendel-healted heroine. The was asked to speak before many tition for the Dove Latin prizes. A eetmeigo h d gieat aproval b)y P. A. students. D. Part of Ruth. middle-aged love of groups and to meet with many Last year, the first prize was won visory Boad. Sherwood Stock- re e teW~estgate has also coached Club hero Federick. is played by Pamela leadei-s in the educational and polit- byRcad SilyMra f welwsr-lce edoh Y soccei and J. V. hockey His fiist Clai-k. while Betty Coulson and ical world. He spent several houi-s Piinceton, N. J. The Valpey Prize Open Door Committee. Also elec- tw~o ear-s as instructor at n- Gietchen Fuller- will take the parts with ahatm Ganhi indiscusionexamination will be held at the - oe eesetas s os-o dt n ae with Mahatma Gandhi in discussionted were W. Whitney, S. Dickey, Iai l y r oe ~r pn loa os-o dt n ae of the problems 1both of India and same time in Pearson G. This is the R.YugC.Kn.JHemn La i Pl r mastei at Ameiica House. FromI Ben Bi ewste-. well emembered of the Negi-o in Amer'ica. He and forty-ninth competition for the Val- . 1937 41 he lived at Adams Hall until for his last yeai-'s role of Mikado, Mrs. Thurman visited also Rabin- pey Prize; which is ten dollars. It is M.N. Lazo, and N. Williams. Plautus' Ancient Play hie took up residence at his own will be the amazingly versatile Ma- dranath Tagoi-e, the. gi-eat Indian open only to members of the UpperGiven I Latin Prose house on Highland Road. jor- Genet-al. while John P. Stevens philosopher and poet. Middle class. John Curtis Farrar of Di-. Westgate was bornr instgate Ger-orn willeenactl theci-ole ofe thehenot-too- The meeting at George Wash- Scarborough, N. Y., was awarded RI FLE CLU B HAS Before Big Audience man East Africa, now Tanganyika smait. Piiate King. Dave Thaw ington Hallon Sunday s the clos tAN NrUALlaMATCeHr.You meat-ball, phew! think Territo-y, and received his school- and Harry Reid will play the parts lng meeting of the one-day confeir- The Wolsey Prize examination youstik."WitMthseHngI ng in England, Ireland; and later of Samuel. pirate lieutenant, and ence to be held under the auspices for excellence in the translation of Ciaigascesu er h o tn. ihteeEgihi aitn naiadWni egato oie epciey of the Society of Inqui-y, Circle A, Latin prose into idiomatic English, Cimxnasucsflyi-th woi-ds, Plautus's "Mostellaria," this ing Haiton, Ondtaind f irni theienofPlc.isptvey Philo, and the PHILLIPIAN. All and in Latin prose composition will Rifle Club will conduct its Annual year's dramatic psentationy of thepe.lanitoba rdain from he Thne o of the'ite ofdPelivn-s members of the student body and be held in Samuel Phillips Hall, Membei-s' Match during the week Latin Players, began ts harrowingUneriyoMatban194hezce'nefGiettndSlvns held for a yeai'nOe elwhp otscesu coe.i a n faculty are invited to heai' hini. Rom 7-8, on Monday, April 24, a beginning April 24. The National course before a capacity audience - nOe elwhpms ucesu ctei a n This meeting is also open to the 7:15. A prize of ten dollars is of- Rifle Association will awat-d a in George Washington Hall last in the Graduate School of the Uni- hunmotous one Briefly, it concerns townspeople of Andover and the fei'ed to the student of Latin 2 who niedal to the winner. Friday evening. The remainder of versity of Toronto. He then was a the young nian Frede-ick who in surrounding communities. wins the competition. The contest Each entrant to the contest wvill the play was developed entirely in Rfods whlre ae receied hislBge, 'Members, of the above organiza- was star'ted five years ago and has fiire five tai'gets in the prone posi- Ltnpoe-- ticed to a piate and, the famous tions will e given pefeience in been sustained (since 1940) by Mr. tion, two kneeling, and two stand- Floigain-dutnby r.n190ndhsM.in93.Te Pirates of Penzance "' The mistake attending the earlier discussions, and Mrs. Robert Wolsey. The prize ing. The winner will have the sat- Weerisitwihgeanoucee received his Ph.D.I was discovered too late, nd Freder- Others who wish to attend should ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fom Harvard in Classical Phil-'I gither h namsh to i'aldin shCotiudunlagd isfaction not only of victory but Dr. Westgate's departure at the ikugdbaseeofut,-s give~thei names toMr. Baldwn or Contnued on Pge 4 alsoof thendnwofdthethteae-ca"todnew tfields "of Continuedofon Pagenue4 otoPstay twithy theh piratesat untntllhii Tom McGbwan. pass any gunne-y course easily. nevr"'r odi lc.2s itdy Stylist Exhibitions ~Last year's victor was Janmes Van President of the New England Vastneb tr tot e verydy was f~v reedha. Stylist Exhibitions Classical ~~~~~~Association, delivereda Forum Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~Fleet, at present candidate for bi'ief speechs inwverLatinas incowhichthhe Forum Schedule ~~~~~~~~~West Point.biespchnLaninwche through some strange qrk of fate, Breakfast ......... ~... 8:45 Open at Art Gallery discussed the advantages of classi- Deet Ba frIFee-c a enbr nFbu Morning Discussion -... 9:15 Tw ne exiiinarcoigcucsdrs uprssth cal study. D. Westgate explained lai- 2th. lean year. and would not Chapel .................. 11:00 Twne exiiinarcongluosdrsts year an ex- the argument of the play and in- Drf of 'reachnhisr Afternoon Discussion ... 2. 15 to the Addison Gallei'y soon. The tremely successful one. The club terpi-eted the significance of the - ujc redc as then ored tl return first includes paintings by Alfired has enjoyed a membership of 107 War r IsSujc Fedrkwath fcdtoeun Refreshments (G.W.) ... 345~ stage set. asking the audience to Wr to the pirate band. wvhich compli- Main Speaker (G.W.) ... 4:30 H. Maurer, "Fauviste" stylist, and boys, the laigest experienced yet. imiagine a sign bearing the words Last Fiday he vairsity debating catedl matters. ince Frederick n __________________winner of the Carnegie prize of Also the marksmanship, though "Ad Rus" ("To the country") team won its second decision f ~Continued on Page 4 1901. The othei' group of paintings the perfect score of fifty has not which, he said, the sage crew had the ear. A teanm of Sterling.Aln_________ MR. MAYNARD GRANTED is by Julio de -Diego, Spanish atist been reached, has been consistently not got around to painting. -Ale LEAVE FOR SICKNESS who paints imaginative scenes of good.ProgsasteratodH- and McGowan defeated a teami of I LEAVE FOR SICKNESS Prologus, as the great god Her~~~~- three gir-ls at Bradford Junior Col- RIVETERS ACCLAIMED war. ~~~~~Again the orghnization has spon- cuiles, (R. S. Morgan in disg-uise), eeAdvr podn h fi--A PNN RGA Due to health reasons, Mr. Robeit Alfi'ed Mauireir was bor-n n 1888 sored a Basic Small Ams Firing welcomeddothevisitorsg and intro- Schoo. Fo' ths th schol wll - du ed thelyr vinior an nto ative of Resolved, That women A PNN RGA E. Maynard has been given leave in New Yoi'k. He studied at theScolFrthshecolwile-dedheparsn English verse should be dafted for wai woik," As a result o he ie-tt ovation of absence by the Trustees until National Academy of Design, and ceive a War Ser'vice Ceirtificate. which described each chairacter his recovery. The Faculty and the later went to Pats. There he The purpose of this nation-wide wvon by an audience vote of about the Ri'eters ieceived last Saturday studeilt body hope that his period turned aay from the influence of course is to raise the percentage ~ Continued on Page 4 90-25. night befoie the movies, they plan Of Illness and his convalescence Whistler and Sairgent, and favored of men who have handled guns pre- The teamn taveled to Haverhill to appear mot-e otten before the WilIlbe brief, the "Fauviste" mnoiement. He was viously to their en-trance to the ADVISORY BOARD with Mr McCarthy, and had dinner student body. Theti next scheduled -Mr. Maynaird is now resting at the first Aeirican to adopt this ai'med forces. The present average The Cheerleaders and . A ihtegrsbfr h eae hpd'~ is, Sait-rday. Api-il2. the ]Raker Memorial Hospital in style, is two persons from every hundi'ed. The debate was held in the audi- The Riveters, Andov er's own Boston, and his duties as House. Although Mai'ei's Paris woi'k To qualify, it is necessary not only Police wei-e augmeiited by the to1-m, and stai-ted at oclock. A swing band. are smialler in number iiaster atwekCheearsHad Woods House are being has been, lost, his later paintings to pass a written examination, but election of the following last crowd of wvell o ei a hundied peo- now thtan last yeat - but no less taken b Mrs. Mynard. o that is survve. The are exmples. f the aDickeysooB.frBrelstertiR.s Hatch: henrleinry-(Be-)adfoid, gainy.B attendedl. solid.d. Thelfivehemiv mberse whowplayede classes might continue unhindered excellent work that went mainly minimum of 200 points. -DRckaweo, Bi o.wtr A. HaoheiD Andover emphasized that f wo- last Saturday wet e. Buddy Berlin. bY hs absence, they 'have been' unrecognized by the public until One must score 245 to be ac- eR Landor W. aoodow A. Aolr D. ien wanted equal rights in peace saxaphoiie; Bill Graham. trombone; divided among the members of the after Maurer's death. cepted with a first class rating, be- Ole-(ead) . oodrow A. time they must be willing to sac- Ben Bewster at the piano. Dick Ilathematics Department. Also, Mr. Maurer, frustrated spiritually, tween 220 and 244, second class and B.olishopad . Br awell, rifice in war ime. Bradford argued Starke at the bass fiddle; and Ted Pleters has accepted temporarily and left alone by the death of hs from 200 to 219, third class. The Edman, R. McKim, E. Mead, C. that wvomen's place was in the Pearson tit the diunis The rendi- the position of Excusing Officer, father, killed himself in July, 1932. following boys were In the first Sagar, L. Ward. R. Welch, N. home. The debate w~as such a suc- tions were. "Green Booze," "Blue which was left open after the His work Is now recognized as out- class group: Allot, D. Beach, Pis- Wilson. and R. Young. cess that a return one has been Skies' -' Howv High the Moon." "Just Spring vacation, standing. ley, P. Roome, and C. Strong. _______________ tentatively planned a Jitreibug"-

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Page 1: lAbbot, Andover Stage Of Chapel 'Pirates' NoticeSunday will be Dr. Howard Thurman, of Howard University. will be presented for

TeCochran Chapel 'Pirates' NoticeSunday will be Dr. Howard

will be presented for the stu-Thurman, of Howard University. det nSt£ay pi 2a

The serice will begin at the_____

u s u al ti m e , 1 1 A~~~~~~~~~~~~ M .* * . :3 0 in G e o ig e W a h in g to n H a ll.

Established 1878


DR. THU RMAN TO. SPEAK lProdigal P'hilolaches Caresses Beautiful P'hilematium 'lAbbot, Andover StageAT P. A. STUDENT FORUM

-"Pirates Of PenzancePost-War Peace, Race Problems Houston, Pratt, Brewster, Stevens

- Topics for iscussion Sunday ToSa1etFidy&StraExeter, Milton, Thayer Academy, Groton, and St. Paul's

will be the guests of Andover Sunday at an all-day forurn At 8:30 o'clock Friday evening, the first performance oito discuss post.war international qu~stions and social, re- the long-awaited "Pirates of Penzance" will be presented byligious, and racial problems. At 9:30 a group of Philo mem- the combined musical clubs of Abbot and Phillips Academy.bers will make short speeches on international problems, inThr will be a second performance on Saturday night, atthe debate room of Bulfinch. In the afternoon another group 8:30, especially for the undergraduates and their guests.of boys will iscuss racialprob- _____________________________ '~Tickets for eer performance may be purchased after lunchlems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at the commnins r at WilliamsThe outstanding feature of thisLa gu e Exams Hl rm Wl orneo oSunday's conference will be DDR R. u g W ES hGAT IvWillamson. ho are also handlingHoward Thurman, Dean of the Coming T publicity Only sixty-cent~~~~~~~~~~~~~te pbliity Onl sity-enChapel at Howard University, '' TO JOIN BROOKS!tcesn e.hwvr o hWashington. D. C., who will preach Dove, Aiken Exams

at the morning chapel service Sun- LtnIsrco ilTeoeet ilb odceday morning and will conduct a Offer Prizes of $20 Lai Isrutr il h DoprePtt illhe ondthednforum meeting at 4:30 unday af- Duigtidn etwefv -et (over musical department, and M1rtelrnoon in the Meeting Room Of. Di!.r WlrdWetae i Howe. of Abbot. Ac3mpanimentGeorge Washington Hall. The sub- priz exrsaiaton wpill0 lopieive structor in Latin here for nine will be furnished on two grandject of his talk in the afternoon Oxntisdy Ail 20, coeiivenfrte 4Years. will leave this coming ep- pianos. b~y Dr. Fit th and M.Nr Fill-will be the "Relation, of Religion toex intoswlbegefrth ) tember- to assume a position as Di- mo10 e In cha-ge of direction and

the Geat Social Problems of To- DoePien Latin mad ort n Va-r ector of the Latin and Greek De- otm'ai MisahofAb,day." The two Wey Prize inLainC mpoin.- . partment at Brooks School. His de-; l Cobb. i Cchran and Dr.Dy. Thurman is one of the Iet Thetoi WLseyn Pie xaic -isParure will, of coui-se. be a great G(i ew The all-important stage crewknown Negi-o educators in America aptio SinL an one o whcUpper_________________________________ loss to Andove-, for 1)0th he and i headed by manager-s Woodietoday. He has, been in great de-opntSeiisndneoUpe his wife are vei-y popular with the Stocku ell and' Fi ed Meacham. andtnMiddlers, will be distributed Before the horrified eyes of Sapha (I. DP. May), a elderly maid,- aut n tdn oy teir assistants. Bob Cushing. Jus-mand as a lectu-e- and preacher

tnIiFclyan tdn oy-collges nd scoolsthrouhoutApril 24. Te John Aiken Prize Ex- the glamorous ex-slave Philematium (D. . Killam) responds to the af Ben apotdin3asI- tin Gale. Danny Lyn~e, Johnny Ryan.the coutiy. H will lave Ho ard mation in German will be held fectionate embrace of Philolaches (J. C. Farrar) who shares his admira- structor in Latin. Dr. Westgate has BbTir.Ca i ern nUniversity at the end of this col- o pi 5 tion with pretty Deiphiurn (G. N. Meeks) as Callidam ates (C. H. Quinby) filled his position well. Also he Geoi ge JeNett. Handling the prop-lege year to become pastor of a The Dove Latin Prize Examina- reclines in a drunken stupor at the Latin Players' presentation of Plau- tagtAcetIsoydrn h ertie- ae manage- John Shepard,interracial chuirch in California. tion will be held in Pearson on tus' "Mostellaria" last Friday. scolya- f13 n 97 d-Don Stei ling. and Alfred Lanes.Some years ago Dr. Thurman and Thursday, Api-il 20, at 7: 1~~~~ p. m: ed to histo ciediteisthis h foundingiof Of I hetthitheeettniiaeeleads.,AAlahis wife visited India as represen- It is open to Seniors only and offers -u the Latin Players (1938), which I Houston again takes the spotlight,te MofC A.e Whie iisnda he pis.Ts i te six tenthnfv op- Open DooreiI i~have recently presented "Mostel- playing the pat of abel, beautifulthesM of the Studen diio of parzeTs tey, tentn fv eo- Dtarcntmeior th A- M o te l' laiia, a comedy accepted with and tendel-healted heroine. Thewas asked to speak before many tition for the Dove Latin prizes. A eetmeigo h d gieat aproval b)y P. A. students. D. Part of Ruth. middle-aged love ofgroups and to meet with many Last year, the first prize was won visory Boad. Sherwood Stock- re e teW~estgate has also coached Club hero Federick. is played by Pamelaleadei-s in the educational and polit- byRcad SilyMra f welwsr-lce edoh Y soccei and J. V. hockey His fiist Clai-k. while Betty Coulson andical world. He spent several houi-s Piinceton, N. J. The Valpey Prize Open Door Committee. Also elec- tw~o ear-s as instructor at n- Gietchen Fuller- will take the partswith ahatm Ganhi indiscusionexamination will be held at the - oe eesetas s os-o dt n aewith Mahatma Gandhi in discussionted were W. Whitney, S. Dickey, Iai l y r oe ~r pn loa os-o dt n aeof the problems 1both of India and same time in Pearson G. This is the R.YugC.Kn.JHemn La i Pl r mastei at Ameiica House. FromI Ben Bi ewste-. well ememberedof the Negi-o in Amer'ica. He and forty-ninth competition for the Val- . 1937 41 he lived at Adams Hall until for his last yeai-'s role of Mikado,Mrs. Thurman visited also Rabin- pey Prize; which is ten dollars. It is M.N. Lazo, and N. Williams. Plautus' Ancient Play hie took up residence at his own will be the amazingly versatile Ma-

dranath Tagoi-e, the. gi-eat Indian open only to members of the UpperGiven I Latin Prose house on Highland Road. jor- Genet-al. while John P. Stevensphilosopher and poet. Middle class. John Curtis Farrar of Di-. Westgate was bornr instgate Ger-orn willeenactl theci-ole ofe thehenot-too-The meeting at George Wash- Scarborough, N. Y., was awarded RI FLE CLU B HAS Before Big Audience man East Africa, now Tanganyika smait. Piiate King. Dave Thawington Hallon Sunday s the clos tAN NrUALlaMATCeHr.You meat-ball, phew! think Territo-y, and received his school- and Harry Reid will play the partslng meeting of the one-day confeir- The Wolsey Prize examination youstik."WitMthseHngI ng in England, Ireland; and later of Samuel. pirate lieutenant, andence to be held under the auspices for excellence in the translation of Ciaigascesu er h o tn. ihteeEgihi aitn naiadWni egato oie epcieyof the Society of Inqui-y, Circle A, Latin prose into idiomatic English, Cimxnasucsflyi-th woi-ds, Plautus's "Mostellaria," this ing Haiton, Ondtaind f irni theienofPlc.isptveyPhilo, and the PHILLIPIAN. All and in Latin prose composition will Rifle Club will conduct its Annual year's dramatic psentationy of thepe.lanitoba rdain from he Thne o of the'ite ofd Pelivn-smembers of the student body and be held in Samuel Phillips Hall, Membei-s' Match during the week Latin Players, began ts harrowingUneriyoMatban194hezce'nefGiettndSlvnsheld for a yeai'nOe elwhp otscesu coe.i a nfaculty are invited to heai' hini. Rom 7-8, on Monday, April 24, a beginning April 24. The National course before a capacity audience - nOe elwhpms ucesu ctei a nThis meeting is also open to the 7:15. A prize of ten dollars is of- Rifle Association will awat-d a in George Washington Hall last in the Graduate School of the Uni- hunmotous one Briefly, it concernstownspeople of Andover and the fei'ed to the student of Latin 2 who niedal to the winner. Friday evening. The remainder of versity of Toronto. He then was a the young nian Frede-ick who insurrounding communities. wins the competition. The contest Each entrant to the contest wvill the play was developed entirely in Rfods whlre ae receied hislBge,'Members, of the above organiza- was star'ted five years ago and has fiire five tai'gets in the prone posi- Ltnpoe-- ticed to a piate and, the famoustions will e given pefeience in been sustained (since 1940) by Mr. tion, two kneeling, and two stand- Floigain-dutnby r.n190ndhsM.in93.Te Pirates of Penzance "' The mistakeattending the earlier discussions, and Mrs. Robert Wolsey. The prize ing. The winner will have the sat- Weerisitwihgeanoucee received his Ph.D.I was discovered too late, nd Freder-Others who wish to attend should ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fom Harvard in Classical Phil-'Igither h namsh to i'aldin shCotiudunlagd isfaction not only of victory but Dr. Westgate's departure at the ikugdbaseeofut,-sgive~thei names toMr. Baldwn or Contnued on Pge 4 alsoof thendnwofdthethteae-ca"todnew tfields "of Continuedofon Pagenue4 otoPstay twithy theh piratesat untntllhiiTom McGbwan. pass any gunne-y course easily. nevr"'r odi lc.2s itdyStylist Exhibitions ~Last year's victor was Janmes Van President of the New England Vastneb tr tot e verydy was f~v reedha.Stylist Exhibitions Classical ~~~~~~Association, deliveredaForum Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~Fleet, at present candidate for bi'ief speechs inwverLatinas incowhichthheForum Schedule ~~~~~~~~~West Point.biespchnLaninwche through some strange qrk of fate,Breakfast ......... ~... 8:45 Open at Art Gallery discussed the advantages of classi- Deet Ba frIFee-c a enbr nFbuMorning Discussion -... 9:15 Tw ne exiiinarcoigcucsdrs uprssth cal study. D. Westgate explained lai- 2th. lean year. and would notChapel .................. 11:00 Twne exiiinarcongluosdrsts year an ex- the argument of the play and in- Drf of 'reachnhisrAfternoon Discussion ... 2. 15 to the Addison Gallei'y soon. The tremely successful one. The club terpi-eted the significance of the - ujc redc as then ored tl returnfirst includes paintings by Alfired has enjoyed a membership of 107 War r IsSujc Fedrkwath fcdtoeunRefreshments (G.W.) ... 345~ stage set. asking the audience to Wr to the pirate band. wvhich compli-Main Speaker (G.W.) ... 4:30 H. Maurer, "Fauviste" stylist, and boys, the laigest experienced yet. imiagine a sign bearing the words Last Fiday he vairsity debating catedl matters. ince Frederick n__________________winner of the Carnegie prize of Also the marksmanship, though "Ad Rus" ("To the country") team won its second decision f ~Continued on Page 41901. The othei' group of paintings the perfect score of fifty has not which, he said, the sage crew had the ear. A teanm of Sterling.Aln_________MR. MAYNARD GRANTED is by Julio de -Diego, Spanish atist been reached, has been consistently not got around to painting. -AleLEAVE FOR SICKNESS who paints imaginative scenes of good.ProgsasteratodH- and McGowan defeated a teami of ILEAVE FOR SICKNESS Prologus, as the great god Her~~~~- three gir-ls at Bradford Junior Col- RIVETERS ACCLAIMEDwar. ~~~~~Again the orghnization has spon- cuiles, (R. S. Morgan in disg-uise), eeAdvr podn h fi--A PNN RGADue to health reasons, Mr. Robeit Alfi'ed Mauireir was bor-n n 1888 sored a Basic Small Ams Firing welcomeddothevisitorsg and intro-

Schoo. Fo' ths th schol wll - du ed thelyr vinior an nto ative of Resolved, That women A PNN RGAE. Maynard has been given leave in New Yoi'k. He studied at theScolFrthshecolwile-dedheparsn English verse should be dafted for wai woik," As a result o he ie-tt ovationof absence by the Trustees until National Academy of Design, and ceive a War Ser'vice Ceirtificate. which described each chairacterhis recovery. The Faculty and the later went to Pats. There he The purpose of this nation-wide wvon by an audience vote of about the Ri'eters ieceived last Saturdaystudeilt body hope that his period turned aay from the influence of course is to raise the percentage ~ Continued on Page 4 90-25. night befoie the movies, they planOf Illness and his convalescence Whistler and Sairgent, and favored of men who have handled guns pre- The teamn taveled to Haverhill to appear mot-e otten before theWilIlbe brief, the "Fauviste" mnoiement. He was viously to their en-trance to the ADVISORY BOARD with Mr McCarthy, and had dinner student body. Theti next scheduled-Mr. Maynaird is now resting at the first Aeirican to adopt this ai'med forces. The present average The Cheerleaders and . A ihtegrsbfr h eae hpd'~ is, Sait-rday. Api-il2.the ]Raker Memorial Hospital in style, is two persons from every hundi'ed. The debate was held in the audi- The Riveters, Andov er's ownBoston, and his duties as House. Although Mai'ei's Paris woi'k To qualify, it is necessary not only Police wei-e augmeiited by the to1-m, and stai-ted at oclock. A swing band. are smialler in numberiiaster atwekCheearsHad Woods House are being has been, lost, his later paintings to pass a written examination, but election of the following last crowd of wvell o ei a hundied peo- now thtan last yeat - but no lesstaken b Mrs. Mynard. o that is survve. The are exmples. f the aDickeysooB.frBrelstertiR.s Hatch: henrleinry-(Be-)adfoid, gainy.B attendedl. solid.d. Thelfivehemiv mberse whowplayedeclasses might continue unhindered excellent work that went mainly minimum of 200 points. -DRckaweo, Bi o.wtr A. HaoheiD Andover emphasized that f wo- last Saturday wet e. Buddy Berlin.bY hs absence, they 'have been' unrecognized by the public until One must score 245 to be ac- eR Landor W. aoodow A. Aolr D. ien wanted equal rights in peace saxaphoiie; Bill Graham. trombone;divided among the members of the after Maurer's death. cepted with a first class rating, be- Ole-(ead) . oodrow A. time they must be willing to sac- Ben Bewster at the piano. DickIlathematics Department. Also, Mr. Maurer, frustrated spiritually, tween 220 and 244, second class and B.olishopad . Br awell, rifice in war ime. Bradford argued Starke at the bass fiddle; and TedPleters has accepted temporarily and left alone by the death of hs from 200 to 219, third class. The Edman, R. McKim, E. Mead, C. that wvomen's place was in the Pearson tit the diunis The rendi-the position of Excusing Officer, father, killed himself in July, 1932. following boys were In the first Sagar, L. Ward. R. Welch, N. home. The debate w~as such a suc- tions were. "Green Booze," "Bluewhich was left open after the His work Is now recognized as out- class group: Allot, D. Beach, Pis- Wilson. and R. Young. cess that a return one has been Skies' -' Howv High the Moon." "JustSpring vacation, standing. ley, P. Roome, and C. Strong. _______________ tentatively planned a Jitreibug"-

Page 2: lAbbot, Andover Stage Of Chapel 'Pirates' NoticeSunday will be Dr. Howard Thurman, of Howard University. will be presented for

i.goTwo t IILLIPIA N __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

25 years henee, words similar to thes J -rr N

vill be written aboult them. Let us,, hope 4LITERARY -SE TI Nnot. ~~~~~ ~~~Once again the eyes of the nation's

P -. \..'~c , wellbe o the l mri co~ic The future will hie n the hands ofTh Un ow S or1 n,1 iellthe of the Calumribcia lAtheatre-going public wvill be coTenTf k ownS or* ~~lnr-~~@'-~~ Seh~~~ol ~~ the youth of today.. As they vote and trated on Andover next Friday and Sat- By PETER HANKE, 46

9d 4i .epa-klne 4 direct, so will the world be formed in uirday as the talents of BtandsitstautatcorngtEditor-i-Chief wich the~ must lie. If thy are wj Abbot ad P.A. cmbine -nt the fbtbosathd e.A.necscbintit said, thatsaccrdingetEdto-i-CiONenohi t mayset pei e ful t ol.hftopesn Gilert& s- act lindiat ieeids handed d]own tor huadifyas some great

,Ryl)FI~l(-R G SV.\IIRN enough, t may be a eaceful Nvold. if to pesent Gilbry ioSule li( of tpeeicivilizativ onza and wisdomis ofmAtlatltitis suvived wholManaging Editoraeit~ilbear livain's gay musical ex- that fabulous islatid empire sank under the waves."

tiliN t~~ ~~NO~iK theyae foolish,itwl certainlye ar h'ravaganiza, "The Pirates lIII sall i'ool o te Bjurhige Oservatory in Florida, the bestSports Editor like. As often as the hrase has been of Penzance," or "The eqipped private building of its kind in the Americas, was gathered a

PhotoraphC Edtr LtrrCdtr repeated, it is none the less true: the TutFuivSaeo aty" Pro. group of the Itation's most learned scientific experts. For tis gs

- N \l ~~~~~~~~~ P' lRIOtR duty of this -generation is to live for its duced by Oscar Pfatterstein, I the occasion. the one hndiet etn fteln sai~e oit oK, r~iis iR cuntry ad ±n wys, "Piates" ill proably nt a coo ha~f-the Promotion of Scientific Thought every member, as weli as sevetal

1. I' 1~~, - " , 11many prominent guest speakers, was present.K Q , \rt.'e3 this task will be a more demanding one, milo ytetm t w-day stand is itieedc, it was Professor Tomapkinson, the Society's president, who

Senior Advisors and it will be a less glamorous one. over, since not only has G. W. Hall been had just spoken. A fellow expert had introdluced the subject of ost

Ibv,\, ~~~~~- ~~. Nevertheless, upon the thoroughness of sold out far in advance, but kidnapings, Atanitis. te mystery Utopia. remarking that the scientific world wasIP.STO~ burglaries, and thefts have been report- stinl completely ignorant of that fabled empire that had supposedly

I- . " nti\sM' their education, upo the quality of ed all over the campus by victims of lain between Europe and North America.D their leadershipand upon the lessons the over-zealous cast. '. too, have heard such a legend," interrupted M. Pierre Pachant,

~~~aE~~eU ~ea#w terlaesisirring in his green push armchair. "t is carved on Inca inscriptionsbein g ~they learn from experience will rest But aside from the antics of the an9 stltmn h nin rntYctnnrhadaogteGd

Business anager their destiny, cast, the plot of the "Pirates" also has Coast. t is said that (leep in our own everglades the Creoles repeatT01IN 1t01-BROOK ThtdsiyiIen aetdy its interesting points. For the benefit of the tale at their council fires."

Asoiae Tht, adatog dsity is bre byate swift, the one or two on the campus who have Tonmpkinson leaned forward. "That is so," he said. " am very muchr it i~~~ose ~I andt er-mogh events oscthed b t sisfoentytdrpetrudtoarhasl interested i the topic; and in my researches I have found evidenc,

W K t~~~~~' F weo prest foertwit ats of thearal that strongly indicates the ancient gateway between this continetAdvisors rset othit rsu6aid the Atlantan empire 'to have been Florida itself."

senior Advisor's ~ ,, the less a relity. We have bee told that story:This statement occasioned considerable surprise; several greetedT ~ rii,-\. J t C MCG5 t. ,

it AsiToT I\ F the youtJo.h of the world are fighting this Act I opens on the Rocky Shore of it withl opell dislbelief. But all showed interest In this controversialA-i T FTRA-F R war; so may the youth of the world plan Rabbits Pond. Enter a bunch of P.A. miatter. Te lost Atlantis! A subject indeed for breathless conjecture!

Tsia P~iLi~i'S ispublisbe d 6 ihefor the peace. Those of us who remain men disguised as Pirates singing "More, The discussion increased i intensity as each scientist put forth hisTHE PILLIP0; I publshed ednedays urin the ehindowe debtof hnor t thos Oh ore o thePirat Shtheory daonowt hee unknownu Utopia.pia

school ),a b THE PLLiPi1-N board. beidI~ eto oo otoeOhMr ftePrt hry"Adm "To suinlnarize, then," said the learned Tompkinson finally, raisingAnerd Masscund camer the ac~t offMache, 1at who die, a debt which will take a life- named Ruth (a maid of all work who is his hand for silence, "I think we all believe that such an encyclopedia

A.,ddress all correspondence cocrIng subscriptiotis tm torpy Aeweobeathr aknadyoftogsimng in Rab- of knowledge - and its existence seems highly possible-ifoudor advertisements o William T. Woodror., Jr., Business

Manager, Day Hall. pin 35 Lost Generation? Let us hope not. bits Pond) comes in with Frederic, a would prove hligilly valuable to modern science and scientific thought.Scol subscription 3 00. Miail subscrito $30THE PHiLLIPIAS' is distributed to subscribers at the P.A. man who has been at Andover ever Think. gentlemeil. tink what that would mean to the world! The lost

Commons and is for sale at. he. AndovererellwrePians.H.iHE IiLLIPI'A, does not necessaril_ endorse the PotAtlant'dsne hr eal ee iae. ei ism arhiectupre cture!an Tiefnalht soio of he proesor riddleo

Conimunications that aear in its Editorialcoun scheduled to'graduate pretty soon, and Atats-henprehtsnkbethhee!"TerosoraudOffice of publication. The Townsitan Press, Inc..togt epan h for breath, his thin cheeks flushed itl a great hope. Then he went on.

Paei, Street ORunEMOST among the ogt of Ruth now tries toexli why -ever ., believe we agree, gentlemen, that such a miracle woul d be theF many non-combatants in this war went to Andover in the first place. Sing- greatest scientific discovery of the age. And I thitik we also agree"

Akndover. Mlass.. April 19. 1944 is the problem of establishing a system ing "When Frederic Was a Little Mad," - here his voice shook with emotion - "that until such a discovery,of society in the peace to come which she reveals that when he was a kid he Atlantis will remain the most profound mystery this scientific world

The PHILLIPIAN takes great pleas- will give scope to democratic principles, said he wanted to go to the G. A., only has ever known."ure ianocing the election of Wil- The inefficacy of war in settling inter- everyone thought he said P. A. Having - Tet i~iadyasaoteamshr a uhtesm

liam Allen Prior of Troy, Pensylvania, national disputes has been proven de- cleared up that mess, Ruth now tells as it is now. Animals were wilder and there were more of them, butto the Editorial Board as Literary cisively during the last few years. As that she and Frederic are going to be they were not very differeilt. Birds, fish, and vegetation were the same.

scientific ingenuity progresses, man's married. Poor Frederic has been rail- man was the same.Editor. -elf-etinmutso prprinli-rde inotedabeaehvg All had been peaceful o the island empii'e. The government was

crestraelse luse will exterina im- betoA everdesincectherereallywere ly organized and efficient. All peoples had one language, one systemLost Generation? ~~~crseA ar ens to aievtermteuthian Pirnats he's ever seere ay otere of law, one common bond. The country was prosperous. Its wisemenA Lost Generaton? self. As ameans to achiee the utopianPirates, he's ever seeknewytiler wisdom ofis the pasthe some; heardhrumblingsinof thehefuture..But

dream. of this democratic society, pub- woman than Ruth; so of course he all the wisemeni n the world had not power to stop the onrushingUST OVER 25 years ago, a war to lcadpiaedsuso n-pann hnssesbatfl comet, the force tat dislodged one of the earth's moons from its orbit.

J en was wa foghtand nde inare the only possible ways to avoid the Anyway, Frederic can hardly wait And they could not stop the swift, complete destruction when theArmistice. During the days, months and disillusionment and disinterest which in to graduate because all his classmates eartllquakes came, and the lands sank, and the waters rose. The

-years that followed, a permanent peace this country marked the tragic end of have gone nuts making believe they're pels ere trapped ctet othy ang trarsedro wat they knlewo

was sught a p andwhc prospe ri t epe mumblecs.Piaes soeth ing abotnow renani their lingering death as the flood crept up the mountain sides was ahappness andproserit to Next Sunday, under the joint spon- isutobes asPirteing, bout evryeai terrible one.

everyone. An entire generation, then too srhpo iceA hlteSceyi ob iaeKnbteeyn One group of wisemen escaped. They had foreseen the catastrophe.young to engage actively in the war,sosiofCrlAPloth Scey laughs and laughs because they know They escaped west with the wisdom of Atlantis. One by one, weakened

grew up i this atosphere ad appar-of Inquiry, and the PHILLIPIAN, anhesralPteSvn.Wlaog by unaccustomed privations, they succumbed, as the hungry waters ategewup sene ths tobleures whichpar all-day forum will be held beginning in coes Meaor-eer St ins.Wley an hi u lbebid thenl the sinking ridge they hopefully followed. Day by daydontlatned thtprold uring he the debate room of Bulfinch Hall and all-gir andeerlStne and rihhwyFeeic they died, and day by day the book, bound tightly in a metal shell,

Twetie, tosewho viewed with alarm terminating in an open address by Dr. ssta uhi tityo h od was piassed on to te dwindling few. Five only reached the UnknownTwenties, those sins f mralShoreoar thata atslopedasingupe gentlyh s thighyon aboved Sothe wateredup enlinigh.boThen wtethee. animalsial

professe to detct sign of morl dis-to a.ThrmandiatdGeorgeh W ang side. He takes a fancy to one of the girls came, the wild, the untamed. fronm which the Atlantans had been sointegration, and so this group came to to al h nivdaswohv in the band, named Mabel, although it long known for its sins as the Lost Gen- worked to prepare brief talks on various might just as well have been Edith or' Tile last wild man clung to the book with his remaining strength.eration. It has aged 25 years since, phases of international political and eco- Kate or Isabel. The Pirates, being true He knew the priceless value to future civilizations, i any should aise

War as gainblotedout eacfulnomic olm and on specific minority P.A. men at heart, grab the girls and, from tils wilderness, and he determined to preserve it. Carefully henWar has agan blotted ot peaceful problems ccetn h hleg fhose a 11gh, suitable location where the blook might not become buried

pursuits, and for its ightersiha problemsaecing theirftrs challneotihu vna nrdcin suggest and crushed.. Then te animals came, the wild, ile untamed, aidrawn upon this Lost Generation, On it masterin te futues.n Tatat sucha they all get 'married. Spitanley doesn't the last wiseman joined Ilis fathers..have been forced the uinpleasant tasksfou catkepcend trctsh like this idea; so he tells the Pirates he's The sun turning above on its axis flooded down light anti warnithof destruction which it escaped last widespread interest is an encouraging Little Orphan Annie. Tile earth bathed in the glow, and life began to stir againl.time: but it has not escaped itself, commentary on what may lie ahead. An Act II opens in the Cochran Chapel, *

Next timeyou are n Chapel look atenlightened body of citizens is the pri- where Major-General Spitanley is re-- The caretakei' of the B~urbi-Rige Ob)servatory grounds was cleauiilgthexik o aein faelloka mary requisite for a strong and intelli- penting for having told a lie about being Aiot for exper'imeiltal hybrid plants. It was on a shady, wooded li

th ikflag there. ts fcbears over-looking the ocean a mile to the east. He worked slowly, spadiniggold stars, intrinsically mere scraps of gent government, and these citizens Little Orphan Annie. While his band the hatrd acked eartil. When an air'plane doned over-head, le

cloth cut to a given pattern; and yet must accept their-responsibilities today. tries to console the Major-General, Fred- straiglleted tip and tried to catch a glimpse of the silver wings througheach one repesents a humn life. Next In the days to come, leaders must be eric finds out he was born on the 29th the trees. Then his shovel struck something hard.

time you a neat' the Town Hall, look fountl who will carry the burdens of of February, making him only five years "Asey srck"gtelda ogt and went pastd itup"Abakcln. Butdi cathtat its walls covered with the clapboard- government and business. Since intelli- old; so his draft board doesn't want qsiuee setranly and ligh sdedl ifting" tlaccyndere odde! th like rows, of' wooden caids, each one gent leadership is the first requirement him. () He therefore decides it's hs gr'unt. "Heavy, too, for its size. Now, I wonder what's in it?" And hewith a name. Trhere a 10 which are of good government, they must be men duty to stay at Andover. In the mean- ip'oliecl abourt curiously until a series of small catches gave way. Thenblack: thosc names are dead. Day by Of thorough education and broad under- time, a bunch of guys in white arrive for the first tinme he noticed how old-fashioned the cylinder was, ]howdlay, mor-e of these gold star-s and more Standing. No better- way could be found on the scene and try to cart all the "Pi- rotted the qiueer metal that made up its sidesof these black boards are added. They to develop this understanding than a rates" away to the nut house (and you "By George. these are peculiar markings!" He idly glanced at a '0llare the best a countr-y could (10 for- its (Isicussion Stich as the forum will en- can hardly blame them) I- singing "Yield, of paper-lke material. "I never saw such scribbling n my life." He

Iin DrGallaher'sName. Ruththe_~ thi-ew it down and debated for a moment In his slow mind whether ytiuth. Pei-haps, then, they are a Lost courage.inD.GlahrsNm"Ruhte show his discovery to Mr. Tompk'nson, but - "No, he's n that Society

Generationaftei' al. Lost tothe pres- To those whose efforts are making explains that the "Pirates" are really meeting with those other- scientific fellas and won't want to lieenatndftr ale.aLst t h rs this for-um possible, the school owes a all right in the head, and the Major- disturbed." He remembered the time he ad been'so strongly rebuked

Some tudents on this campus may vote, of thanks, and to those who arej General admits he isn't Little Orphan when hie had brought Mr. Tompk'nson a rock lie had thought was

yet escape the war', and for them it will taking a personal part in the forum Annie. Everything turns out well 'for fosil.setwas ao costusb caeaerinmterp.n"dha utnever be mor-e than a nightmare of there will be an increased understand- everybody else, too. The "Pirates" all NoHi' peted' no teoldisurb him." l uprsdtoseho arHe plle al the i'lsout- alitte srprsed te o may,broadcasts, newspapers, speeches, and ing of the problems which they will face get introduced to the girls in the band, how tightly packed - and dropped them one by one on tebuhtrUncer-tainty. Perhaps they may qualify tomorrow. We admire their interest and and Mabel says sure she'll go to the he had star'ted at the end of the garden plot. The fire blazed, and ifor another Lost Generation. Perhaps, salute their purpose. Prom with Fred. thin trail of smoke rose toward the sun.

Page 3: lAbbot, Andover Stage Of Chapel 'Pirates' NoticeSunday will be Dr. Howard Thurman, of Howard University. will be presented for

Ipwi3tlPiAN Page Thr'ee

TRACKSTERS TO CLASH Ahei lcinShrod ec Sokel fCAPTA IN ART MOHER LEADSHSmltot Beasachustk" eoWITH TUFTS SATURDAY i cenllected Maauett wase~`

nis. Mario Lazo of Havana, Cu- *B E ,I C I Jumbos W eakened Since W inter; ba, and 4-oward Penberthy H-ay-

Blue Strong in Running Events tedi resp~ectively Captain and PGABALL TEAMHINTOE ACION;01naero Swimming f nextDO C E T R -RI D E

In their first meet of the season ______a_____r_______Athletic Events C mttile Royal B~lue cindermlen ll 4I I C.TODAY To Pitchclash with the Tufts Varsity here CVI arity Baseball against Doi'- ~~Saturday. The prospects are good, ' I C flel P a 10~e*Hg ie' t2. pener; Strengthbetter than they were this winter' SATURDAY ~Rvl

ilna strong Jumbo squad led by V arsity B a s e tin 11 agaixist 10f RvalsUnknownCaptain D~~~~ck Sparrow twice de- I I Ii Fl Ria~~~~~~~~Mdge Techi, here, at 2 30. '1oday the 144 Andoveri Baseball

feated the Blue. Since thenr the T'ackuginttutsshie.atn Firtam plst th _ gne f hMedford team has lost some of its Trc230s ufs ee ttempa.,i, h aeo h

* I - -~~~~~~~ea~~~oii agamn-~~~~~~~~~t ~Doi clester i-ghbest men, although they have been Laen soiaaint uft. lni ,treplaced in part by new men such Tilt -Saturday school O next Satur da Rdge

as B,3b Hines who recently found a at 2.30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Tech will be the opponent.

first place in an intrasquad b)road Practice Still Held Today's game will put to a test

jump plus second in three other fi.r ~ ~ l Yte work that C-onch Follanshee hasevents, three .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eg a ge Becuse of ALUM NI PLA -*I een doing with this year's squad.

The P. A. team tins raced through Bad Rainy Weather V L A E A L.Led by Captamn Art Moller at se-almost three weeks of practice, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iond, einfield is pretty well set.

although not in shape for its estAil extens we s r tin lmu a g e isOttnig Bill Abbot at first. Ray Tippett

showing lby a long shot, it does .scheduled for today in oidem- to Mvachiaa Otanig at short ad Mort Dunn at third

merit more than a ~arting glance round the lacrosse team into shape Ben Hammer To Play i ound out the inner defensesthis Satuday. Thelineup i not al-for its first ganie of the season with ' In the outtieltl there will e Fred

together clear, since old man win- , - 'the Tufts Varsity. Last year Tufts In a bulletin from Yale just ire- Zonino in right, Dick Welch in cen-ter has refused toallow a time trialdefeated the Royal Blue 96, and ceived it was announced that four te- and Bill Talbot in left Jim Zo-

whec has h refu e te allow a ti eta this year bolstered by a large group Andover alumni were oii their way Inino will stai t behind the plate.

whic ight gi the concil he a e of V-12's from the middle Atlantic toward making the Yanle varsity IChaie Smith. last yeai's J V. star.

-working with. Instead they niust- Bob. Hatch, Co-Captain of Track states theii ean w~il pmoie a se-i )a.)al teani These alumni are. iltk i heion uis

rely on the performances of the I whose pole-vaulting skill ill be vere test for Captain Joe Reisler's 1!Ed 1Machai. of the class of 1942; Artie Moher, Captain and short- Pitching will be the big question in

past winter. Running the 100 and used against Tufts this coming Sat- outfit. ITuck Asbury. Ben Hammer-. and stop of the Varsity Baseball team, the success o t his Andover team.

220 sprints will be Paradise. and urday. Co-Captain Bob Lawlor will A great deal of shifting has taken Bill Rentschler of the c-lass of '43. who will go into action against Dor- Not a niember from last year's

Beach with a place open for Lampe see action in the hurdles. place n 1)oth the first andi secomid The most promising of these is chester High today, weather permit- mcund coi-ps is back, and Coach

if his ankle is in shape by this week- tennis as new men begin to show Ed Mlachaj. who last year at Yale ting, in the season's opener. Follansbee has had to r'ely on rela-

end. Dixon and Chute are sure b~ets A'their stuff and as the tam as a pitched 35 consecutive scoreless in- tively geen material. So far the

for the 440. while Mi'. Sorota plInns J. V. '( "SQUAD whole sings into shape. However nings. He has atti-acted the atten- batters are 'way ahead of the pitch-on running four or five men in the ~~~the starting lineup is faii'ly definite. tion of several major' league scouts, er n n I( ftes.eeiayCpanMor.Bl

half. Chittick will lead our milers TO P AY A R.2 Johnny Robinson. Myrt Gaines and ad Conch Red Rolfe thinks he will Abbot and Fred Zonino. who have

ona well conditioiied tack. hich TO P A P .Ted Heckel will stam-t at attack. make the gade. Dui-ing his one Fr mP been i-egulai-ly pounding the ballmay turn ina four-minute mile oiie Although no out-door di-ills have Captain IeReisler, Rich Hudner year at Andover,. Ed was one ofthedF P a tc in practice. If the pitching conies

ofthese days. To round off the run- yet been held by the J.V. Baseball and Larry Dailey make up the first best pitchers on the team for the cesrfugh tsesoeaveyscning events. Lawlor and Stiong, team. Mr. Dunbar- has been able to niield. At defense are Born Boin whole seascon, and the star of thecesusasn.who both smashed hurdle records iiake a pi-elirninary cut among the Borneister-. Jim Herman and Hick- Exeter game. This was the longest BatLNt much is known about thethis winter, will sprint the same infielders. As soon as out-dooi' prac- ey. Joitathan Hanke is the goalie. Andover-Exeter baseball game o I By e e r Dorchlester team as this is also

event this Saturday against some lice sessions can get started the Along with these men are a num- irecord.-14 innings. Ed pitched the their first game of the season. Theystrong hurdle men from M.Nedford. squad will have to work hard, forl her of capable ireserves - Attacks., whcle game, leading P A. to a 4-3 Hindered by ain and generally have lost thiree regulars to the

the first scheduled game is next Fiank Zagorski and Mlacomber; wimi. poor- weather, the tennis team has armed service, including their cap-Field Events Wdedy here, against the Law- midfield, Ken Suthei-land. Chet Bemi Haniei', who isgie alliad only tw~o aftemnoons of prac- tamn. But in spite of these losses

It is difficult to tell the leading rence seconds. Hoamer, and Dozier' Fields; and de, good chance of winnimig the catch- tchi wih Harvadarwee fromh last yae' squad With r tisg asoamen in. the field, for there are many Th .V'.a np-vosya',fencemren, Bill Morr'is, Chai-lie Hard- ing beith on the Yale teani, was Saturay Ast soonrd a h weathr nlaes a i hrenderas anew fellows out, and no trials have Thil e di videda int preiou yquas, wick and Per'ry Gi'iffith, last year's capta-mi here, He playedSaudyAsonastewthr ucusCchBlPedrgths

yet been given. Thoraidike, Beach the A squad coached by Mr. Dun- The team los-t a talentmed attack the outfield well, and led the teampe'ishwvrteewllbla-ultaemwicsoldgeteand Lee n the discus; Parker. bai', and the B squad coached by man in Jack Hornier. when le sus- at the plate with a .400 batting aver- der- iatches to determine who will Royal Blue a good test.

Rya an Collr i th jaeln; r. eee. achtea wll ave18tamned a fractui'ed leg in Moniday's age. comupose the first team. Nothing at all is kenown about

Thorrndike and Neuhoff in the ham- playei-s. scrimmage. A meniber of last yeair's Tuck Asbui'y played on the var- Telaigcnedr o h ideTc.A a si nwmter; and Beach, Reed and Nourse Teifldsno shpgupteam. Hor-neir was well up oii the sity here for three years, He is an teant. as far as can now he seen, we have not played them in base-

in theshotwill probabythrow h infiewo or thre c aiate fup squad, and hind the makings of a amuazing fielder and quite strong ale, besides Captain Kiam, Castag- ball befot-e. and this will be a newagalust Tuft in the weights. Law- each position. Aniong the catclieis. fi'st mate laci'osse playei.' at bat. He is a candidate fi netaih(iuirraegevnHwvejdigdrm h

I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~frtidPhinney, Kittlemnan, Lincoln, Chun, football and hockey teams which1oi' and Strong should not have F. Cur'tis. C. Crosby, and WV. Bad- Coaches, Littleton atid Jalies have base at Yale. aiid Sper. However it is possible they have tuirned out. the bas&ballmuch competition in the broad deley will be kept. Among a cm-owd the highest of hopes for this year's that newcomers may show theim' team ill be good.Jump n which we placed first and of candidates for the first base o- team. It tins, in Joe Reisler-. a ex- Pot Pourri Pictures ability before the first match. ________________

second last winter'. Hatch and How- sition, Mr. Dunrbar picked D. Baty, cellent captain. Outstanding in abil- Iui'd -may find the stom-y different in F. Joties, and Avei-hach. ity. as well as on leade'smp. Joe The following group pictures The squad is now divided into Lthe pole vault with the additions to Second basemnen L Batcheldei', will go fan to niake this year's a- will be taken this afternoon on two goups. The fst group has Djalton Pharmacy'he Medford squad up against them. anid F. Lackey will be kept, while crosse team the one to beak the the stage of George Washing- calisthenics with everyone else at `1h~ hrayI rfsin

Mwocenzi tatd P.ot a.ewill poaly atsmlttp .Cre-adD he'recom'd of nevem' defeating an Exeter ton Hall. Students appearing 2:13 and pi'actice from 2:45 to 3:30. 'th~ ~aroyI rfsintomnthetP.A high lju probatur- ave lhockedpT atherest . O he olacm'osse eamn. in these positions are advised The second group has body build- 16 Main Street

n)ut into tehg jupon Sau-hv oce tebst ntehtto be prompt. ing fom 3:00 tO 3:30, and pac--day. coi'ner, it wil prbal be, last 1:00-Class D Committee. itic-es fi'oin 3:30 on.

1,1. n al he ufs metsholdyear's veter'an, McCr'acken, with H. AOR A's TO IC>y7 This yeam's manager is Woody ______________

no n alldhe Tuf tsamtl rsulds Ross also beimig metained on the IVIJJ ~ T P C 1:05--Junfor Prom. iStockwell, and his assistant man-not poduceamiystam-lingresuls. suad. FO D~ISC USS C ION 1:10-Phillipian Board. 'ae' r aeand Moreland.i in

yet. It should, howuever, point out Thr is em o cut as yet 1A5JnirCas ficr them'e are not enough courts ILM P L E'S'ie leaders 'on 1)0th teamls and es- among the nuimetous candidates for' W. Stevens, J. Reisler and Council. for all those out for tennis thenecially our best men in the field phe.Hwvrtoswosofr1:20-Riveters. squad which now contains ovei .60

events. ~~have looked petty good are WV. To Speak A Pho130TeBn.pabouts4 will be ket wokthe tem R E C O R D Sevents. ~~~~~~~~Hoirne, A. C. Snmith. D. Dunham-. and "Resolved, That all Vansity let-Aot4wilekptnthtam

j ~~~~~~~~~~B. Heffernan Howevei'. things may teriuan merit nmajor A's" is the

No cuts haveye ben ad at1ocokatereur h8WV. R. H ILL - among outfielder's, for the good rea- aet 1g 'cloea the i-eguai' Phit- H-Jave a Coca-Cola = I ia O raSucessr t Bil Plan - son that no outside wvom'k has been n teet ii weill' pebate Whit- oGODLUKSucessr t Bil Plan - done. But T. Rittern' D. Caulkins nySeeswl pa i ao-o GO ,K

4MAIN STREET' TELEPHONE ti2 nter uaeveenl.t this and Joe Reisle- against it. p-and "Jnioi" tern hve bee hit-Kutcher will upholdl the affiriven

Thme followimig is the chiedule for- ounh Comptoii the negative. hin-i- I Miller's Shoe Store the A squad' trations have beelt sent to all ath- -

MilrsIlo Soe Wed., Apr. ?j6, Lawi'ence 2ls. letic c~aptainis askimig tlieli to at-

I Wed., May 3, Central Cathi. ~~tend. Everybody else cot-dially

Expert Shoe Repairing Sat., May 6, Johnson High. imvtt..F___ _ _ _ _~ -

Wed. May 17, Punchard. the Philo Topic and Publicity Coin- T49 Main Street Tel. And, 531 mittee o the poll conducted la-te- "'

__________________________ Wed., May 24, Johnson High. ls d TePmlmalenS- ~ - - 2 ____________________________ ed.,May 31, Cent. Cath , a. ciety polli wTs a h greathes. ThSI

Sat., June 3, Exetel'. cit olwsagea -cs.Ti

BILLINGS, I NC!. Time B squad schedule: is te pai-ticularly liecatise Piiilo -

POIT OPTICAL SERVICE Wed., May 3, Pimacllard, away. leiedwakndosujtst- Watches and Jewelry Repairing Wed., May 10, Howe High deswntlmotthei'ebe.

36Mi tet TL72 WdMy2,Hw ihCniudo aeAttractive. Gifts - Wed., May 17, Tewksbui'y High It wtas found that studemits especial-

-- LEO N s' ~~~~~~~Buy Bonds for Victory "~~ \~FrEoSNdwceS Dik*... or sealing friendships in New Zealand

For Good Sandwiches Drink ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kia ora, says the New Ze alander to wish you %%ell. H-ave a Coke"o

Sodas and Ice Cream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~is the way the Yank bays it and he's made a frieod. i L ba) N WIelcomne '

________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~neighbor from Auckland to Albuquerque. *Round the globe,

PRESCRIPTIO ODONM I L Khigh-sign between friendly-minded peoplt. So, of course,I The Hortigan Pharmacy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Coca-Cola belongs in your icebox at home. It'snatural forpopularnames

Th atiahrmc o H at OrrLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COL.A COMPANY BY to acquire ftncndhy abbret'

-Main at Chestnu - o e lh*SALEM COCA-COLA BOTTLING Co., Inc. Coc-Cola~ whyd"ok"

Page 4: lAbbot, Andover Stage Of Chapel 'Pirates' NoticeSunday will be Dr. Howard Thurman, of Howard University. will be presented for

Page Four IPAIfLPMAiLanguage Exams BODY-BUILDINGStdnCociMnue J. A.'S TO PLAY 'Mseai'GvnComing This Week NOW IS OUTSIDE April 12, 1944-Meeting was called to order by President CLUB SECONDS By Latin Players

Continued from Page Obstacle Course Was Stevens at 1:00 in the French Room of the Library. ____Continued rom Page Obstacle ourse WasA Class Day committee was discussed and candidates selec- Semi-Weekly Games Continued from Page 1 -

last war ~as awardedto William First Used Monday teI ujc t prvl Planned This Spring Then the play began. Grumlo (.Francis O'Shea. A similar prize e- Cmltdls ek h e Plans for a scrap paper drive were reviewed and Brewster L. Simons), a shaggy peasant, e-animiation is open to students in obstaele course, which is seven- apitdomkefrhrIqresTisprgsteeaeony1 rated the sleek butler, Tranlo (F.Latin 3. This examination, which eighthis of a mile long, was first After some discussion, the Council set the date for the first boys out for J. A. Baseball, there T fmhisutlb-tnumralso at present. is sustainedl by Mr. used last Monday, when the' 360 tea dance'of the term for Saturday, April 29. will e regular practice only two Wolsey. will be held in Room 1 of oddl boys taking body-building at The Council decided to investigate the possibility of forming daysr weekb ad onth theiCu twonifullfom the stagC.TFherprodigalSamuel Phillips Hall at 7:15 p.m. the cage first tried it. The purpose Secondue teadngtemss. vcroa I llSeirUpeentered to witness an intimate con-oti April 24. The Prize last year was of the course, as r.Johnson put and Lower dormitories. Scn ens esto ewe hlmtui()won by Archibald Cary Coolidge, it. is to further train a boy i the The meeting was adjourned at 1:40. The pactice will e held on the istoibwenPleaum()Jr.. of Lakeville. Conn.. while John basic and undainental b o April 16, 1944-The first Open Meeting of the Spring term field behind the Infirmary, with D. Killam), ia beautiful ex-slave.

Curtis arrat rceived onorabl tions.such asrunning jupn. was called to order by President Stevens at 1:30 n the Blue Room special attention being given to the and her unattractive maid, Scapha,Inentioli ci awling ad climbing, besides put- of the Commons. fnaetl.Btigadfedn (I. DuP. May), all to the plaintive

In Samul Phillps 25 t 7-15 ing th boys i condiion in way I Angus Deming acted as spo'-esman for a delegation request- will head the list. Then, if the team mscpoxe yM.Laltn) I on April 25. the thirty-third Which they- enjoy iioi-e than the ing certain changes in the method of service at the Commons. shapes up well enough in the Club collaboration with his clarinet.compettion fi- theJohn Aken iegulair calisthenics The Council referred the matter to Mr. Leete. - games, there may be a few against Atediloesneflwdb-Prize examinatioti in German will The cou'rse itself, which begins AreuswamdettthRvtrsbginteopruiy Pucad tween Philolaches and Philematiumitlie eld Ths cntes isOpe toand ndsat he ompsed to play before the movies on Saturday nights as frequently as There will also be a number of lint Callidamates (C. H. Quinby), he held This oitest s open o and iids atthe cae. is cmposed the students ish. President Whitney undertook to see if this J. A's playing tennis on the W- ukervlr adhsglfre.memiteis of the Seiioi ad Upper of miany hariirs and obstacles. was feasible. HamsunHenlrecoum-s andhhi girllfriendMiddtle c-lasses There are two -any of -%%icel are quite difficult hm alcnt.Te vi rb Delphium (G. N Meeks), soon in-

Prizes ffet-e for te cxamiiatto. One o the ostiuctons isa scalng pritonsThe requested that the Council minutes be regularly ably play a ladder tournament. terrupted to join te party. Coti-The ist prize, twenty dollars. was iwall. built i two heights, one sev- reodoPuieshalePIAN anoida an morse mnrehensive Every day the Juniot's will begin sternation broke loose, howeve-.wvon last yeai tiy Cot-nelius George record ofe businessehandledibe.providedhinntheseuminutescalong with body-building on the Old Cam- with Tranio's announcement that

Nieian. J . f Jmesown N.Y.-object is to jump up, catch a hold Extension of 8:0 rules to 10:00 for Seniors and the intro- pus, under the direction of M. Theopr'opldes (31. S. Thompson), bile he sconf pi-ze otten OL- ithyouiat-ms andthenpullyour Schubei't, together with Vari'sty and tewatyftehdrtrewhile the second prize of ten dol- %ductlonvof unlimiteddboundspwereyproposedttonand rejecteddbyoClub Lacrossepsquads.oInncoreec-tsuddenlyeaftert-thfateeyearsdIneEgyptdlats was won y John Laurence iself over. Other- obstacles includel the Council. Cu arsesud.I onc udnyatrhe er nEytFinnet-an ot Noith Andover. such things as femice vaults a A Lower asked that smoking privileges be extended to the tion wvith the calisthenics the-e The butler (now played by . .

crwigmachine, several logs owrcaswtpaet'priin.TeCuilefedn will also be a ten-minute obstacle Pembei-ton) saved the day, luckily.p~lac-ed ovei a hi-ook. to impi-ove thgrudta: 1teewolben undesirable division in course and occasional visits to the by convincing Theopi-opides that'Pirates' W4ill Be one's balance. boad jumps, and a the Lower class between the smoking and non-smoking students, lagcosenr-teae.JA-hsouewsbutdadtate

resented * 21 ~~low pine grove through which one, (2) since ages varied widely among the four classes, permission should flee to the country. All endedPrs ne April is toticed t i-un in a couching posi- by age would be unfair, and (3) for the Lower class to smoke happily with Tanio's triumph.ton Besides these, thei-e ae to would create a bad impression among people associated with the DR. R. W ESTGATE Among those taking part, T. H.Continued troin Page 1 t-uctuires foi climbing purposes. school. * Waynian. A. J. Anderson,' F. G.

the ineantinie had talleri in love For te fit-st few days. aftei- Proposing increased efficiency and power for the Council, TO JOlIN RO K Thompson, L. WV. olk, L. Kohlberg.with Mathel about ten minutes of trunk and armi two pesitoue in outlinefompln for a more exten- BROOKSB M~llpaedte oe

The pitates i ho ate i-aier :aoiftic cos. pe o thel use.a sv Council constructed along the lines of a Student Government. Continued from Page 1 ~ of household slaves and attendantsThe iraes ~ hoaieraiiernodfiedScot'spac onthecouse. There was considerable debate as to the latter's desirability, and C C Hull and R. M. Easely we-eamorously inc lined eize. and pe- that i the goup wvill run about itwsdcedocniueheicsinatalerm tng ology. As an instructor, he taught i h nPare tonialt Ythe watds of te ienty-ihve paces, then walk fif-1 The meeting was adjourned at 3:15. Classics at the University of West- udertudioaes. roductgton

MajorGeit al.unti he. ppeaI teeti This wiill be gadually iiodi- era Ontario etwveen 1928 and 1930 drtecahs M.Wsgt nonl the scene li falsely tells the tend-, tied. howeve-. until it is all unning Respectfully submitted, and there also he held the position Mr Co01b1. Scenery was. the work of

ci -eartil im' t e- tht li is~iii0i ,IxI no est. W. F. Neale, Jr., Secreta-y. of Dean of Residence. From 1930M.RHetzhaGA.Xnso-phan knowing that the pit ateS ~%ill Atiet tlhe fit-st week or so. poh- till 1935, Dr. Westgate was In- JRyanV. hilel A.. Daran . J.itodves tner ans ovelha e- alste ably on Ar;l 20. M1r. Johnson plans LEONARD ESS~AY OPEN ly 400-500 words in length. The es- gtuages, andotor n Anemn An- JHann, ahileM r. Moan, reBhood :s hae-r discoered, and the time e-ach boy separately on thej says should be based on some pe-r ugs rcor n smnA- paredingoteran.1. ofypepitates decide to kill the Majot i u e Then, when the results a FOR LOWER CLASSESsoa feln or pion fth visor at Harvard College, The sum- prd ~sesGenet al and tiat y his tiauglteis (la~iticiheach boy will b placed wrinai feei oroiino-h me- of 1935 was spent by him inasneil an iiiaiiu bftse tahters cii - -aiuld efchi Theril e lle The Arthur- W. Leottaid prizes foi- tntr lost any subject may be Iayadi etrn nte"dsas pannd. fai be:)i Thir in il iu fhsspeed. Thr ilchosen. but candidates ni-c advised Iayadi etrn nte"het ou a matiltal plans can lie Iek five roupis. A. B. C, D. and a readig of oigitial essays, open to tomk hi saspoa.E- sey Crie"a tuitsi aln a lE lncartied out. they at e captured 1y; other- ailitig to iiieet the standaid Juiiiors ad Lowvers only. will be poioyc-oiin n sc tteacen eierna ot. TIO AEDSEth oie- andi ae iaitipp -es ogeset-. that othi goupI avis liped ho ati tuosetitera the cotues tcpics as How to Make a Model As to his publications, D. West-***uonevth a a the iratoes rcw'e.ta hsgopwl emio pnded ntrte oles Ait-plane." or factual reporting of gate wrote in 1937 a study of theupo th lat at f te "iraestetmpolary The average timie ot- reiddthat theit- essays ae to evns- - p r o aporaeRnisneLai rnltoso 6MANSRE E.I16 ot Penzatice Fedet ic-k i fed runtitg the(- coui se will piiobably lie lie handed i to their English teach- evor t rips aon est tiot roateo Renayisc Latid nTransisof 5 ANTRETL.16and the oly pi-ates a fer het%%een 1 anid s inutes. All the ct-s on niext Monday. Api-il 294. Try forie th cotestto wat hat ywiei Ou hcyidese asei oican uscray ipt 194fot given of their mnisdeeds- bny Lkini, liodyliuilding at Gaves outs. trin which the finalists wvill lvie u h ay-htyuwie i onte Vtican L. Main- 42DTXISRVC

lie chosen. xi ill e held about teti that counts, liwo, wisuthor. P Li Macenb- P aaD TasferVCBefote the first performance. Hall. islitch includes the lacr-osse dy otowe, ae.,Suet a ln nesy rtthict!e etnains only the ipot-tant teattis and Jutnior- Athletics, ae dastIw ek ten ts mayend o ii oessy writ- fr drcinuco i siatin hr e BaggagSE TnIserVchess i-cheat sal at wich vy- having aothier obstacle course built Three prizes a given in this tena hiri em oer o vr f ore n-Nay iang ae mss ioi ivnan tPeULRRSSE TAXLINS SErVoCEthin butthepi ofessional touch of especially desig~ned to fit their ontest $10, $6. an $4 I for-mation, consult your EglishSwf.3PaktreTl.85make-up will b complete As the needs The essays ac to be approximate- teachei o M. Leaviltt F. C T 32PrkSretTl. J5daily notice i Assembly have tes-


Wxoi-ked haitI ad log oil this 1ii o- MAIJ~ I A T duto.and i, is hoped that it wi FORbe -~eeat a succss as the pe I L-)

viou. resentations -it Mikado -

a d M SPintot -- C'ontiiiued f oii Page 3-- -

~ly destied to hear topics of school Wel 4

I ~~~~ ~Andover Inn P.)litic-l debates anked secotid 4 -- t T,-ad:,. hin -amid dhebates anl conitmunisim and so-


C, ."I ~ C I era silrt i ne third II t pp etil r { 4 ,i - ~ ~,h, t. 1 M1iddic clads tie faterity cusion- -- g M ir~,. i r wa, sed i by a good mnat Ii

i cr l class ~mniiig liti vileges________________________________ high dtnatid CM"

iih-cuntiol is justifialile it theAndover Lunch jwl-ges aaitded the decision of last

-ee j dehtdte c-;rrectly. O'Shea ad11 MAIN STREET Vjniyet %kcre deteated by Wot-

Fountain Service seyaI Hexet Betoie the debate

Good Food Ij eaiimiitive and atetivaids,

bgpitt iwas that they advocated

I I ~~~~~bit iiiconti ol t litevent paretits IA ~ A F ftot havitng ore cildr'en than ARRO~WS TH AhNSW ER 1Andover National Bnk they ould suppoit. O'Shea ad"Tr upsitclasbf e

ANDOVER, MASS. V-OmyU mhsie htbrh can be sure the best-groomed men on washing them. I ~~~~~~~~control would hat-n the already Xpool bt ti-rate o tis coun-ti y Ycampus, wetner in uniform or cits," are

Arrow addcts. Arrw shirtsare tailred withThis fella has the right idea-ii's ust his tecimnique'IUNDERGRADUATES finesse, the collars lie smooth and stay smooth. tha' itesu.Sitclaswl atmcANDOVER ART STUDIO SELL YOUR And don't forget the Sanforized label (fabric longcr if they arc turned up before being sent to PORTRAITS AND GROUPS OLD CLOTHES - FURNITURE AND shrinkage less than 1%o). $2.24, up. the laundry, for then the crease around the top PORTRAITSAND GROUP KNICK-KNACKS

PitrefamingT aINdIrpaING ArroTtie doesn't get such Imeavy rubbing and consequentlyPicur famng ndreaii ANDOVER THRIFT SHOP Arwte (including black barathea and khaki) lasts longcr before fraying.123 Main Street Tel. 1011POTOFC AVNEaemd wihaptndlnng htrsssj POSTOFFICEAVENU are mde wih a paented iningthat rsistsAnother fine point to remember-when you__________________________ wrinkles. Also in smart, colorful fancy patterns, need new sirts, whether military or civilian, buy

JOHN H. GRECOE ~~~~~~~~$1 and $1.50.JOHN H. GRECOE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Arrow. Tey live up to their fine reputation for

WATCHMAKER - JEWELERAn o See us also for your Arrow Shorts (75c up) lasting wear and perfect fit. Don't forget theOPTICIAN and Arrow Handkerchiefs (2 5c up). Sanforized label, which guarantees fabric shrink.

Complete Optical ,Service Coal Cgo.s ttn %Full Line of QualityCo

School Jewelry - GYBHWrs ElIa nd er - A R R 0 W148 Main Street Andover MAN SRE


it; the State." FOR ARROW SHIRTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'