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  • 8/6/2019 LaBar Cazega Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotional Memory 06

    1/112006Nature Publishing Group

    Center for Cognitive

    Neuroscience, Duke

    University, Durham, North

    Carolina 27708, USA.

    Correspondence to K.S.L.

    e-mail: [email protected]



    A dimension of emotion that

    varies from calm to excitement.


    A dimension of emotion that

    varies from unpleasant(negative) to pleasant (positive),

    with neutral often considered

    an intermediate value.

    Declarative memory

    (Or explicit memory).

    Conscious memories for events

    and facts that depend on the

    integrity of the MTL.

    Non-declarative memory

    (Or implicit memory). Various

    non-conscious memories that

    are independent of MTL

    function and are expressed as

    a facilitation in behavioural

    performance due to previousexposure.

    Cognitive neuroscience of emotionalmemoryKevin S. LaBar and Roberto Cabeza

    Abstract | Emotional events oten attain a privileged status in memory. Cognitive

    neuroscientists have begun to elucidate the psychological and neural mechanisms

    underlying emotional retention advantages in the human brain. The amygdala is a brain

    structure that directly mediates aspects o emotional learning and acilitates memory

    operations in other regions, including the hippocampus and prerontal cortex.Emotionmemory interactions occur at various stages o inormation processing, rom the

    initial encoding and consolidation o memory traces to their long-term retrieval. Recent

    advances are revealing new insights into the reactivation o latent emotional associations

    and the recollection o personal episodes rom the remote past.

    Emotional memories constitute the core of our personalhistory. Philosophers and psychologists have long theo-rized about how emotion enhances or disrupts memory.Francis Bacon called strong emotion one of the sixlesser forms of aids to the memory1 and, more recently,Daniel Schacter referred to emotional persistence as oneof the seven sins of memory2. Over the past century,emotional faculties were analysed primarily throughthe methods of animal behaviourism and social/clinicalpsychology, while being eschewed by traditional cogni-tive psychology. Cognitive neuroscientists have nowreversed course to investigate how emotional events arelearned and remembered in the human brain. Thesestudies are beginning to elucidate the organizationof emotional memory networks at the systems level,providing an important translational bridge betweenanimal models and clinical disorders.

    Emotion theorists often assume that affective spaceis parsed according to two orthogonal dimensions

    arousal and valence. The impact of these dimensionson different forms of memory, including declarative(explicit) and non-declarative (implicit) memory, hasbeen investigated. The current state of knowledgeregarding emotional effects on these memory systems inhumans is reviewed below, with an emphasis on arousal-mediated influences of the amygdala and its interactionswith brain structures in the frontal and temporal lobes35(FIG. 1). The review encompasses several methods ofcognitive and affective neuroscience, including studiesof patients with medial temporal lobe (MTL) damage,neurohormonal manipulations and functional brainimaging. Within declarative memory, we focus mainly

    on memory for events, or episodic memory, and, in thecase of non-declarative memory, we focus primarily onfear conditioning, as the greatest advances so far havebeen made in these areas. Most studies have examinedemotional influences under conditions of moderatelyhigh arousal, but some studies on the effects of valencein the absence of high arousal are mentioned briefly.Although emotion predominantly benefits memory,long-lasting detrimental consequences are sometimesobserved, particularly after severe or prolonged stress(BOX 1). Experimental support for classic views of emo-tional memory derived from research in non-humananimals is described, in addition to findings that expandon this foundation to encompass domains of uniquelyhuman aspects ofrecollection.

    Emotional episodic memory

    Consequences of amygdala damage. As in otherdomains of cognitive neuroscience, studies of brain-

    lesioned patients provide a core foundation to delineatestructurefunction relationships in this case, deter-mining which aspects of emotional memory dependon the integrity of the amygdala. In humans, organicsyndromes rarely affect the amygdala selectively. If thebrain damage extends to adjacent MTL memory struc-tures bilaterally, the patient is rendered amnesic, whichcomplicates the study of emotional effects. Therefore,key insights have been provided by post-surgical studiesof temporal lobectomy patients with unilateral damageto the MTL due to epilepsy, as well as case studies of rarepatients with selective bilateral amygdala pathology dueto UrbachWiethe syndrome.

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    Striatum PFC

    Cerebellum Sensory neocortex

    MTL memory system

    HPA axis

    Procedural (habit) learningReward learning

    DorsalWorking memoryMeta-memoryMemory strategiesProspective memory

    VentralSemantic memoryExtinction learningConceptual primingAutobiographical retrieval

    Declarative memoryMemory consolidationContextual ear memoryComplex conditioning

    Neurohormonalmemory modulation

    Reflexive conditioningMotor learning

    Memory storageConceptual primingPerceptual priming







    Episodic retrieval that isaccompanied by recovery of

    specific contextual details

    about a past event.

    UrbachWiethe syndrome

    (Or lipoid proteinosis). A rare,

    hereditary, congenital disorder

    characterized by systemic

    deposits of hyaline material

    that are prominent in the skin,

    oral mucosa and pharynx.

    About 50% of all cases have

    additional intracranial deposits

    in the MTL, which occasionally

    target the amygdala selectively.

    Since the seminal findings of Kleinsmith and Kaplan6,behavioural studies in healthy adults have shown that emo-tional advantages in memory are sometimes augmentedover time. For example, retention advantages for emotion-ally arousing words relative to neutral words are greaterwhen memory is tested after long (1 h to 1 day) than aftershort (immediate) delay intervals7,8. Such observationsprovide evidence that emotional arousal benefits memoryin part by facilitating consolidation processes, which taketime to emerge. Temporal lobectomy patients do notshow enhanced arousal-mediated memory consolidationbut instead show parallel forgetting rates for arousingand neutral words from immediate to 1-h retentionintervals7,9. However, the exact time course of consolidationis subject to considerable debate, and stabilization of

    memory traces is a protracted process that could last frommonths to years. UrbachWiethe syndrome patients alsoshow impairments in long-term (1 h to 1 month) recall orrecognition of emotional words, pictures and stories1012(FIG. 2). Although these results have also been interpretedto reflect deficits in emotion-enhanced consolidationprocesses, we note that short-term memory for theseitems has not been tested.

    Emotional arousal has complementary, immediateeffects during encoding that are time invariant and areinterpreted to reflect attentional influences on memory3.One additional consequence of emotional arousal isthe focusing of attention on central gist information at the

    expense of peripheral details for complex events such asemotional narratives or social encounters, as exemplifiedby weapon focus in eyewitness testimony research.Attentional focusing ensures that emotionally salientfeatures of complex events are preferentially retainedin memory, which confers evolutionary advantages.Patients with amygdala lesions do not focus on centralgist information when memory is tested for audiovisualnarratives that describe emotionally arousing events13.The gist memory effects are evident when the patientsgenerate intact skin conductance responses (SCRs) andarousal/valence ratings to the stimuli, which implicatesimpairments in emotioncognition interactions ratherthan a more basic problem with emotional evaluation.

    In contrast to the above findings, certain aspects ofemotional memory are preserved following amygdaladamage. Patients with amygdala lesions do preferen-tially remember words that are affectively valent butlow in arousal relative to neutral ones, as well as neutralwords encoded in emotional sentence contexts relativeto neutral contexts9,14. In such cases, it is possible that

    the patients access other cognitive resources that boostretention, including semantic cohesion15 and organiz-ational strategies, which are probably mediated bydirect interactions between the MTL and the prefrontalcortex (PFC). Some emotional benefits in memory aretherefore possible without a fully functioning amygdala,especially when damage occurs later in life16, and relate inpart to recruitment of cognitive processes by emotional

    valence. These findings extend the results from researchin rodents to suggest that arousal rather than valenceis the crucial factor in engaging the amygdala duringemotional memory tasks17.

    Neurohormonal memory modulation. A limitationof most patient studies is that impaired performanceobserved at a single time point could reflect deficits inany one of four memory stages: encoding, consolidation,storage or retrieval. Psychopharmacological studies inhealthy adults can provide somewhat greater specificityregarding which phase of memory is affected by emotion.However, the prolonged time course of neurohormonalactions must be considered, as stress hormones can havedifferent effects on each stage of memory.

    As shown in rodents by McGaugh and colleagues18,19,adrenal stress hormones modulate performance on

    various learning and memory tasks. Emotional situ-ations initiate complex interactions between adrenergic

    and glucocorticoid systems that are coordinated by thehypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis at central andperipheral sites of action. Adrenaline release in the periph-ery stimulates vagal afferents that terminate in the nucleusof the solitary tract, which, in turn, projects to the amyg-dala and other memory-related forebrain regions. Post-training infusion of-adrenergic receptor antagonists intothe basolateral amygdala blocks the memory-enhancingeffects of adrenaline, and infusion of-adrenergic receptoragonists facilitates memory consolidation20,21. Withinthe basolateral amygdala and hippocampus, noradrena-line enhances glutamatergic synaptic plasticity, which isthought to underlie learning and memory functions22,23.

    Figure 1 | Potential mechanisms by which the amygdala mediates the inluence o

    emotional arousal on memory. In addition to emotional learning that takes place

    intrinsically in the amygdala, direct and indirect neural projections target severalmemory systems in the brain, including those that subserve working memory, declarative

    memory and various non-declarative orms o memory (or example, procedural learning,

    priming and relexive conditioning). Complex conditioning reers to various higher-order

    conditioning procedures that are hippocampal dependent, including trace conditioning

    and conditional discrimination learning. The amygdala also triggers the release o stress

    hormones by way o the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, which eed back

    onto memory consolidation and storage sites as well as the amygdala itsel to enhance

    memory over longer time intervals. Solid arrows indicate direct connections, dashed

    arrows indicate indirect connections. Blue labels indicate connections with subcortical

    structures. MTL, medial temporal lobe; PFC, prerontal cortex.

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    Working memory

    A form of memory in which

    stimulus representations are

    actively maintained and/or

    manipulated in conscious

    awareness over a short period

    of time.

    Memory consolidation for both appetitively andaversively motivated learning tasks is blocked by adreno-cortical suppression, and is enhanced by infusions of gluco-corticoid receptor agonists into the basolateral amygdalaand hippocampus2426. Lesions of the basolateral amygdalamodulate the effectiveness of glucocorticoid manipula-tions in the hippocampus, which implicates a functionalcoupling between these regions for arousal-enhancedmemory consolidation25. Because the behavioural impactof stress and glucocorticoids is modulated by- and-adrenergic receptor activation in the basolateral amyg-dala, the mnemonic effects of different stress hormonesystems are co-dependent27,28. Collectively, the find-ings from research in rodents have been interpreted asevidence to support the memory-modulation hypothesis,which states that greater long-term memory for emo-tional than neutral events reflects the neuromodulatoryinfluence of the amygdala on consolidation processesin MTL memory regions through engagement of stresshormones18. Analogous neurohormonal mechanisms alsocontribute to amygdala influences over other memory-processing regions of the brain, although the behaviouralconsequences are not always advantageous. For example,acute corticosterone administration impairs performance

    on tests ofworking memory, which also depend on adrenalineand on interactions between the amygdala and PFC29.

    Investigations with humans have begun to examineneurohormonal influences across emotional and non-emotional memory tasks. In patients with epilepsy, recogni-tion memory for prose passages is enhanced followingmoderate-intensity stimulation of the vagus nerve, whichprovides a route for peripheral hormones to feed back ontocentral learning sites30. Pharmacological manipulations inhumans have implicated both adrenergic and corticosteroidinfluences on memory, although with less anatomicalspecificity than in animal studies. Administration of-adrenergic receptor antagonists (for example, propranolol)

    before encoding reduces the long-term retention advan-tage typically seen for emotionally arousing stimuli relativeto neutral stimuli31,32(FIG. 2). Conversely, administration of-adrenergic receptor agonists (for example, yohimbine)promotes emotional memory33,34. However, one studyfound that 40 mg of propranolol does not affect emotionalmemory when administered after encoding35, and anotherstudy found impairing effects of a higher dose (80 mg) ofpropranolol across both short- and long-term retentionintervals36. During short retention intervals, propranololalso induces a retrograde amnesia for neutral words thatprecede emotional words in a list, an effect that is largerin females37. Additional research in humans is warrantedto dissociate adrenergic modulation of attentional effectsduring encoding (that affect both short- and long-termmemory) from consolidation effects, which have beenshown consistently in rodents.

    Comparison of adrenergic receptor antagonists thatreadily cross the bloodbrain barrier (for example, pro-pranolol) versus those that do not (for example, nadolol)shows that -adrenergic effects on emotional memory

    in humans are mediated by receptors located in thebrain32 (but see REF. 38 for an alternative point of view).Neuropsychological and functional neuroimagingstudies have converged to identify the amygdalaas a likely mediator of these influences. On tests ofmemory for emotionally arousing words or stories,damage to the amygdala yields impairments similarto those of beta-blocker administration in healthycontrols9,11,12,37,39(FIG. 2). In addition, functional neuro-imaging studies indicate that amygdala activity duringthe encoding of emotional stimuli is reduced by pro-pranolol40,41, with a concomitant reduction in hippocampalactivity during retrieval of the same stimuli40.

    Stress and glucocorticoids affect both emotional andnon-emotional forms of memory in humans. Duringencoding, acute cortisol administration or stress-inducedendogenous cortisol release generally enhances emotionallearning and memory4245, but similar manipulations duringretrieval impair recall of earlier memories46,47. The acuteimpact of cortisol is typically greater for emotionally arous-ing stimuli than it is for neutral stimuli, although somestudies have found similar effects across emotional andneutral material48, or effects in the opposite direction49,50.On tests of working memory, psychosocial stress or high-dose cortisol administration typically impair performance,which is consistent with the animal literature5153.

    Variations in cortisol influences on memory are

    attributable to several factors, including biological sex,duration of stress (acute versus chronic), cortisol dose(typically as an inverted U-shaped function) and time ofday relative to the circadian flux in endogenous cortisollevels18,19. Variations caused by cortisol dose and time ofday relative to circadian flux are related to the relativeoccupancy of mineralocorticoid or glucocorticoid receptorsubtypes, which have different affinities for glucocorticoidsand affect memory functions to different extents. At lowdoses, mineralocorticoid receptor activation is dominantand relates to emotional enhancement of encoding proc-esses, but consolidation benefits are typically not reported.At higher doses, glucocorticoid receptor activation,

    Box 1 | Post-traumatic stress disorder

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) emerges after exposure to a traumatic stressor

    that elicits fear, horror or helplessness and involves bodily injury or threat of injury or

    death to ones self or another person. Community-based studies in the United States

    estimate a lifetime prevalence of trauma exposure at 50%, but only 5% of men and

    10% of women will develop PTSD139. Prevalence rates are higher in at-risk

    populations, such as war veterans. Diagnostic symptoms include persistent

    re-experiencing of the traumatic event, avoidance of reminders, numbing ofresponsiveness and heightened arousal. Neurobiological models of PTSD have

    focused on brain regions and stress hormone systems that are involved in fear, arousal

    and emotional memory. Cortisol dysregulation and abnormal responses to adrenergic

    modulators implicate disturbances in the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis and its

    interactions with brain regions that control arousal140. Chronic stress in PTSD

    contributes to smaller hippocampal volume and declarative memory deficits141.

    Symptom provocation studies show blood flow changes in cortico-limbic circuitry

    involved in emotional memory, including the amygdala, anterior cingulate and

    orbitofrontal cortex142,143. Patients with PTSD have exaggerated startle responses to

    loud sounds144 and show greater contextual and cued fear conditioning145,146. Given

    that administration of the -adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol selectivelyreduces memory consolidation for emotionally arousing material (FIG. 2),

    beta-blockers are currently being evaluated as potential agents for secondary

    prevention of PTSD147. However, the ethics of this approach, as well as its empirical

    and theoretical basis, is still the subject of some debate.

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    20Neutral Emotional Neutral


    Controls: placeboControls: propranololPatients

    Story phase

    Figure 2 | -Adrenergic receptor blockade in healthyadults during encoding produces similar deicits to

    amygdala damage on a test o emotional memory.

    Participants view a slide show and hear an accompanying

    narrative. The middle portion o the story describes a car

    accident, whereas the beginning and end portions o the

    story are emotionally neutral in content. Healthy adults

    given a placebo 1 h beore the story remember theemotionally arousing portion o the story better than the

    neutral portions 1 week later. Propranolol administration

    during encoding abolishes this retention advantage in

    healthy adults. Two patients with selective amygdala

    damage (SM and BP, data averaged) also lack the retention

    advantage or the emotionally arousing portion o the

    story. Modiied, with permission, rom REF. 12 (1997)Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press and REF. 31 (1994)Macmillan Magazines Ltd.

    Dm effect

    An index of brain activity at

    encoding that distinguishes

    subsequently remembered

    from subsequently forgotten

    items and is assumed to reflect

    successful encoding processes.

    combined with adrenergic influences, contributes toenhanced memory consolidation. In contrast to acuteeffects, chronic elevations in basal cortisol levels in olderhigh-stress individuals54 or altered stress reactivity insome neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression55and post-traumatic stress disorder (BOX 1), can lead toreductions in hippocampal volume and concomitantdeclarative memory deficits, even for non-emotionalmaterial. Cortisol-induced impairments in declarativememory retrieval have been linked to reductions in MTLactivity56. However, as mentioned above with respect toworking memory, stress hormone systems project to adiffuse set of brain areas (including the PFC, cerebellum,hypothalamus and hippocampus), each of which are sub-

    ject to modulation by the amygdala for different memoryoperations with potentially distinct consequences (FIG. 1).

    Imaging emotional memory encoding.Brain imagingusing positron emission tomography (PET) and func-tional MRI (fMRI) can also distinguish the impact ofemotion at different stages of episodic memory, but withfar superior specificity of the underlying neuroanatomythan hormonal manipulations. Moreover, these studieshave the potential to reveal functional interactions amongdistributed brain regions to test the memory-modulationhypothesis and to implicate involvement of additionalareas. Most functional imaging studies on this topichave investigated encoding processes5767. Consistentwith the memory-modulation hypothesis, activity

    in the amygdala and MTL memory regions duringthe encoding of emotional stimuli is correlated withindividual differences in later memory for these stimuli.PET studies initially established that the amount of amyg-dala activation during encoding positively correlateswith delayed recall accuracy for aversive but not neutralfilm clips57, as well as delayed recognition accuracy foremotionally arousing pictures that are both positive andnegative in valence59. In addition, there is a sex differencein the hemispheric distribution of encoding-related amyg-dala activity, with men showing right-lateralized effectsand women showing left-lateralized effects61. The sexu-ally dimorphic lateralization pattern is more prominentwhen considering the relationship between amygdalaactivity and memory, and is found less often as an effectof emotion on perceptual processing. Reasons for thesex difference in emotional memory remain unclear andconstitute an active area of current research.

    Event-related fMRI experiments have replicated thecorrelation between amygdala activity at encoding anddelayed retention accuracy for emotional pictures, as well

    as the dependency of this relationship on self-reportedarousal levels and lateralization by sex60,62,63. Confirmationby this technique is important because the temporal reso-lution of PET and fMRI when using blocked designs doesnot permit researchers to distinguish transient emotionaleffects from sustained mood influences, and individualitems cannot be analysed according to emotion ratingsor memory performance (for example, retrieval success orfailure) obtained from each participant. Furthermore,event-related designs allow the use of the subsequentmemory paradigm, which can distinguish activity asso-ciated with stimulus processing and task demands toreveal neural signatures that specifically reflect success-ful encoding operations. This paradigm isolates theDm effect by contrasting study-phase activity for itemsthat are remembered versus those that are forgotten ina subsequent memory test68. The enhancing influenceof emotion on successful encoding activity can then beinvestigated by comparing the Dm effect for emotional

    versus neutral stimuli.For example, an event-related potential (ERP) study

    showed that the Dm effect for emotional stimuli occurredfaster (400600 ms) than the Dm effect for neutral stimuli(600800 ms), suggesting that emotional stimuli haveprivileged access to processing resources69. Consistentwith the memory-modulation hypothesis, fMRI studieshave shown that emotion enhances the Dm effect in both

    the amygdala and MTL memory regions60,62,64,65,70(FIG. 3).In addition, the Dm effect for emotional and neutralitems differs in localization within the MTL, with the formerbeing mediated in anterior parahippocampal regionsand the latter in posterior parahippocampal regions64.This functional localization is consistent with anatomicalevidence for greater reciprocity between the amygdalaand anterior sectors of the parahippocampal gyrus71,72.Although MTL structures have been emphasizedin support of the memory-modulation hypothesis, wenote that the PFC also contributes to emotional Dmeffects, with regionally specific modulation by botharousal and valence65,67,73(FIG. 3).

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    BA 47 BA 6/9 Arousal Dm Neutral Dm

    b Arousal Dm

























    Arousal Valence only Neutral

    Arousal Valence only Neutral

    Arousal Valence only Neutral






    Lef amygdala

    Lef hippocampus

    Lef inerior PFC


    * *








    Episodic retrieval that is

    accompanied by a feeling that

    an event happened in the past,

    although no contextual details

    are available.

    The memory-modulation hypothesis predicts not onlygreater activity in the amygdala and the MTL memorysystem during successful emotional encoding, but alsogreater interaction between these regions. Several lines ofevidence support this prediction (FIG. 4). First, structural

    equation modelling of PET data shows greater amygdalaparahippocampal interactions during the encoding ofnegative compared with neutral film clips58. Second, inpatients with epilepsy with varying degrees of MTL sclerosis,pathology severity in the left amygdala is inverselycorrelated with emotional encoding activity in the lefthippocampus and is associated with a compensatory shiftto the right hippocampus, whereas pathology severity inthe left hippocampus generates an analogous effect in theamygdala66. Finally, in healthy participants, the Dm effectsin the amygdala and in the entorhinal cortex are positivelycorrelated during the encoding of emotionally arousingbut not neutral pictures64. Similar emotion-specific Dmcorrelations are also found between the amygdala and thehippocampus64,65.

    Imaging emotional memory retrieval.Classic viewsof amygdala function have emphasized its role duringthe encoding and consolidation stages of memoryrather than during retrieval18. Recent research inrodents suggests that the amygdala also contributes

    to the reconsolidation of emotional memory tracesfollowing their retrieval74. In humans, few neuroimag-ing experiments have targeted the retrieval stage ofemotional episodic memory. Early studies implicatedextrastriate cortex75,76 as well as the anterior temporallobe and amygdala77 in aspects of emotional stimulusretrieval. Owing to the use of blocked designs, thesestudies suffered the same limitations as those describedabove for memory encoding. More recently, ERP andevent-related fMRI paradigms were used to investigate theretrieval of neutral items that were encoded in emotional

    versus neutral contexts. ERP shifts in frontal, temporal andparietal sites distinguished retrieval of items encoded inemotional versus neutral contexts, and items successfullyretrieved from emotional contexts elicited fMRI activa-tion in limbic structures (amygdala, insula and cingulate)and various regions within temporal and frontal neocor-tex7881. Contextual memory paradigms have experimentaladvantages in that they avoid the confounding influence ofemotion on perception when emotional stimuli are usedas retrieval cues, but they assess the retrieval of emotionalcontext rather than emotional content, which might notrely on the same mechanisms82.

    One method for investigating the retrieval of emotionalevents while controlling for confounding perceptual influ-ences is to identify successful retrieval activity by com-paring responses to successful (hits) versus unsuccessful

    (misses) retrieval trials. Emotional enhancement ofretrieval is then measured by subtracting successfulretrieval activity for neutral items from that for emotionalitems. Furthermore, by using participants responses inthe scanner, it is possible to distinguish those emotionalmemories that are accompanied by a sense of recollec-tion rather than familiarity. These two retrieval processesrely on different cognitive and neural mechanisms83, andrecollection is especially enhanced behaviourally by emo-tion84,85. Dolcos and colleagues86 investigated the impactof emotional content on successful retrieval activityassociated with recollection or familiarity. Participantswere scanned 1 year after the original encoding to avoid

    Figure 3 | Two routes to emotional remembering: arousal- and valence-mediated

    subsequent memory eects. a | Functional MRI (MRI) activation is monitored while

    healthy adults encode high-arousing negative words, low-arousing negative words

    (valence only) and neutral words. For each participant, the data rom each trial are sorted

    o-line according to whether the word is subsequently remembered or orgotten to

    generate an index o successul encoding (called the Dm eect or subsequent memory

    eect). Relative to neutral words, high-arousing negative words generate greater Dm

    eects in the hippocampus and amygdala, whereas low-arousing negative words

    generate greater Dm eects in the hippocampus and a posterior region o inerolateral

    prerontal cortex (PFC). Asterisks indicate signiicant dierences (p

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    a b0.3





    0.2 250









    1,0000.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000




    Lef entorhinal Dm eect Lef hippocampal volume (mm3)





    Biological preparedness


    A theory proposed by Martin

    Seligman that considers

    phobias as arising from a

    selective set of biological

    associations that the organism

    is evolutionarily tuned

    (prepared) to learn, which

    leads to rapid fear acquisition

    and persistence of fear.

    Visual maskingA psychophysical technique

    that can be used to reduce

    perceptual awareness of visual

    stimuli by presenting them

    briefly (for typically

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    NeutralEmotional NeutralEmotional NeutralEmotional








    hange) 0.06










    Amygdala Hippocampus Entorhinal cortex

    Amygdala Hippocampus head Entorhinal cortex












    L R

    y = 4 y = 10 y = 16




    After extinction training,

    conditioned fear can be

    renewed by presenting the

    conditioned stimulus in a novel



    After extinction training,

    conditioned fear can be

    reinstated by presenting the

    conditioned stimulus in a

    context in which a noxious or

    stressful stimulus was recently


    visual masking techniques97,98. Subliminal fear conditioninghas been influential in characterizing how fear and anxi-ety can arise in the absence of awareness on the part of theindividual. Given the putative role of this form of emo-tional learning in traumatic memory formation, anxiety

    disorders (including phobias) and drug addiction, mucheffort has been made to understand the psychological andneural mechanisms of conditioned behaviour.

    A rich tradition of neuroscientific research in rodentshas elucidated the crucial role of the amygdala in condi-tioned fear learning. Lesions of the basolateral and centralnuclei of the amygdala prevent the acquisition of fear todiscrete cues and environmental contexts99,100. Neurons inthe lateral amygdala integrate sensory information withnociceptive information and are proposed to form cellassemblies that mediate the formation of CSUS associa-tions101. During fear conditioning, electrophysiologicalchanges occur in the lateral amygdala before they do in

    other brain regions102, and amygdala lesions reduce syn-aptic plasticity occurring in the thalamus and cortex103,104.Fear conditioning induces long-term potentiation, a formof synaptic plasticity that is thought to underlie learning,along both subcortical and cortical routes of informationprocessing to the amygdala105107. After the induction oflong-term potentiation, activation of various intracellularprocesses within the amygdala leads to gene transcriptionand protein synthesis that generate cytoskeletal and adhe-sion remodelling, which stabilize functional alterationsbetween synaptic contacts and preserve fear learning108.To extinguish fear behaviours, the ventromedial PFCsuppresses amygdala function by engaging a networkof inhibitory interneurons109,110. These observations innon-human animals position the amygdala centrally inan integrated network that underlies fear learning andits extinction.

    In humans, damage to the amygdala consistentlyimpairs fear conditioning and fear-potentiated startleresponses, similar to those observed in non-humananimals9,111116. Because patients with amygdala lesions

    can verbalize the reinforcement contingency and cangenerate unconditioned SCRs to noxious stimuli, thefindings implicate a deficit in an implicit emotionallearning mechanism rather than one related to explicitmemory or fear expression. By contrast, amnesic patientswith damage restricted to the hippocampus show theopposite dissociation they can acquire conditionedfear on simple tasks but cannot verbalize the appropriatestimulus relationships111,117. Together, these resultsconstitute a double dissociation regarding the contribu-tions of the amygdala and hippocampus to conditionedemotional learning in humans (FIG. 6). This distinctionis important because, unlike rodents, humans acquireconscious knowledge of the stimulus relationships, whichcan modify learning under some circumstances118. Theneuropsychological findings provide evidence that thedeclarative and non-declarative aspects of simple formsof fear learning are neurally dissociable.

    Contextual reinstatement of fear.Although the initialacquisition of simple fear conditioning to sensory cuesdepends on the amygdala and not the hippocampus,other aspects of conditioning are hippocampal depend-ent, including the contextual reinstatement of extin-guished fear. The suppression of conditioned fear thataccompanies extinction training is highly sensitive toenvironmental manipulations, and extinguished fear

    responses can be renewed or reinstated over time, depend-ing on the context in which the CS is presented. Boutonhas theorized that reinforced (CSUS) associations fromacquisition training and non-reinforced (CS but no US)associations from extinction training are overlaid inmemory, and that contextual cues disambiguate whichof these memories is dominant when a CS is encoun-tered after extinction119. As a result, currently availablecontextual information guides the selection of an appro-priate behavioural response to signals of threat followingextinction training. Rodent lesion studies have shownthat the integrity of the hippocampus is important for thecontextual recovery of extinguished fear120. Behavioural

    Figure 5 | Successul retrieval o emotionally arousing memories rom long-

    term storage depends on the amygdala and medial temporal lobe memory

    system. a | Retrieval success (RS) measures the dierence in activity in response to

    pictures that are successully retrieved (hits) rom those that are unsuccessully

    retrieved (misses). Functional MRI data are obtained rom healthy adults during a

    recognition memory test conducted 1 year ater encoding. The amygdala,

    hippocampus and entorhinal cortex show enhanced RS activity or pictures with

    emotionally arousing content relative to those with neutral content. b | Theamygdala and hippocampus urther dierentiate emotional pictures that are

    successully retrieved with an accompanying sense o recollection (remember hits)

    rom those that simply seem amiliar (know hits). Data in a and b represent the

    maximum percentage signal change taken rom voxels in the shaded regions

    relative to the pre-stimulus baseline. Panels a and b modiied, with permission, rom

    REF. 86 (2005) National Academy o Sciences.

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    a b




















































    Visual Auditory




    Conditioning Declarative memory

    Acquisition Extinction Recovery

    Controls: dierent context

    Controls: same context



    SM WS

    research in humans has confirmed that after conditionedfear responses are extinguished, they can be recovered ina context-dependent manner117,121,122. However, amnesicpatients with selective hippocampal damage do not showcontextual fear reinstatement, despite acquiring fearnormally117(FIG. 6). Therefore, in the absence of an intacthippocampus, conditioned fear associations can belearned implicitly but are not appropriately retrieved bycontextual cues. Interactions among the hippocampus,amygdala and ventromedial PFC are proposed to cont-

    ribute to the contextual recovery of extinguished fearmemories, although the details have not yet been estab-lished110. In anxiety disorders, contextual factors contributeto fear generalization, traumatic memory retrieval andrelapse after exposure therapy123. Future work in this areahas excellent potential to reveal brain mechanisms thatunderlie the recovery of latent emotional associations andtheir contextual control, with direct implications for thetreatment of affective disorders.

    Imaging fear learning.Brain imaging studies of healthyadults have provided additional insights into the func-tional anatomy of fear learning. Initial investigations

    using PET compared blood flow during the habituationand extinction phases of conditioning, as this techniquedoes not have the temporal resolution to differentiateresponses to the CS and US during typical training pro-cedures124,125. With the advent of event-related fMRI, itbecame possible to extract haemodynamic signal changesduring acquisition training that were transiently elicitedby the CS without contamination by signals related to thedelivery of the noxious US126,127. These and other imagingstudies128134 have identified a set of brain regions that

    mediate the acquisition of fear, including the amygdalaand periamygdaloid cortex, thalamus, sensory neocortexand anterior cingulate gyrus/medial PFC (FIG. 7).

    Angry facial expressions that were subliminally fear-conditioned also engage the amygdala135 and promotegreater functional interactions with the thalamus andsuperior colliculus than during supraliminal condition-ing136. Such observations provide indirect evidence forpreferential engagement of subcortical pathways to theamygdala during unconscious fear learning. The amyg-dalas response to conditioned fear stimuli is typicallystrongest early in acquisition training when the emo-tional associations are initially formed126,127, which is

    Figure 6 | Studies o patients with rare brain lesions reveal dissociable contributions o the amygdala andhippocampus to conditioned ear learning. a | A patient with selective amygdala damage (SM) has intact actual

    knowledge regarding the stimulus contingencies but ails to acquire skin conductance responses (SCR) to visual or

    auditory cues (conditioned stimuli) paired with a loud noise. A patient with amnesia due to selective hippocampal

    damage (WC) shows the opposite dissociation an inability to acquire actual knowledge but intact conditioned ear

    responses. Healthy controls acquire both actual knowledge and conditioned ear to stimuli that predict

    reinorcement relative to unpaired control stimuli. b | The contextual reinstatement o extinguished ear is

    hippocampal dependent. Healthy participants acquire and extinguish SCRs to a visual stimulus that predicts shock

    delivery. Ater extinction, participants are given a ew presentations o the shock alone either in the same testing

    context or a dierent testing context (at time point indicated by dashed line). Fear responses to subsequent

    presentations o the conditioned stimulus recover only in healthy participants who encounter the shocks in the same

    testing context (asterisk indicates p

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    similar to the electrophysiological response profile ofsome lateral amygdala neurons during fear conditioningin rats102. In individual participants, the generation ofconditioned SCRs is correlated with CS-evoked activityin the amygdala but not other components of the fearnetwork, which suggests specificity in the link betweencentral and peripheral indices of conditioned learn-ing127,130,137. The human amygdala also participates in theextinction of fear127,131,138 through reciprocal interactionswith executive control regions of the medial PFC andanterior cingulate, which suppress fear reactions whenthey are no longer relevant138.


    Emotion has powerful influences on learning andmemory that involve multiple brain systems engagedat different stages of information processing. Studies ofdeclarative emotional memory show how frontotemporalbrain regions act conjointly to promote the retentionof emotionally arousing events and retrieve them fromlong-term stores. Memory-enhancing effects of emotionalarousal involve interactions between subcortical andcortical structures and engagement of central and periph-eral neurohormonal systems that are coordinated bythe amygdala. The memory boost conferred by arousalseems to engage similar brain systems across positiveand negative valence. By contrast, retention advantagesof emotional valence in the absence of high arousal aredue in part to frontally mediated semantic and strategicprocesses that benefit declarative memory without keyinvolvement of the amygdala. The contributions of theamygdala, PFC and MTL memory system extend beyondthe initial period of memory consolidation to initiate theretrieval of emotional memories, including those from the

    personal past. Autobiographical memory research enablesethical assessments of more intense and remote emotionalepisodes, as well as investigations into emotional influenceson the phenomenology of remembering rather than onmemory accuracy. Studies of conditioned emotional learn-ing illustrate how the amygdala, PFC and hippocampusmake unique contributions to the acquisition, extinctionand recovery of fears to specific cues and contexts. Futureexperiments should characterize more fully the beneficialimpact of emotion on other memory systems, includingworking memory, priming and procedural learning, aswell as the detrimental effects of emotion on these systems.During a decade of progress, advances in cognitive neuro-science have begun to unravel the biological mysteriessurrounding the persistence of emotional experiences inhumans, with implications for understanding memorydisturbances in affective disorders.

    Figure 7 | Functional neuroimaging o healthy adults during conditioned ear

    acquisition reveals activation in a thalamoamygdalocingulate network. Data

    pooled across nine experiments124127,129,131134consistently show haemodynamic changesevoked by conditioned ear stimuli in the amygdala and subjacent periamygdaloid

    cortex (coronal sections, let), and the thalamus and anterior cingulate/dorsomedial

    prerontal cortex (ACC/DMPFC, mid-sagittal section, right).

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    AcknowledgementsResearch was supported by grants from US National

    Institutes of Health and a US National Science Foundation

    CAREER award.

    Competing interests statementThe authors declare no competing financial interests.

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