kishore biyani vs sam walton

Leadership Assignment- Leadership Individual Assignment-3 Page 1 Submitted to Submitted by Hitesh Goyal Batch PGPRM-9 Reg. No. BLR 0903071001

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Assignment- Leadership

Individual Assignment-3 Page 1

Submitted to Submitted by Hitesh Goyal Batch PGPRM-9 Reg. No. BLR 0903071001


Table of Contents

Introduction: -.............................................................................................................................3

Executive Summary: -................................................................................................................3

Literature Review: -...................................................................................................................4

Key Findings, Discussion and Analysis:-..................................................................................6

Personal Reflective Evaluation:-................................................................................................7

Conclusions ...............................................................................................................................7

Refrences :-................................................................................................................................8

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Every day we can see the examples of leadership in our life, even just looked out our past

experience, many times we have been both leader and led by others for example of our

teachers, parents, politicians and even though by our friends. They led us through rewards,

conflict and punishment to complete the work which they want or good for us and in the

same way we also led others as a class representative, team captain or in a function.

Leadership can be defined as a ability to influence others. It is a quality which we learn from

own or others experience and through environment which around us.

I have chosen the retail industry and leader is Mr. Kishore Biyani who is the CEO of The

Future Group. Pantaloon and Big Bazaar are the flagship companies of The Future Group.

Today, Kishore Biyani considered as the Retail Guru not only in India but also all over the

world who gave the new path or definition to the Indian retail sector.

Executive Summary:

The area and target of study:

The area of study is the various kinds of leadership style and theories and it targets the

leadership style of a great leader who has contributed a lot for their company.


To make clear the concept of leadership theory which I have learnt

CEO’s achievements and contributions for an organization


I have used secondary data which includes academic literature books, e- books, relevant

websites and journals review to understanding the concept and complete this report.

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Literature Review:

Leader as name suggest that who lead the others and have a ability to influence others. A

leader believes that he will find the way or if there is no way then he will make a way for

success. (Adair, 2007)

A successful leader should have these qualities:

Integrity: It is defined as a quality which makes people trust on you. A leader cannot lead

others until he has this quality.

Enthusiasm: It is a general characteristic of a leader. To become a unbeaten leader every

leader should has this quality. Without this quality he cannot attract the audience.

Warmth: A cold fish does not usually make a good leader. A warm personality is infectious.

Calmness: It is the most important quality of a leader. We can take an example of politicians,

they contest the election and they lost then they have to wait for a long time and again they

stand to contest the election..

Tough but fair: A leader should have right and tough decision making power. If a leader can

take a right decision in complicated situation then it makes him successful.

Leadership: “The capacity to influence a team toward the achievement of a mission or set

goals called leadership.” (Robbins & Judge, 2009)

With the help of this definition we can say that leadership is a process which involves guiding

and showing a direction to the members of an organization to achieve a particular goal.

Leadership can be defined as to show direction, building team and inspiring others by verbal

communication or speech, giving rewards and punishment.

Classification of different theories of leadership:

Trait theory: Trait theory was considered as the old theory or the contemporary it

differentiate the leaders from the non leaders through these big five personality framework-

leadership traits: (Robbins & Jude, 2007)



Openness to experience

Emotional stability


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Behaviour theory: It is the most recent theory which is basically deals with variable

deliberation to judge the leaders. This theory is flexible in nature. (Lussier & Achua, 2007) It

can be classified in to:

Employee Oriented

Production Oriented

Employee oriented leaders are accentuate more on interpersonal relation between the

employees and themselves. Production oriented employees are emphasise more on technical

or task aspects of the job. (Robbins & Judge, 2007)

Path-goal theory: According to this theory, the effectiveness of leader depends on the

motivation of employees by setting expectations. The followers accept the behavior and

perform effectively of the leader if they feel it as a source of satisfaction and are provided

with complements such as support and rewards. (Luthans, 2005)

Transformational Leadership: The leaders who have an instinct to motivate their followers

to perform at higher level are called transformational leaders. (Robbins & Judge, 2009)

Transformational leaders provide vision and sense of mission and admirer employees to go

ahead with their individual self- interests for the superior of the group. (Daft, 2005)

Key Finding :

Kishore Biyani: He is considered as the Indian Sam Walton. He was born in 1961 in

Rajasthan. After completed his graduation in commerce stream he started his own retail store

of readymade garments rather than joining his family business. Today he is the CEO of The

Future Group. Pantaloon and Big Bazaar are the flagship companies of The Future Group.

The company has stores in near 30 cities. (, 2007) In his interview with

The Business Today he said “When I started my business my main goal was to become the

best not the biggest. I know the money value so my aim was to establish the store where

consumers can get everything under one roof and cheaper than other. Look today I have

different-2 store in almost every part of India and I established Big Bazaar for middle class

income and Pantaloon for upper middle class people” (Businesstoday,2009).

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Achievement: (, 2007)

Awarded by The National Retail Federation (NRF), America

Awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2006 in the Services Sector

Young Business Leader Award by the prime minister in 2006.

First Generation Entrepreneur of the Year awarded by CNBC in 2006.

Record sale of his 1st published book “It Happened In India”

Some rules of his life:

Who have helped you, share your success with those people (Biyani, K. (2007)

Communicate with people and show them you care them (Biyani, K. (2007)

Listen to others and learn from their ideas (Biyani, K. (2007)

Change your goal according to situation or be flexible (Biyani, K. (2007)

Discussion and analysis:

I have found during my report that there are many theories which he has been using, are

matching with those which I have learnt such as: In path goal theory leaders set the goals for

himself and for his employees. In the same way Kishore Biyani also set goals. He motivates

his employees, led in proper way, gave them rewards as I mentioned and at last they achieved

their goals successfully.

Their leadership styles can be related to charismatic leadership style because he has well

command on their employees and to manipulate everything. For example He said in his

annual meeting with its all employees that “If you work for the organisation by heart, I am

not your boss, we are friends” (Frank, 2006). He is work oriented and employee oriented

which made them successful leaders.

He has transactional leadership quality. For example he understand the employees need and

wishes and provided them almost everything what they wanted. 94% of employees are

insurance holder. They have share of company. They are getting part in profit which

motivates employees to achieve the goals.

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Personal Reflective Evaluation:

I have learnt through this assignment leadership is play a vital role in our life as well as in

organisation. I have learnt that the quotation “Leaders are born not made” is wrong because

people like Bill Gates, Sam Walton and Kishor Biyani learnt leadership by their experience;

they were not born with this quality. I have learnt how we can use the leadership theory in

real life to lead other in proper manner. A good leader can help employees by his leadership

quality to create good relationship with a company and with top level management to achieve

their goals. Firstly the concept was not so clear to me but now through this report I

understand properly. By this report, I have got the idea that how to relate the leadership

theory which I have learnt and a CEO or a manager uses and how should I use this in future

to lead my employees or a team. It has also helped me in term of prepare the academic report,

analyse the situation, find the relevant information and how to give reference.


At last I would like to say that a leader plays a very vital role in any organisation to attain its

goals. A leader can make an organisation powerful or dreadful. Without a good leader it is

difficult for an organisation to survive in this competitive environment. We can take an

example of The Wal-Mart Inc. that how it has become the market leader with the help of

motivation and team work. I am not saying that leadership is only the factor which makes the

mountain smaller but it makes easy or way to climb.

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Bagchi, P.Develop Impressive and Powerful Personality. (1st ed).RMM.Bangalore.

Biyani, K. (2007).It Happened in India.Rupa.Delhi.

Buck, D.C. (2004). The H.R Guide to Organisational Change.Jaico.Mumbai.

Harvard Business Review. (2001). What makes a leader. Harvard Business School. America

Harvard Business Review. (2005). Power, Influence and Persuasion. Harvard Business School. America

Grezon, M. (2006).Leading through Conflict.Harvard.Boston.

Luthans, F. (2005). Organisational Behaviour (10th ed). McGraw Hill. America.

Parks, S.D. (2005) Leadership Can Be Taught. Harvard Business School. America

Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. & Sanghi, S. (2007). Organisational Behaviour (12th ed). Dorling

Kindersley. South Africa.

Sinha, P.K. & Uniyal, D.P. (2007). Managing Retail (1st ed).Oxford University. England.

Wyld, D., & Maurin, R. (2009, May). What Matters More in Growth Companies: The Leader

or the Idea?. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(2), 95-96. Retrieved June 21,

2009,from EBSCOhost database.

group-may-raise1bn-via-ipo/09/40/288817. Retrieved on 27th June 2007.

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