kingskerswell c of e primary school curriculum monitoring

Kingskerswell C of E Primary school Curriculum Monitoring Policy Rationale Close and regular monitoring of curriculum areas is essential to ensure that school policy is put in to practice and that high standards of teaching and learning continue. Close monitoring is also allied to the development and updating of policies, resources and teaching and learning. The Headteacher’s Role The Head is responsible for the overall effectiveness of the curriculum and should: Have oversight of long, medium and short term plans Have oversight of all formative and summative assessments from the Foundation Stage through to Year Six. Be fully informed of attainment and progress of all key groups (SEND/Need to catch-up, disadvantaged and most able) b Monitor the progress of all pupils through consultation with subject leaders and class teachers through tracking results (Pupil Progress Meetings) Visit classes both formally and informally during the year to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning through book scrutinies, learning walks, observations, drops-ins, talking to pupils, displays etc. Review and set targets for development in annual Performance Management consultations with teaching staff. Enable Curriculum Leaders to fulfil their role by providing appropriate and timely quality CPD and giving release time for policy review and development. The Curriculum Leader’s Role The Curriculum Leader is responsible for ensuring that policy is translated into practice and has a clear overview of the delivery of the area. The Curriculum leader needs to ensure the subject will continue to develop by having a strategic monitoring and evaluation plan in place, for the school year and beyond which checks the on-going impact of key actions and strategies. The monitoring cycle may include: Observing lessons with a clear focus on key groups. Scrutinising plans for the long, medium and short term. Sampling work from a range of abilities in each class Discussing the teaching and learning with teachers and pupils Identifying strengths and weaknesses of the subject including appropriate CPD needs Share the outcome of monitoring with staff, focusing on sharing strengths and identifying areas of development. Identify resource needs and update as necessary Review and update policy (if applicable) Produce a summary to share with link Governor noting any actions as a result of monitoring.

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Kingskerswell C of E Primary school

Curriculum Monitoring Policy

Rationale Close and regular monitoring of curriculum areas is essential to ensure that school policy is put in to practice and that high standards of teaching and learning continue. Close monitoring is also allied to the development and updating of policies, resources and teaching and learning. The Headteacher’s Role The Head is responsible for the overall effectiveness of the curriculum and should:

Have oversight of long, medium and short term plans

Have oversight of all formative and summative assessments from the Foundation Stage through to Year Six.

Be fully informed of attainment and progress of all key groups (SEND/Need to catch-up, disadvantaged and most able) b

Monitor the progress of all pupils through consultation with subject leaders and class teachers through tracking results (Pupil Progress Meetings)

Visit classes both formally and informally during the year to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning through book scrutinies, learning walks, observations, drops-ins, talking to pupils, displays etc.

Review and set targets for development in annual Performance Management consultations with teaching staff.

Enable Curriculum Leaders to fulfil their role by providing appropriate and timely quality CPD and giving release time for policy review and development.

The Curriculum Leader’s Role The Curriculum Leader is responsible for ensuring that policy is translated into practice and has a clear overview of the delivery of the area. The Curriculum leader needs to ensure the subject will continue to develop by having a strategic monitoring and evaluation plan in place, for the school year and beyond which checks the on-going impact of key actions and strategies. The monitoring cycle may include:

Observing lessons with a clear focus on key groups.

Scrutinising plans for the long, medium and short term.

Sampling work from a range of abilities in each class

Discussing the teaching and learning with teachers and pupils

Identifying strengths and weaknesses of the subject including appropriate CPD needs

Share the outcome of monitoring with staff, focusing on sharing strengths and identifying areas of development.

Identify resource needs and update as necessary

Review and update policy (if applicable)

Produce a summary to share with link Governor noting any actions as a result of monitoring.

Governors with responsibility for curriculum areas should arrange to meet with the subject leader to keep abreast of developments. When a Curriculum Leader’s subject is not up for review then the responsibilities entail:

Keeping abreast of new developments and informing staff

Attending CPD

Maintaining resources and managing the budget

Developing a subject portfolio with samples of work across the Key Stages

Monitoring assessment results where applicable

Offering support to staff as required For succession planning purposed less experienced Leaders will be supported by a more senior member of staff when required eg in undertaking joint monitoring activities. Support will be tailored through the performance management process The Governors’ Role Governors are responsible for ensuring the delivery of the National Curriculum. Some Governors hold a particular interest in one area for which they will liaise with the subject leader at least once a year. All Governors make regular visits to school to view policies in action. Attachments: Subject Leader’s Checklist, Subject Leader Report format and Monitoring Timetable Pro-forma, Executive Summary sheet

Subject Leader’s Check List

Development Phase

Maintenance Phase

Scrutinise plans Compile/update subject leader file

View classes Manage resources/budget

Monitor pupils’ work/talk to pupils Continuing Professional Development

Discussion with staff

Review/order resources Update subject knowledge

Review/update policy (if applicable) Support staff

Monitor results/evaluate standards* Monitor results/evaluate standards*

Organise CPD (if applicable) Liaise with Governor*

Lead CPD (when applicable) Contribute to SDP/evaluate progress

Write short report including any action points (put in SDP)

Liaise with/report to Governor/s*

Monitor, review, amend action plan




Strategic Direction

Data and Outcomes

Governor’s Action Plan

Chair Full Governors meetings (Kev normally)


Leadership and management Teaching, learning and assessment

Headteacher performance review Pupil development, behaviour + welfare

Resources (finance, staff, premises) Attendance

Induction and CPD for governors SEND

Emergency Safeguarding

Academisation/change managemen Community/parents/newsletter



Responsible for Lead governor Staff link Co-chair link Related policies (to be completed)


Jo Flackett Wendy Williams Emily Johnston Daniel Yiend



Segil Zulhayir Dan Yiend Dale Sanders


Science Jo Short

Phonics Kevin Mathieson Lisa Alexander Karen Strachan



Therese Carwithen

Jo Fison Louise

Pupil Premium

Louise Ward Karen Strachan Jo Fison


EYFS Louise Ward? Dale Sanders Louise

Governor training Kev Mathieson Rachel Miller n/a

Louise Ward Jenny Exall

Buildings and premises

Alec Stokes Dale Sanders Kev

Health and safety

Alec Stokes

Dale Sanders


Finance/ Benchmarking/ SFVS

Mike Haines Claire Grove

Therese Carwithen



Jenny Benney Rachel Miller Karen Strachan


Children in care

Jenny Benney Karen Strachan Louise

RE/ collective worship/ SMSC

John Leonard Laura Twamley Kev


Kev Mathieson Louise Ward

Karen Strachan n/a

Other subjects art,computing, design tech. Geography, history, music, science

New governors when appointed or others interested

Other activities Forest School, THRIVE etc

New governors when appointed or others interested




Achievement & Standards Disadvantaged Most Able SEND Need to catch up

Teaching & Learning Eg. Learning walks, book scrutinies, pupil conferencing etc.

Pupils’ personal development and well-being Thrive, SMSC etc.

The quality & range of curriculum, including resources/environment Planning, Book Scrutiny, pupil engagement etc.

Kingskerswell C of E Primary School - Monitoring 2015 – 2016 Subject:





















Key: SEND Disadvantaged (PP) Need to Catch-up More Able

Executive Summary of Data (Percentage on track) Subject Area: Maths Date: End of Autumn

Term 2015

All Pupils

% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR 55.3% 93.6% +38.3% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y1 76.1% 95.7% +19.6%

Y2 72.9% 89.6% +16.7% Lowest cohort across school, but high PP (11chn-23%) and SEND (9-chn – 19%)

Y3 89.7% 100% +10.3%

Y4 69.4% 91.8% +22.4% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y5 76.5% 91.2% +14.7%

Y6 85.4% 97.9% +12.5%

All Groups at ARE

% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column

1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

All 75.5% 94.5% +19%

PP (63) 57.1% 90.5% +33.4% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

SEND (29) 31.6% 65.8% +34.2% SEND significantly below the rest, but has narrowed

Boys 71.8% 92.0% +20.2% Gap between boys and girls has narrowed by 2.3%

Girls 79.5% 97.4% +17.9%

All Groups at ARE+

% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column

1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

All 0% 33.9% +33.9%

PP (63) 0% 15.9% +15.9%

SEND (29) 0% 7.9% +7.9%

Boys 0% 27% +27% Significant gap between boys and girls – monitor provision

Girls 0% 41.7% +41.7%

Pupil Premium (include actual numbers in brackets)

% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column 1

and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR (13) 38.5% 84.6% +46.1% LAC (morning admission only, DAF3), CH (autistic diagnosis)

Good progress – monitor due to low start point Y1 (4) 50.0% 100% +50% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y2 (11) 54.5% 72.7% +18.2% ZF (CP), CG (CP/poor attendance – 70%), CM (selective mute/MTA)

Y3 (11) 90.9% 100% +9.1%

Y4 (10) 50.0% 100% +50% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y5 (4) 25.0% 100% +75% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y6 (10) 80.0% 100% +20%

SEND (include actual numbers in brackets)

% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column 1

and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR (9) 22% 66.7% +44.7% LAC (adapted timetable –mornings only), WW, JL (v poor attendance 55%) – all now have

DAF3 in place, CH (autistic diagnosis) Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y1 (1) 100% 100% =

Y2 (9) 33.3% 55.6% +22.3% ZF (CP), CG (CP/poor attendance – 70%), LM (CP), CM (selective mute/MTA)

Y3 (6) 33.3% 100% +67.7% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y4 (6) 50% 66.7% +16.7% TF

Y5 (5) 0% 40% +40% OT, SB, CP Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y6 (2) 50% 50% = JB


% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR 38.5% 88.5% +50% Same chn (LAC, WW, JL) Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y1 69.2% 92.3% +23.1%

Y2 68.0% 88.0% +20% Good progress – monitor due to low start point

Y3 90.3% 100% +9.7%

Y4 76.9% 92.3% +15.4%

Y5 70.6% 82.4% +11.8%

Y6 87.0% 95.7% +8.7%


% On track


Current % On track



(Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas

for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR 76.2% 100% +23.8% Good progress – monitor due to low start point Y1 85.0% 100% +15% Y2 78.3% 91.3% +13%

Y3 88.9% 100% +11.1% Y4 60.9% 91.3% +30.4% Good progress – monitor due to low start point Y5 82.4% 100% +17.6% Y6 84.0% 100% +16%

Actions that have been put in to place to achieve current progress Baseline and termly tests to track progress of learners closely and to find specific gaps in learning.

Analysis needed to see where whole school and year common gaps are. Developed new tracking sheet to track all learners, particularly key groups highlighted from Raise

analysis – SEND, high attainers, disadvantaged and catch up children. All teachers using I can statements to check progress of learners and ensure coverage of learning

objectives To support teaching and learning, Abacus planning and resources training Twilight sessions.

Homework can also be set and tracked. Reinforces current learning Parent workshop to support parents in supporting their children at home. Parent packs to be organized and sent home for every family to support maths at home. Planning has been redeveloped and teachers now consider the learning journey and map out the key

steps to learning new concepts and developing mastery. All classes have learning journey display to support children in their own learning journey Year groups plan and develop teaching sequences to maintain consistency Higher expectation for presentation and renewed marking code followed throughout the school Detailed book scrutiny carried out with the a focus on key groups – disadvantaged, more able, need

to catch up and SEND – actions developed for each year group – presentation and consistency across

the school was the overall find, shared with staff and monitored. PPM meetings to discuss progress of learners and how teachers are supporting the different groups

mentioned above. If not, why not? What are they doing about it. Catch up, PP and SEND children in year 6 receiving 1:1 mentoring in year 6 – specific objectives set

to support their learning. Children given specific objective support by SENDCO to close the gap in PP children and other

children who need to catch up. 1:1 TA support with gaps found from recent testing. Support plan for NQT to support with teaching and learning – impact has been seen and lessons are

more consistently good and children are making progress.

Executive Summary of Data (Percentage on track) Subject Area: Maths Date: End of Autumn Term 2015 All Pupils

% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track








All Groups at ARE

% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track


PP (63)

SEND (29)



All Groups at ARE+

% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track


PP (63)

SEND (29)



Pupil Premium (include actual numbers in brackets)

% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR (13)

Y1 (4)

Y2 (11)

Y3 (11)

Y4 (10)

Y5 (4)

Y6 (10)

SEND (include actual numbers in brackets)

% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR (9)

Y1 (1)

Y2 (9)

Y3 (6)

Y4 (6)

Y5 (5)

Y6 (2)


% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track









% On track Baseline

Current % On track Autumn

Progress (Difference between column 1 and 2)

Comments and actions (Specific chn including notes. Highlight areas for future action / monitoring trails). Highlight details for those NOT on track

YR Y1 Y2

Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6

Actions that have been put in to place to achieve current progress