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Page 1: KEYS TO… · 2019-02-01  · millionaires, and even two billionaires. Along the way, they have passed along



Page 2: KEYS TO… · 2019-02-01  · millionaires, and even two billionaires. Along the way, they have passed along



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Page 4: KEYS TO… · 2019-02-01  · millionaires, and even two billionaires. Along the way, they have passed along

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Hi, my name is Jim Francis. Let me Create a financial miracle in your life. Getting on the path to Wealth & Prosperity.

I have had the rare privilege of spending time with over fifty

millionaires, and even two billionaires. Along the way, they have passed along to me great insights concerning business, life, real estate, stocks, and wealth building

First some life guidelines & rules that will serve you well,

I call them 11 commandments of Jedi 1. Dream Big.

All the millionaires I interviewed had big dreams. They believe that they are worth more than a 9-to-5 job. There is more to life than working forty (or more) hours a week for forty years only to take a forty percent pay cut. These big dreamers also risked money and time (reasonable risk) and just went for it. A number of them have even risked the farm a few times. Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not asking you to do this, and I’m not asking you to put all your eggs in one basket and hope. However, you may consider taking a few of those hard-earned bucks and trying something new, maybe just part-time at first. Try building a small business, optioning a stock, or flipping some real estate for cash. You never know, I might be interviewing you next!

2. Get Out of your Comfort Zone.

We all operate within a comfort zone, a specific way of living that we have

become used to over time. Unfortunately, these comfort zones often hold us back from what we really want. For years, I believed I was worth about $50,000 a year, and during this time, $50,000 is what I was paid. I didn’t know any better, so I kept working for another person and making less than I deserved. Then, I experienced an awakening and came to believe I was worth $250K a year. I quit my job and started my own business. Not the best plan. Phasing in/out is better. BUT I started…….

Well, I did not hit the $250K I only d i d $245K that year! You must attack

your comfort zone. You must get outside of it; push yourself to do things that you don’t like; push yourself to try new things; push your-self to break your poor habits and to discard your limiting beliefs. Push your self past FEAR! All successful people acknowledge the undiscovered planet, the realm of the

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unknown and unfamiliar. Now, it’s your turn to join the ranks of these successful people.

3. Work Smart, not Hard.

Millionaires tend to work smarter, not harder. Don’t get me wrong; they

are still prone to working 16-hour days, but they use their time much more effectively than others. They have a better plan for making money and a better plan for cashing in on their mind labor. And if they are going to work a sixteen hour day, they want to reap the fruit of their labor personally. Their time is worth way too much to waste on making money for someone else. Here are some intelligent strategies:

• Invest in real estate. Residential and Commercial. • Own a small business. Internet, or other. • Let your money make money. Tax Liens and others. • Invest in stocks or better options. Learn to TRADE. • Manage, but do not …do. Leverage your time.

Find mentors who are successful, and pattern your self after them. Trade

money for time, not time for money!

4.The Quick and the Dead.

One of the major rules for successful people is “Take Action!” While you are sitting their thinking, someone else is taking action. People are starting a new businesses, taking control of their credit, starting online companies, buying new homes or investing in property, cutting their taxes by 50%. Stop analyzing things to death and make a judgment. It’s time to take fast action.

5.Take Emotions out of Decisions. Confront FEAR!

In our culture, we are taught to weigh both sides of a decision. For the most part, that’s good advice. It only becomes a problem once people get caught up in the weighing. They spend all their time searching for one more piece of information. They review it to death – “Should we? Shouldn’t we?” By the time they make a decision, the opportunity is gone. For most people, there is only one reason why they miss opportunities – FEAR!

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You might experience fear of loss, fear of failure, or maybe fear of rejection. This fear is holding you back. It is costing you financially and emotionally. In contrast with this mentality, millionaires learn to conquer their fears, to push past them and concentrate on three simple things: first, the investment; second, the return; third, the probability of success. If an investment offers a good return, go for it! Even when you are petrified with fear.

6. Total Commitment

Successful people give everything that they have and never say the words, “I tried.” Either they get the result they are looking for or they don’t. They never hold back on a project. It keeps them up late and gets them up early. They work their regular jobs for 40 hours a week and then put in another 20 hours buying real estate or starting a small business–even when they’re tired.

Let it not be said of you when you are old and gray that you “missed your

dreams because you were watching TV.” All that you need to do is schedule some time for success. This can be as little as eight hours a week to start, Maybe, every Saturday morning or Mon- day night (Well, maybe Tuesday night during football season). Schedule the time and the results will follow.

7. Mentors.

Mentors are worth their weight in gold. Take my word for it; this has been proven time and time again! Mentors will teach you things that you could never learn from a book, a self-study manual, a video, or a website. Application of skills.

When I first learned to golf, I already had experience playing hockey, and

found that swinging a golf club as if it was a hockey stick resulted in a terrible slice to the right. I bought every magazine, book, and video on golfing to correct the problem. I was cheap and didn’t want to spend the money for lessons. After much strife, I decided that I was not the problem - it was the clubs! So, I bought new clubs (Fire sticks). Alas, those new clubs merely helped me drive the ball deeper into the trees. Finally, I broke down and bought some lessons and in the very first lesson the problem was corrected! Immediate feedback, a coach, or a mentor can get you on the path to success quickly.

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8. Be a Student of Success.

Millionaires never stop learning. They continually study success. They study money, real estate, business, and asset-building. They have a thirst for new knowledge and they are the first to buy tapes, books, and manuals, or to seek further training. Several years ago, I documented purchases of over $81,000 for seminars, training, and self-study materials to improve my education. I couldn’t have gotten to were I am now without this. Continuing education is a key to my success and to that of countless others as well. Invest in yourself first!

9. Bounce Back Well.

Millionaires are by no means exempt from failures. They have losses, but

they keep a positive attitude. They tell themselves, “I will get them next time. I just have to work a little harder or smarter to get a better result.” They know that all they need is a better plan and they remember that a flat ball doesn’t bounce - so they keep it pumped up.

10. Selective Memory.

There are no failures, only learning experiences. When successful people swing at a baseball, they do not remember the 66% of the time they miss; they remember the 34% of the time they get hits. They hold their success close and let go of their failures. The problem for most people is that they refuse to forget the last time they failed. It’s no wonder they stop swinging the bat. Selective memory is a key to success.

11. Don’t Quit.

The character of men and women is not measured in the number of their failures but in the number of times they shake off those failures and try again. Ask Sylvester Stallone whose screenplay for Rocky was rejected over 300 times! Ask Edison who made more than 10,000 (no, that’s not a typo - TEN THOUSAND) attempts to invent the light bulb. Ask Lincoln who experienced failure a dozen times as he strove to acquire a political office. Success is just a decision and one step away! Never give up, and you will stay on the path to prosperity.

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The Wealth Wheel In my teaching across the USA, Canada, UK, Singapore and Australia, I always start with the foundation of financial success, the WEALTH WHEEL. It is a simple concept, but it keeps us focused and on track. It does not matter if you start with real estate, a job, stocks or business, the wealth wheel concepts keeps us on the right path. Take a look below, to envision the concept, and then we will discuss a few of the elements. There are 6 basic steps to the wealth wheel:

1. Education: Napoleon Hill said it well. Specialized Knowledge is the key to

wealth. When you learn you earn.

2. Cash Flow. Is King! You must have multiple sources of income. A job. Real

estate income. Stock income and even a small business.

3. Growth. Long term wealth. Appreciation, stock growth and strong rates of

return make for solid growth.

4. Big Hits. Nothing like a win fall. Big rewards for hard work.

5. Leverage. All the rich use it. The power of controlling a major asset for

only a few dollars (real estate, options, and time).

6. Tax and Asset Protection. One third to one half your wealth will come

from tax planning and asset protection.

“All men by nature desire knowledge”—Aristotle

“Life is Tough, But it’s Tougher when you are Stupid“—John Wayne

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First step to wealth is always education. Knowledge is power if applied. I believe in education. As one of my mentors Jim Rohn said, “If you work hard on your job you will make a living, if you work hard on yourself, you will make a fortune”! After education or learning strategies, you have to focus on money making skills. We have various choices, cash flow, growth, speculation, leverage, big hits, and even saving strategies. All of which add to wealth over time. So, where do we start? Let me suggest, we ALWAYS, start with CASH FLOW strategies. CASH FLOW is KING! Many wealth experts say, you must have multiple sources of cash flow. I agree. If you have money coming in from a job, a small business, real estate and stock, then life is not as difficult. All your eggs are not in one basket (like a job). It gives you the choice to work at a job or not. CASH FLOW strategies are a key. There are other reasons we work on cash flow. As we build our cash flow, it allows us to borrow more money. LEVERAGE! One form of leverage is the ability to borrow money for investment activities (not consumer debt). Leverage is the ability to borrow money to acquire assets (real estate or business) a key to wealth. Another form of leverage allows us to control, assets with minimal cash as well. Examples: stock options or no risk contracts in Real Estate. CASH FLOW is 1st!

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Once we have cash flow, out of the way, let us focus on longer term GROWTH. Making our money grow over time using time tested, and solid annual returns like Tax Liens (18% a year in Florida). Or other strategies that will earn us at least 15% a year. Minimum! There is reason for 15%, I will explain later. As our money grows, we will get a little more speculative, and take some risk. Looking for those BIG HITS. A WIN FALL. Perhaps that big foreclosure deal or stock that RUNS long! LEVERAGE and TAX planning are the remaining keys. We have to leverage our cash, assets, and time. Tax planning and asset protection are the keys to long term wealth. It is said one third to one half your wealth will come from tax planning. I agree. The average family will earn 2 million dollars in their lives. At 30% that is about 600k in taxes. Anything we can do to lower that rate, or cut a few percentage points. Goes directly in to our pockets.

Strategy: Leverage—tool of the rich.

I talked about the Wealth Wheel: Education, Cash Flow, Growth, Big Hits,

Leverage, Taxes and Asset Protection. A key element to the Wealth Wheel is Leverage. The ability to take something small (capital, opportunity, energy or intellect) and leverage the item, into a huge result.

Leverage is an important element to wealth, and even success. Taking limited

resources and using them to capacity. Whether in business, real estate, the stock market or life, this is a philosophy and strategy you should master. Let me give you some real life examples, of how to apply this tool to various areas in building wealth.

Strategy: Stock Market Leverage

Options can be great leverage in the stock market. If you know, what you are

doing. Otherwise they can just be a waste of money. Ensure you get a strong education on options, before investing.

If the price of XYZ stock is $ 50 a share, we might be able to buy the option

for $ 5 a share. Options are usually sold a “contract” which represents 100 share of stock. We buy a 100 share at a time (1 contract). Obviously, I can buy a lot

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more for $ 5 bucks vs. $ 50 dollars per share. Therefore, return on investment is larger (leverage). Plus I can start with a small investment.

Now many new option investors will buy options that expire in less than 30

days. What they do not realize is the value of the option will decay fast. In fact the greatest decay (loss of value), is in the last 30 days. What that means, is if you are buying options they should be 60 to 90 days minimum. So, we see changes in value based on the market place, not the decay.

There are other examples of leverage in the stock market such as: credit

spreads, naked position, and margin (loans). Strategy: Real Estate Leverage

Five major leverage areas for real estate are creative financing, forced

appreciation, negotiation, buying right, and loans. Any time you borrow money to buy an asset, you can end up with great

leverage, provided the asset appreciation is solid. Example: I buy a 100k house, put 10k down, and borrow 90k. It appreciated 5% per year (or 5k a year). Well, my growth is based on the 100k or 5% (5k). But I only invested 10k down. So my cash on cash return is 50%. Borrowing money (at a reasonable rate) with a solid return can be awesome leverage. Might be the reason more millionaires are made in real estate than any other vehicle.

Creative finance is another area in real estate to increase leverage. If you can

use a strategy to buy a house with less than $ 1000, you have great leverage. Perhaps use: seller financing, lease with option to buy, or a contract for deed strategy. Each can have a low down payment or investment.

There are other ways to increase real estate leverage like: negotiation of

equity or price, balloon payments or deferral of payments, OPM (Other People’s Money) such as PPO (Private Placement Offer).

Strategy: Business Leverage

The quickest and cheapest form of business leverage now-a-days is the

Internet. For a few hundred dollars, you can have a store front earning you thousands of dollars every year. The internet can often better than a franchise,

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or distributorship investment. In many cases, you do not need a product, as you can readily find them as an Amazon affiliate or one of a dozen other programs.

Other forms of business leverage can include: MLM. Building a down line of individuals, where you get a residual income can

be considered leverage. Building a Business. A standalone business, which you build and don’t manage, is

great leverage. Build it and walk away. Going Public. I took a small company; reverse merged into a reporting shell,

and then went public. The shares came out at $ 3.25 a share, and had over a million shares. Major leverage of time, and resources.

Perceived Value. Getting or creating value for limited cost. I sold a tax

product for years. We gave a way “audit” protection, when we did taxes for folks. The perceived value was hundreds if not thousands of dollars in value, if you got audited. We also, knew that less than 1% of the population was audited. We received great perceived value, for a very low cost or liability.

Brand. The goodwill associated with a brand, can be millions. I recall having

coffee with George Ross (Trumps right hand man at the time), and him saying if the trump name is attached the minimum value was 5 Million dollars in “brand value”.

Strategy: Intellectual Leverage

Intellectual leverage is one of my favorite types of leverage. Using “smarts”

to make the most of a situation or opportunity and cashing in on the process. There are dozens of strategies, but number one on my list would be joint ventures.

Joint Venture. Find a database then find a product that the database needs,

match up the two and take a percentage of the deal. Example: I found a group of ex-IRS agents that offered services and a product. I knew a financial group that had over 200k members. The end result, we sold over 14 million dollars of tax products to the financial database over 3 plus years. I had a 2.5% royalty on the deal. All parties were happy. I love Intellectual leverage!

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Information Products. Decades ago, Ken Blanchard taught me a strategy: make

money while you sleep. Write a book, record an audio, or video. And sell it on line or off line. I have sold over 30,000 self-study manuals. The sales were done through 3rd party individuals or companies. I received a small royalty on the sale of each product. Now I sell informational product on line. Great leverage.

Man at Work VS Assets at Work ,

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The diagram above is an important one. I had it created for me, several years ago. It demonstrated, how people move from the left side of income to the right side of income. Always good to on the RIGHT side. Employee. Most people are taught the way to success or wealth is to work hard. To get a job, and progress through the employment ranks or even get a trade skill that is in demand. Sooner or later, folks realize that they are just trading time for money. And in many cases run out of time (age, death, or illness). Along the path, some say, I know the way, I will become Self Employed. Self Employed can be good. You get some free time, set your own hours, but there are draw backs too. Some times you have no income, or have to work more hours than you want to get the income. But it is good to be your own boss. Sort of. I remember when I became self employed. That morning, I woke up and got all the mirrors in the house and put them on my desk. Then started barking orders. You are going to do the marketing, you are going to build the web site, you are going to take the garbage out. Man. Self employed is tough, you wear many hats. I use to think the S on my chest stood for Superman, or Superwoman. I did not know it stood for can Suck. I had an interesting conversation with Robert Kiyowski in Toronto Canada, about wealth. I promoted him, through International Search Consultants. And we both agreed buying cash flowing assets was the right way to build wealth long term. PUT assets to work (not you). Here are just a few ideas of putting assets to work.

1. Real Estate. Where someone else is paying the mortgage, and you have cash flow. This might be a rental, but could be a lease with option to buy or creative finance deal (seller financing). Or it might be a big commercial real estate deal, like mobile home park or assisted living facility.

2. Stocks or Options Trading. Where your money is making money. My favorite 2 strategies, being covered calls, and credit spreads.

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3. Start a Small Business. The best choices today, being Internet, Ebay, and or Amazon. You have to start a business for the intent of profit, and that should be the plan, but a small business gives us great tax deductions too.

4. Intellectual Property. Write a book. Develop a product. And get paid while you are sleeping. J Internet, Google, and Facebook, as well as, other marketing strategies.

Now most people will agree this makes sense. BUT unfortunately, as we grow up, we are taught conflicting beliefs, to how to move from the left side of life to the right side of life. Let me give you a few examples for your consideration, removal or replacement.

• Debt is bad thing. What a bunch of crap. Going into debt for cash flowing assets, is one of the wisest things you can do. If I can borrow money at 4-6 percent (or even higher), and make 15, 18 or 25% a year. I should borrow as much as I can. Yet, when people think about debt the freak out. It is only paper. Ask Donald Trump about debt or APPLE. I mean apply has 150 billion in cash, but they borrow money all the time (17 billion recently). Why. Cause they can. Why use your own money, when money is cheap.

• I need to figure it out myself. Crap again. If some one has the code to the vault. Buy the code. Don’t spend hours, spinning the tumbler. GET the exact code to open the vault. This is really where mentors, coaches, and systems come into practice. I can CHEAT of others paper. It is OK.

• I need to do. No you don’t. Your team needs to do it. It is better for you manage the team, then you, individually doing the work. Delegation and management should be your theme. Find a system, work the system.

• Play it Safe. Ok. I believe in high probability, ROI plans. A proven business model. Investment plan. Or real estate plan. But not taking a risk ever? A sure way to end up in the poor house at the end of your life.

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• I can’t afford it. OMG. You never will. Stop saying that. There is

always a way. A joint venture. A credit Card (or several). A hard money loan. A peer to peer loan. A family angel. The right questions should always be “How can I afford it?” or “How can I find the money?”