kekoyoma epk 2015 english

KEKO YOMA Electronic Press Kit - 2015

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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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Chilean Rock Band. Powerful, energetic, funny and direct show. Includes a visual and musical atmosphere, improved by a very potent body language


  • KEKO YOMA Electronic Press Kit - 2015

  • The live show is an internal trance healing therapy pro-voked by the deranged musical loops of their songs. It offers messages that can be eye opener to a more criti-cal point of view -but not negative- about the society.

    They enchant the audience with their charisma, sense of humor and the theatricallity of the show. They end up captivating the people when you see the whole venue integrated in a party in which everyone, without dis-crimination, is invited.

    Keko Yomas sound is global and very hard to put in simple words. Their songs are festive, provocative, psy-chedelic, tribal, conscious and are interpreted by a clas-sic rock quartet with percussions, keyboards, brass, didgeridoo, trompes, Colombian bagpipes, trutuca, Tar-ka, pifilka, synthesizers, electronic effects and the pub-lics energy, among others. It is a live experience which should be appreciated as such.

    Keko Yoma is an intense party. A spiritual arenga connects to your most primitive feelings.

    It has been 10 years of endless trips around the world, participating in important festivals such as Rock For People, Lollapalooza, Quito Fest and Vive Latino. They have been accumulating more than 600 concerts and

    their energy is far from extinguishing.

  • In 2014, Keko Yoma celebrated their 10th anniversary which began with the release of Propaganda -their third album- in a sold out La Batuta, one of the biggest milestones of the year. They also toured Ecuador and Colombia as part of their participation in Quito Fest.

    By 2015, the band plans to start a new tour which will include Chile, Europe and Latin America. Dates are being booked at present.

    On the other hand, Keko Yoma is working in the FWRIA project -or the Keko Yoma Academy-, consisting of meeting new young musicians from different cities to exchange experiences about how they manage to survive and become independent artists at the same time.



    show in La Batuta

    Quito Fest(Ecuador)

    Berln Tour: third album single, new videoclip and a

    travel to Ecuador and Colombia.

    Schools of Rock

  • Quito Fest, Cuenca, Ecuador 2014Lollapalooza, Santiago, Chile 2013Landjuweel Festival, Amsterdam, Holanda 2013Festival Unirock Alternativo, Cali, Colombia 2013Karnaval Cultural de Berln, Alemania 2012Jam Rock, Zamberk, Repblica Checa 2012Rock For People, Hradlec Kraloe, Repblica Checa 2012Da de la Msica, Santiago, Chile 2012Da de la Msica, Figeac, Francia 2011De Affaire, Nijmegen, Holanda 2011Festival Millo Verde, Redondela, Espaa 2011100 Visage Festival, Liege, Blgica 2011Chile Ms Cultura, Santiago, Chile 2009Vive latino, Santiago, Chile 2007


  • Carlos Jara, Percussions Renato Pizarro, Guitar Fernando Reyes, Vocals Allan Follert, Bass Javier Lizama, Drums

  • Discography2008El Mas Weon de los Caminos...El Disco

    2009 - ALEMANIASoundtrip Chile, Various Artists

    2010Bienvenidos al Sur

    2013Lollapalooza Chile

    2014 - ESPAALa Rockola vol1 - Varios Artistas





  • PropagandaThird LP by Keko Yoma, national quintet that has remained in action from a decade until now, assuming the productive and creative autonomy with very good results. Just one glance to their movements is enough to understand that, al-though at some point they were seen as a band with massive projections, they chose to stay in the other side of the road. At their own rhythm and motivations, their motivation is the joy of travel-ling and playing music, which had led them to several places in America and Europe, embracing

    Cristbal Cornejo, ROCKAXIS



    everything that comes within.

    Is very pleasant to know that Propaganda is more mature in content. From humoristic moments found in El ms wen de los caminos (2008) and Bienvenidos al Sur (2010), that threw overboard some interesting explorations, to this day, we found more content in the lyrics, better focus in the criticism, and a better -at times- treatment of the good vibe pachanga. You cant talk about Keko Yoma and not talk about pachanga.

    Statistically, something worth mentionting has happened. A balance has ocurred amongst the dancing like songs and the rock (or punk). Cabaret, Pyta Giro and Resiste, each of them from different styles, unfold as cos-mopolitan and powerful. While Berlin is very local, a critique to the Special Forces Police in a soul funk cadence. That is, projections in all directions.

    Congratulations. Keko Yoma is starting to accomplish great-er balance and a significant weight according to a handful of more restrained, thoughtful and mature songs, without giving up the festive purpose. It is quite the opposite. Today, not one song unfolds tacky or cheap humor. This means a more potent and coherent message entrenched in rhythms that are always first focused on the body.

    Again, it is important to talk about Renato Pizarros guitar work. In Propaganda and Querer, he brings discret resonances that nourish the nuances. Additionally, songs like Pill a pap and Calor are very interesting because are minimalists in meaning but are also focused in developing into a circular (punk) rock that flirts with the pshychedelia by repetitive means, although in bouncy key. Towards the end, -as previous albums- there is room for a slower song, where Fernando Reyes phrasing gives voice to the remark-ably melodic ability of the band in the song La guitarra, a unique waltz with appearing chinese flutes.

  • Lollapalooza2013

  • Press archive

    Keko Yoma in the cover of NGE Magazine Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes,

    Regin Metropolitana

  • 15 aos Skampida junto a Keko Yoma y Triple X en Latino Power, Bogot, Colombia

    Keko Yoma participa en homenaje al carnaval de barranquilla en chile

    Secretara de Cultura y Turismo, Cali, ColombiaLas 10 bandas que tuvieron mayor acogida en el QuitoFest Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador

    CTM! Keko Yoma comienza su Berln Tour

    Los Keko Yoma vuelven a Colombia... Direccin de Asuntos Cul-turales DIRAC, Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores, Santiago, Chile

  • Keko Yoma en la TV Colombiana Keko Yoma viaja al Unirock Cali 2013

    Keko Yoma en Colombia 2013

  • Noorderlicht, Amsterdam, Holanda Ernestos, Sittard, Alemania

    ACU, Utrecht, Holanda Spijkerrok, Arnhem, Holanda Chilenos calientes arman una fiesta delirante. Flashmob sorprendente y un caos masivo

    Con el patrocinio de la DIRAC, la banda chilena se pasear esta semana por distin-tos escenarios de Republica Checa, Alemania, Holanda, Suecia, Blgica, Austria y Suiza

  • Burgos, EspaaLa banda chilena que conquista el mundo

    La Cuarta, SantiagoKeko Yoma se prepara con tutti pal Rock-for-People de Praga

    Ulm, AlemaniaPunks latinos electrizados

    Luciano Cruz-CokeMinistro de CulturaDiario La Segunda, Lollapalooza, Chile2013

    ...da gusto ver que se presentan en forma paralela artistas locales que estn en proceso de consolidacin como Gepe o Keko Yoma, compartiendo espacio con grupos internacionales de gran nivel.

    3voor12, Nijmegen, Holanda

  • J AV I E R L I Z A M A I N T E R N AT I O N A L B O O K I N GM G M T @ K E K O Y O M A . C O M0 0 5 6 9 9 9 9 5 4 9 7 7

    S T E FA N K R I J N E NG r o o v m i l l b o o k i n g a g e n c y / A d a m , n ls t e f a n @ g r o o v m i l l . c o m0 0 3 1 0 6 2 9 3 2 2 4 0 8 a m s t e r d a m

    F E R N A N D O C O S TA M A N A G E M E N T A N D B O O K I N G I N C H I L EP R O D U C C I O N @ K E K O Y O M A . C O M 0 0 5 6 9 9 5 6 5 7 1 5 0 @ d a l e n a n d o


    Fo t o s : L i s s e t t e M e d i n a ( b y n ) , C a m i l a D o n o s o ( l o l l a p a l o o z a ) , M i l e n a S t ra n g e ( e u r o p a )

    J AV I E R D E V I AB o o k i n g C O L O M B I Aj a v i d e v @ g m a i l . c o m3 1 0 5 0 3 8 6 7 5 c a l i3 0 0 7 7 7 6 5 78 c a l i