keep peace learning_generations_e_book

Designing and delivering effective training can be a challenge even when we have a clearly defined and narrow audience for our content or program. But what happens when we have to train teams, groups or departments with a wide mix of generations among the targeted employees? How do HR professionals, their leadership and other business leaders keep the peace and keep learning in a multigenerational workforce? CHRIS OSBORN. VP Marketing, BizLibrary [Boomer] JESSICA BATZ, Marketing Specialist, BizLibrary [Gen Y] AN EBOOK BROUGHT TO YOU BY

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Page 1: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

Designing and delivering effective training can be a challenge even

when we have a clearly defined and narrow audience for our content or

program. But what happens when we have to train teams, groups or

departments with a wide mix of generations among the targeted


How do HR professionals, their leadership and other business leaders

keep the peace and keep learning in a multigenerational workforce?

CHRIS OSBORN. VP Marketing, BizLibrary [Boomer]

JESSICA BATZ, Marketing Specialist, BizLibrary [Gen Y]


Page 2: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

We’ve never had a workplace with so much

generational diversity before. For most of

the last century, people moved

through their career in a linear

fashion, with important milestones

largely marked by time or seniority. Retirement age used to be 65, and that was it.

You “paid your dues” before promotions. But

today’s workforce looks and feels different.

Image Source:

There are many explanations for the current demographics ranging from improved health and longevity to the

financial market meltdown of 2008 which forced many people (a large number of Baby Boomers) to postpone

retirement for financial reasons. We can’t control why so many generations are working side-by-side. So – we have no

choice but to find ways for people with very different life experiences based upon age to work well together. As

employee development, training or HR professionals, we likewise don’t have a choice. So how do HR professionals,

their leadership and other business leaders keep the peace in the multigenerational workforce? We have to design,

build and deliver employee training that meets the needs of a very diverse workforce.

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You can find a variety of ways to look at generational demographics. The dates below are generally accepted, but

you will certainly find experts who will vary the generational breaks by a year or two on each generation. So –

broadly speaking, here are the various generations in today’s workforce:





U.S. Total Labor Force Participation by Generation, 2010

Traditionalists (Born 1928-1945)

Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1965)

Generation X (born 1965-1980)

Millenials/Gen Y (Born 1980 - 2000)

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Household Data, Not Seasonally Adjusted: Table A-13: Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population by Age, Sex, and

Race" (2012).

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Generations matter. Nearly three-quarters of respondents

agreed, not only that there are important generational

differences, but also that they “sometimes” or

“often” pose challenges in the workplace.

of Millenials agreed

that they like to

socialize informally and

make new friends

while at work, about

ten points higher than

any other generation. of the world’s workforce will be made up of Gen Y, according to a BPW Foundation April 2011 Study.

The findings of a study conducted in 2011 confirm that generational differences

exist and impact the workplace. “This is the most comprehensive quantitative study

performed on generations in the workforce,” says Warren Wright, Vice President of

LifeCourse Associates. Wright adds, “We now know what engages different

generations.” The LifeCourse Associates study included full-time employed

members of the following generations: Millennials (age 30 and under), Generation X

(ages 31-51), and Boomers (ages 52-69).

Source: New Study: Generational Differences in the Workforce Matter,

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Stereotyping generations can be very limiting, however if we take the time to understand our employees and generational

influences we can benefit from:

In addition, just because you were born in one generation,

you may or may not display the behaviors and tendencies

of the generation. For example, The Pew Internet and

American Life project has a simple quiz that asks “How

Millennial Are You?”. We did a comparison of employees

in our company and there were Millennials that scored in

the low 80’s and Boomers that scored in the 70’s.

Jessica Batz, Marketing Specialist – Gen Y

Chris Osborn, VP of Marketing – Generation Jones

• More effective communication

• Increased engagement

• Improved employee retention

• Motivated employees

• Increased productivity and teamwork

This fun assessment is interesting,

because the various generations are

compared to Millennials based upon

comfort and use of technology, plus a

few questions about lifestyle.

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As we start thinking carefully about the various generations, it’s important to understand that the differences between them

are not simply a matter of age.

Each generation has been shaped by events, and it’s the

events during the formative years for people that make the

most lasting and important impressions.

These “formative” or “sign post” events, help inform attitudes about everything from politics, home, entertainment,

to work or careers. It’s also important to bear in mind that making sweeping generalizations about large groups of

people is not an accurate predictor of personality, traits, character, skills, motivations, etc. The generational

differences we’re going to explore that impact our employee training efforts tell some of each person’s story, but in

the end, everyone is unique and may or may not fit neatly into the broad categories or characterizations usually

associated with their generation.

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Traditionalists: Born before 1946

• The Great Depression • Pearl Harbor & World War II

• The Cold War, Atom Bomb & Sputnik • The GI Bill & Social Security

• Jackie Robinson • Frank Sinatra

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 - 1965

• Booming Birthrate & Suburbia • Vietnam

• OPEC Oil Embargo • Apollo 8 & Moon Landing

• Martin Luther King, Jr. • The Beatles

CHRIS OSBORN, VP OF MARKETING – BOOMER I am usually included as a member of the BOOMER Generation. But some demographers now say there is a separate generation in that broad category called Generation Jones (born between 1955 and 1964). So - am I BOOMER or something else? Based upon my experiences, I believe there is a difference between me and my older friends that are clearly BABY BOOMERS, and the differences can be linked directly to events during our formative years. But - the broad traits associated with Boomers usually apply to me and others my age.

Major signposts or events for Boomers are a mixed bag. Older (Boomers) got The Beatles. People closer to my age got the Bee Gees. Older Boomers got Woodstock. We got disco. They got Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, we got Watergate. Younger Boomers like me came of age in the early 1970’s. By the mid-1970's, the great hope and promise of the 1960’s vanished. Race and anti-war riots helped shred the political and social fabric of the nation, and we are still seeing the great divides among us that really took center stage in the very late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Our government failed. By the early to mid-1970’s we were awash in political scandal, exiting from a war we’d lost, and the nation faced an energy crisis that blunted economic opportunities for millions. These events fueled skepticism about institutions, and this sketicism is a true hallmark of BOOMERS.

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Millenials/ Generation Y: Born 1980 - 2000

• Diversity • Social Networking

• Terrorism & 9/11 • High Speed Internet

• Pop Culture • Technology

JESSICA BATZ, MARKETING SPECIALIST – GEN Y As a member of Gen Y I grew up with computers in my school and at home. The internet grew exponentially – I distinctly remember tracking the Iditarod, Alaskan dog sled race on “THE INTERNET” in grade school. I, like many of my peers, was involved in more than 4 sports teams and at least 3 extracurricular activities outside of sports. It’s weird to think about meeting up with people without having a cell phone – you mean you had to set an exact time and meeting place?

I grew up wanting world peace, to save the whales, and to reduce-reuse and recycle – although I’m not sure I really even understood the full meaning. Our view of the United States and the World quickly and forever changed after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. College and higher education are a requirement. Technology is essential to our effectiveness and success.

We’re more connected, can find and sort more information more quickly, relentlessly curious (why and awesome may be the most frequently used words in our vocabulary) and require a work environment that’s both flexible , meaningful and committed to continuous growth and development.

Generation X: Born 1965 - 1980

• Divorce • AIDS

• The Personal Computer • Challenger

• Title IX • Grunge and Rap, Madonna

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These important events (and there are several more for each generation) help frame a world view people bring to their jobs

everyday. This broad-based world view impacts work styles, our attitudes towards change and towards our careers. This

chart from n-gen People Performance, Inc. provides a summary for each of these areas by generation.

Traditionalists Boomers Gen Xers Gen Ys

Linear work style Structured Work Style Informal Work Style Fluid Work Style

Change = something’s


Change = caution Change = potential


Change = improvement

Build a legacy Build a stellar career Build a portable career Build parallel careers

Again, we want to avoid stereotyping, but the differences between generations on these three elements of our work lives matter. Not

surprisingly, Traditionalists came of age when huge institutions rose to the occasion and actually delivered great results. They have a

different level of trust that carries over to their employers, and they generally look at work as a lifelong commitment to an employer.

Boomers came along and blew everything up in the 1960’s, but as they’ve matured in the workplace and in their careers, their attitudes

are looking more and more like Traditionalists – with some modifications. Boomers, as a group, are highly competitive and driven. The

term “workaholic” likely conjures an image of a Baby Boomer working away on that career. Gen Xers, the latchkey generation, bring

us a whole new set of challenges. As a group, they shun formality, are generally open to change and are motivated to look out for

themselves. The youngest generation of workers, Gen Y, frequently get a bad rap, but as a group these young people are turning out

to be great employees. But they bring some attitudes and expectations to work fostered by a different type of home and social

environment. For many of these workers, change is a very good thing and that applies to their jobs, too!

Table Source: n-gen People Performance Inc.

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Get to know them

Generational characteristics can help you understand your employees better, but it’s still important to get to know

them as individuals. Particularly with us Millennials – if you listen to what we say, we’ll tell you what really motivates

us. Allow us to express our opinions, have a voice and make clear contributions about how things get done.

Provide constructive feedback

Everyone likes to feel valued. Millennials need continuous, timely and constructive feedback. AND when giving

feedback try and accentuate the positive, -- not that we want to be babied -- but we’re more likely to take criticism

personally. We grew up with parents, teachers and coaches offering encouragement every step of the way.. Rewards

and recognition are always a good thing!

Communicate! and communicate clearly

Communication is key to any relationship whether it’s personal or professional. Millennials are used to

communicating through texts, IM’s, and status posts. Communication has to be short and concise, if we have to read

a long email or infer the meaning of a message, we’ll skip over it. Being straightforward gains trust, credibility and

respect. In addition, we also want to know that what we do matters. We want to understand how our job role and our

day-to-day work fits into the big picture of the company and with our own personal goals.

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Honor their Experience

There are so many clichés out there about Baby Boomers, that it's easy to make broad assumptions about them.

Don't. This age group is under a lot of pressure in the workforce. Retirement looks less and less possible for many,

and that means working longer. But, Boomers don't necessarily have to be in charge. Younger, more energetic

employees are going to step forward, and that's okay. Just make sure you acknowledge the contributions we've made

and honor our history and knowledge.

Provide constructive feedback - but not too much

No news in good news for a lot of Boomers. I know it's irrational, but over the course of working life, requests by

the boss to come see them raise anxiety. Not as much as police lights in the rear view mirror - but almost. I know

when I'm doing well. I know when I'm not. I just need an occasional "good job" to stay motivated.

Communicate but Don't Mandate

Communication can kill any relationship whether it’s personal or professional. Okay - maybe over communication can

be bad. I just don't understand why younger employees want to know everything. I only want to know what I need to

know to perform my job really well - no more - no less. Like I've said before, many Boomers are a little "resistant" to

authority, so if you want me to do something, like take a training class, explain clearly what I will learn and how it will

help me perform better. That's a lot better than telling me I "have to" do something.

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Learning styles

Training expectations






Transfer and application

JESSICA BATZ, MARKETING SPECIALIST – GEN Y As a millennial I crave constant feedback and instant

access. I grew up getting encouragement from parents, teachers and coaches all along the way. Traditional

Classroom/Lecture style training doesn’t work, in fact I’ll probably learn more from a backchannel Twitter chat

than from a Lecturer – not to discount good speakers or lecturers, but I don’t process the information. If I’m

going to do formal training then I’d much rather take an e-learning course or watch a video to get the base

knowledge – that way I can skip over stuff I already know - and then spend classroom time discussing, asking

questions and sharing real experiences.

Honestly though, I learn the most when I need that skill or bit of knowledge. I like that I can pose a question on

Community (BizLibrary Social Learning Platform) and I’ll get six different answers within two minutes. I’m

getting information on-demand. I’m reassured that others are interested in that same question and I feel good

that I’m able to hopefully help others learn as well.

CHRIS OSBORN, VP OF MARKETING – BOOMER As a Boomer, many things happened in my formative

years that now shape my attitudes, world view and approach to problem solving and learning.

I tend to buck convention and authority. So “mandated” training has never appealed to me. If I have to do

some professional development, let me decide what I need, leave me alone to go do it, and I’ll let you know

when I am finished. This (some might call it) “hostility” to authority also impacts my reaction to classroom

training. First, I don’t like being inconvenienced and second, I usually look for holes in everything the instructor

says. But, when a classroom is led by a skilled facilitator – not a lecturer – I will participate and generally find

some value in the conversation.

Online training appeals to me. Much like self study, I can dictate the when and where I learn. But the online

content needs to be interesting. I like a lot of video or scenarios in my online training. It is much easier to see a

connection between what I am watching and what I need to do on my job.

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Traditionalists Boomers Gen Xers Gen Ys

Training The hard way Too much and I’m outta


Required to keep me Continuous and


Learning Style Classroom Facilitated Independent Collaborative and


Communication style Top down Guarded Hub and spoke Collaborative

Problem-solving Hierarchical Horizontal Independent Collaborative

Decision-making Seeks approval Team informed Team included Team decided

Leadership style Command & control Get out of the way Coach Partner

Feedback No news is good news Once per year Weekly/daily On demand

Technology use Uncomfortable Unsure Unable to work without it Unfathomable if not


Job changing Sets me back Sets me back Necessary Part of my daily


Source: Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman. When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How To Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work

(HarperBusiness, 2002)

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When it comes to training a demographically diverse workforce, how can we design and then deliver programs that meet the learning and development needs of employees?

Before we delve into tips for each generation, here are a two strategic suggestions that will help you get your program more closely aligned with the needs of your employees.

1. Design training from the bottom up. Have a

strategic vision for training. We can find a lot of advice that tells us

we need to “align” our training goals to organizational goals, and

this advice is very good advice we should all take to heart. But the

trick to making it work best is to design training from the bottom

up. See the example to the right.

2. Use the differences between generations to

your advantage in a variety of delivery methods

and tools. We will explain this in a little more detail in the pages

that follow, but a quick example is classroom training.

Traditionalists tend to like classroom events. Boomers may not.

Both generations will respond very well if you can find ways to give

them chances to share their valuable experiences and knowledge

with younger workers. This sharing helps feed the Gen X and Gen

Y preferences for collaborative and social learning experiences.

By taking this high level organizational goal down to the level of an

individual HR manager, we can see where her skills can be improved,

and design an individual development plan focused on her specific

needs. The “ground up” design of her training program, helps ensure

that she is working to improve her skills in an area that directly supports

the high level organizational goal. This creates alignment.

Increase employee retention by 10%.

To retain more employees and

increase employee engagement.

Collaboration skills to build a higher

level of employee engagement.

Collaboration skills improvement for our manager

means she needs to learn to listen better,

delegate more effectively and use the

organizations collaboration and social learning

application more frequently.

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• Use a lot of classroom training. As a rule,

this generation responds well to subject-

mater experts, presentations and lectures.

• Show your veteran employee they are

respected and valued members of your

workforce. They might not respond well to

coaching or help without being asked first if

they need or want some help.

• Be mindful of the physical demands of

classroom training on these employees. So

plan for frequent breaks and chances to

move around a little.

• Provide access to books, resources and

opportunities for self-study.

• Be sure to place value on time.

Traditionalists: Born before 1946

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• Make sure your materials and handouts can

be read with bifocals.

• Assume these employees are technologically

capable. Some may take a little longer to

learn new technologies, and some may

simply resist, but a surprising number of

this generation are open to learning new


• This group will usually prefer chances to

practice new skills in private and on their


• Seminars and in-person events allow

Traditionalists to use their interpersonal


Traditionalists: Born before 1946

Page 17: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

• This is the generation that coined the

phrase, “Never trust anyone over 30.”

Guess who’s over 30 now? This core

mistrust of authority carries over, so try not

to include managers in the same sessions

with their employees. The Boomers might

feel they are being watched, monitored and

even evaluated by their bosses.

• Also – try to play down any sense that

training is required by those in authority –

even when it might be.

• Narratives like stories and anecdotes can

help set a friendly, open atmosphere for

classroom sessions.

• Make Boomers feel valued. Provide feed-

back, thanks for efforts, learn their names,

give them chances to talk, ask for input, and

refer to their experience.

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 - 1965

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don’t like to

feel older

even though

they are.

• Boomers tend to be casual in workplace

relationships, so make sure your training

team treats them as equals, even if your

training team is younger. Boomers don’t like

to feel older – even though they are.

• Narratives like stories and anecdotes can help

set a friendly, open atmosphere for classroom


• Make sure you provide a training

environment that is safe for open discussion.

• Create fair rules for all activities—according

to generational learning expert, Julie Coates,

boomers grew up in a very competitive

environment, where some individuals lost

and some won. It was OK to lose, as long as

the rules were fair.

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 - 1965

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• Build in self-directed learning opportunities.

• Assign individual research or projects.

• Provide online training and testing, and put

it where learners can access it when they

need it

• Get to the point, efficiently. Banish anything

in the curriculum that is being done just

because it has always been done. Don't

waste time.

• Set clear expectations for behavior and

measurement criteria up front

• Let the learners figure it out, then teach

each other—give them the freedom,

autonomy, and independence to come up

with answers and alternatives.

Generation X: Born 1965 - 1980

Page 20: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

• Speed it up, then speed it up again.

• Explain your credentials, but don't expect

automatic respect based on your age or the fact

that you are the trainer.

• Avoid cliché and hyperbole, and make it

relevant to their generation.

• Use technology wherever it makes sense.

• Communicate the benefits of the training and

clearly establish the expectations from the

beginning. Make sure what you are doing is

relevant to their career goals.

• Lighten up! Gen X loves humor, especially

irreverent humor.

• Make it visually attractive. Avoid large blocks of

text. Incorporate illustrations, cartoons,

attractive graphic design, bullet points, and


Generation X: Born 1965 - 1980

Page 21: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

• Gen Y participants need clear expectations up

front, including behavioral expectations for the

classroom or training program as a whole.

• Be organized and provide a clear structure for

the learning at the outset, including outlines, a

syllabus, learning objectives, study guides,

expectations, and how they will be evaluated.

• Tell them why the training matters, and make it

relevant to their personal life and career goals.

• Stick to the agenda.

• Allow them to skip steps and find shortcuts;

reward them for efficiency.

• Take time to link classroom learning to the big


• Move quickly; then move faster.

Millennials/ Gen Y: Born 1980 - 2000

Page 22: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

• Provide lots of feedback, supervision, direction,

and attention.

• Use technology and multimedia. Gen Y is very,

very comfortable with technology and cannot

imagine life without it. Try to have the latest in

technology, and make sure you know how to

use it.

• Make it fun and entertaining. Gen Y responds

well to games, recognition, prizes, and visuals.

Include multimedia, music, art, games, and


• Utilize experiential learning techniques that

incorporate team interaction and hands-on

participation, such as case studies, team projects,

presentations, teaching others, and so on.

• Let them exchange information verbally or via

texting to satisfy their need for social


Millennials/ Gen Y: Born 1980 - 2000

Page 23: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

The word cloud

( on the right

was created from matching

training modality with each

generation. The bigger the

word the more frequently it

appears across

generations. This is a good

representation of the mix of

training modalities that may

work well in a multi-

generational workforce..

As you can see from the tips, there isn’t going to be a “silver bullet” you can use that will hit the needs, preferences and

styles of each generation. Remember, not only are you trying to deliver training for each generation, you also have unique

individuals within the generations. A “one-size-fits-all” solution is a training program that really isn’t a solution at all.

Various training modalities have advantages and disadvantages for different employees. The differences between

generations certainly plays into how you can design an effective training program blending together various methods and

tools to create a comprehensive program that speaks to your employees – regardless of their generation.

Word Cloud created at

Page 24: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

Diagram Source: Corbett, S. (2008). Targeting different generations. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology

Page 25: Keep peace learning_generations_e_book

Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Household Data, Not Seasonally Adjusted: Table A-13: Employment Status of the Civilian

Noninstitutional Population by Age, Sex, and Race" (2012).

New Study: Generational Differences in the Workforce Matter,

N-gen People Performance Inc.

Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman. When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How To Solve the Generational

Puzzle at Work (HarperBusiness, 2002)

Images:, and

BizLibrary Online Training Content

Managing Workforce Generations: Introduction to Cross-generational Employees (elearning course)

Managing Workforce Generations: Working with a Multigenerational Team (elearning course)

Managing Workforce Generations: Working with the 21st-century Generation Mix (elearning course)

Employing Generation Why: Training Young Minds (streaming video)

Generational Diversity (streaming video)

The Ageing Workforce (streaming video)

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Please send any questions or comments to Jessica Batz, [email protected]