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Page 2: KEEP IN… · Top Tips for Fun Days at the Beach Don’t Let Sunburn Derail Summer Fun Keep in Touch with Kids at

2 Daily Heraldn SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017







How to Save Moneyon Vacation

Top Tips for Fun Daysat the Beach

Don’t Let SunburnDerail Summer Fun

Keep in Touch with Kids at Camp

How Families Can MakeStaycations More Unique

Plan for a

SUCCESSFULFamily Vacation

Cover Design: Jonathan Tubbs • Graphic Designers: Chris Ayers, Renee Blue, Wil McKeever, Jonathan Tubbs

Page 3: KEEP IN… · Top Tips for Fun Days at the Beach Don’t Let Sunburn Derail Summer Fun Keep in Touch with Kids at

3Daily Herald SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017 n

Summer camp is an exciting

way for children to spend their

extended vacations from the

classroom. Camps cater to various

interests, including sports, crafts

and even technological hobbies.

Children who attend overnight

camps may spend several nights

away from home. Some kids

take this in stride, while others,

possibly away from home for the

first time, may experience some

homesickness. Staying in touch

while the kids are at camp can help

alleviate fears and show children

their parents care.

Camps now handle

communication issues differently

than they might have when today’s

parents were campers. While it

once common for campers to

send handwritten letters or short

missives home to mom and dad,

technology has changed that.

Today’s campers may have access

to email accounts, or they even

may be allowed to bring mobile

phones along. This can facilitate

communication, but it also may take

away from the camping experience.

Parents need to find a balance

between what might be too little

or too much contact with campers.

After all, camp is kids’ chance to

grow independent for a few days or


CHECK BLOGSAND TEXTSSome camps may blog

about campers’ progress,

post information on social

media or send out mass

texts. These messages

can reassure parents that their

youngsters are doing just fine. Figure

out which tech options are available

from camp administrators.

The camp experience is often

harder on parents than children,

as campers have their friends and

activities to keep them busy. Brief

communication helps campers grow

more confident and independent.

SEND ACARE PACKAGETreat the campers to some supplies

from home. Pack camp-approved

snacks and other reminders of home.

Be sure to include enough for the

entire cabin and your son or daughter

will be the camp star.


If camp is going well and campers’ days

are fun-filled, they may be too busy for

daily correspondence. Parents may get

nervous when they don’t routinely see

or hear from their children, but chances

are everything is going swimmingly.

LEARNCAMP RULESThe camp will likely provide information

regarding correspondence. Camps may

permit parents to send one-way emails

and regular mail, but limit campers to

handwritten letters only. Determine if

mobile phones are allowed or should

be left at home. Knowing the rules can

help parents and kids plan accordingly.

with kids at camp


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4 Daily Heraldn SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017

How to SAVE MONEY on Vacation Going on vacation often

means throwing a little caution

to the wind and indulging here

and there on purchases or

experiences a person wouldn’t

normally make at home.

According to a 2015 CBS News

poll, the average American is

entitled to 16 days of paid leave

each year, and the average

Canadian worker 19 days. Such

time off is an opportunity to fit

lots of fun into a relatively short

period of time.

Frugal travelers may want

to be sure they’re spending

their hard-earned money in the

smartest ways. Traveling without

breaking the bank enables the

average person to take more

vacations and continue to make

invaluable memories.

Here are some suggestions

on making a getaway, whether

it involves lots of traveling or

staying close to home, more


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5Daily Herald SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017 n


Many airlines now charge extra

for baggage fees — especially

for suitcases that exceed the

weight limit — so don’t bring

along unnecessary items. Hotels

typically provide toiletries for free,

so save space and money by

removing such items from your

luggage. Chances are if you didn’t

pack an item, you can still find

an affordable alternative at your



Coupons aren’t only for getting

cents off your favorite

brand of tissue

at the

supermarket. Coupons and

discount codes are available for

just about any purchase — even

vacations. Check all travel websites

to see if there are any deals to

be had. Don’t overlook discounts

related to your membership in

clubs such as AAA or AARP or

those linked to your alumni or

military organization. According to

RetailMeNot, having a social media

account can help, too. Travel deal

sites and airlines may post about

flash sales.


Look into economical restaurants

before departing. Know where

you’ll be eating and when,

including packing a lunch or

enjoying a hotel-

provided breakfast. Enjoying a

big lunch can be more frugal than

indulging on dinner.


If renting a car, choose the

smallest model that will fit your

needs. In addition, there’s no need

to pay for a large room that you

don’t plan to spend much time in,

so resist the temptation to book

large hotel rooms.



Investigate the public

transportation options at your

destination. Such options may

not be as convenient as taxis, but

they may be more economical.



Stay abreast of currency

exchange rates. Such rates can

make a big difference in choosing

a destination, particularly if

your money will be worth more

internationally. Also, try booking

a vacation through the local

country’s version of the same

travel site.



Talk to the locals to find out where

to get the best deals. Try local

foods, brews and more for

a cost savings.

Stay abreast of currency exchange rates. Such rates can

make a big difference in choosing a destination, particularly

if your money will be worth more internationally.

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6 Daily Heraldn SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017

Vacations provide a chance to rest,

recharge and experience new locales. Family

vacations also provide an opportunity to

make lasting memories parents and their

children will remember forever.

According to the 2016 American Express

Spending and Saving Tracker, 70 percent

of Americans expected to travel for leisure

in 2016. In addition, the Family Travel

Association notes that between 35 and 40

percent of family travel is multigenerational.

That means extended families comprise a

large part of the travel market, even if trips

are not associated with traditional family

vacations. “Experimental travel,” or visiting

locations that stray from the norm, has grown

in popularity as people are more concerned

with experiences than simply seeing a

particular location.

Family trips are one of the fastest-

growing segments of the tourism industry.

Plan for a

SUCCESSFULFamily Vacation

“Experimental travel,” or visiting

locations that stray from the norm,

has grown in popularity

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7Daily Herald SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017 n

Traveling during off-peak

seasons can mean fewer

crowds and lower prices.

Consider taking the kids out

of school during a random

week of the year rather than

during scheduled breaks,

such as winter vacation or

spring break. Prices often

spike during popular travel

times and dip during less

popular times, such as when

kids are in school.

Look beyond the traditional

hotel for accommodations.

Prices on private rentals

may be comparable or less

expensive while providing

travelers with more space.

This is especially valuable

to large families who want a

little more breathing room.

Kids can retreat to one area

while the adults hang out

in another, something that

may not always be possible

in standard hotels. Renting

a condo or home with a

kitchen also means families

can prepare their own meals,

which helps to curb costs.

One person’s idea of a good

time may differ from everyone

else’s. Poll family members

regarding their vision of a

dream vacation and spend

time trying to cater to at

least one of these ideas per

person. Make certain children

have a say as well, as they’ll

be more likely to go along

with plans that they were

involved in making.

One way to maximize

enjoyment is to plan vacations

with other families. This way

children have a group of

friends with whom they can

share the fun and different

experiences. What’s more,

parents can enjoy adult time

with friends. Some resorts

discount for large groups,

so this can be a cost-saving

measure as well.

Vacations can be relaxing, but

getting there sometimes can

be a challenge. Go into the

vacation process recognizing

the potential for traffic or

airport delays and plan

accordingly to keep children

occupied. Pack plenty of

snacks as well.











Family vacations are an entertaining way to spend time together.With advanced planning and some patience, the end results

can be well worth the work.

Families traveling together canheed the following advice

to ensure their next trip is successful.

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8 Daily Heraldn SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017

Millions of people visit the beach

each summer. For some people, there

is no better place than the beach,

where they can listen to the waves

crash on the shore and smell the

briny air.

The United States Lifesaving

Association routinely compiles

statistics on beach attendance,

watercraft use and other recreational

information, estimating that

367,231,142 people took to beaches

across the country in 2015, the most

recent reporting year. Cool coastal

temps and refreshing oceans and

lakes make the beach an ideal place

to survive the heat.

While a trip to the beach has the

makings of a great day, a few tips can

help make these sun- and sand-filled

days even better.


and surf can be calming, but not

if your newest mobile phone gets

doused with the incoming tide. For

those bringing their phones or tablets

along, steps to protect the gadgets

can make the day even more calming.

A zip-seal plastic bag can do the trick,

and you can still access the screen

through the plastic. If you plan to

spend time on a boat, you may want to

invest in waterproof, floating pouches.

KEEP CLEAN. Sand gets everywhere

at the beach, so it can be a challenge

to remain clean. Invest in a beach

blanket where the sand falls through

like a sieve, such as the Quicksand

Mat from CGear. Pack baby powder

in your beach bag, which will help

loosen sand from kids’ bodies before

they get back in the car. And while

at the beach, use hand-decorated

aluminum cans as drink cozies to keep

condensing beverage bottles from

becoming caked with sand.


Shaving legs or underarms right

before heading to the beach can

result in some painful irritation.

It’s best to shave the night before

diving into saltwater or even pool

water. If you need a last-minute

touch-up, use mineral oil while

shaving to help keep irritation to

a minimum.


SUNSCREEN to the skin

approximately 15 minutes before

heading outdoors so that it has

time to absorb, advises the American

Academy of Dermatology. If you wait

until you get to the beach, you put

your skin at risk. Use a self-tanner for

bronze skin rather than soaking up the


HIDE YOUR MONEY. Leaving your

money or belongings out in the open

may entice thieves. Camouflage items

of value by storing them in an empty

sunscreen bottle nestled in a beach


STAY COOL. Purchase or make a

vividly patterned tarp/tent to offer a

shady respite. This will also help the

family find their way back to your

beach spot. Place sandals or flip-flops

face-down in the sand or on a blanket

to ensure they won’t be scalding after

a day at the beach.

Trips to the beach are a

summertime tradition. With a few tips

and tricks, the memories can be even



Fun Daysat the beach

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9Daily Herald SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017 n

Many people find it impossible to think about

summer without conjuring visions of spending

endless hours outdoors from morning until

evening, whether beachside, on the open water

or even floating in a backyard pool. Although

a certain measure of sun exposure is required

for some natural functions of the body, it’s well

documented that too much time in the sun

can be hazardous to one’s health. That’s why

summer frolickers need to exercise considerable

caution each time they step outside.

Taking sunburn for granted can be a

big mistake. Many people wouldn’t risk

burns from a hot stove or open fire, but

they won’t think twice about being

unprotected under the very hot rays

of the sun. The Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention says more

than one-third of adults and nearly 70

percent of children admit to suffering

from sunburn within the past year.

Depending on the intensity of the sun

and the amount of time spent outside,

sunburn can be a first- or second-degree

burn. In first-degree burns, damage affects

the topmost layer of skin. However, sunburn

can even affect deeper layers and cause

blistering in addition to redness and pain.

Sunburn also can cause some irreparable damage

that goes unseen. According to WebMD, ultraviolet

light from the sun can alter DNA, prematurely aging

skin or even contributing to skin cancers. It can take

years before symptoms become noticeable. Therefore,

it is best for people of all ages to exercise caution

when spending time in the sun.

Sunburn is one of the most easily prevented

summertime ailments. It’s also important to note that

sunburns are not just limited to the hot weather or

when it is sunny outside. Ultraviolet damage can occur

at any time of the year, and also from artificial UV

sources, such as tanning beds. Preventing sunburn is


• The Mayo Clinic says the sun’s rays are the

strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so

schedule outdoor activities for other times of day.

Otherwise, limit exposure to the sun and take

frequent breaks in the shade.

• Wear protective clothing that covers the arms

and legs. Some outdoor gear is designed to

offer sun protection. Tightly woven fabrics tend

to help the most.

• Apply — and reapply — sunscreen. Look for products

that offer an SPF of 15 or greater. The American

Academy of Dermatology actually recommends an

SPF of 30 or greater. Make sure the product is broad-

spectrum, meaning it protects against UVA and UVB

rays. Apply sunscreen thoroughly, paying attention

to the tops of feet, hands and other places that tend

to go untreated. Reapply every two hours or more

frequently, if necessary.

• Base tans do not protect the skin. Research does

not support the habit of getting a tan to prevent

subsequent sunburn.

• Protect the face and eyes by wearing a wide-brimmed

hat and highly rated UV protection sunglasses.

The Skin Cancer Foundation says a person’s risk

for melanoma doubles if he or she has had five or

more sunburns. Use protection, stay hydrated and

play it smart to enjoy summer to the fullest.


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10 Daily Heraldn SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017

As a result of the economic downturn that began in 2008, many families

found themselves forgoing traditional vacations in favor of “staycations.” In such

instances, families spent time away from work and school together but did not

travel far, if at all.

While the economy has bounced back since the dawn of the staycation, many

families are still choosing to stay at home in an effort to save money. Staycations

might not seem as glamorous as traveling abroad or as relaxing as spending a

week in an oceanfront resort or condominium, but there are ways for families to

make staycations more fun and seem like a true departure from everyday life.

Straying from the norm, even

when staying at home, can

make staycations seem more

like a vacation than merely a

week away from school or the

office. Parents who want to add

a dash of adventure to their

families’ staycations can set

up tents in the backyard and

sleep under the stars or seek

out local campsites that are free

or relatively inexpensive. Tell

stories around a backyard firepit

when staying at home to provide

a more authentic camping

experience for everyone.

One of the joys of travel is the

opportunity to dine out and experience

cuisine native to particular locales. But

families don’t need to travel abroad to

enjoy this particular benefit of traveling.

The internet is home to a wealth of

recipes from countries far and wide.

Parents and their kids can choose

recipes online and prepare meals from

a different country each night, or pick

a “country or region of the week” and

prepare a different dish native to that

area each night. This provides a great

departure from ordinary family dinners

and can make for a fun activity for the

whole family.

How Families Can

Make Staycations More Unique

Experiment with New Cuisine Camp Out

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11Daily Herald SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2017 n

Rather than spending the week lounging around the

house or the backyard pool, families can explore the

cultural opportunities in their towns or cities. Busy

families tend to take such opportunities for granted

when they get caught up in the daily grind, and

exploring local history and artistic opportunities in

the same way you would when traveling can provide

a sense of excitement similar to that experienced

during more traditional vacations. Visit a local zoo,

take in a performance at a local theater company

or take a guided historical tour of an area of your

hometown or a nearby city.

While families typically choose staycations to

save money, forgetting the budget to enjoy one

extraordinary activity can make a staycation more

fun and memorable. Spend one day during the

staycation doing something the family would not

ordinarily do, be it visiting an all-day amusement

park, taking a helicopter tour of a nearby city

or going to a ballgame. Such a break from the

norm, even if it’s only for a single night, can make

staycations feel more like vacations.

Staycations have become an

economic necessity for many

families, and there are many ways

for parents to make such times

as enjoyable and unique as more

traditional vacations.

Take inLocal Culture

Indulge in anExtraordinary Activity

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