kalman filtering in deltav a deltav linked composite is described that allows kalman filtering to be...

Kalman Filtering in DeltaV Page 1 of 13 Rev1 Emerson Process Management, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Kalman Filtering in DeltaV Addressing Control in Presence of Process and Measurement Noise Terry Blevins, Willy Wojsznis Date: June 4 th , 2013

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    Emerson Process Management, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

    Kalman Filtering in DeltaV

    Addressing Control in Presence of Process and

    Measurement Noise

    Terry Blevins, Willy Wojsznis

    Date: June 4th , 2013

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    Emerson Process Management, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

    1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3 2 Background – Process Modeling ............................................................................................ 4 3 Kalman Filter .......................................................................................................................... 5 4 Kalman Filter Modifications ................................................................................................... 7 5 Kalman Filter Implementation in DeltaV ............................................................................... 8 6 Test Results ........................................................................................................................... 10

    6.1 Kalman Filter Results................................................................................................... 10 7 Test and Demonstrating Kalman Filter ................................................................................. 12

    7.1 Test Module - Kalman Filter ........................................................................................ 12

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    1 Introduction

    A paper published in 1960 by Rudolf Kálmán “A New Approach to Linear Filtering and

    Prediction Problems” is the basis for the Kalman Filter. The Kalman filter uses a dynamics

    model, measured control input(s) and process measurement(s) to estimate the process output. A

    wide variety of applications have successfully utilized Kalman filtering:

    The guidance of commercial airplanes

    Seismic data processing,

    Nuclear power plant instrumentation,

    Vehicle navigation and control (e.g. the Apollo vehicle),

    Radar tracking algorithms for ABM applications

    On 7 October 2009 U.S. President Barack Obama honored Kalman in an awards ceremony at the

    White House when he presented him with the National Medal of Science, the highest honor the

    United States can give for scientific achievement.

    Figure 1 - Kalman at the White House

    The complexity of the Kalman filter algorithm is often a barrier in the application of this filtering

    technique in the process industry. The original Kalman filter was designed to address a general

    multi-variant environment where the process and measurement noise covariance are known or

    may be calculated.

    In this paper we address the implementation of a scalar Kalman Filter for use in closed loop

    control of industrial process that is characterized by one manipulated input and one controlled

    parameter. A DeltaV linked composite is described that allows Kalman filtering to be used with

    the PID block in closed loop control. Also, information is provided on a DeltaV module that may

    be used to get more familiar with the Kalman filter in a test environment. The Kalman Filter

    composite and test module may be accessed through application exchange at the DeltaV

    Interactive Portal

    – see http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/deltav/interactive/Pages/Interactive.aspx .


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    2 Background – Process Modeling

    The Kalman filter is based on the fact that a model of the process may be constructed. For

    example, many industrial process unit are characterize by one manipulated input, U(t), and one

    measured process output, X(t), as illustrated below.

    Figure 2 - Industrial Process

    The model of a liner processes with one manipulated input and one measured process output may

    be expressed in state variable format as:

    For example, the state variable representation of a first order process may be expressed in this

    format where:



    For an integrating process, the state variable representation of a first order process may be

    expressed in this format where:

    When process and measurement noise and the process measurement units are taken into account,

    a general representation of a process may be illustrated as shown below.

    Figure 3 - Process Representation

    Process U(t) X(t)

    Process Uj




    Vj Zj


    for Process



    a T

    h +



    + +

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    3 Kalman Filter

    When a process is characterized by process or measurement noise then a Kalman filter may be

    applied to estimate the process output measurement. The impact of process or measurement

    noise on a control application may be reduced by utilizing the estimated process output for

    control as illustrated below.

    Figure 4 - Kalman Filter in Control Application


    = the a priori estimate of the state

    = estimate of the state

    = estimate of the output

    As illustrated above, the Kalman filter includes a model of the process without process or

    measurement noise. In addition, the difference between the estimated process output, , the

    measured process output , is calculated as the residual - also known as the innovation. The

    Process Uj


    a T Xj-1


    Vj Zj


    h Zj ^


    Xj ^ Xj-1


    Xj ^ -

    Kalman Filter



    e.g. PID


    Transmitter for





    b h


    a T k

    + +

    + +

    + + - +


    Zj ^

    Xj ^ -

    Zj ^

    Xj ^

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    Kalman gain, K, determines what portion of the residual is used in the Kalman filter model to

    compensate for accuracies in a, b, or h and to account for the process or measurement noise.

    As is well documented in the literature, an optimal linear estimator may be achieved by

    dynamically calculating the Kalman gain in a recursive manner as shown below:


    ̂ ̂

    ̂ ̂ ( ̂


    ( )


    Figure 5 - Dynamic calculation of Kalman gain

    However, the Kalman gain may be assumed to be a constant if the covariances of the process and

    measurement noise are assumed to be constant. Thus, the Kalman gain in implemented as a

    tunable parameter in the DeltaV Kalman filter composite. The user may adjust the Kalman gain

    to achieve best control performance. The Kalman gain is defined to have a value of 0-1. A

    Kalman gain of 1 provides no filtering of the measurement used in control. A value of 0 means

    that the measurement prediction is only based on the process model i.e. the measurement value is

    not utilized.

    Input Initial Guess of previous values:

    = a posteriori state estimate

    = a posteriori state covariance

    Predictor Step

    Correction Step

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    4 Kalman Filter Modifications

    The design of the Kalman filter assumes the process and measurement noise may be characterized

    as white noise with zero mean. If the mean value of the process and measurement noise is non-

    zero then for Kalman gain values less than one (1) an offset will be observed between the

    predicted value of the measurement and the actual measurement value as illustrate below.

    Figure 6 - Kalman Filter Response

    The Kalman filter may be modified to allow the predicted measurement to correctly compensate

    for noise with a non-zero mean. In the following figure the required changes in the Kalman filter

    are shown.

    Kalman Gain = 1 Kalman Gain = 0.05


    Uj h

    Zj ^

    Xj ^ Xj-1


    Xj ^ -

    Figure 7 - Modified Kalman Filter



    a T k

    + + - +


    k-1 Filter

    ter +





    Process Input

    Area Modified

    Offset SP



    Unmeasured Disturbance

    (Process Noise)


    3% Measurement Noise



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    A first order filter acting on the calculated residual is added to the measurement prediction. The

    filter time constant is adjustable but it is recommended that it be set equal to the controller reset

    time. The improved performance of the modified Kalman filter is illustrated below.

    Figure 8 - Modified Kalman Filter Response

    5 Kalman Filter Implementation in DeltaV

    A linked composite block, KALMAN_FILTER, has been created that may be used with the PID

    function blocks for control of processes that are characterized by measurement or process noise.

    An example of the how this composite may be incorporated into a DeltaV module with the PID

    function block is shown below.

    Figure 9 - Example – Kalman Filter Use with PID Function Block

    Kalman Gain = 1 Kalman Gain = 0.05







    Disturbance (Process Noise)


    3% Measurement Noise

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    The structure of the KALMAN_FILTER composite is illustrated below.

    Figure 10 - Kalman Filter Composite

    When using the Kalman filter composite, it is necessary to configure the following parameters:

    PROC_GAIN – The gain of the process

    PROC_TC – The time constant of the process (sec)

    EXEC_PERIOD – The execution period of the control module (sec)

    FILT_TC – The time constant of the filter used in the modified Kalman filter (sec)

    When the parameter PROC_SEL is set to a value of one(1) then the CALC1 block will

    automatically set the process gain, time constant and the filter time constant based on the PID

    gain and reset.

    The Kalman Filter composite may be downloaded from DeltaV Interactive Portal, Application


    – see http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/deltav/interactive/Pages/Interactive.aspx .

    Note: The calculation blocks in the Kalman composite are designed to access PID parameters

    based on the PID function block instance name being PID1. When using the Kalman filter

    composites with the PID block, the standard PID dynamo will show the PV of the PID block i.e.

    the predicted measurement value. The PID dynamo should be modified to show both the

    measurement and predicted measurement values.


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    6 Test Results

    The test module documented in section 7 was used to demonstrate how a Kalman filter may be

    used with a PID controller in closed loop control. Control performance is compared to a PI

    controller with PV filtering.

    The process used for this comparison was a first order plus deadtime process with the following


    Process Gain = 1

    Process Time Constant = 6 sec

    Process Deadtime = 2 sec

    The PI controller with the Kalman filtering was tuned for a lambda factor of 1.

    GAIN = 1/Process Gain

    RESET = Process Time Constant + Process Deadtime

    The process input and output were scaled 0-100%. Thus, h = 1 in these examples. For these tests

    the Kalman gain was set to 0.05. The module execution rate was set at 0.5 sec.

    6.1 Kalman Filter Results

    The test results achieve using a modified Kalman filter with a PID controller and PID with

    filtered PV is summarized in the following table.

    Table 1 - Test Results

    The modified Kalman filter provides approximately a 2X reduction in variation (as measured by

    IAE) over control based on PID with PV filter. This improvement stems from the fact that when

    using the Kalman filter the PID tuning is based only on the process dynamics and gain. However,

    when PV filtering is used the PID reset must be modified to account for the slower response from

    process plus filter.

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    The same changes in setpoint and unmeasured disturbance were applied for all test cases. Test

    were conducted for various filter setting and also where the process gain was reduced (without

    changing PID tuning) from 1 to 0.7. Below is a trend showing the steps introduced in testing.

    Figure 11 - Example Trend - PID with modified Kalman filter vs. PID with filtered PV



    3% Measurement Noise



    Disturbance (Process Noise)

    PID Output



    PID Output

    (PV Filter)

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    7 Test and Demonstrating Kalman Filter

    The tests summarized section 6 of this report were conducted using the Kalman Filter test

    module. This module allows the PID control performance using Kalman filter to be compared to

    PID control using a PV filtering. The module is designed to allow setpoint changes to be

    introduced at the same time into both controllers. Also, changes in the measurement and process

    noise may be introduced at the same time into both of the associated processes. This module for

    testing and demonstrating the Kalman Filter are documented in this section.

    The Kalman Filter test module and associated trend may be downloaded at the DeltaV Interactive

    Portal, Application Exchange:

    – see http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/deltav/interactive/Pages/Interactive.aspx .

    7.1 Test Module - Kalman Filter

    The module TEST_KALMAN_FILT shown below allows PID control using the Kalman filter to

    be compared to PID control using PV filtering.

    Figure 12 - Test Module

    Parallel first order plus deadtime processes with PID control are simulated in this module. The

    amplitude of the process and measurement noise introduced into each process may be specified

    using the PROC_DIST and NOISE_AMP parameters respectively. Control performance as

    measured by Integral of Absolute Error (IAE) and valve travel are calculated and may be reset at

    the start of a test by changing the RESET parameter to 1 and then back to zero(0). Through the


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    SP parameter, the setpoint to both PID may be changed. The test response may be visualized

    using the trend, Test Kalman Filter, shown below.

    Figure 13 - Trend for Test Module


    PID Output

    (Kalman) Unmeasured


    (Process Noise)




    PID Output

    (PV Filter)