kalahandi education1

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  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Mahendra K Mishra

    State SC/ST and Minority EducationCoordinator, OPEPA

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Liberty ( Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye of Vedicphilosophy , release from ignorance

    Paulo Freires Liberatory Education of 20th

    CenturyEducation for development of biodiversity,culture , society and the globe as a whole

    maintaining sustainable developmentFreedom,rights,equity for all

    Improving quality of life

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Literacy in itself is no education.

    xx the basic education is meant to transformvillage children in to model villagers. It is

    principally designed for them. The inspirationfor it comes from the village.xxx PrimaryEducation is a farce designed without regardto the wants of the India of the villages and forthe matter even of the cities. Basic educationlinks the children whether of the cities or thevillages, to all that is best and lasting in India.

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    The dry knowledge of the three Rs is noteven now , it can never be a permanent part ofthe villagers life. xxThe school must be an

    extension of home; there must be concordancebetween the impressions which a child

    gathers at home and at school,-if the bestresults are to be obtained. Education through

    the medium of a strange tongue breaks theconcordance.

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Good School building ( pre- Independence toindependence) hygenic,light and ventilationExcellent Teachers, knowledgeable, honest , highly

    child centric and workholic, shouldering the socialresponsibility, ethical and moral ( ideal model forparents and children )Meritorious students ( exemplary and most discussed)

    Good teaching environment in schoolsgood governance( less number of schools but

    uncommon and result oriented, believing in humanmaking machinery than quantity)An integrated worldview where nature and humanlive together

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Providing educational opportunity to every onethrough public private partnership

    Desired performance of teachers through asustained professionalism

    Strong Community school linkages

    Equity focus for SC/ST and girls and monitories

    Strong monitoring by a groups of resourcepersons free from educational administration

    Non negotiable Accountability and transparency

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Socio economic issues as deprivation, deforestation,displacement, migration, climatic change ( Drought inKalahandi to Flood in Kalahandi ! )

    Economic deprivation lead to educational deprivation

    Education seen as a physical target by the educationalplanners and educators( mapping the achievements

    in terms of figures than values )

    Programmes undermined with the physical target and

    achievement than its realization.Lack of community movement for education andlearning

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Total children 241763% of enrollment 94.59

    PS enrollment 90%UPs enrollment 85 %

    ST children 33 %Inter Block disparity(Lanjigarh ,Th. Rampur )

    Out of school/ dropoutchildren12268( out of schools )dropouts in Primaryschools 8.37%

    and Upper primary stage :9.94%

    Schools with out building201

    But are the schools able to

    cater to the intellectualneeds of the children inside the schoolsconsidering them as richsocial capital ?

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Child Responsive School

    An ideal school3. Learning out side the school is

    the foundation of childrensschool education

    4. Emphasize cognitivedevelopment

    5. Experience of the child6. environment of the child7. community knowledge enrich

    curriculum8. Language of the child enrich

    meaningful learning and thenliteracy and numeracy

    9. Community school linkage10. Teacher consider the children

    as a store of local knowledge11. Children have freedom in

    learning12. Teachers and students jointly

    make learning meaningful ,

    Current Practice in schools

    2. Learning in classroom only

    3. Emphasize rote memory

    4. Text books knowledge is notconnected to the childs

    experience5. Env. of the child is not connected

    to curricular knowledge

    6. Community knowledge isunexplored by the school system

    7. Literacy and numeracy of a

    given text8. community knowledge is ignored

    9. Children's experiential knowledgeis ignored or unexplored

    10. Children are forcibly taughtthrough rote memory ,learning

    with out meaning11. Teacher centric teaching where

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Physical Input

    Access andEnrollment



    Capacity BuildingFinancial input :TG/SIG/RM/


    Intellectual Input

    New Pedagogy

    Quality focus

    Equity FocusResponsive schools

    Changing classroomsculture

    Child in center

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    DPEP : 1996-2003 (About 30 crores )SSA : 2003- 2008( about 85-90 crores )Changes visible: Civil work, KGBV,NPEGEL,New primaryschools ,SIG/TLM/RM/TLE/Free TB/Uniform/MDM andso many provision

    Have we discussed about the classroom transaction ,children's achievement, competence, performance,creativity, talent, self image, teachers excellence,what more is required to have an equitable quality

    where every ones dream is fulfilled?

    Is it not true that education is funded but education isnot yielded? WhyOur education system is yet to discuss about qualityeducation where the learning potential of the children issafe and promoting

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    1. Joint Productive ActionThe teacher:

    1. designs instructional activities requiring student collaboration toaccomplish a joint

    project.2. arranges classroom seating to accommodate students individual and

    group needsto communicate and work jointly.3.organizes students in a variety of groupings, such as by friendship, mixed

    academicability, language, project, or interests, to promote interaction.

    4. plans with students how to work in groups and move from one activity toanother,

    such as from large group introduction to small group activity, for clean-up,dismissal,

    and the like.5.monitors and supports student collaboration in positive ways.

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    The teacher:

    1. Listens to student talk about familiar topics such as home andcommunity and responds to students talk and questions,

    2. Clarifying, questioning, and praising, as appropriate in purposefulconversation.

    3. Interacts with students in ways that respect students preferences forspeaking style, which may be different from the teachers,

    4. Connects student language with literacy and content area knowledgethrough speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities.

    5. Encourages students to use content vocabulary to express their

    understanding.6 provides frequent opportunities for students to interact with each

    other and with the teacher during instructional activities.

    7. Encourages students use of first and second languages in instructionalactivities.

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    The teacher:

    1 begins with what students already know from home, community, andschool.

    2 designs instructional activities that are meaningful to students in terms oflocal community norms and knowledge.

    3 learns about local norms and knowledge by talking to students, parents,

    and community members, and by reading pertinent documents.4 assists students to connect and apply their learning to home and


    5 plans jointly with students to design community-based learningactivities.

    6 provides opportunities for parents to participate in classroominstructional activities.

    7 varies activities to include students preferences, from collective andcooperative to individual and competitive.

    8 varies styles of conversation and participation to include studentscultural preferences, such as co-narration, call-and-response, and choral,

    among others.

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    IndicatorsThe teacher:

    1 Assures that students, for each instructional topic, seethe whole picture as the basis for understanding the

    parts.2 Presents challenging standards for studentperformance.

    3 Designs instructional tasks that advance studentunderstanding to more complex levels.

    4 Assists students to accomplish more complexunderstanding by relating to their real-life experience.5 Gives clear, direct feedback about how student

    performance compares with the challenging standards.

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    The teacher:1 .Arranges the classroom to accommodate conversation between the

    teacher and asmall group of students on a regular and frequent schedule.

    2 .Has a clear academic goal that guides conversation with students.

    3 .Ensures that student talk occurs at higher rates than teacher talk.4 .Guides conversation to include students views, judgments, and

    rationales, usingtext evidence and other substantive support.

    5.Ensures that all students are included in the conversation according totheir preferences.

    6. Listens carefully to assess levels of students understanding.7.Assists students learning throughout the conversation by questioning,

    restating,praising, encouraging, and so forth.

    8. Guides the students to prepare a product that indicates the Instructionalconversations goal was achieved.

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Changing role of DIETs / BRCC/CRCC onclassroom culture

    Strong community-school linkages

    District Knowledge hub for continuousacademic excellence

    Third party evaluation on school effectiveness

    Performance appraisal of stakeholdersPost civil work role of VEC in qualitymonitoring

  • 8/14/2019 Kalahandi Education1


    Thank You