k-nearest neighbors (knn)

K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) • Given a case base CB, a new problem P, and a similarity metric sim • Obtain: the k cases in CB that are most similar to P according to sim • Reminder: we used a priority list with the top k most similar cases obtained so far

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K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN). Given a case base CB , a new problem P , and a similarity metric sim Obtain: the k cases in CB that are most similar to P according to sim Reminder: we used a priority list with the top k most similar cases obtained so far. Forms of Retrieval. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

• Given a case base CB, a new problem P, and a similarity metric sim

• Obtain: the k cases in CB that are most similar to P according to sim

• Reminder: we used a priority list with the top k most similar cases obtained so far

Page 2: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Forms of Retrieval

•Sequential Retrieval

•Two-Step Retrieval

•Retrieval with Indexed Cases

Page 3: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Retrieval with Indexed Cases

Sources:–Bergman’s b`ook

–Davenport & Prusack’s book on Advanced Data Structures

–Samet’s book on Data Structures

Page 4: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Range Search

Red light on? YesBeeping? Yes…

Transistor burned!

Space of known problems

Page 5: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

K-D Trees

•Idea: Partition of the case base in smaller fragments

•Representation of a k-dimension space in a binary tree

•Similar to a decision tree: comparison with nodes

•During retrieval:

Search for a leaf, but

Unlike decision trees backtracking may occur

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Definition: K-D Trees•Given:

K types: T1, …, Tk for the attributes A1, …, Ak

A case base CB containing cases in T1 … Tk A parameter b (size of bucket)

•A K-D tree T(CB) for a case base CB is a binary tree defined as follows:

If |CB| < b then T(CB) is a leaf node (a bucket)Else T(CB) defines a tree such that:

The root is marked with an attribute Ai and a

value v in Ai andThe 2 k-d trees T({c CB: c.i-attribute < v}) and T({c CB: c.i-attribute v}) are the left and right subtrees of the root

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(50,10)Mobile (90,5)


Atlanta (85,15)





<35 35





<85 85

Mobile AtlantaMiami A1

<60 60

Chicago TorontoBuffalo

Notes:•Supports Euclidean distance•May require backtracking

Closest city to P(32,45)?•Priority lists are used for computing kNN


Page 8: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Using Decision Trees as Index


v1 v2

… vn

Standard Decision Tree



… vn

Variant: InReCA Tree


Can be combined with numeric attributes





… >vn


Notes:•Supports Hamming distance•May require backtracking

Operates in a similar fashion as kd-trees•Priority lists are used for computing kNN

Page 9: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Variation: Point QuadTree

•Particularly suited for performing range search (i.e, similarity assessment)

•Adequate with fewer numerical and known-important attributes

A node in a (point) quadtree contains:•4 Pointers: quad [‘NW’], quad [‘NE’], quad[‘SW’], and quad[‘SE’] •point, of type DataPoint, which in turn contains:

•name•(x,y) coordinates

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(50,10)Mobile (90,5)


Atlanta (85,15)




Insertion order: Chicago, Mobile, Toronto, Buffalo, Denver, Omaha, Atlanta and Miami

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Insertion in Quadtree


Denver Toronto Omaha Mobile

Buffalo Atlanta Miami

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Insertion Procedure

We define a new type: quadrant: ‘NW’, ‘NE’, ‘SW’, ‘SE’

function PT_compare(DataPoint dP, dR): quadrant//quadrant where dP belongs relative to dR

if (dP.x < dR.x) then if (dP.y < dR.y) then return ‘SW’ else return ‘NW’ else if (dP.y < dR.y) then return ‘SE’ else return ‘NE’

Page 13: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Insertion Procedure (Cont.)

procedure PT_insert(Pointer P, R)//inserts P in the tree rooted at RPointer T //points to the current node being examinedPointer F // points to the parent of TQuadrant Q //auxiliary variableT R F null

while not(T == null) && not(equalCoord(P.point,T.point)) do F T Q PT_compare(P.point, T.point) T T.quad[Q]if (T == null) then F.quad[Q] P

Page 14: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)


Typical query: “find all cities within 50 miles of Washington,DC”

In the initial example: “find all cities within 8 data units from (83,13)”

Solution:•Discard NW, SW and NE of Chicago (that is, only examine SE)•There is no need to search the NW and SW of Mobile

Page 15: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Search (II)


1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

Let R be the root of the quadtree, what regions need to be inspected if R is in the quadrant:

1: SE

2: SW, SE

8: NW

11: NW, NE, SE

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Priority Queues•Typical example: printing in a Unix/Linux environment. Printing jobs have different priorities.

•These priorities may override the FIFO policy of the queues (i.e., jobs with the highest priorities will get printed first).

Operations supported in a priority queue:

•Insert a new element•Extract/Delete of the element with the lowest priority•In search trees, the priority is based on the distance

•Insertion, deletion can be done in O(Log N) and look-head in O(1)

Page 17: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Nearest-Neighbor Search

Problem:Given a point quadtree T and a point P find the node in T that is the closest to PIdea: traverse the quadtree maintaining a priority list, candidates, based on the distance from P to the quadrants containing the candidate nodes




(50,10)Mobile (90,5)






Page 18: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Distance from P to a Quadrant


2 3


P2 P3

distance(P,SW) = f-1(sim(P,(P.y,0))(x,y)

distance(P,NW) = f-1(sim(P,(x,y))

distance(P,NE) = f-1(sim(P,(P.x,0))



distance(P,SE) = 0

Let f-1 be the inverse of the distance-similarity compatible function

Page 19: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Idea of the Algorithm






P = (95,15)

Candidates = [Chicago (4225)] Buffer: null ()

Candidates = [Mobile(0),Toronto (25), Omaha (60), Denver(4225)]Buffer: Chicago (4225)

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List of Candidates

(50,10)Mobile (90,5)


(85,15)Atlanta P(95,15)

•Examine the quadrant of the top of candidates (Mobile) and make it the new buffer:

Buffer: Mobile (1625)

distance(P,NE) = 0distance(P,SE) = 5

•Termination test: Buffer.distance < distance(candidates.top,P) if “yes” then return Buffer if “no” then continue

•In this particular example, is “no” since Mobile is closer to P than Chicago

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Finally the Nearest Neighbor is Found

Candidates = [Atlanta(0), Miami(5), Toronto (25), Omaha (60), Denver(4225)]

Buffer: Atlanta(100)

Candidates = [Miami(5), Toronto (25), Omaha (60), Denver(4225)]

A new iteration:

The algorithm terminates since the distance from Atlanta to P is less than the distance from Miami to P

Page 22: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)


•Experiments show that random insertion of N nodes is roughly O(N log4N)

•Thus, insertion of a single node is O(log4N)

•But worst case (actual complexity) can be much worse

•Range search can be performed in O(2 N ½)

Page 23: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)


First idea:

•Find the node N that you want to delete•Delete N and all of its descendants ND•For each node N’ in ND, add N’ back into the tree

Terrible idea; it is too inefficient!.

Page 24: K-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)

Idealized Deletion in Quadtrees

If a point A is to be deleted find a point B such that the region between A and B is empty and replaced A with B



“Hatched Region”

Why? Because all the remaining points will be in the same quadrants relative to B as they are relative to A. For example, Omaha could replace Chicago as the root.

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Problem with Idealized Situation

First Problem: A lot of effort is required to find such a B.






In the following example which point (C, F, D or A) has a hatched region with A?

Answer: none!. Second problem: No such a B may exit!

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Problem with Defining a New Root

Several points will have to be re-positioned

Old root

New root





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Deletion Process

Delete P:1. If P is a leaf then just delete it!.

2. If P has a single child C, then replace P with C

3. For all other cases: 3.1 Compute 4 candidate nodes, one for each quadrant under P 3.2 Select one of the candidate node, N according to certain criteria 3.3 Delete several nodes under P and collect them in a list, ADD. Also delete N. 3.4 Make N.point the new root: P.point N.point 3.5 Re-insert all nodes in ADD

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A Word of Warning About Deletion

•In databases frequently deletion is not done immediately because it is so time-consuming.

•Sometimes they don’t even do insertions immediately!

•Instead they keep a log with all deletions (and additions), and periodically (i.e., every night, weekend), the log is traversed to update the database. The technique is called Differential Databases.

•Deleting cases is part of the general problem of case base maintenance.

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Properties of Retrieval with Indexed Cases



Efficient retrievalIncremental: don’t need to rebuild index again every time a new case is entered-error does not occur

Cost of construction is highOnly work for monotonic similarity relations