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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Madrid Fashion Week 2012: - Roberto Verino

- Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

- Maya Hansen


- Moisés Nieto

Summer tendences

Who's the best?


The thriller section... - The Hunger Games

- Library of the death

- Think of a number

- The emerald atlas

- Incarceron

My Generation

The Runaways


Between 16th and 20th of

January we’ve seen the new

great designs for next

spring-summer 2012 from

the best fashion designers.

The renamed catwalk

Mercedes Benz Fashion

Week (previously called

Cibeles) has ended after five

days of intense fashion parades. We’ve been able to witness some of the

newest designs of this year:

-Teresa Helbig’s collection has been elected the best collection of

Madrid Fashion Week. Her weapons are work, rigor and good taste.

-Andrés Sardá’s fashion parade has been the best one, not only in this

edition but in others as well.

-TNC firm is one of the most important textile companies in our country.

The designer Totón Comella enriched the fashion show with “prêt-à-

porter” garments with lots of references to the “homewear”.

-The highlight of the event was David Delfín’s moment, when his friends

Bimba, Alaska and Mario Vaquerizo helped him to finish the event in a

spectacular way.

Each day of the week we’ve been able to attend different fashion

parades from the best designers. Let’s see what’s been the most

remarkable each day:



Jon Kortajarena opened the

fashion parade with lots of

applauses. We could see that

suitcases and bags in

adventurous-style will be in

fashion and we saw lots of

turbans, land tones, African

references, plumes, raffia… It

seemed the dessert and its


There were also tight belts in

one side that were loose in the

other, sheer garments, word of

honor necks… and so on.

Even though it was one of the

best parades, it was so long that

the designer repeated several

times similar garments.



The star of the fashion show was the heart.

The best was the dress that wore the

designer herself at the end of the event, and

the most original were the fashion hairstyles

inspired in unicorns: rigid plaits combed

frontwards. The designer also presented

straw bags and helmets. What else is she

going to design?



The designer presented

garments inspired by the

horse’s world. Some models

wore a type of horse tail in their

hips, and also in their high


There were satin seam leggings

that faked the back fastener of

the corset and the most

spectacular corsets result of the

undoubted work pattern

designing and seam.



The designer Totón Comella was

inspired by the teenager blogger Tavi

for her collection.

We could see tricot bikinis,

tracksuits, satins and laces, and little

vintage jackets. There were also

pyjamas with orange print in the

back side and several garments in a

swot look.

But one model lost her shoe and it

rested in the middle of the parade,

until someone kind took out the

shoe. Fortunately, nobody fell off!



This designer’s collection is known by

the white and saturated colors of his

garments. This garments remind the

servant one’s, with straight and

geometric lines, relaxed shoulders

and triangular necks in the back side.

Nieto’s bets are shirts, pleated skirts

and double trousers on the one

hand, and on the other plastic, silk

and cotton.

What I should wear? How should I wear it? Don’t worry, we will help you. Here you have everything you need to know to be always perfect next summer! White dresses are the best option. They have always been the best garment in this season and it matches with everything! You can wear it with flip-flops to go to the beach or even with boots to go to a party or a dinner at night. You will find them in most of the shops in your city and some of them are really cheap! You will get a fantastic look if you wear pastel colours. It makes you look sweet and pretty and you will turn heads everywhere you go. Try to combine different colours in just one look wearing a yellow with a blue bag or pink glasses, you will be fantastic! Boots are not only for autumn or winter; you can wear them with a mini-skirt or with shorts. You will have an unusual look but you’ll be gorgeous! Never go with them to the beach! You will be hot and it will really hard to walk on the san. 1960s fashion looks will return this summer. Checked dresses in really bright colours will be a “must” this season. You can combine them with high- heels or a bag in loud colours. If you want to the queen of the beach just put your bikini on. But not a normal bikini, this summer crochet swimsuits and bikinis are what you must have. If you prefer you can also wear a jungle patterned bikini. And never say no to the trikini, it iscomfortable and becoming.

Summer tendences.

Two people can wear the same clothes but in a different way. Which is the best one? We are going to compare celebrities’ style. Check it out! Who looks better? It’s a difficult decision but, in my opinion, both of them combine the dress in a similar way, with black shoes and without many complements. But Taylor is too pale to wear this dress. Ashley looks amazing in this dress: she’s tanned, with her hair down and straight, the perfect combination. Don’t worry Taylor, you look good but Ashley’s better. This fantastic dress is from GiambattistaValli and Ashley’s shoes are from Jimmy Choo.

Who’s the best?


Taylor Swift

To wear this beautiful Valentino you have to be tall and slim so… sorry Christina but Kristen wins. She’s perfect for this dress, she’s pretty, thin and she has a very good figure. Although Christina’s shoes are amazing, this dress doesn’t fit her, it highlights too much her cornering. Now, dear reader, you know that not everything fits you, although you are a celebrity, and somebody will wear the same dress as you and she will look better, just try to combine the ideal complements and you will shine like a star.

Christina Aguilera

Kristen Stewart

ARIES He’s getting what he asked for. Maybe it is a good thing, you’ve learned what a good boy was, and he wasn’t. Try to continue with your life, you will find someone better when you don’t expect it.

TAURUS This is the best time for your relationship, he loves you and you love him. You will meet his family this week, so be ready. They are nice and they will love you as he does. Enjoy every moment that you are together.

GEMINI If you have been cheated, break up with him. You don’t deserve it and he has been a stupid idiot, he doesn’t know what he has lost. You are beautiful and you are going to find someone else easily.

CANCER You’ve made the decision that you are better alone, it is true, and you don’t need a man to be complete. But don’t close you mind completely, be ready if you find someone, he will be the final one!

LEO Everything is changing between you two. This is now what you thought it will be, maybe he’s not the boy for you. Talk with him and if nothing changes, you know what you have to do.

VIRGO Maybe it’s your fault, you’ve cheated him with one of your friends so don’t be surprised if he is angry with you. Your relation wasn’t very good before, but now it’s worst. Maybe you have to end it


LIBRA You two have been friends for a long time, maybe it’s time to make some changes. You just have to tell him what you feel. You will be surprise of his answer. Don’t be afraid.

SCORPIO You are good friends, maybe you feel something more, but wait! He has girlfriend! Don’t do it, talk with him about your feelings but don’t do anything that you will regret for later.

SAGITTARIUS Keep on trying, you will finally find someone perfect for you, you haven’t been lucky this time, but don’t be sad, there are a lot of boys around you looking for something.

CAPRICORN Don’t listen to what people say, he loves you a lot. Maybe those people who talk are jealous but don’t let them decide what to do. Your partner is a good boy who will do anything for you. Do not miss it.

AQUARIUS You’ve been through a really bad time. Don’t worry, things will change soon. You will find the person who loves you for who you are. Forget the Sagittarius and everything will be better.

PISCES Maybe you are going too fast. A relationship requires time and patience. You have something real but you will destroy it if you continue this way. Try to take things in a different way.


This week, we are going to make a review of the newest thriller books. We have

chosen the five books that have received the most amazing opinions from

many authors and newspapers.

We hope you love them!


The newest Suzanne Collins book which has been

considered “ground breaking” by a large amount of

newspapers and authors, is the first part of a trilogy which

takes the reader to a place where the only important thing is

to kill or be killed.

At the beginning of the book, North America has been

destroyed and divided into twelve separated districts. Those

districts are controlled by a harsh government which doesn't

let the citizens have any kind of freedom.

Each year, 24 girls and guys are forced to participate in a

live TV show called the Hunger Games, where the winner is

the only one who survives, and Katniss Everdeen decides to

take her little sister's place in the Games. When she gets to

District 12, the area where the Games are filmed, she has to

fight against thirst, wild animals, hunger and the rest of the

people who are in District 12, but Katniss doesn't want to

finish with anyone's life so we'll see what she does to



This book has been Cooper Glenn's debut thriller. The

novel begins in New York, where a couple of people

receive the same letter with a picture of a grave and a

date, the date of their death. There is suposed to be just

one murderer, but some of the deaths are accidental, and

the police aren't able to figure out what is happening.

After the first chapters, another story is presented to the

readers. In an eighth-century building, some

archaeologists find a huge library with tones of books

which contain lots of dates. This books are nowadays in a

secret building where nowhere can go without permission.

With this discovery, Will, a very famous police Inspector,

will try to solve the strangest case he's ever seen.


This novel which has been written by John Verdon, who has published only a

few books, is having an incredible success and many authors say that Verdon

is extremely talented and they consider the book thrilling and entertaining.

The book tells the story of how Dave Gurney, a great homicide investigator

who has just retired, finds an adversary which he can't stop.

There are a few people who receive a letter that ends with this sentence: See

how well I know your secrets, just think of a number.

After that, a chain of murders which have no connection, start happening in

many different places and when Inspector Gurney tries to figure out what is

happening, the murderer threatens him too with very strange letters. Even

Madeleine, who is the Inspector's wife is in danger because the murderer

doesn't commit any mistakes, and he doesn't leave any clues in the places

where he kills people.

Verdon, says that he is very happy with his first novel because even though

there are things that he will try to improve when he writes the next two books

of the trilogy, his book has had much more success than what he expected

and it has been very well received by the readers.

Verdon, says that he is very happy with his first novel because even though


This book which has been written by John Stephens, is recommended for

teenagers and adults, and it tells the story of three brothers, Kate, Michael

and Emma who are taken from their family and sent to an orphanage

when they are very little kids.

They stay in the orphanage for about ten years and then they are sent to

Cambridge Falls, a very silent and small village where they discover a

green book which lets them travel through time. They end up meeting

some of the weirdest creatures who tell them about their past and their

family, which they will try to put together again.

The three brothers notice that they are part of a prophecy and that they

will have to save the world before something terrible happens.

The author, says that this book is very important for him because each character

is inspired in a person who is important for him. For example, Kate, who is the

main role of the book, is inspired in his old sister. He also tells us that he didn't

expect the book to have such amazing success because nowadays it is sold in

more than thirty-five countries.


Catherine Fisher, the author of this

book reveals us that this has been

the most difficult novel that she has

ever written because it has lots of

different stories happening at the

same time and it is complicated to

make the book easy to understand.

The book tells us the story of how

Claudia, the daughter of

Incarceron's king and Jared, her

teacher, discover an unknown

horrible world where there is no

light and the people lives terribly

unhappy because they aren't

complete human beings.

Keiro and Finn, are two brothers

who live in Incarceron and are able

to contact with Claudia with an

object that they find in a forest.

After they talk for the first time, the

brothers followed by a servant that

they find in a palace will fight

against their fears and evil

creatures to escape from


This novel is followed by another

one which is called Sapphique

which lets the readers understand

the whole story.

Fisher is very happy about the

success that both books have had

because normally, this kind of

novels are only popular between

very young readers, but recently,

adults are becoming more

interested on this topics too.

MY GENERATION If you ask a boy of 15 years old who is David Bowie, he will probably answer: I don't now... This is the problem of this generation, the children have forgotten the roots of music. Now the children listen Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna…, but it’s the same all the time. What is the complexity of electronic music? This music can be done by anyone with a computer. So I created a list with the best songs of the history according to my opinion. My Generation – The Who Go my own way – Fleetwood Mac Wish you were here – Pink Floyd Heroes – David Bowie El sitio de mi recreo – Antonio Vega L'estaca – Lluis Lach Starway to heaven – Led Zeppelin Imagine – John Lennon Cherry Bomb – the runaways Show must go own – Queen Creep – Radiohead Lulaby – The Cure

It’s time to return to the music roots!!


The Runaways is a 70’s girls band of rock. They were five Californian teenagers that changed the woman roll in the rock music. Their producer was Kim Fowley. The band was formed by Michi Stil (bassist), Cherry Curie (vocalist), Sandy West (drummer), and Joan Jett (guitarist and vocalist). They had success too soon, principally in Japan in 1977, and in America too. After that, Cherie left the band and Joan started her own career composing songs as famous as ‘I love rock ‘n’ roll’ with her band, ‘the blackhearts’. Their style is special because of the songs with hard lyrics talking about girl’s power, drugs, sex…They used extravagant clothes and make-up and they weren’t afraid of saying what they thought. Their most famous songs were: ·Cherry Bomb ·Queens of noise ·California You’re Paradise ·I love playi’n with fire ·I wanna be where the boys are