just on the other side


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Just on the other side
Page 2: Just on the other side

-Daddy, daddy! We have to go just the other side, daddy please please…

-But Jesusa, just on the other side of what?-I don’t know dad, just on the other side. Marylló is giving a

secret concert just on the other side.-But Jesusa we can’t go just to the other side if we don’t know

where it is! And this is it, leave me alone and go to play.

Page 3: Just on the other side

Jesusa was very disappointed

she was going to miss the concert because her dad didn’t know where JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE

was. So she spent all the morning thinking about it and asking everyone.

but no one knew where that place was

Page 4: Just on the other side

She reached to the conclusion that JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE was just on the other side from the sea, just where it ends, so she

decided to take a boat

Page 5: Just on the other side

She arrived to an island with three mountains.

Page 6: Just on the other side

Suddenly she heard a voice of someone who was calling her.

-Little girl, little girl! I need your help! Maryllo is giving a concert JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE, I promised

Maryllo going to her concert, but I’ve ran out of petrol, and the only way to go JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE is going through the mountains using the road.

• -Of course -said Jesusa.- But then I need you to take me with you. Going to the concert of Maryllo is the thing I most desire in the world

Page 7: Just on the other side

Like this, jesusa and maryllo’s friend arrived at the concert just when it was about to begin. The concert

was fantastic and they had a great time

Page 8: Just on the other side

Marylló, very pleased with jesusa decided that that same evening, the three of them, Maryllo, her friend and Jesusa will have dinner with jesusa’s father.

Page 9: Just on the other side

But before they went to the supermarket and bought loads of food and drinks in orther to organise a big


Page 10: Just on the other side

When jesusa’s father saw the superb party they had organised and saw Maryllo he forgot all the bad

things Jesusa had done and they spent the rest of the night eating, singing, dancing and above all

laughing all the time.

And they lived happily ever after.