juggling i student workbook - wikispaces i student workbook el presente cuaderno presenta una serie...

JUGGLING I STUDENT WORKBOOK El presente cuaderno presenta una serie de ejercicios de malabares, registra aquellos ejercicios que domines. Dominar un ejercicio no significa realizarlo bien una vez, sino ejecutarlo correctamente casi siempre. Cada ejercicio tiene una puntuación de 0,20 puntos (5 ejercicios = 1 punto). Los ejercicios realizados por parejas, si ésta es mixta se valorarán el doble (0,40 puntos) El día de la entrega se te pedirá que realices algunos de los ejercicios marcados. Si el ejercicio no se realizara se penalizará con 1 punto. En cada ejercicio viene especificado los criterios de éxito. El número racional indica el número de veces que debe realizarse correctamente y el número de intentos; así 3/5 quiere decir que en cinco intentos debe ejecutarse correctamente tres veces. DH (dominant hand) significa mano dominante (esto es, derecha para los diestros, izquierda para los zurdos). NDH (Non dominant hand) significa mano NO dominante. 1.3 Throw the ball with one hand and catch it with the other one behind your back CRITERIA: 2/3 with DH. 2/4 with non dominant hand 1.4 Throw the ball, turn around completely and catch the ball again with one hand without using the other hand, chest, etc. CRITERIA 3/5 1.1 Throw the ball with one hand over your head and catch it with the other without watching them. CRITERIA 3/3 with dominant hand. 1.2 Same as 1.1 but clap your hands before catching the ball. CRITERIA 3/3 with DH.

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Post on 17-May-2018




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WORKBOOKEl presente cuaderno presenta una serie de ejercicios de malabares, registra

aquellos ejercicios que domines. Dominar un ejercicio no significa realizarlo bien una vez, sino ejecutarlo correctamente casi siempre.

Cada ejercicio tiene una puntuación de 0,20 puntos (5 ejercicios = 1 punto).Los ejercicios realizados por parejas, si ésta es mixta se valorarán el doble (0,40

puntos)El día de la entrega se te pedirá que realices algunos de los ejercicios marcados. Si

el ejercicio no se realizara se penalizará con 1 punto.

En cada ejercicio viene especificado los criterios de éxito. El número racional indica el número de veces que debe realizarse correctamente y el número de intentos; así 3/5 quiere decir que en cinco intentos debe ejecutarse correctamente tres veces.

DH (dominant hand) significa mano dominante (esto es, derecha para los diestros, izquierda para los zurdos).

NDH (Non dominant hand) significa mano NO dominante.

1.3 Throw the ball with one hand and catch it with the other one behind your back

CRITERIA:2/3 with DH.2/4 with non dominant hand

1.4 Throw the ball, turn around completely and catch the ball again with one hand without using the other hand, chest, etc.


1.1 Throw the ball with one hand over your head and catch it with the other without watching them.

CRITERIA3/3 with dominant hand.

1.2 Same as 1.1 but clap your hands before catching the ball.

CRITERIA3/3 with DH.

1.6 Outside kick. Throw the footbag, hit it with the outside of the foot and catch it again.

CRITERIA:3/4 with DH.2/4 with NDH.

1.5 Throw the ball and catch it with the other hand with your palms down.

CRITERIA: 3/3 with DH.2/3 with NDH.

1.7 Knee Kick: Throw the footbag with one hand, hit it with knee and catch it with the other hand

CRITERIA:3/4 with DL.2/4 with NDL.

1.8 Throw the ball, flip over forward and catch the ball with one hand.


1.9 Inside Kick. Kick the footbag with the inner part of the foot.

CRITERIA:4/5 with DL.3/4 with NDL. 1.10 Toe Kick. Kick the

footbag with your toe an catch it with one hand

CRITERIA: 4/5 with each leg.

1.12 Inside Stall Throw the footbag and hold it with the inner part of the foot

CRITERIA:2/5 with DL.1/5 with NDL.

1.11 Kick the footbag without stopping, 15 hits with both legs and changing the kind of hit.


1.13 Toe Stall Throw the footbag and hold it over de toe.

CRITERIA:2/5 with DL.1/5 with NDL.

1.15 Outside Stall Throw the footbag and hold it with the outter part of your foot.

1.14 Throw the ball, bend your back and hold theball over it.


CRITERIA:2/5 with DL.1/5 with NDL.

1.16 Clipper Stall Throw the footbag, cross your leg, and hold it with the inner part of the foot.

CRITERIA:2/5 with DL.1/5 with NDL.

1.17 Throw the ball from behind your back and catch it with the other hand. Stand without moving your feet.

CRITERIA:3/4 with each hand.

1.18 Kick the footbag 5 times without stopping, hold it with your foot and kick it 5 times again.


1.20 Standing back to back into a hoop with a partner, exchange balls by throwing them at the same time


1.21 Throw the indian club and catch it with the same hand.

CRITERIA:5/5 with DH3/5 with NDH

1.22 Make up un original juggling exercise.

1.19 Throw the ball under your thigh and catch it with the other hand


CRITERIA:4/5 eith DH3/5 with NDH

2.2 Same as 2.1 exercise but throwing both balls at the same time. Avoid crashing balls.


2.1 With one ball in each hand, exchange them by throwing one and when it`s at the top, throw the second one. They must be as high as your head.


2.3 With one ball in each hand, throw them both at the same time and to the same height. Catch them with the same hand.


2.4 Same as 2.3 exercise but clap your hands before catching the balls.


2.5 2x1 clockwise rotation. With two balls in one hand, throw them followin a counter-clockwise rotation.

CRITERIA10 Throws without stopping DH.8 with NDH.

2.6 2x1 colum. With 2 balls in one hand, throw them in parallell trajectories.

CRITERIA10 throws without stopping DH.8 with N.DH

2.7 2x1 Counter clockwise rotation.Throw 2 balls alternatively with one hand.

CRITERIA10 throw without stopping DH.8 with NDH

2.8 2x1 + running: Do one of the 2x1 exercise while you run 10m.


2.9 2x1 Do 2.1 exercise but exchange the balls with palms down.


2.10 2x1 at the top: Do any of the 2x1 exercises but juggling the balls over your shoulders.

CRITERIA 8 lanzamientos con MD5 con MN

2.12 2x1 Sit-down, get-up. Do exercise 2.1 trying to sit down

and get up afterwards.


2.11 With one ball in each hand, as in 2.1 exercise, exchange them but over your shoulders.


2.13 With one indian-club in each hand, throw them at the same time and catch them with the same hand.


2.14 With one ball in each hand, exchange them with a partner by throwing them at the same time.


2.15 2x1 exchange. Do 2x1 exercise, pass the balls to your partner who will go on making the same exercise.

CRITERIOS DE ÉXITO:4 Intercambios (1/5)

2.16 Indian-club exchange. Exchange the indian-clubs with your partner by throwing them at the same time. Distance must be more than 3 metres.


3.1 Exchange. With two balls in one hand and one ball in the other, throw them alternatively. Start with the hand that has the two balls. After throwing the three balls the hand with two balls will be the other one. CRITERIA 4/5

3.2 3 Juggling fall. As 3.1 throw the balls alternatively without stopping and describing a figure-eight trajectory.

CRITERIA: 5 Throws (with just one ball).

3.3 Juggling fall in pairs. Same as juggling fall exercise but in pairs. Each people uses one hand to throw the balls.

CRITERIASame as 3.2

3.4 Column of 3. Throw two balls at the same time. When they are at the top, throw the other one.

CRITERIA: Same as 3.2

3.6 Downpour: Throw the three balls from one hand to the other by describing a round trajectory.

CRITERIA:10 throws (1/2)

3.5 3 in one hand. Throw the balls alternatively without stopping using just one hand.

CRITERIA: 6 throws with DH (2/6)

3.8 The dessert. Start making 2x1 exercise and continue by making juggling fall. When making 2x1 exercise the third ball will be always the same.

CRITERIA: 4 "nibbles"

3.9 The bridge. Do the juggling fall but sometimes throw the ball under your thigh.

CRITERIA: 3 throws under the thigh.

3.10 Juggling fall on one side. Do the juggling fall exercise but put one hand behind your back.

3.11 Tennis. Same as juggling fall exercise but two balls are thrown in a figure eight trajectory and the third one in an outter trajectory

CRITERIA:3 throws of the outer ball.

3.13 ó 4.1. Do the juggling fall exercise with three indian-clubs or make up a juggling exercise with four balls.

3.12 Juggling fall at the top. Do the juggling fall exercise by throwing the balls over your shoulders.

CRITERIA:Same as 3.2

3.7 Downpour. As 3.6 excercise but moving both hands ath the same time

CRITERIA:10 Throws (1/2)

CRITERIA:Same as 3.2 (3 throws)