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ISSN 0866-7160

tap chi NHHOC

Journal of Biology

TAP 29 - SO 1 THANG3-2007

HA N01

29(1): 1-5 Tap chi SINU HOC 3-2007


DANG NGOC THANH, H<5 THANH HAI Vien Sink thai va Tai nguyen sinh vat

Trong cac mau vat cua nuac ngot mči thu dugc tai thanh phd Da Lat, tinh Lam Dong o phia Nam Viet Nam vao nam 2005, da xac dinh dugc mot gio'ng mai va mot loai mčri thuoc ho cua Potamidae. Sau day la m6 ta gio'ng va loai cua moi nay.

Dalatomon gen. nov. Dang et Ho

Dae diem chan loai: cua cd nho; chieu rong cua mai duoi 30 mm. DSu nguc (mai) hinh thang, dep, mat tren nhan. Dot ischium cua chan ham hinh chu nhat, merus hinh chii nhat. Dot bung VII hinh tam giac can, tha'p, tron dau, canh ben thang, hai dai han dot VI. Dčt cuo'i cua Gl a con due co mao 16n hinh ban nguyet, keo dai tdfi 2/3 chieu dai cua dčt cuoi.

Nhan xet: giong mai Dalatomon gen. nov. sai khac rat co ban vol cac giong cua khac thuoc ho Potamidae hien da biet a Viet Nam va ca voi cac giong cua moi dugc xac lap trong thai gian gan day trong khu vuc nhu: Donopotamon Dang et Ho, 2005; Laevimon Darent C. J. Yeo et Peter K. L. Ng„ 2005; Thaipotamon Ng. et Naiyanetr, 1993; Pliaibulamon Ng., 1992; Rathbulamon, Pilosamon Ng., 1996; Pudaengon Ng. et Naiyanetr, 1995, b dac diem Gl o con due co mao Ian hinh ban nguyet r6ng, keo dai tai 2/3 nggn dot cuo'i, trong khi a cac giong da biet noi tren, mao nay chi chiem nira goc dčt cuoi Gl a con due. Ngoai ra, con co nhung sai khac ve kfch thuoc va hinh dang cua mai, nhanh ngoai ciia chan ham va go" sau cua 6 mat.

Y nghia cua ten giong: lay ten tir Da Lat (Lam D6ng), noi tim tha'y džu tien gic'ng cua Daoi nay.

Loai chuan: Dalatomon soni sp.nov. Dalatomon son/ sp. nov. Dang et Ho (hinh) Mau vat nghien cuu: 4 <J, 1 ?, suoi Tuy&n Lam,

Da Lat, 3/7/2005. Holotyp: con due, Da Lat, 3/7/2005.

AHotyp : 1 % Da Lat, 3/7/2005. Paratyp: 2 ^, Da Lat, 3/7/2005.

Mo ta con dure: cua nho, mai hinh thang, rong ngang, dep, mat tren nha"n. Gai ngoai o' mat kh6ng phat trien. Rang tren mang (epibranchial) nho. Hang rang b£n truoc (Antero-lateral) khong phat tričn. Canh truoc cua tran nhin tir phia tren chi hai 16m. Goc ben truac tron, canh ben xien. Go, thuy sau ciia tran va go sau cua 6 mat nom ro, hoi luon xuong, chay tcri goc cua rang tren mang. Co ranh doc sau phan d6i hai thuy sau tran va sau 6 mat, phong r5. Ranh ban nguyet va ranh chu H ro.

Dot ischium cua chan ham hinh chu nhat, ranh giita 6 khoang giua. Nhanh ngoai cua chan ham thang, dai tai 1/3 canh ngoai cua dot merus. To nggn dai, vugt qua canh truac cua dčt merus, ngan han chieu rong cua dot merus. Dot merus hinh chu nhat.

Dot bung VII hinh tarn giac can, tha'p, tron dau, canh ben thang, hai dai han dot VI. GOl a con due co dot truče cuoi thon deu, phžn nggn thot nho, canh trong co ma'u I6i. Dot cuc'i tach biet ro vči dčt truac cuoi, dai gin bang 1/2 dčt truče cuoi, ph&n nggn hoi cong xuong, pha"n gčc co mao Ion, hinh ban nguyet rčng, tha'p dan ve" phia nggn va keo dai toi 2/3 dčt cuči. DSu dčt cuoi hinh tru, cong, dau nggn cut, goc trfin diu cut co ma'u nho trong sučt. G02 co dang soi dai, dot nggn ngan hon dčt gčc. Chan bo manh, dai.

Y nghia cua ten loai: dugc dat theo ten cua nguoi thu mau, TS. Nguy6n Ki6m San.

Nhan xet: loai moi Dalatomon soni dugc tim tha'y Ufn din a thanh phč Da Lat, tinh Lam D6ng. Day la nhung noi con it dugc khao sat ve cua nude nggt. Loai nay song a suči viing niii,


co so lugng Ion. Co the: coi loai moi nay nhu loai co quan he gšn trong nhom cua thupc cac giong Laevimon, Donopoiamon, Tliaipoiamon, Pudaengon, Rathbulamon, Phaibuiamon, Pilosamon da dupe turn thay a Viet Nam (dao Cat Ba - Hai Phong, trong luu vuc song Me Cong - Jok Don, Dac Lac), d Lao (nam Lao) va

Thai Lan. Veti dac diem chung co mao ban nguyet tren dot cuoi cua Gl 6 con due, song cac loai thupc cac giong noi tren co nhQng sai khac o kich thuoc cua mai, vi tri cua mao ban nguyet, hinh dang cua diu ngpn dot cuoi cung nhu mot s6' dac diem khac nhu nhanh ngoai dot ischium cua chan ham, hinh dang cua mai, do't bung VII.

" • . - ^ « ^ 4 t

1. Mat lung

5. Chan ham III

6.G01vaG02 7. GOl Hinh. Dalatomon soni sp. nov. Dang et Ho

Bang 1 So sanh mot so dac diem co ban cua giong Dalatomon gen. nov.

voi mot so giong khac trong ho Potamidae

Dac diem cua con due

Kich thudc


Gof sau cua 6 mit Gl aeon due

Chan ham III

Dot bung VII


Nho, chieu rong cua mai con due duoi 30 mm. Hinh thang, rong ngang, dep, mat tren nhan.

Khong sac, hoi xien Dot truac cuoi thon dšu. Dot cuoi dai gin 1/2 dot truac cuoi. D6't cuoi hinh tru, phSn ngon cong xuong. Phin goc co mao hinh ban nguyfit rčng, thap dan vi phia ngon, dau ngon cut ngang, goc tren co ma'u nho trong suo't. Ischium hinh chu nhat rong; merus gin hinh chu nhat, goc tren gin vuong. Nhanh ngoai thing. To ngon dai vuot qua canh truac cua dot merus, ngin hen chieu r6ng cua do't merus Hinh tam giac can, thap, canh ben thing.


Loti, chiču rong cua mai con due tren 40 mm, toi 70 mm. Hinh thang, rong ngang, dep, mat tren nhan, chi co it ma'u loi trčn vung ben truac. Sic, thing ngang D6't truce cuoi rOng ban. Do't cuoi co mao hinh ban nguyet rong a phan dau ngon, diu ngon nhon tao thanh dSu va mo chim bč cau.

Dot ischium hinh chu nhat; merus hinh gan vuong. Ta ngon dai vuot qua canh truac cua dot merus.

Hinh tam giac can, canh ben 16m.


Lcm, chieu rčng cua mai con due trčn 40 mm. Rong ngang, mat lung rat phong theo chieu dai va rong, nhSn.

Khong ro Dot tru6c cuoi thuon, hai uon luan. Do't cuoi hai ngin, chi dai bang 1/3 dot truac cuoi. Dot cuoi gin hinh tru, thing, d£u ngon cut vai phSn phu nhon b goc trong. PhSn goc co phin I6i ra hinh budu. Ischium hinh chu nhat r6ng; merus gSn hinh vuong, cac goc tren iron, Ta ngon dai bing chieu rong cua d6't merus.

Hinh tam giac can, hep, canh ben hoi uon a giua.

Bang 2 Mot so kich thuoc co ban cua loai Dalatomon soni sp. nov.

Thong so do Chieu rčng cua mai (1) (mm) Chieu dai cua mai (L) (mm) Chieu day cua mai (e) (mm) Chieu rong gifla hai 6 mit (mm) Chieu rong cua tran (F) (mm) Chiču dai cua carpus cua cang (mm) Chieu dai cua ban cua cang (mm) Chieu dai cua ngon cua cang (mm) Chieu dai cua do't bung VII (mm) Chiču dai cua do't bung VI (mm) GOl a con due: dot cudi/dot trucrc cu6i

Con due 25 19 11 17 ^ 8 8 13

12,5 3


Con cai 26 20 12 17 8 6 9 9 4 4


TAl UEUTHAMKHAO 5. Bott R., 1970: Abh. Senckenbergischen Nat. Ges., Frankfurt, 526: 1-338.

1. Dans Ngoc Thanh, Ho Thanh Hai, 2001: £ r k r- i v n . L r \ r , m c ^ , , , , 1, T, ^ - - / - °. Daren C. J. Yeo, Peter K. L. Ng., 2005: Dong vat cm Viet Nam, V: Giap xac nuac „ „ _ , ngot. Nxb. Khoa hoc va Ky thuat, Ha NfM.

2. Dang Ngoc Thanh, Ho Thanh Hai, 2002: 7 R K " L " N S - P* Naiyanetr, 1993: Zool. Tap chi Sinh hoc, 24(2): 1-8. Ha Noi. Verhandelingen: 1-117; ftgs 1-68.

3. Dang Ngoc Thanh, Ho Thanh Hai, 2003: 8. P . K. L. Ng., Naiyanetr, 1995: The Raffles Tap chi Sinh hoc, 25(3): 7-13. Ha Not. Bull. Zool., 43(2): 355-376.

4. Dang Ngoc Thanh, Ho Thanh Hai, 2005: 9. P . K. L. Ng., 1996: Crustaceans, 69(7): 898-Tap chi Sinh hoc, 27(1): 1-7. Ha Noi. 906.





Dalatomon gen. nov. Dang et Ho

Diagnosis: crab is small in size, the length (1) under 30 mm, carapace trapezoid form, flat, upper surface smooth. Ischium maxilliped rectangular, merus almost rectangular, exopod long, reaching to 1/3 merus external margin. Male terminal segment of abdomen equilateral triangular, low with round top, lateral border straight, moderately longer than VI segment. GOl terminal segment in male with dorsal, broad semicircular fold, extending to 2/3 length of this segment.

Etymology: this genus name is derived from its type locality at Dalat (Lamdong province, west highland of Vietnam), in combination with the genus name Potamon. The gender is neuter.

Type species: Dalatomon soni sp. nov.

Dalatomon soni sp. nov. Dang et Ho

Holotype: 1 male; Allotype, 1 female, collected from the stream at Dalat city (Lamdong province), Vietnam. Coll. 3 July, 2005: Paratype: 2 males, collected from Dalat city (Lamdong province). Coll 3 July, 2005, deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Ecology and Biological resources, Hanoi - Vietnam.

Diagnosis: crab is small in size, carapace largely transverse trapezoid, flat, upper surface smooth. Epibranchial tooth small. Anterolateral tooth not developed. Frontal margin moderately concave. Antero­lateral angle rounded, lateral margin oblique. Postfrontal, postorbital cristae cleared, undulated down, reaching to the basis of the epibranchian tooth. Postfrontal and postorbital bilobed swollen. Semilunar, H-shaped grooves distinct.

Ischium maxilliped rectangular with groove in middle, exopod straigth, reaching to 1/3 merus external margin. Merus rectangular, flagella long reaching over merus upper margin.

Male terminal segment of abdomen equilateral triangular, low with round top, lateral border straight, longer than VI segment. Subterminal segment of GOl in male with basal part narrowly elongated. Terminal segment with dorsal, broad semicircular fold, located in the first half part, extending to 2/3 of this segment. Distal part of terminal segment cylinder-shaped, curved down tip truncate with upper distal angle produced as sharp, small, transparent projection. G2 long, slender, distal segment shorter than basal segment. Ambulatory legs slender, long.

Remarks: Dalatomon soni sp. nov. is firstly found in Dalat city (Lamdong province), southern Vietnam.


This species distributed in streams of highland mountainous areas but with small quantities. This new species is closely related to others species belonging to genera Laevimon, Donopotamon, Thaipoiamon, Pudaengon, Rathbulamon, Phaibulamon, Pilosamon that are found in the Catba island (northern Vietnam) and in the basin of the Mekong river of southern Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. These species has the same characteristics such as terminal segment in GOl of male with dorsal, broad semicircular fold but this new species differs from others by small size of carapace, the location of semicircular fold, the form of distal part of terminal segment and several different features as well.

Table 1

Comparison of principal characteristics of Dalatomon gen. nov. with Donopotamon Dang et Ho 2005 and Laevimon Yeo et Ng., 2005

Characteristics of male

Size of carapace

Carapace form

Postorbital cristae


Third maxilliped

VII segment of the abdomen


Small, the length less than 30 mm

Largely transverse trapezoid, flat, upper surface smooth.

Not sharp moderately oblique.

Subterminal segment with basal elongated. Terminal segment long 1/2 times length of subterminal segment, distal part curved down. Terminal segent with dorsal, broad semicircular fold, located in the first half part, extending to 2/3 of this segment. Terminal segment cylinder-shaped, tip truncate with upper distal angle produced as sharp, small, transparent projection. Ischium and merus rectangualar; exopod straight, reaching to 1/3 merus external margin. Flagellum long, reaching over merus upper margin; but shorter than merus width. Equilateral triangular, low with round top, lateral border straight.


Big, the length more than 40 mm, even to 70 mm.

Largely transverse trapezoid, flat, upper surface smooth Anterolateral region rugose and granulose. Slightly sharp, horizontally straight.

Subterminal segment with basal large, distal part narrow, neck-like. Terminal segment with dorsal, broad semicircular fold, occupying almost completely half distal part of this segment, establishing dove-head in shape.

Ischium rectangular; merus squarish; exopod straight, reaching to 1/3 merus external margin. Flagellum long, reaching over merus upper margin.

Triangular; lateral border concave.


Big, the length more than 40 mm.

Carapace distinctly transverse, high; dorsal surface strong convex longitudinally and transversely: smooth. Uncleared.

Subterminal segment with basal slender. Terminal segment short, about 1/3 times of subterminal segment. Terminal segment subcylindrical; tip truncate with inner distal angle produced as sharp, narrow projection. Hump-like, in proximal part, distinctly shorter than half length of terminal segment.

Ischium broadly rectangular; merus squarish; upper angles rounded. Flagellum long, subequal to merus width.

Narrowly triangular; lateral border cocave at middle.

Ngaynhdnbai: 9-1-2007