journal of archaeological science - · shape reproducibility and architectural...

Shape Reproducibility and architectural symmetry during the Chalcolithic period in the southern Levant Rona Winter-Livneh a, * , Tal Svoray b , Isaac Gilead a a Dept. of Bible, Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel b Dept. of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel article info Article history: Received 5 July 2012 Received in revised form 6 October 2012 Accepted 8 October 2012 Keywords: Chalcolithic Architecture Shape Reproducibility Symmetry GIS Southern Levant abstract Architecture reects social aspects of past communities. Structure attributes such as shape, size, building material and decoration, provide valuable information beyond their immediate structural function. However, while attributes such as size can be measured and therefore objectively compared between structures, the comparison of shape between structures is based on subjective observations. In the current study we use two quantication methods for analyzing prehistoric shape-based architectural data: (1) we developed a new method, Shape Reproducibility (SR), based on objective computerized procedure for analyzing the similarity and difference between shapes of ancient buildings; and (2) we use Continuous Symmetry Measure (CSM), a method which was originally developed for analyzing int artifacts and ceramic vessels to objectively compare between shape symmetry. Applying these methods to settlement data of the Chalcolithic period enables quantication of the level of architectural similarity within and between different sites and their comparison to architectural data of later periods, such as the Early Bronze Age II urban center at Arad. Our CSM results suggest that the symmetry of architecture does not increase through time. Our SR ndings demonstrate that in the main cultural Chalcolithic entity, the Ghassulian, the architecture of different sites could not be distinguished from one site to the other. In addition, we demonstrate that the architecture of the Chalcolithic sites in the Golan Heights is homogeneous and signicantly differs from other Chalcolithic sites, while Ghassulian intra-site vari- ability is higher. In comparison with Arad, however, this variability is relatively low and limited. These results suggest that status differentiation or hierarchical social organization cannot be indicated from Ghassulian architecture. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Building is among the prime activities carried out by humans since earliest times (Bar-Yosef, 1992: 31). Architecture is a visible cultural manifestation that inuences social behavior and provides the framework for social interaction and community organization (Byrd, 1994: 643; Ingold, 2000: 175e178; Wilson, 1988: 21). It is also evident that dwellings are subject to spatio-temporal changes (e.g. Flannery, 1972; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen, 2008; Kempinski and Reich, 1992). Different attributes of structure such as shape, size, building material and decoration have signicance beyond their immediate function. They provide invaluable infor- mation about the social aspects of past societies, as well as evidence concerning modes of adaptation to environments, changes in population size, technology and subsistence economy (e.g. Allison, 2002; Banning, 2010, Banning and Byrd, 1987; Binford, 1990; Carsten and Hugh-Jones, 1995; Flannery, 1972; Hillier and Hanson, 1984; Hodder, 1994; Lévi-Strauss, 1963; Rapoport, 1969, 1982; Wilson, 1988). The rst structures in the southern Levant were made of perishable materials leaving practically no traces, and their exis- tence is inferred on the basis of the spatial distribution of other nds, such as in the case of the Early Epipalaeolithic site of Ohalo II (ca. 21,500e20,500 B.C.) (Bar-Yosef, 1992: 31; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen, 2008: 249e250; Nadel and Werker, 1999). Later on, during Natuan cultural phase (ca. 13,000e9600 B.C.), the exis- tence of post-holes indicates some sort of roong, as at Ein Gev I and III (Arensburg and Bar-Yosef, 1973; Martin and Bar-Yosef, 1979). In other sites architectural remains consist of several walls made of undressed stones that probably supported wooden poles, or a few freestanding walls, oval or rounded in shape (Valla, 1988). Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (ca. 9600e8500 B.C.) architecture consists * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ972 8 9491932. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Winter-Livneh). Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Archaeological Science journal homepage: 0305-4403/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1340e1353

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Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1340e1353

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Journal of Archaeological Science

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Shape Reproducibility and architectural symmetry during the Chalcolithic periodin the southern Levant

Rona Winter-Livneh a,*, Tal Svoray b, Isaac Gilead a

aDept. of Bible, Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IsraelbDept. of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 5 July 2012Received in revised form6 October 2012Accepted 8 October 2012

Keywords:ChalcolithicArchitectureShape ReproducibilitySymmetryGISSouthern Levant

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ972 8 9491932.E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Winter-

0305-4403/$ e see front matter � 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

a b s t r a c t

Architecture reflects social aspects of past communities. Structure attributes such as shape, size, buildingmaterial and decoration, provide valuable information beyond their immediate structural function.However, while attributes such as size can be measured and therefore objectively compared betweenstructures, the comparison of shape between structures is based on subjective observations. In thecurrent study we use two quantification methods for analyzing prehistoric shape-based architecturaldata: (1) we developed a new method, Shape Reproducibility (SR), based on objective computerizedprocedure for analyzing the similarity and difference between shapes of ancient buildings; and (2) weuse Continuous Symmetry Measure (CSM), a method which was originally developed for analyzing flintartifacts and ceramic vessels to objectively compare between shape symmetry. Applying these methodsto settlement data of the Chalcolithic period enables quantification of the level of architectural similaritywithin and between different sites and their comparison to architectural data of later periods, such as theEarly Bronze Age II urban center at Arad. Our CSM results suggest that the symmetry of architecture doesnot increase through time. Our SR findings demonstrate that in the main cultural Chalcolithic entity, theGhassulian, the architecture of different sites could not be distinguished from one site to the other.In addition, we demonstrate that the architecture of the Chalcolithic sites in the Golan Heights ishomogeneous and significantly differs from other Chalcolithic sites, while Ghassulian intra-site vari-ability is higher. In comparison with Arad, however, this variability is relatively low and limited. Theseresults suggest that status differentiation or hierarchical social organization cannot be indicated fromGhassulian architecture.

� 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Building is among the prime activities carried out by humanssince earliest times (Bar-Yosef, 1992: 31). Architecture is a visiblecultural manifestation that influences social behavior and providesthe framework for social interaction and community organization(Byrd, 1994: 643; Ingold, 2000: 175e178; Wilson, 1988: 21). It isalso evident that dwellings are subject to spatio-temporal changes(e.g. Flannery, 1972; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen, 2008;Kempinski and Reich, 1992). Different attributes of structure suchas shape, size, building material and decoration have significancebeyond their immediate function. They provide invaluable infor-mation about the social aspects of past societies, as well as evidenceconcerning modes of adaptation to environments, changes in


All rights reserved.

population size, technology and subsistence economy (e.g. Allison,2002; Banning, 2010, Banning and Byrd, 1987; Binford, 1990;Carsten and Hugh-Jones, 1995; Flannery, 1972; Hillier and Hanson,1984; Hodder, 1994; Lévi-Strauss, 1963; Rapoport, 1969, 1982;Wilson, 1988).

The first structures in the southern Levant were made ofperishable materials leaving practically no traces, and their exis-tence is inferred on the basis of the spatial distribution of otherfinds, such as in the case of the Early Epipalaeolithic site of Ohalo II(ca. 21,500e20,500 B.C.) (Bar-Yosef, 1992: 31; Goring-Morris andBelfer-Cohen, 2008: 249e250; Nadel and Werker, 1999). Later on,during Natufian cultural phase (ca. 13,000e9600 B.C.), the exis-tence of post-holes indicates some sort of roofing, as at Ein GevI and III (Arensburg and Bar-Yosef, 1973; Martin and Bar-Yosef,1979). In other sites architectural remains consist of several wallsmade of undressed stones that probably supported wooden poles,or a few freestanding walls, oval or rounded in shape (Valla, 1988).Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (ca. 9600e8500 B.C.) architecture consists

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of oval and subcircular structures that were either freestanding orsemi-subterranean (Finlayson et al., 2011a, 2011b; Kuijt andFinlayson, 2009; Kuijt and Goring-Morris, 2002: 373). Thesestructures were made of a stone foundation with mud bricksuperstructure. Worth mentioning is the large Neolithic tower ofJericho. This unique tower is 8.25 m in height and 8 m in diametermade of undressed stone with a staircase built inside (Kenyon,1957; Kenyon and Holland, 1981). During the Pre-PotteryNeolithic B period (ca. 8500e6400 B.C.) the transition from oval/rounded to rectangular structures is evident. Constructions duringthis period were mainly of mudbrick on stone foundations(Banning and Byrd, 1988; Bar-Yosef, 1992; Goring-Morris andBelfer-Cohen, 2003, 2008; Kuijt and Goring-Morris, 2002; Kuijtet al., 2011; Moore, 1985; Rollefson, 1997). Stone and mudbrickrectangular architecture continued well into the Pottery Neolithic(ca. 6400e4500 B.C.) and Chalcolithic (4500e3900 B.C.) periods(Ben-Shlomo and Garfinkel, 2009; Garfinkel and Ben-Shlomo,2002; Garfinkel et al., 2009; Porath, 1987, 1992). In addition tothe rectangular above ground structures, subterranean structureswere uncovered in Chalcolithic sites of the northern Negev such asAbu Matar, Bir es-Safadi (Perrot, 1984), and Horvat Beter (Dothan,1959; Rosen and Eldar, 1993). Preservation of mudbrick walls ispoor and in many Chalcolithic sites preserved were only fragmentsof walls, in many cases without side or parallel walls. Bricks weremade by hand, of local silts (Porath, 1992: 44), and after theircollapse they disintegrated and could not be distinguished from thenatural sediment. Along with other destructive processes, walls areunder-represented in comparison to pits and other installations(Gilead, 1995: 30).

Architectural studies are usually based on the analysis ofstructures at different sites in order to explain the similarity orvariability of the shape patterns. In many cases the researchersdefine a ‘typical’, frequent or ‘average’ house shape that charac-terizes specific cultures/periods/regions. Such as the Four RoomHouse or the Israelite house during the Iron age (Faust andBunimovitz, 2003), or later examples such as the Arab-IslamicHouse (Ron, 1998) or the Black Tent (Manderscheid, 2001). Anal-yses of architectural shapes are commonly based on theresearcher’s skill, intuition, and subjective evaluation which resultin biased and sometimes inaccurate conclusions and may lead toequivocal results. Although there are few exceptions (e.g. Dickens,1977; Fletcher, 1977) most studies of past architectural shapeslacks formal quantitative methods. Below we introduce twomethods for objective and accurate quantification for character-izing and comparing between shapes applied here to prehistoricarchitectural data.

Quantitative analyses of artifact shapes have been carried out formore than half a century (Clarke, 1968: 525e534), and they haveincreased significantly during recent years (e.g. Durham et al., 1995;Gero and Mazzullo, 1984; Gilboa et al., 2004; Grosman et al., 2011,2008; Karasik, 2010, Karasik and Smilansky, 2008; 2011; Leese andMain, 1983; Liming et al., 1989; Saragusti et al., 2005, 1998). Suchstudies are also based on advance computing alongwith a variety oftechnologies such as 3D and laser scanning. These studies, however,focus mostly on pottery vessels and lithics, while architecturalremains are left behind. These studies have introduced a number ofimportant mathematical methods for quantifying shape attributessuch as symmetry, roughness and deformation.

Continuous Symmetry Measure (CSM) is a versatile methodwhich was originally developed to distinguish molecules from eachother by their degree of shape chirality (dissymmetry) (Zabrodskyand Avnir, 1995). This tool was first used in archaeology formeasuring the degree of symmetry of Lower Paleolithic handaxes(Saragusti et al., 1998). It has been demonstrated that symmetry ofhandaxes and pottery vessels increases with time (Saragusti et al.,

2005, 1998). It should be noted that though there are manyaspects of symmetry such as symmetry of rotation, treatablesymmetry, etc., the archaeological study of symmetry is usuallylimited to bilateral symmetry, meaning that the shape does notchange upon undergoing a reflection. Bilateral symmetry orreflection symmetry in archaeological studies is referred to simplyas “symmetry”.

Symmetry appears in the form of artifacts, buildings and builtenvironments all over the world (Wynn, 2002: 390). Many studiesregard the degree and nature of symmetry as cultural attributes oras manifestations of cultural progress (e.g. Bridgeman, 2002; Lycett,2008; Oakley, 1972; Shennan, 2006; Simao, 2002; Wynn, 1985).Others argue that symmetry is related to the evolution of humancognition (Stout and Chaminade, 2007; Toth, 1990;Wynn, 2002), orlink it to functional effectiveness (Jones, 1980; Machin et al., 2007;Mitchell, 1996), to sexual display (Kohn and Mithen, 1999), or toaesthetics (Hodgson, 2011; Schick and Toth, 2001: 282). There are,however, studies that show that symmetry could result fromcoincidental factors such as type of raw material, resharpening(McPherron, 2000; Nowell, 2000, 2002), or post depositionalprocesses which involve environmental disturbances that damagestone tools (Grosman et al., 2011).

Indeed, symmetrical attribute signaling safer,more effective, andmore predictable artifacts or buildings than asymmetricalones (Liu and Kersten, 2003; van der Helm, 2002; Vetter et al.,1994; Wagemans, 1995). However, unlike earlier periods, whenmanufacturingofAcheuleanhandaxeswas associatedwithdifferenthominins, and with butchering effectiveness, during later periodsthe intentional concern for symmetry seems to be detached fromthe evolution of cognitive, adaptive or functional factors. Thus, it isreasonable to study architectural symmetrically of later periods e

the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods in our case e whichare much too short for evolutionary change, as a manifestation ofculture change and variability (Bridgeman, 2002: 403, Hodgson,2011: 38). Symmetry is a key element in architecture whichsignals balance, since pressure on a structure or building is distrib-uted equally if there is symmetry. In the study of symmetry ofprehistoric flint tools, such as Acheulean handaxes for example, thedifference between early, less symmetrical artifacts and later, moresymmetrical artifacts, is well established and regarded as an indi-cation ofmore elaborated production techniques and increased skill(Saragusti et al., 2005, 1998; Wynn, 1985). Studies have shown thatmanufacturing technique involve social dynamics, and the technicalknowledge is directly related to social knowledge (e.g. Dobres, 2010;Dobres andHoffman,1994,1999; Schiffer and Skibo,1987; Torrence,1989; van der Leeuw, 1993; Wright, 1993). This is necessarilymediated by culture (Dobres, 2010: 106). In addition a progress intechnology is driven by cultural accumulation of knowledge(Bridgeman, 2002; Ingold, 1990, e.g. Schiffer and Skibo, 1987). Instudying the symmetry of prehistoric architecture we, therefore,expect that difference between less symmetrical structures andmore symmetrical structure might reveal aspects concerning thetechnology and skills which characterize the societies and theircultural contexts.

Beside the degree of symmetry, studies have shown that theshape itself of a house is determined by social or economic factors(Allison, 2002; Carsten and Hugh-Jones, 1995; Donley, 1982; Hillierand Hanson,1984; Ingold,1995, 2000; Kent, 1990b; King,1980; Lau,2010; Rapoport, 1969, 1982; Wilson, 1988). Nevertheless, there areothers who argue that the main factors are environmental orphysical. These factors include: climate (e.g. Correa, 1982; Fitch andBranch, 1960; Givoni, 1969; Herzog, 1980; Mauss and Beauchat,1979; Sozen and Gedik, 2007); topography or land scarcity (e.g.Alexander, 1964; Sopher, 1964); technology and building materials(e.g. Aalen, 1966; Agorsah, 1985; Laksmi, 2006; Rumana, 2007).

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A good archaeological example for the examination of house shapeand its possible implication on past societies’ social and economicorganization can be found in the transition from circular huts torectangular houses. Flannery (1972) argued that this transitionreflects population growth and intensification of production duringPre-Pottery Neolithic times, and the development of privatizedstorage, which is more effective in rectangular houses (Flannery,1972: 38e46, 2002: 418e422). Following Wills (1992: 169), whosuggests that reduced sharing, more restricted land tenure, andgrowing privatization of storage greatly increased the economicoptions of early farmers, Flannery now stresses that archaeologistsshould expect to find “a lot more variation in house size, houseshape, storage facilities.and other features.” (Flannery, 2002:423). On the other hand Saidel (1993) argues that the change fromround to rectilinear dwellings indicates social change which resultsfrom the “combined effect of anticipated mobility, agriculture andsmall craft production resulted in an increased mode of productionand a change in social organization.” (Saidel, 1993: 96). Hunter-Anderson (1977) study sought a functional interpretation toround and rectilinear houses. Accordingly, within round dwellingsfew of the activities were shared by the group or recognized asa person’s identity, meaning there was low level of social or task-role differentiation within such society. While, within rectilinearbuilding the architectural differentiation of internal space havehelped coping with the spatial and social problems inherent whenmultiple contemporary activities needed to be carried out withina single building. The segmentation of internal space and themaking of rooms prevented interference and disturbances betweencontemporary activities (Hunter-Anderson, 1977: 305).

Here, by using CSM, we examine change in symmetry throughtime. We ask whether symmetry increases in later periods,whether similar levels of symmetry can quantified in different sitesof the same cultural entity, in trying to evaluate whether archi-tecture building and planning techniques have been the product ofaccumulated knowledge over time. By using SR our aim is toexamine the variability of architectural shapes within and betweensettlements in order to illuminate, social, cultural and economicaspects of late prehistoric communities in the southern Levant.More specifically we attempt to determine the socio-economiccorrelates of the dwellings forms, whether they can be traced indifferent sites or cultures, and of the degree shape variation withina single cultural entity.

2. Architecture of the Chalcolithic period in the southernLevant

Several cultural entities existed in the southern Levant duringthe Chalcolithic period, of which the Ghassulian culture (ca. 4500e3900 B.C.) was the most prominent (Gilead, 2011; Lovell, 2001;Rowan and Golden, 2009). The Ghassulian culture featuresassemblages broadly similar to those found at the upper levels ofTeleilat Ghassul, the Ghassulian type-site (North,1961). This cultureextends from the Northern Negev and the Dead Sea basin, to theShephela, the coastal plain, and the Jordan valley and the Galilee.Other Chalcolithic cultural entities are the Besorian, the Timnianand the Golanian (Epstein, 1998; Gilead, 2011; Rosen, 2011). Sincethe Timnian architecture is poor and it is geographically limited tothe arid zones of the Southern and Central Negev, the Aravah,southern Jordan and Eastern and Southern Sinai (Rosen, 2011), it isnot included in our analysis. Also excluded is the Besorian since itpredates the Ghassulian (Gilead, 2007) and its architecturalremains are meager. The Golanian sites are located in the GolanHeights, and are contemporary with the Ghassulian, but featurea remarkably different and locally manufactured ceramic assem-blage (Epstein, 1998). The following analysis will concentrate on

Ghassulian (Teleilat Ghassul, Shiqmim, Abu Hamid) and Golanian(Rasam Harbush) architecture (Fig. 1), because they provide rela-tively well defined architectural remains, that have been frequentlystudied during recent decades.

The Chalcolithic architectural unit is usually composed ofa single room, located on the narrow side of a rectangular ortrapezoidal walled courtyard (e.g., Teleilat Ghassul, Fasa’el, Meser,Golan sites). These rooms are rectilinear in shape and often termed“broad-room” or “broad house” (e.g. Gilead, 1988:416, Porath,1992:41; Rowan and Golden, 2009: 29) indicating that theentrance to these structures was located in one of the long walls.Installations such as hearths and silos are usually located in front ofthese structures, sometimes enclosed by courtyard walls. The smallstructures were probably used for sleeping and storage while otherdaily activities were carried out in the courtyards or adjacent to thedwelling unit. Although structures are variable, neither sizedifferentiation nor size hierarchies are apparent (Gilead, 1988:417e418). Structures in a site may be organized in different ways(Banning, 2010). In the Chalcolithic, there are sites where thearchitectural units are clustered, such as in Teleilat Ghassul andShiqmim. In other sites, such as Gilat (Levy, 2006) or Grar (Gilead,1995), the units are less clustered. In the Golan sites the struc-tures are arranged in lines, or as labeled by Epstein “housechains”(1998: 6e8).

One of the great challenges of Chalcolithic period research hasbeen to interpret the architectural remains in terms of social andeconomic organization. Levy (1986a), for one, suggests that “thelayout of Shiqmim, for example, may indicate the presence ofa single decision maker.” and that “.a similar pattern can beobserved at Teleilat Ghassul in the Jordan Valley.” (Levy, 1986b: 11).Thus, the ”Chalcolithic settlements.are characterized by plannedvillages” (Levy,1995: 229), that indicate “.the presence of a centralauthority” (Levy, 1986a: 88) and “the emergence of a new socialorganization, the first ‘chiefdoms’ in Palestine” (Levy, 1995: 238). Inaddition he suggests that Shiqmim’s architecture “previewmany ofthe architectural features that are fully developed at the northernNegev urban site at Arad in the following Early Bronze Age.” (Levyand Alon, 1985: 78). Gilead (1988), on the other hand, suggests that“.structures and settlement.were unplanned and there is noclearly observed structural hierarchy” (Gilead, 1988: 418). Epstein(1998: 7), on the basis of her excavations in the Golan, writes that“.none of the [mostly structural] evidence can be interpreted asindicating status differentiation“ and that their standardizeddwellings indicate that “the community was egalitarian”. She alsosuggests that “the Golan structures resemble those of TeleilatGhassul” (Epstein, 1977: 58). Porath also notes the similaritybetween the Chalcolithic domestic architecture at different sites,and states that “their basic plan was similar” (1992: 40). Bourke(2001), based on a close examination of Mallon’s Tulayl 1 settle-ment plan, argues that “there is considerable variation in the size,shape and elaboration of construction in individual dwellings.”

(Bourke, 2001: 120) and that the proposition that it may “reflect thedevelopment of elite residential not unreasonable.”(Bourke, 2002: 22). Banning (2010) use space syntax analysis onlate NeolithiceChalcolithic settlements to find “variation in thebuilt environment over this period” which he suggests indicate“political and economic inequalities beyond those determined bygender, age, talent, or ability”. “a degree of socio-economicranking” (Banning, 2010: 79). Thus there is little agreement onthemeaning of structural patterning in this period, at least partiallybecause there is no objective means of analysis and comparison.

The characterization of patterns of settlement layouts, andconclusions concerning their implications, should be treated withreserve mainly due to the fact that most settlement layouts arefragmentary and come only from a small section of the site. This is

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Fig. 1. Map of the southern Levant showing the locations of the studied sites and other Chalcolithic sites.

R. Winter-Livneh et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1340e1353 1343

due mainly to the poor preservation of mudbrick. The probabilitythat smaller and ephemeral sites are underrepresented while largesites may be exceptional rather than typical cannot be excluded.Even when a larger part of sites had been excavated and thearchitecture is relatively well-preserved (e.g. Teleilat Ghassul e

Tulayel 1 and 3 which were excavated between 1929 and 1938),stratigraphic uncertainties and errors are common, and we cannotbe sure that all the building attributed to a phase or stratum werecontemporary (Banning, 2010: 53e54).

Nevertheless, structures at Teleilat Ghassul are according toEpstein, on the one hand, similar to those of the Golan sites, andthus reflect a society that is undifferentiated in terms of status.According to Levy, on the other hand, Teleilat Ghassul is similar toShiqmim, and both represent a chiefdom society. Finally, accordingto Bourke, Teleilat Ghassul demonstrates significant variabilitywhich implies a hierarchical society, although not a chiefdom. Here,we present a detailed analysis of the architectural remains whichprovides additional important information that may illuminatefurther some of these social and cultural issues.

3. Methodology

The methods used here comprise four elements: (i) dataacquisition and digitization of architectural ground-plans from sitereports; (ii) application of the Continuous Symmetry Measuremethod (CSM) to evaluate structures symmetry; (iii) application ofShape Reproducibility (SR) for quantifying the similarly betweenstructure shapes; and (iv) evaluating the results in terms of Chal-colithic period social organization. We use Matlab and GeographicInformation System (GIS) platform for these analyses (for previousGIS based analysis on Chalcolithic period dataset see: Fletcher,2008; Fletcher and Winter, 2008; Fletcher et al., 2008; Pierce,2006; Winter-Livneh et al., 2010, 2012).

3.1. Dataset

The analysis presented here is based on a sample of 99 structuralunits, retrieved from four Chalcolithic sites (Teleilat Ghassul, AbuHamid, Shiqmim, and Rasam Harbush) and one Early Bronze Age

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R. Winter-Livneh et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1340e13531344

site (Arad) which is used here as a comparative dataset (Fig. 1;Table 1). Teleilat Ghassul (Fig. 2a) is located in the southern JordanValley, some three kilometers north-east to the Dead Sea andconsists of several differentiated hillocks (Tulayl) which cover anarea of approximately 25 ha. Each hillock contains a cluster ofdwellings which includes a small structured unit located on thenarrow side of a walled courtyard. Excavations started in the late1920s (Mallon et al., 1934), and it has been intensively researchedsince (see Bourke, 2001: 107e111, 2002: 2e5; Lovell, 2001).

Abu Hamid (Fig. 2b) is located in the central Jordan Valley,0.5 km east of the Jordan River. The excavations of the site started in1986 by Dollfus and Kafafi (Dollfus and Kafafi, 1986; Lovell et al.,2007: 51) and three main levels of occupation were unearthed.Phase II is a subject of dispute between Garfinkel (1999: 158) whodefines it as Ghassulian, and Lovell et al. (Lovell et al., 2007: 63, 74)who suggest it is pre-Ghassulian. Thus, we limit our analysis to theremains of phase III, the undisputed Ghassulian phase at AbuHamid. The settlement includes rectangular houses, often unicel-lular, built either completely in mud bricks or in some cases ona stone foundation. The dwellings are separated from each other bylarge spaces, sometimes delimited by long, stone walls (Lovell et al.,2007: 57).

The northern Negev site of Shiqmim (Fig. 2c), about 18 kmsouth-west of Beer-Sheva, is one of the largest Chalcolithic sites inthe area. Seven seasons of excavations directed by Levy andAlon during 1979e1993 uncovered a Chalcolithic village withsubterranean structures and a nearby cemetery. The settlementconsists of above ground rectangular dwellings structures aswell as underground structures in the northern part of the site. Theabove structures can be divided into two main sizes: small(ca. 2.5� 5.5 m) and large (5.5�10m). They are built of mud brickswith stone foundation, associated with rectangular courtyards.Small finds within these structures indicate the domestic nature offood preparation and consumption and other activities. Some of thebuildings are associated with copper working (Levy, 1987; Levy andAlon, 1982, 1985).

Rasam Harbush, in the Golan Heights, is the largest of a numberof Golanian sites (Fig. 2d). The site was excavated by Epstein (1977,1998) and it consists of rectangular dwellings, built of local stone,attached to rectangular courtyards. The site dwellings are posi-tioned one next to the other from east to west forming togetherseveral parallel lines of dwellings which are referred by Epstein as‘house chains’ (1998: 6e8).

The Early Bronze Age town of Arad (ca. 3000e2650 B.C.) islocated in the northern Negev, about 30 km east of Beer-Sheva(Fig. 3). Arad is a large fortified urban settlement that consists ofresidential units separated by streets and alleys. Dwellings are ofmany sizes, the smallest ca. 50 sq m and the largest 150 sq m. Thereare also public structures in Arad, including a water system anda temple complex (Amiran and Ilan, 1996; Ben-Tor, 1973; Herzog,1980).

The areas covered by the plans do not represent the extension ofthe entire sites but rather the parts subjected to our analyses.Repeated excavations at Teleilat Ghassul have been largely confinedto the hillock known as Tulayl 1 of which some 3,500 m2 with richartifactual assemblages andmudbrick architecturewere unearthed.

Table 1The dataset table includes four Chalcolithic sites and one Early Bronze Age II site.

Site Excavated area size (m2) Number of structures Cu

Teleilat Ghassul (Tulayl 1) 3500 21 GhShiqmim 4500 15 GhAbu Hamid (phase III) 1350 7 GhRasam Harbush (Golan site 12) 4500 18 GoArad (strata II-I) 5500 38 Ea

In Tulayl 3, two phases of occupation with architectural remainswere excavated (Koeppel et al., 1940: Plan I and II). The PBI exca-vations are of considerable importance and they are a cornerstonein the research of Chalcolithic architecture. However, we excludedTulayl 3 from our analysis since the stratigraphy of each architec-tural phase is very problematic, and later expeditions found itdifficult to define the stratigraphic horizons clearly (Bourke, 2002:2e3, 2007). In addition, we excluded architectural elements thatare too fragmentary. Only structures that more than 80% of theircontours were preserved are included in the dataset.

The digitization process is based on the manually drawnground-plans published by the excavators. Each ground-plan wasscanned (Fig. 5a.i) and transformed into a GIS platform as layers forfurther modifications. The procedure consists of defining the layoutof each illustrated unit (i.e. room). This was done by identifying thecorners of the structure with each shape’s points (vertices)(Fig. 5a.ii), and initiating straight line segments between them thatform a closed polygonal surface, an accurate presentation of thearchitectural shape (Fig. 5a.iii). To enable comparisons between theshapes and to avoid size effects, we normalized the originalstructures sizes into the same equivalent absolute size (Fig. 5b).This was done by dividing each edge length by the square root ofthe shape’s area.

3.2. Continuous Symmetry Measure (CSM)

CSMwas first introduced to archaeological research by Saragustiet al. (1998) and is described in detail by Zabrodsky and Avnir(1995). In our study we use this method to measure the distancebetween locations of points in the original architectural shape andtheir locations as designated by the nearest mirror-symmetricalshape (bilateral symmetry). These points are the boundary pointsor vertices that provide and design the shapes’ general boundaryline. The number of points is determined according to the nature ofthe architectural shape providing a small number of vertices whichrepresent the cornerstone locations. Next, we find the reflectionline that will cause theminimalmove of points to create the nearestmirror symmetrical shape. The line is determined from the aver-aged sum of each pair of coordinate points. According to thisreflection line, each subset of points is duplicated. Redrawing theoutlines according to these points, results in a polygon of a mirror-symmetrical shape (Fig. 4). This “foldingeunfolding” method(explained in detail by Zabrodsky and Avnir [1995]; and see alsoSaragusti et al., 1998: Appendix 1) is repeated for each set of twopoints. The polygon of the mirror-symmetrical shape closest to theoriginal shape is chosen for comparison with the original shape.Symmetry measurement (Saragusti et al., 1998: 819) is defined inEquation (1):

SðGÞ ¼Xni

���Pi � P



��� (1)

Where Pi is the location of the n vertices of the original shapeconfiguration, and P


i are the corresponding points in thesymmetric configuration. Note that the size is normalized in order

lture Date Period Reference

assulian 4500e3900 B.C. Chalcolithic Mallon et al., 1934: Fig. 12assulian 4500e3900 B.C. Chalcolithic Levy, 1987: Fig. 6.2assulian 4500e3900 B.C. Chalcolithic Lovell et al., 2007: Fig. 2lanian 4500e3900 B.C. Chalcolithic Epstein, 1998: Plan 1arly Bronze II 3000e2650 B.C. Early Bronze II Amiran and Ilan, 1996: Plate 70

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Fig. 2. Sites ground-plans: (a) Teleilat Ghassul (after Mallon et al., 1934: Fig. 12); (b) Abu Hamid (after Lovell et al., 2007: Fig. 2); (c) Shiqmim (after Levy, 1987: Fig. 6.2); (d) RasamHarbush (Epstein, 1998: Plan 1a).

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Fig. 3. Arad ground plan (Amiran and Ilan, 1996: Plate 70).

Fig. 4. Continuous Symmetry Measure e “foldingeunfolding” of the shapes: (a) Theoriginal outline of the shape. (b) Through the center of each pair of points a reflectionline (dashed) is positioned and the shape is divided accordingly (yellow). (c) Themirror-symmetrical shape (yellow) produced by redrawing the outline according tothe shape’s points (blue) and the reflection line. (d) Measuring the distance (yellow)between the original shape vertex coordinates (red) and the mirror-symmetricalshape’s vertex coordinates (blue). (For interpretation of the references to color inthis figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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to avoid size difference influencing our results. The resulting S(G)value equals zero if the shape has the desired absolute symmetry,i.e., represents the highest symmetrical quality. The symmetryvalue, S(G), increases as the shape departs from its nearestsymmetric configuration, i.e., is more asymmetrical or indicatesa low symmetrical quality.

3.3. Shape Reproducibility (SR)

To illuminate aspects such as continuity, repetition or repro-ducibility, and standardization of building activity, we developedthe Shape Reducibility measure (SR) which measures the similarityof architectural shapes within and between different sites. SRmeasures how much each structure’s shape is similar to anothershape. The result for each architectural shape is always relative tothe shape (structure) it is compared to. A simple way to explain theidea of SR is to describe it as a process inwhich the original ground-plans of two different structures are normalized and placed oneabove the other. Then, by rotating one of them, we seek to find theoptimal orientationwhich will provide the largest overlapping arearesulting in the smallest residual area. Thus, we can measure theseresiduals and compare them to residuals of other structuresmeasured in the same technique. The smaller the residual is, thesimilar the structures are. The important aspect of SR is the abilityto measure exactly how much a given shape is similar to anothershape rather than describing it in subjective terms. Below wedescribe each step of the SR methodological process (Fig. 5).

3.3.1. Normalized areaThe first stage of the process is to normalize the area of all

shapes to an equal arbitrary one (Fig. 5b). This stage is criticalbecause it allows direct comparison of structure’s shapes withdifferent areas size.

3.3.2. Central pointNext, we calculate the central point for each shape. This allows

us to position each pair of structures one on top of the otheraccording to their shape centers. This is done while the originalorientations of the structures are left unchanged (Fig. 5c).

3.3.3. Rotation matrixNext, one of the shapes is rotated by 5� at a time and the residual

area between the two shapes is calculated for all possible orien-tation from 0� to 360� (Fig. 5d). The turning of the shape by an angleabout a fixed point is defined after Arfken (1985: 195) by therotation matrix in Equation (2):

Rq ¼�

cos q sin q�sin q cos q


Where R is the matrix that rotates around a given vector coordi-nates system by a counter clockwise angle of �q relative to a fixedset of axes. When the orientation in which the residual areabetween the two shapes is the smallest, it is selected to representthe SR value. We repeated this process for all possible pairs ofstructures units (n ¼ 99).

3.3.4. Similarity matrixAfter collecting SR values for all possible pairs of structures, data

were arranged into a similarity matrix (i.e., table) and the values ofstructures from the same site were clustered together. Similaritymatrix is illustrated in Fig. 5e where 0 or blue indicate maximumsimilarity and 1 or red indicate minimum similarity. This arrange-ment simplifies the calculation of three different measurementsthat were used: (i) intra-site similarity e the mean of the similarity

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Fig. 5. Shape Reproducibility method summery: (a) Data acquisition process (TeleilatGhassul on top Rasam Harbush on bottom): (i) scanned illustration of the originalpublished architecture (ii) vertexes (blue) represent the structure shape’s corners(iii) closed polygonal surface of the architecture shape based initiating straight linesegments between the vertexes; (b) Normalizing of the areas: (i) the structure’s shapespolygons in their original size (ii) the polygonal surface after normalizing its size;(c) Center point: (i) calculating the center point for each polygon (ii) placing each pairof structures one on top of the other according to their center points. (d) Rotationprocess: (i) a pair of structures one (blue) on top of the other (red) according to their

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indices at the site identity diagonal; (ii) inter-site similarity e themeans of the similarity indices that lay outside the site identitydiagonal; and (iii) intra-site deviation e to measure whether theintra-site level for each site is lower than the inter-site levels themean of the intra-site similarity index the intra-site mean of thissite was subtracted from its corresponding inter-site mean values.In addition, we classify the structure shapes of the Chalcolithicperiod in order to locate the most typical or prototype architecturalshape among them. This is achieved by calculating the mean ofeach column of the similarity matrix, which equals the meansimilarity of each individual structure with the rest of the struc-tures included in the study. Next, we sort structures by their meanfrom the one which provided the lowest SR mean value (the mosttypical structure) to the one which provided the highest SR meanvalue (the least typical structure). In summary, this new methodprovides a quantitative and automatic approach that enables thispresent study, and future research, to objectively and systemati-cally evaluate the similarity of prehistoric architectural shapeswithin and between sites.

4. Results

CSM mean values of all the studied sites indicate a significantdifference between Teleilat Ghassul and the Ghassulian sites ofShiqmim and Abu Hamid (student t-test p < 0.03) (Fig. 6). Namely,the higher value of CSM of Teleilat Ghassul indicates greater levelsof asymmetry than in the other two Ghassulian sites. Similar CSMvalues have been found between the Golanian site Rasam Harbushand the Ghassulian sites of Shiqmim and Abu Hamid (student t-testp > 0.05), which indicate similar symmetrical levels to the archi-tecture of sites of different cultural entities. In addition, the resultsindicate a significant difference between Chalcolithic symmetryvalues and that of Early Bronze Age Arad (student t-test p < 0.001),suggesting that the degree of asymmetry in Arad is significantlyhigher than that of the Chalcolithic sites.

Our intra-site analysis indicate a significant difference betweenthe Ghassulian sites (Teleilat Ghassul, Shiqmim, Abu Hamid) andthe Golanian site Rasam Harbush (student t-test p < 0.01) (Fig. 7).This suggests that the homogeneity of architectural shapes at theGolanian site of Rasam Harbush is significantly higher than that ofthe Ghassulian sites. Additional significant difference was foundbetween Arad and all Chalcolithic sites (student t-test p< 0.00005).Even after excluding Rasam Harbush, a significant differencebetween Arad and the Ghassulian sites was found (student t-testp < 0.003). This suggests that Ghassulian sites are more homoge-nous architecturally compared to that of the Early Bronze Age.

Next, we explore the architectural uniqueness of the sites bynormalizing their intra-site SR value (discussed above) andcomparing it with their inter-site SR values (as described in Fig. 5d).In Fig. 8 the SR mean value of each site is converted to zero(a dashed orange line), while the mean values of its inter-site

center (ii) rotating one of the shapes (red) 5� at a time until completing a full turn (iii)finding the structure orientation (yellow) which provides the smallest remnant areas(¼SR value) comparing to all possible orientation. (e) Similarity matrix: the illustrationshows the similarity index between all structures at three different sites (AeC). Noticethat the values at the diagonal are zero (maximum similarity or similarity betweena structure and itself) and that the squares along the diagonal of the similarity withinsame-site structure are lower than the similarity found in other areas of the matrix,which are between different sites. (i) Calculation of intra-site similarity, based on themean of the similarity indices at the site identity diagonal; (ii) inter-site similarity,based on the mean of the squares outside the site identity diagonal, and can be used tocompare the similarity among multiple sites; (iii) to test whether intra-site similarity islower than inter-site similarity, the intra-site similarity mean (at the figure mark forsite ‘B’) is subtracted from the corresponding column (the second column at theillustration). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, thereader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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Fig. 6. Continuous Symmetry Measure results: shown are the mean � s.e.m. of theCSM value of each site (* is for p < 0.03, and ** is for p < 0.001).

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similarity to the remaining sites vary between 0.15 and �0.05(below or above the site’s mean value). Accordingly, sites which arelocated above the zero line indicate dissimilarity to the specific sitewhile sites located below the zero line indicate similarity to the site.These results display a similar pattern of both higher and lowerinter-site SR means for all Ghassulian site. These results indicatethat the architectural shapes within these sites cannot be distin-guished from one another. But comparing them to Rasam Harbushor Arad indicates they could be distinguished from them.

Rasam Harbush on the other hand displays a different patternsince it consists only of higher inter-site normalized mean values.This indicates that it is different from the other sites, suggesting thearchitecture here is unique. Comparing Arad with the SR meanvalues of the Ghassulian sites demonstrates a pattern that is notdistinguishable from these sites, excluding Rasam Harbush. That is,if we were to mix the architecture shapes of each Ghassulian sitewith those of Arad it is highly unlikely that we could distinguishbetween them, but if we were to mix the Rasam Harbush archi-tectural shapes with those of Arad we could, in high probability,distinguish them.

Fig. 7. Shape Reproducibility intra-site results: shown are the mean � s.e.m. of the SRvalues within each of the sites (* is for p < 0.03 and *** is for p < 0.00005).

Fig. 9 illustrates the similarities between the Chalcolithic sitesby calculating the mean similarity indices between each pair ofsites. The smaller the SR value is, the more it resembles the pairedsite. These results demonstrate exactly how much the Ghassuliansites Shiqmim, Teleilat Ghassul and Abu Hamid are similar to oneanother and differ from Rasam Harbush and Arad.

In Fig. 10 the Chalcolithic period architectural shapes are dis-played and classified in decreasing order according to their level ofsimilarity with all the rest of the Chalcolithic period structureswithin our database. The data sample (n ¼ 61) includes four Chal-colithic sites. According to this analysis the most typical dwellingshape is found at Teleilat Ghassul: structure 23 depicted in Fig. 12 ofMallon et al. (1934), with a width:length ratio of 1:2.2 (Fig. 10: topleft corner). The least typical structure shape, a very narrow rect-angle, on the other hand, is found in Rasam Harbush (Epstein 1998:plan 1a, structure 7) with a ratio of 1:4.5 (Fig. 10: rightmost onbottom row).

5. Discussion

We have presented here a new method, Shape Reproducibility,to examine and identify intra- and inter-site similarities of struc-tures on the basis of prehistoric architectural ground-plans. Wefound that Ghassulian communities built relatively similar struc-tures which could not be distinguished from one site to another.The Golanian community shaped their structures differently, thusproducing unique structure shapes which are significantly differentfrom those of the Ghassulian. In addition, we found that the intra-site variability of the architectural shapes of the Ghassulian cultureis significantly higher than the intra-site variability level of Gola-nian culture. However, in comparison with Early Bronze Age Arad,Ghassulian intra-site variability is significantly lower, demon-strating that Chalcolithic architecture is more homogenous thanthat of the Early Bronze Age. Furthermore, we found that the degreeof symmetry in Chalcolithic architecture is higher than in thearchitecture of the Early Bronze Age.

The CSM results indicate that the symmetry of structurescorrelates negatively with time (Fig. 6). It seems that the changefrom Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age did not necessarily lead tomore symmetrical structures. This may be interpreted in differentways. First, the low levels of symmetrical quality observed in Tel-eilat Ghassul and Arad are not indicative of architectural incom-petence or limitations, but that there was probably no particulartechnological or physical need for higher symmetry when buildingthese structures. Another possibility is that building materials andlocal environmental variables have influenced the architecturalsymmetry. The possibility that corralling played a role in a numberof the sites (Epstein, 1998: 16e17) cannot be excluded. However, itseems that this role was limited since the remains of humanhabitations predominate the archaeological record. CSM analysis ofarchitectural remains could be perhaps more effective whenapplied to longer chronological time spans or to larger geographicalareas in order to detect increase in the symmetry. In previousstudies, the symmetry of flint artifacts such as Acheulean handaxes,a tool type that was produced during hundreds of thousands ofyears was examined. It is possible that several hundreds of years area too short time period to identify a gradual change or increase inthe symmetry of prehistoric architecture.

Our SR results demonstrate that the intra-site similarity of theGolanian site of Rasam Harbush is higher than that of the Ghas-sulian sites (Fig. 7). This finding is in line with previous studiessuggesting a high homogeneity level and architectural standardi-zation of the Golanian architecture (Epstein, 1977, 1998). Further-more, we demonstrate that Golanian architecture consists ofunique rectangular proportions which differ from those at the

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Fig. 8. Shape Reproducibility inter-site results: shown are the normalized mean � s.e.m. SR values of the intra-site similarity of each site (¼0, and marked with dashed orange line)in comparison with its inter-site normalized mean � s.e.m. SR values. Inter-site mean that is lower than 0 indicate similarity to the site (undistinguished), while a higher than0 result indicate difference (unique). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 9. Shape Reproducibility inter-site results: shown are the normalized mean SR values of each site. The lower the SR value is the more the site resemble to the comparative site.

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Fig. 10. Classification of the Chalcolithic period structures units according to the similarity of each structure with the rest of the structures. The shapes are organized in a decreasingorder starting at the top left with the most typical structure (low SR mean) ending at the bottom right with the least typical structure (high SR mean). The dataset includesstructures from Teleilat Ghassul (TG), Shiqmim (SH), Abu Hamid (AH), and Rasam Harbush (RH) (n ¼ 61).

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other sites (Figs. 8 and 9). Although this was recognized previouslyand supports the claim that the Golanian differs from the Ghas-sulian (Epstein, 1998: 334, Gilead, 2011: 15e16), it contradicts thestatements that Rasam Harbush dwellings are similar to thosefound in Teleilat Ghassul (Epstein, 1977; Porath, 1992). Even thoughTeleilat Ghassul displays a relatively high level of intra-site vari-ability, the SR results indicate that Rasam Harbush architecture issignificantly different (student t-test p < 0.03). The architecturaluniqueness of Rasam Harbush might reflect its distinctive anddifferent cultural and socio-economic character.

The Ghassulian sites demonstrate a certain degree of architec-tural intra-site variation. In addition, inter-site comparisons indi-cate that Ghassulian architecture, and its intra-site variabilitylevels, are similar in the three sites we studied (Figs. 8 and 9). Thisintra-site variability level, however, is significantly lower incomparison with the Early Bronze Age site of Arad. These resultscontradict previous assumptions that Ghassulian architectureconsist of considerable variation in shape (Bourke, 2001, 2002;Levy, 1986a, 1995; Levy and Alon, 1985). Nonetheless, the relativelylow degree of variability in shapes during the Chalcolithic periodimplies a similarity that should be explained. One possibility is thatthis level of similarity could be the outcome of physical or envi-ronmental factors such as topography or building material. This,however, is unlikely since the studied settlements here are locatedwithin different environments which consist of different topo-graphical conditions and different available local materials. More-over, based on anthropological studies, although the physicalenvironment could exerts great constraints over the builders andthe options they had, it appears that these environmental factorsare secondary to the socio-economic ones (Allison, 2002; Ingold,1995, 2000; King, 1980; Rapoport, 1982). Accordingly, house formis considered a “.direct expression of changing values, images,

perception and the ways of life.” (Rapoport, 1969: 12), and is“governed by a society’s ideas, its forms of economic and socialorganization, its distribution of resources and authority, its activi-ties and the beliefs and values which prevail at any one period oftime.” (King, 1980: 1). The explanation of the similarity level shouldbe, therefore, sought within the social and economic aspects ofChalcolithic communities.

One of the primary interests of the current research in the studyof Chalcolithic period is in the organization level of the society.There are researchers who view the archaeological evidence asreflecting social hierarchy (Gal et al., 2011; Golden, 2009; Levy,1986a, 1995). Bourke (2002) suggests that Chalcolithic site struc-ture reflects variability which can imply the existence of residentialelite. Levy (1986a: 88) suggests that Chalcolithic architecturalvariability implies central authority and a single decision maker.Based on Service (1962) and Fried (1967) anthropological models,he argues that Chalcolithic architecture signifies the appearance of“hereditary chiefdom society” (Levy, 1995: 235). However, theresults of our study do not support the idea of hierarchicallystratified communities.

Our results indicate that in the case of Early Bronze Age Arad thelevel of intra-site variability is high and may signify a stratifiedsociety. This variability results from the different types of struc-tures, including residential structures and public structures, such asthe probable temple complex. Architectural variability of Arad issignificantly higher than that of the Ghassulian sites and mightsuggests that the level of organization in the latter is less complexthan currently suggested. There is no significant differencebetween structure forms which can represent habitations ofcommunity members of a distinct social status. In addition, Epstein(1998: 7) suggests that the very standardized Golanian architectureindicate that the structures were built by an egalitarian community.

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According to our findings this assertion cannot be excluded. TheGolanian site of Rasam Harbush lacks any visible presentation ofsocial differentiation, neither in the architecture nor in otheraspects of the material culture. It even suggests that the localcommunity was less differentiated socially than were the otherGhassulian communities.

Architectural variability may imply an increase in socio-economic options (e.g. Flannery, 1972, 2002; Kent, 1990a, 1990b;Rapoport, 1969,1982;Wilk and Rathje, 1982). Previous studies haveemphasized that the Ghassulian subsistence economy witnessedan intensification of agricultural production, greater investmentin craft production (in ceramics, flint artifacts, basalt working,and ivory carving) and technological innovations, notably metal-lurgy (e.g. Gilead, 1988; Golden, 2009; Levy, 1986a; Rowan andGolden, 2009). Moreover, Ghassulian economy is also linked to anincrease in storage (Bourke, 2002; Golden, 2009; Levy, 2003), thatmay have been combined with the appearance of semi-subterranean features (Gilead, 1988), and a land tenure system(Winter-Livneh et al., 2012). These features may suggest a connec-tion between the economic structure of Ghassulian society and thelevels of intra-site variability, levels which are significantly higherthan the level of the Golanian site of Rasam Harbush and signifi-cantly lower than the level found in Early Bronze Age Arad.

6. Conclusions

Ghassulian architecture exhibits a certain degree of variability,high in relation to that of RasamHarbush and low in relation to thatof Early Bronze Age Arad. The available evidence suggests thatsocial hierarchy is not apparent architecturally in Ghassuliansociety. Nonetheless the relatively higher level of architecturaldifferentiation within Ghassulian settlement than the Golaniansettlement might reflect socio-economic intensification. In addi-tion, Ghassulian architectural shapes cannot be distinguished fromone site to the other, while those of the Golanian site Rasam Har-bush are unique and therefore distinguishable from all the othersites we examined. This may support the contention that theGolanian is a cultural entity which differs from the Ghassulian. Wesuggest that the differences between Ghassulian and Golanianarchitecture probably results from the different nature of the socialand economic characteristics of each of these two cultural entities.

The SR method helps in distinguishing different architecturalpatterns that probably reflect socio-economic features of the pastcommunities we studied. The Golan site of Rasam Harbush is char-acterized by an intra-site structural homogeneity. The shape ofstructures here was deliberately or undeliberately restricted tobasically one shape and the resulted is a particular settlement type.Thus, Rasam Harbush lacks any indication of socio-economicdifferentiation. Partial heterogeneity was revealed in Ghassuliansites such as Shiqmim and Teleital Ghassul and suggests a certainlevel of differentiation between the dwellings within each of thesettlements. This low-level heterogeneity may signify variability inanumberof socio-economic aspects, suchas intensity of production,craft specialization and technological innovation, different activitiesor different production intensities resulted in structures with forexample, different storage requirements, and thus of differentshapes. A relatively high level of heterogeneitywas observed amongthe structures at Arad. This suggests a significant visible dissimi-larity which is a result of structures having different function. Publicstructures (such as the temple complex) and dwellings weredesigned differently to express socio-economic distinction.

Changes in symmetry levels of prehistoric architecture overtime do not support the idea that accumulation of knowledge overtime results always in technological progress. On the one hand, it isplausible that the symmetry of prehistoric structures fails to reflect

social changes. On the other hand, it may, at least in some cases,indicate that architectural techniques and traditions are diverseand do not develop unilinearily.

To conclude, Building activity patterns in prehistory are part ofan expressive and complex system of social and economicalmeaning. Future studies should reveal further micro and macroscale social aspects of the builders and dwellers in the southernLevant prehistory. In addition studies should address relatedimportant issues such as how the house forms within differentsettlements are organized spatially. Moreover, there is a need toobjectively measure and compare the similarity not only betweenindividual structures, but also between ways clusters of structuresare spatially distributed within each settlement. Future studiesshould also aim at finding whether different building material mayhave influenced the symmetrical properties of architecture.Answering these questions can help us to better understand pastsocial and economic realities.


The authors wish to thank the Pratt Foundation PhD FellowshipProgram at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. We thank SteveRosen and two anonymous readers who read previous draftsand made important comments that improved the paper consid-erably. We thank the members of the GI-Lab at Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev for providing useful information concern-ing GIS procedure.


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