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Post on 09-Jun-2015




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Joomla is a free and open source content management   system (CMS)  for publishing content on the World WideWeb and intranets and a model–view–controller (MVC)     Web application framework that can also be used independently.                  Joomla is written in PHP  and  stores data in a MySQLdatabase 


Joomla! is a well-tested, extensible and effective tool supported by a very active and friendly community of developers and users.

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Joomla 1.0 was released on September 16, 2005. It was a re-branded release of Mambo which, itself, was combined with other bug and moderate-level security fixes.

Joomla version 1.5 was released on January 22, 2008. The last release of this version (on November 14, 2011) was 1.5.25.

Joomla 1.6.0 was released on January 10, 2011. .

Joomla 1.7.0 was released on July 19, 2011, six months after 1.6.0. This version adds enhanced security and improved migration tools.

Joomla 2.5.0 is planned for release six months after 1.7.0, in January 2012. Originally this release was to be 1.8.0


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1. Wamp Server - You can download wamp 2. You'll need to create a new Mysql database3. Download Joomla 1.7 


1. Wamp Server

First of all you must install and then start running Wamp in your computer. When Wamp is running, you will see a small icon in your task bar.

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2. Create a new database

Now that Wamp is up and running, click on the Wamp icon in the task bar so that the Wamp

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3.Insert a name for your new database in the "Create new database" input box and then click on "Create".

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The first step is to select your language in the screen above, then press the 'Next' button in the upper right corner.

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Here you will need to enter the Hostname, User name, password, and database name for the MySQL database you have set up. An additional option is to change the Table prefix. This may be helpful for security purposes. This will alter the names of all the Joomla! tables, by changing the prefix to whatever characters you put there.

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The last process to install Joomla!, is the site configuration! Here you can add in a site Name, username, password, and email for the administrator, as well as install the Sample Content that can help with starting a new site.

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                     Joomla! is now installed! The last step needed is to remove the installation directory - and the Joomla! installer does this for you as well! This needs removed for security reasons, to prevent anyone else from coming along and installing Joomla! again over your existing site. To do this, simple click the "Remove Installation Directory" button.

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Article management

The Article Manager is the place in the back-end where you can add and manage all of the articles for your web site.

Category manager The Category Manager shows a list of the Categories defined on the web site.Categories are ordered by the Section they belong to. Using the Filters, described below, allows the Categories belonging to a particular Section to be displayed separate ly

Menu management:

The Menu Manager controls the framework, or container, of the Menu(s) in Joomla! The actual menu functionality and appearance of a Menu is created automatically by Joomla! by triggering a new instance .

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Media manager The Media Manager is a very useful tool for uploading or deleting files in the /images/ directory on your web server. You can upload new files, delete existing ones, and create sub-directories. The Media Manager offers two views: thumbnails view and details view.

User manager This page shows a list of the Users registered on the web site. Users can be created, edited, blocked, and deleted from the functions of this screen.

Module manager The Module Manager is where you add and edit Joomla! Modules. In Joomla!, Modules are used to display content and/or media around the main content.

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Global Configuration The Global Configuration panel controls Joomla!'s operational settings. Changes made on this screen will update theconfiguration.php file. This file needs to be writable in order for the configuration to be editable..

Template manager

The Template Manager is where you assign a default Template to your Joomla! web site. You can also edit and preview Templates here.In Joomla!, the visual layout of both the Front-end and Back-end of your site is controlled .

Language manager The Language Manager displays a list of the Languages available for the Front-end of the Joomla! web site.  These Languages apply to the Joomla! core only and may not affect any Components, Modules that may be in use. 

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Edit Profile The Edit Profile Manager is the place in the back-end where you can edit your profile for your web site..

Extension manager:

The Extension Manager is the place in the back-end where you can Upload a theme or Template for your web site.

 Add New Article

                         The New Article screen contains options for categorising and naming the article, editing content and selecting parameters.

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Multipurpose Use

Easy to Use

Templates and Themes

Easy Migration

Large Community

Support for multilanguages

CMS usage needs little knowledge

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Joomla has very few disadvantage and they are:

Joomla requires certain plug-ins for certain script.

Customization is limited.

There is big learning curve means difficult to learn.

It is heavy for simple and small websites.

You have to hire a developer for configuring the CMS.


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It is important to remember that a Web site is no different from any other part of owning a business or marketing a brand.

It takes commitment and regular work to make it work for you. Just as you take care and concern regarding the security of your physical business location, your Web site needs the same care and concern.

Marketing and management doesn't stop at the creation of the Web site itself; it is only the beginning of your online marketing strategy.

                                                       It is much less stressful to be proactive than reactive to a bad situation.

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