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20 Joint liquidators’ progress report from 6 November 2016 to 5 November 2017 Rok Building Limited (in liquidation) 2 January 2018

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Joint liquidators’ progress report from 6 November 2016 to 5 November 2017

Rok Building Limited (in liquidation)

2 January 2018


Abbreviations and definitions 2

Key messages 3

Overview of what we’ve done to date 4

Outcome for creditors 5

Progress since we last reported 6

Appendix A: Receipts and payments 8

Appendix B: Expenses 9

Appendix C: Remuneration update 10

Appendix D: Other information 16


The following table shows the abbreviations and insolvency terms that may be used in this report:

Abbreviation or definition Meaning

Bank The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, as agent for the bank syndicate

Company Rok Building Limited

Liquidators Toby Scott Underwood and Lyn Leon Vardy

firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

IR16 Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016

IA86 Insolvency Act 1986

CVL Creditors’ voluntary liquidation

HMRC HM Revenue & Customs

prescribed part The amount set aside for unsecured creditors from floating charge funds in accordance with section 176A IA86 and the Insolvency Act 1986 (Prescribed Part) Order 2003

secured creditors Creditors with security in respect of their debt, in accordance with Section 248 IA86

preferential creditors Generally, claims for unpaid wages earned in the four months before the insolvency up to £800, holiday pay and unpaid pension contributions in certain circumstances

Rok Group Rok Plc and its subsidiaries

RPS Redundancy Payments Service, an executive agency sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, which authorises and pays the statutory claims of employees of insolvent companies under the Employment Rights Act 1996

unsecured creditors Creditors who are neither secured nor preferential

Abbreviations and definitions


Why we’ve sent you this report I’m writing to update you on the progress of the liquidation of the Company in the 12 months since our last report dated 4 January 2017.

You can still view our earlier reports on our website at

How much creditors may receive The following table summarises the possible outcome for creditors*, based on what we currently know.

Class of creditor

Current estimate

(p in £)

Previous estimate

(p in £)

Preferential creditors 100% (Paid) 100% (Paid)

Unsecured creditors 0.20% - 0.23% 0.22% - 0.27%

*Please note this guidance on dividends is only an indication and should not be used as the main basis of any bad debt provision or debt


What you need to do We’ve asked for outstanding claims from unsecured creditors so that we can agree them for dividend purposes.

If you haven’t already done so, please send your claim to us so that we can agree it. A claim form can be downloaded from our website at or you can get one by telephoning our Creditor Services Team on 028 9041 5082.

All creditors wishing to receive the anticipated dividend payment must submit a proof of debt.

We will write to ex-employees separately to agree their claims.

This report is for your information and you don’t need to do anything.

Key messages


This is our fifth progress report. You may wish to refer to our previous reports which can be found at

We remain in office to agree final creditor claims and make distributions both to secured and to unsecured creditors.

When we last reported, the key outstanding matters in the liquidation were as follows:

Progress the recovery of the Company’s remaining assets;

Agreement of creditor claims and payment of a dividend under the prescribed part; and

Make a final distribution to the secured creditors.

Overview of what we’ve done to date


Outcome for creditors

Secured creditors

To date, the Bank has been paid £9,971,617 in the liquidation. Including funds distributed to the Bank in the preceding Administration, the total amount distributed to the Bank under its security is £26,827,151. We think the Bank won’t be repaid in full under its security.

Preferential creditors

Preferential creditor claims totalling £2,550,129 were paid in full in November 2015.

Unsecured creditors

Dividends become available for unsecured creditors when there are sufficient funds (after costs of the liquidation) to pay the secured and preferential creditors in full, with an amount left over. In certain circumstances, part of the amount available for secured creditors may be ring-fenced for the benefit of unsecured creditors. This prescribed part is paid out of ‘net property’, which is floating charge realisations after costs, and after paying - or setting aside enough to pay - preferential creditors in full. But it only has to be made available where the floating charge was created on or after 15 September 2003. The prescribed part applies in this case as there is a floating charge created after 15 September 2003.

The amount of the prescribed part is:

50% of net property up to £10,000;

20% of net property above £10,000; and

Subject to a maximum of £600,000.

The maximum prescribed part of £600,000 before costs is available for distribution to unsecured creditors. This would give a dividend of about 0.20% to 0.23% based on the estimate of unsecured creditors included in the statement of affairs provided to the administrators and additional claims received to date. These estimates depend on future realisations, liquidation costs and finalising claims from unsecured creditors and are only an indication. You shouldn’t use them as the main basis for any bad debt provisions. If we think the costs of agreeing claims and paying a prescribed part dividend will be greater than the funds available or otherwise disproportionate to the benefits, we can apply for a court order not to pay the prescribed part to unsecured creditors. At the moment, we don’t plan to make such an application. Given the potential level of funds available for distribution and that unsecured creditors have submitted claims totalling c.£200 million, it is not appropriate to incur the costs of multiple distributions. The Liquidators are finalising a high level review of submitted claims and intend to make a first and final prescribed part distribution as soon as possible.

In our last report we noted that we had revised our claims agreement strategy due to a number of claims being submitted against the Company which related to other Rok Group companies and due to us requiring more detailed information from creditors whose claims have a material impact on the dividend rate. As such, the claims agreement process has taken longer than previously anticipated and this has impacted on previously reported timings of the first and final prescribed part distribution. However, the Liquidators are continuing to progress the review of submitted claims, with a view to paying the distribution in April 2018.

It is our intention to issue a notice of intended dividend in February 2018, which will give any unsecured creditors who have not yet submitted a claim a further 21 days to do so. Following the 21 day notice period, we will have 2 months to make the prescribed part distribution to unsecured creditors, however subject to the adjudication of any further claims received, we would look to make this distribution within the first month.

Apart from the prescribed part, we don’t think there will be any dividend for unsecured creditors based on what we know currently.


Realisation of assets We have made no further asset realisations during the period of this report.

We are aware of two further financial assets of the Company which we have continued to progress the recovery of. Due to complexities associated with those assets it remains uncertain what level of further recoveries (if any) will be achieved, however any recovery will be insufficient for the secured creditors to be repaid in full. Given that the maximum prescribed part is already available to unsecured creditors, any recoveries and costs incurred pursuing those assets will not impact the outcome for the unsecured creditors.

Statutory and compliance The corporation tax return for the tax year 2016 has been submitted, and we expect a small refund of £1,084.27 for this period.

The Company was the representative member of the VAT Group. Quarterly VAT returns for net payments totalling £171,490.36 were submitted during the period, of which refunds of £5,172.71 related to the Company. The remaining balance is due to be recharged to the other Rok Group entities.

Changes of liquidators Alan Alexander Brown, one of the previous Joint Liquidators, has retired from the firm. To ensure that outstanding issues in the Liquidation continue to be pursued, an application was made to the Court to remove him and appoint Lyn Leon Vardy as Joint Liquidator. Lyn Leon Vardy is licensed in the United Kingdom to act as an insolvency practitioner by the ICAEW.

The application was granted and so Lyn Leon Vardy replaced Alan Alexander Brown as Joint Liquidator with effect from 8 March 2017. Notification of the Order was published in the London Gazette on 4 April 2017. As there were no applications to Court to vary or discharge the Order, and as is normal in these circumstances, Alan Alexander Brown was released from all liability in respect of his conduct as liquidator by the Secretary of State.

Investigations and actions Nothing has come to our attention during the period under review to suggest that we need to do any more work in line with our duties under the Company Directors’ Disqualification Act 1986 and Statement of Insolvency Practice No.2.

Our receipts and payments account We set out in Appendix A an account of our receipts and payments in the liquidation from 6 November 2016 to 5 November 2017.

Our expenses We set out in Appendix B a statement of the expenses we’ve incurred to the date covered by this report and an estimate of our future expenses.

Our fees We set out in Appendix C an update on our fees, disbursements and other related matters.

Creditors’ rights Creditors have the right to ask for more information within 21 days of receiving this report as set out in Rule 18.9 IR16. Any request must be in writing. Creditors can also challenge our fees and expenses within eight

Progress since we last reported


weeks of receiving this report as set out in Rule 18.34 IR16. This information can also be found in the guide to fees at:

You can also get a copy free of charge by telephoning Georgina Robles on 0113 289 4833.

What we still need to do As previously mentioned we will now finalise the claims agreement process with a view to paying a prescribed part dividend to unsecured creditors in by April 2018.

Next report We expect to send our next report to creditors at the end of the liquidation or in about 12 months, whichever is the sooner.

If you’ve got any questions, please get in touch with our creditor services team on 028 9041 5082.

Yours faithfully

Lyn Vardy

Joint liquidator

Toby Scott Underwood and Lyn Leon Vardy have been appointed as joint liquidators of the Company. Both are licensed in

the United Kingdom to act as Insolvency Practitioners by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. The joint liquidators are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics which can be found at:

The joint liquidators are Data Controllers of personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will act as Data Processor on their instructions. Personal data will be kept secure and

processed only for matters relating to the liquidation.


Rok Building Lim ited - in liquidation

Receipts and pay m ents account for the period ending 5 Novem ber 2017

Notes SOA

6 Novem ber 2012


5 Novem ber 2016

6 Novem ber 2016


5 Novem ber 2017

6 Novem ber 2012


5 Novem ber 2017

£ £ £


Cash balance from the Administration 309,181.00 11 ,117 ,399.14 - 11 ,117 ,399.14

Third Party Funds - Rok Developments Ltd 1 - 15,491.81 - 15,491.81

WIP, book and contract debtors 22,865,094.00 1 ,268,523.99 - 1 ,268,523.99

Refunds - 499,638.81 - 499,638.81

Div idend - 57 7 .83 - 57 7 .83

Interest received - 34,415.91 1 ,463.7 0 35,87 9.61

VAT refunds / (pay ments) - 1 ,325,152.52 (169,868.7 8) 1,155,283.7 4

T otal receipts 23,17 4,27 5.00 14,261,200.01 (168,405.08) 14,092,7 94.93


Professional, consultancy fees and expenses - 249,168.25 - 249,168.25

Office holders' fees - 405,527 .96 - 405,527 .96

Office holders' expenses - 62,031.39 - 62,031.39

Legal fees and expenses - 52,860.80 995.08 53,855.88

Rent, rates, utilities and other office maintenance costs - 33,447 .7 3 - 33,447 .7 3

Storage - 7 9,500.52 21 ,897 .04 101,397 .56

Agents' fees - 39,990.06 - 39,990.06

Printing, postage, advertising and storage of books and records - 65,27 2.83 7 ,220.95 7 2,493.7 8

Bank charges - 2,512.97 7 4.57 2,587 .54

Duress pay ments - 32,500.00 - 32,500.00

Vat receivable/(pay able) - 1 ,510.7 1 5,380.11 6,890.82

T otal pay m ents - 1,024,323.22 35,567 .7 5 1,059,890.97


Preferential Creditors - 100 pence in £, paid 24 November 2015 5,648,288.00 2,550,129.12 - 2,550,129.12

Preferential Creditors - Returned pay ments 2 - (298,818.63) (194.86) (299,013.49)

Secured Creditor 69,7 43,361.00 9,97 1,616.50 - 9,97 1,616.50

T otal distributions 12,222,926.99 (194.86) 12,222,7 32.13

BALANCE 3 1,013,949.80 (203,7 7 7 .97 ) 810,17 1.83

1 - Funds recovered/received which are due to Rok Development Limited.

2 - Following the div idend to preferential creditors, pay ments totalling c.£299k have been returned/remain unclaimed.

3 - Funds held on interest bearing accounts with the Roy al Bank of Scotland PLC.


Appendix A: Receipts and payments


The following table provides details of our expenses. Expenses are amounts properly payable by us as Liquidators from the estate and includes our fees, but excludes distributions to creditors. The table also excludes any potential tax liabilities that we may need to pay as a liquidation expense because amounts becoming due will depend on the position at the end of the tax accounting period.

The table should be read in conjunction with the receipts and payments account at Appendix A, which shows expenses actually paid during the period and the total paid to date.

Liquidators’ statem ent of expenses for the period 6 Novem ber 2016 to 5 Novem ber 2017

£ £ £ £ £ £Professional, consultancy fees and expenses 249,168 - - 249,168 - 249,168

Office holders' timecosts 995,305 - 233,962 1 ,229,267 110,000 1 ,339,267

Office holders' expenses 64,7 06 - 803 65,509 3,000 68,509

Legal fees and expenses 52,861 995 - 53,856 10,000 63,856

Rent, rates, utilities and other office maintenance costs 33,448 - - 33,448 - 33,448

Storage 86,659 21 ,897 9,7 67 118,323 60,000 17 8,323

Agents' fees 39,990 - - 39,990 - 39,990

Printing, postage, advertising and storage of books and records 65,27 3 7 ,221 6,320 7 8,814 35,000 113,814

Bank charges 2,513 7 5 - 2,588 25,000 27 ,588

Duress pay ments 32,500 - - 32,500 - 32,500

T otal (excl VAT ) 1,622,423 30,188 250,853 1,903,464 243,000 2,146,464










Incurred and

paid in the

period under


Incurred in

the period

but not paid

Appendix B: Expenses


During the administration, the secured and preferential creditors fixed the basis of the administrators’ fees by reference to time properly given by the administrators and their staff in dealing with the administration.

The fee basis agreed in the administration continues to apply in the liquidation. This means that our fees as liquidators will be calculated by reference to time properly given by the administrators and their staff in dealing with the liquidation.

The time cost charges incurred in the period covered by this report are £233,962.47. This amount does not necessarily reflect how much we will eventually draw as fees for this period.

We set out later in this Appendix details of our work to date, anticipated future work, disbursements, subcontracted work and payments to associates.

Our hours and average rates

Summary of timecosts for the period 6 November 2012 to 5 November 2017

Rok Building Lim ited - in liquidation

Analy sis of tim e costs for the period from 6 Novem ber 2016 to 5 Novem ber 2017

Partner DirectorSenior





AssociateAssociate Support Total Time cost




(Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) £ £

Accounting and treasury - - 3 .00 5.1 5 59.50 1 4.60 - 82.25 18,406.20 223.7 8

Administration - - - 6.95 0.60 26.20 - 33.75 8,036.25 238.1 1

Assets - - 1 .20 5.30 - - - 6.50 3,268.50 502.85

Creditors - - 31 .50 231 .95 59.65 58.50 1 4.90 396.50 126,222.27 27 8.24

Employ ees - - - - 4.05 - - 4.05 793.80 1 96.00

Statutory and compliance 7 .00 - 6.40 26.7 5 1 0.45 1 01 .40 - 152.00 34,765.75 21 3.88

Strategy & Planning - - 2.30 34.05 26.45 0.05 - 62.85 24,737.95 393.60

Tax - 1 .60 0.20 3.00 2.80 1 4.7 0 - 22.30 8,386.50 37 6.08

VAT - - 4.1 0 0.60 8.05 0.1 5 - 12.90 9,345.25 7 24.44

Total for the period 7.00 1.60 48.70 313.75 171.55 215.60 14.90 773.10 233,962.47 302.63

Brought forward at 6 November 2016 3,301.09 995,305.00

Total 4,074.19 1,229,267.47

Aspect of assignment

Partner Director Senior

m anager

Manager Senior


Associate Support


6 November 2012 to 5 November 2013 16.7 0 2.40 90.7 0 512.50 17 2.10 228.50 2.10 1 ,024.7 5 345,223 337

6 November 2013 to 5 November 2014 6.7 0 3.7 5 23.10 294.80 36.25 249.05 61 .50 67 5.15 218,339 323

6 November 2014 to 5 November 2015 5.30 1 .60 48.20 251.7 5 51 .00 532.10 - 889.95 239,680 269

6 November 2015 to 5 November 2016 14.00 - 24.15 190.20 85.15 397 .24 0.50 7 11 .24 192,063 27 0

6 November 2016 to 5 November 2017 7 .00 1 .60 48.7 0 313.7 5 17 1 .55 215.60 14.92 7 7 3.12 233,962 303

T otal 49.7 0 9.35 234.85 1,563.00 516.05 1,622.49 7 9.02 4,07 4.21 1,229,267 .48 300



T otalT im e cost




rate £

Appendix C: Remuneration update


Our time charging policy and hourly rates We and our team charge our time for the work we need to do in the liquidation. We delegate tasks to suitable grades of staff, taking into account their experience and any specialist knowledge that is needed and we supervise them properly to maximise the cost effectiveness of the work done. Anything complex or important matters of exceptional responsibility are handled by our senior staff or us.

All of our staff who work on the liquidation (including our cashiers, support and secretarial staff) charge time directly to the case and are included in any analysis of time charged. Each grade of staff has an hourly charge out rate which is reviewed from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, work carried out by our cashiers, support and secretarial staff is charged on a time costs basis and is included in the analysis of hourly rates charged by partners or other staff members. Time is charged in three minute units (i.e. 0.05 units). We don’t charge general or overhead costs.

We set out below the maximum charge-out rates per hour for the grades of our staff who already or who are likely to work on the liquidation.

Grade Up to 30 June 2017 £ From 1 July 2017 £

Partner 840 865

Director 740 760

Senior manager 560 575

Manager 480 495

Senior associate 400 412

Associate 250 258

Support staff 125 129

We call on colleagues in our Tax, VAT, Real Estate and Pensions departments where we need their expert advice. Their specialist charge-out rates vary but the following are the maximum rates by grade per hour.

Grade Up to 30 June 2017 £ From 1 July 2017 £

Partner 1,250 1,315

Director 1,175 1,230

Senior manager 1,170 1,210

Manager 700 735

Senior Associate 515 545

Associate 255 270

Support staff 150 160

In common with many professional firms, our scale rates may rise to cover annual inflationary cost increases.


Our work in the period Earlier in this section we have included an analysis of the time spent by the various grades of staff.

Whilst this is not an exhaustive list, in the following table we provide more detail on the key areas of work.

Area of work Work undertaken

Why the work was


What, if any, financial

benefit the work

provided to creditors

OR whether it was

required by statute

Accounting &


Processing of receipts, payments and journals and updating nominal ledger;

Preparation of bank reconciliations;

Dealing with enquiries regarding accounting matters;

Re-issuing preferential dividends; and

Preparing and filing receipt and

payment accounts.

Ongoing maintenance of Liquidation.

Statutory duty to keep proper books and records to demonstrate transactions, assets and liabilities and copy correspondence.

Administration Adherence to internal reporting and progression deadlines.

Maintenance of information databases.

Ongoing maintenance of Liquidation.

To ensure that we meet statutory obligations.

Assets Liaising with debtors and consultants regarding settlements; and

Pursuing settlements and

reconciling ledgers.

Recovery/realisation of the Company’s assets.

Financial benefit, to maximise realisations for the benefit of creditors as a whole.

Creditors Gathering information for the review and agreement of large volumes of unsecured creditor claims;

Completing adjudication of unsecured claims;

Dealing with large volumes of enquiries from creditors; and

Collating/filing creditor claims.

To facilitate the agreement of claims and distribution to unsecured creditors.

Required by IA86/IR16 or regulatory requirements.

Financial benefit.

Employees Reviewing and calculating

employee unsecured claims; and

Correspondence with lawyers

and insurers in respect of

industrial injury claims.

To facilitate the agreement of claims and distribution to employees.

Required by IA86/IR16 or regulatory requirements.

Financial benefit.


compliance &


Dealing with statutory and other regulatory requirements, and internal control procedures;

Preparing update reports to the secured lender.

Reviewing and dealing with correspondence; and

Preparation of stakeholder and

statutory reports.

Regulatory requirement; and

To update the secured lender with our progress.

Required by IA86/IR16 or regulatory requirements;

For creditor reporting purposes; and

To agree the basis of our remuneration.


Strategy &


Maintaining case strategy;

Planning and monitoring progress for specific aspects of the case including asset realisations preferential and unsecured claims handling; and

Team management/task planning.

To ensure efficient completion of tasks;

Ongoing maintenance of the liquidation.

The liquidators are required by statute to perform their functions as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Tax / VAT Preparation and filing of corporation tax returns; and

Liaising with HMRC in respect of VAT and corporation tax returns, the company is the VAT representative member for the Rok entities in liquidation.

In compliance with duties as proper officers for tax.

In compliance with duties as proper officers for tax.


Our future work We still need to do the following work in the liquidation.

Area of work Work we need to do


cost £

Whether or not the

work will provide a

financial benefit to


Accounting & treasury

Processing of payments, receipts, journals and updating nominal ledger;

Reconciling post appointment bank accounts to internal system;

Dealing with any re-issue of dividend cheques;

Transferring unclaimed dividends to The Insolvency Service; and

Final reconciliation and closure of bank


30,000 Statutory duty to keep

proper books and

records to demonstrate

transactions, assets and

liabilities and copy


Administration Closure of liquidation databases. 1,000 Required by IA86/IR16 or regulatory requirements.

Assets Finalising recovery of remaining assets. 10,000 To maximise realisations for the benefit of creditors as a whole.

Creditors Responding to creditor queries;

Completing adjudication of large volumes of unsecured claims;

Declaring and paying first and final dividend to unsecured creditors; and

Dealing with any post distribution queries.

35,000 Required by IA86/IR16

or regulatory


Financial benefit.

Employees Dealing with enquiries from employees;

Agreeing employee unsecured claims; and

Correspondence with lawyers and insurers in

respect of industrial injury claims.

10,000 Required by IA86/IR16

or regulatory


Statutory, compliance and closure procedures

Dealing with the various on-going statutory, other regulatory and internal compliance procedures in the Liquidation;

Preparing update reports to the secured lender;

Preparation and circulation of Liquidators’ final progress report to creditors;

Completing checklists and diary management system; and

Closing down internal systems.

19,000 Required by IA86/IR16

or regulatory


For creditor reporting purposes; and

To agree the quantum

of our remuneration.

Tax / VAT Preparation and submission to HMRC of further VAT returns;

Preparation and submission to HMRC of further corporation tax returns;

Submission of final VAT and corporation tax returns;

Submission of Tax and VAT clearance request to HMRC in order to close the Liquidation;

Deregistering for VAT; and

Dealing with any enquiries.

5,000 In compliance with

duties as proper

officers for tax.

Total 110,000


Disbursements We don’t need to get approval to draw expenses or disbursements unless they are for shared or allocated services provided by our own firm, including room hire, document storage, photocopying, communication facilities. These types of expenses are called “Category 2” disbursements and they must be directly incurred on the case, subject to a reasonable method of calculation and allocation and approved by the same party who approves our fees.

Our expenses policy allows for all properly incurred expenses to be recharged to the liquidation and has been approved by the secured and preferential creditors where required.

The following disbursements arose in the period of this report.

Category Policy




2 Photocopying - at 3 pence per sheet copied, only charged for circulars to

creditors and other bulk copying. 6,320

2 Mileage - At a maximum of 62 pence per mile (up to 2,000cc) or 81 pence per

mile (over 2,000cc) 0

1 All other disbursements reimbursed at cost 803

Total 7,123

Our relationships We have no business or personal relationships with the parties who approve our fees or who provide services to the liquidation where the relationship could give rise to a conflict of interest.

Legal and other professional firms We’ve instructed the following professionals on this case:

Service provided

Name of firm /


Reason selected Basis of fees

Legal services SNR Denton



expertise and



Time cost


Company’s registered name: Rok Building Limited

Trading name: Rok Building Limited

Registered number: 00539441

Registered address: 7 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RT

Date of the Liquidators’ appointment: 6 November 2012

Liquidators’ names, addresses and

contact details:

Toby Scott Underwood, PwC, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street,

Leeds, LS1 4DL

Tel: 028 9041 5082

Lyn Leon Vardy, PwC, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds,


Tel: 028 9041 5082

Appendix D: Other information

04/17 Version 1.0

1 Company details

Company name in full

Company number

LIQ03In accordance withRule 18.7 of theInsolvency (England &Wales) Rules 2016 and Sections 92A, 104A and 192 of the Insolvency Act 1986.

Notice of progress report in voluntarywinding up

For further information, please refer to our guidance

Filling in this formPlease complete in typescript or in bold black capitals.

3 Liquidator’s address

5 Liquidator’s address

2 Liquidator’s name

4 Liquidator’s name

Building name/number

Building name/number



Post town

Post town







Full forename(s)

Full forename(s)



Other liquidator Use this section to tell us about another liquidator.

Other liquidator Use this section to tell us about another liquidator.





04/17 Version 1.0

LIQ03Notice of progress report in voluntary winding up

d d m m y y y ySignature date

8 Sign and dateSignatureLiquidator’s signature

The progress report is attached

7 Progress report

6 Period of progress reportd d m m y y y y

From dated d m m y y y y

To date

04/17 Version 1.0

LIQ03Notice of progress report in voluntary winding up

Where to send

You may return this form to any Companies House address, however for expediency we advise you to return it to the address below:

The Registrar of Companies, Companies House,Crown Way, Cardiff, Wales, CF14 3UZ.DX 33050 Cardiff.

For further information please see the guidance notes on the website at email [email protected]

This form is available in an alternative format. Please visit the forms page on the website

Further informationi

Important information

All information on this form will appear on the public record.

!Presenter information

You do not have to give any contact information, but if you do it will help Companies House if there is a query on the form. The contact information you give will be visible to searchers of the public record.

Contact name

Company name


Post town






This form has been provided free of charge by Companies House.


We may return forms completed incorrectly or with information missing.

Please make sure you have remembered the following:

The company name and number match the information held on the public Register.You have attached the required documents.You have signed the form.