joe incandela university of california santa barbara doe site visit jan 17, 2008

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UCSB in CMS. Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara DOE Site Visit Jan 17, 2008. Overview. The LHC is an unprecedented opportunity and challenge UCSB has been committed to the success of CMS for many years CMS has often turned to UCSB in times of critical need - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • More Information

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Clear, robust fault signatures At UCSB we developed fixtures forMinimum noiseMaximum sensitivity

    And automated Fault-Finding: Use results of many partially correlated tests to determine the type and location of faults>99.9% faults are found with 2 yProduction capacity had to be expandedUS CMS portion of project was increased 40%Ultimately needed to compress 2.5 year production schedule into a little over 1 yearRequired an enormous amount of organization, workflow analysis, failure modes analysis, etc.

    There was less than 3 days downtime due to equipment failure.


    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Hybrid Via OpensOpens in the power vias appeared with timeInconsistently plated

    Fix: add intermediate kapton layerKaptonGlueKaptonGlue*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Module Testing: Example of a Work Flow PlanAnalyze movement of people in clean room, layout work areas to optimize efficiency, minimize interference and minimize errors.*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Begin Installing Rods March 06Two teams of 5 technicians includes 2 US technicians*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *


    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    APV25 0.25 mm IBM CMOS 128 Channels 50 ns CR-RC shaperClever sampling of charge in three intervals separated by 25 ns intervals Total charge on strip in a single 25 ns bunch crossing obtained by de-convolution of signal from impulse response of amplifier Low noise and power

    192 cell analog pipelineDiff. analog data outputExpect < 3000 e noise for all detector types during CMS lifetimeRadiation Hard- Performance unchanged after 50 MRad*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Tracker Readout System

    Data for all channels are readout to the Front End Driver (FED) which then appliesZero suppressionPedestals Common mode filteringClusteringReadout is analog optical*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    J. Incandela, Jan. 17,2008Blue = double sidedRed = single sidedStrip lengths 10 cm (innermost) to 20 cm (outermost)

    Strip pitches 80mm (innermost) to 205mm (outermost) 500 mm thick high resistivity320 mm thick low resistivitySilicon Strips*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Misalignments and PT ResolutionSingle m sample, pT=100 GeVOnly rms shifts greater than 10 mm degrade pt resolution *

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *


    10,000,000 individual strips 78,000 APV readout chips

    26,000,000 individual wirebond wires

    207 m2 of silicon

    100 kg of Silicon*

    ****Global chip failures, changes in bias current, and pinholes are the greatest concernAll occur at very low levels

    ~8 MIP dynamic range

    Need to understand this a bit better