  • More Information

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Clear, robust fault signatures At UCSB we developed fixtures forMinimum noiseMaximum sensitivity

    And automated Fault-Finding: Use results of many partially correlated tests to determine the type and location of faults>99.9% faults are found with 2 yProduction capacity had to be expandedUS CMS portion of project was increased 40%Ultimately needed to compress 2.5 year production schedule into a little over 1 yearRequired an enormous amount of organization, workflow analysis, failure modes analysis, etc.

    There was less than 3 days downtime due to equipment failure.


    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Hybrid Via OpensOpens in the power vias appeared with timeInconsistently plated

    Fix: add intermediate kapton layerKaptonGlueKaptonGlue*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Module Testing: Example of a Work Flow PlanAnalyze movement of people in clean room, layout work areas to optimize efficiency, minimize interference and minimize errors.*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Begin Installing Rods March 06Two teams of 5 technicians includes 2 US technicians*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *


    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    APV25 0.25 mm IBM CMOS 128 Channels 50 ns CR-RC shaperClever sampling of charge in three intervals separated by 25 ns intervals Total charge on strip in a single 25 ns bunch crossing obtained by de-convolution of signal from impulse response of amplifier Low noise and power

    192 cell analog pipelineDiff. analog data outputExpect < 3000 e noise for all detector types during CMS lifetimeRadiation Hard- Performance unchanged after 50 MRad*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Tracker Readout System

    Data for all channels are readout to the Front End Driver (FED) which then appliesZero suppressionPedestals Common mode filteringClusteringReadout is analog optical*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    J. Incandela, Jan. 17,2008Blue = double sidedRed = single sidedStrip lengths 10 cm (innermost) to 20 cm (outermost)

    Strip pitches 80mm (innermost) to 205mm (outermost) 500 mm thick high resistivity320 mm thick low resistivitySilicon Strips*

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *

    Misalignments and PT ResolutionSingle m sample, pT=100 GeVOnly rms shifts greater than 10 mm degrade pt resolution *

    J. Incandela DOE Site Visit January 17, 2008 *


    10,000,000 individual strips 78,000 APV readout chips

    26,000,000 individual wirebond wires

    207 m2 of silicon

    100 kg of Silicon*

    ****Global chip failures, changes in bias current, and pinholes are the greatest concernAll occur at very low levels

    ~8 MIP dynamic range

    Need to understand this a bit better

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