job printing book and

wmmmm 9 mm jin It rjii >r 41 t / | it i.-. 1.41 I *'lfi H U I I »liitfo ,T « 1 i m" ini 1 ! H#J /? ! t I ,U1 . ' 4LS -A . , A.B. i;,UJjLDiiE'm, jiurruii & rjiurniETuii. "(Wltsiluatii Ik Courst «f (Suijjirt talus its tt&rtj." VOLUME VI r. trrr •f -y; PRICE, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. * •i imm I! I -•CHARLES CITY, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1863. Dumber 12. TIJK Cjmrlts Citn $rrtt!Iigtn«r is rrtuva) «V*KV **T R«UT ,, 8x A. B. F. IIILDRETII, ' iBrroR Ajmp*or«ntTO«. talCE, $2,00 A YEAR, IN ADVANC*. OFFICE IN THE INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, Ci>K.\KllOr f«kfc JklfD KEUV HTRKBWI orPO?iT» rl lllK HgfAB* . -< Oh*rl*M City, Floyd County, low*. A?IT person obtaining flv<* Hul>-Ttl»or*, *n<i ft»rwarJlnj Ihe money, shall »->• ftimicb.wt wilh a rojiy or the lntolli- Jfnrpr fnr this service so K«n£ «•" <>'•* ikitin*!" jwtninmii to tlir iiajxr mil br transacted with the l'ubli>tn r any dio* »i tli>- ollW "1 I'IIMK utioii. t 'nnimiiiiii 'atHti-' nmy b<-nililrP"*"''! Uio K<liU>r,wnu willpeMapU.v aud Utilkfullj ud lu Utciu. TEBNS or ADVSaTjifXS : I t, r. w. 4 w. 5m 6m Wb •"i Square, I |1M| w 00 I JO 7S I •»> 00 | >7 | $l V! - f Rqiuir««< rr 3 mfI ~ « on I _ 7 60 I * tm j lo |_ 1H ~VSqu»rr«";T7»~W'f ^ ( 1 Vl I lo iiO | J4 j ~ 4 SqiiHr.-." | 4 (Ml | (* HO | 1(11X1 | I.' HO } JH j^2« Square*. | AUU | 10 00 | " l',T&<l j U IH | 1* |_30 T^^TT^I Tr»-t7n»-1 nr«rj w j as H r»iuniu.~j~ H no | i 1.% on | is no | 2ft j _5* ~T~r-<Slim|7. I vi oof 1 ft im I ~~i «"«> I *-'•'> IKII x r . I '<0 AMiRKOOR IIOT'PE, Main Street, Near Levee, . McGregor, Clayton Co., Iow^a, W. A. Durham, Proprietor* General Stage Office. American Hotel, MUX STREET, - - - It GREG OR, IOWA. . •** II TLARDTJFO, PROMIKTOFT. » v 811E11MAN HOUSE, i Waterloo, Hint kliawk County, Iowa. *•'•*.* H. SHEllMAN, Proprietor; Located in the busines* portion of the town.. The General Slagc Office is at this House. ' otnnfbms to an 1 from the <*rt. MiKMra ran Tin lNT«UHHDi<TH : V. I^tttoeUI k (lo., \< Wfi»aper AdTcrtielaf i|MU, Ko. 37 l*»rk Row. \> w Y>>rk. «II S< riv< n. (.• uorul A<lverti.-inp; AgMit, C3 Pcar- l>orn Stre«-t, Om api. ii . ' "" i.. . «a Buiiine** ('wdH of five Ittxw or lff» will bt- inserteit in Hit* column lor $6.00 pur annum. For each •itdiMoMl line.over Anyone dollar w ill be charged. C.e.MoJg*. r r - JU6 »eWgiw. G. G. k t: <1 Mtxrc^R, ATTORNEYS AT LAW And Solicitors in Chancery, Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanjpe, Ac. CHAtiLEg C1TT, FI-OYD CVVXTt, IOWA. "Will attend t<» huslncss and practice in the Hupretm' iind I'istrk t Conrt of Iowa. Information and p>><>d refcrenoeil will W cheerfully given oa re^uegt. 88tf : ft STARR k PATTERSON, Attorneys 4' Counsellors at Law, CHABI-F.f ( ITT, ri.OTD CO , IOWA. f/T Will practice it* Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota. lfirtkular attention ••id to collet tiouH. paying taxeB. convey- UMHBK. and furnixhin^ nlo-traitii vi title of Lands. Ottit'e over Stone Store. 1 v51y ' j l.r f.f T ' 'I#**! » B. F. J0XE8, ; Vttorney at Law, Notary Public, and £ Commmioner rf Ihnl* f»r Iutra. Title* Examined, Taxes I'aid, CoilocUon* made and promptly ren»itte<l. Also, I*Ul>lihlier of " Minnouta Courier." Office, Head Quarter*, Atuhn, M 'trer County, ATinnrmjta. Januaiy 1, 1861. II. W. McNABB, (Successor to Wright & Brother,) KKTAIL DEAI.KR IK Groeertes, Dry Cum*]*, Boots &8hoet, CHOCKEKV, &c. ,, * cmCMi Mm stroll, (liARiircrnv Kti. J.W. SMITH, M. D.V ECJ.KCTIC FHYSICIA.V AX1) SURG&ON, CIIABLK8 CITY, I'LOVUCO., IOWA. Office at the Dru^ & I look Store, on Mill St. Reside uce, near the School Houoc. A. B. P. HILDRETU, Notary Public k Conveyancer, A. K. EATON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O^AGE, MITCHELL COl'XTY, IOWA, ice in all of thedifl " INTELLIGENCER " BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, . I $)odrg. r r flmr!--i Hly TntslTtfi 1 tSffE SNOW STORK. n BUIARMTH J. OOUt. 0PT08ITR TI1K ITBI.IC Sgi AKl, roRVRK or | MILL AND KELLY STREETS, « Charles City, lloyd County, Iowa. Thi tli li»rir<-st and TIP 'ft -t rent ral I \ 1 < >eate<l Will practice in all of the different Coarta oftLwiitatc. JOHN RICE, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, A3D DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dycstuffs and W iixlow (>Ia88, No. 88 East Water Street, Milv>tiniee, WISCONSIN. A. E. SAWYER, Watchmaker and Jeweller, AT THE CITY JEWELRY STORE, CHAMJM CITT FLOTD COl .tTT, IOW*. N. B. Watches, Clooki and Jewelrfr re- paired in tip-top style. 42tf t. l. bkower;.,, 1>EALKK IX DRUGS, GROCERIES. fJfZS, VaintK. VarnihlieK, Nuils. Near the MrtSreuor Eeriy Lmding and the Mll«:oil<<e and Miiwiiwippi Uailrostd Plt URIP. IHJ CHIBki, H IWUHH.X. IS'VJ. luyl SON, JOUN FURLONG & "WIIOl.KSAI.E Grocers and Commissiun Merchants, lit7 Raat Watrr tit., JUIlttankef, Wl*. From our I OHK utandiun and t'acilities for doin^ l>u*ines»*. we are prepared to sell tirw ceries as low at* am other Houae in the W«|t. JUHX ri niA»NO & S<JN. Milwaukee, April'JO, 18OW. lGyl BLAIR & PERSONS, 1 WHOLESALE k BKTA1L DKALKB8 III China, Eiirthorn & Glass Ware, Sir.VEIi J'LATED GOOjtS, Cutlery, Japjinnwi Ware, Looking Glaww, liritonuia Ware, Ua« Fixtures, I<nnp8, &C. East Water Street, ^ MILWAUKEE. A. B. VANC0TT, 1MPOBTEB AXD MASt'FAtTl'RKB Of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JEWELS, tn.VER AND ri.ATF.D WAR ft, FTV.t Cor. Eat>t WaU-r aud \ViM.ou*iu Sta., M1LWAl'KKL, \VIatt)NiUN. Watch Tools aud Slateriale of every deacrip* Horn. 14H CHAllLES CITY, Floyd Couuty, Iowa. ^ J. S. CHURCH, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT, Mcuvn City, Cerro GordvCountg,. .1mm. s X. 8M1TU k ATKINSON, I>EAI.EI :S IN DRUGS, HOOKS, ST A TiOSE!:)', Newspapers, Magazines, $*c. CUAIiLES CITY, IOWA, i on Mill Street, near the M1H. ttf CARTER HOI'SE, J0My L. WJLCOJT, tkol'RIETOR, MAIM 8TBEST, CBOAB WAUM, &ack lknrk County JbMk ' Thin house having changed hamls. and un- dergone a thorough refitting ami remodeling, is now reiuly tor the accommodation of the public. It ib biluaUd in the |>ai t of Cedar Fall*. The proprietor pledges liiiuself thai 110 pains will IM- H^ued to make his •Duet* oonifortablv. bla^ea leave tbiat hotwe daily for the North, South and WUKL V.6:87 H. W. HUNT A CO., joitiiEus or Ready Made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSIMKUES, VliiTlMiii, , W THLMIUNT.S AMI F UKNUUIKU TIUTLU. * '«*• —CHAMBERS— 4 t ,t|B and 35 Lake Street, Chicago. 14ml STlMriON'S HOTEL, ' 'Jttmn or EAST WATKB K UKTBOIT «TBUN|, *U.. MILWAUKEE. This House is located in the business part of 4be City, convenient to the Cars and l>oats. Omnibus and 1 lavage Wa^on always 4M hand to convey l'iissengt rs and Ik^a^e to M4 frou the Bouts aud Curs lice of chaigu. MATS0N & LOOM IS, tMPORTERS ASD MANttJLCTURERS, And Wholesale and lSetail Dealeis iu Watches, Clocks, JQW^liy, Silver and l'lated Ware, SjH-ctaclM, Hi ? i * Vatch MatoriulH, Took, ko. No. 194 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 9 KEY city house, M«,RUBK Si Joues, Proprietors/ '{ Corner Midn and Third Streets, [*; .*»im - •»*' DUBUQUE, IOWA. s i »'' viirrrw I BEL'BEN Y. COllT, [Suivetwor to D. 8. Cook,] Wholesale and Retail Dealer in JDCT TCCBS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PRO VISIONS, Boots and Shoen, I'aint* and Oils, Win clow Glass, &c , &e., MAIN STREET MeUREGOU, MOW A. [IT All kinds of Farmers' Produce bought. HOUSES IN NORTHERN IOWA. It has been recently fitted up with an exten- live assortment of all the later and more ap- proved style* of fob printing |flaterial», sm h us TYPES, RULES, DORDER8, and other fixtures calculated expressly for the execution of all kind* of Job Printing reijuired in this Meet ion of country. The materials are all new and selected with preat care from the unrivalled foumlry of J AHK.X COXXKB & Sow, New York, whence frequent addition* will be made. It will be the ambition of the proprietor that this Printing House shall be distinguished for the four ijreat fcaUues of . ^ OORKECTKEM, C? . •SATincMM, : . j ECUNUHY, %f ' ' anil DKSPATCM. HA^D BILLS, (i^actvc. la >•. ruiwnsa, : CIRCrLARS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, C-.i.-ie, X«aw Blanl £0« .1 A A 0:5, BLANK NOTES, TAX RECEIPTS, *f* ? " 7 'J*** "'T :T? i u J> i- And many other vaiietit* of J«d» 1'riat in^ ex- ecuted iu Uie highest style of the art. 1l« sulMcriber challenges oompetition in the tue of nou itnca, r.iKcv cowirs ATIO.TS, and BH((VXf(lt While in all the aiinor-sia'd an.l more d< lk-ate styles of work. liin execution of piinting in Gold niNl Silver Coloi*, On Satin, tilaardand Colored ra|MTSHii.l ('.urds, is uaeipialli'd in Neatness and Ihilliancjr. Intrust your Orders to He. Minute attention h given to every order, near or far, and the FERWWL HfPKRISTF^DEWB 0f Um I'loprtt tor ((uai'KiitK* Utt can and jK'rfunuttutr of tvfij' Job. ALL OBUE&S BY 4AJL OB EXJPMM, Promptly attended to. •. B. F. HUDRETH, I'uorKirroa. It*MM, H enmes, o'er hill and plait, Without one ninrrinir blot or staiu, 'llir wliittr and tilisteiiinir snow, Wreathing with many a shining gem, Bdllt leafless tree, and tiowerless stem, Purer aught below. Oh, 'tii* a bright and thrilling scene, . To those whose iHiiinteous hearth witHB," No dearth <-f eomfoi t fears. Affording visions bright and fair, Of sleigh .ride* in the frontf air t With loving friends so dear. Put sad and wistful eyes look out, With aching hearts of urief and doubt Upon thi-; lovely scene ; Want with its meaner form is then, And snfTeiiiijr in the wintry air, That chill* those forms withia. These ntiffering ones no beauty see, Nor watch with shouts of mirth and gk» Tl ie snow-tlakea falling low. To them no visions bii^ht may come, Save )>f that fair and happy Home, Where they no want shall know. H»e snow so pure decks our fair earth, And many hearts al>ound with mirth, While ntany more are sad ; Bat in the sunshine and the storm— In wealth or poverty's stein form— The iieart may still t>e glad. Prairie Glen, March 1, 1863. bloom, wil 1 flowors in abundance, and ots and friends, who have left their cactus plants full eix feet in lii^ht. I, homes and all home comforts to maim cannot say that I would rather have a! tain t,,c stability of cur . . .. .. v .i •».- t i government, are suffering most tern* home hero than in .1.® North. No, 1 j lllv f r lho8 i v ry ljngl JV( . arc love the bright scenes of the sunny j prepared to supply. Fresh as our Soath, but I havd a greater lore for j soldiers are from home, where they the prairies of the North-west. Tl»en l ;^ avo been accustomed to a JltlisctlliimT. From Uif Clevi'liiad I»ai !y A Modern Linnasos. On the 12th day of May, IT32, varied i Tlfr>UM !lt t ' ,e l, ff° 25 years, set out ! alone, from Upsal, to visit the inhos- h„ ? h for lowl-jr. g . t . forgl" j ^ «hi"p^ tnent of tlm pe«>plr». Tin se sn. ii tii s j had never seen, t had ft good doaf have their kindred associations in the'of fun with the lively old gen lie man# East, somewhat inferior, perhaps, in j and'discovered the facts aboirt hi» complefeiiess of «y.stem and secrecy ( above narrated. Ho promised to pay mc! I forgot, a tl,en' to |, arJ lltead am, bac<)ll , day aft t, hurrah for Wisconsin ! Well, I will j day, which is alone furuisbed tbem ii cheer for Iowa, for she is a glorious , their present situation. State, and I am ptoud of being one of her soldiers. We had a •»ry pleasant trip on the 22d, onr Washington's birth-day ; thero was a meeting organized by the This change of diet, coupled with all the exposure incident to camp life so far South, with long confinement on transports in.passing from point to point, is reducing our army ten fold faster than all the assaults of the en- (Eouuiumu alums. TO SCHOOL OFFICERS, AMD FRIENDS OF EDUCATION, IN IOWA. H. RUSSELL, MANt r.MTl ULll AMD Wholesale and Letuil Dealer la Clothing, Cloth, Trimmings, AND JTllSISlllNU (JOODS, No. 204 East Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 0. B. HARUIMAN, M. D. f Physician and Surgeon, MARBLE HOCK, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA. Office, over Rotteukran's Store. G. C. CONE, Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Nails, &c.. &c., McGregor, Clayton Couuty, Iowa. W.A.GILES, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MCUREHOR, IOWX. H AS received direct from the Importer*a valuable stock of (Jolil and Silver Hunt- ing and o[>eu-faccd WATCUIvS, together with a good assortment of flocks, Diamonds and Jewelry, all of the latest styles and patterns. McOregor, Sept. 1!4, 185'J. 39tf -t,irr' a In— With the l)eceinb«;r number of the Iowa Instructor and Srhuoi Jour mil, there will, in ad- ditioii to other interesting and useful matter, be cotumeiicrd the pnlMieation of the decisions Ot the S<-eretai v of the State Board of f^luea- tion, u|>ou ipiestions pro|M>undcd and appeal-j lake is nearly completed, and ed to him. These derisions will embrace a consti urtiou of the entire Srhool I JIW. They will bttof general interest and of especial val- ue to School Ollueih iu settling disputed ques- tions liefoiv they havo resulted iu un>eemly wrangles, or ri|<l into expensive litigation. The InMitictor und SehoiJ Journal is a neat 4 ina^a/ine of thirty-two pages, puhlUhed on the tirst day of eaeh mouth by Mills Brothers. at l»os Moines, Iowa, pricice ONE lK»LLAlt a year. It is the only puhlieation in Iowa de- voted to the interest of the Schools, and Is tlierefoie «l<sCt\ilig of the Countenance hi-arty su|ip«>rt of tlie people t/ Iowa. The .Se|ii«,l liistrii tt of the Stale are all au- thorized by luw to take one or luorecopie* and C iy for the same out of the contine nt fund, j night, which should bavo beeu uere longing to the District. The publishers! |, M| g &gt). I understand a gunboat Will receive orders drawn ufMin tins fund, | ® ° " Where teey amount to five dollars, the same j will go up to lc'Ut'U what tlio trouble m eit-oh. 1 Ctr f ARMY LETTER. ItK^PQl ARTKRS 17th An my Tnitl's, ) Lake l'rovi knee La , Feb. 23, 1^G3. J DEAR HI i.nRKrtf :—Here I am, still farther from Iowa and hoinc, atill farther from my Regiment, the gal- lant 3d Iowa. General McPherson'a command ar- rived here this morning, after a safe and speedy trip from Memphis. Lake rrovidcncc is three hundred and twen- ty-five miles distant from Memphis, and nearly siity from the city of Vicksburg. It is by far the most pleasing town I have yet seen itt all my travels through the bogus Con- federacy. It is situated upon the Mississippi, and extends back to the lake, which beam the iMit #tbe town. The couutry is fine and rolling, now beautifully green with the early spring verdure, and also posesaes great military advantages, which it Seems are to be most thoroughly used. It is here they are commencing the new " cut off" or canal, through which it is proposed to float trans- ports and gunboats from the river into Macon Bayou, thence into Tcusas riv- rr, thence into the Black river, tlience into the Red river, and then again into the Mississippi. This cut off will bring us mid way between Vicksburg aud l'ort Hudson. This plan ia a very feasible one, and aa there is but little digging to do, will be rapidly com- pleted. There arc now nearly one thousand negroes hard at work, and more will be brought on aud taught to handle the spade. The canal uniting tbo rlwr and the General commanding will put forth his utmost power to complete the whole, at an early date. Contrabands are coming iuside of our lines, in great numbers, eager to work forXJn* cle Sam. They are iu great demand, and there is a very active market. At the present time, considerable anxiety is manifest, fur two trans- ports, passed by the guuboats in the who are crying, "Peace! peace I peace 1" Then came songs, Mtaga of all kinds, commencing at the u Star Spangled Banner," and finishing up with the "Girl I left behind me* Be assured that HO long as T tnn eat my rations, upon this expedition, you suall hear often from WixniWk Sanitary ConflTRon of Iowa A cull from, (Jar. h'lrhctd. pose of investigating their natural history. He returned on tho 10th of October of the same year, rich in his collection of facts and specimens, with a fame for zeal, energy, and per- severance which has extended down to the present age. At the opening of navigation fonr years since, an Illinoisan Iiinnirns, still younger in years, left this city without any associate, to investigate tho natural history of the northwest- ern arctic regions of America. He re- turned a few weeks since, still richer both in facts and collections than )>is great prototype, having spent the in- terval of time between this city and Fort Youcan in Russian North Ameri- upou the whole people of Io»a, to : l'° roacl.o.lKort - ... «i r ..... . '. W illiam, on the north shore of Lake Superior, where he met the late Geo. " dwellers on the boat," and speeches | em /' .. ... . N . . . Even those, (if snch there 1c,) who were made by Generals Mcl'hersou j have IIO , ove f()r lhe CJUJ8C whid , and Logan, Mnj'a. Clark and Strong, those men are enlisted, must feel for and vari< us others, all filled with pa-j so much human suffering and be triotisru for their country, and con-1 rcai 'y> least, to relieve that for hu- tempt for the Copperheads at home, manity's sake. 1 therefore call, most earnestly, in the name of humanity and patriotism, of operation, but still laboring steadi- ly toward the s:inie traitorous end. Loyal men havo too long given a clear field to these miscreants. They have taken it for granted that their me a visit tho fifcet time be slwuld g<* to Washington. (The fact is, my early education made me about. good iu the thtts and the tkuut aa he was, and wo formed t^uite *t> attach* cause was too sacred to be seriously i mem lor each oilier.) He came ac injured by faction. They have look- ed passively on and made no sign, or have indulged in croakings and grumblings directly calculated to strengthen the hands of the faction- i^ts, though not so designed. Consid- ering the untiring activity of the cue* curdingly, the oilier tfay, and among many interesting conversation.*, w6 had the following triulogue upoi*( 4htf subject of Iowa newspapers. I ||i*« it as well as I can recall it, and vovdt for its general correctness. WHIT*.—I agree to all thou tisiat mies of the Government on the one "aid, friend, about the Slate of Ioy#a. come to the rescue of our suffering and perishing sons, brothers and friends, who have given themselves to their country's cause and are now in such pressing want of assistance Mrs. Wittenmyer enumerates the sup- plies most needed. Let potatoes, on- ions, butter aud eggs go forward in the greatest possible abundance. I have just received a letter from one of our best Surgeons, (Dr. Shaw of the 4th Tnfantry,) urging the same things, and mentioning also horserad- ish, prepared in vinegar, and common plum butter is very desirable. We must try not only to relieve the sick, EXECUTIVE OFFICE, IOWA, ) IOWA CITT, March 2d, 186:2, )" Mrs A nnie Wittenmyer, State Sanitary' but to prevent sickness, aud to do this Agent: j our soldiers must have a greater varie- DKAK MADAM :—Gov. Kirkwood di-i TY of food. I call upon the people of rects me to request of you, while here, to give him a statement of the sani- tary condition of the Iowa Regiments, which yon have visited what are their most pressing wants—what sup- the whole State. Let every locality see to tho good work through their owu local agen- cies, and do it at once. The emer- gency is pressing, and does not admit plies can best be furnished by the j of delay. The season is now such liberality of our people, and throagb what channels they can send them. Very truly yours, K. U. URAI.VERD, Mil. Secty. I OWA CITT, March S. IMS. y. II. Drainerd. Military Secretary to Governor Kirktcofk: DKAR SIR :—Your note of vcsleidav that vegetables may be shipped ir; safety, aud the river in open for trans- portation. All packages, from any part of the State, put on board of any of our lines ot public transportation, and ad- dressed to " Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer, care Partrage & Co., St. Louis./' will be sure to go where most needed, free has been received, and in reply you ' charge, or rather the Government «j|| pay the charges. I confidently appeal to the patriot- ism, liberality and humanity of the good people of Iowa, that this call be promptly aud fultv met. SAMUEL J KIIIKWOOD. •j umorous. .!h i n 1' of a narrow escape t ; Lot it not be said that a State which con- taius two huudrcd and sixty-ci^ht thousand School children does not liberally support its ily School Journal. If. A. WILTSE, Acting Secretary of the Board of Education. Dcs Moines, Nov. 15, 1862. J. H. STOLLE, DEALEB IX ALL KINDS or, •WWW imH ,«• fAMILY GROCERIES, .|)jH ' , Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa. vllBS. H. M. DON*,'" 1 . DKALKB IN JfWuonablc Millinery Goods, 10 Whoiaale aud Retail, JT*. 18 Wisconsin BUvet. Milwaukee. W. R. PORT, . Mll4UO.\AHV or TUB American Sunday School Union FOR NORTHERN IOWA And Western Portion of Wiaoonaia, PR.UH1E DL CII1EN, WIS. I ; Invitations to assist iu organising new Schools, or in encouraging those already estab- lished. cordially accepted. H S. Libraries, Pa|icrs, liymn Books, Bible Dictionaries, &c., at Eastern price*. Cata- logues gratis, at the Bookstores of N. A. & E. Wright. Prairie du Chieu, and of John Bally, MuGiutfor, Iowa. Threshing Machiiica I'OK 1K04. MANl FAfTl'UED BY SHAHERN & DA&B6, UOCKl'OKl), ILL. J K UFl-'EUKG our M,i «-liun*» the |wl(Iio thi- - c.t-uil 11 1- ijll!ll*l'4>nMliy (<> »!|M llr»- llu> «JM'I H tr <|U«I| . 1.1 inai i ial "I \\I.rlvIII tti-lii|>. ;i» a i^> an •--lul>ii-li>'<l f*. i i>> all tttio tiuvo u»oil Uiuu vr tbtttii ilua y . II < tally iHjusl. if not »u|«-rn>r. lo any uUit-r iu evu ry r«-^l>t•l t. our Marlnu«'.< are wuit« on Uv latest improved UAHMI lxu >•-. By iar>Oil .itlriiti.'h t!««• w.inu- ami Kiii i "l ihn-'-lnT.i auit llu- «t nutcliilK-ry, i m h yittr -"nic now au-l u^rful improvMiiont. Jir^i anil imxl nn|« rtiint i- mtr uUrK»l J-UK-1 «•> lnulaf Stutll, bfllik' tlit- l.tryi-l tH'W iu u.-< . po k' litn.y all Mliratiuu, Ui ' Iiii|«iit.iiic<- <>l M liK'batl lWiK lii .ll tliM-jlioo r.-aj il> r-oo fliui \t III U1U»'I UilH-C Ii- lllo S(iirit Ia-V<-I, fly I'T <-111 luuihuii* IUIU IHIIUU Dmlly M-t in um Ii eyhivlir iraaii'. our -o|wr.iu>r> uie all rnvmM with tn-at and well fln- irh.-il iltH'ks. Sell ii'lju.-liun ml covors (Mi ovrrv ton, and vnrwus oiluT iiii|H"V<-iiii'iit- l'<>worn Mid Triieloi, . all l w In. ii n in I > i n«-1" iuak>' "iir Mac l,iuo» mil out)* 'tmuuK IIUL' twrl UII.-IH 'I hut nuM i.til>i-untuu aud Uaratik- thai liuw I'Vrr HMHI iii llu - i "iinli v Th' V uro fur Iii-ln tl with all llie txlrae tlial I)' Unn; lu ;i Hirot -Uor's ouliit oiii- of tin' in imifarturers is liow at CK1>AK KAIJ>, (at tlio Aukticju Ht'iiso,) aud will ai'll Mai biner ojiuj^Wip, •r will »<-IISi»|i«nitor*, Straw* Slut kers or Jarks »t [i«r.iU'l\, n ,I«-Mi«-<I, on U'l iu in mat ib>' liiuos and cif cnin^uiiKiu-. ,VI>II. raa iH'dor and rurnUh oillnn fat all Tlin-.-hitit: Mai liiuo." now in i-i-neral uso. Al! ci'iiniiuiiiraiioii" a»Writ-i il lu W1I I.IAM OALliS, Cedar FalW, lows, will reciriro prom)* uu< nuou. CMur tVSi, J#lv 2h, isSiJ. s ,S||f, will inform Gav. Kirkwood that 1 have recently visited the hospitals, i and Iowa Kegiments at Helena and Vicksburg, and that owing to climatic influences, unfavorable surroundings, and the latigue and exposure of their; recent campaign against Vicksburg, ^ aud Arkansas Post, and the confine- ment and exposure up White river, tho sanitary conditio!! of most of the Iowa Kegiujciils is very unfavorable. Besides the diseases incident to camp life aud exposure, small pox and scurvy are prevailing to a consid-l ~ erable extent. Many of the causes | THWIHRGLARS ASPIRATION.—^A akele- whieh have led to the unfavorable ton-key in every cupboard. condition of the health of our army ; « ' " ~ , still exist, and unless remedied by the' tnoutha are like turnpike generous cflorts of the people of the | never opened except for pay. loyal States, must result in a fearful j amount of sickness and mortality, j " I enn't support you any longer," The almost entire absence of vegeta- as rotten bridge said to the cle- ble 1 ood iu the army, which has re-; phant. suited iu scurvy, debility, and a gen- cial depreciation of the strength of) _ Tie man that drew a long breath our forces, leads me to urge upon the Simpson, then Governor of the Fur Company, whose assistance and kind- ly aid be secured by letters of the British Minister »t Washington. The remainder of his travels ^nd sojourn- ing* were with the members or em- ployees of that company. From Fort NN illiam h#> proceeded by their convcyanccH to Fort Charlotte, Kainy Lake, Lake Winnepeg, Slave I'iver, Great Slave Lake. Fort Provi- dence, Horn L-ike, Fort Simpson, Mc- Kenzies River, to Point Separation about 100 miles from the Artie Ocean; from theme up Peel's river to Fort McPherson, Big Fish Lake, stid dowu Porcupine I'iver to its junct«>n wilh the River Yonean, situated some 250 miles due east of Retiring Straits. 'I his Fort was the terminus of his tour, though he often made extensive detours from the main line. On re- turning he pursued the same tract ex- cept st the south end of Lake Winne- peg he diverged to the Red River, and came home by way of St. Paul in Minnesota. The summers he spent in watching the habits and movements of the nu- merous migratory birds which resort to those remote regions to rear their young, and in collecting skins, eggs and nests. Mammals, from the Moose, Reindeer and Musk Ox, down to the little Lemming, Fishes, Inserts, Shells, TIeptiles and Plants, equally engaged his attention. The habits, history and languages of the Slave Lake, Ksqui- maux and Youcan tribes of Indians were also invest igated. The winters were not spent in inac- tivity. With his well-trained dogs and sledge, and gun, he would fre- quently depart from the Company's hand, and the general remissness of loyal men on the other, the wonder is, not that the popular heart is so great- ly relaxed, but that it has not bcoome thoroughly demoralized. One advantage, perhaps, has resul I know it is a great State, aud fast get* ting to be greater. I am truly undtpr obligations to thee for sending me'• copy of the letter of Parson Brownlo"#/ as lie iscalled, but who is given to u#> godly vituperation against the Sou tin- ted from the inaction of loyal men. | em rebels ; not that a little godly ti- The rebel sympathizers have lieen em boldened t.> reveal tlieir spirit and purposes with a fullness they other- wise wouM have avoided. The way- faring man, though a fool, need no longer have a glimmering doubt as to their essential disloyalty. The delay has relieved true Unionism of no small amount of trouble in smoking oat its adversaries from their old coverts. Of their own aecoid they have come out into broad day light, and with defiant front. We know now just where to find thcra. No blows need to be wast- tuperatiou would be inexcusable in lif® case, though, for lie suffered much in the good cause. But how are you off in Iowa for schools, aud .public jour- ua's? >• . ,.„j CORRESPONDENT.— Fir^f-rate. have the best sclnsritmastei s and the pettiest schooluiisti esses in the country, who succced in the beat possible manner in giving (he beat possible effect to a good system of popular education—as good, perhaps, as that of uny State in the Union, saving only Connecticut, New York ed. It can very soon be settled which and Indiana, where they have school side is to go to tfie wall. But no more time must be lost. Union men must at once organize. The U nion Leagues which have been started must be multiplied, until they reach every city, village and" hamlet between Maine and California. La- tent loyalty must be brought oat. Lax loyally must l>e braced up. The great popular heart must be lircd with now devotion. Public spirit must ac- quire an earnestness at once profound- er and more vehement. Tho vital principals and the infinite interests at j res pee t comparable to the b/tt r* stake, which have been overshadowed \ Register, published ut our Sl«t« librarit s in every district. Onr press wifl compare favorably with the press of any country where there are nol great commercial centres.. Whi.—I)o I really understand die© to say yon have as good oewspapeM in Iowa as iu the East ? COB.—Certain, sure—other things being equal, I desire thee so to under* stand iw, We have no such papers as the Xew Yolk dailies, becart>e have no New Yolk. But the Capital >f Pensylvania has no junrrial iir any St it 19 Cap- and thrust into tho background by j ituJ, a place of less than 6,000 inhaib* mere party questions, must be recog-, itants. No town iu the ©f nized, and set forth in all their imper- | double the population, has anything alive authority. The terrible cliai ae- j like so good a paper. Its lending ed- ter of the emergency must be brought itoriala are thoughtful, trnthlni, abltt ; Can any one define ths exact width P"sts on extended expeditions, trap- 1 has taken another chance in tbe same Governor the great importance of so lottery. directing and controlling the sanitary ! ——— resources of the State as to supply' No man can avoid his own com- our Buffering soldiers with vegetables, ' patiy—so he had best make it as good stimulants and antiscorbutics. I as possible. The Hospitals at Helena and Vicks-| J burg, although greatly improved itt ] Pics ami puddings generally come their condition, are almost entirely 1 last. Tho last thing that pride eats destitute id' suitable nourishing food | is humble pie. for the sick, aud but for the coustant and untiring efl'orts of sanitary agents,! The rustic amusement of cndgel- their condition would bo terrible. The j playing ought to be preveuted, an il articles uioat needed are potatoes, I affects the security of tbe crown* onions, sour krout, coi u meal, pickles, I dried fruit cranberries, molasses, soda; Speaking of cheap things—it costs crackers, toasted rusk, butter, eggs, | but a trifle to get a wife, but she condimcuts aud stimulants. Cider autnetimes turns out a little dear. vinegar would also be acceptible.; IT WOOLLEY & SNYDER, OIAUH CITY www COUUTY towa. Plows made aud repaired, . Owiajw lromil mi GmmdJobtiag dm. Federal Tax Notice. 8th Division of 3d Collection l>ist. of Ipwa, 1 Chai les City, DeccmU-r 21, 1862. ] F AUMEIIS and others, w ho have slaughter- ed cattle, hop* and sheep, on which a J lax is due to the United Suites will take notice that they are required to report monthly to the AsftirfUnt Assessor. All such will therefore report to me at my office in Charles City, on or before the 31st day of December. O. It. EAKl'MAN, IS. Tbe great atories of sicknoss antoug the troops, are mostly stories. Not much sickness exists, and the little there is, is chietly confuted atuoug the new regiments. The small-pox Is raging, to a limit- ed extent, among the til thy contra- bands ; and a more filthy class of be- ings uover could be gotteu together ou litis earth. It has been impossi- ble for their masters to procure what poor clothing is usually allowed them; and now they are so ragged—well, 1 cannot tell you,—only imagine some of the poor creatures going out *n the wiud aud being whipped to death by rags. Yet this is one of the wealthi- est—or was one of the wealthiest— towns in this State. Plantations, that iu themselves arc small towus, with all their improvements, amid vast wildernesses, spread out to the gasc, fading away in the distance like a broad prairie ; but uow tliey are de- serted, the fences gone, the buildings used as uegro quarto*#, or barracks for soldiers. No inhabitants stay in this once pleasant village. Bciug the strougeat kind of Secesh, they would not stay where tbey would seo tbe flag they had iusulted aod forsworn, wave their roofs. , ! . , 1 •' They saw the em©k« way wp the river, 1 Wbeie the l.inWum KimUnilB l*y, They took their things and left very suddea Aud 1 spec's they ruu away. As I went out iu tho country tyis The gentleman wbo has been- iug to raise the wiud fiuds himself " blown all over town. Goods will be directed as you dictate, aud sent to the c»ve of Partrage A Co., St. Louis, Mo. The large increase In the number of sick in the army, imperatively de-: f^opie generally think their evfls mauds additional hospital ai range- j heing common, but their en- ntculs, which must be met. It has j joymyuta greater by being exclusive, been found that light cot comfortables arc much more agreeable for tin? use of the siek than heavy army blankets. Tin: high price of cotton materials having almost entirely cut oil' uur supply, 1 have asked and obtained, of the U. S. Government ten bales of A gentleman tho other evening ob- jected to playing cards with a lady, because, he said, she had such * "wtttt uiug way " about her. ! 1 Low NOTES.—A young lady ptng for the valuable fur animals, such as the black and silver Foxes, Martins, Ermines, On one occa- sion he traveled at least one hundred miles, and was absent from the post seven days without a human being. At night he would excavate a cell in the snow, wrap himself in his rol»e, with his dogs about him, :tnd rest comfortably with the thermometer forty degrees below zero. His rich and extensive collections are on their way to the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, where they will form au important additiou to re- sources of natural sciencc. He is about to unpack and describe them, and the public may expect from his pen au interesiing narrative of his journey. To illustrate what energy in a young person may accomplish, we will state that ten years since this voting man was engaged in studying the Elements of Natural History with a gentleman in this vicinity. Since that time he has passed a course of medical studies in one of the Chicago schools ; has l»een extensively engag- ed in working up the collections of the Smithsonian Institute ; has col- lected and described the Natural His- tory of the line of the Central Rail- road of Illinois ; and made a scien- tific exploration of the Red River down to Lake Winnepeg. The pages of several Patent Office reports, and the articles on Natural History in sev- eral volumes of the Pacific Railroad Surveys, were enriched by his labors aud from his pen. All these, inclu- ding his four years' Northwestern Tour, were accomplished in seven years time. He was twenty-three years of nge when he engaged in the l.iat enterprise. His constitution and physical development would have was J been deemed unequal to the perform- closer home to all. It should be un- derstood, as never before, that the Re- public expects every one of her suns to do his whole duty in this her day of peril. The same esprit de cerjps, the its news department is manaiceri with skill and enterprise ; its i»»e**h«iiical appearance was uneXCeptioimble till lull fine gave to purn^.n bead .lettHT , aud, 1 don't hesitate to say, its locul same generous ardor, the same intol- j department, nnrfer friend Dixoa.Ss the eianceof complicity with the rebels, j wittiest, spiciest, bfst ha*al depart^ which pervade and rule the army, j nieitt of all the papers iu the country, ought also to dominate outside of the | Then our towns on the Mississippi army. Loyal men must put theniselv- ( river, not one of'which has over 10- ea in a position to act iu concert, j000 inhabitants, have better liewspn* wherever and however tbe occasion j jwrs than any in your great city vi may dematid—yea, to march shoulder to shoulder to the bloody field if need be. We say again, organize Union Leagues. Simply to stand by the Government is not enough. Our du- ty is to prepare to stand by it in the most effective matim r. Bad men hav«* combined, and added thereby a thou- saud-fold to their power. Good men must also combine, or be worsted. Party lines are now nothing. The great elections have passed, and the Baltimcre, with its more than 2O0r QQ* people. . Wiir—I think thou mnst be trying, friend, to poke some of thy fan at aife. Do 1 understand thee to be itt earnest*? t'oR.—Thyself shalt be the judge. >1 will com me nee at Dubuqne. Here is the Daily Times. Compare it with yo*r Sua of the same date, aud yon- will see it has tiie same news, per tvU - graph, better correspondence, ly better editorials, and much mofcs miseellanv. Compare our Muscatiile cotton tor sauitaiy ptiiposes, which I aa ked how she could possibly afford, auce of such au undertaking by most am distributing to the principal socio-* j u | iar( j times, to take music lessous. I persons. liesot the West, to made into cot |j COnfi U0 myself to tbe low The individual ia Robert Kennicott, comfortables. 1 wo bales bate been sou of John A. Kennicott, M. T>., of issues which entered into them, so far < Daily Journal with yo»r Cltj'jier, ai3l aa they were ot a loyal nature, can i see if it don't beat it in all reflects, now without injury to any political in-i It is by all odds ihe briier journal, terest be put iu abeyance. There is | and there is more in it, in two davl^ neither just reason, nor plausible ex- j than there is in the Clipper in threk. ciise, for any further maintenance of ; Then look on this Ho a u Eye, and IIHIM party distinctions The only differ-, on yonr Americon. Except as to tile auce recognized should be tho differ- j shipping news, the Iowa paper is far ence between loyal aud disloyal men j superior. Compare this Gut' City WIMI —between those who are for carrying ' any Baltimore paper and see which Is the war on to the submission of the > the better. Every one of these papers rebels, and those who are for drop- I j* more ably conducted in every roe* piug I he war aud yielding to the reb- j peet, more honorable to its proprietofe els. That is the supreme issue ; und | and to the public where circulate#, it determines the position of every 1 than the best of your dailies. 5§i> man, whatever his estimate of Ad-1 what your city would regard as " one ministration measures or policies horse " towns in Iowa torn ont better Let the men on the side of war and an | newspapers than the great metropolis undivided Republic lay aside all mi- j ©f Maryland, Aud I'll bet fo»r-eighty- nor differences, ami work together f seven . ? with a will for the one great object. AH ASTONISHED QUAKEB. Attend Ihu<"/af tnth •' JJ'tliimore HtUiia' fWKWI' intf luwa \eictpapert. We take tlie following extract from WHI.—Hntty thtty I None of yotr bets, arid a truce to thy sky-flying and useless enthusiasm. I admit th#B art fairly right, but I am gravely as- tonished none the less. But for mine own eyes 1 think 1 would not hare i believed it. But all these papers. So the \\ aslnngtoiiCorrespQutk'Ooeof tbe j re jr U| H,fy are of one polities. Muscatine Journal : J t|, u people all Republicans Ir Speaking of a Quaker artist reminds i luwa ? iue that the wealthiest man in Baiti* j , COR.—For ^all^ prscti more, am) the President of pie's Bank is Miles White. member of the society of friends—an honorable body to which my own an- cestors belong, and from whom, IIO doubt, my plain tastes and general •ihumom, 1 sent to tho societies at Chicago enough for fonr hundred comfortables have been sent to each ot tbe cities of Cleveland, Cincinnati aud Louisville, aud enough materials to make oue hundred comfortables, to the societies iu each of the following towns : Du- buque, Davenport, Iowa City, Mnsca- tiue, Burl ingtonj Keokuk, Peoria, Quiuoy aud Spiingticid, tho balance of the coUpa will bo made up in St. Louis. The limits of this note wiT! not al- low me to enter into a detailed ac- count of the condition of hospitals and regimeuts, but as soou aa possible 1 will pepure and submit a full report. 1 am very respectfully your obedi- ent servant, ANNIE WITTENMYER, Iowa tiauitary A|(wi. Tbe fact that the word Adam signi- fies "red earth," seems to indicate} that our first father was an Indiaru Undoubtedly b# to rigines. There was an Irish lawyer who in- variably wrote at the bottom of his brief, "if any part of the case should fail, or want making out, call my clerk, Tim Douuc^iui, uu.d be will swear anythiug." "T "Spell 4 cat,' M saula ,t1v J! girl of fire years of age, the other day, to a smaller one id' only three. " I can't," was the reply. " Well, then," con- tinued the youthful mistress, " if you can't spell 'est,' spell'kitten." ^ , of Cooke Co., Illinois, formerly Secretary of tbe Agricultural Board of llliuois. laid demeanor are derived. White lived frugally a Ion ical purpose* the Peo- ' are - majority is nearly a• He is millions iu a Stute n*»t crowded. But here is tin* Keoksfc Const it utim», which is edited by a tnri4- er citizen of Maryland by the smut itt Clagett. a Wnr—A very common name toitli ns. I know a great many of the#. Miles trine ii; iau- FromtteN.Y. TnriOH" LEAGUES. It was well said by Edmund Burke " When bad men combine, the good must associate ; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice iu a contemptible struggle." The chief fault of the great loyal majority of our people lias been that they have neglected organization. They have left this tremendious in- strumentality almost entirely in the hands of their adversaries. The true explanation of the alarming growth of the Copperhead policy throughout the Northwest lies iu the secret opera- tions of the Knights of the Goldeu Circle and affiliated societies. By their clandestine und thoroughly con- certed management, they were able to get the control of the Democratic 'lifthe Ptiplt of Iuwa: " Is that anuimal a biped or a'"qua The foregoing statement from Mrs.' ruped ? " asked one of the visitors to Wittenmyer, State Sanitary Agent, 1 a circus, one day, of a by-stander. "1 of the condition of our regiments on ! thiuk, Sir," said an evident student of ! organization,-and fill up the Legisla- te lower Mississippi, is more than j natural history, with bulging eyes " :,u ...sin..-i i Corroborated by other various aud re- j aud green spectacles, " that the man liable testimony, all together proving vvhu shows the auiinala called it a kmHim* a 4 Hi# ww wU* §ato I kau&wtypi.'" til res with men willing to lend them selves to any schemes, however dis- loyal They completely circumveut- | cd and ovci-akugliud tbe teal ecu Li- lle was boru iu North Carolina before j are men ot high standing, a«i.l this famous nineteenth century ap- name is bmnd connected with peared upon the stage of time. His 1 many calling*, from the neb merehafct parents were not wealthy, but Miles f »«'«> farmer down to tin- ehrort.eler M White now owns nearly 1UO.OOO acres small-beer. Any more like thiw ? of land in the Northwest. He has a Con —Not exactly. Ihe etlit.H- of good many thousand acres iu Iowa, one of «Kir dfah.y..! jwpiMw is nowEaet, aud feels, therefore, a lively interest trying to have a book pabltslied, g*. iu all matters pertaining to the wul- »'" ,l , H ' hvort ' > ,t . ,Hto »• »• fare aud prosperity of our State, lie Old Capital I rifon. is a hospitable, cheerful Quaker, who likes a good wholesome dinner and a heurty laugh. 1 think that, when the diuuer is cooked to a turn aud the joke superb, he sotuelutMiS Uugbs tUo wig off* his head. On my way to the Chickaliominy Swamps, last summer, I was unavoid- ably detained one day at Baltimore. It is intensely lonely to be in a crowd* ed city, in the midst of a vast numbrr of people, not one of whom you know from Adam. True, 1 did know one man there, but be was a horse-doctor who wore giggles, and our conversa- tion soon dwindled from the exploits WHI.—What 1 A sort of American edition of the Newgate Calendar; an Improvement on the" Lives of Distill- guished Higwayutefl ? " It onglft net to be. I CoR.—Iveep cool, friend. None^jf thy sky-flying enthusiasm. You do the man no good. He ia along as the boy ill the spelling- WHI .— How's that ? CoR. —"Past redemption J* Will.—1 fear it is too tree E«m of such. How about what we "country papers " in your State? »' COR.—You can judge for yotirnelfTlif this one (giving him the Churh irtillv : ou ij|e aa fir g-bo<ik. of Flora Temple and Patcheii lo the' Intelligencer, w hich be exuminrd lCr diagnosis and cure of bolts, aud then |som*« time.) ' »i ran clear out. I wound up my watch ! Win.—This Is % beautifnl stMl WHfy again, and suddenly thought of Miles 'large paper, and'aerm* to-be rttMti'Vli- i While, for whom 1 had done Seine blv condiicti d. Bwt bow-is tbis ?• |Utile buoiacoa iu l^wa # but wboui I [is a City pubhaucd at OUaiics V '}• t fsrrz

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. , A.B. i;,UJjLDiiE'm, jiurruii & rjiurniETuii. "(Wltsiluatii Ik Courst «f (Suijjirt talus its tt&rtj."



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Cjmrlts Citn $rrtt!Iigtn«r is rrtuva) «V*KV **T R«UT

,, 8x A. B. F. IIILDRETII, ' iBrroR Ajmp*or«ntTO«.

talCE, $2,00 A YEAR, IN ADVANC*.


f«kfc JklfD KEUV HTRKBWI orPO?iT» rl lllK HgfAB* . -<

Oh*rl*M City, Floyd County, low*.

A?IT person obtaining flv<* Hul>-Ttl»or*, *n<i ft»rwarJlnj Ihe money, shall »->• ftimicb.wt wilh a rojiy or the lntolli-Jfnrpr fnr this service so K«n£ «•" <>'•*

ikitin*!" jwtninmii to tlir iiajxr mil br transacted with the l'ubli>tn r any dio* »i tli>- ollW "1 I'IIMK utioii.

t 'nnimiiiiii 'atHti-' nmy b<-nililrP"*"''! Uio K<liU>r,wnu willpeMapU.v aud Utilkfullj ud lu Utciu.

TEBNS or ADVSaTjifXS : I t, r. w. 4 w. 5m 6m Wb

•"i Square, I |1M| w 00 I JO 7S I •»> 00 | >7 | $l V! - f Rqiuir««< rr 3 mfI ~ « on I _ 7 60 I * tm j lo |_ 1H ~VSqu»rr«";T7»~W'f ^ ( 1 •Vl I lo iiO | J4 j ~ 4 SqiiHr.-." | 4 (Ml | (* HO | 1(11X1 | I.' HO } JH j^2«

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~T~r-<Slim|7. I vi oof 1 ft im I ~~i «"«> I *-'•'> IKII xr. I '<0

AMiRKOOR IIOT'PE, Main Street, Near Levee,

. McGregor, Clayton Co., Iow^a,

W. A. Durham, Proprietor* General Stage Office.

American Hotel,



» v 811E11MAN HOUSE, i Waterloo, Hint kliawk County, Iowa.

*•'•*.* H. SHEllMAN, Proprietor; Located in the busines* portion of the town.. The General Slagc Office is at this House. ' otnnfbms to an 1 from the <*rt. •

MiKMra ran Tin lNT«UHHDi<TH : V. I^tttoeUI k (lo., \< Wfi»aper AdTcrtielaf i|MU,

Ko. 37 l*»rk Row. \> w Y>>rk. « I I S < r i v < n . ( . • u o r u l A < l v e r t i . - i n p ; A g M i t , C 3 Pcar-

l>orn Stre«-t, Om api. ii . ' "" i.. . «a

Buiiine** ('wdH of five Ittxw or lff» will bt- inserteit in Hit* column lor $6.00 pur annum. For each •itdiMoMl line.over Anyone dollar w ill be charged.

C.e.MoJg*. r r - JU6 »eWgiw. G. G. k t: <1 Mtxrc^R,


And Solicitors in Chancery,

Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanjpe, Ac. CHAtiLEg C1TT, FI-OYD CVVXTt, IOWA.

"Will attend t<» huslncss and practice in the Hupretm' iind I'istrk t Conrt of Iowa.

Information and p>><>d refcrenoeil will W cheerfully given oa re^uegt. 88tf

: ft


Attorneys 4' Counsellors at Law, CHABI-F.f ( ITT, ri.OTD CO , IOWA.

f/T Will practice it* Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota. lfirtkular attention ••id to collet tiouH. paying taxeB. convey-UMHBK. and furnixhin^ nlo-traitii vi title of Lands. Ottit'e over Stone Store. 1 v51y ' j l.r f.f T ' 'I#**! »

B. F. J0XE8, ; • Vttorney at Law, Notary Public, and

£ Commmioner rf Ihnl* f»r Iutra. Title* Examined, Taxes I'aid, CoilocUon*

made and promptly ren»itte<l. Also, I*Ul>lihlier of " Minnouta Courier."

Office, Head Quarter*, Atuhn, M 'trer County, ATinnrmjta.

Januaiy 1, 1861.

II. W. McNABB, (Successor to Wright & Brother,)


Groeertes, Dry Cum*]*, Boots &8hoet, CHOCKEKV, &c. ,, *

cmCMi Mm stroll, (liARiircrnv Kti.



Office at the Dru^ & I look Store, on Mill St. — Resideuce, near the School Houoc.


Notary Public k Conveyancer,



ice in all of thedifl





r r flmr!--i Hly TntslTtfi 1 tSffE SNOW STORK.


0PT08ITR TI1K ITBI.IC Sgi AKl, roRVRK or | •


Charles City, lloyd County, Iowa.

Thi tli li»rir<-st and TIP


-t rent ral I \ 1 < >eate<l

Will practice in all of the different Coarta oftLwiitatc.



Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dycstuffs and W iixlow (>Ia88,

No. 88 East Water Street, Milv>tiniee, WISCONSIN.


Watchmaker and Jeweller, AT THE


N. B. Watches, Clooki and Jewelrfr re­paired in tip-top style. 42tf

t. l. bkower;.,, 1>EALKK IX

D R U G S , G R O C E R I E S . f J f Z S , VaintK. VarnihlieK, Nuils.

Near the MrtSreuor Eeriy Lmding and the Mll«:oil<<e and Miiwiiwippi Uailrostd



Grocers and Commissiun Merchants, lit7 Raat Watrr tit., JUIlttankef, Wl*. From our IOHK utandiun and t'acilities for

doin^ l>u*ines»*. we are prepared to sell tirw ceries as low at* am other Houae in the W«|t.

JUHX ri niA»NO & S<JN. Milwaukee, April'JO, 18OW. lGyl



China, Eiirthorn & Glass Ware, Sir.VEIi J'LATED GOOjtS,

Cutlery, Japjinnwi Ware, Looking Glaww, liritonuia Ware, Ua« Fixtures, I<nnp8, &C.

East Water Street, ^ MILWAUKEE.


Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, MASONIC JEWELS,

tn.VER AND ri.ATF.D WAR ft, FTV.t

Cor. Eat>t WaU-r aud \ViM.ou*iu Sta., • M1LWAl'KKL, \VIatt)NiUN.

Watch Tools aud Slateriale of every deacrip* Horn. 14H

CHAllLES CITY, Floyd Couuty, Iowa.


Attorney & Counsellor at Law,

AND GENERAL LAND AGENT, Mcuvn City, Cerro GordvCountg,. .1mm.

s X.



Newspapers, Magazines, $*c. CUAIiLES CITY, IOWA,

i on Mill Street, near the M1H. ttf


MAIM 8TBEST, CBOAB WAUM, &ack lknrk County JbMk

' Thin house having changed hamls. and un­dergone a thorough refitting ami remodeling, is now reiuly tor the accommodation of the public. It ib biluaUd in the |>ai t of Cedar Fall*. The proprietor pledges liiiuself thai 110 pains will IM- H^ued to make his •Duet* oonifortablv. bla^ea leave tbiat hotwe daily for the North, South and WUKL V.6:87

• H. W. HUNT A CO., joitiiEus or

Ready Made Clothing,


t ,t|B and 35 Lake Street, Chicago. 14ml


This House is located in the business part of 4be City, convenient to the Cars and l>oats.

Omnibus and 1 lavage Wa^on always 4M hand to convey l'iissengt rs and Ik^a^e to M4 frou the Bouts aud Curs lice of chaigu.


And Wholesale and lSetail Dealeis iu

Watches, Clocks, JQW^liy, Silver and l'lated Ware, SjH-ctaclM,

Hi ? i * Vatch MatoriulH, Took, ko.

No. 194 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS.

9 KEY city house,

M«,RUBK Si Joues, Proprietors/ '{ Corner Midn and Third Streets, [*;

.*»im - •»*' DUBUQUE, IOWA. s i »'' viirrrw


[Suivetwor to D. 8. Cook,]

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


Boots and Shoen, I'aint* and Oils, Win clow Glass, &c , &e.,

MAIN STREET MeUREGOU, MOW A. [IT All kinds of Farmers' Produce bought.


IN NORTHERN IOWA. It has been recently fitted up with an exten-

live assortment of all the later and more ap­proved style* of

fob printing |flaterial», sm h us

TYPES, RULES, DORDER8, and other fixtures calculated expressly for the execution of all kind* of Job Printing reijuired

in this Meet ion of country. The materials are all new and selected with preat care from the

unrivalled foumlry of J AHK.X COXXKB & Sow, New York, whence frequent addition* will be

made. It will be the ambition of the proprietor that this Printing House shall be distinguished for

the four ijreat fcaUues of . ̂ OORKECTKEM, C? .

•SATincMM, : . j ECUNUHY, %f ' ' anil DKSPATCM.


(i^ >•. ruiwnsa,




X«aw Blanl£0« .1


*f* ? " 7 'J*** "'T :T? i u J> i-

And many other vaiietit* of J«d» 1'riat in^ ex­ecuted iu Uie highest style of the art.

1l« sulMcriber challenges oompetition in the tue of

nou itnca, r.iKcv cowirs

ATIO.TS, and BH((VXf(lt

While in all the aiinor-sia'd an.l more d< lk-ate styles of work. liin execution of piinting in

Gold niNl Silver Coloi*, On Satin, tilaardand Colored ra|MTSHii.l ('.urds,

is uaeipialli'd in Neatness and Ihilliancjr.

Intrust your Orders to He. Minute attention h given to every order, near

or far, and the FERWWL HfPKRISTF^DEWB

0f Um I'loprtt tor ((uai'KiitK* Utt can and jK'rfunuttutr of tvfij' Job.

ALL OBUE&S BY 4AJL OB EXJPMM, Promptly attended to.

•. B. F. HUDRETH, I'uorKirroa.

It*MM, H enmes, o'er hill and plait, Without one ninrrinir blot or staiu,

'llir wliittr and tilisteiiinir snow, Wreathing with many a shining gem, Bdllt leafless tree, and tiowerless stem,

Purer aught below.

Oh, 'tii* a bright and thrilling scene, . To those whose iHiiinteous hearth witHB,"

No dearth <-f eomfoi t fears. Affording visions bright and fair, Of sleigh .ride* in the frontf airt

With loving friends so dear.

Put sad and wistful eyes look out, With aching hearts of urief and doubt

Upon thi-; lovely scene ; Want with its meaner form is then, And snfTeiiiijr in the wintry air,

That chill* those forms withia.

These ntiffering ones no beauty see, Nor watch with shouts of mirth and gk»

Tl ie snow-tlakea falling low. To them no visions bii^ht may come, Save )>f that fair and happy Home,

Where they no want shall know.

H»e snow so pure decks our fair earth, And many hearts al>ound with mirth,

While ntany more are sad ; Bat in the sunshine and the storm— In wealth or poverty's stein form—

The iieart may still t>e glad. Prairie Glen, March 1, 1863.

bloom, wil 1 flowors in abundance, and ots and friends, who have left their cactus plants full eix feet in lii^ht. I, homes and all home comforts to maim cannot say that I would rather have a!tain t, ,c stability of cur . . .. • .. v .i •».- t i government, are suffering most tern* home hero than in .1.® North. No, 1 j lllv f„r lho8i v„ry „ljnglJV(. arc

love the bright scenes of the sunny j prepared to supply. Fresh as our Soath, but I havd a greater lore for j soldiers are from home, where they the prairies of the North-west. Tl»enl;^avo been accustomed to a


From Uif Clevi'liiad I»ai!y

A Modern Linnasos. On the 12th day of May, IT32,

varied i Tlfr>UM !lt t' ,e l,ff° 25 years, set out ! alone, from Upsal, to visit the inhos-

h„?h for lowl-jr. g.t. forgl" j ^ «hi"p^

tnent of tlm pe«>plr». Tin se sn. ii tii s j had never seen, t had ft good doaf have their kindred associations in the'of fun with the lively old gen lie man# East, somewhat inferior, perhaps, in j and'discovered the facts aboirt hi» complefeiiess of «y.stem and secrecy ( above narrated. Ho promised to pay

mc! I forgot, a tl,en'to |,arJ lltead am, bac<)ll, day aftt,

hurrah for Wisconsin ! Well, I will j day, which is alone furuisbed tbem ii cheer for Iowa, for she is a glorious , their present situation. State, and I am ptoud of being one of her soldiers.

We had a •»ry pleasant trip on the 22d, onr Washington's birth-day ; thero was a meeting organized by the

This change of diet, coupled with all the exposure incident to camp life so far South, with long confinement on transports in.passing from point to point, is reducing our army ten fold faster than all the assaults of the en-

(Eouuiumu alums.




Wholesale and Letuil Dealer la

Clothing, Cloth, Trimmings, AND


No. 204 East Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis.

0. B. HARUIMAN, M. D.f

Physician and Surgeon,

MARBLE HOCK, FLOYD COUNTY, IOWA. Office, over Rotteukran's Store.


Dealer in Hardware, Iron,

Nails, &c.. &c., McGregor, Clayton Couuty, Iowa.


Watchmaker and Jeweler, MCUREHOR, IOWX.

HAS received direct from the Importer*a valuable stock of (Jolil and Silver Hunt­

ing and o[>eu-faccd

WATCUIvS, together with a good assortment of

flocks, Diamonds and Jewelry, all of the latest styles and patterns.

McOregor, Sept. 1!4, 185'J. 39tf -t,irr' a In—

With the l)eceinb«;r number of the Iowa Instructor and Srhuoi Jour mil, there will, in ad-ditioii to other interesting and useful matter, be cotumeiicrd the pnlMieation of the decisions Ot the S<-eretai v of the State Board of f^luea-tion, u|>ou ipiestions pro|M>undcd and appeal-j lake is nearly completed, and ed to him. These derisions will embrace a consti urtiou of the entire Srhool IJIW. They will bttof general interest and of especial val­ue to School Ollueih iu settling disputed ques­tions liefoiv they havo resulted iu un>eemly wrangles, or ri|<l into expensive litigation.

The InMitictor und SehoiJ Journal is a neat4 ina^a/ine of thirty-two pages, puhlUhed on the tirst day of eaeh mouth by Mills Brothers. at l»os Moines, Iowa, pricice ONE lK»LLAlt a year. It is the only puhlieation in Iowa de­voted to the interest of the Schools, and Is tlierefoie «l<sCt\ilig of the Countenance hi-arty su|ip«>rt of tlie people t/ Iowa.

The .Se|ii«,l liistrii tt of the Stale are all au­thorized by luw to take one or luorecopie* and

Ciy for the same out of the contine nt fund, j night, which should bavo beeu uere longing to the District. The publishers! |,M|g &gt). I understand a gunboat

Will receive orders drawn ufMin tins fund, | ® ° " Where teey amount to five dollars, the same j will go up to lc'Ut'U what tlio trouble m eit-oh. 1

Ctr f


ItK^PQl ARTKRS 17th An my Tnitl's, ) Lake l'rovi knee La , Feb. 23, 1^G3. J

DEAR HI i.nRKrtf :—Here I am, still farther from Iowa and hoinc, atill farther from my Regiment, the gal­lant 3d Iowa.

General McPherson'a command ar­rived here this morning, after a safe and speedy trip from Memphis. Lake rrovidcncc is three hundred and twen­ty-five miles distant from Memphis, and nearly siity from the city of Vicksburg. It is by far the most pleasing town I have yet seen itt all my travels through the bogus Con­federacy. It is situated upon the Mississippi, and extends back to the lake, which beam the iMit #tbe town.

The couutry is fine and rolling, now beautifully green with the early spring verdure, and also posesaes great military advantages, which it Seems are to be most thoroughly used. It is here they are commencing the new " cut off" or canal, through which it is proposed to float trans­ports and gunboats from the river into Macon Bayou, thence into Tcusas riv-rr, thence into the Black river, tlience into the Red river, and then again into the Mississippi. This cut off will bring us mid way between Vicksburg aud l'ort Hudson. This plan ia a very feasible one, and aa there is but little digging to do, will be rapidly com­pleted. There arc now nearly one thousand negroes hard at work, and more will be brought on aud taught to handle the spade.

The canal uniting tbo rlwr and the

General commanding will put forth his utmost power to complete the whole, at an early date. Contrabands are coming iuside of our lines, in great numbers, eager to work forXJn* cle Sam. They are iu great demand, and there is a very active market.

At the present time, considerable anxiety is manifest, fur two trans­ports, passed by the guuboats in the

who are crying, "Peace! peace I peace 1"

Then came songs, Mtaga of all kinds, commencing at the u Star Spangled Banner," and finishing up with the "Girl I left behind me*

Be assured that HO long as T tnn eat my rations, upon this expedition, you suall hear often from


Sanitary ConflTRon of Iowa

A cull from, (Jar. h'lrhctd.

pose of investigating their natural history. He returned on tho 10th of October of the same year, rich in his collection of facts and specimens, with a fame for zeal, energy, and per­severance which has extended down to the present age.

At the opening of navigation fonr years since, an Illinoisan Iiinnirns, still younger in years, left this city without any associate, to investigate tho natural history of the northwest­ern arctic regions of America. He re­turned a few weeks since, still richer both in facts and collections than )>is great prototype, having spent the in­terval of time between this city and Fort Youcan in Russian North Ameri-

upou the whole people of Io»a, to: l'° roacl.o.lKort - ... «i r ..... . — '. W illiam, on the north shore of Lake

Superior, where he met the late Geo.

" dwellers on the boat," and speeches | em/' .. ... . N . . . „ Even those, (if snch there 1c,) who

were made by Generals Mcl'hersou j have IIO ,ove f()r lhe CJUJ8C whid,

and Logan, Mnj'a. Clark and Strong, those men are enlisted, must feel for and vari< us others, all filled with pa-j so much human suffering and be triotisru for their country, and con-1 rcai'y> least, to relieve that for hu-

tempt for the Copperheads at home, manity's sake.

1 therefore call, most earnestly, in the name of humanity and patriotism,

of operation, but still laboring steadi­ly toward the s:inie traitorous end.

Loyal men havo too long given a clear field to these miscreants. They have taken it for granted that their

me a visit tho fifcet time be slwuld g<* to Washington. (The fact is, my early education made me about. good iu the thtts and the tkuut aa he was, and wo formed t^uite *t> attach*

cause was too sacred to be seriously i mem lor each oilier.) He came ac injured by faction. They have look­ed passively on and made no sign, or have indulged in croakings and grumblings directly calculated to strengthen the hands of the faction-i^ts, though not so designed. Consid­ering the untiring activity of the cue*

curdingly, the oilier tfay, and among many interesting conversation.*, w6 had the following triulogue upoi*(4htf subject of Iowa newspapers. I ||i*« it as well as I can recall it, and vovdt for its general correctness.

WHIT*.—I agree to all thou tisiat mies of the Government on the one "aid, friend, about the Slate of Ioy#a.

come to the rescue of our suffering and perishing sons, brothers and friends, who have given themselves to their country's cause and are now in such pressing want of assistance Mrs. Wittenmyer enumerates the sup­plies most needed. Let potatoes, on­ions, butter aud eggs go forward in the greatest possible abundance. I have just received a letter from one of our best Surgeons, (Dr. Shaw of the 4th Tnfantry,) urging the same things, and mentioning also horserad­ish, prepared in vinegar, and common plum butter is very desirable. We must try not only to relieve the sick,

EXECUTIVE OFFICE, IOWA, ) IOWA CITT, March 2d, 186:2, )"

Mrs A nnie Wittenmyer, State Sanitary' but to prevent sickness, aud to do this Agent: j our soldiers must have a greater varie-DKAK MADAM :—Gov. Kirkwood di-i TY of food. I call upon the people of

rects me to request of you, while here, to give him a statement of the sani­tary condition of the Iowa Regiments, which yon have visited — what are their most pressing wants—what sup-

the whole State. Let every locality see to tho good

work through their owu local agen­cies, and do it at once. The emer­gency is pressing, and does not admit

plies can best be furnished by the j of delay. The season is now such liberality of our people, and throagb what channels they can send them.

Very truly yours, K. U. URAI.VERD, Mil. Secty.

IOWA CITT, March S. IMS. y. II. Drainerd. Military Secretary to

Governor Kirktcofk: DKAR SIR :—Your note of vcsleidav

that vegetables may be shipped ir; safety, aud the river in open for trans­portation.

All packages, from any part of the State, put on board of any of our lines ot public transportation, and ad­dressed to " Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer, care Partrage & Co., St. Louis./' will be sure to go where most needed, free

has been received, and in reply you ' charge, or rather the Government «j|| pay the charges.

I confidently appeal to the patriot­ism, liberality and humanity of the good people of Iowa, that this call be promptly aud fultv met.


•j umorous.

.!h i n 1'

of a narrow escape t

; Lot it not be said that a State which con-taius two huudrcd and sixty-ci^ht thousand School children does not liberally support its

ily School Journal. If. A. WILTSE,

Acting Secretary of the Board of Education. Dcs Moines, Nov. 15, 1862.


•WWW imH , « •


, Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa.

vllBS. H. M. DON*,'"1

. DKALKB IN JfWuonablc Millinery Goods, 10 Whoiaale aud Retail,

JT*. 18 Wisconsin BUvet. Milwaukee.

W. R. PORT, . Mll4UO.\AHV or TUB

American Sunday School Union

FOR NORTHERN IOWA And Western Portion of Wiaoonaia,

PR.UH1E DL CII1EN, WIS. • I ; Invitations to assist iu organising new

Schools, or in encouraging those already estab­lished. cordially accepted.

H S. Libraries, Pa|icrs, liymn Books, Bible Dictionaries, &c., at Eastern price*. Cata­logues gratis, at the Bookstores of N. A. & E. Wright. Prairie du Chieu, and of John Bally, MuGiutfor, Iowa.

Threshing Machiiica




JK UFl-'EUKG our M,i «-liun*» u« the |wl(Iio thi-- c.t-uil 11 1- ijll!ll*l'4>nMliy (<> »!|M llr»- llu> «JM'I H tr <|U«I|

. 1.1 inai i ial "I \\I.rlvIII tti-lii|>. ;i» a i^> an •--lul>ii-li>'<l f*. i i>> all tttio tiuvo u»oil Uiuu vr tbtttii ilua U» y . I I < tally iHjusl. if not »u|«-rn>r. lo any uUit-r iu evu ry r«-^l>t•l t.

our Marlnu«'.< are wuit« on Uv latest improved UAHMI lxu >•-. By iar>Oil .itlriiti.'h t!««• w.inu- ami Kiii i "l ihn-'-lnT.i auit llu- «t nutcliilK-ry, i m h yittr -"nic now au-l u^rful improvMiiont. Jir^i anil imxl nn|« rtiint i- mtr • uUrK»l J-UK-1 «•> lnulaf Stutll, bfllik' tlit- l.tryi-l tH'W iu u.-< . po k' litn.y all Mliratiuu, Ui ' Iiii|«iit.iiic<- <>l M liK'batl lWiK lii .ll tliM-jlioo r.-aj il> r-oo fliui S« \t III U1U»'I UilH-C Ii- lllo S(iirit Ia-V<-I, fly I'T <-111 luuihuii* IUIU IHIIUU Dmlly M-t in um Ii eyhivlir iraaii'.

our -o|wr.iu>r> uie all rnvmM with tn-at and well fln-irh.-il iltH'ks. Sell ii'lju.-liun ml covors (Mi ovrrv ton, and vnrwus oiluT iiii|H"V<-iiii'iit- l'<>worn Mid Triieloi,

. all • l w In. ii n in I > i n«-1" iuak>' "iir Mac l,iuo» mil out)* 'tmuuK IIUL ' twrl UII.-IH 'I hut nuM i.til>i-untuu aud Uaratik-thai liuw I'Vrr HMHI iii llu - i "iinli v Th' V uro fur Iii-ln tl with all llie txlrae tlial I)' Unn; lu ;i Hirot-Uor's ouliit

oiii- of tin' in imifarturers is liow at CK1>AK KAIJ>, (at tlio Aukticju Ht'iiso,) aud will ai'll Mai biner ojiuj^Wip, •r will »<-IISi»|i«nitor*, Straw* Slut kers or Jarks »t [i«r.iU'l\, n ,I«-Mi«-<I, on U'l iu in mat ib>' liiuos and cif cnin^uiiKiu-. ,VI>II. raa iH'dor and rurnUh oillnn fat all Tlin-.-hitit: Mai liiuo." now in i-i-neral uso.

Al! ci'iiniiuiiiraiioii" a»Writ-i il lu W1I I.IAM OALliS,Cedar FalW, lows,

will reciriro prom)* uu< nuou. CMur tVSi, J#lv 2h, isSiJ. s ,S||f,

will inform Gav. Kirkwood that 1 have recently visited the hospitals, i and Iowa Kegiments at Helena and Vicksburg, and that owing to climatic influences, unfavorable surroundings, and the latigue and exposure of their; recent campaign against Vicksburg, ^ aud Arkansas Post, and the confine­ment and exposure up White river, tho sanitary conditio!! of most of the Iowa Kegiujciils is very unfavorable.

Besides the diseases incident to camp life aud exposure, small pox and scurvy are prevailing to a consid-l ~ erable extent. Many of the causes | THWIHRGLARS ASPIRATION.—^A akele-whieh have led to the unfavorable ton-key in every cupboard. condition of the health of our army ; « ' " ~ , still exist, and unless remedied by the' tnoutha are like turnpike generous cflorts of the people of the | never opened except for pay. loyal States, must result in a fearful j amount of sickness and mortality, j " I enn't support you any longer," The almost entire absence of vegeta- as rotten bridge said to the cle-ble 1 ood iu the army, which has re-; phant. suited iu scurvy, debility, and a gen-cial depreciation of the strength of) _ Tie man that drew a long breath our forces, leads me to urge upon the

Simpson, then Governor of the Fur Company, whose assistance and kind­ly aid be secured by letters of the British Minister »t Washington. The remainder of his travels ^nd sojourn­ing* were with the members or em­ployees of that company.

From Fort NN illiam h#> proceeded by their convcyanccH to Fort Charlotte, Kainy Lake, Lake Winnepeg, Slave I'iver, Great Slave Lake. Fort Provi­dence, Horn L-ike, Fort Simpson, Mc-Kenzies River, to Point Separation about 100 miles from the Artie Ocean; from theme up Peel's river to Fort McPherson, Big Fish Lake, stid dowu Porcupine I'iver to its junct«>n wilh the River Yonean, situated some 250 miles due east of Retiring Straits. 'I his Fort was the terminus of his tour, though he often made extensive detours from the main line. On re­turning he pursued the same tract ex­cept st the south end of Lake Winne­peg he diverged to the Red River, and came home by way of St. Paul in Minnesota.

The summers he spent in watching the habits and movements of the nu­merous migratory birds which resort to those remote regions to rear their young, and in collecting skins, eggs and nests. Mammals, from the Moose, Reindeer and Musk Ox, down to the little Lemming, Fishes, Inserts, Shells, TIeptiles and Plants, equally engaged his attention. The habits, history and languages of the Slave Lake, Ksqui-maux and Youcan tribes of Indians were also invest igated.

The winters were not spent in inac­tivity. With his well-trained dogs and sledge, and gun, he would fre­quently depart from the Company's

hand, and the general remissness of loyal men on the other, the wonder is, not that the popular heart is so great­ly relaxed, but that it has not bcoome thoroughly demoralized.

One advantage, perhaps, has resul

I know it is a great State, aud fast get* ting to be greater. I am truly undtpr obligations to thee for sending me'• copy of the letter of Parson Brownlo"#/ as lie iscalled, but who is given to u#> godly vituperation against the Sou tin­

ted from the inaction of loyal men. | em rebels ; not that a little godly ti-The rebel sympathizers have lieen em boldened t.> reveal tlieir spirit and purposes with a fullness they other­wise wouM have avoided. The way­faring man, though a fool, need no longer have a glimmering doubt as to their essential disloyalty. The delay has relieved true Unionism of no small amount of trouble in smoking oat its adversaries from their old coverts. Of their own aecoid they have come out into broad day light, and with defiant front. We know now just where to find thcra. No blows need to be wast-

tuperatiou would be inexcusable in lif® case, though, for lie suffered much in the good cause. But how are you off in Iowa for schools, aud .public jour-ua's? >• . ,.„j

CORRESPONDENT.— Fir^f-rate. W® have the best sclnsritmastei s and the pettiest schooluiisti esses in the country, who succced in the beat possible manner in giving (he beat possible effect to a good system of popular education—as good, perhaps, as that of uny State in the Union, saving only Connecticut, New York

ed. It can very soon be settled which and Indiana, where they have school side is to go to tfie wall.

But no more time must be lost. Union men must at once organize. The U nion Leagues which have been started must be multiplied, until they reach every city, village and" hamlet between Maine and California. La­tent loyalty must be brought oat. Lax loyally must l>e braced up. The great popular heart must be lircd with now devotion. Public spirit must ac­quire an earnestness at once profound-er and more vehement. Tho vital principals and the infinite interests at j res pee t comparable to the b/tt r* stake, which have been overshadowed \ Register, published ut our Sl«t«

librarit s in every district. Onr press wifl compare favorably with the press of any country where there are nol great commercial centres..

Whi.—I)o I really understand die© to say yon have as good oewspapeM in Iowa as iu the East ?

COB.—Certain, sure—other things being equal, I desire thee so to under* stand iw, We have no such papers as the Xew Yolk dailies, becart>e W« have no New Yolk. But the Capital >f Pensylvania has no junrrial iir any

St it 19 Cap-

and thrust into tho background by j ituJ, a place of less than 6,000 inhaib* mere party questions, must be recog-, itants. No town iu the ©f nized, and set forth in all their imper- | double the population, has anything alive authority. The terrible cliai ae- j like so good a paper. Its lending ed-ter of the emergency must be brought itoriala are thoughtful, trnthlni, abltt ;

Can any one define ths exact width P"sts on extended expeditions, trap-

1 has taken another chance in tbe same Governor the great importance of so lottery. directing and controlling the sanitary ! ——— resources of the State as to supply' No man can avoid his own com-our Buffering soldiers with vegetables,' patiy—so he had best make it as good stimulants and antiscorbutics. I as possible.

The Hospitals at Helena and Vicks-| — J

burg, although greatly improved itt ] Pics ami puddings generally come their condition, are almost entirely 1 last. Tho last thing that pride eats destitute id' suitable nourishing food | is humble pie. for the sick, aud but for the coustant and untiring efl'orts of sanitary agents,! The rustic amusement of cndgel-their condition would bo terrible. The j playing ought to be preveuted, an il articles uioat needed are potatoes, I affects the security of tbe crown* onions, sour krout, coi u meal, pickles, I dried fruit cranberries, molasses, soda; Speaking of cheap things—it costs crackers, toasted rusk, butter, eggs, | but a trifle to get a wife, but she condimcuts aud stimulants. Cider autnetimes turns out a little dear. vinegar would also be acceptible.; IT


Plows made aud repaired, . Owiajw lromil mi GmmdJobtiag dm.

Federal Tax Notice. 8th Division of 3d Collection l>ist. of Ipwa, 1

Chai les City, DeccmU-r 21, 1862. ]

FAUMEIIS and others, w ho have slaughter­ed cattle, hop* and sheep, on which a

Jlax is due to the United Suites will take notice that they are required to report monthly to the AsftirfUnt Assessor.

All such will therefore report to me at my office in Charles City, on or before the 31st day of December. O. It. EAKl'MAN,

IS. Tbe great atories of sicknoss antoug

the troops, are mostly stories. Not much sickness exists, and the little there is, is chietly confuted atuoug the new regiments.

The small-pox Is raging, to a limit­ed extent, among the til thy contra­bands ; and a more filthy class of be­ings uover could be gotteu together ou litis earth. It has been impossi­ble for their masters to procure what poor clothing is usually allowed them; and now they are so ragged—well, 1 cannot tell you,—only imagine some of the poor creatures going out *n the wiud aud being whipped to death by

rags. Yet this is one of the wealthi­est—or was one of the wealthiest— towns in this State. Plantations, that iu themselves arc small towus, with all their improvements, amid vast wildernesses, spread out to the gasc, fading away in the distance like a broad prairie ; but uow tliey are de­serted, the fences gone, the buildings used as uegro quarto*#, or barracks for soldiers.

No inhabitants stay in this once pleasant village. Bciug the strougeat kind of Secesh, they would not stay where tbey would seo tbe flag they

had iusulted aod forsworn, wave their roofs. ,!. , 1

•' They saw the em©k« way wp the river, •1

Wbeie the l.inWum KimUnilB l*y, They took their things and left very suddea Aud 1 spec's they ruu away.

As I went out iu tho country tyis

The gentleman wbo has been-iug to raise the wiud fiuds himself " blown all over town.

Goods will be directed as you dictate, aud sent to the c»ve of Partrage A Co., St. Louis, Mo.

The large increase In the number of sick in the army, imperatively de-: f^opie generally think their evfls mauds additional hospital ai range- j heing common, but their en-ntculs, which must be met. It has j joymyuta greater by being exclusive, been found that light cot comfortables arc much more agreeable for tin? use of the siek than heavy army blankets. Tin: high price of cotton materials having almost entirely cut oil' uur supply, 1 have asked and obtained, of the U. S. Government ten bales of

A gentleman tho other evening ob­jected to playing cards with a lady, because, he said, she had such * "wtttt uiug way " about her. ! • 1

Low NOTES.—A young lady

ptng for the valuable fur animals, such as the black and silver Foxes, Martins, Ermines, On one occa­sion he traveled at least one hundred miles, and was absent from the post seven days without a human being. At night he would excavate a cell in the snow, wrap himself in his rol»e, with his dogs about him, :tnd rest comfortably with the thermometer forty degrees below zero.

His rich and extensive collections are on their way to the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, where they will form au important additiou to re­sources of natural sciencc. He is about to unpack and describe them, and the public may expect from his pen au interesiing narrative of his journey. To illustrate what energy in a young person may accomplish, we will state that ten years since this voting man was engaged in studying the Elements of Natural History with a gentleman in this vicinity. Since that time he has passed a course of medical studies in one of the Chicago schools ; has l»een extensively engag­ed in working up the collections of the Smithsonian Institute ; has col­lected and described the Natural His­tory of the line of the Central Rail­road of Illinois ; and made a scien­tific exploration of the Red River down to Lake Winnepeg. The pages of several Patent Office reports, and the articles on Natural History in sev­eral volumes of the Pacific Railroad Surveys, were enriched by his labors aud from his pen. All these, inclu­ding his four years' Northwestern Tour, were accomplished in seven years time. He was twenty-three years of nge when he engaged in the l.iat enterprise. His constitution and physical development would have

was J been deemed unequal to the perform-

closer home to all. It should be un­derstood, as never before, that the Re­public expects every one of her suns to do his whole duty in this her day of peril. The same esprit de cerjps, the

its news department is manaiceri with skill and enterprise ; its i»»e**h«iiical appearance was uneXCeptioimble till lull fine gave to purn^.n bead .lettHT , aud, 1 don't hesitate to say, its locul

same generous ardor, the same intol- j department, nnrfer friend Dixoa.Ss the eianceof complicity with the rebels, j wittiest, spiciest, bfst ha*al depart^ which pervade and rule the army, j nieitt of all the papers iu the country, ought also to dominate outside of the | Then our towns on the Mississippi army. Loyal men must put theniselv- ( river, not one of'which has over 10-ea in a position to act iu concert, j000 inhabitants, have better liewspn* wherever and however tbe occasion j jwrs than any in your great city vi may dematid—yea, to march shoulder to shoulder to the bloody field if need be.

We say again, organize Union Leagues. Simply to stand by the Government is not enough. Our du­ty is to prepare to stand by it in the most effective matim r. Bad men hav«* combined, and added thereby a thou-saud-fold to their power. Good men must also combine, or be worsted. Party lines are now nothing. The great elections have passed, and the

Baltimcre, with its more than 2O0rQQ* people. .

Wiir—I think thou mnst be trying, friend, to poke some of thy fan at aife. Do 1 understand thee to be itt earnest*?

t'oR.—Thyself shalt be the judge. >1 will com me nee at Dubuqne. Here is the Daily Times. Compare it with yo*r Sua of the same date, aud yon- will

see it has tiie same news, per tvU -graph, better correspondence, better editorials, and much mofcs miseellanv. Compare our Muscatiile

cotton tor sauitaiy ptiiposes, which I aaked how she could possibly afford, auce of such au undertaking by most am distributing to the principal socio-* ju | iar(j times, to take music lessous. I persons. liesot the West, to b« made into cot | j COnfiU0 myself to tbe low The individual ia Robert Kennicott, comfortables. 1 wo bales bate been sou of John A. Kennicott, M. T>., of

issues which entered into them, so far < Daily Journal with yo»r Cltj'jier, ai3l aa they were ot a loyal nature, can i see if it don't beat it in all reflects, now without injury to any political in-i It is by all odds ihe briier journal, terest be put iu abeyance. There is | and there is more in it, in two davl^ neither just reason, nor plausible ex- j than there is in the Clipper in threk. ciise, for any further maintenance of ; Then look on this Ho a u Eye, and IIHIM party distinctions The only differ-, on yonr Americon. Except as to tile auce recognized should be tho differ- j shipping news, the Iowa paper is far ence between loyal aud disloyal men j superior. Compare this Gut' City WIMI —between those who are for carrying ' any Baltimore paper and see which Is the war on to the submission of the > the better. Every one of these papers rebels, and those who are for drop- I j* more ably conducted in every roe* piug I he war aud yielding to the reb- j peet, more honorable to its proprietofe els. That is the supreme issue ; und | and to the public where circulate#, it determines the position of every1 than the best of your dailies. 5§i> man, whatever his estimate of Ad-1 what your city would regard as " one ministration measures or policies horse " towns in Iowa torn ont better Let the men on the side of war and an | newspapers than the great metropolis undivided Republic lay aside all mi- j ©f Maryland, Aud I'll bet fo»r-eighty-nor differences, ami work together f seven . ?

with a will for the one great object.

AH ASTONISHED QUAKEB. Attend Ihu<"/af tnth •' JJ'tliimore HtUiia' fWKWI'

intf luwa \eictpapert.

We take tlie following extract from

WHI.—Hntty thtty I None of yotr bets, arid a truce to thy sky-flying and useless enthusiasm. I admit th#B art fairly right, but I am gravely as­tonished none the less. But for mine own eyes 1 think 1 would not hare

i believed it. But all these papers. So the \\ aslnngtoiiCorrespQutk'Ooeof tbe j rejrU |H,fy are of one polities.

Muscatine Journal : J t|,u people all Republicans Ir

Speaking of a Quaker artist reminds i luwa ? iue that the wealthiest man in Baiti* j , COR.—For ^all^ prscti more, am) the President of pie's Bank is Miles White. member of the society of friends—an honorable body to which my own an­cestors belong, and from whom, IIO doubt, my plain tastes and general

•ihumom, 1

sent to tho societies at Chicago enough for fonr hundred comfortables have been sent to each ot tbe cities of Cleveland, Cincinnati aud Louisville, aud enough materials to make oue hundred comfortables, to the societies iu each of the following towns : Du­buque, Davenport, Iowa City, Mnsca-tiue, Burl ingtonj Keokuk, Peoria, Quiuoy aud Spiingticid, tho balance of the coUpa will bo made up in St. Louis.

The limits of this note wiT! not al­low me to enter into a detailed ac-count of the condition of hospitals and regimeuts, but as soou aa possible 1 will pepure and submit a full report.

1 am very respectfully your obedi­ent servant,

ANNIE WITTENMYER, Iowa tiauitary A|(wi.

Tbe fact that the word Adam signi­fies "red earth," seems to indicate} that our first father was an Indiaru Undoubtedly b# to rigines.

There was an Irish lawyer who in­variably wrote at the bottom of his brief, "if any part of the case should fail, or want making out, call my clerk, Tim Douuc^iui, uu.d be will swear anythiug."

"T "Spell 4cat,'M saula ,t1v


girl of fire years of age, the other day, to a smaller one id' only three. " I can't," was the reply. " Well, then," con­tinued the youthful mistress, " if you can't spell 'est,' spell'kitten." ^ ,

of Cooke Co., Illinois, formerly Secretary of tbe Agricultural Board of llliuois.

laid demeanor are derived. White lived frugally a Ion

ical purpose* the Peo- ' are- majority is nearly a• He is millions iu a Stute n*»t

crowded. But here is tin* Keoksfc Const it utim», which is edited by a tnri4-er citizen of Maryland by the smut itt Clagett. a

Wnr—A very common name toitli ns. I know a great many of the#.

Miles trine




TnriOH" LEAGUES. It was well said by Edmund Burke

" When bad men combine, the good must associate ; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice iu a contemptible struggle."

The chief fault of the great loyal majority of our people lias been that they have neglected organization. They have left this tremendious in­strumentality almost entirely in the hands of their adversaries. The true explanation of the alarming growth of the Copperhead policy throughout the Northwest lies iu the secret opera­tions of the Knights of the Goldeu Circle and affiliated societies. By their clandestine und thoroughly con­certed management, they were able to get the control of the Democratic

'lifthe Ptiplt of Iuwa: " Is that anuimal a biped or a'"qua The foregoing statement from Mrs.' ruped ? " asked one of the visitors to

Wittenmyer, State Sanitary Agent,1 a circus, one day, of a by-stander. "1 of the condition of our regiments on ! thiuk, Sir," said an evident student of ! organization,-and fill up the Legisla­te lower Mississippi, is more than j natural history, with bulging eyes " : ,u ...sin..-i i .» Corroborated by other various aud re- j aud green spectacles, " that the man liable testimony, all together proving vvhu shows the auiinala called it a

kmHim* a 4Hi# ww wU* §ato I kau&wtypi.'"

til res with men willing to lend them selves to any schemes, however dis­loyal They completely circumveut-| cd and ovci-akugliud tbe teal ecu Li­

lle was boru iu North Carolina before j are men ot high standing, a«i.l this famous nineteenth century ap- name is bmnd connected with peared upon the stage of time. His 1 many calling*, from the neb merehafct parents were not wealthy, but Miles f »«'«> farmer down to tin- ehrort.eler M White now owns nearly 1UO.OOO acres small-beer. Any more like thiw ? of land in the Northwest. He has a Con —Not exactly. Ihe etlit.H- of good many thousand acres iu Iowa, one of «Kir dfah.y..! jwpiMw is nowEaet, aud feels, therefore, a lively interest trying to have a book pabltslied, g*. iu all matters pertaining to the wul- »'" , l,H ' hvort '>,t. ,Hto »• »• fare aud prosperity of our State, lie Old Capital I rifon. is a hospitable, cheerful Quaker, who likes a good wholesome dinner and a heurty laugh. 1 think that, when the diuuer is cooked to a turn aud the joke superb, he sotuelutMiS Uugbs tUo wig off* his head.

On my way to the Chickaliominy Swamps, last summer, I was unavoid­ably detained one day at Baltimore. It is intensely lonely to be in a crowd* ed city, in the midst of a vast numbrr of people, not one of whom you know from Adam. True, 1 did know one man there, but be was a horse-doctor who wore giggles, and our conversa­tion soon dwindled from the exploits

WHI.—What 1 A sort of American edition of the Newgate Calendar; an Improvement on the" Lives of Distill-guished Higwayutefl ? " It onglft net to be. I

CoR.—Iveep cool, friend. None^jf thy sky-flying enthusiasm. You do the man no good. He ia along as the boy ill the spelling-

WHI.— How's that ? CoR.—"Past redemption J* Will.—1 fear it is too tree E«m

of such. How about what we "country papers " in your State? »'

COR.—You can judge for yotirnelfTlif this one (giving him the Churh irtillv

: ou ij|e aa fir g-bo<ik.

of Flora Temple and Patcheii lo the' Intelligencer, w hich be exuminrd lCr diagnosis and cure of bolts, aud then |som*« time.) ' »i ran clear out. I wound up my watch ! Win.—This Is % beautifnl stMl WHfy again, and suddenly thought of Miles 'large paper, and'aerm* to-be rttMti'Vli-

i While, for whom 1 had done Seine blv condiicti d. Bwt bow-is tbis ?• |Utile buoiacoa iu l^wa# but wboui I [is a City pubhaucd at OUaiics

V '}•

